Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
- Tin; Mi;i;: omaha. s.ti kha, (ktoiu;w lv. inn. 7 OMAHA. SATl'KDAY. (HTOMlK L'S. Saturday the Most Interesting Bargain Day of the Most Interesting Bargain Sale Ever Held in Omaha. Manufacturers' ourpius blocks, Dample Lines and Specials from Our Clean Kegular Mock Oiler Uncqualed Economical Advantages m3 1 V All Trimmed Hats ai Half s mm One Day Saturday .mill ii if.. ,i ,i ;;?!'" H"' -wyn r If, VI -fhM H n)f.' . . . , - I f'pV Ml Hll'AV Ladies' and Children's Under wearAll Kinds GreaUy Underpriced Lmlics' $11.50, $;l anil $3.30 Inion Suits Wool or silk and wool, In Stratford and Howard Mills and other well known makes, in two lots, $1.98 and $1.50 Ladies' Sterling Union Suits All , kinds, all styles, greatly under priced at from 92.50 up ,t0 S3.98 Ladies' Heavy Jersry Rib or l'lrec ed I'nion Suits Kegular values to 12.00, on sale, 9Sc, 7Bc and 59 Ladies' I'liilervosts and Pants Jersey rib or fleeced, to $1.00, on sale 40c, 39c 25t Ladies' 'oc Quality Hose A big line for selection, on sale 12 Children's 25c Shavrknit I lose All sizes In Saturday's sale, t 19 Children's Globe Wool Union Suits Very best quality garment, be gins at 85c garment, rise of 10c a size. Children's $1.00 Union Suits In grey or cream, boys' or girls', at choice -19i Children's GOc quality Undervests or I'ants, Jersey rib or fleeco lined, in all sizes, very special bargain, at 25 Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments Coys' or girls', in all sizes 4ft Ladies' Fine Wool Knit Shawls Black, blue and all colors, $1.00, 11.25 and $1.50 values at 49 Specials in G'ovfs Lndiea' Care Gloves One button, 7.rc nnci ?J.00 values; on sale Saturday, at 40 Men's $1.00 GlovesLight or heavy weights, lined or unllned, gauntlet or plain, snap at 49- Boys' Gauntlet and Kid Gloves Lined or unlined, also children's inittons, the regular $1.00 values, t 496 At $1.00 to $2.00 we show conj plete lines of the famous Fownes, Keynier, Derby and Monurch Ladies' Kid Gloves, two-button length with Paris point embroid ered backs. Men's Automobile Gloves Regu lar values to $3.00; special at ' ' ' ;' - S1.45 and 8tf Men's $1.60 Work Gloves . .98? Corset Sale Extraordinary 5.00 Standard Corsets, Broken lota la fine cort-ets, best standard makes, latest models, regular val ues up to 5 to close all at one price Saturday at 81.98 Kabo, K As O., W. B., Thompson's falov. Fitting; C. B Ala Vr t. and other well known inaiies in big langn of new models, Saturday, Utio 75o Coutll Corsets, extra quality, medium and lonjr models all fitted with heavy ILile sartors sizes 1 to 30 choice 490 COo Embroidery Trimmed Brass- 1,r" aso New Hand Bags A splendid lino of the Latest Novelties Just Keeeived. The New Musketeer rind Beaded Bags, Tapestry Bags, Velvet Plush Bags. A Special Line of Velvet and Leather Bags, Kegular Values, $2.00, on sale at 9Sf New Neckwear Probably the most popular of the new novelties are Hie Side Ruffs. A complete new line of which will be shown Saturday In five big lots, at . . . ."."if 49c 7." 9 1 81.75 Ribbon Sale Saturday will be Kibbon day with an in creased line of Tiibbons, regular 2VL'C to 2.)e vd. values, will 0 at If, 2ll;C, 5t, 7V-2V, 10c. Traveling Goods Sp:clals Suit Cases, Trunks and Bags, $3.00 to $23.00 values, on sale Saturdav. $3. Of) to $16.50. Nothing reserv ed in our im mense stock of beautiful Fall and Winter Trimmed Hats dm, All go at just m?h$ nan mmm the marked price. Just half the regular low pricings. Don't miss these ... One Day Saturday We've too larga n sti ck oi Trimmed Hats amd take this method or re ducing stock quickly. Your choico at just Half All goods are marked in plain figures Just pick your hat and pay half. $3.50 Pictures $i.39-'& We must have space for Holiday displays and Saturday will place on sale pictures of all descriptions; gilt and dark frames 10x20. 12x21, 11x24, 12x2S, also ovals, values to $3.00, Choice, $1.39- Manufacturers' Surplus Shoe Sale Saturday Come in Saturday to our busy Shoo Department and take advantage of this big Shoe Sale, liny Shoes for yourself and family and save one-third. Pring your chil dren to our exclusive Children's Shoe De partment. Men's : nd Women's $1.00 shoes in all the new styles and leathers, llayden's quar antee back of every pair $12.50 Women's Wlilti' u Duik lltitlon Slioes One of tho very newest ones $ Men's iiiid Women's W:(.0O SIhh Good HONKS I' wearing shoes and tho kind you Ret at tho shoo storoh for $3.00, Saturday 81.08 Hoys', Voutlis' nnd Misses' Shoes, sold nt $2.25 and Jntt the kind for school wear that pet the rough est kind of wear und r.lvo rifert satisfaction, it Men's nnd Women's Warm Lined Slippers, Kelt and leather solos r0 and Jli) MiNKeV. 'lillds', 1!oj-n' nnd Youlbs' School Shoes, sell everywhere at $1.00, all leathers, button, lace and bluchers 91.00 Gents' High t'ut Tan or Ml.iek Hliichers, two bu'cklo with dirt excluder to top of shoes, a $2.25 value, S1.50 TKY II.Y1KN'S riusr. Drugs, Toilet Goods and . Drug Sundriei AT PRICES THAT BATE YOU TSOU 8 TO 60 FES CXlfT. 25r slxe VViicli or Almond Crea for 100 26c size Htinn Uen.oln Almonil Lotion tor 12 He 25c can or lube Sanitol Tooth powder for laijo 2ai: can lr. K. U. Grave's Tooth 1'ow- Jer for lOo 15c size 20 Mulo Team llorax. One pound for 9c Five burs of Ivory toaji for.... 19c $1.00 size 1'ura ltydroKcn Ceroxiilo for- 360 2Bc size I'll re Hydrogen Peroxide at three Bottles for 33o Large Slie Poinplan Mas-aie Cream for 490 25c size Pel oxide Vanlnhlng Cream for loo 25c size Bay Hum, fancy bottle for 103 10c Jap Hjho or Palm Ullvu faoup id 2 bars Xor ISo 15c bar JJr. Mann's Special Soap, j bars to a customer, each 6o $1.50 Oriental Cream tor Sao 60c box of Java lilt e or Pozzonl's fa e powder for 35o One hundred Dr. Illnkley's Caacara Tablets for BSo $1.25 No. 3 Hapld plow Fountain Byrlnse for 7So $1.00 No. 2 Standard Hot Water Hot tie for 69o 2.00 No. S Combination SyrlngB and Itottle for $1.00 $3. 00 Wellington Syringe and nottlo, guarantteed for five years fnr.9a.0J Yarn Sale Saturday Imperial Eiderdown, skein at 120 S fold Oermantown Zephyr, at, skein 10c 4 fold Genuantown Zephyr, at, skein 9c Imported Saxony or Shet land Floss, at, skein . .8V3C Fleisher's German Knitting Yarn Kegular 12;jc skeins, on sale Saturdav, skein, at ...12i2C Lindsay das Burner and Mantles, Complete Light Alagic Lindsay Inverted light, best on the market for tho price 39c Lindsay excelsior burner, com plete with globe and mantel. for 69t Inverted and upright mantle-. twn fnr Inverted and upright globes, two for 25c w-Y'V;;'?.T-r:.;rt I i ".-rht ) 1 ' '1 : Vj. i.v-'. '' '--J Our Great Manufacturers9 Stock Sale Women's Garments Continues With Unabated Interest. Scores of New Lots for Saturday's Selling The greatest bargain we've ever offered; the great est selling we've ever experienced; your money back after purchase if you are not entirely salisifed. Manufacturers' Stock of Beautiful New Silk Dross es, chiffons, marquisettes, crepe de chine, nets, laces, all in the very newest styles and colorings, some made to sell up to $40.(K); the trimmings alone worth more than our special sale price $f 50 JA Saturdav, choice low muff on sale at.. $10 W1XTKK CXAT8 GREATLY INDlCltrniCKI). 200 long Caracul Coats, worth $15, Farmer's satin lined, on sale at $8.00 $35 Sealette Plush Coats Skinner satin lined; in Sat urday's sale, at 825 500 Splendid Novelty Coats All most desirable styles and colors, greatly underpriced at SIO $12.75 $15 $18 $20 and $25 Swell Line of Velour Coats $25 $35 $45 to $59 A great day in tho Children's Garment Section Saturday Thousands of children's coats from infants' size to 14 years in three great lots at less than the worth of the ma terials alone. Don't miss these snaps. 1A1 SO. I. I WIT rv t! Children's coats worth $7.00 In Opossum, Velvets, fancy mixtures and kerseys, on sale Saturday at $3.05 $30 Tailor Suits, $10.50 All latest fall and winter style and colorings, big as sortment of materials Jackets lined with Skinner satin and soft messallne, at, only $19.50 FIRS FIRS FIR8 12 sample Russian Pony Fur Coats that are worth to $75 to close Suturday choice, for r$-15 Ixing French Coney Fur (,ats Skinner satin lined; $45 values, choice. $20.00 $18 French Lynx, Hlue Wolf and Sable Coney Fur Sets Largo shawl collar and pil-' f t Saturday Specials in Domestic Room St. Lawrence Blanket. Rood nnd heavy, strictly all wool, gray with colored borders our $6.50 blanket Saturday, per pair, t $5.00 3,003 Wool nap blanket, full size, assorted plaids, extra good bargain, at, a pair $2.75 12-4 Amazon ninnket, a good weight Krny blanket with col ored borders our $1.98 blan ket Saturday, at, pr. . .$1.-18 81x90 Sheets that always sell for 75e, Saturday, each 50 4.rix36 Cases, that always sell for 16c, Saturday, each. . . .12H Saturday Specials In Our High Grade lnei Department Extra large hemmed Huck Towels, worth 19c, each 12'4 Full size heavy knotted fringed Ued Spreads, worth $2.00. Cttth $1-25 Mercerized Table Damask, im ported German goods, worth 75c a yard, at jjq Pure Linen Unrnsloy Toweling, 19 Inches wide, worth 19c a yard, 01 15 j.argo size heavy twisted thread Turkish Towels, worth 20c; at, fa,h 15 Children's Gouts worth $5.00 In Plushes, Bearskins and Plain und Fancy Mixed Fabrics Sizes up to 14 years, at $2.08 IX)T NO. 3. Children's conts made to sell to $10, all newest materials, styles and colors, great snap, choice at . .- !vnn SATURDAY MORNING WHILE THEY LAST, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SNAP3 Ladies' Percale Dressing Marques Kegular 50c values; good col ors while they last, choice. 25 Srotch Plai.l Shawls Large size, regular values to $5.00 while they last, choico $1.00 Children's Full Coats Values up to $5.00 All sizes 2 to 10 yrs., while they last, choice, .$1.00 Read Hayden's Big Special Saturday Grocery Sale BOB AIM IS THE PEOPLE HOT Saturday Extra Bargains in Hardware 2-qt fray entunel Coffee Pots...3So 2-yt gray enamel nice boilers. . .49a No. 8 gray enamel Tea Kettles.. 49o 10-qt. gray enamel int i'ann....a5o 4-qt. gray enamel Pudding fans..l6o $1.00 heavy nickel platod Tea Ket tle. No. 8, at S8 75c heavy nickel plated ran ire Tea Kettle.-!, at 49o 25c t'racker Jack Corn Toilers at.l9o Frying J'ans. u.iy nlze ut XOo Jl.bO domes J'asUets, large ulsie. at 89o 1.U DliiUiN l-'iKKi cl.oi'Per at..t)c.o J' lour Sieves, 25c value, at 10a Fire Shovel, long handled, at....l6o 15 Japanned open heavy coal IiocIh, at X5o 81.00 Waffle Iron, make, ball bearing, low frame, at 59o $1.50 Waffle Iron, high flame, ball bearing, at 7So 1.60 Nicely. Fainted, 60-lb. Flour Cun.9. at 6So 86c Japannod Iii ead liuxes, at . . . .4io i Wire Coat Maimers, at 10o I Tie Parlor Urouinn, worth 25c at 190 aU Heatlnsr Stoves and Case Burners at a Oreat Heduotloa. THE TP VST. 16 lbs best granulated sngar, $1.09 8 lba. bent Hollod Breakfast Oatmeal. 25o 9 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmeul, 16o C lbs. good Japan Rice 85o 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Itlce...a5o iiallon cana Golden Maple Syrup, 3Qo l-ll. can assorted Soupa 7'o Tlie beat condensed Ailnce Meal iVr I kg j, 7 lbs. bext bulk I.nundry Starch, &6o Lare bottle usBoried 1'lckleB, ur- ceater Sauce or Tomato I'atnnp, n i-;io Lu I..1I Scouring Soap; it beats tlio Iutch, per can ej 4-lb. pkg. Pyramid Washing Ppwder. I Co 6 burs Ivory Soap 190 BUT TEA CHEESE AND SUTTEtt I2TE iAL EPXCXAIb The best Creamery llutter, carton or bulk, lb 33o The btwt No. 1 Country Creamery, bulk, lb 2do The best No. 1 lialry llutter, lb..2do 2 lbs. good Muttefine 8jo Full (.'ream Wlm otiMln Cheese, lb.l6o fia the Vonr Big Oemouatratlous. Kelft Poiuiut Oil, for salad. Coop's Breakfast Co oa. Ijcli.-udo's Cbilll Con Carne. Cudahy's liuttcrlne. CLOSING VP TUB KEIFFER PEAR BALE SEASON. Tliuisday will probably bo the last sale. These are fancy Illinois Kelffer Pears put up in bushel baskets; for fc'atur- duy, banket 660 Fancy California Tokay Urapea, baKet 30o New Yorlf Concord Orape.s, basket 30o HAYDEN'S MAKE THE VEGETA BLE PRICES THAT KEEP THE MARKET DOWN. 3 heads l'rcRh Hothouse Lettuce. . Bo ti bundles Fresh ltadlsiitt 60 Fresh Jicoi.i, Carrots, Parsnips or Turnips, lb aVo Fiesh Caboage, per II 1V0 J''resii Rululiugas, lb lVaO lanck. Cooking Apples, peck 16o Lurgo inurket basiiei Green Toinu- locs, lor pickle:) 13'jo 1 staU:s Frexii Celery 60 1! laree Soup llum hes Bo Fancy Denver Cuuliflower, lb. ..350 COLORADO JONATHAN APPLE SPECIAL. We havo Just received from the grower a carload of special Jona than apples to sell for the grower. These are packed In bushel boxes, and for the opening tulo will sell them PER BOX 91.40 Liquor Dept. Spc'ls High class goods at very low Prices Duy hero and save Maryland Ilye WhiBky, G yrs. old, full qujris at 75 Per gallon, $2.50. F.IGIIT.YIUR-OLD WHISKIES Weldon Springs, Cedar llrook. Jack Daw and Schonly, per full Quart 81.00 Per gallon, $3.50, Sunkist California Wines Port, Bherry, Muscatel, Angelica and Tokay, extra Hue, soecial, per full quart 50 Homemade Grape Mines White or red, per gallon 1.00 For All Your Wants HAYDEN'S f" IVeF Mailorders from our dally ads and guaranteo satisfaction. Fresh fruit and vegetables sent only by express and at purchaser's risk. Men's Furnishings and Underwear at Price Saving of Almost Half Men's Heavy Wool Union Suits ltogulnr $3.00 qual ity, iu white, grey, etc., cn Mile Saturday, at, per Em inent .... $1.0S Men's $12.00 California Flan nel Shirt or Drawers, red, prey or tan. Great snap in Saturday's sale at $1.25 Men's $1.25 Wool Shirts or Drawers, heavy quality, at, garment ' 75c Men's fleeced or jersey rib Shirts or Drawers, 75c and $1 values, on sale, Satur day at 49c and I'ireman's lllue California Uniform Shirts made. Men's Sample Flannel Shirts In blue, grey and all colors, val ues to $3.00, on sale $1,45 and 0S Men's All Wool Jersey Sweaters Grey, navy blue or wine color, $3 quality, at 31.03 Hoys' Pure Wool Jersey Sweaters Grey, navy blue or wine col ors, great snap at ....$1.45 and 08 2 and $2.50 Values, $1.45 anil UKc All newest styles In fine dress Shirts? plain or "pleated bosoms, also men's blue or grey flannel shirts, $2 and $2.25 val ues 81.45 and 080 91 and $1.50 Shirts tttfc and 4c With or without collars attach ed; big Hue of good patterns and colors, Including plain blue Chambrays, regular $1.00 and $1.60 values, f.9c and . ...4Q Men's Outing Flannel Gowns Values up to $2.00, on sale In three lots, at UKc, lc and 400 Men's Sample Sweater Coats at a Hilt Price Saving. Men's Hath 1 lobes Values up to $12, manufacturers' samples, on f-ale In 5 lots, at $0, 91.08, 9:1.0m, s.SO and $2.43 Men's UAc quality Hose Wool or cotton, big assortment, at a Ialr 13VaO in sale, Satur- nd 35c I California Flannel I , The very best K a 5 F-rVjsj V-!S.!i-k:ir .vi - - jsar Krrw. ir-iro 'W lvk ri ISMiii-n j Still Good Picking Among the Special Hats at tho Spe cial Prices and Unsurpassed Assortments and Values in Our Regular Lines of New Fall Styles. Men's Fall Hat Styles including soft and stiff in nil felts both rough nnd finished; all wanted colors made to sell up to $3.50, Saturday, in two lots at $1.45 and 95e Our $2.50 Huts you'll find fully tho equal of any $3.00 hat shown elsewhere. All felts, all' colors, tho bent ever, at 82.50 John 11. Stetson Hats Conipleto new lines Just received. You know if It's a Stetson it's right; 83.50 to 87.50 Boys' and Children's Cloth and Felt Hats, all colors in cluding lilue and Mack at 49c and G9c Many in these lots made to sell at $1.00 and $1.50. Men's and Boys' 75o Caps, big assortment 25c CLASSIC OF m CORN BELT Fumous Imjiompta Speech of Kichard Olesby Recalled. SYMBOL Or LIFE AFIEF. DEATH "l.lurlouv Corn, that Mow Ttmn All the MIt uf the Field U run Tropic Onr m rut." Tlii? fmnou.s Imprumtn hik-i-cIi of fi S.vriur K'eh.ttd Oslcby i,l Illinois a tlulc on KlnR Corn very appropriately decoratra tho lutft output of the literary Mireau of the "Corn 141 1 Koula," the L'lilcasu Great Western railroad. It has tieen primed frequently befurc, but Is bh filling and satlfMns a" ,t; cereal lu ipiratloo. and will bar frmneiit repctl linn. The occaIon was the li&rvet hw tctlval of the Fellowship club in C'lilrayo. Mr. Og1ely rat at th breaker-' tal.lq al (he south end of the room and had been ji cartutt conversation wilh Conan Uoyle up to the moment of the call of h' name. Tlie t.atrr.aster w Franklin II. Mead, kid the loaBt that he gave to each fptaker a ' I Know Abut rarro !.i if." The governor ar e ilonly and wj.a Hi iulnfcly wailiis iT an In: plratln. Hi- (looked deliberately upon the harvest deco 1 rations of the room and finally hl eyes j ee:ned to rest upon the magnificent I slocks of corn that adorned the walhi. lie I then elowly and impressively said: ' Chief Hope f 5lon. 'The corn, the corn, the corn, that In Its first biglnnlnn mid iU growth has furnlhhed apteBt Illustration of the tragi: announcement of the irtiefest hope of man. if he die he shall xurely live again. l'lanRd In the friendly fcut somber boo:n of the mother earth it dies. Yea, It dies the second death, surrendering up each tract of form and tarthly shape until the outward I Ida is fctopped by the reacting vital getm, which, breuklnu all the bond end cerements of its bad decline, conies bounding, laughing into hie and liKht, Uife fitleat of alt the avmbol that nmko cer tain promise of the fate of man, And to it died, and then it lived at-aln. And so my people diod. By some unknown, un certain and unfrli-ndly fate, 1 found my- Iself making my first Journey into life ! from conditions as lowly us thu- sur- rounding that awakenlni;, dying, llvir,;i I infant germ. It waa In those days wlu n j I, a simple boy, had wandi-red from In diana to gprlngflcld, and theie nut the father of this good man (Joseph J. ti son), whose klr.d and gentle words to me w ie as water to a thirsty soul, as tho .shadow of a rock to a weary man. 1 lovtd kik father then; I love the son now. Two full generations have been taught by his gentleness and smiles, and tears have quickly answered to the command of his artistic mind. Ing may he live to make us laugh and cry, and cry and laugh by turns, as he may choose to move us. llrllllant Imngrer). "Hut now again my mind turns to the glorious com. .See It! Look on Its ripen ing waving field. Bee how It wean a crown, prouder than monarch ever wore, sometimes Jauntily, and sometimes after the storm the dignified survivors of the tempest seem to view a field of uluughter and to pity a fallen foe. And tee the pendant casket of the cuinfieid filkd with tho wine of life, and see the silken fringes that set a form lur fashion and to art. And now the evening comes and something of a time to rest and llHlin. The, sculdlng clouds conceal tho half and then reveal tho whole of the moonlit beauty of the night, and then the gentle winds rr.ake heavenly harmonies on a thousand thousand harps that hang upon tho borders and edges and the middle of tllu field of ripening corn, until my very heart seems to beat responsive to the rising and the falling of the long melo dious rtfrtln. The melancholy clouds sometimes tnuke shadows on the field ar.d hide Its aureate wealth, ai d now they move, and sloaly Into algal there corms tlie tolU'-n t;ow of p.orul3 or a in ductiloi.s land. CJIoriouH corn, that more than all the vlstern of the field wears tropic narmints. Nor on the shore of Nilus or of iml dees nature dress its forms mote splendidly. My Clod, to live Bfialn thut times when for me half the world was good and the other half un known. And now again, the corn, that in Its kernel holds the strength that shall (in the body of the man refreshed) subdue the and compel response from every stubborn field, or fchlnlng In the eye of brainy, niLke blossoms of her theek.4 and jewels of her lips, and thus make for man the greatest Inspiration to well-doing, the hope of companionship of that sacred, wauu and well-embodied sou!, a woman. "Aye, the corn, the royal corn, within whoso yellow hcait there Is of health and strength for all the nations. The coin triumphant, that with tlie aid of man hath made victorious procession across the tufted plain and laid foundation for the social i.uellence that Is and Is to be. This glorious plant, transmuted by the al homy of Ood, sustains the warrior In battle, the poet In song, and strengthens everywhere the thousand arms that work the purposes of life. Oh that I had the voire of song or skill to translate Into tones the harmonies, the symphonies and oratorios that mil across my soul, Tihen standing iHiritrtimes by day snd soiuciiiiiis by Iilfcbl upon 111 borders of this verdant sea, I note a world of promise, and then before one-half the vear Is gone I view Its full fruition and seo Its heaped guld await the need of man. Majestic, fruitful, wondrous plant. Thou greatest among the manifestations of the wisdom and love of Clod, that may be seen in all the fields or upon the hill sides or In the valleys." MORE AND BETTER FARMING I'rodurllun l'er Acre la 'Ibis Conii try 111 ach l.rss Than Ibnt of Furope. l'er capita production of wheat In this country I. an stoudily declined until it 1 now only about one Luhel above con sumptive requirements after Hied has been deducted. I'nltfS tins dispailty I -a. corrected, the country must suon fac-j a grave sgK'avaiinu of the prevalent social unrest. On every hand we are told the country me. Is more farmers. Hut u study of sveiage yields suggests tl at u solution of the problttin lies aloig Hi. lines laid down by I'llny, "fow les and cultivate more " lhat means better farming. Gonuany averutte twenty-tight bu l.i l of w heat to tho aerw-; Fngland, from thirty to thlrty-thri e, and Denmark lias ai iu ;.. as high us I'.itj-onc 6u-h'is; '.. I-.. year average Is 142. bushels. The Tinted Kingdom gets 44 3 bushels of OSU to tho aire, and we but tl.A. The Bine piniul averages show In corn, cotton, potatoes and other crops. It cannot be said that wheat is a great soil exhauster, but wlin It 1h raised year after year on too sumo laud the nitrogen In the soil ij wasted; and It is known that whun the humus and organic matter is greatly reduced the soil is unable to retain any molt tore and readily succumbs to iliouth. That Is an underlying reason for this season's yield of 'J.t bushels In tho northwest. I'll a Mala experimental farm in the hind that hud been producing 1'') bushels of wheat per afro una made by Hematic farming, as Is practicable for every furniir, to produce thirty but.hels. This la only one instance of many. There Is now on organization, known as the "Hoys' Corn Clulm" throughout the middle west and south. each member of which la pledged l i raise one acre of corn under sclentifl : Instruction. Last season these boys made rcccjds of from fifty to 200 bushels of corn i the acre, while the farmers' averago fo the rnitcd States was 2j,9 bushels. In one district v..ere the averags was twenty bushels the boys averaged seventy-four bushels an acre. One boy raised V,2'6 bushels of corn on a men urcd aero; the farmers' average In tin same county was sixteen bushels. would have been the result if tho faim ers of the country had employed simi lar methods on the 114.000,000 acres l.u ; year planted to corn and the 40.00? (Jl acres sown to wheat T Don't we ned more farmers, but also farmers more sense? Wall Btreet Journal. wi: If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It In the Want Ad Columns of The Dee and get Immediate results. A "Airaid to use hair preparations 1 1 Let him decide about your using Ayer's Hair Vigor for falling hair or dandruff. It will not color I he hair, neither will it harm or in jure. J. C. fiO' f w.i.l M ...