Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, COMMERCIAL, Page 16, Image 16
.in WANT ADS Want rereireii at any time but to Injure proper classification mnl be firrxrut'-d before 12 o'clotk tn. for the evening edition ami lefor 7t30 p. m. for morning; and Sunday edl Hon . Want ads weired after such hours will bate their first Insertloe, under the heading "loo Late to UmslfT." cash mTFs rn want atv. RKnn,An classification One Insertion 1 rent per word and 1 rent p-r word for earh subsequent Insertion. V.nch Insertion made on odd days 1 t, cent per word, fl.50 per line per month. Hates apply to either The HaUr Ron.lay Itee. Always count all wordt to a line. Want art for The lie may h teft at any of the following ilrnt stores . one Is your "corner dniMlst" ft"" re all branch offices for The He and yonr ad will be Inserted Just a promptly and on the same rates aa at the main office In The lice hulldlng. Seventeenth and Kama in streets: Alhsrh, W. C, 4"t anil Farnam, Ha urn Dm Co.. Ml N. tfith Ht. penson Phsrniacy, Pennon, Neb. Remit Park Pharmacy, and Cuming R.iuriek. !-. A , R 11th St. Blake-Rradlsli. 2P09 Sherman Ave, Caughlln. C. R., 4725 Leavenworth. Cermak. Emtl, 1204-6 S. Uth Ft. Clifton HHI Pnarmaey. 2213 Ml Uary Ave Couney Pharmacy. 2221 H. 16th Ht BIRTHS AD DEATHS. Births Clarence and Rsrtha Rood, 8828 North Twentieth street, boy. Deaths Lerov Hummel, Bged I years, BS South Thlrty-firth street; Clara Hamilton, seed 40 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNHKR. TAkLII SBbalmer. 1614 Chicago St. O. 169, U-laoS, HEAFEY & i.EAFKY TJndertekera, itU Farnam. A-Ctib; U. asoi YOU'LL always ba happy If your wed. ding ring comes from urodegaard'a. Hi B. Imp St At the sign at the crown. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Doug, tot. G ET your dianionila at fcrouegaard a. MOVING plotura machines; supplies. JSebraska film Co., Lis tuuun. MONEY lO LOAN LOW rats, la auuia te SU.t 81U htm xildg. 1' bun ijtjujt- LNiO.M 1X3 AM cu BOILER, sheet Iron and lack wore. Aniens bvructural feieal Works. EVERT person knows who D. J O'bnta Is because he tuts nuuie Omelie famous with his oanuy. it Mrs. W. ti John, 8551 Leuveuwuiln BL, will corns to The Bee otllce wunm three oay , will five her an oroer (or a kv-cenl box of U brira i cajiuy Ires. Lurniere photo, studio. la 6a Uth Mb B, E. W aura osuient eon. UXa N. (0. W. rtoi r Mourning asm. H day, kick. lint Leev. Edison pnons reo. BbuilT. Bros. Itus 4 LOW Lk.TTk,KHAX tguod bund pa per), Lvuw buiueaua, l.vw uuia,ae uaiua. lJH mm Lni eeuiuals auu MUiiiaa (llr. luaaeu; oiuar pruiuu. Iimiu fijtuud C4., Uwl karaaui. " Van Uordon s horse, dog hospital. ilitH. U, Our letter duplicating work la unexcelled. A trial will cou.n.o you, ioiu puuuee. IWssiein CO.. tv um i,.Ug. John B. lUmoe, fchirta, tjjq Pax tun biook. WLCiJlNa announvvuieuia, itougias pTianug Co, . i . Twenty per cent leas than umsha pimssl UUMa LltiMl citn. CO. gfwsnty-tuuita and L ata.. amutu Omaha. Marpater. papr banging, paint g. H. 1H B, 1L Cola Blgn Co. P. I7ti7ul k aruaui kiaggard Van 4 atoraae. paua, uiove. Stole fcuU ah.p ti. it. goou. O. i- , Liuoiypa composition fur trade. D. gut, Jeb. bead Co., ha Junes. xoiu pnuoss. fcfcjj'l' braoer for man. Uray'a iexve jTowu ftlia, i per box, prp.u. iiWWM gk Mwouueit xvfug Uuuuta. jNeu. UOLD AND BILVUU P LATINO. Gag tixturea, brass lhkis, stove Uuiuulngi tuuu lep.aieu aa new. OMAHA PuAll.SU CO., EatablUb, iwa. Doug, ame. Ujh Hamey. Office Statipnery bxuluaive KOiklHA at UAHi CO. Tel. oouaia New aduiess Jla H. ltith at. VUsa stolen, ladies uulor. Hui xtosioa stws L'pbolatering. piano, turn, rep, sum Far. AJU&KJCAN belf-Renovating Co. ii, g.ei FROdT manufactures and rspairs sluciea. 14s-iU Laavanworto. e- 1 1 x C. B. ami lb, att y at law, all Bee. D. Us). M. F. atorr.u, cboia painu aa iM-andsts i s ' EVE1RT person knows who D. J 0'tirloa is becauss be has mttue Omaha famous wlib bis candy. 11 Mis. W. A. rJiaavn, Wul Leaven v. oitU Be, wui come to 1 he tics oliica within torse days wa will give br an oruer for a sO-oent box S O 4i lau a ca4dy Ires. AUTOMOBILES M1NTYUE AUTU VO. AUTO B Att OA, IN J IS VSKU CAir.""'' FROST manufaotures and repairs vs. bicies. 14u-lU Leaven worth. FOR BALU-o-paesenger BloUdard-tay. tou. ut owienl cwuiliuuo. xtaiuay PFE1FFEU -i- WILL sell my halt Interest tn my n. lnvcbtwa or will axubsuge lor guvu auto. L. u- E1J3CTBJO CARS FOR BALE. Two Woods coupes. 1 Columbus victoria. 1 Columbus stsnnope, 1 fcabuock victoria. I waverty coupes, n you contemplate buying an eiecino See us. .Ws have Just sui ywo mw neve tin h i. V. 4k F. Eleculo Oarage. ta liaxney it H0NK.HSH0NK HERE'B THE btBT PLACJI IN OMlh DRUMMOND Uth and Harnsy Bu. WHOLESALE price on oU. Doug. Us OR1SCOLL. auto palnung. bj) N. uth. ONE Inter-State; ons Auburn. Rushing X2I os ouuia Vlll'l Auto lamps repxJrsd. Omaha ti liver Co. LION cars do most work for least mousy, it. u. new. ut Brandeia Btdg AUTO SNAPS An KLTPTRIC car; condition, IM0, A WHITE gas cur, marly n-w, bnrHi. One new -hoi arpov. er WHITE BTEAM car at special pries. DRUMMOND 1Mb and Harney. IF YOU want to buy a half Interest tn a well establishsd auneral li,unnii iml losn I iieuirs write at orw iu.iiess Is sroMinx ao i innot attend to It alone hoo.1 rrsi.oiis.bie itin iii4 lufvieni.s txi-ha:gd. AJUivsaflk, lit. KiH SALE hlte House Cafe, Voig; automo9m ps (Continued.) TIRES Jft MA HA RUBBER COM siveryining la Tou nevt no aisrsntae whu we do the work i beat workmen, lowest pries. PEVRRAl. aeeond-hsnd automhn fremi tl?ft up: all I" a-"" 'noning urdtr RhowsJer, Kit I.saTnworth fit. Ml 11 iREPAIRINO, urphy did it f$&&$ BUSINESS CHANCES To irt In or out of mn rati QANOESTAtu, 404 Bee Bldf. Tel. D.-S477 t FER CENT tn 0 PER CENT PROFIT for you on any amount from . 10 to tlO.OOOi Our Investment plan has already made larse profits for hundreds of clients la the pant 1 months. You can not lose your money; we Kiiarantee to refund iament. If you cannot or even If you o not wih to continue Our 11,000,000 CAPTTAl. stands behind our prom ens highest references. Write for full details. CANADIAN CITY and I OWN . I'ROPh.l(TlK8 LIMITED. (34 Mobart iilk., J'ortace Ave., ""NNII'tXJ. HIH (IT. BUBINKH.H A REAL EST AT B EXCHANGE CO. Haidwaie, arucere. hotel, pool rooms, buroer ebop, muuim, tic, foi sale; suuis aouU baiaiuns in real Sktats, LI (4. 14m bu, eeconii iloor, ruuui I and 1 Kd Huthery, president. A RESTAURANT In the bunlneos dis trict; auud baigain; the owuer leaving town. V 6U, towe. FOR SALQ-niacksmlth shop doing goou bUHinees la guud location. Haie cheap, Uwnnr has other buemees. Ad dress to Jouu II. ttliuim, A rumor m. 8. U. FUR HALR-f0U, only grocery store. i thin 26 Woofc.; living room, good busl. uees, rsuu w pr luunth. Heel isiuoue tor this saoritios. Aduiees I7U1 and Cu tU Ave. Automallo Phons Bus's, S3; rssldencs, 1 BEAUTIFULLY furnUhed s-room bouse apuriuiem; spieiwl.d locauuui "-g uue taoce. A'buoa tied sut. FUR 8ALlb ttmail slock nu-iuiery, evarythlng no; gwvd lovauun. Auursa t, cars Hea. WANtKD Yovig man to Join to tber young men In well eataoliaosd la)ing buaiuess. t&H required. Must ts a nuaiier auu una with uilic sxpoiwucs t,i averred, at Pfi, alee. CLOSlS In business comer, with auto garage 'or saas at a great baigain or uaue oousidered. Ma J. W. HAaf CO., ttranuws UiOg. nnnrirQV (.. I - i. - . Invsstlgats. vvsbster SU0. WANTED Young man to aeoeut agency tor sstaoiuhed concern, bmail luveaimcut, Sa.ary guaranteed. J, W. Aiisorg, Palxa Hotel. City. WI1.I. Mil X, I KM I ( hnuh. P .t Ing fund wariunts; better uian govern incnt bonds; Jp to H.Oum warrants. Olm sted, lusi Urandels Theater Uldg. FOR BALE General stock of mar. chandlsa and H-stury building. Writs Hilt U, blBWWI, fUSD. GOOD paying .restaurant for sale In lively town, cheap If taken soon. IS. O. Uooual. Bur Cats. Crawford, Neb. WlNTITI.Uin m-llh mun, .1... would like to ennage In a mining prorio eh ton In Honors, Mexloo, With tiO.OUO for iiiwvriiiicrT. van rcuiiso itoiiis ot xroin l0 to dally. Kluh silver, lead, con- ceniraiwiK ore. rwr inriner rtgtires ana isrtloulnia address Fred B. Kollberg, KloUllI, Nev. Seven years In 8onora, PARTNER for established real estate ml In.nrunn. hliul 111,.. Inwnatman. ' l.of reuulred; must bava ability, j 516, uee. Rooming- tloaaes for Bale, 1040 Farnam. S-room. modern rooms; al ways full. Hsasonabte tor cash. IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. Sea the Woodward fltock com pany. It Mrs. J. I. Kemp, lul'J Leaven worth St., will come to The Bee oftloe within three days ws will give her an order for a pair of tickets. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aeoaatlo Compaales. nRKr.RAL 'Acoustto company; instru ments tor the deaf. .MS Ora. Nat. Hank. Aeeoaattasits. M. D. THOMAS, 1201 City Nat, Bank. Aaasmeaaaats. BEF6RB and after tha show visit the OLYMP1A lor ics cream ana cenuiea. AiTniTORlCM roller rink.' musle br Green's band, elegant floor and tha best skates that money can buy. Doors open promptly at iw. Aammiun, iuo. Skates, .vc Archlteets. C. J. Bowell, arohlieot. BT1 Brandels Bldg. Artealaa Wella. U E. NEBERQALL. 1011-U City NafL Aepbalt Gravel Rooflag. MICA ROOriNO CO.,"J09 B. 10th- . Attorneys. a. W. Shields, attorney. B. of Trade. LI8TON L. HALL. LAWYER, 429 Bes. Awalaae aad Teats. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 3 Douglas. Baggage aad Tasteaba. THE ONLY WAT. , KM.kA ta sttnstlr,n ri cabs and touting cars. Tel. Douglss fesY. TAXICAB8. ti an hour. I), m. Bag; Maaafaetarera. PEM19 OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Neb, ' - Uakerlea. TIP-TOP bread tha best Webster 10JS. A. 1. COKOa. bakery. Welster tfliT Bill Postlag. OMAHA Pill Poatlng Co., Douglas KOC BalldlaaT ' Assarlatloaa, NEBDA8K A Savings A Ivian Associa tion has never rsld less than pr Mi dtvden1a Investment from 11 to ttoou . Crn.m SSI 1m, t.. receivea. - wwi,. ' Barber Sbeps. HAWK BROS., barber shop, aVil Leaveowortn. tee IMg. barber shop, loasortal artists. BUSINESS PERSONALS Barber Bbape Coatlaaed. Doe. B. 8. Htee art, hair cutting. M7 S lth Ideal I.adr llsrber Shop, W. O. W. bids Bicycles aad Motorcycles. Omaha I!lcc1e Co., T6(h and rhlraso Indian Mntorcyrles. Writs for catalogue Billiard aad I'uol Halls. Tltr, now Atr Ssi linn MPIsrd pftr'on 103 Howard. Chae. E. Johnaon, Irop. II led Stares. pTwrj!, do, gold fleh. cn. Mtl Center Hlrd Co.. ltU7 Farnam St. Boa aad Packaae Maaafactarsrs. Wooden Box A package Co., 1I14 N. Uls Carpeaters aad toatraetors. W. P. Deverell, contractor, Ramys Bid. lievenson, carpenter, com. Uoth phonrs. A- Lltiborg, carpenter, contractor. 11. ifo.L Carpets, Haas aad) Draperies, t H. Toutt A Bon Co.. Uth Farnam. POLCAIt & CO. F,uff r.u"- vv" pets, allk portiei. carpet cleaning. 1L4S H. 24. L. 121, A-4iU Caterers. E. B. Fead. wedding cakes. 1M9 I.eav'h Chiropodists aad Maalcarlag, DR. ROT. cblropodlat 1604 Farnam. Prof. J. Lund, chrepodlit, 418 Karbach. lfnnhpif Chiropodist, manicuring, u hair dreH.n(C hl4lr ou(Ui City Nat l Bank. Douglas uX; lnd. A-ta. Clears and Tobacco). Trscy Bros. Co., 1414 Douglas. I-a Truds blgh-graue Havana. Te-Ke-ce cisar, eo. THkl baultnry crown Pipe. I Li ti. Ikth. Monopole Cigar Store, Iler Grand lloiel Clcaaerr aad Cloikes Dyers. INORAMAN'S Bulturlum, 31S 8. 20th, D tug. ul drees suits lor rent. tlothlag; Maaafavtarerat Wear Ideal dress sun ts. M. E. Smith Co, Coal Dealers. Pewsrs-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. Ki. Butter Fsed alt Coal Co., Usui t ar. n. I'pdlks "quality yd.," 4o A Dodge. 11. lil REEDKR COOKING COAL f IT'l XI 'rh'.l.i. Villi Al...f ,.n D. law C. A. vva.elTii.ttk'la.Lo. a im, C. S. Johnson, coal, lain laard. i 'puonea NEW coal yard. 24th and Grand in George E. C'obu Coal Co. Webster bUL 15 COAU It's good, try It, Ask Webster t4d. liar mon At Weelh. OI4I Vntl t'arsitlaa nnnll Tha n.nn.u saver. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Both phonas. COAL HILL for economical coal. Phono is. Both phones. GOOD basket coal, rail fi-mma fn l Co. Doug. as sJ3. wulck dsilvery. Coffee, Tea, gploes and lagar. Moyuna Tea Co., 4o N. IS. Both phones. Creameries, Dairies and Bappllea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY ELGIN Sanitary Dairy. Epperson Bros.. proprietors. Douglas Co. Milk Producers' Asm. D. 8415. Collection Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO.. SSI.?? Flist National Bank. Phone Douglas &H1. jnRtr.Pvi T oiti r.i.Nr nuii.n. .n kinds. Uul City Nai l Bank. 1. Z710, A-44ti4. Compatlna Scales Company, MONEY Weight Bcales Co., 1117 Farnam. Cornice and Steel Ceilings. CARTER Steel Metal Works, Omaha. lleatiata. Bailey, tha dentist. 70s City Nat l. D. 2564. Tart's dental rooms, 1.MT Doug. . 2U. MACH at MACH, 3d II. Pajiton. D. 10S3. DR. FICKES, 7S4- City Nat l Bk. Bldg. DR. BAILEY. Cut Brandels Bldg. D. 373i. Dr. Gsaotner, over Merchant's Dg. Store. Dr. O. A. Gsantner, 719-82 City Nat. D. 4t37. DR. WILLIAMS. 8S9-II1-I-6 Brandels Bdg. Dr. II. W. Allwlne, N. E. Cor. 10th 4k Doug. DR. ELSTER, City Nat l Bank Bldg. Dancing; Academies. Tu'ipln's, 135 Paxton Bile Classes Mot)., Wed. and Bat. Prlv. lessons daily. L). 1M. M,.n,l', 1 A A ll.rnuv 1 1, 1 Mouusy and Friday, It p. m, liotu pnonea. Mackle's iMnrlng Academy, UK Harney. Dally classes Mon.. Thurs., Sat. evenings. ' MISS ESTHER ROosfTEH's'schooT of dancing. Metropolitan club. Sul Harnsy St.; aeeemplles every Friday eveutng, t p. m. Phone Douglas S067. Miss Jewel Blmpaun, Tel. Webster 2491. MISS ESTHER ROSSITER S school of danolng. Metropolitan club, TMl Harnev St.; assemblies every Ftiday evening, p. m. i none uoukiss zuoi. MISS MARY COLL. WEB. 6030. Dressuiaklog, LAITIES Tailoring, gowns and dresses. Misses Wtllluma and Oddway returned from abroad. 2-3 N. M, Apirtment J. Terry's Dressmaking College, Sum 4k Far. Dressmaking, plain sewing. 809 8. 2lst St. Dressmaking by day. Phons Web. STlX Testa Coulter, dressmaking, 619 McCague, Dressmaking borne or families. Red 7264. "DRESSMAKING by the dayTbrc;j2r" FIR8T-CLABH dreesmskn bv the dsv orders taken for enihro'iWy and lace work. 'Phons Douglas .S. REX Drug Btore, lath and California. Hetertlvea. Omaha secret service detective agency ,c. bonded. 42 Paxton Bk. D. 1319, A-U19: Inc. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbai-h Bik. JAS. ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler im Kverytblaa- Electrical. Burgess-Orsnden Co., 1511 Howard. D tfl Electric lighting fix. wholesale and retail! RVXX)NrD-lTXNDEI.ECTRIC FANS, dynamos Igniting dynainoa. m Hois re pairs. IIlroti. 313 B. Uth St. Doug. J17J. M. J. CURRAN. wiring. D. Cl17 Johnston Electrto Co.. 411 B. liHh, D. Poth Elee. Co. Motor repairing. D. 6S37. Florlsta. A. Donahus. Wl Farnam. D. 1001. A-loai. JENSICN. florist, 4iU Leavenworth. 11 EBB st BWOJjlODA. ItU Fariuun tu. BUSINESS PERSONALS Florists 4 OhOaaeg. Stewart s. norlst seedsmen, lit N. 11 PAULSEN, Florist 1U2 Brown SL BRAN DEIS FLORISl. Brandels Bldg L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. IXX BATH 8. FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bdg BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 137. Furnaces aad gtove Hepalra, FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIR tu (it voi r .tore or hcntr. New furnace, laundr tank heaters, gas heaters, ther innHo'. and comhlnallon warm air and hbt watr heating Umsha stovs Repslr I' orks 1200-l.tx Uougias St Tel Douglas tK. lnd. A -31-21. A. MONROE, Agt. for the Modern Nov. eltv warm air lurnace; eatm.ates cheer fully riven. Doug. 40C8. 40s S. 18th. Oison Bros., furnlce rspalra. 2670 Lea V til. THIiANE U ,C- Campbell, furnaret W, B. Heat on. Amar. furnacas. H. Mi A. MflNRflir.. aipjin r,e ih. va Novelty warm air furnnce; estimates cheerfully given. Doug. 4006. 408 8. 1Mb. Fleer atae 1st Omaha. CPDIRES Pride of Omaha Flour. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, sll kinds. Ulanooe Mills. 232 Isard, Foaadrlea. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, lead callings, lith ax Jackson. lira. West. Fur. Co., repairs remodels. 1324 Far. Oroerrles and Meats, Chapman's quality meats. 240S Coming AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb tine. 30c. Ask grocer Harness, gaudier?. Leather Goods, FAMOUS Co.lins 1 audi en. All red Coin lad It Co., izlO t si nam. Vv rite fur catalogue. WicUert harness, leather goods, S0 8. U, Uospltais. WfSE MEMORIAL. ,'tn and Harnsy. Bstiiany HospiUU i4 alarcy. D. 2M4. 6WED1BH MISSION HOSPITAL. Two pbouea. 3ii N. g4th St Insoraaoe. H. 6. BYRNE, surety honds, Inturanca ici, x. "w " - .. niu csa. INSURE in tbs Woodmen of tha WuilU. ins worlds gieaiv.c orssmsa- olin Dais 4k r un. insurance, jiu Kame. INbUKm, IN 'i'Hlu ULtiN FALIj. Hhodes-Montgomsiy Co. ins. Hamgs Bl 1ALK IP VluSt, "tbs policy piaoer.' Iron and Wire tcuclsg. Anchor Fence Co.. Ml N. 17th. Tel. Rod 314. jewelry, Diamonds and Wstokea, GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Itate Jewe.ry btuie, lui S. lew. Ol tN up a cnaigs account with ua, A Manaaiuws, aewsier, lu3 karnam. nv.T vour barkains at Reynolds' Cut. hate Jeweiry store. 10 8. loin. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 B. 13th, Laaudrtes. 'FRENCH Hand xjundrj. Tat U. USi. 1BT-CLAS laundry 1 guaranteed deliv ery. CaU on snort uovlue. Uarusy M.a EMERSON Laundry. Uol N. ma ou Bulb phones. Guarantee Laundry High-grade work. Doua. Llghtalag Hods. Nsbrsska Lightning Hod Co.. yjg j 17tn Atavaront Manntactarcra, Skmner'a maccarom at spagbetU; pk., lBo, Lsislwl, II. Gross. Lumber ot Wrecking Co.-Bar. gains in lumber, plumbing, macn.n.ry and steam lunng. 2ist uud fuuL Web. ti aiilllnerys rENNELL. Mlllencry. Paxton Block. Latest tall rotUnery. Rauber. 1424 a. lata. xlODBuivats and aiansoleauu, J. F. Bloom & Co.. lith and Cuming Sta. Maslo, Art and Laagaagti. . HANSEN h-J"ch?S. S' 'ion.t p. m. w tjctSX vITlf AVNF' K- olier, sight O lUAtV leading. His S. uitt. D 741 H. J. Boca, singing, piano. Davldgs Bik. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and or. ganisu 13 Ballings toia. itarney kai, Moving, ktoran-e nad lleaatas. OMAHA Van A Storage Co., deans your carpets on your tioors; eieccria ., .,,im uieaiiais. eW O- lsui. mm .... Its. ua sitii. MOVLNQ Flno' Bd furniture, stor-i- AVJm uoui,ias Express Ac gags Co. SU Mary s Ave. U. UiX Furniture mov.; men II per hr. w. JTts. CALlT Vsrnor for movirTnd piool atoruge. Office, A-ilui as Lmum. xi- w . ...11, Cll. '1 V 1MT 111, . 1 1 - EXPltH-bsMEN'B Delivery Co Aloviua tuinuuie; t.ieproot Btoiae. ellice, tie o. livu. iuug. jUu. u-ui I win City Express. 1314 Howard. Both lei. kuiuiiuie mov.; men. ! pr u,-, BOUUETT. express and storage. W. 6273. Cola Express A Bloraga C. ItU Cap, are. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, tug s Brandels The. Bldg. Katherya Nikolas, 434-e Brsu.s Theater. Optlctana. B. F. Wurn, fitting A rep'g. 443 Brandela MKKT me at Aaron's. liJth and Jf.rr,. T?rrn tested and glasses tx'. KYilvY rrUy '"!.. DEAN T - A A-.V- GREGG. ltr .i.....-i- . ,s-,aii. EYES EXAMINED. GLASok,S FiTTEO b4luuuiiou guaiAUiscU. Uuteeua tiuii. cal Co., xis S. loth tot GET your eyes examined by a licensed optometrist; save your syesighi, i,j mousy, aandwall Jswsirv Co.. kuk S. ista. Oysters, David Cols Oyster tco. Wholesale only. Faints and Glass. J3AT.KEK BltOS. PAINT CO- 1 amain, lnd. A-3S21; Douglas 47aS We do lloturs framing and glaslna. Bpeulal Discount tins month on 1'a.nT Olaaa, VaruisUss aud Wail Paper. Painters. Fuchs. Bon A Blind, painting, decorating. Paper Companies. Western Psper Co.. Uth and Howard. Phetoaraphrrs gnpptlea. THE ROBERT DbMPSTER CO.. 1S1S-1I Fsrnam. lu their lue store; branch store, eus So. HU. BUSINESS HthSONALS (Continued.) Pawnbrokers. Bargains In watches, overcoats. 601 N. H Patents. HIRAM A. ETURUES. patent lawyer. U. 8. and foreign patents, trademarss and coyprights; 36 years exierience. 144 Brsndeis 1 neater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 34i D. O. Barnelt Paxton nit. Tel. He J 711 1. Wlllard Eddy. U. 8. 1st. attorney end olicitur. 14JC City Nat Bk. iyier ikMk Phonoa-rapae. F.DIPON phonographs, Bchult Bros., 14' Farnam. Photoaraphers. Rintbart photographer, inth A Farnam. Bandberg s Studio. 107 8. loth. Take elee. MANGOLD'S STUDIO, UM Do L, OLA 4. Rembrandt studio, portralu. 20 4k Fare, BIRDIE PORTER BENEDICT nhoto gallery at Z904 B. 14th St. Highest glade pnoto wora. caoincn s auu sj per Oosen. Post cards IS for 31. Physicians. DR. ELEANOR WILEY. 2611 Wool worth, ilea fcltfJ. Plain bers. Omaha Plumbing .u., 2612 Sherman Ave Plumbing Cal! Wessman. II. 3O01, a-2027. Uevernes oi tJhyo. 'i j ier lj;., A-l.3. Plumbing and Heating Ji" REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St Li. UU. T. r. UALr K, auu ueating 1607 Howxnl bt, Te.. 11. 743. lnd. A-2,lL Plating-. OMAHA SILVER CO., 311 S. 13th. , Nab. Plating A Grinding Co.,1313 Howai d. Prlntln. It Ledyard, printer, 313 8. 19. D. 6019. Lew. W. Iiaber, Printer i'Sul!,h?"i xln,u; BLDU. UxllU.vtu ON CoCiti. AM. Printing Co., 2304 Cuming. D. 6S47. Phone lnd. A-2fi20 for rood nrintimr LynKBiad Printing Co., ltith at Capitol Ave. Rola-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. Hth. Ihd. A-&24 TIMES Printing Co., 830 & 19th. D. 2106. Hestanranta. JOILNSON CAfc'c, under new manaKB- ii.eut; bst 2oo iiivhI. S. Irflll bl. Drexel cafe; popular prices. W0 N. loin. CMU.UE Restaurant, ivi S. 14ih; ilia. ciasa cuop suey uuuse; American auu .unless u.sne. ssiii due, inuimser, Baxter's fUia quick lunch. 1016 r'arnaiu. GET the habit; eat at Cuueaa. Cap. Ave. inw Eng. bakery, best luncn, ilZjS. lOui. 1,1 ma Hungry, good meals. 117 N. lkui. oAL'liMoRE caie; sverytliing in season, ftl service, goou uooaing. v4 M. 10111. EAT KOSHER HOAlE COOKING. ....w.iNb, a. lytii, upstairs. MooiiJU rsst, best service, limit Howard. OOXN,AL.S, bpauiah caie, lula ai uiuit. PAKDEE S Cats; quality, good cook .11a.. luis uquuia. Private unuug room. k ua nam. i HOME cooking. Morris Cafe. 316 & 20. theeaiaklng and Shining; Parlors. Nebraska Machine shoe Repairing Co. Good work wane you wait uls a. lout bu C Morgan, lst-closs shoe repairs. 2007 Leav -4 Csonka Bros., Macli. Shoe Repairs. 61s rJ. loth St. Sporting; Goods. NEW shopworn guns at low .prices. Townsend Gun Co., ijil Eurnaii). Stammering; aud kt ottering;. STAMMERING and stuttering cured. JULIA VaiuIIN, KaniKu HiUg. Steel Tank and Culvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14th and Nicholas. L. 3HSJ. Bteuoaraphrrs and Court Reporters, MYRTLE A. KELLEY, depositions, sto. 70b Lranauls Theater. D. w2. Estella D. Richards, Steno. Millard hotel. Storm Doors aad Windows. Omaha Window Bern. Co. 624 N. 16 D. 4o93 Tailoring;. M. FINKEL, tailor, 2107 Leavenworth, WHEN DRESSING you often find yourself dlcontented with your own spix-Hranoe. vthy? perhaps your garment Is not a perfect fit, or lacks the very latest Ideas in fashlun. You would do well consulting Nordin, the expert fitter and remodeller on ladles' and gents' garments, 2d floor, 1622 Douglas SL, Cor. 16th. Phone D 6007. WE are now located at 205 Paxton block. H. O. Ruffner Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Reck make your fail suit Dunham & Dunham, $15 suits. 113 3. 15. Malony. tailor, 320 8. 15th. Suits ICO to M FOR TAILORS Wre make high-class coata: reasonable prices. 2.4 Boston Store. JOHN A. RYLVN, tntlor. makes good clothes, 406 S. 10th. D. 32T. R. A. Williams, clothes altered, ?4 A Lake. r. TONGE, ladles' and gents' tailor, 808 Pacific. Taxidermists. Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. tn. Tents nnd Awnings. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 83 Douglas. Traaks and Salt Cases. Frellng A Ftelnle. 1B Farnam St. Tarklaa Baths. Ladles', gents,' Turkish baths, II 4 Doug. I'mbrellaa. WEfSTETtN Umbrella Co.. 1822 Farnam. Wlsj Maaafaetnrera. SEE Monhelt's wigs, toupees. 413 8. 1, D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenxer Blk. , Wines and l.lqnors. Meyer Klein, wines and liquors. 632 N. IS. POYSFVS F AT.CTA FT De'loslessen Rn'fet. ?10 8. 1fith. Poard of Trade Bldg. FD TXJTITFY,,',,t F'"' r-u. lAjnir.ik 1 of quor, and cigars. Cafe in connection. HI S. 14tii St. MAY s CO., family liquors, 1103 Iouglas Cusick Bros., liquors, cigars, Joth Ames. Wines and Lhisnri Tostlsiril C. Ejigil)snder. liquors, cigars. 1511 Dodge. Automatic Phone Bus's, 12; residence. II. T. J. Hart liquors and cipars. 802 N. Idth. WTLIXIW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 1302 Douglas. Automatic Phone-Business, 12; res., II. Loftmsn, S yr-old why. 10c drink. 14 St Har. Hansen's Family Liquors. 123 Chicago, N. A. HOUSE 1Imr",r,ea' liquors, fine ilvlJ'1J lunches. Ill 80. 11th. EVERY person knows who D. J. O Brlen Is because he has made Omaha fnmnie with his candy. If Mrs. J. Malllson. 1fl Wirt St., will come to The Bee offlre within three days we w:ll give her an order for a 00-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. EDUCATIONAL SALESMAN SHIP A practical course in salesmanship by a sales expert will begin at the Young Men's Christian association Monday, October 30 at 8 P. M. The success of the men In last year's class and their high endorsement of the course should convince all of its Value. You in lnvlred tn visit tha class and to make any further Inves tigation desired. Call Tyler 1G00 THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College id NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENT. S ADMITTED ANY TIME. (JOITl UltHI A (MIlirtBOsi 1 rt 11 iiu ha. - U 1.1. , . sis xJuaitiiCDal, DUUh feHJL- in, bifiiofjiiipiiy, ie.egi apny, CMvil tServ- w.u wenoiiioilPlliU, i Il Cai&lOaU IS leadv ami iifo inr ih QuLin.. ..i .-t... . CuuiiB ayg It, BBL Aauress it. if. Boyles, president Boyles College Bunding, Omaha, Neb. THE great U. P. R. R. and IU. Cen tral guarantees you a teiegruph position alter training. Practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars, H. U. Boyles, Pies. U. P. leiegiaph school, omana. Neb OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BESl IN 1 HE vVESf." Day anu evening sessions ail the year. Shorthand, 1 ypewritnig. Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil bervice, baiesmaiiatup. t. A. mailman, Pres., Mb. and Farnam. ST.' RKHPrUllVS Tin . young males. x,th and St. Mary a Ave. A. POPP. I..r),u, rP,,n. f man and cornet. 1711 Douge. D. 2176. EVchYihlfsG FOrt WOMEN 11. AZ1M, 1823 FAliNAM ST. OKIUNTAL bAZAAU Your Inspection Inviu-d to see the grand dlttpmy ot magnUicent hanuwork. Our nrlcta aie AKtriMiAli rM.nnuhi. , trial will convince you. NEW machine that cleans carpets and iu&a without dust. Call and see It 'i'ei. A-la. Wl Biandels Bldg. iHE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress ,..eanngs, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Deug. 1936. A .1946. Willow plumes made from old or new feathers, guaranteed. iXai S. lith, D. 6006. CH10DO. Ladies' Tailor. 214 a Ula St Rubber goods. Bell Drug Co., 1211 Fara LADIES Beaver Hais Cleaned and tin blocked. HAMSER, HATTER. 330 S. luh. SHERMAN, iadles' tailor. Hayden Broa DEF1NANCE BTARCH made In Omaha. CURTAINS, BLANKETS, AND FINE lace bed sets cleaned, doug. 373I PRIVATE economical cooking lessons, Webster FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's ics cream. If E. E. Loeker, Z)J3 Douglas St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart of this fine Ice cream. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's Ice cream, it Mrs. A. U. Malo, 2220 Burdens St., will come to The Hue olfice within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerics 1 aad Office. . Automatic Phone Bus's. 12; residence, 11 Factory and Trades, FIFTEEN girls, at ones, to work la bag department Beuils Omaha Baa- Co. Uth and Jones fits " EXPERIENCED waitress report readv tn ,u,irb ili.inun'. ...... IU. .1 ' .w. v . " - wm.v, luAj nowxra. " - ...,, uihi wars s Real Butler Scotch and Woodward's Purs bugar suck candy. John U. Woodn,j si Co. Council Bluffs, Is, nriuTirn ni.l. . i .- . GIRL wanted to press skirts; steady woik; good wages. 2i)07 Leavenworth. CHOCOLATE dipper. Apply Sweet Land Candy Factory, 1517 Burt. WANTED Lady compositor, Omaha, Give references. D 611, Bee. Housekeepers and Domestics, XONrARELLLAUNDHY CO. Tel Doug. 1W3. Wsgons call everywhere SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. Women for day work furnished. D. S84. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM er. 1 iilti rhi Um will run nu, 1 ,n. tto Halp Wanted ad rHEL until you get ins desired results. Bring your ad to Ins Bee iyuuiM iyier loon mi ' vi4 AN experienced girl for second work small tauiiiy and good wagca. ui 8. aJjJ Ave. W ANTED A girl for general house. ora; no oujccUou to coloiwi g,rj. uT v. tstu St WANTED Girl for general houaewora. lol Georgia Ave.; toiail family, 8ttJj wages. OOOD ladles clothes Ironer; steady work and good Pay. W7 Leavenworto ml WANTED Girl te work fur room as, boaid, tua Dodga Bt GIRL for general housework at 4JJ n Win; small lainuy . ... ivTirn & airl for t mm, i . work. H 8. totb Ave, or i4vl Douglas. nl syawnsirnaJ 11 AUhUI Tar U 1. 7 T87l oFcail at Faruam St mr. t..m SltcHsn: OOe th,r utn.u -. -- vv ' I u cook. 0u bt Mary s EXPERIENCED rtil for general hous. work. 119 So. 37th St. Phone Harney g .MPETENT girl for general boose, k. family of 3. no washing. Appiy l i Aia a m - work, family 6J S 4olh St WANTED-Competent gtrl or for general housework for good elied town in Wyoming. U per month. D i;i GTRL to do general houaework; small ir-tly; with references. Mrs. c. S. Bjw' ian. Harney 61. t WANTED A competent girl for gen. ral housework: email family; ood agea Call at 116 N. h 8c " '" EXPERIENCED girl t'.r general housed ork. two in ranuiy. Apply iij Nona hth. Douglas 82 " WANTEI A nurse girl. IUrney hM (to Park Ava ' ""-' HELP WANTED FEMALE If onsekeeners anil Domestics Cont'd) GIRL for genersl housework, small family. i22 N. llnh SL WANTEtv Girl for general housework or assist In housework. Harney 3;'33. 362 North 41st Ave." WANTED Girl for general housework; must be reliable, Hamey 1379. or 1017 N. 33d St. WANTED A girl for general house work; one who can go home rights. Phone Harney 6781, or call at lul N. 41st St. WANTED A cook; no washing; refer ences. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 1306 8, tth St. Doug. 3200. GIRL for general nousework; small family; good wages. 138 8. 80th Ave. WANTED Good girl to do general housework, small family. Mrs. B. A. Simon, 2315 a 32d 6t 'Phone Harney 4101. W ANTED A competent white cook. Private family In Fremont Inquire 3S19 Farnam. Hamey 8154. COMPETENT girl for geners.1 house work Apply to Mrs. T. P. Redmond, l21 So. t'Oth Ave. WANTED A strnne reliable woman about 40 years of age for general house work Tel. H. 4070. Call 1004 8. 87th St. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 3229 Harney. WANTFD Girl for general housework, nt N. loth St., South Omaha. South 1060. M lace! la. neons. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a Manners are Invited to visit ths Younit Women s christian asHociation building St 6t. Mary s Ave. and Uth St, where they will be directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for fcur travelers' aid at tha Union Station. GIRLS to learn halrd reusing; prices reasonable. Oppenhelm, 236 City National Bank Bldg. AFTER a day's work a lltt e recreation Is welcome. We will give to M. I. Lov ett, 2102 Lathi op St., an order for a pair of seate to the Woodward Stock company at the American theater If he will coma to The Bee office within three days. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED A salesman for curtain and drapery dep t. Thomas KUpauick A Co. WANTED People to sell books. Holmes Co. First claes proposition. Pax ton Hotel, Omaha. Call Tuesday after noon and Wednesday. . 125 AGENTS wanted Immediately to handle our beautiful line ot holiday books. Interests readers of all ages. Can easily make 26 to 6u a week until Xraaj. Complete outilt tree Send 25o for cost of mailing. The Thompson Pub. Co., St. Louis. WANTED Salesman calling on grocery trade in Omaha to handle a good line on commission. Give references. Address Y 13, Bee. SALESMEN wanted, representing west ern Oregon lands; high claws subdivision iruit and garden tracts in Willamette Valley. Apply to owners, 828 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY saleemej. W. A. tflxenbaugh A Co, 1S14 St. Mary's Ave.. TsL D. 3297. Blggsst and best lue meals. 1310 Dodge, SIDE LINE for traveling salesmen; good seller. 207 Brandels Theater, umaha. Neb. Money maker for agents. 607 Brandels. Ladles and gentlemen. Look, see. The Little Wonder gas maker, being demon strated at ! 1911 Farnam Bt. Own your own gas at one-half usual cost ' . ra. 'WANTED A boy to attend to furnace and keep yard and walks clean. Apply 6022 California Bt W A KTED Several trustworthy boys: gsod wages. W. U Tel. Co.. 312 a 13th St denial and Offlev. BOOKKEEPER tor first-class whole sale house. Don't reply unless you are competent and experienced. J. 80S. Bee. WANTED Experienced dress goods salesman at once. Apply Superintendent branuula Stores. Factory aud Trades. Drug stores fsnaps) Jobs. Kniest Bee b'f. TWO tinners wanted. Btroh, 40U Hamilton. W. A. Haver- WANTED Engraver. One that can do watch or Jewelry repairing. From 320 to Hsu per week. Permanent C. F. Spain A Co., Lincoln. Neb. MUoellaneoos. BLATZ Welner. Tel. Doug. 1051 for case. WANTED First Class prescription clerk. Apply In own handwriting stating experience and names of former employ, era Sherman A McConjiell Drug Co.. Mth aud Dodga. WANTED Experienced railroad station men, aocountants, rate men, way bill cieras aria nummwri iur permanent positions In another city. Call at city ticket office Illinois Central railroad, att South 16th street TEAMS To haul prick. Smith Brick Co. "CANO" High grade positions. (00 Bee. FIRST-CLASS press era wanted. 1811 Harnsy Bt WANTED for U. a Army Able-bodied unmarried men, between agea of is and Is; citlxens of United States, of good character and temperxle habits, wbo can speak, read and writs ths English lan guage. For information apply to He eruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas B's Omana. Neb.; 07 4th 8t. Sioux City, la 134 N. 10th Bt Lincoln, Neb. T.OOO GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list. Franklin institute, Dept 4 J. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Jan' tor for church. Rent and fuel free, and a small salary. Can be dene with other work. H 615. cars Bee. RAILWAY MAIL CLFRKS. postofflce clerks, mall carriers. November exam (nations in Omaha. Bampls auestions tree. Franklin lusutute. Dept. 217 J, Ro chester. N. Y. TOO MONTH AUTOINO. I I N AtlTO SCHOOL. OMAHA vn " w LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. VANTED Men to prepare for automo bile busineas. largest and best equipped shops. Nat l Auto 'i'nxinlni Ass n. Omaha. WANTED Bright. energetic young man. not over 25 years old, who wants to learn the advertising business; excel lent chance for advancement Address S 606. care Bee. LAUNDRY Shirts, 1-iOc collars. Ic. 1314 Harney. FOR dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ics eream. If Mrs. Douglas, 113 a 44th St.. will corns to Ths Bee office within three days ws will clve her an order for a quart brick of this fins les cream. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. ' sv CAT V X 11 klnoi af wu4 K am.. 118 N. Hat St. Toons Douglas 5000. FOR SALE One second-hand heavy traffic gear, 123. Central Imp, Co.. U17 Fern em. LOST AND FOUND LOST A deed for a lot Cornelius Kelley. 6-4 No. 26th St. FOTTND Tt Teddy Bear expert clean w W4 ere and dyers. A-A. U. itji.