Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, LAND SHOW, Image 18
OHAKA MEN PLANT FIG TREES i California Farm iTodncts Company! Own. Rich Soil in Wct. WKF.RZ THE CLDIATE IS IDEAL I. oral Men Take I n land A Ions; the I ?ni'ianiriils lllvrr, Where hlp- I pin Facilities fur Thrlr I'rodnrts Are of I'r-nt. i It Will no le o flntcrest to read ris of Ti e Ie to know that rapid stride firp Iritis n-.n,l in the Smyrna fig Indus try brcaure cf tl.c net ft number of omar.r'.i promlnri.t .:'.sinc.s and profes rionnl men own cno of the largest tracts Hint has bcrn planted to t": delicious fruit. Tin- land la Incnted in Cilenn county, ("al'f. i :ila. on the rnt brink of the Suora turi:io river, nrnr JTmt City, about sixty : nit n north cf Farmmcnti and 130 mile i .n t!i of Kan Francisco. The tnmpiiny In Known a the 1'allfnmln l'ii'rn Product company. John N. Weil I lit W I he secretary of the company, with i ffi. i s !n Th r.ce building. Unit? '"'ty In I'lcitrd on the Paorn mento i vrr, which In ravlpnbla all the Jear, atid liver Me.iriKrs nre ply Inn con finuously. About sixteen miles to the vitit l the main line cf the Southern Pa cific rallrcnd. with Immediate rellroad facilities now under construction. Th acll la known ti "Facrnrnento loam," dnrlt itray In color, varying from elfht to twelve fort In depth, and when properly tilled and watered will produce astounding results. Water Is procured In Inexhaustible quantities from wells bored to a depth of about elchty feet Into a very coarse gravel. The, water rlss to within fifteen feet of the surface and Is then raised by electric power for Irriga tion and domestic purposes. The cllmatlo conditions are Ideal. Ac cording to the ITnltcd Klates weather bureau report for the last fifteen years tli temporatura la almost Identical with southern Italy. Any and all of the (rains, grasses, nuts and fruits that are grown In the temperate or semi-tropical tones will grow and thrive In this won derful valley. Figs, oranges, lemons, po melos, plums, peaches, aprloots, cherries and all varieties of grapes, KnKUh and black wulnuts, almonds, etc., thrive In abundance. ' The land of the California Farm I'roducta company Is all planted to the commercial (Smyrna) figs. The fig tree la allowed, to bear when It Is I years old, from date of planting, pro ducing about 100 pounds of dried fruit to the tree, and usually brings ftty cents per pound. The trees are planted about forty feel apart, making twenty-aoven trees to the acre, which will produce an Income of about 11-16 per acre. After five years the trees will yield a greater amount of tlse fruit each year until they are In full bearing. , r The river and streams give the sports man a chance for all kinds of game and fishing. In the fall and winter months iuatl, duck and geeso abound and are aeon all over the valley by thousands. Land value In all California and espe cially the Sacramento valley, will surely doublo when tha Panama oanat la com pleted, which will make Sacramento and fcan Francisco two of the greatest ship ping points In the United States. One of tha reasons, and perhaps the greatest, for the wonderful development of the valley la the Sacramento river, which la recently taking an added Im portance. Of approximately 1.000,000 tons of product raised In tha valley, about MO.OUO tons' are now transported on the river to Ban Francisco. ' Saturday is to Be Children's Day at the Big Land Show Saturday la to be children' day. at tha I .and show, and very boy and girl In Omaha la Invited. This Invitation ex tends out In th state and It would not surprise th Land ahow management If 10,000 or mora children passed through the Kit tea Saturday. couple of day' ago It wa announced that each boy or girl attending th show Saturday would b given free of eharg a package of candy. On this propo sition th Land ahow officials have mad good, for they hav purchased U.000 package of O'Brien' celebrated pur sugar plum and hav them ready for distribution. Purine Saturday night the Omaha and South Omaha High school cadet will be on hand, uniformed. Th South Omaha boy will be accompanied by their or chestra, that appeared earlier during th Land show and triads uch a fiC Sir Knights to Flock to the Land Show on Saturday To ahow their appreciation of th Land show th Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben hav decided upon Saturday night as th time they will be at the "den." Tha ruler of the Kingdom of Quivera, who by th way : King Ak-Ear-Uen XVII and who masks under th common every day name of Joe Barker, has Issued a royal edict, Instructing his subjects and vassals to bo at the Land ahow at o'clock Satur day night and they are going to be there. There will be a hot time during the i: it 'at uud there will, be singing, music and It will not be a bit surprising If Just before the close of the Land show Satur day night several wagon load of fruit it giwii away. Ye Oldo Cider Mill Seen at Land Show The Land show la particularly rich In Ita full line of citrous fruits. The de ciduous fruits ur particularly extensive :u vpoL-les, grades and characteristics. Apples predominate, of course, at this lima of the year. About sixty varieties are shown, and Idaho, Washington, Ore- Lou. Utah and California enter Into strong competition for honors and ad miration, with Nebraska and Iowa. In addition to th showing of apples, most enticingly arranged, pur apple cider Is on dUplay and dliuenaed to th public St "Ye Olue C.der Mill." The asooia from the crushed apple, through the medium bf au eiectrio motored cider press, U wafted In all direction through th main bail. It la needle to add that tola In vtutUua to partake of lit elder la cheer fully accepted by those preaaut. The tnty and pretty girl, dressed n white, who dlrpei.ut the cider, Irnd added at lirtiou la U booth. Carter Car - KXI1IBITION TJAILT AT THlfi LAND HHOW. The Cartrr climbing automobile In tho ,dti:ry enr would to un nn Incline of '0 Machinery hull at tho Land show each day Is doing what It Is clulrned no other automobile can do thst t, climbs on li.- rllne of 46 degrees. The CsHer tllmln ;lis Incline with as much erife an an or- MARSH YALLM IS SHOWN Ecautiful Little Idaho District Haj land Show Booth. EXHIBIT IS VERY ARTISTIC Attlistnntlal Town Is nelnar Devel oped at Doirney, with Good Hotel and Water Kystem Trader Constrootloa. Over on th west aid of th main hall at th Omaha Land Show, located In a most artlstto booth. Is an exhibit that at tract the attention of every person who passes. Tt 1 a booth In which Is dis played tli products of th Marnh valley of Idaho, gathered and arranged by the Downey Improvement company and In charg of E. C. Crocker, Who Is In con stant attendance. On th front of th Marsh valley booth are numerous large photographs ahowlng the topography of tne couuntry and soma of tha well developed farms In th vicin ity of Downey, a well a residences and business houses, where the Kldder-Tea-body Interest are developing a substan tial little city. Although new, the town ha a water system under construction and a splen did hotel. Th town is on the main tin of the Oregon Short Line ana In a sec tion of country that grows hot only fruit but all bf the grains and grasses of the west, riana are being perfected to se cure a flouring mill and It Is expected that It will be In operation before an other crop Is harvested. In the Immediate vlclnMy of Downey are 10.000 acrea of land under a splendid Irrigation system and as aoon a th tract la brought to th producing stage, It, product will add materially to th business of th town. Downey town lots have doubled In value within th last ninety days, according to B. C. Crocker. Then tots are now sold on easy pay ment. At th booth they are giving away beautifully Illustrated booklet of th section. Precious Minerals at the Land Show Radlo-aotlv vanadium and uranium you don't know what it In-can be seen at th Land how. C. A. W ood of Flacervlllo, Colo., In charge of the booth In whloh th resources of San Miguel county are exploited, will tell you all about It. lie will explain that It I worth as high as 11,400 a ton, and that radium Is extracted from It Cranium Is found in large quan tities In San Miguel county, and most of It 1 shipped to Europe, where It I used In hardening steel. Mr. Cook tell of on man who quietly went out Into Ui moun tain, dug up ten tons of It In short time and sold It for UO.ono. ' Mr. Wood I In charge of a very Inter eating exhibit, which embraces grains, graase and other toll product. During th season Just closed there wa raised In his county red turkey wheat that ran seventy bushels and oats that produced 133 bushels to th aor. The San Miguel valley la famous for Ita fin beef cattle. Last year at th International Stock ahow at Chicago th first prlx for th best oar of young beef steers was awarded to Al Neale of Montroae. which I hi win ter hoin. Th cattle, however, war raised on Iron Spring mesa at San Mig uel county, about alx miles from Placer villa, which Is th hipping point for more cattle than any other station In th slate. Howell Bros., five miles southwest, took second prise two year ago and Cottcr'a hard of Foiled Black won prises at the Denver Stock show. Endearing Terms Heard by Wireless Telephoning by wireless caused con siderable amusement at th Land ahow Thursday night. Harry Gordon of Council Bluffs, accompanlea by his best girl, vlalted the ahow. Aa they walked about tha building they spied people- walking around with umbrellas over their heads, the receiver of a telephone glued to one ear. Uolng up to Dr. Mlllener, who Is con ducting the wireless demonstration booth, Cord. in axked the doctor; "What is It?" "Just sending words by telephone with out using wires." (Jordan declared it could not be done, and to convince him the doctor placed a head phone on his think dome and giving him a raised umbrella, sent htin out on tho floor. Tha young woman watched the opera tion and going over to the doctor said: Tlease let me talk to Harry." Consent was given and going up to the transmitter, the maiden, who refused to give her name, In a loud w hlsper, spoke Into tho mouth of the wireless phone: "Harry, dear, can you bear me?" Harry heard rnd so did a dosen other parties who were on the line. Lou.l laughter broke the connection and tho young couple hurried away daik tent to watch the moving pictures. Saturday will be field day for overcoats here. W hav a lot of overcra's that are anxious to get Into the same on the bark of th young tren of this town. Wri enter, t-yiar ontrarta foj llliw ta i.10.00 for the entlie period. UKNSON s THORN E CXI. Climbs Hills 4 Yi- - mvVa deirrrcs, lachtnn down onto the lavol -Ylthout ony apparent effort. There Is no hour of the lny thnl a crowd Is not orourd l!i Carter sriow exhibit, watching 'the performances of tho machine. BUSINESS MENJOOST SHOW All Say it is a Great Institution and Helps Omaha. ENLARGES TRIBUTARY COUNTRY Gives tho Wholesalers and Jobbers n I.arirer Kleld, Ilenldes Helping to Bolld tip Territory Ad Jacent to Omaha. Omaha business men generally arc booster for the Omaha Land show, ray ing that a-ld from the direct benefit to th merchants from th attendance at tho ahow, th development of th west resulting from th show will extend Omaha' trade, benefiting Jobber and manufacturers directly and all other business Indirectly by making Omaha a larger town. "It will build up agriculture In the west, which will b advantageous to Omaha." said Arthur C. Smith, member of tho board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben and head of the house of M. K. Smith & Co., dry goods jobbers. ''The Land show causes people to the east of us to buy laud to the west of us, and the resulting development will make Omaha grow," said President C. C. Oenrgo of the Real Kstate exchange. "Any enterprise Is a good thing for Cniaha that will turn people away from Florida and Canada and Induce them to settle In the west." Hack to the Farm. "Th Land show is a grt thing for Omaha and Nebraska," raid Herman B. Peters, proprietor of the Merchant hotel. "It not only shows the farmers the pos sibilities bf their land but It shows th city people how they may make a splen did horn for themselves on a smull tract of land they may be able to 'secure and thus work out the adage of 'back to th farm. " P. W. Judson, manager of tho Midland Qlasa and I'alnt company, has written to th Land show management a fol low: "I hav visited th Land show on two occasions, and believe tt Is one of the finest exhibitions of Its kind I have ever had th pleasur of visiting, and I wish to congratulate you on Ita aucccss, and believe that great good will be accom plished for this entire western section, which development means much to the olty of Omaha, and I believe tha cltlsena of this city are greatly Indebted to you for your good work In connection with same." TRAINED NURSE ALWAYS ON HAND AT LAND SHOW The service of a trained nurse for emergency needs at the Land show are supplied by the Metropolitan Life Insur ance company. Th Metropolitan com pany ha been ahowlng one of the moat unique aid Interesting exhibits at the Land show, consisting of an exact re production In miniature of the New York Metropolitan building. THREE SUDDEN DEATHS OCCUR AT WATERLOO WATERLOO, la.. Oct. S7.-(8peclal Tel egram.) Three tragic deaths occurred In this city today. Clayton Strayer, aged 41 a member of the Cornbelt Telephone com pany, was Instantly electrocuted by a looo hltih-power wire on the Interurban line. Deceased had lived In Waterloo nearly his ent'.r life und Is survived by his mother and three brothers, l-'rsnklln and Roduer of Waterloo and William of Minneapolis. James llennely's skull was fracturod by falling downstair at the Windsor hotel, whete he stepped for tho nlfc-ht. lie was a brother of ltew It. K. Hennely, a Catho lic prltt of St. Louis, Mo. Jacob Kascl, agid 63, dropped dead of heart trouble this morning while working In tho Waterloo, Cedar Kails & Northern railway .hops, where he was employed. Ho Is survived by a widow nnd several children. f'Nrae lor Dr. SUaon. NF.ltHASKA CITY. Oct. IT.-tSnoclal.)-Huv. K. M. Simon, who afior being re turned here as r"toi- of the Methodist Eplscopul church, was ii!etcd to Fre mont to take charua of the church there, left many warm Mend hero outuldo of the church, and when he whs here a few days ago tellmtf them good-bye tt ey pre sented him with A purse containing fluO In i old, merely a n token of their friend ship and esteem. 'Lost" Ho Is Not l ost. CLARION. la , Oct. K -(Special Tele gram.) Burton, the year old son of K. n. Huntley cf Boone township, was lost all last nltiht. A searching party of i eventy-flv scoured the country until after daylight. The boy appeared at the doar of Court Johnson st o'clock this morn'ng. lie said he slept on the ground on th premises of his grandparents. t. Irl I aensarUst labr lloara. IOWA CITY, la. Oct. 27-Speclal.) In aa unconscious condition fc more than eighty hour a a result of her fall from th interurban bridge over th Iowa river her last Sunday morning, la tha experience of Miss Lulu Whit of Col. la., th homeopathic nurse student l th t'nlverxtty of Iowa. Her recov ery I doubtful. I FIRST CMP PAYS FOR LAND Ihis is Claim Hade for Farming Tracts in Wyoming. DRY FARMLXO 1TETH0D3 USED nx Is Trlncipal Crop, Thoagh Wheat, Oats and Vegetables Arr (Iron a with Kn-f-oaratr Ina; ancees. "The land where) one crop pays -for the lund," Is the sign thit attracts Land lio visitors at the Coliseum. People wonder where tills land can b and frequently laugh at th Idea, but hey ar soon convinced after a talk with C. L. Beatty. the man In charge, who ex plains that tha exhibit conic from Pin Bluff, th first nation In Wyoming on the main line of U- Union Pacific. The Pin Bluff proposition Is on of dry farming nd one where the system has proven a great success, as there ha never been a ci ou fall Jre. Prior to 18M th country round I'ln Bluff wa given over to the cattlemen, though a small Swedish settlement wa established further north a early a U87. In IS after the Roosevelt order for fnncos to como down, the country settled rapidly and since then settlers have been pouring In and buying land, much of which remains for purchase at t!5 par acre on easy terms and crop payments. This land, according to Mr. Beatty, will produce, u crop, the returns from which the fliitt year pay for the land. This crop j flax, something that Is a sur revenue of from i0 to $i per acre. AlthouKh dry farming Is carried on In this section of Wyoming, the average an nual rainfall U eighteen Inches, ten and one-half inches of It falling during the four growing months of the year. On the hlKh, level table land wheat yields from ten to forty bushels per acre, and o its twenty-five to forty, Weighing a hlKh as forty-four pounds to the bushel. It Is a natural alfalfa country, the land producing two cutting per year nnd the yield running from two to three tons per act. Taxes are low, tht year hivlncr been 17-25 per 10 acres. Although no claim are mad to this section of Wyoming being a corn country, this year this cereal Is yielding twentv- flve bushels per acre. The finest veg etables In the world are mined, all grow ing to enormous size. In 1305 I'ln Bluff shipped mor oat than any station on the Union Paclfto between Grand Inland and the west line of Wyoming. Since locating In Pin Bluff Mr. Beatty alone has located mor than 1.000 families on farms In th vicinity, which simply give an Idea of the rapid growth of that portion of th state. Council Bluffs Attackers on Car Get Freedom Decause they Imagined they waited too long for a street car to convey them to Omaha. Carl Vanberg, Ed Qlerardt and J. T. Reld decided they would smash the wlndowa of th next ear that came along If It did not atop. Th decision was reached about 1 o'clock yesterday morn ing after the men had stood about five minutes at the corner of Avenue A and Twenty-sixth street. Tha next oar hap pened to be one returning from Omaha, and when It passed th men fired a vol ley of brickbats at It. Two windows were smashed and several of the passengers had narrow escapes from Injury. The car was stopped and baoked up to the point where the men were still standing and were found to be In a woozy condi tion. Angry passengers swarmed out bent on wreaking summary vengeanoe, but were restrained by the conductor. He made the men put up tl for the broken windows and continued Ms journey eastward. At the Pearl street Junction he reported th incident to the police station, giving a good description of the men. Captain Shafer and a squad of officers went down and found th men at Twenty-eighth street and Broadway and plaoed them un der arrest. In police court yesterday morning the street railway company failed to proae cute and th men were all discharged. Heal Kstat Tranarer. Th following transfers were reported to The Ilee on Ootober f by the Potta wattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Josephine V. Ooodwater to Frederick 14. lioodwater, unci V of se' nw and swW nS "-77-fci, w. d H.000 Gertrude Ooodwater and hus to Kred H. Ooodwater, ne4 nw of 7-77-40 w. d 2,000 K. II. lxiimee and wife to Joo MartU, lot lti In t'lk. 22 In Kerry ttild to Council llluffs, la., w. d Harry W. Keellne and wife to la. & Omaha Hhort Llna Ity Co., ktrlp of land In neVi ne'i. U-74-4;i, w. d.. Sfd J. W. Siiulie and wife to George L. McAlplne, lot lit In blk. 6 In Wll Hums' first add to Council Bluffs, la., w. d goo Nicholas Kleisch and wife to Ella V. McCorinlck. lot 13 In blk. 7 In Hreel s add to Council liluffe, la., w. d H.H Christina Hern and hus to Iowa At unarm rinort i.tne Ity. t o., a strip of land in e'4 sell 15-74-47 and nwU wV 14-74-4S. w. d -50 Marxuretta Hauerkemner to Iowa ft Omaha Short Una Co.. a strip of lund in eel. U no1 li-74-4i. w. d. K C. W. (lillln and wife to Martin Hlg- Kins, ioi ii in (UK. ii, McClelland, ia. w. d Nine transfers total ,sii An Appetizing Aroma Coffee shtould stimulate anne- ; , r so, coffee growths, blend, and roasting must be per fection. It's the appetizing quality of TO'iE'S OLD GOLDEN COFFEE that endears it to the thou sands f particular coffee drinkers who use it. A single trial will convince you of it? quality and value. SOo m pound TONI BROt ., Da M !, U. Ttwr in tw ktode I sr-lcM. TONC'S soa "-Ut." U 0L9COLCUI Council BMfc Council Keftises Postal's Eequest T!i city c-i;m il, l.:'rii S3 a. co:::i;..4.e-' f h whs??, yeaietiar a.'tc: :wor. CcOlo-! ISa-. th P'.o;al Te'ccrr!:' to.t ':-' n -vV.r.r-t ir. lis ainrki! .; : n to.- a ino-llf)-r.::.-r? of k:io ordl.isrce :v-;-rrinr all vires .u b placed lunIcrE-rjunrf. via.i net. per-ir-'.r-'ihlD, &nij Tnatruitrd ItijQf iialoney -t onc.a f notify Viinuje.- Volfe ol JtnaJia that hi company must comply lth th ordinance a It now stand. At the tiirag timo the council Instructed Manager Kngllsh at ti move the huge pole carrying the Pontai e wire lo cated at tho corner cf Broadway and Bryant streets, and which occupies the exact spot where tha pedestal mint be placed to mipport the new flaming arc light. At th meeting of the council on Mon doy night Manager Wolfe umb:ttd a blue print Indicating the proposed course of th wire through tiie cty and passing through Ita local office. The line was to leave McPherson avenue, where the transcontinental w Ires enter the city, pass north to Broadway at Oak street, follow Broadway west to Stutsman street, then pass south to Tierce street and follow that thoroughfare to Third street In the rear of the Masonic temple. From that point it was proposed to carry the wires underground down tho alley, cross ing Fourth. Main und Pearl streets to the company's office, and then be re sumed on poles westward to Ninth street, where It would cross Broadway nnd fol-. low the line of alleys to the river. The aldermen decided to refuse thru request as It would require a change In the ordi nance, and to instruct the company that It only way to evade tho ordinance was to run Its llna of poles down Indian creek. This was uggested at the meeting of th council, and Manager Wolf stated that It would be Impossible to construct a line along the creek, as it would be of a "snn-key" character and would require tho setting of nt least 1,000 stubs, and If built In the best mannor possible would prob ably fall Into the creek about a do2en times a year. The decision of the council places the Postal In a most embarrassing poRltton. The mandate has gone forth that tho noles must come down before the first day of the year, and If not down on 3 'ecure theUn ll life 2? y tj w w Standard Road of the West And they show just what you can do on a small farm in states in cluded in this section: Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, California, Oregon and Washington Every ten acres, carefully culti vated, will produce crops that yield the owner a good living and a nice little bank account. Lectures Today by W m. Bruce Lef f ingwell Lecture Hall A" 4:30 p. m.--The Yellowstone National Park 9:30 p. m."The Pacific Northwest Dr. Frederick H. Millener will continue his electrical experiments and demonstrations of the Wire less Telephone in the Union IPaoiSic Booth iiifi 1 An exceptionally J good ciar . cents January 1 they would be cut down and th wires cut away and removed. The city officials feel consldemb'e sore ness over th treatment accorded by the company's officials, rromlse were mnde In February that accredited cffieiftls would be sent here to Investigate and that the ordinance would bo fully complied with. They never cam, after numerous rpeeiflo appointments had been made. They were advlxed that conduits must be laid on Broadway In advance of the pav ing. For several months no replies were given to letters sont by Mayor Moloney. In the middle of the summer, ofter th repaying was well under way, surveyors came here and took measurements for the conduits. That was the last until t!u request came Monday night to change the ordinance. COUNCILMEN INSPECT PROPOSED NEW ROADWAY Conveyed In two big automobiles the members of the city council and Mayor Maloney yesterday afternoon made an Inspection of the proposed new roadway that will be substituted for South avenue as the principal avenue for street traffic coming and going In the southeast part of town. The party was chaperoned by Robcrl B. Wallace, who Is chiefly re srohsible for the proposed important Im provement and who has succeeded in se curing donations o fth right-of-way tbrougii valuable lands for the entire dla ta nee. The aldermen found that all recounted by Mr. Wallace at tha meUng Monday night vrB.i truj and thai tfc new road- a .Farm Home in on Pacific Country Now is the time to look over the products raised in the states com prising the richest section of the west. The exhibits displayed at the Omaha Land Show are rep resentative of the crops raised in the co u n t ry traversed by the a wctj'1 be- a ro" valinMe (ttr-iu;.. . t.or fSrrten'nj-; th Glstahc betrv-i c-n "I t-'cj'."! a cnu? nnd re-ie-tivs a;i ?::e t'nrjt" of v. z. V t-atle rilirtaj c: -;j. I;ir.- ! ;iT.aU-s of tic con of g'.ajlnj the new s.'rcrt tho ony term I.T.pseu. ' win l oMaJ-ncd arxJ If rot loo th Acceptance o? the effer may be mad at once. The new road win connect wltit Cra tarn aven te tvar tba soulti -.atraact to Fah mount rark an J will rcaeii the bu.ilnefs recUrn of the town by way of ll'.eh street. rsniipll niuffj rr d-r Hirlt. The fol!owlnj quotations, showing pMces paid to producers, are corrected ("ally by William Hlstfresnn. city wsigh nnster. for publication In The Bee: Corn. 6'ii'i7c: new rue per b'l. Whcnt. P?c per bo. Onla. 4:,iMik! per bu. Hav (loose). H1.(Knr'!0O per ton. Alfalfa tloxme). SI- 0,T IS 00 rcr ton. rotators. 7-"o er bu. Apples, I'lJiToc per bu. Butter, lie per lt. I:kr, -jo per dot. Chickens, i-c per ll. I.KR. -jo Sc lb., live weight. Snfe'nt $torm l.nUe Blown Open. STOItM UKE, In., Oct. ?7.-(Spocla4.)-yegf-men blew the safe In the Minneapo lis es St. Louis depot In this city last nleht, but eecurod nothing as Agent I'avls had removed all of the valuables. The depot was somewhat demolished. The same safe was blown about three yars ago. Balem, the cupitat city of Oregon and th county seat of Marion. Is attracting great crowdrt nt the land Show. Th by word Is 'have you efen Salem?" and when th crowds stand before thi cltv, niaplcally created and set as n, eem in the midst of the fruits nnd products of the Land Show, they ate heard to ex claim "How oeautlful" Mr. George L. Nrhrclber, who created thli) panorama with great fidelity, has been a student In the best art schools of I.'urope. where he has been honored with a medal and ir.Hiiy distinctions. He la an iniv-linttoi! as he exp'alns the different features of his painted city. He received i-is technical training largely In Paris, Pom and New York, but "technical f.Piilty," he was heard to say to thn listening thrnngn. "would have been of little account without the Inspiration" brought to him by the subject Itself. Marlon county, of which Salem In the county seat, is beautifully nestled be tween the CaHcutlo and coant ranges of the Pacific slope; It lies In the lower northern section of Willamette valley and for equable climatic conditions it Is sec ond to no pluce. The Willamette river l"4 a MivSgahle stream from Portland to a t-clr't tr.any mi'es south of 8lem, and H a rrt means of transportation and tmff'c. WW JUMP. JMMMU t