Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, LAND SHOW, Image 17
The Omaha Daily Bee Our Magazine Features Wit, kimcr, flnllea enfl eevlt ptctnres ths Vast of enUrtsln. nient, instruction, tauMmtnt LAND SHOW VOL. XLI NO. 114. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOUSING, OCTOUKK 2S, 1011. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BIG HORN BRSm WYOMING IRRIGATED FRUIT AND FARM LANDS $60 to $100 Per Acre. 20,000 acres lienr Basin, AVyo., rich soil, excellent water rights, natural gas, good markets. The land of golden sunshine, producing apples which rival the product of the $l,000-an-acro districts of Oregon, Washington and Colorado. All small fruits, melons that equal tho Geor gia product and tho tho Rocky Ford cnnteloupe, small grains, sugar beets, potatoes and all vegetables. Every aero a money maker. Excursions with cheap fares the first and third Tues days of each month. Just write us. SHEDD-SIZER COMPANY, Basin, Wyoming or 537 Ramgo Building, Omaha, Neb. 'If It Conies From a New. Clean Modern Family Li- Quor Store. MILLER'S " Must Be Good" IIIMMfll w free A valuable Rouvenlr with every purchase during the Land Show. Estrblished 1889. 13O0 Farnam Street, Omaha KRUG THEATER Home of Famll Burlesque, Cater ing to Polite Amllpncea. MA, THIS WEEK Commencing Sunday, Oct. 22. Matinee, 2:20. Evening. 8:30. World Famous BELLY WATSON And Hla Beef Trust Chorus In the Wheezlngly Funny Show Krouserneycr's Alley S0-Girls With Shapely Shapes-3) Burlesque's Blget Show In Many Ways. Ko Seats Higher Than 60o. I Land Show Visitors should not fall to see the beauti ful display of Fall Millinery at this store. Many surprises await you If .ou are looking for smart novelties In those extreme new styles foi Fall anil Winter. There are Ideas among these hats never before hown. Hats which com bine (taring conception with skill in a way women of taste are quick to appreciate. Some of them as low as $2.00 Mrs. Richards gaoond rloor City national Bank Building. Chinese Lilies and Paper White Narcissus . To start at once in the house. They will be in bloom in time for Christmas. THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Doug. 1261. 1613 Howard St. Open Saturday Evenings. Cigars by the Box at Wholesale Prices Our box prices on standard brands of cigars is in almost all cases as low as the regular wholesale figure many times less. 50 Manilla Perfectos . .91.SO 50 El Capitan $1.05 50 Tom Moore $3.00 50--Chancellor $3.00 60 Garcia Clear Havana $3.BO 100 Blue Point Stogies. $1.65 25 Flor de Murat (16c) $2.73 Large Buyers Write for Special List. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 5 Good Drug Stores In Omaha KOVIKG VANS - FIANO MOVING - FURNITURE PACKING Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. (EXFBBSSMXirS DEUTIK CO.) 16 Sontli 17th Street. Tel PonyUs Wl tel A1314, Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Bead and Kat tau aurulture. Go-Carts, Baby Carriages. Eto. Repairing- Spe cialty. 119 If. 15th St. Haxt to Mew U. P. Headquarters. Telephone D. ZOVi. lad. A-161S Pennell Millinery Go, PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation Xone Better at Any Price. Sold tn 1 and 2 Pound Boxes Only. Price 80c and $1.00. If By Mail $1.00 and $3.00. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in f.ll parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato plainly and specifically what you want to know. "Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska TO DAY AT THE IAMB 9H0W II r,' 1 11 1 ,i II Afternoon Program Oct 28th Main Hall 2:S0 to 6:00 llawailan-Maortan Vocal and Instrumental Quintette. 2 00 to B:00 Ferullo'a Royal Italian Concert Hand In Concert, accompanied by Mons. Bernardo Beaue and Mine. Hegue, late of the Met ropolitan Urand Opera Company, New lorlc. 2:15 to 4:00 "The Conquering of the West." with lecture by Col. Wit. Ken nedy. Amusement' Hall "A" 2:01) to 2:30 A. Thompson, Machinery Expert, "Tne Avery Tractor on the farm.' 2:80 to 3:00 A. K. Mlot, Sec'y Tulare Co. Chamber of Commerce. "Talks on Tulare Co." 8 00 to 3:30 J. A. Jasper, Special Commissioner San Diego Co., Cal. Kan lJleKO. the City of Destiny." 3-80 to 4 00 Wllber Walker, Sec'y Alameda Co. Gen. Exposition Commission. "Why California will be at the next Land Show." 4:00 to 4:80 A. I Stevenson, "Willamette Valley." 4 30 to 6:00 W. H. Llflngwell, Traveler and Lecturer, Union Taclfic, "Xollowfctone i'ark." Amusement Hall "IV 2:00 to 2:30 Edwin Lewis, Expert on Explosives, 'Trap Shooting." 2:30 to 3:00 C. C. Morrison, "Scenlo Lecture on Montana." 3:00 to 3:30 K. H. Mciaan, Orchardlst, "Valleys of the Yakima" 3:30 to 4:00 J. W. Jones, Idaho Immigration Bureau, State of Idaho. "Dry Farming In Idaho.'1 4:00 to 4:30 Prof. E. W Hunt. Alfalfa Expert, Northwestern U, II. "Alfalfa" 4:?0 to 6:00 B. Von Korell, Lecturer on Social Problems. "Products of the North Platte Valley." Evening Program Main Hall Native Hawailan-Maorlan Vocal and Instrumental Quintette Kerullo's Hoyal Italian Concert liand. In concert, accon.panlert by Moris. iernardo JHegue, and tome. Hegue, late of the Met ropolitan urand opera Company, .1. V. "Conquering of the West." with lecture by Col. Win, Kennedy. Amusement Hall "A" Edw. Lewis, Expert op Explosives, 'Farming with Dynamite.' Prof. A. E. Chamberlln, lecturer Great Northern It. It, "Farming In North Dakota and Montana." J. A. Jasper, Special Commissioner nun Diego Co., Cal. "Los A nudes. Moving Pictures." Wllber Walker, Sec'y Alameda Co. Sen. Exposition Commission. "Home, Sweet Home." W. U. LefflnKwell, Traveler Lecturer, Union Pacific. "Pacific Northwest." Amusement Hall "B" A. Thompson, "Traction Power on the Farm." E. Von Forell, "Resources of the North Platte Valley. l. C. Freeman, "How Western Oregon Grows." A. E. Mlot. "Travel Talks on Tulare Co., Cal." Prof. E. W. Hunt, Alfalfa Expert. "Alfalfa Seed and Seeding." Special Tent. O. T. Baker. Orchardlst. "Colorado Fruits " II. II. Hays. Gen. Passenger Agt. Wylle Permanent Camping Co. "Travel Talks, Yellowstone i'ark. ' 8:20 to 9:60 J. W. Jones, "Development of the State of Idaho." 10:OC to 10:30 L. M. Ilrown, "Travel Talks on Walla Walla Valley. 10.30 to 12:00, 1:00 to 6:30 and 7:00 to 11:00, Descriptive Lectures on tho Keautlful Cycloraii.a, the Willamette Valley, by L. Suhreyer. 7 3C to 11:00 8:00 tc 10:30 7:46 to 9:00 2 00 to 2:30 8:00 to 8:80 R.80 to 9:00 9:00 to 9:30 9:80 to 10:00 a r II rocuic iNormwesi. II I I I I . 1 1 Amusement Hall "B" ' I jk fai 1 x ill 7:30 to 3:00 A. Thompson, "Traction Power on the Farm." . 2 1 rini'S 'wtKiili 1 1 8:00 10 8:30 E' Von Forel, "Resources of the North Platte Valley. tffflffJJk?s2, lfM$WWl I 8:ic to 9:00 V. C. Freeman, "How Western Oregon Grows." I ljSf''7jxL Tl il I 9:0'' 10 9:39 A- E- Mlot- "Travel Talks on Tulare Co., Cal." ViWl '43fc7" rMn 9:80 t0 10:00 Ir0f" K" W' 1Iunt' Alfalfa Expert. "Alfalfa Seed and Seeding." iRxSi SlO'wfv'l I 8:00 to8:30 O. T. Baker. Orchardlst. "Colorado Fruits" J&lMjrJ I I 8:40 to 9:10 II. II. Hays. Gen. Passenger Agt. Wylle Permanent Camping Co. 4s x$J&Jf If Xfirilr Jail "Travel Talks, Yellowstone Park.' SwV W IXlM jjf'tf II 8:20 to :S J- W' Jone8' "iJevelopment of the State of Idaho." ilf1 1 Wryb I 10:OC to 10:30 I M. ilrown, "Travel Talks on Walla Walla Valley." rfi! r)r'jr jipkiAl 10.30 to 12:00, 1:00 to 6:30 and 7:00 to 11:00, Descriptive Lectures on tho 1 V. '"-N ,ejJut,ful Cycloraii.a, the WUlamette Valley, by L. it- ' H. E. HUI3ERIVIA.rsJNf Furrier Reliable Fur Seta at Reaonab)e Price Room O, Second Floor, Continental Block. N. E. COUNKH FIFTKEXTU AND DOt'GLAS HTS., OMAHA 30.28 $30.23 Wo have just sold the oats for $30.J8 averago per ucre from a largo IRRIGATED FARM which wo own in the fa mous Gunnison Valley of Utah. Wo will sell you all or part of this farm or many others. Lifo-long experience has taught us that cultivated farms guarantee success in the West. What they have done they will do for you. See us at the Utah Booth at tho Land Show or at 813 City National Bank Bldg. Qpaldlngl ivlngston Inv.fli Oalt Laka (jlty OSOAB Xi. COX, General Manager. Phones Douglas 7783, Ind.A-4221. Satisfying Heals Your Judgment of what you like, and our knowledge of bow to prepare It, la a good reason why you should DINE UKIUC BELMONT RESTAURANT I81S Dodg-a Street. O. V. Ball, Trot. The Largest Mall Orae Boas U oaisna Imoorter ana Dealer in Fine Woisales. Wlaes, l.lar, Bto. MEYER KLEIN Wholesale Llanor Dealer. KQa Mn,th 1 At h llr..L Telephones I Dt(. 18001 lad. B 1I0S. WESTERN NEBRASKA IS RICH Great Cattle Ranges Are Converted Into Irrigated Farms. FINE POTATOES ABE GE0WN This Is New Coon try and Host of Land Has ot Rem Occupied for Slore Than 1'lve Tears Small Fruits Do Well. In an illustrated lecture at the Coliseum K. Von Forrell described the resource cf the North Platte valley, the oppor tunities awaiting the settler there and the possibilities of further and more In itiiise cultivation of the soil. He said: "The North Platte valley, comprising tho counties of ricutt's illuft and Morrill, n Nebraska, and (Jushen county, Wyo ming, is some times called the Valley of ihe Nile, because of its fertility, as well . Its abundant water supply. "A quarter of a century ago large iierda of cattle roamed here at will. It a as the paradlte of the cuttle roan. About .11 In time the settlers came In large nurn uers to dispute the rights of the herds .nan. Adverse conditions for agriculture n the aemi-arld wst, which condition .vaa due largely to a lack of knowledge jt how to till the soil to conserve the .nolHture, which was not often insufficient io produce crops, compelled many to .cave. Borne stayed, however, and won "About a score of years ago someone .xmceived the Idea that diverting the vater from the North I'latta river through ..itches upon the land was feanlble. The trial proved succeseful beyond all ex pectation, and as a result there Is now a perfect network of ditches and lateral which carry the water of the North Platte river to nearly 400,000 acres of as fertile soil as can be found anywhere. These acres make no bid for 'shuffle gate' who wishes to follow the path of least resistance, but they cry out to the man of push, the wonderful possibilities they hold in store for bim. "Dairy husbandry Is In Its Infancy. There Is no section In the Transmlsals slppl country, where dairying can be car- rled on with greater profit. "The alfalfu hay, beets, mangle, the various other root crops and the silo gives to this section of the commonwealth of Nebruska a condition most favorable for this Industry. Sugar beets, alfalfa and hogs is another combination that spells dollars. Not leg than 7G.O00 sheep will be fed in the 'valley' this winter, and this is but a beginning. "While beets are the most profitable crop, potutoes of the finest quality are a close second. Bmall grains do remark ably well, especially oats, which yields as much as 120 buahel per acre, often weighing forty-four to forty-six pounds to the bushel. Kmall fruits do well, as io cherries and plums. "This is a new country. Most of the land has been occupied less than five eurs. The possibilities of the soil, there tore, has not yet been fully tested, and the variety of crops that may be grown is yet unknown." A Uarnlna Sham Is not to have Bucklen'a Arnica Salve to cure burns, sores, piles, cuts, wounds and ulcers. Xc. Kor sale by Ilcaton Drug Co. World in Itself is California "California Is an empire In Itself," said Wilbur Walker of Alameda county, speak ing at the Coliseum. "If the state weru Isolated from the rest of the world 'it would still bo a world In Itsxlf, contain ing 153,660 siiuare miles, the product from which would supply Its population without calling on the outside for any of the essential articles of food or comfort. "Grapes, oranges, figs and palms thrive In the southern portion. In the central portion the cherry, the apricot, the plum grow, and in the northern portion the pear and the apple arg produced. "Khuljarb, rained and shipped by the carload; cucumbers and garden pea are raised throughout the county. Htigar beets and hops are extensively cultivated. As more than a million people live wlllilu a radius of fifty miles there Is an ample home market for products. The surplus Is absorbed by numerous canneries and pickle factories. The county Is ulso rup Idly coming to the frotit as a manufac turing and mercantile center. "We have the only cotton mill west of the Mississippi, which is constantly em ployed on cotton grown in Imperial county, California. "One of the leading Industries I the canned goods have a world-wide reputa cannlng business, and our brands of tlon." DR. CLARK, Ye y Best Set ol Teeth oa Rub ber $8; Allumi. on fclO Tat fjlnlns Dealtil 104 mi(H BLOCK. THE OMAHA BEE prints clean news and clean advertising. If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise It In the Want Ad Columns of The lie and get Immediate results. MOTHER: Loralne writes me about her ghoppInK trip in Omaha and tiho In positively "dippy" about the gorgeoun diamonds and Jewelry displayed In the windows and store of COMBS, The Jeweler 1520 Douglas 8t She says their stock of wed ding silver and novel gifts is a revelation. I'm wild to run down again. Yours, Ton In the Heart of the Business District Within easy access of evory point of Interest we have cs tabllshed a place to dine tu&t should appeal to you. Food" Service-" Cooking of the quality that will win your permanent patronage. Served A la Carte or a Table d'Hote meal for 80 cents. Little tables at pleasant win-dows. 17th and Douglas 8 to. The Best Is The Cheapest The finest land In the finest valley In the finest state of the West Yet on the easiest terms. The West Stayton, 'Oregon, lands put under Irrigation last summer by the Willamette Val ley Irrigated Land Co., will stand the closest Inspection. You muBt write us for speci fic details and Illustrated liter ature, for you owe It to your self to flud out about the project. Address Hartman & Thompson Bank PORTLAND, OREGON (ieneral Managers. LAND SHOW VISITORS ! ! ! "Ve have a special dis play of GAS AND ELEC TRIC FIXTURES at attractive price which we urge you to inspect while in the city. BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY, Largest Fixture House la the West. 1511 HOWAIU) STREET.