nir; ukk: o.maha. natukpay, inrixmrAt n, in. Brandeis Stores Nebraska GET DATA ON REGISTRATION Nebraska Legislative Bureau Gathering Statistics. is DLTTLULNT LAV S IN STATE: Plate noard Dors .Not Drslre to liar Addltloa to Land t rd hy Stale Srhoot for 4h Draf, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nib.. OcL 27. (Special.) The Nebraska legislative bureau Is pre paring a confirmed statement of rc trailon laas In the different stntt-s foi th puriKise of making r imparlstins with similar Law In Nebraska. Kfsldnnta oi riUcs In this slate where retjltti a Jon la requited by law are compelled t) rests tor every year regardless of the fact that lie may hate llvci In the same hnu. for tweniy-the yars or more. In other tales, according to the sifttement prs jarl hy the bureau, permanent register of qualified voters la made and tlia rrgls tratton board situ onty for short time ach year for the purpose of correcting this list. Bills were Introduced In the legislature last winter to provide for a permanent register In this state and for the cor rection of lists at the city clerk's offke thcrtby enabling the matter to be gone through with more expeditiously. The bills, however, were not given the sanc tion of the lawmakers and failed to pass. The cost of three days' registration in this city as shown by a siatument o the city clerk U as follows: Twenty-one precincts, thre Judges each, at M per d iy of reglsira. ton S1S9 00 Kent of twenty-one rooms at U.M each, each ihiy r2,,V) Triplication oi notice t i,, stationery and blHtiks , l.0t Total 120.76 Hoard Ilalka obi Land Deal. Secretary Rockwell of the Omaha Fed erated Improvement clubs and Dr. Booth, superintendent of the Stat School for the Ixaf, are asking the fciaie Board of Pub lic Ijnds and Buildings to buy ten acres of land adjoining lh Institution, in ac cordance with a measure isied by the last session of the legislature. The law makers appropriated $12, Kit) for the pur pose but the board after Investigating the matter decided the tract In question was worth no more than lll.Ouo. Some mem bers of the boaid do not favor buying the land and say that the deal would bo an act of wild extravagance on toe part f the state. The two Omaha visitors as serted while at the state house In regard to the land that It Is worth the amount net aside by the legislature for Us pur pose. The board lias never laid the 111,010 otter before Kuhn, the ownr of the land, and following the visit of the two Oma hons declared they woulo not alter their first doclaion In the matter. ' slellor Deposits Fees. Secreary W. It. Mollor of the Stat Board of Agriculture deposited 11,225 ot Ten with the staia treasurer, cvUoctad under the registration law, mak ing a total of W.wO of such fees collected tn the few mouths during which the new law has been In force. The foes are with drawn from the treasury aa fast as needed, to pay the eapoiutes of the regis tration board atid sa.urios of Instructor and clerks. Will Uanquel Mlchlaran Men, The Mlcmgitn Alunlm association ' of Urx-oln, recently formed, held a meeting this nuon and decided to give an elaborate banquet on the night of November to, after the Michigan-Nebraska foot ball yame. Ths banquet will be In honor of the visiting alumni of Michigan Btat uni versity, it la said that a special train will be run from Kansas City and an other from Omaha bearing many alumni Of Michigan. Auditor Withholds raymeat. State Auditor Barton Is still of the opinion that he hag no right to lasua a warrant on the medical college fund created by the last legislature. He has declined to Issue wan ants until the time has claim, d for an appeal of the iult Instituted In the district court to lest the validity of the law. The lower eourt held ths law valid. Conaiderablg prtsaur has been brought to bear on the auditor to honor vouchers on the appro priation, but he has announced that he Will not do so utiles an Indemnity bond la given, running to lite slate la proteot both bJm and the state from loss in case ths law should later be declared 'by the uprema court to be Invalid. Judge ilaat Inss of the umterslty law college is pro paring a brief In support of payment to submit to the auditor. . - HOME FOR CONSUMPTIVES TO BE BUILT NEXT YEAR LINCOLN. Neb , Oct. CT,-(Bpeclal)-The "lata hospital for Indigent consumptives located at Kearney recently by the state board of publlo lands and buildings may rot be built until next March accord Ins; to statements made by Land Com missioner cowira. Tha Frank placo which was bought by the state and which Is located near ths Buffalo county city Is leased at the present lime and the lease dos not expire until next spring. Mrs. Qrothan. w..o contracted to de liver the Fiauk place to the state any time, It was wunu-d by the com monwealth Is understood to be hav,ng trouble with the lessee. ,!, Mataon. who wants lt,ft0 for the relinquishment tf the title giving him the occupation of tb place until liaiclt 1. As the wo man from' whom the place waa bought baa to make good her contract and aa she cannot remove tha lessee without the payment of tliu thousand dollar she 1 thrown in a hard position. The con sequent sentiment among the members of tha stat board indicates that they ar willing to help her out of her dif ficulty and not begin the CLnstruction of th new Institution until the Matson leas expires. OUTFIT OMAHA'S WELL DRESSED MEN Hand Tailored Overcoats? Suits Brnndcis is Omaha's Greatest Store for Men. Most of the well dressed men in the eity buy here. There's n pooa reason lor it. ror nearly thirty years we've been satisfying men and wo know what they want. We know how to pet it for them and we know how to buy clothes so we can sell at a lower figure than others. The best makers of ready to wear clothes for men are controlled here. Tho Famous Hirsh-Wickwire and Rogers-Peet Fall and Winter Suits for Men Correct new English models mado of highest class Imported fabrics at $25 to $35 We Specialize in Men's Overcoats and Business Suits Most men want good clothes for ordinary business w ear, but do not euro to put a lot of money into a suit. The men who feel that way about it como to Brandeis, because Brandeis sells the kind of over coats and suits that give tho wear, style and satisfaction of high cost clothes at very moderate figures jiri me lung uiiu hiiuri overcoats wnu converiioie collar or regular collar, CIO CA J IMC tpis&.uv ami The Famous Hirsh-Wickwire and Rogers-Peet Winter Overcoats for Men The Best dressed men everywhere choose them in preference to tailor made overcoats, $25 to $50 also newest style suits MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS nt $17.50 and $20.00 Select your new coat Saturday from this splendid group. There's no value like it in Omaha. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS at $17.50 and $20.00 You'll pay at least $25 for suits like these anywhere else but Brandeis. You save that $5 or more. mand- Mens Winter Overcoats, Worth up to S15, at $7.50 & $10 xuere are uozens 01 new styles here in those warm and dressy coats for n-i. vvuvci uuio bung coiiars or regular mnlcos. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR BOYS' SUIT OR OVERCOAT Your boy will be properly clad and well protected in one of the suits we offer in these XTai wLw. zd. .t::ed:!: . sr.c..nd. n:: ..,d. . . $5? BOYS' OVERCOATS, WORTH UP TO $5. AT S2 .98. ineje coats are in ages 3 to 8 years. Extra long overcoats with convertible collars. Special prices-values nn tn sbr nt 1 qq I v '( V v VVW UUU I i ( , . Boys' and Young Men's All the newest BhadeB and fabrics are in this group. These warm, stvlish wiui uiuuo in win snappy styles that the youns men i j with the new collars, " t - " 1 0-7-10 worth up to $15, at Boy's Dept. 2d Floor Old Store. Basement Clothing Dept. Boys' Knickerbocker Pants Extra heavy chev iots and cassimercs; values up to" $1.00, at 49c Boys' Wool Suits Six new patterns; $5.00 val ues nt . . . . . ...... . . $2.98 Boys' Overcoats Ages 3 to 8 years; $3.00 val ues, at......... ,.$1.98 Boys' Overcoats-Ages 8 to 17 years xtra long with convertible collars; $5 values $2.98 Boys' Long Pants Suits Heavy materials; reg ular $8.50 values at $5.00 i if BRANDEIS STORES ml?- jj-su w mm win- v a si ' A V , v 50o and asa ' AM? x ? r 3 The Greatest Varieties and by far ths Best Values in Men's Medium and Heavyweight UNDERWEAR Mtrostatt Union Salts The best, most com fort We under-cr made, at $1.50 tfl Z as v w lab wool, t 11.60 uid . pr, Jagar ' Banltaxy I udorvvear Shirts sod drawara. union aulta, wool lioso. nlht ehlrta; complete line ot all Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Woolen Garment. Men's- Extra Heavy lUbbed Union Suit Val ues up to 11.60. . no syUiy Men's Sample Underwear Shirts and drawers in wool fleeced and all wool; values up tc $2, at, a garment 39c, 7C .1 tllv Manhattan and E. & V. Shirts In all new pat terns for fall wear, at $1.60 j j Men's Sample ShirtsFrench flannel with separate collar; values up to $2.60 no. 7CJC Sale of Manufacturers' Samples Gloves and Mittens Fur, fur lined, buckskin, calfskin, auto gauntlets and wool gloves. Three lotB, worth up to $3 a pair, at 25c, 1-m luv Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats In wool and worsted; values up to $5, at 75c, 98c, $1.60 fra r 1 and yii.uJ ,J?rJ! otMe' Sarnie Hats at SI. 15 .xii a AAigu uraae earn- Basement Specials Men's Extra Heavy Wool Fleeced , Undershirts and Drawers; reg ular $1 values, at a garment, III' .6..c 69c Men's and Boys' Wool Sweater Coats, at 76c nn and VOZ pie Hats in soft and stiff styles. All samples of the flJ new fall styles, including the new Scratch-up and Velour V - hats. Values up to (J1 15 C, $3.00; in one lot at.-alj)! Stetson Ilau Brandeis is agent for the celebrated John B. Stetson hats, soft and derby styles, 83.50 Wilson's English Hats Brandeis is Omaha agents for the famous Wil son's hats of Denton, England; all the newest fall styles at. .$2.50 S?5!5; W W f a V Brandeis Special Hats Soft and stiff hats in all the lat est fall styles, jt g at f .si Velour and Scratch-l'p tan, brown, gray and $2.00 and I . MsaaasaasBBasBSBi sa Hats In black, at .$2.50 Genuine Imported French Velour and Beaver Huts At $5.00 8nd 37.50 Hoys' Sample Hats In all the latest sijies; vames up to $2.00, D8 Hoys' School nat Also caps for school wear, at 25c and.... 49 Shoes for Men These are broken lines and odd pairs, but all sizes in one Btyle or another button or blucher styles;' dull leather, . patent leather and some tans. All good shoes, well worth their original price, at per pair $2.40 Men's Imported Bath Slip-' pers One of the most practical novelties out this season; specially priced in all sizes $1.25 district court of Lancaster county March 13, 1SXJ9. Each receJvsd a sentence ot seven years. They were chare! with taking K00 worth of property. Th Jury r cnm. uvnded Mauve to the mercy of tha court. but the court save both men ths maxi mum sentence " '. f BRANDEIS STORES natrlc Gas Price Cat. BEATRICE. Neb., Oot. V. (Special Telegram. ) At a special meeting of the .-ay council last night a new ordinance to reduos tha gu rata from II. to ft. 13 per LOW feet was passed. A petition signed by about 800 consumers was pre sented to the council asking that tho rats be reduced. UNCONDITIONAL PARDON ISSUED TO HOLSTROM (from k Correspondent) LINCOLN, Oct. J7.-(i;pec aD-Qovernor Aldrtch has Issued an unconditional par don to Raymond Hulauom, an ls-yer-old U d who has been serving an Indeterm inate sentence o (rum one to ten yea,rs for burfc-lary tonjmltted In Washington county. Holstrom Is suffering from con sumption and mas taken from the slats penitent ary on a stretcher. The lad s ui'ioer hlu to Minneapolis. Th. Blul. iit..l.H. n . aa reiuseo to recommend a pardon or "' w rniup siauve. alias Philip one or the men convicted of tealing furs from the store of Miller ft Pallia In Lincoln. In company with Charles W. B.Hers. Ujuv. was returned liia Biou City, U., na Mi.vk.ia4 u Ute ILLEGAL REGISTRATION TRIAL IS RESUMED Trial of Albert Anderson, charged With perjury In fraudulent registration, was resumed before County Judge Leslie Fri day afternoon James Wilson, clerk In the rooming house at 801 North Sixteenth treet. from which Anderson registered. examined the rooming house register and jald Anderson was there whenever his mme showed on tha register. The state claims the nam only recently has been written Into the book for purposes of de ems. Wilson testified further that he was one of ths registration clerks, but when tie looked at tha poll book ha said he oould not swear that Anderson regis tered under oath. Anderson's signature was there, but Wilson said he did not see ulm write It. Tha defensa contends ths mere presence of Anderson's nam on the 10II book doesn't prove ha swors he lived in the precinct and ward.. YOUNG MEN AS AD WRITERS Gal Has Ysssg Christian Associativa Claaa. Mea'a Ths advertising clasa of ths Toung Men's Christian association was organ lied Thursday evening by A L Gala ot tbs Larlow agency. This class will meet every Thursday evening for ths next eli months. Only ten young men have taken up ths work as yet. but It la cs seated more will join soon and Mr. Gale Kill rnaka a special effort t enroll high school s.nlor boys la the class. Mr. Cals spoke at length Thursday evening oa advertising la genaial. also touching upon tha more ascitis points of that business. "In a autahalL" said Mr. Gale, "advertising la buaioasa news, and If the modern, up-to-date advertiser can convince the readers at the news paper, mattatlnes and other periodicals In a clear, catchy and concise form ol writing of tha menu of his business, success will be with him." Be Waat Ads will Itoost your aa ai4 eus it ts grew. bus!- DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Report! from Trade Centers Nearly All Satisfactory. NORTHWEST OVER SETBACK Announcement Concerning lteduced rHht Hates la Northwest Feat are of HUUf Interest la irou and Steel. NSW YORK. Oct. 27.-R. CI. Dun Co.'s Weakly Kevlew of Trade will say: Reports from tha Principal triulu r.m.r. are nearly satisfactory, Indnaiinii a lair volume of activity and In the northwest the feeling Is that Conditions In ihui .un. tiin have fully recovered from tlie set back of lust year. Announcement finnMrnln. freight ratea In tha northwest Is the fea ture of chief interest In Iron and steal and Is expected to be followed by lower ing 01 ore prices for 11)12. In other directions reaJlimnront . quotations has not been checked. In wire productions Jobcers obtain wire nails at 1 00 and piain wire at 11.40. More ordere are placed in some finished lines, Several sasls of pig Iron are re Ported and there Is some Improvement in the demand for tin plate and sheets, all Induced by the lower range of values. lUitsetner Iron Is down to IU.60, Valley No. J foundry, 113.60, Valley and hasio '""n. Ili.oOi Unplaie Is now quoted at WW for 100-pouad cokes and No. a black sheets are on the basis of ,1.90. though In the latter It Is said that con. cossions can be obtained on dustrable business limited slo. ka of cotVm goorts and wool ens lesult In a prompt levival of con sumptive demand ami Inducemenla are now offered for Increased production. Favorable prlcea named on dress fabrics and men's wear are also Interesting factors. Immediate shipments are asked for and emal lorder are frequently re peated. Heavy brown and colored do mestics are being ordered to the end of tha year. China trade In cotton goods Is halted, but miscellaneous export tiade In Cotton BOOdS holiis Ull Itell In wru.lana the a la an act.vs damard for heavyweight nivii a ur ana eo.ue lines of fancy wor steds have aold so well that advances have been obtained. Trading rn footwear has been checked to some extent by hlrher quotations, but eastern manufacturers are well em ployed on current orders. Leiaher coutinuea firm and export trade Is active particularly to Great Hritaln. and eaneciallv in ...i. Trade In domestic packer hides has fallen oir. following three weeka of pronounced activity during which the as (resale aiilea are fully one-third of a million hides. I'ackrrs are closely sold up In most de scriptions and Drlces are verv firm m-lth advances asked In acme Instances. nf r.n -a r'. th.ouh tn low condition fi .""T "JrtoPk" roPll Vlth the fact that final distribution Is now likely to increase, may and probably will event uate in much small lot buying as well aa In the relnstHtement here of cancelled by ,lmi burr' But It Is gen- eialy conceded that trade, wholesale. Jobbing and retoil, tends to reflect im provement over this time last year when more or less repression was In evidence. Trade In cotton gooua la not being helped by the Instability of prices, and buyers, domestic and foreign, seem to prefer to wa t until this Kltuatlon becomes more settled, even thougu t is recognised that sttOl'Kfl &JA I Iff lit. In the Industries, the chief events of the week comprehend ths decision of the leading Iron and aleel Interest to ter minate Its lease, on the great northern ore lands. Ilia Intention of the ore-carry-ins; roads to reduce freight rates on that raw materlul and finally the application of the federal government for a absolu tion of the L'nlted Kiates Steel corpora tion. Unt o far aa actual buying of steel and Iron goea the week has de veloped very little, lYlces continue to tend downward and some buyers seeing that quotations are very low attempting to purchase tor longer periods. Mi Iron is weaker. REPOltT OF CLKAHING HOUSE Srranton blrminKham Jacksonville, Kla. Syracuse Augusta Worcester Evansviile 6pr.ntti.eld, Mass. Iiaton I'ortland, Me , Wheeling . Little Koek Charleston Knoxvlllo , Chattanooga Lincoln puvennort Wilmington Morula Wllkesbarra Kalamazoo Sacramento Topeka , Cedar Kaptds Macon Kail River Youngstown New Bedford .... Springfield. 111.... Fort Wayne....... Canten 3. 681 .0001 2,lal.UoU a,N4..n. jj.iiHI.0Oj s.aMi.oK1; 2,210.01..! l.M.'.OiiOl JXii 0W0.. .91. I.Oi. 18.21. 6.71. 26.6,. 6.7;. 19.7,. l!.6. 12. f.!, J.ll.U XI) 2.U.U,IKHl 2.4ii0.0 l.S.OXO! l,742,uiiol 1.4i,0iiv 1.443.1 ftf l.SK.OOU l.tKt.OO 1,57a, uW l,4;:i,m l,J7S.Ok 4.o.a.o r:.o: i.iai.v .. l.CU.'.OJiM.. 9W,0H1 8.9 ' 4.4 1,12S.OOO 22.2! 1.& 3.0 10.8 . 7.2. .8 . 'ii'ii,. ....I 1.1.31. .7:T 17.9i. 1.5 . 2.0 ii'i i. 20.0 15.4 2.8 Sioux Falls Akron Helena Columbia, 8. C.... Lexington ......... Kargo Lrie Koek ford tjulncy .'. Bloomlngton Chester, Fa Springfield, O bouth bend, lnd.. Lowed Jackson. Miss Minghamton Iecatur M.msfield Fremont Vlrksburg Jarksonville. 111... l'oik, Fc. Waterloo, la Houston Galveston M0.000 1.3i 1.024.0US 1,069, onoi ;t,iioti 4:14,000 Hlo.OW hia.0"o (vtj.ooi! 6OI.O1IU S7.1. 33.11 34.71. 22.t . 6.41. 9.1 . 13.71. 1.8:. 11. 8 3.4 610,OX) I 4M,W 0... u2O,ti00!... tii::,iii 29. SI. . 9.7 12. i 6.1 4I0.IKN) BfiB.OtOI 877,001.' 39;i.0X) 5,U00 2.'IC.IW. 1.0-3,(101 1.111.000 IH.OOi.OOO 24,477,0001 27.6 7.4: 92.6; 21. 71 14.3 24 .. 21.7 19.0 21.1 9.0 Not Included In totals because talnlng other items than clearing. Bea Want Ads always bring results. BRsDSTREET'I TRADE REVIEW Reports Indicate Cooler Weather Materially Help Boslneaa. NE . YORK. Oct. r.-Rradstraet'a t n.orrow will say: Trade dlsp'ays little change with per haps a slightly greater tendency toward irregularity, t the concensus of repTls from uianymarkels. barrlnir s n.e at the south, h.Ucaie that retail tiade nas U-en aistarlaiiy helped by cuulrr weailisr. Fiocesfing to the larii.r lltos reports aa a iin do not Uidn ate au tulug bl- Transactlona of Associated Banks for the Week. NEW YORK. Oct 27.-Erad at reefs bank cleuriUKs leport for the week end ing Cktohor 2ij shows an aggregate of J,9o2.WJ.i.i, as against $3,4liu.u76,uo0 last wumk ami in the corresponding cutiowiug ts a list 01 week lust year tna cities CITIES. Amount. Ino. Dec. New York Chicago boston I'niladelphla .... St. Louis KaiiKaa t'lty..... t'ltiaburgh Sou Fianolsco.. Ualtlmoie Cincinnati Minneapolis .... Cleveland New Orleans,... Detroit OMAHA Los Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Beattla St. l'aul Atlanta I'ortland. Ore... Muftalo lenver Inillunapolts .... 1'roviuYnoo Itlchmond Washington .... St. Joseph Fort Worth Memph a Salt I-ake City.. Columbus Albany Tacoma ......... Savannah riohne Toledo liaitford Hochester I'n Moines...... Kashv.lie I'uluth Vilch:ta F)ila Norf ilk i 'kl ml Sioux I'lly New Haven Uiaud itsplda... 11.6:18, 283,0001 -1..uij.i'"j I t 8.2 lW 13,, iit. urn lb.Oj.MM, 49.347.U.1, Sk.047.01,0. 2a.ij7.ti 2i).f;,i 18112, l.Mi.UOJI 14.1. 01' ls.s67.uu1 lti.lA8.lAKI, 12.12S.iKW 1J,W, 11.1n.ono .. 12.414 OHO li.K-'V.wl ll.Ml.ii ll.U4.0iO ,ii,i: 1.941,000 13.4.Oi0 . ?.Sl5 A 6.8IIO1O a 469 0 o' a,2tf.0i 2.0 . .l . 12 9 4 8 0 3 1 13.9; 9.0 14 I 18.9, 12.8 J (.7 U.l "ti ii..1:? 14.0 I.I .... II .... 1.1 8.8 8.7y.wi I., 9,n S.7 fw; . T.L'(KT It. 71.... 4.. I 16. 2,244 (M . 4.2.ft 2.4 ,Tb7.(Ol I.I 3 SM,l; 3. :5.'WH 4. ii.'W t (-t"..0il 3.2"l.w! a.i . 0(O 2.; , mo 2.t J IMH .'"wwi 26 8 . 4.8.. IS. Si.. Ui.S .. 3 .. t'i'.'. I 8 i . Sl. 11 1 leasantJlelrestiiiiS, Bneficial, Gentfe anflElFQctira, - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. la the Clrcre. on evenj Pacftao of tho Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU SYRUP Of FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS OVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST. AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN- j SCRUrULOUJ MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER, SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS) THEREFORE. WHEN BUYING. NototfioM Name of tho Gompanuy PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE, OF THE CENUINE. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. Immm W Gsr.er53M ! U U mtwtrs im--hh 15 1 Hill: i I mmm M1NIATURC PK.TUU or rAtgACa. SYRl'P OF FITS ANP ElfXIR OF SFNNA. B THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE, Solvit AND mtcriVfc aXMLUY luR STOMACH TROUBLES. HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS IT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. WHICH tS MANUFACTURED BY THE Californ.a Fig SymjpCo. Shctecf T FOUNTAINS. HOTFLS. OR CLSEsVMKftt Get tb Original and Genuine lOHLIGEi'S Ft! ALT ED IVIILIl The Food Drink for All Ages RICH KILE. HALT CBAIN EXT1UCT. IH P0WDU Not in any Milk Trust P5" Insist on "HORLICK'S? Taaa a pacta bom) .ft Vi:gRii!i 1 1 I It SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS' RATES SOUTHWEST TO MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMA, LOt'lttlAXA. TEXAS, KANSAS. TlckstB on sals first and third TussUar lu acn ue&Ui. Btopovsrs allowsd on bota tna going and ra turn lournes. THOS. F. GODFREY rasa, and Ticket Agent, 1423 Farnam Strati, or UnUn Statlua Omaha. 1 Lu. v ham k:i GmmtimirmiAvmma