Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 24, Image 24
J'HK IJKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOHER 2. 1011 1 area SPECIAL ' ALES SATURDAY '"""" ! HH II .HI!. Mil Ml. ...i ML!.!. . BIG SPECIAL SALE Women's Long Kid Gloves Finest selected French Lambskin, in popular lengths, 12 and lG-but-ton; white and Borne col ors; sizes 5'2 to 7. Act ually worth up $l QQ to $,".50; on Fpe- rial sale Satur- I day, at pr Women's Short Kid Gloves at 69c Pair Two-clap effects la French kid and lambskin; black, white, tan, brown, red. green and gray; all sizes; worth up to fl.25 on bargain square. Women's and Children's Gloves at 50c pr. Golf gloves, kid mittens, cashmere gloves, silk lined; genu ine Mocha mittens; fleeced leather gloves; fleeced rough rlrtcr gloves and Chamoisctte gloves. HOSIERY SALE 69c Silk Hosiery, at 35c pair. . Women's Pure Silk Boot Hosiery- wide mer cerized lisle garter tops, lisle coles sr full fashioned, at wDC Women's and Misses' Lisle Hosiery Mercerized 811k Lisle and Cotton Hose In black and colors; also black pure silk a " boot patterns; at, pair. u JC 15c Women's 35c HOSIERY at . . Double heels and toes; some are seamless; regular and out sizes; black, tan and colors. Men's 25c 101 -HOSIERY at 2t Fine Cotton and Mercerized lisle finished Hosiery double soles, heels and toes. WARMER UNDERYEAR Fer Womsn and Children Women's Fine Ribbed and Cotton Florced Ualon BulU Medium weight cotion and part wool; regular and out sues; ha worth up to 11.60; at, a garment IjC Woman's Fine Itibbcd Fleecy Lined rants and Vests Oft Regular and out sizes, worth up to 69c; ai, each. ....... i)JZ Women's Fine Cotton Long Hleeve Corset Covers Reg- r ular and and extra sizes; worth up to 36c, at, eacn. . . , . . ISC Misses', Boys and Chlldoon's VesU, rants, Hhlrts and Drawers Medium and heavy weight, fleeced, per garment, - e " ZJC Women's Fine Neckwear at 49c and 75c Worth Up to $..50 Each Met and lace trimmed, Fichus; new net, lace and hand embroid ered side frills; embroidered coat sets; Dutch and sailor collars; all new creations. Wide All Silk Moire Taffeta Ribbons Satin taffetas, measallnes, Per sians, fancy stripes, plain taf fetas; black, white and all colors; up to 6 Inches wldo and orth up to S5c f a yard, at, yard. .13C Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs Sheer Irish Linen, several new style leathers,' some encircled with embroidered wreath dainty Val. lace borders, etc. Many worth 26c; at, each I9C BRANDEIS STORES Under II r 1 E4 U 1 11 ' Sf SI 14 I J ' Rubber-Ire bUo. Odi, $4.50 The Kail Clothes Question The Winter Outfitting Proportion I Surely Here and Mubt lie Con Kldored. .The Dest Suits and Overcoats in the up to $5.00 The Hat Department is brimful of all the Tl-.a new fabrics, tha perfect tallortna- .urrm mouaia oi our auiti and over come wiu apeas lor themeelves tha loment von aaa t&em. whlia Hit VALUE attached to very prica la a pieaelnf mi - flAAn w n.iari an Rimrtfi aai v. jv atiiORfl of "ora S3.00 to mhw .on .hnnld B ITT flK. 3 OB any Salt Tabu x o o s B n r- . r Ma TUM. :&9jLa2iS5F2ir&n X J .?00d Hat styles for WIS llllll IttElfi. V ST . an wear. Our Hat man tronaara at VJSJi MICE than elaewbere. A DUTY TOO OWB to TOuantLr 13 to bed tksi TKOTJSXRS VI IEI.Ii AT BRANDEIS STOKES Greatest Sale of LA BIHC a Begins Monday, Oct. 30 These strictly high class blankets bought from a retiring manufacturer will be sold at bargains that have never been duplicated in Omaha's history. We wish to correct an error in yesterday's announcement of this sale in which Dr. Colzar's Blankets were adver tised at $1 8 a pair. This was n misprint. Dr. f m Colzar's blankets regularly sell at $18 a pair but we will sell them in this sale Monday at, pr.. .'. V Among the special bargains to be offered In next Monday's Blanket Bale we mention one lot or Mackinac Wool Blankets. These are extra heavy green, blue, red and black blankets. They are In weight and slzo Intended , for out-door. sleeping porches, o,c The usufal price on thtm U from $7.60 to f 10 a pair IJV They are going to be sold Mondsy at. a pair V VivO One lot of ALL-WOOL Navajos Blankets. These are exact copies of the hand-made Navajos and are intended for couch ro.r. i. iuuvtb, uiumuuiie ruoea, eic. 1.8U8I price is from tb.OO to t7.SU. These are going to be sold at. aih : $2.98 An odd beraln is an immense lot of quarter blankets. These are In size one-half of a single blanket. ' They are what is known as "Drummer s Typ.M They sre suitable for small beds, cribs, etc., and they are of every conceivable make of ALL-wool blankets and will be sold at WvV Ore lot of Steamer Robes; also suitable for automobile robes, are going to be sold at, each go jjq This sale Is of unusual importance and merits your attendance. BRANDEIS STORES tsxz City v nil Jy AT AT ft AT AW jr ouo vatnaa, s , Will be Dlcased in cV, A w MAAV TW them to you. $2.50 ?3.00 si.oo jr in Hen's Hose $5.00 Big Bargains $G.OO Pure Silk Hose Fancy and Plata coloia. ra u 1 a r ouo vatnaa. Saturday. . . , Pure Lisle Hose A wnuine bargain In plain ami fancy colors, our regular 2Jc hose 13V2C a. X S QUALITY HATS ONLY 95c up to S4.00 laiers Silk I,inel Dress Gloves Hpoclal ..1.00 11 u mi FOR THE BOYS Both seasonable and sensible. A positive ne cessity from now on. They keep the feet and legs dry arid warm, and go a long ways towards keep ing the boy well and healthy. These shoes are water proof, and are guaranteed the best shoe value on the market at these prices. $2.25 to $3.50 Our winter stock Includes a big selection of children's shoes for all occasions. shoe: co. IGlli and Douglas Streets. LADIES' BARGAIN DAY At the NEW SAMPLE STORE SATURDAY Sale on Sample Coats and Suits $20.00 Sample Tlush Coats . . .' S11.-1S $20.00 Sample Cloth Coats $9.98 $15.00 Sample Cloth Coats $8.98 $15.00 Sample Caracul Coats $8.98 $10.00 Sample Cloth Coats $5.98 $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Sample Suits . . . .$15.00 $17.50 Sample Suits $9.98 $12.50 Sample Suits S6.98 $4.00 Black Capes, Gold Braid T 9Sc DRESSES. $20.00 Sample Dresses $9.98 $15.00 Sample Silk and Serge Dresses $g!98 50c Flannel Petticoats IQq 50c Corsets Covers 10c COc Medium weight Union suits 19c CHILDREN'S COATS. $3.00 Teddy Coats .'.$1.48 $4.00 Children's and Misses' Coats $1.98 $5 and $6 Children's and Misses' Coats $2.9S jtahatoi Janvple Mm.. Southeast Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. I lIsTHfflRni m- u .u .ii mi an in imi im.iiiij. 11 n iiig, CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT NEW GOODS SALE AT fcphael-Piredl "FamaS New Lots of Merchandise Placed on Sale for Saturday, Monday and All of Next Week. Don't Miss II! Ladies' and Misses' Suits line lot of dultd ol dark and Unlit col orn. worth V W Kt tU to 113 f0. OU (inf lot of Hulta In colors ami lilue nnrxe with liugn to matcii. reHular o- 1 ci price tlS,?-1- J-.OU Ona lot of beautiful aulta, novelty and blur, alao bass to rtch'.... $14.85 FUNS Children's 1'iir Hcts 6o, fibo, B1.4S and up to as.aa. t'oney Fur Krtt. black and fi1 bi blown, at V 170 French Coney sets of Fur a, larKe muffimd collar, at C t 2.9 and pJ'J Jartco Knt of Kray Fur, regularly aold :l !!-to....$4.9a ithar Fur St-i, from r8 $21.00 $2 Aieu a w a 'W line nuoea P--,"t J Alan a h- 1 w k anoea p-aiJ ft.&O and t.t.UJ iiein fine O"! k 4 Mioea ...S' .T60 and V oo Men'a tfO r7 ahiiPB. at V- " 16.00 Mcn eleKB'it -r $.45 11.76 la- CI -SK airs v " dlOH t ! 00 (Ilea fhor at and 13 00 t.n $1.89 Laiv Waittxs t -ne lot of iauiea Ualata worth T tka u(. to 1 ....-u" lirautlful new Tail ored Walatx, worm a7 to ,.' !6, 89c bilk Tuffeta WiiiMtn. worth up to 14 H 00 NeC and PI Ik .VB!" $2.95 .$1.09 COAT and MUSES niiui en a 1 a 1 1 (Irexbej. to 14 )n. worth up to Q;,i 16a. at ..ou Children a DreaHea. winter weight, dark colors, worth up to S1.4S and titrl'a UreHHea, In re. etc., at jxa'and $4.93 L hlldren'a, Klrl'B and junior coata, a liirfte ' a isot timmt, 91.S9, 93. OS, $J9S, utJ uv.... $895 Fvery ohllil'a coat Is new and all have a apeclal price narked In pluin f ik'iircp. LADIES' COATS lulu i ciata, biHCK aim J r ya noveltlea . . ? " i black. noeUy carucula, O; . ... etc W(3Ju 11X00 black broad clotii nokuiiy cual.4, cttiaculu, tijrt - etc V"'"" ti novelty cloth coatu, hIIk pluHh, In fiiie Imported black broadcloth, Skinner "atlii Hi 'Hi? plUMll couta $30.00 coats at . . (34.50 vel vet coata $13.8J novelty and $17.50 beit pluith $21.50 $24-!! MILLINERY 98c Ladlea' Felt Hata nicely trimmed worth up to 13. at .... Ladlea' Trimmed Jlut-, alao inlasea' liala, two-lone pluah hula; a bis aaaort inent, Ji tK aj X .ticf S and t swell Trimmed BO OS; Hat Sptd.UO Bearer Hats, 3. S, &JSS. $4.43. $4 S Ziadlss' and Kisses' SKIRTS niock Hkirtn. trim med with bundM of atln, worlhtc 1 li.-o. at All wool aertre sklrM. colore ip.arf.Ucl Heat Tailored aklita. In all wool aerRe. volte and novelty cloths, worth up to i?60 $3.95 Other . hlsh priced Skirts accordingly niarkoil ao tha price will ault you. CLOVES 91 Z5 real kid Rtnvcs all pliailcn !f and alaea.... "Jt Tlic allk ll Klovea t 3Hc Mik lin- -i n4. ed gloves 6o olf Iftc Slovea OUl. bPbCIALS )l band (f baga 60c ladles 2'oc to neck wear ladles' belta Uadlea' cbleta. and (hllilrena wear, 10c, I'lic and Ladles' Fleeced r',;u 39c 5C 5c liundker- 50 4c I'nder- 15c cvihcm . . , .aJO 11. IO coisels . .u0 4 llllCUkH(. o'oracta at . I l'rlncesa (CI .48 .'orsot .... 13 rinceas w I -SS foraet .... 4 1'rlnceaa S3 fornet V- $5 l'rlncesa CJO.98 Corset .... V- All 1'rlnceas Cor seta have a suaran tee ticket that will give you a new cor set If It break In It montha. UKESStiS liiuo teititt uieuHen, III Ilia' and luuicn KiZl H, WOi'tll t ..ts IK.60, at . . . P' ceixu UreBseu, In tne very tieni. tcraue very pretty myled. regularly eellM for 1 1 it. 85. at CO.UB 90.88. 97.98 erge Ui esses, of the very bem myleH clothx and mane. r,nho $11.95 H e a u 1 1 r u 1 silk drcnea, Cf.98 worth 113 pv Men's Pants 1'UhIS VlUiui 5iic $1.9o ...en i at yji t;" van i3 men a punta at (i.M and i men a ir,s $2.85 tine Me lot of sam ple fiintH, In lilt;li i lass wooleiiH.worili ir. Iti und 7 un cleyunt asBortment In this lot choice . . . . $3.!! lflOII'4 guild Men a th. in aou..m r:;- .... o.u till Und lltl.uu Akit-ll e unu - lOUlltf .v.o.l to bulls at . , vis unu 120 men a uiid Voun Moil ouita at .... 3G afid 132. uO Men's and Voung Men'H butts at $8.tfo f) lUCIl'B II Moil K $11.95 $14.50 Men's Overcoats till inea a Ac young men's over- i.7o coats i3.u0 mens and young men's over- coals. at Vw'"" 41 8 and i0 Men rf and young men's ovtlrc'ts $l,i2'60 13 boya' suits at 14 boys milts at 15 boys' suits at S1.G9 $2.29 $2.95 luali sua UUXd' b ua at Aieim i'ec.jy 95c Men's Lieiby .... $l.iitJ above ua at nuia at . . -.Si iiais. tvt . The .iew Mliaovs, .3.00 an new fall .iiouels bolt Hutu, all colors, at 75o to VJ",0 .Mity Little Boys . all Hats, all colors -:;rthntup to...43c NOTIONS Ppper Tins lo Taper needles Safety pins, psper lc (lair plna, bch lo Needles, paper lo 200 yard spool el thread lo All 10c and 15c ar ticles in on sale notions, 8o Men's Hosiery and 3c 7c 11c 25c Men's IIoe In 3 lots, 180 - fig 14c. and Men's black fancy colored hose, pair ... 15c n.n'a hos lery, pair , . , 20c men's wool hose. ll.uO Oneita tleeced Union Suits OtV 43 Men's Wool m- Sanitary fleeced and ribbed 2-plece Un derwaar Alf eacn 0 Hoys' fleeced I'nlon ?tuU8 45c Samples and all lots of Wool Underwear. aT!h..V:25 9c SPECIALS Infants eea. pair C'tilldren'o Sweaters at Girls' Tarn oshantera i.ailltM' sweaters 39c Infants' wool hose wool boot- 5c all wool 25c 15c crs 39c 18c SPECIAL! Full sine sheets . I'lllow slips .... Feather half price mem out. Men's cotton An ulfiv.a .K Leather gloves Good e h 1 1 d r e n s hosiery pair 43c .... 9c ruiows to close 39c Men's Sweater Coals i&u Mens sweater (.'oats, colors A Sit brown, gray 11.25 Men's part wool i-wester coats, Drown und dark red 11.50 pure wool Sweater . C)f Coats, at JU- 13 men's high grade Sweater Coats, pure wool with or without collars, f-t 41 at sx.4,J G9c Comforts and Blankets l5 G9c Wool n lank eta 81.95, 9JS, C 4.M $J.B and t'otton Hlankets Wool nap blankets. (1.69, 91.95, S 98 48 and . V- Full sue Comfort ers 980, 91.39. 91 B9. 18.49 eo n-; and ?. JO Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads and Towels Slightly tooiled bed spieads at V prica lJiiupil Lai a Cur tains. 3 yds. long, pairs to lO match J -" Towels, 11c and 14c Men's Shirts 75c Men's Dress bhlrtn in pretty ilplit colors, coat A styles at .... 11.50 Men's Dress shirts, coat style, very good madras cloth and ex- Qfi tra good make 11.50 Men's Flannel Shirts, nicely made with full face sleeves, ail fif colors, at . . . . OcJ V. Men's well made out ing Flannel hhlrts. worth 65c, OJ) Basement Bargains IN VOMEN'S SHOES A thousand pairs of all new Fall Styles, in Tans, Patent and Gun Metals. Our system of merchandising in our "Economy liasement" enables us to offer them to you at s 1 .952.45 l & ' I 1 i aa! ! I "A But No "Charges" No Deliveries. FULL-UV-WEAR SHutS rOR BOYS that are Full of Life. The greatest value ever offered in a Boy's Shoe for $1.95 and $2.45 !3E B9ARKET- 322S.16fhSt, Bee Booklover's Contest Wa have iust received thousands of dollars' worth nf n.nita oi n i , . . - - wuv, uuitj auu xji taaca for Ladies, Misse3 and Children; New Clothing for Men and Young Men and Boys; New Shoes for Men, Women and Children; New Beaver Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children; Ladies and Gents Furnishings, etc., etc. ALL GO IN THIS GREAT SALE. CORNER 13TH AND FARMAM. THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE r-r,. ...... -jag 1 1 '.. 1 Mini .iijmi. tmv'.m'iyf-.vm winaiiMiia i- ' f "j'afffll-msAifc: i fina rWiliTiiii Ta'ir'ioliifli'iiaaMvail Value $900,00 The magnificent, fancy walnut KRELL AUTO GIIAND TL-IVER." I'lAXO which nothing can excel. No ether player-piano baa In the abso lute. the "human touch" bo desired by a musical ear and so prized by the manufacturers. This instru ment will be' exhibited, explained and played for anyone who wishes to see it in the ware rooms on tha third floor at Bennett s. SHOES 1 )f7 tin. 1 1. , i i ' IIIS leer is mado to tasta dif. ferontly than other beers and it is relianco upon this feature as well as its general excel lence that makes us feel you will Le more than Rati fied after a trial bottle. Pack It in the lunch basket when picnicking take it with you on any outing occasion Family Trade Supplied by; OJf.Ai Hugo T. mum, 13g A-llil BX"" too O. 16," onta Omabai . Jilwr, . 85CS It ttlMl, BaU Itl) laA. OounoU Blarfai ! a Hiouaa. 1310 Main Street. Both aoaea. !S3 " i Reliable Dentistry Taft's Cental Rectus Where to Find the Bee la New York City, N. Y. Arthur IIotalln. Grand Central L)pot Newi Stand, Aator Houaa. Harry J. Cchultx. Grani Central biailun. Tyaon Co'a. News EUnds. li eluding I mi-r i.l Houl lion lunay Huttl U'til llvimoat V.I.K4 lu. KjUI, For Boys Full of Pep. The boy of Yankee land Is so full of pep and ginger that he is not still a minute. He Is con stantly on the go going through shoe leather no ordi nary boys' shoe can stand the grind day after day that tho boy will give them. We have a special shoe called Boys' Dependable Shoes which Is made of higher quality material and better made than the ordinary shoe. They cost a trifle more, but the difference In value Is double the difference in price. llojs' sizes 1 to OH, $2.00 Utile Genu' Sizes, 10), to 13 !i, S1.75 A Safe Suggestion To people who board or make their home In hotels or apartmenta where duplicate keya are the KL'LE and not the exception. Rent a private aafe In our burg lar and Are proof vaults, at a coat of t. 00 and up. yearly keep your valuables and private papers where only you ran have access to them. Large storage vaulta for allver ware, trunka, etc, are alao at your command. OMiHA SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST CO. Street level eatraace ( vault. lSle Faraam Street. BrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Want Ads will lioot uur buai uei anj cauu it to grow. TOMORROW The Dest Colored Comics with The Sunday Dee fetM-, HAIft BALSAM i . ' i V l"' r FUe to .cal , lr V 4". u ' tV.-.l i : to lie Youm;.l CrlorTI