Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, COMMERCIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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Mutt Has Something Coming to. Him. After
5(w, -JcrF, 1 wv,,t tow
yj! J I To TC
I 1 it LF
-is City Comes for Gridiron Game
with the Local Lads.
fcrcond High School Team Will Play
the Council lilaffs Second
Team as aa Opeaer
Tb Omaha High eleven and the rant
Sioux City High achuol tram will clasu
at Ruurke park Saturday afternoon, and
the same promises to be the moat closely
contested one on the local high ichool
schedule, a the two team are about
tvenly matched.
Several change have been made In the
lineup during the week arid the eleven
which will buck up against Sinus City
will b a, much different uneethan that
used at Pe Molne last Friday. Pave
Uowman, right ball and captain of the
team, haa been out of the game all wfk
on account of Illness. Crocker ha been
shifted from left end to fill Bowman'
position and ha shown up well In prao
tlce. McFarland, captain and right 'end
at the second team, haa been taken off
the "scrubs" and I holding down an end
position. Drossman and Moser, both new
nun on the team this year, will piny the
tackle position In place of Carlson and
Itachman, who were Injured In .?. Pes
Moines irame. Do Lamatre, left half and
sub quarter, will be out of the game with
a badly sprained hand.
' The Omaha High school ha not lout
a horn game for the last four year, and
If It la In the power of the atudenta to
help the team they will do so. a It Is
planned to have at least 1,000 student at
tend the gam In a body and root Th
cadot band of twenty-five piece will alio
be on ht.nd at the game to furnish nolle
for the occasion.
Aa it preliminary to the Floux City
game, a gam between the second team
and the Council Bluff second team will
b played. This game Wilt begin promptly
at I o'clock, to that the Kloux City game
will start on tun at I o'clock.
Following I the lineup of the Omaha
and 81oug City team for tomorrow'
Millard. f-ftrl'tlR HI rwlgtitos
Mi, Unll H UT Oar
lullman L (I R O Shall
liaUrlaa (.'. (.'
Ptraoa RII'I.O,..., ('.M-hrtn
IlrMimt H.T.jl. T Hnlmn
OlrlMS UK . Il H Howe
Solbr ...... J IQ llrKotn
Munsak L H B H Millw
"rr, Blttlnir..K.II I. 11 llrown
Hector r. r i'lirlp
i ((, I'ntirr 01 t'nlon co.lrne; inii
tilre. Miller of Nflmtlta; head llnoHnmn,
Montgomery of WuBhliiKlor..
Iowa Squad Starts
:ior Minneapolis
IOWA C1TV. la., Oct. J7.-8peolal.-
Twenty itrong and accompanied by
llawley, Manager Kellogg, the trainer
and faculty representative, the Iowa
team left the Rock Island station tonight
for it Invasion of Minnesota. A mass
meeting was held on the field In the
afternoon and a big crowd of student
turned out to cheer the men as they went
The men who were taken on the trip
pre: Center, O'Brien ' and Clemona;
guards, Trlckey, Jlepasa, Hanson and
lrada; tackles, 'Alexander, Bowman
and Ney; end. Von Lackum, Buckley
and Korf; quarters, Meloy and von Maur;
halve, Banton, Bowen. Penntngroth and
JlcCJlnniu; fullback. Murphy and Balrd.
This la the squad from which the team
will be picked to line up against the
Gopher giant. The probable Una up will
be: Center, O'Brien; right guard,
Trlckey; left guard, Hanson; right tackle,
Alexander; left tackle, Ney; right end.
Von Lackum; left end. Buckley; quarter,
Meloy; right half Bantori or Penning
roth; left half, McQinnls; fullback.
Murphy, captain.
The, last practice Thursday night was
held before a horde of rooters who turned
out to encourage the team. While the
crowd was present the work waa con
fined to signal practice, but later the
gate were closed and a short scrimmage
held with the freshmen. This was for
the purpose of trying out some new plays,
which went fairly well against the first
year men. The varsity was excused early
and taken to a banquet at on of the
local hotels and from thence to the train.
Light work will be dona tomorrow on
the grounds of SL Thomas college In
One of the hardest games that th fioulh
Omaha High Fchotil foot ball tctun has
on It schedule till year Is the game
Saturday afternoon with th Llnooln High
School eleven. Lincoln lias a fast and
heavy tram this year and baa beeo play
to? good ba:i. Many teaine in, the state,
bo at first Intended to play Lincoln,
were seised with stag fright when
rvrr.or of th kind of team the school
had put on th field reached their ear.
The lal boys, however, became more
determined t an evur to put up a bard
fiht '., this game, and they have been
P'jillr.g in aorr.e hard licks at practice
during the last few weeks.
Tlrttts for the tsme have been selling
ry f.-ft. and a very lare crowd I ex
iecicl to atttnd the gum. The game Is
ti he j.lsyed on the old Country club
TjCrN'T ft",fc06 WITV4 f-
See txg wvC
Many Battles Are Scheduled on East
ern and Western Fields.
Crrlahtoa to Play Morning-side and
the lllh School Hoy Will
Sleet Ike Sloaa City High
School Team.
Today loom up a big day In
foot ball circle and with the irnson
about half over now somo of th larger
college will get together for th first
The principal game In the east will be
th clash between Harvard and Brown at
Cambridge, when Sprackllng, lust year's
All American quarter, will match hi wit
against th crimson. Harvard defeated
Brown last year In a hard-fought gnme
by the acore of 12 to 0. Th western
gume of Importance will bo th Ne-braska-Mlmourl
clah at Lincoln and
th Iowa-Minnesota game at Minneapolis
local follower of the gridiron sport
can choose between a fast high school
and a good college game. Omaha High
meet Bloux City High at Rourk prk
and Crelghton Clashes with the husky
Mornlngsld warrior on Crelghton field.
Following are luino of today's games:
Amherst aalnat Norwich at Amherst
Army against Lehigh at West Point,
Carlisle against Lafayette at Kaatoti.
Coiby against Bowdoln at Watervilla.
Cornull agalnat University of Pittsburgh
at Ithaca.
Hurtniouth against Vermont at Han
over. Georgetown against St. John at Wash
ington. Harvard against Itrown at Cambridge.
Princeton against Holy Cros at Prince
ton. Itutgera against Bwsrthmor at Swarth
mnre. Trinity against Wesleyan at Hartford.
Yale against ColgHte at New Haven.
Ame Angle axamst Urlnnell at Ames,
l'e 1'auw against Purdue. at Lafayette.
Knox against Lake Forest at llalr
burg. ,
Northwestern. araJnut WUeonnln at
Oboriln against Case at Oberlln.
Iowa against Minnesota at Minneapolis.
Michigan against YandorbUt- at Ann
Nebraska against Missouri at Lincoln.
Omaha High aaainsl fcioui City Hluh
at Kourk park.
Creltihton against Mornlngslde on
Creighion field.
Doano Loses First
Game to Wesleyan
CflKTB, Neb., Oct. Vi.-(Bpeclal Tol-giam.)-loiiie
lost It first game at
Cret today when Wesleyan defeated the
Tiger by the score of 6 tp ,0. poane
started out strong In th first quarter
and played the gam In Wesleyan terri
tory. Wilkinson of Doana tried two drop
kick, but both felt short. Th second
quarter was played more In Poena ter
ritory, but iio efore wa mad. At thl
stage of. the game Poane seemed to have
the better of th argument.
At the beginning of tha second half
Poane kicked off to Wesleyan. Wealeyau
mad several long run and on a forward
pass got to the rive-yard Una. but
fumbled on th third down. At the be
ginning pf the fourth quarter Wesleyan
tried a drop kick, but missed. Poane
rushed the ball to th ten-yard line and
Wilkinson " missed an asy chance for
a drop. Wesleyan then made several long
un. which resulted In a touchdown and
goal. Score, C to 0.
Poan kicked off to Wesleyan, but no
further score wer made. The Lineup:
me. Moorow 11 IP. K
Kln L.T. K.T
M'-lll L.Q IR Q
Ailanta r In
. fteinma
. .... Sousth
. .... ftltaana
.. MrOmilc k
.... V.nAlUa
. Cbsmbriatn
Hoi's ; R O L.O .'
llrmiioe H T L.T
M.klnon a. k.Il g
Wllklntoe o lu
K winr R il i. h
Ovbi r. r...
Ol ricl.l. tf..r..r.. L'lll II ...
- ..... .....nT. uiiiupih. t in-
plre. Jones. Lincoln Field Jud-e, Kobes.
Crete. Head linesman. Hlgby, Crete. Time
of quarters, li minutes.
That the University or Omaha will hav
no trouble In arranging for atbletlo con
tests In the future waa assured yesterday,
when word waa received that th local
institution has been admitted to member
ship In th Intercollegiate Athletlo as
sociation of Nebraska. In order that It
might have game with th other mem
ber of thl union. Omaha, three weeks
ago, applied for membership. Fine that
time a conference ha been formed be
tween Crelghton end Omaha, which will
Ineuro annual contest between the two
ichool In' foot ball, basket ball, tennis
and track. It I th plan In tha local
conference to take Into membership uni
versities In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and
South Pakota. The (legibility require
ments of both associations are practically
th tame.
J. T. Maxwell, physical director of th
Young Men Christian association, has
been engaged to coach th University of
Omuha foot ball team for th rest of
the season. Tate Matters will also assist
In the coaching. The combined work of
these two men will round out a team that
will glv a good account of Itself before
the close of th season. Th nest horn
game will be with th Stat Normal
school of Peru, Friday, November 14.
Be Want Ada always bring results
I ft,.
ano HeHDt-5 it wm
CARS Too, TMt tiUX
OU5c.k,Cr t
6scn.e it.
Nebraska and Missouri to Clash on
Nebraska Field Today,
Defeat of MUaonrt EUvea by Ante
on So Close Mara I a that Corn
hasher See Only Chance
to Win.
LINCOLN". Neb.. Oct. 27.-Snerlnl Tile-
gram.) With Ideal weather condition for
foot ball. Nebraska and Mlasourl will
Slash In the firt big contest In tlio Mis
souri valley chamDlonshlu Saturday
afternoon on Nebraska field, and ,whllo
me aope apparently favor the .Corn-
..... :l i. . ...
nusnurs, u i conceded by even the most
nthusloBtlc Cornhunker supporter that
th Tiger have mora than a fiuhtimr
Trained eaneclallv fur tha hniita mtth
the Cornhusker the Mlssourlan arrived
in the city Friday morning and Immedi
ately went to their hotel. Tha l,,n rl,1
resulted In an order from the couch to
spend th morning In resting up. In the
Iternoon Coach Brewer took hi.
protege to Capitol Beach, where the
Tiger had a spirited signal practice be-,
hind closed door. Brewer was well satis
fled with the practice and returned to the
city Beaming with smile.
Th loss of Hacknev haa crlnnle n
severely." said Brewer, "hnf wa hav.
built up a second team sine hi with
drawal from th gam and expect to
give the Cornhusker a hard ham.
are not licked yet."
Coach fitlehra cava tha rntnhn.i.,..
Warning Thuradav nlsht that ih. ni.t,i
xpect a drubbing at the hands of the
iieere ii tne linemen did not show up
In better shape than In the game with
the freshmen Thursday. He litis a wholo
ome respect for the prowess of the visi
tor ana ceiieve that Nebraska will
hav to use vry trick In their com
mand in order to win.
Ilorahercer Still Oat.
Tha Cornhusker went to the state
farm Friday night for tha last practice
before tha gam. There waa no scrim
mage and fcUehnt tried several shift In
running through signals. His lineup la
omewhat of a pusil but it will prob
ably b tha earn a In the Minnesota
gam with th possible exception of
Hornberger, whoa grandmother I In a
critical condition and worried lct the
nuiky center will play.
Th Friday night workout of the Corn
husker waa th lightest of th week and
Btlehm returned with hi aquud after
forty minute of fast signal work. The
Cornhunker devoted considerable time
to perfecting the forward pass. Indicative
that they Intend to use th play more
than In prevloua game thl season.
Th varsity ha worked out a number
of new formations since th Minnesota
gam and expects to spring some sur
prises. The squad la somewhat dubious
a to th outcome of tomorrow battle
owing to the poor physical condition of
several of the plajei. All of ttiem wer
badly brulaed In the" Minnesota game
and are still suffering from the effecta
of the 'bruising battle. In addition to
the vare.ty, Missouri has eight substi
tute in her party. Nebraska will prob
ably us two team during tha game.
Followlnc Is the probable lineup:
OllMl LI IR 1 Mill! (O) LTIKT ilnu.ton
Aadrnoa, sswua..L.(l Uli lunoa
f""" ,',? B. H Ao.ler.ou
'"" RO IL.U C.lL.h.r H T iL T tLwli.c.
RtiLI hu.k r
Wrr VI !J Woda4
O rik LHlllu loilr
r.EK: omaiia. Saturday,
the Game
K.N0C.K fAt UM0a
OFF IP JpRone T.
He said
B Frank
I'urdr ....
.R H.L H.
....f.i r.u.
Titter Are Lighter, bat Expect to
Pat t p Gos flam.
COLUMI1IA, Mo.. Oct. 27.-SpHaI.)-
The Missouri foot hall team left Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o'clock after a short
alKnal practice before the student body.
Classes were dlnmissed for the afternoon
and every student waa out to the field
cheering the Tigers.
Coach Brewer Is taking eighteen men
with him to IJnooln. The men who wlli
start the gam are: Edgar Anderson,
center; Elmer Anderson, right guard:
llarton, left guard; Houston, right tackle;
Hastings, left tackle; Mllla. right end:
Shuck (captain), left end; Woodward,
quarterback; Wilder, .fullback; Lemlre,
right halfhacki KnobcL left lialfhaok .-J
Besides the' men named to start pent
ley can play a tackle or a guard; Wil
son will play at center later In "th game;
ttail win piny nt left halfback In Knobel'
place to do the kicking when Plxlee take
Mills' place at end, and Woodward, al
though Brewer' first choice for quarter.
may be replaced later In the game by
Itoberts, who ran the team so well at
Ames last week.
The team Is a lighter one than Mis
souri has had for years. But although
very light the back field I the fastest
the students have een on a .Tiger squud
for a long time.
Coach Brewer realises that the Tiger
hava In the Nebraaka team the Mlffest
proposition of their schedule. Although
the Nebraska team average fifteen
pounds to the man heavier than tha Mis
souri team thl will be largely balanced
by speed and aggressiveness. The Tig
ers know that they are the under dog in
the battle, but every one of the mm be
lieve that th team haa a mighty fine
fighting chance of winning.
The Tiger are not saying that they
are confident of winning, but are going
up to Lincoln In the pink of condition to
fight the Comhuskera every Inch of the
way. just aa they did Ames, and having
improved as much In the last week as
the week , before th "show you" aggre
gation hope to play the better game all
the time against the Cornhusker, aa
they did against Ames.
Bee Want Ada always bring result.
With the Bowlers
I i i a
, t. 2d. Sd. To tt.
M Martin ITS ,1S2 i$7 BIS
(Jflham pa 167 1!1 Ui
l'scr I 170 li M).
Kuhny ....1!J IKS jig us
Prink water. Ml Mi m a$j
Total... $l gss S3t 1633
1st. M. M. To'tl.
NeUon lit lti ltil M
Hiaton 14$ Is J 176 M
button 14 1(0 lTt 4
Mower 110 lfi 17 S0
Bc.-clin I A iJi IVi 637
Totals IM m x.5l
1st. M. 3d. To'tl.
Condor 177 12 l it
!lk l.j ITS lil ,
t tt ra iv
Pohler 1 147 2t7
Totals Ill 01 S1 1471
1st. Jd. SJ. To'tl.
H. Bullerv, Pi7 l: li7 eoj
A. Kuller Pi5 123 m .
Lyck .. lift 1 16 47t
Total M7 !tM 4J5 1,550
October 23. 1911.
HE etO Ht'O
Grand Island, Three;
Kearney High Zero
GRAND I9LANP. Neb.. Oct. r7.-(Sre-
clal Telegram.) Kearnev5s Hlih school
crew was accompanied to this city today
ty im rooters, all determined that tho
long series of defeats exnerlanced here
In the last bIx or acven years should
be broken and for three 15-minute quar.
ters prevented Grand Inland from acor-
Early In the last auarter. CoRh for
Orand Island, scored a drnn kick nmi
ten minutes later repeated the play, but
tne rerere ruled that It was a few inches
out. Grand Island also claimed a touch.
3?wnt but tbig wa also disputed, and
na cure remained 5 to 0 ror the locals.
" Kearney had the better of It In weight,
but Grand Island used four fake plays
effectively. Morrison In the forward pass,
and Lance In quarerback work featu-ed
for Kearney and Cosh In drop kicking.
Slnka and Pahlstrom In breaking through
th line and Mench's tackling for Grand
Island were also feature. The T.lneup:
...L.e !R.K W'ar.hara
HI una
-L.T. i R.T J. Davlaa
LO 'BO samp
'i-- - Rcimn.r
Oarapachar ..
".(I I. il. ..4. ..Carroll. Smith
tabltrom ...
Evaua, Miner,
. . R TILT.
..R E IL B..
.R.11. L.H..
R H.
..L.H f Q....
. .Lanct. O. Davlaa
Morningside Here
to Meet Creighton
Omaha' first big foot ball game of
th season will be played this afternoon
when Crelghton llnea up against Morning
side. This aggregation furnishes about
th best foot ball excitement on Crelgh
ton' schedule.
For the laBt few years theae two teams
hav taken turns In wining, and in the
natural course of event the blue and
white bunch la destined for Its coveted
bacon, having been defeated last year by
Mornlngsld. They are now coming
equipped with an unusually strong team,
bent on overturning tradition. Most of
Its old mn are In tha lineup again and
they are an altogether seasoned bunch.
Crelghton has overcome th reverse
of Its bad start and will present a stub
born front Practically all of last year's
men are again In uniform and all are on
edg for tcay' battle.
Mornlnr'J will be In town today at
10 o'cliXi and will b accompanied by
a lai contingent of rooters. Creighton
rpus will be the seen of th struggle
and th game will start at S o'clock.
Referee Matters has been called to Lin
coln for the Nebraska-Mlzso game and
In his stead Lieutenant Haskell will serve.
Graham of Michigan will umpire, and
ohnson of Nebraska wilt serv as field
i - Urairira eh4ale Revleesl.
' BBATHICE. Neb., Oct. t7 (Special )
The South Omaha foot bull team yester
day cancelled its game scheduled with
Beatrice for November IS. Other gamt-j
are rnedu!ed a follows: Hebron at
Heatrtce. Ortoher 27; Cmnha ft Beatrice.
Saturday, November 4: Council Bluffs at
Beatrice, November 11; Friday, Novem
ber 24, open date; Topeka at Beatrice,
Thanksgiving day.
Bird Matiai Seath.
Puck and tree are moving south in
large number, as hunter who were on
tha lak and river Thursday afternoon
mil testify. The only trouble waa that
they did not stop to pay this section of
the country a visit, but kept on thel.-journey.
Adams County Collegians Triumph,
Twenty to Twelve.
Kffectlve Use of Thl Play and
Excellence In Puntlnsr Cause
f Defeat Pants Olocked
with Regularity.
HASTING?, Neb., Oct. 27. fRpeclal
Telegram.) Hastings college defeated
Hellevue, 20 to 12, in a game full of punt
Inc, passes and long runs. Blocking of
IJellevue's ptinta was responsible for a
touchdown and safety by Hastings. Hast
ings made effective use of the forward
pass end greatly excelled In puntlnK.
Bellovue kicked off, recovered the ball
on a punt, then lost it on downs. With
two forward passe Hastings advanced
to Bellevue'8 twenty-five-yard line and
Yager made a drop kick for goal.
Hastings next missed Bellevuc' kick
off and was unable to pass around right
end. Bellevue got t Hastings' five-yard
line and crossed the line through center
for a touchdown and goal was kicked.
Again Hastings used the forward pass
for big gain and Yager scored a touch
down on a delayed pass and kicked goal.
In the second quarter, Hastings' punted
to Bellevue on the three-yard line. Mar
vel blocked Bellevue's punt, got the ball
and scored a touchdown. Yager kicked
goal. In. the same quarter Fowler got
the ball on an attempted forward pass
by Hastings and scored a touchdown.
A safety following a blocked punt by
Bellevue gave Hustings two moreNn the
third period and a field goal by Yager in
the fourth period finished the game.
CUybugh H.H.t,.H Tr
Fowler r.lp Dunl.p
(tucker UH..R.H Behlick
Kannskl Mr; Crawford
II. Jonn H O I1..0 Crnaaen
PonderHon H.T-Il.b Johiuoa
Paulaon, H. Jonas.. H E II,.T Parker
W. Webb 10 R.O Churchill
rurtla 1-T lii.t Marvel
nowuoa U. E Iii.t W. Smith
Maoaa Q R. smith
North Platte Shuts
Out Lexington
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Oct. 27.
(Special Telegram.) North Platte high
school defeated Lexington here today,
17 to 0. Spectacular end runs were made
by Ryan and Ilncoln for downs, Ryan
crossing the goal line twice and Lincoln
once. North latte also scored a safety.
North Platte was particularly strong on
forward pauses for fake plays, and
scored the first two touch downs with
out losing possession of the ball.
Officials of game: Temple, ex-captain
of Cornhuskers, referce;Keefe of Notre
Dame, umpire; Walker of Lehigh, field
Judge; Bullard, head linesman.
The Hawalt-Maoiian quintet has been
entertaining thousands at the Land show
with a song of a soft and sad melody,
composed in the Hawaiian torfeue and
sung by the quintet in the Hawaiian
language. "Aioha-Oe" Is the name of the
song and means. In very liberally trans
lated phrase, "farewell to thee."
This aong was composed by the most
loved woman of Hawaii, Queen Liliu
kalana, who was dethroned and exiled
We had an opportunity recently to purchase 30,000 of
three of the most popular brands of cigars in the world at a
price that enables us to sell them to you RIGHT. These cigars
are fresh perfect in every reBpect and you can buy them
TO SELL FOR. We want to sell every one of these cigara
SATURDAY. We're put a price on them that ought to do the
business. If there are any left we'll get regular prices.
Smokers! Remember that these prices are for Saturday only
and LOAD UP.
Henry Ccorge, Prince ol Navarre, First Consal
Henry George, 8 for 25c
Box of 50 $140
(Two boxes only to one customer.)
Prince of Navarre, 15c size, 4 for 25c
Box of 25 for $1.50
First Consul, 5c size, 4 for 25c
Box of 50 ! . $3.00
We are also making special reductions, for this one day
in our regular stock, as follows: '
1 6c I -a Evldencia . .
15c Ednard Gato
10c El Contcnto .
(Box of
15th and Farnam Sis.,
"Bud" Fisher
f 1
from the riches of Hawaii to a desolate
island In the Hawaiian group and It' was
while exiled on this lonely Island that
she wrote the song.
In the native language the words of the
song are pecullaily pathetic and stirring,
but when translated the best versions
render them harsh, bo that much of their
charm Is lost. This Is the reason the
quintet haa been singing: It in the
Hawaiian tongue.
Walter Smith, first mandolin and bari
tone and manager of the quintet. Is a
native of Hawaii and has met the queen
whoae song he takes so much delight In
singing. Although three of them are
Maoriana and two Hawaiians, this quintet
was educated in America, in widely dif
ferent schools, but coming together In
Salt' Lake City, they proceeded to or
ganize and have been on the road since.
The Hawaiians and Maorians of tha
quintet Walter Smith, Henry Bird,
Jlmmle Hicks, Sid Christy and Thomas
Norton have been much pleased with
their sojourn In Omaha and are now mak
ing plans to locate here permanently.
8. W. McCIure, secretary of the Na
tional Wool Growers' association, re
turned to his home at Gooding, Ida., to
day. He will be back in about two weeks
to remain until the convention of tho
association In December.
Call in for
and Reasons.
Expert Clothes Fitters
104 South 16th St.
PlOc Palmer House .
10c La Preferencla
10c University Club
2 541.23.)
Drug Co.
III I ' M4
Closing Out
rn.,.',',.',Tj.'HiJinf T, 4