Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 19, Image 19

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    Till; WV.K: OMAHA. NA'ITUDAY, (KTOBKU l'S. 1011.
Ilotchkiss Expert Entertaini Audi
ence at the Land Show.
Lecturer Prclnrra (lint Clluiate
WMrh U Hct fur Apple and
llo( forTwipti Also Uemt
fur lln:nan llrlnitx.
Trof. b. Y. raker, nn oiclum1l:t rf Col
iimlo, speaking to I.ftnd show autilcnoc
nt the ColiFPUtn. drclaiex that the rllmat
hli h Is bwt fnr the npple and the poach
In also the luPt fr the human bein. He
rays In part:
"The noil In the Colorado vallrys is
unly a few miles from the mountain sides
from whose (lls'ntcsrallon It camo. Now
this Is tho recljHS that nmkcs the Colo
rado quality: First, a rich soil; second,
constant sunshine; third, cool air; fourth,
the avstpm of Irrigation that brings
water to the roots of the plants without
shutting off the sunshine from the loaves.
"Incidentally, tlio climate which is best
for an apple and best for a peach Is
best for human being,
"While the soil of nil the humid regions
of the world ban for countless ages been
raising a crop of wheat, a crop of weeds
or grass, or brush, or trees this Colo
rado soli has been lying bare and brown
nnd dusty. In the humid regions the
rains have been leaching through and
through tho Boll, taking out the plunt
food and leaving only insoluble particles
or rock. In Colorado the soil Is just us It
was deposited by tho great mills of the
glaciers, ascs and ne a-j. Time lias
disintegrated It still further, but it has
loist nothing of Its richness.
( "Delta county is situated west of the
great continental divide. It lies east of
Mesa county, which reache:) on the west
the border line of I'tali. Fifteen miles
east of Delta tho Gunnison river emerges
from tho Black canyon, into whose Inac
cessible gorges It plunges at Cimarron,
forty miles above, and from this point it
flows Into a wider valley. This valley
and that of the North Fork of the river
comprise what Is known as the North
Fork country.
State of KutiKcd (iraudcar.
"In a state possessing many sections qt
rugged grandeur and great fertility, the
North Fork district stands second to
none and is rarely equalled In scenic
charm and wondcrous productivity. Like
other sections not all this land Is adapted
to cucctsftful fruit growing. The mesas,
being s'llficiently high to assure both
water drainage and air drainage and
being amply protected by high mountains
on all sides, are ideal for orchard pur
poses. "I he climato of the western slope U
ukin to tho mild climate of the Pacific
coast, both In summer and In winter.
There is very little cloudy weather or
jalnfall. The valleys are mo3t of them
deeply cut Into tho surrounding moun
tains and are ho sheltered from winds or
violent weather of any kind. While the
days are warm, the nights are cool.
These conditions combined with a large
supply of Irrigating water, are abso
lutely ideal for the production of the
finest quality In fruit. The steady sun
Shine puts the color on the peaches and
apples and pears, the dry climate en
ables the orchardists to keep all Insects
and other tree parasites exterminated,
Last Day
Pupils from the grade and high schools of
South Omaha and Council Bluffs will be present.
Cadets will be here in uniform. "
Cartcrcar climbing exhibitions.
as few rains come to wash the protective i
poisons from the blossoms ntnl leaves. I
The richness cf the snil nlve the ii'ial- '
It y and flavor, Hnd tbe cool n'ghts make i
the fruit firm and Juicy, while irrigation j
enables the furnifr to control the supply I
of utr and so keep tip tie quality.
Advnatasfs of lrrlaatlon.
"Thri are many decided advantages In
an Irrigated country. Irrlmitlon Is not a
mere expedient for getting the ground
wet because It does not rain, Irrigation
farming Is an Improvement In every way
on farming by rainfall. Tuo farmer In
a rainy country suffers fully as much be
cause it rains too much at tho wion
time as he dies because It does not rain
when his crops need moisture, Manly
docs u fainter want all the ground wet
at the same time. Some crops thrive
when moist, nnd some are spoiled by
"In an irrigated country the farmer
can always depend upon dry summer
weather, and ho can regulate the exact
degree of moisture exactly to suit any
crop. The very color nnd texture of fruit
and vegetables can be regulated by Irri
gation." Panama Exposition
Will Be Different
J. A. Jasper special commissioner from
San Diego. Cal., speaking at the Land
show on the Panama-California, exposi
tion, which Is to be held in 8un Diego
In 1915. said:
"This exposition will In no sense at
tempt to rival the world's fair, which Is
to be held in San Francisco during a
portion of that yinr, but will be unl.iue,
and In almost every aspect different
from any other exposition ever held.
"A magnlfleant 1,400-nero park will hold
the exposition, In the very heart of San
Diego. A great Indian congress will bo
held in conjunction with the exposition
and all the aborlgnal tribes of sub-trop-leal
America will bo brought together
with their Industries, handicrafts ond
modes of life. It will be the greatest
ethnological and archeologlcal exhlbt ever
"The exposition will bo vivid. It will
exhibit processes rather than products.
For example: It will Illustrate how Ir
rigation may be most advantageously ap
plied rather than what Its best results
are; In mining the process of tuklng the
metals from the soil will be shown rather
than tho inctal In canes. This will ob
tain also through all of tho other In
dustries and vocations.
Japanese Pears Are
Grown in Omaha
Pears from the only bearing Japanese
Uusset pear tree in America are on ex
hibit in the Walla Walla, Wash, booth
at the Coliseum. These pears were grow n
on a tree In Walla Walla, and yielded
profusely. The tree was brought from
Japan by W. P. Offner, an extensive
orchardlst of Washington, and now
hundreds have been Imported and planted.
The pear is almost a perfect oval, with a
slightly rough and golden skin and has
a flavor peculiar to Itself, D. M. Brown,
commissioner from Walla Walla, has but
a few of them on exhibit. The tree upon
which they grew yielded bounteously.
The Key to the Situation Bee Ads.
..'" , ,.T;-.,.;t-Tf
The doors will close at 11:30 tonight upon the grandest show of its kind ever held. Until that hour,
however, every exhibit and every feature will remain in place, with the huge Coliseum blazing forth
in its most brilliant radiance and with every spark of the tremendous spectacle reflecting the wonder
story of the wonder-west as told in thousands of exhibits and hundreds ot magnificent attractions.
Today is the Last Chance to See the Show of a Century.
The big Nebraska exhibit, which has attracted so much attention, will be one of the main features today.
Thousands have admired it and have been impressed by its grandeur and its immense worth to the state
and the people. It is one of the finest showings of the state's resources ever produced in Nebraska.
. F'erullo's Italian famous band will make Its last ap
pearances tnis afternoon and evcniiig-2:l and
No band has ever created such a wonderful impression upon the people
of Omaha. Be sure you hear its final concerts at the Land Show.
The big clay
Day and Night.
Attend this stupendous exposition on this last day.
Extra ctreet car accommodations ample to take care of crowds
Exhibitors will give free all their fruits, candies, flowers and souvenirs
A. E. Miot Oivci Interesting Lecture
at Omaha land Show.
l iillmltrd Supply of Water tonien
Down Mountainsides. Irrlaatln
l.aiidfl on W hich All Kinds of
I'rops Are liaised.
A. K. SI lot. special l cprefenative to the
big Lanl Show from Tulare county, Cal
ifornia, talking to a large crowd in
amusement hall st the Land Show, said:
"Tulare county Is or.o of the largest
counties of the state of California and
lies In the great Sun Joaquin valley, m.d
way between San Fianclsco and l.os
Angeles. Tho eastern portion of the
county is occupied by tho highest range
of the Flcrrn Nevada mountains, Includ
ing Mount Whitney,, the highest mount
In the T'nlted States. With many of
the mountuin peaks reaching the alti
tude of eternal snow and tho western
portion lying on the floor of the valiey,
wo have practically every climate, from
the semi-tropic to the rigorous north.
"From the high mountain altitudes
flow many streams to irrigate the fertile
valley hcow and this, In combination
with our various soils and cllmntlc con
ditions, makes it a land marvelous pro
ductiveness. "At the very first the country wan
given over to stock raising and grain
Slowing on an extensive scale, but with
the coming of Irrigation tho large st ick
nnd grain ranches wero subdivided into
small farms, where lend can be pur
chased In tructs ranging from ten acrtj
up at from $1'K to ?.H nn aive, Including
water right.
"All grains and cereals arc grown by
the normal rainfall, which N about nino
Inches, but for Intensive funning Irriga
tion Is essential nnd tho water supply is
of first Importance. In this respect wo
are particularly fortunate, as the water
belongs to tho land, tliero being no largt
corporations that -own the water and sell
It to the water consumer at an aibltrury
price. 1 ne cost of water ranges from
i5 cents to ll.O'i per acre under the giuv-
It y canaiB. In addition to tho gravity
canals wo have many acres irrigated by
pumps which are driven by electric
power transmitted from tlio mountains.
Wells to supply these pumps have a
depth ranging from seventy-five to 20)
"Along the foothills wo grow the citrus
fruits the orange, toe lemon and fruits
of that class. Out on Imp great sun
kissed plains wo grow the deciduous
fruits tho peach, tho prune, the plum
and fruits of this ciass. Grapes of many
varieties here attain the highest perfec
tion, and with them go hand In hand
alfalfa, dairying and generul farming.
"The foothill lands are particularly
adapted to the growing of the orange and
other citrus fruits. Not only do the trtea
grow vigorous and uniform, but we are
free from "black smut" ecule and many
parasites' that Infect some of the citrus
section, and In addition to this the naval
oranges ripen In time for tho Thanks
giving and Christmas market, thus as
surlng profitable returns to the grower.
"In the last two years dairying has
made wonderful strides, and at the pres
ent time our stock and dairying Interests
i4v'r.ifk I'.j'i'V-'lf iia i.ns-ililii Vinai'i nllfriilsiiswiiH iilsntrW nM-i'tiHilll ain.iriii.iii iftii niirf'
oi the
Every child that goes to the exposition today will be presented with a
10-cent 'package of O'Brien's famous sugar plums. These are those
large, long, round packages, which contain so many pieces of candy.
One package free to every ciiild ttoday
The gorgeous show will closo
Exhibitor's Carnival
are oniml to cur fruit lnte.c-ts, raid fo:
this lesson county pi cm nts n
inot elid es opportunities t i the pros
pective hoineseeker. lie r:vi engage In
any line of agriculture or h i tu ult ure
with which he Is familiar by making a
proper selection for Ills lot.iti'ti.
"None of tis cure to live In simply n
work-a day world, and In t'Us respect
the dcn'itcns of Tulare count v are par
ticularly Mesed, for the mountains
abound with fish and game that dilli;ht
the hearts of the sportsman, and for
those that desire tho Joys of the camp
life the t'nlted Slates government bus
made ample provision, having made a
reservation of 2 0 square miles, known
as Sequoia park. In which id
located riant forests, whore Is to be
found the greatest number of the largest
trees In the world."
Use of Explosives
to Improve Farms
Rapidly Widening
"Since powder was first inadn in the
fourteenth century." said IMward lwls,
speaking to a Land show audience on
"Forming and Dynamite." "It has been
tho aim of scientists to Improve upon
their methods of manufacture and obtain
better results with the least amount of
danger In handling 'explosives of all na
tures. "Tho untiring efforts and tho vast
amount of money ex ended by the Dupont
Powder company, oruntiiicd In 1M'2 by K.
1. Dupont, has nt last brought forth the
best results In the faiuoiiH 'lied Cross' I
dynamites, the grade known tin low frees- .
ing being of such a peeoilur nature that t
it only freezes when water does and
melts when Ice thaws.
'Clearing land Is one of the most Im
portant features for the fanner who
moves to the virgin parts of the country
and bus cut-over land which Is dotted
with rtumps and boulders. The cost of
clearing land depends on the locality, site
and kind of wood, whether the stump Is
green or dead and whether It has n tap
root or not.
"Virgin soil hardly ever needs nny as
sistance In crop growing, but on hind
worn out by continual use the proper
method to follow Is deep plowing,
f'hargis of dynumlte placed two and one
half it three feet under tho ground when
exploded, will be the means of lifting tho
rich subsoil, which Is filled with valua
ble plant food, to the surface and enrich
the worn out top roll.
"Tho uso of dynumlte In digging ditches
Is the latest, most approved and cheapest
method. The ground must be thoroughly
soaked with water, so that the shock of
explosion will be carried from one charge
to another. In ditch shooting the renter
hole Is charged with four sticks, the cen
ter only having a cup nnd fuse Inserted
In It. A d'tch, M'D feet long, K feet
wide nt the top and foct wide nt the
bottom and 4 feet deep was shot nt Illelil
stadt. Mo., at n total cost of $"21. lcs
than 11 ctnts per cubic ynrd, which Is
less than half the cost of doing the snme
work by hand."
We specialise small women's sizes In
cents suits, dresses and waists. They're
exclusive, too. In everything but price.
Bee Want Ads will Boost your busi
ness and cause It to grow.
in n blnzo of glory with n spocial
Night South
Illustrated Travel Talks.
Music in evening by the South Omaha High School
Modern machinery in motion in Machinery Hall.
Complete Miniature of Wcsttrn:
Range nnd Mountain Work.
Sheep, Cattle anil tloss I ced I oil
tentpdlj ltr I llnrvrsteil
llallrnnila Take I'rodncts
to Market.
Theie Is no place at the (iniaha l.ond
Show where the "back to the bind'' argu
ment more thoroughly bus been im
pressed upon lsltors than at the exhibit
of the Nm thw estei n Kuliroad company,
which occiii'les a large space at the right
of the center aisle and Just to the south
of nnd below the main balcony.
The exhibit Is typical cf tho western
plains and mountains and teaehes a great
object lesson, showing the possibilities
cf alfalfa and what can be accomplished
by tho fanner who will grow It.
Demonstration of the alfalfa exhibit
is In charge of Prof. Hunt, for years a
member of the faculty of the Nebraska
unlversitv. the father of alfalfa culture,
now a prosperous farmer, residing near
Syracuse, Neb. The conception of the !
ideas carried out In tho exhibit Is the re
sult of the handlework of William James
of Dorchester. Net)., Industrial commis
sioner of the road; Mrs, James ond their
son, I 11. James.
One' year ago the Northwestern Uallroad
company hnd an alfalfa exhibit at the
Omaha Daiid Show, It having been con
ceived nnd worked out by Mr. James.
After the close of the Minw, It was
shown at numerous towns In South Da
kota. Minnesota mid Wisconsin, Mr.
James delivering lectures on tho culture
of the forage plant. That his efforts have
brought forth fruit is apparent, for let
ters received by him from officials of
tlio Northwestern show that In the eec
tlons traversed by the exhibit, hundreds
of farmers now are growing alfalfa w here
two years ago there were none.
Cattle and Sheep.
While the Northwestern exhibit Is an
object Irsson from every point of view,
the visitor should look nt It first from
the vantage spot that will put the high,
snow capped mountain range at the right.
Then In tho foreground, on the level
plains and In the pently rolling bills and
at tho foot of the mountains Is a noetic
typical of the west. Hero ore lame lipids
of cattle, grazing and fattening on tho
native grasses. Across the range and in
the valleys bovond Is the country of the
sheepmen and here their flocks graze
without a person on earth daring to
make them afraid. By common agree
ment this Is the law of the range.
When sufficiently fattened on the range
the sheep are shipped In or driven to
feeding yards, where they are "finished
off" on the alfalfa and u mixed ration
of corn nnd alfalfa and are put In con
dition for tho South Omnhiv nnd other
This finishing Is done farther down In
the valleys, where alfalfa li waging a
fierce battle that It may be known ns
tho king of animal food.
Uettlnac Urndy fnr Market.
It Is Interesting to watch the courso
pursued by the entile, one somewhat dif
ferent from that taken by the sheep. Of
these cattle, a goodly number nre shipped
direct from the range to the market, hut
not so many as In tho past, for In the
Hiniiii li'
show for
nnd extraordinary program.
Omaha Orchestra Night
(untitles nw.i.v f i .vu the i.itige, tlio mn
'nvr f'oied It I't't'filnble to boy t'lese
? eiicr:- them to the n'fr.'fn f. ed it
grounds mil theie finish t tiov.i off Into
petnie beef.
Following the pctu.e around to the
left, an I,11 Is secure I of what l. d mo
In tho whv ef lmudllm; the riK;e cattle
SI'ipped from the rmisp. they ore soon
liind'd In the feed lots, where they rap
idly, take en fb sh after the alfalfa diet
or the mlved ration Is given. In n few
weeks they are In prime condition and
te.idy for any market In the world.
Hut making beef Is not the only pur
pose for which alfalfa H d. sinned. At
the lift bund corner Is given nn Idea of
Its value In rarrylng on the dairy ludus
trv. (lore Is a model dairy, with civol
iiii: rooms, stantlons nnd all the best ap
pliances used In the business, for It has
become a business. Here H seen the silo,
where the nlfalfa. m'xed with less valu
able milk producing plants. Is rut. shred
ded niul put In pickle, as It is called, and
then fed.
Hons Ihrhf on Alfnlfn.
Moving along n little, the visitor Is
taken to a lot where the alfalfa Iris been
fed down by hog
and the animals turned j
Into another field, where the forage plant j
is so niKii tnat it almost nines me swine
from view. The field from which they
hae been driven, soon rejuvenates and
In a short time Is ready for graiing a
second and ns many as a doxrn times
during a season.
tin thin sldo of the picture, the Idea
of on Immense farm Is given, all fenced
with wire Bud Iron posts Into fields, of
from twenty
to forty acres and In the lot
that In which the hogs are !
Just beotld
feeding is one of the small ones In which
the poultry of tho fanner Is nt home.
Heond Is the model farm house, where
the happy and prosperous alfalfa growing
farmer resides.
To the left of the farm bouse nn army
of farm bunds arn seen harvesting he
alfalfa. The cover over the first slack
bears this; "kiiO, r.OtM.noo acres in the
Fnlted States went begging nt $1 per
Ion." A Utile further on Is a second
stack, larger than tho flirt and on the
cover Is the following: "11X1"', approxi
mately 4.000,(110 acres In the I'nlted States
-$.' per ton." The next stack tells what
Is In store for alfalfa, for upon It Is this:
"IM. approximately S.ono.ooa acres and
the average price. J'.l per ton."
Industry's tiranili shown.
Much of this wonderful plHtit Is grown
In what until a few years ago wss the
range country.
The foregoing Is the picture of the
range, the mountains and the prosperous
farmer with bis herds and his broad
acres. But there Is still another picture
a panorama twenty-one feet long and
four feet high, tin the right Is a picture
of the high mountains, timber creeping
up to the snow-coverrd praks.
" WfiilfHvllle" Is Keen.
(in the opposite sldo of tho painting,
whero alfalfa Is featured, tho mountains
nre not so steep and rugged, running
down In gentle rolling foothills, blending
Into the level and rich agricultural land.
Cp In thn valleys of these foothills are
seen tho humble homes of the settlers,
whllo a llttlo nearer In the foreground
Is tho city of "Alfalfavllle," with Its
stores, business houses, homes, elevators
and great plants where tho alfalfa Is
converted Into meal, which finds a market
nil over tho world.
Around th's central painting a double-
track railroad has bepn constructed. Two
Northwestern trains, one a passenger and
onu a freight, laden with alfalfa and Its
(Tun jfT'syiis" ! l V
' ill iimii ti niitinn
'the children
Public School Children's Day
Hawaiian-Maorian Singers and Players.
Cyclorama cf Willamette Valley, Oregon, This feat
ure, in charo of L. H. Schrier, is one of the most interesting
of the wholo show.
iModi:"ts. move, rtopp'nt nl rts'ilsr in
lei uls to take on passengers and frelq'it
ns rial trains would do.
The exhlhlt stands upon a ra!s-d plat
form four fc t high, the sides of whlcl
are painted In Imitation of onyx, tin
I at-nls bearing the familiar legend, "Thl
Northwestern Lines." Around the panels
the wood is Imitation mahogany. At thi
four corners nre tall columns In Imltatlot
ef onyx, each capped with a large grounl
class globe. Inuring the wordr. "Tin
Northwestern Lines," nnd brilliant eleo
I I lo light shining Inside.
Exhibit Products
Grown with Ease
in Marsh Valley
Although not a part of the Idaho ex
hlhlt. that of Marsh valley Is almost at
gn at ns the one made by the state. Th
exhibit is made by the Downey Improve
ment and Water company, of whlcl
ft. p. Crocker Is the general manager.
This valley, conredcil to on one oi on
richest In tho lnter-mountnln section. Ii
twenty-five miles In length, containing
about 2r.0.o00 acres of hind subject ti
cultivation. It lies between two rannei
of mountains nnd enjoys the most equatiH
temperature of any section of the state
Marsh valley Is within the Irrigated
portion of Idaho, where all kinds of grail
are raised. Dry farming Is carried on tt
n Creat 'Xtent and by this method yeai
after vear the most abundant crops havt
been raised. "
For the last few years the valley hat
been recognlxed as the most prodtictlvi
of the fruit districts of the state.
Since Its settlement there never hoi
been n crop failure. Fruits of all kind
such ns apples, peaches, pears, aprlcoti
and grapes, grow In endless profusion
while there Is no end to the berries. Po
tatoes yield from 2o0 to o0 bushels ipel
acre nnd In the field, sell for 75 cents tt
!H cents per bushel, buyers from the eaai
visiting the section and contracting-thi
entire crop.
Dnlrylng Is carried on to a large 1 e
tent, alfalfa being the leading foragt
While there Is little government land,
Improved tracts carrying perpetual wntei
rights can bo purchased at low prices
There nre a number of towns In the Val
ley, but Downey Is the most Important
It Is situated on the Oregon Phort Lino
has broad streets, modern buslnest
houses, electrlo lights nnd all of tht
comforts and conveniences of the oldei
Jt. K. Hursh, P. n. Btrayer and Nelsoi
Taylor, representing Arlsona at the Land
Show, have a bootli near me cenier v.
the Collsoiim. where they are cxhlbltlni
fruits and grains from the Bait luvei
Irrigation section near Phoenix, which li
one of the most fertile In the west. Liter
ature compiled by experts in the emploj
of the United States government, hai
been distributed to hundreds of people
telling accurately and truthfully of thi
opjHirtunltles for capital In the Bait Rival
valley, where great reservoirs store "1
water and lave the rich lands until thej
burst into bloom with all the fruits am!
grains of the temperate and eeml-tropl-ral
' - i rr i ' ' "- - " - -" - -