Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, COMMERCIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE BEE: 0UA1IA. NAITKP.W. urnmw; v.n.
Vote the Straight Republican Ticket is
Advice from Aldrich, Brown and Norris
Cmlc& totc Senate,
learnt. lbr(U,Oot.e,lSn.
Bob John 1. IenneSy.
Chairman Bepublloan State Comltte,
Caaba, lebraeka.
tear U.T. Keontayi. r
I have your esteeoed faror of tba 4th Inst. In nbleb
yoa sxpreos a hope for tba eleotlon of tha etet. tlokat thla year
and la whloh you aak oa for an expression of hoa auob'a reeult oan
ba attained. Replying, perirlt tie to eay.ln tha flret plaoa the
oboraoter and ability of the eandldatea are auoh aa fo oomaana tha
foil eonfldenoa and support of tha people without regard to polltloa.
Judges Litton. Rose, and Earner hate oaob been tried In Judlolal
eervlce and eaoh has aoqultted hlaeolf aa a Judge, -letton and
Rose on tba Suprona Banoh. and Bauer oa the tlatrlot Banoh.-to tha
full aatlafaotlon of all thoee who bonor able and juet Judges. 1
know of no cafer guide than tha ttet of trial. Tbeaa sen have been
tried. They ware honeat. efflolent and Impartial. Ho stronger
' oooBendatlon oan ba found than tba raoorda they have Bade for
Thoaae L. Ball has a life reoord for lndnatrloua
devotion to oorreot and lopartlal lawe for the regulation of
pnbllo sarvloe corporations, lo one can truthfully question his
qualifications for Railway Commissioner nor hla disposition to
treat finely and fairly both the ehlprer and the railroads.
X rrar.k Bailer and Vlotor Lyford are both mon of
soholarohlp and high character and both have shown line Interest
In educational affaire. They ere atudanta still, tltb these men
eleotod Regenta of the University that Institution would oonttnno
to hold lta plaoo among the forcDost universities of the oountry
to the great advantage and profit of our young people und to the
great oredlt and gocd nuoe of our advancing state.
With auoh a ticket no Republican win find it
or agreeable to encourage the oandidatea of any othtr party.
Ton also enquire "to what extent. If any at oil, the
issues of the next oaopalgn should enter into this campalgnT" In
ay Judgment, none at all. The campaign next year win have to do
with problems not before us for oolution on aleotlon day of this
year. After eleotlon there will be acple time before tho prloarles
of 1412 for the Republicans to consldor and debate the lasues and
oandldataa of that year, when all differenoea. If any shall than
exist, oan be determined and aettled.
1 am a Republican and still feel under deep obligations
to the party from wbloh 1 aought and whloh gave bo tho nomination
four years ago as ell as to the people who afterwards eleoted ne.
That obligation would ba repudiated if I did aught to lnjoet Into this
campaign my own oandldaoy or that of any other con whloh cannot be
determined until next year.
1 oongratulate ycu and tbe party and tha people on
your efforts to keep Republicans together lnetead of apart and on
your strong desire to proaoto the suoeess of the tloket so worthy
of popular support. In this understanding my eervloes are at your
, iip.r ni Ki'ltiTsniMtilirs II 9
!i.i'liiiuii'ii 0 i
KeCook, lebraeka.
Ootober . 1U1.
oaorable John I. lecnedy,
Cbalraan Rep. State Central Coaalttee,
Coaha. lebraeka.
y dear nr.' lenntayi-
Opoa ay return boae after aa aksenee of
eoverel days. I find your letter ef October 4th awaiting ay
attention. la ay Judgaent, the leauea ef the aext oaapalga
abould set enter into and are not eonnaoted aitb tbe teiuea of
the present campaign, la the presidential primaries aext iprll,
tbe voter will be celled upon to deteralne questions that are In
bo way related to er eonneeted with the lseueo In tbe eaapalgn thla
fall. Thla fall ae are eleotlng Judges of the Supreme Court,
Regente of the State University and a Railroad Coanleeloasr. The
quallf loatlona of eandldatea and the fitness of sen for these
offloea are entirely dlstlnot and separate froa the questions to
be determined in tbe presidential primaries next April, and oo can's
'vote at tbe eoalog November election should be influenoed by the
position he lotenda to take noxt trrll in that oooteat.
Personally. I bad hoped that tbe leeuea of next yeer'e
contest would not be brought up for discussion until after the
ooolng eleotlon eaa out of the way end I would cot beve entered
Into any dlecuaalon of the tsoues and the sea involved In tee
presidential primary eonteet had it eot been that tbe qitstloe nt
first opeoed up and dlsousaed by those wno sill be oa the opposite
aide froa myself In the April rirlcs
In the Unlvrislty club rooms November
pertnteiidont of the M-tioola hrro. and J.
W. t'ral'trro, fnrmrrlv slnto supcrinti-ml-rnt.
Tln affiilr n ill ho nn informil mf
h'k! villi In nil ritni1llty lo v. .11 nt
tt inlod. The. following law- horn iiIumI
t. trspoml to toasts, athotiKh the totiyt
miinlrr has not yet Nth rhnson: t'. I:,
ll. ssoy of the l'nlv rslty vt NVhrupku.
fnrl llvriinit of Omnhn, A. II. Wnlrr.
house Kncr!nt'tulint of nr-houls at Kro-im-nt.
uiul J. I.. MiHrlon.
M:VAKK. N. J, Oi t. 27. - Miss I 'loi -ence
Xromlry, tho "wonmn" In the Muo
Karlnml cast'. Is c-omluR frnm l'hihitli'l-
phla, It til enlil today, to n.arry Alli
son Macr'arlantl, vihn la In Jail here
aunltliiK trl:il on a rhurRo nf murdiTlne;
hin wife. This statement was mads by
ntirny fur I'olli n -nscrntlon ami cV
riiiMO. Mls llron.loy was formerly Mao
Katlaml's stpnonraher. Tho drfrnsr
cnntrmls that Ills wlfo tommlltod aulrldc
after he discovered the relations he
twren Mm and the girl.
MIl.WAl'KF.B, net. 2T. -The fnlled
Stntos senate eulicotnmltten which has
l.-rn InvostlKntliiK the election of Sena
tor Isaac Stephenson, today ndjoiirnnd
Its jniMlo licnilnns until Monday. Mean
time the committee expects to arrsnn
for the affidavit of about aeventy-flvc
witnesses In vnrlous parts of the state,
whom It vtas decided riot to call In per
son. These witnesses sre to be reqnlrr I
to furnish detailed statements of tin
amount they expended out of tho HOT,
CO) Stephenson fund usd In the primary
cnmpalftn of 1W.
File Local Option Petition.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl.. Oct. N.-Advo-cates
of local option In Oklahoma, today
filed with the secretary of atntn copies of
n petition for n new local option amend
ment ti the Oklahoma constitution, to ho
submitted to the voters of the state under
the initiative.' Ftider provision of tlvt
j'tnte riinstltutlnn the petition must tin re
turned within ninety days', with 84..MO gin
natures, or 1." per cent of the vote at
tho last general election.
Today is the Last Chance if Citizens
- Would Vote Tuesday.
I : very Kffort la Delns: Put Forth to
Have All Voters Get Their mei
on the Foil Hooks for the
ConilnB Klretlon.
Today is the last rentstrat!on day be
fore tho general cloctlon, which will be
he!d Tuesday, November 7. Democratic
tnd republican organimtlons are laying
I'ar.s to Eft every unregistered voter out
and have him get his name on the poll
book of Ids precinct.
, Kvory republican and every democrat Is
mr;ed to keep busy with the tiuestion,
"Have you reentered ?" and when there
Is a negative answer to see that the
voter'a name goes on the book If he has
to be dragged to the polling place.
Both parties will have watchers on
hand to see that there la no fraudulent
In view of the unusual efforts being; put
forth by both parties to secure a heavy
registration It appears that the vote on
election day will be a large one.
Electors who fail to register Snturday
will not b- permitted to vote unless they
bhow that they havo been out of the
city or 111 on all tho registration days.
When such excuses are given and prevon
the voters will be permitted to swear In
their votes.
"I v.ant to correct a story printed In
the World-Herald putting; the Colored
Citizens' club un record ns endorsing Mc
Shane for sheriff," said O. W. Illbbler.
"The truth Is the club has endorsed Hoye
and the entire republlcuu ticket, the ac
tion being takn at a meeting two weeks
nb"). At the meeting In question, two
men were granted tho privilege of ad
dressing the meeting and they spoke for
iVlcShane, but the took no action of
that kind then or at any other time.
The report as published Is only another
of the misrepresentations the democratic
Vuper Is scattering broadcast."
A citizens' meeting will be held Monday
evening In Magnolia hall. Twenty-fourth
and Ames avenue, In the interest of
Twelfth ward candidates without regard
lo party affiliation. A crowded house is
rxpected to hear the opinions of the
various aspirants for office. Both sides
ne Invited to vpeak alike.
The present political campaign Is ended
in far as one candidate Is concerned,
despite the fact that the election still Is
ion days away. Thomas J. O'Connor,
democratic lancliilu t for county clerk
against Frank lJewey, at present deputy
county clerk, has told Intimate friends
that lie has no liopo of winning the
t f f ice he setks. In conversation Mr.
O'Connor said ho will appreciate tho ef.
forts of his friends and desires to poll as
high a vote aa possible, but lie Is not
making the vigorous campaign that might
be made because ho knows that, even
tiolng best, he cannot hope to outrun
Mr. Dewey.
Electric Garage Company to Euild on
Fortieth and Farnam.
Dolldlna: la to lie Two Stories
Height, with Bin FrontoKC on
Both Farnnm and Forti
eth Street.
Contract has been let to Alex Deck for
the erection of a $25,000 garage at the
northwest corner of Fortieth and Far
nam, to care for the garage business of
the fashionable WeBt Farnam neighbor
hood. Construction will be Btarted Im
mediately. The garage will bo occupied by tho
Electric Garage company, owned by De
nise Barkalow nnd Oeorgo rtediek, now
located at Twenty-third and Farnam.
Half of the building will be for electric
cars and half for gasoline cars.
Tho structure will be two stories in
height, 132 feet on Fortieth street and
eighty-eight feet on Farnam. Practically
all the first floor frontage will be glass.
Nippell A Bellas are the architects and
Dr. C. N. Downs Is the owner of the
property. A. P. Tukey ai Hon negotiated
the transaction.
This Is the advance movement of gar
ages Into the residence Bectlon. It will
open the sales field for electrics in Dun
dee, which has been too far away from
caragee for a general use of electrics.
Candidates who wlsn to be beard and
who wish opportunity to answer ques
tions that voleri may wish to propound
are Invited to attend a meeting of the
Fontanelle club, to be held at the Mil
lard hotel tonight. The Loyal quartet,
led by Joseph W. Marrow, will furnlsii
music during the evening.
Declaration that County Commissioner
O. J. Plckard, seeking re-election from the
Third district oa the democratic ticket,
lias l'-i-t the confidence of litiison pre
cinct Is made by several Benson men.
They ray Plckard will be cut and slashed
by. democrats wlua they e to tho polls
nn election duy. Mr. Pickurd's system of
"taking care of bin brother, his position
In favor of changing the county building
contracts for too benefit of the contract
ors, Caldwell & Drake, his unexplained
offering of a mysterious gift to Repre
sentative Grossman for securing a talary
Increase for him these are some of the
reason for tbe i nlng of Mr. Fickard'a
"UleU of rnraiMoula"
Ik never written ef those who cure coughs
and colds Willi Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Guaranteed. bc and 11.00. For tale
by iteaton Drug Co
Persistent Suitor
Disturbs tjie Peace
Hugh tV. Hale, 313 North Thirty-first
street, has a hired girt, j- ine gin. retires
early and all that. O. If. Owens has
taken a Bhlne to her. He spent the night
In jail.
Owens called up the Hale residence
about 11 o'clock Thursday night desiring
to have sweet converso with her majesty.
Halo had to get up out of bed to answer
tho rbone and he was furious. A hat he
told Owens over the phone approached
violence, but the suitor was persistent
and decided upon a personal call.
Shortly before 1 o'clock he knocked at
the door of the Hale residence and the
lord of the household responded with
gun In hand. Owens confide nig desire
to see the hired girl and Hale Invited
him In tho house at the point of tho
ugly revolver.
The midnight caller soon found him
self a prisoner In the home and nearly
collapsed when ho heard Hale thunder
ously calling over tho telephone for the
police. They camo and took Owens away.
He was slated at headquarters fur dis
turbing the peace.
When Owens appeared In police court
Judge Crawford gave hlrn a few pointers
on the art of making love and dismissed
him at the re'iuest of Mr. Hale, who,
after a night of sleep, decided that the
young man had been taught a lesbon.
lntf uf S rata U a
csccuTivt ornci
llnooln, lbr.,00t. XI, 1911.
John L. Kennedy,
omana, leer.
My tea Mr. Kennedy:-
lour kind favor of recent date Is at hand.
I fully eonour la
your plana aa exrreeeed in your letter.
I don't bailees anything ehould Intervene at thla tlaa ta
attract attention froa our proaent campaign In tha eleotlon of
supreme Judgea. and regenta to the state university.
thla la a very Important eleotlon and there la absolutely
bo reaaon any republloana everywhere over tbe entire atate abould
not rally to tba support of their tlokst.
1 notlea that Mr. Bryan la out over tbe atate urging deooorata
everyahore to line up for a straight deaooratlo tloket. It be eaa
shoe obe reason shy tha people abould vote tbe deaooratla tloket
tbla fall oa atate Issues, tbe republloana oartalnly eaa ahoa one
hundred why a republican tlokat aboulA ba eleoted. the reoord ef
the laot tao deoiooratls legislature abould put the -deaooratlo party
out of every possibility of poser la tbla atata for tba next deeade.
Our oandldatoa for the aupraae Judgeship are a'aoh aen of ezperlenoe.
Letton and Beaa have bad auoooeoful ezperlenoe aa aupreae, judges and ,
tbelr dsolalona ahos the breadth and oopo of a high order of Judlolal
Tba offloe of railway OQomlselonen 1 second to none la tha
atate. Tbe amount, extant' and nature of the bualneaa tranaaoted by
tba febraakn railway oomaleelon Is of vttel Importance In dollara and
oente, not only to all Of tbe people, but to Aha rail road a aa sell.
Tale eosmleaion baa done great work both foo tha people and the oonaoa
aarrlera and It la up to tbe people to aea to It that nothing bappena
that will In any way detreot or take away the afflolanoy of thla ca
rlsstoa. And If the people eleot Tboaas i. Ball they will find In
hla a can of sterling IntAgrltj, eelnea. falrneaa and thoroughly wall
auallfled. I am pereonally acquainted with Mr. Hall, Be la an
able ls7r. lo deeply Interested froa' a property atandpolnt In tba
welfare of Eebrapka and bla political vlawa on publla questions are
thoroughly progreaalvo, lo one baa ever been beard to ouaetlon
tbe Integrity and falrneaa and ability ot Mr. Ball. And In hla eleo
tlon, the people and tbe oorasion oarrlerp will have a man upon whoa
they oan at all tloea rely and lmplloltly trust. There ahould: be
no question about his eleotlon.
1 hope yon will auooeed la lapreeelng tba republloana of
tbla atate with the laportanoe of tbla eleotlon, and oonvlnoa thoa
teat It la their duty to give you their hearty aupport and oo-operatloa
In tbelr afforta for good governcent In lebraeka. It goee without
aying vniii i an reaoy 10 aeeiet you Whenever 1 oan.
charge -f tho meeting and after the
cadet band had warmed things up con.
siderably A. N. Carstensen, formerly of
tho high school facility and now con
nected with the Omaha Commercial col
lege, spoko to tho students on the Im
portance of good support from the root
ers at a foot ball game. Prof. Bernstein
of tho faculty gave a brief talk, after
which yells were rehearsed.
Several complaints have reached school
officials regarding a large open sewer
north of the Druid Hill school at Thirty
second and Ppalding streets. The com
plainants are mostly persons living In the
vicinity nnd they state that the sewer Is
a menace not only to the health of them
selves and children, but that there Is
great danger of the little tots falling Into
It. The matter will bo presented at the
next meeting of the school board.
7. The affair will be tcmlcrsd the school
masters and the guests of honor are to
bo Dr. V. M. Davidson, formerly au-
Committees In charge of arrangements
for the annual convention of the Ne
braska Teachers' association have ar
ranged for an elaborate banquet to be
given tho Nebraska Pchool Musters' club
M an aseaeiammtaaesamwsri
.m(nM I Una n :
wmA n i y
rcc- j j
the 1 f n ev va. Lei ay va, 1
and Ac-
sa u
tfi cessories.
the greatest of all pianists, makes
ords exclusively for the Victor,
greatest of all musical instruments.
The first Padcrewski records
Victor Bed Seal Records, 12-inch, $1 each
88321 Minuet in G (Op. 14, No. 1) Padarewskt
88322 Val.o Brilliants (Op. 34, No. 1) Chopin
Hear these superb records at any Victor dealer's, and ask him (or a
November supplement which contains a complete list of new single-and
double-faced Victor Records, with a detailed description of each.
Out today
with the November list
of new Victor Records
Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N.
Victor Needles 6 cents per 100, Ml eent per 10CO
Always use Victor Records played with Victor Needles
there is no other way to get the unequaled Victor tone.
piil in iinwaj i.i i j .
fairf i,iraW
On Sale at
,fJt"P"sT"T . Jasjrr TjeaBjaaaaanaa sTfVfBwaaaaaaBB-f 9ft0
CEO. E. MICKEL, Manager
15th and Harney Sts., Omaha
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs '
v. '
1513-15 Douglas St.
I muni f Ai
Assurance that an clfihtef n-liole golf
course, which will be the finest In this j
section of the west, will lie established
In Fontanelle park rarly In the spriiis
was elven Deputy County Clerk Frank
t'evey nnd others interested In park
Improvement by Ir. T. U. Mullen of the
liourd of Park t'ommlinlonrs Friday
mornlns after a party of Interested ones I
had looked over the (,-round.
In tho party were Mr. Iewey. 11. J. !
Ilaikett, John G. Dennis, Ir. Mullen und
V It. Adams, superintendent of parks.
Mr. Adams was enthusiastic in express
ing his opinion that for a golf course
the ground cannot be surpassed In this
section of the west.
Homme IFiuiPiruMTuiiPcB (Corompaiini
525-7 N. 24m St., SOUTH OMAHA
250 below Omaha prices not one day but every day
lock Now Complete
Get Our Prices
27x54 Velvet - - -27x54
Axminster - - -
A monster mass meeting to arouse en
thusiasm for the Bloux City game at
Hourke park was hekl at the high
school Friday noon, at which time the
!,000 students of the school formed a
solid mass around the east steps of the
building and listened to a short program
of speeches.
Prof. C. . Reed, athlttic director, bad
I 7 T P" ' . T 'liwurfs 'i.' .J L. f T M r
. csrw-r - www
u mm w
In AlII Lines
on Rugs in A.)) Sizes
9x12 Brussels - - - - S9.75
9x12 Brussels Seamless
9x12 Velvet Seamless
9x12 Axminster
our line of Body Brussels and Wiltons, in all Sizes,
much Below Omaha. Prices.
4 Large Car Loads of Stoves and Ranges
Qoick Meal Ranges
In all sizes. We sell a good
4-Hole Range $24.50 6-Hole Range $26.50
Set up in your home.
Stoves Sold oo Payments
I. II JpTy
V . laa eiiitiji. Ji wir-
' iPfell