Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1911, COMMERCIAL, Image 13
The Omaha Daily Bee. Everybody reads The Bee COMMERCIAL VOL. XI.I-XO.' 113 OMAHA, SATURDAY MOliNINd. (HTOliKU JS, 1!1 1 . SING LI' COPY TWO CENTS. Children's Book 1-2 Price Saturday wo will offer all of our children's boohs which have, during the year, become slightly damaged, marred or solicit, at a half of their egular prices. Hundreds of title. to choose from. II J1owen D corations Consisting of Seals, C'cpe Paper Novelties. Di-mer Cards and Tally . ards are to t e ha J in our Stationery Store. Roses at 39c Saturday we will sell specially fine roses, worth $1.0 J the dozen, for on'y 39c. Saturday Candy Special I'rnnett'x GOc Fluffeta eOocolatea with soft i-roiiniv centers an! bitter nwerl lo.itl'iff. 89c the lb 'J.'ie fresh vanilla ninrermiallcwa, ISO the llv tu,. ohooulstas In assorted fltivors. 8o the Hi. LP Everything for Everybody Everytiiinj; for Everybooj An Efficient, Satisfactory Service Makes Saturday Shopping Easy at This Store PUR U' tmjtiiing lor Everybody L mmms Whose Eyes, Sir, Will Your Suit Attract ? Show mo a uiai! with his jiuckfts cut on the bias, with the throe buttons on his coat gathcrctl together like a nest of eggs and the points of his coat nibbing his knees, and I'll show -you an old employer who is trying to figure just how much of that man's brain- ! i- getting and how much are going to the "ponies," "(ho diamond" and other delightful pastimes of gen teel idleness. 2 -a .III! " !. 'I 'll .1 'i g 71V Now the point is, it isn't the man, but tho clothes. N'lnety per rent of us do not really wnjit these things but take them under protest because some fad dish salesman whispers, "Just the thing!" Tt-' Bennett's store has sold mar j c othin i for oung men between 20 an . 30 th s sea son than ever before, and me ey ecausc we havi sold stv e uithisut fad. ) i ish without flush, attractiveness n ithout conspicuity. Thero is an exceptionally large stock of these suits at this Btore with every inch of the attractiveness and none of the cheap noisiness of the other kind. 115.00 buys a suit that will pass the most critical inspection. Then, there are other suits at prices ranging from $12.50 to $25.00 as the grade varrant3. Our "National Student" clothes for youths and young men are meeting with sreat success at $7.50 to $15.00 tho suit. A-C we can ovavcott yon as wall ae wa can auit you. A vast collection made of all wool cheviots, koisevii, rough cloths anil vicuna materials In the newest shades n browns, tans and' grays as well ns black. Made to look right, fit right wear rt lit. $1 to $2.". on for yoxir choke Cravenettes ana sllw-oiis for this blustery weather, J.i.OO to $18.00 earn 11 wool sepnrate trousers of excellent good stylo un.l quality-extreme values at .00, I3.U0, $3.50 und $4.00. Here's the most convincing Vine of boys clothes you ever sawsuits ivith an extra pair pants to match for only $3.50 And no store shows an equally good assortment for tno Fame inoneymanv parent who have canvassed the town thoroughly tell us so. Made of specially selected all wool materials. In shaiies and patterns that aro favorites with par ticular mothers and their boys, cut full and roomy so they won't Impede the boy's natural movement, reinforced In every part where excerslve strain comesipade to (five ever lasting satisfaction. We are w'UIng that you judge the en tire stock by the standard we have set in this $3.60 lino, with an extra pair of pants to each suit. At $4.00 is a line of suits that has proven exceptionally sfn ng this season. Have botn one a. d two pairs of pants and come in a.1 of the newest colorings. patterns and fabrics for wear. Our $5 00 line of "Duplex" suits represents the maximum of value-gl ving In boys' clothes. Hand tailored throughout from th finest all wool materials In tan, hrown and prey colors und d agonal effects. An extra pair of full peg top pants with each suit. Overcoats for Every Size Boy from 2Vj to 17 years of age. The military or combination col lars of veHets or self materials will instantly appeal to the boy and relieve the mother of a lot of coaxing to get the boy to wear his overcoat when severe weather conies he will f want to wear a Bennett coat. You w!U know about the wearjru? qualities when o o y k man vi an mwi la-iaHucicB ttuu iiicviuis anti nine nl lift cioin. xriceu hi i nn in 91 In. 00 Hats and cap of every description, 50c to $2.00. Corduroy pants at "Sc to $1.20. Ahli Heres a New Kind of a Mans Shirt Vic don't know what your standard is but dirt and acci dents soil cuffs in a day's wear. They are no longer crisp and fresh, though the shirt itself is. Here's where this new kind of shirt comes in. It has a clean pair of cuffs right at hand-but out of sight-ready to take the place of the soiled ones whenever you need them. Just a simple turn of the ones that are soiled and there s another pair to take their place. Just think of the advantage of a regulation, high grade shirt that by one simple turn gives you a clean cuff. Ask the man at the shirt counter to show you these new shirts. They cost no more mmim lip?! than the common kind $2.00 for the best. Men' :s 50c silk four-in-hand tesall the new ones-- thrve for $1 00 or, gy each Jl)C the Men's wool sweat er coats In plain and contiastlnar trimmed colors military or auto collar and V neck sly les from $u down to $2.00 New fall scratch-up li.n'), . ju and j.uo. Mel' s new Imported beaver ui ullty our iri c, 14.50. Ale-n's 1 hie vtdoi.r- hats In Mack Ml.itii4.s of brown, $3. On. - .Mes s Miff -hat 1n comnlere line of newest liable uiui km. 10 mi 'acn rh new winter caps in all of the winter material and r,ly the most reliable ;uakeu are now being show u. riicca lunging from 'He io $1.00 each. Jew Trimmed Millinery at the Greatest Reduc tions of Our Great Millinery Purchase Sale This sale has turned our millinery department into one of the busiest "busy bee hives" you ever saw. Never has the department known such a continuous stream of eager buyers as that which has crowded the section ever since the opening day of the sale. You should make it your business to be here Saturday for you can save a lot of money on your winter's headwear if you come before the assortments are broken. tor Saturday We WW P. ace on Sale Over 500 More New Trimmed Hats at Just Ah nit Half Price Sale Begins Promptly at Eight O'clock Beaver Hats Veil ur Hats Tai1oed Hats Flowir Hats There are large hats, medium hats and small hats in everv col-L-S or and combina tion of color that is good. I?e here early to get first choice. Sale Begins Promptly at Eight 0clock Plumed Hats Paradise Huts Evening Hats Lace Hats All these are now on sale at just about half of the original pr.iccs--n wealth of styles for your choosing. Bo here early to get first choice. Here are a Few of the Highly Interesting Sale Prices rP t $10 00 $ 98 Trimmed Hats $ - 86 Trimmed Hats -1 $ H lnmmed Hats y L Purchase Sale Price f r"--- Purchase Sale Price Y 1 ( 3 Purchase Sale Price J -p to $20.00. J Vp to 12.0H J $4.98 $6.98 $10.00 Now Come and Choose the Best Trimmed Hat Bargains You Ever Saw Children's Tarns, worth up to J 98 each, at . . . There are all colors and a big variety of styles to choose from in this lot. L'p to $l.Ut values at 2lc Saturday. Ch ldrens Hjts, worth from JJ.S to $2 y8. at 98c nrlng the children with you Saturday and make them happy by selecting them a hat from this fine assortment. 25c The Finest Guaranteed Willow P.umes Going at Special Prices $7.98 For a Real $15 Guaranteed Willow i- lume Positively the best value we have ever offered at the price. Every plume guaranteed to wear or a new plume for nothing. $9 98 For a real $20 Guaranteed Wil ow Plume Positively tho best value wo have ever offered at tho price. Every plume guaranteed to wear or a new plume for nothing. $12.98 For a real $25 Guaranteed Willow Plume Positively the best value we have ever offered for the price. Every plume guaranteed to wear or a new plume for nothing. J, all Men' flnaat winter underwear at 48c gurment and up. Men'a wool union anita at $1.00 and up. Men's outing- flannel pajamas of best materials nliely trimmed, $l.uo, una $1.50 the suit. Han ontlcg flannel nltfbt rob live big lines to clu.o.te friiiii at 4iie, fciic J lie, $1.00 and $1.60. With or witliout collars us you wish. Men's $1.60 flannel shirts In tan, grey and blue col- orn. specially priced for haturdav at 98o each. Alen'e 12Ue, black and tau naif hose In all slzea. Saiitrtiay iiu tne pair or 3 pairs for 3So. M?ns New Hats and Caps hats in brown, grey and black; Hand Bag Sale Saturday we will place on sale ore lot of neat durable and use ful hand bags of good seal gram leather with tan leather lining and 11-lnch frames, previously marked at $1.60 each, for the one day only, at. 69c $1.25 Union Suits at 89c Women's fleece lined, ankle length union suits with lone sleeves, come In white and ecru. Sizes four to nine, worth $1.00 and $1.1:5; Saturday, b!)c the suit. Ono Lot of Slightly Soiled and MiifcMMl I nderweur, 25c Assortment consists of Women's and children's vests, punts and drawers that are either Kllghtly soiled or mussed from dlnplay. All winter goods, In broken sizes, worth tin to 75c tho gar ment, Saturday, H&c to close. Hos'ery Bargains Women's hosiery Willi ll-iucli silk boots and heavy lisle tops and lisle heels, solea and toea to help out the wearing finalities; a strictly fast bluck dye; 50c values that are slightly Imperfect, 30c the pair or .1 pairs for )I.O. Women's, misses' and boys' fast black seamUsa hona, In all sizes; 25u values, for fculul'day. 12-ho tho pair. Woman's fine silk hcae with extra wide garter tops und lisle soles; i holcn of black, tan, blue and pink; regular 11 und $1.25 valuos, 79o the pair. Dinner Ware Sale Continued Saturday A discount of 20 iter rent on all open stork patterns of l.'nullhli, (Jerinun, French and Havl land chinit is now In effect. Huy as many or as few pieces as you wish and buy for future aa well as present needs. The choice of our open stock patterns is unrestricted. Some New, Reversible and Polo Coats Just Arrived 150 of them enruo In this shipment nn they are tho best we have e'ver seen--tu packed and paused on for jour first lnspci Hon this Saturday. Although following along the same lines nl those brought out earlier In the sensnn, we think they rite more attractive. Have Immense, siillor collar of etlliei' round or smuirn cut and cmiie In oxford gray, envy blue, tan, light g"V. Kiren mixtures and ulnlds. Also some heavy limy suto coats In tho sumo lot. All sites price! at, your choice-- $17.50 and $1950 A PRESS SALE--A wonderful eoh t ! of velvet, hr. adcloth, mes saline a'id crepe 'res -es i t styles and colors for afternon and yening wear, wort'i from $25.00 to $40.66 each, on sjle Sat ur,.ay, at rr$ 19.50 You will be Interested in tho new wulsts v are showtiiK "I ;l.l.1 each wo think they are tho best styles and values we have yet presented. They have been selling quite rapidly since we pin. I'd them on display und It Is quite rciisoiiaiue to suppose thnt you also will want at least one after you have seen them. Klne embroidered net wnlsts, hue trimmed messiillne walxts, plain tailor ed iuchhiiIIiio wiiImIm and waists of taffetas and brillluntliies In plain tuilired and dress styles. All sixes In all of tho most iiopulur shados. Ch ldrens Dresses and Coats Girls' one-piece cloth dresses of checked mnter lals and plain colored serges; have waists In trim med stylc.H und tailored effects, blink while nnvy ami tirown in sizes to 11 years, 3.93 to $3.90. Uhlldrsu's costs of lined broadcloth, velvet, chinchilla, and aiacul--Biuns have sailor collars, some are trimmed with military braids and others with funry designs of silk souf.K'he--nges 1! to years, $3.l to 97.00 each. Choice of whlto and colors. I'hlldien's Sweaters of Every Stylo and Kind, I? 1.75 down to 95c ivk'A7,i mm mi kit ,11 mm Women s Shoes at $1.45 Saturday You will find this special on tho Unrgnin Tables. Lot eon pists of shoos of dull rind patent colt leathers with either cloth or leather tops, and vici kid shoes with patent tips-broken lines of shoes that were our best sellers, in sizes 2 to 4Vs only. You will get several times more than your money's worth if vou can bo fitted from this lot. 300 pairs of women's tan Russia calf fn e ,n tn hi in, wide toe styles with hijh arches and r eels and 16-huttm' topi all good, clen stock, made to se 1 ' at $4.00 the pa r, Sat urday M .If' : $2.95 About 1,000 pairs of misses' and children's shoe of an extra quality vlcl kid leather, In button and lace styles, all sizes and all widths, specially priced for Saturday's selling at Hc the pair. Eoys' heavy aohool shoes of solid ralf stock that will hold up In the roughest winter weather, sizes fo.' big boys only, offered as a Saturday special at 1.60 the pair. Children's high suues or patent rolt and dull leathers with red kid tops and patent culls-slres to 11, 2.60: lxi ll 14 to 2, 9J.O0; sizes 2 to 6, 3.00. A Special Sale of Men's Work and Dress Shoes at $2,45 the pair Previously Sold at $3.50 The lot ronslsta of dress shoes und wide toe work shoes of best tan Knssia leathers In button and blucher luce styles. Also men's black and tun work shoes of good, solid black und tun leathers In blucher lace styles only, Vou will find $1.05 u great saving on shoes of the quality of these. Two Corset Specials A remarkably good value Is this $1.00 corsets of an extremely long model, specially adapted to the average figure; extra heavily boned and mado of good quality coutll, Saturday, or while they last, 70c. 75c Corsets for 50c There are o many different models and styles In this lot It Is in. 'possible to give detailed description. Not a number worth Ichs than 75c; all on sula Satur day at choice for 60c. Toilet Goods and Drugs 60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 39o $1.00 Azurea mid L Trefle powder. .860 76c i'oiiipflan massage crcuni 4y 6(lo Dorothy Vernon toilet water ..39e !&o (Julnegg shampoo 190 C'olguto's and Williams' 10c shaving soup for 5fl 26o lsabell's hand lotion for ,'aoo Lfil Kutiltril toot li rmu,lA ..m i -- - -- ... ,...T...W, ,.... lou rave a 25o tooth powder 178 I'ond's 26o vanishing cream 25c. (iossuiner powder I'nzzonl's 60c powder 10c rakes I'almnllve soap, 2 25c cuke 4711 glycerine snap 20e, Vi-lh, hottle ieroxlde i!5o White IMne cough cure l&o lb. of borax for . 19o .180 . .300 . .160 , .140 . . 80 . ,90o ..100 B5 tr-K-Ht - 9S hats of the usual $G.0u and the newest am. A Sale of High Grade Washing Machines Every One Being Guaranteed 'fiS:'--.:TN' IV ' . L.ilt. White Idly electric washing niuehlnefc-the onl kind that cannot yet out of or'er-has an Kmersoi. i otcr will Le a. nt on appro. al; ifso.oo each. ii. tel wtti- uiotur wmuoj machines of the fame.. !.lu . Mi;i:e ;. ariulKi mre -onu of thu very bust-SAOO. ta t li. BU' Three washlngr macnlnes with metal tubs tliut t;ini t i Ukl or lull ui ui l, ,a-v to operate. $10.00. lex wssLUig- aacaioes with cypitsa wood tuba and ti'-v riin ii-", fly wheel, t J 60. Ju(.t lt washing machlres ith roller bearings that ;1 it. ':.::. nil friiil.m, l).60 cri-ti rau-An-orlcua lai;r5vel washlna- machines made of t, It; I tr ait . sis und gouruMUeU, SVEi each ton .ouiia washing n.acbwes; e,y wurlng and TM al Vi.l.;ej at 8i.7j uc li. A) of our Popular Mu ic is lOe th copy -very Day in the wek' And there is no stinted col lection to choose frombut by lar. the luigest stock In unaha. Included are "Hall oad Hag," "Oceana noil," Mllly," "AlexaiKier's Hag Dine Hand," "In the Land of laruiony." "Everybody L.ooks lke Us When They're In .ove," "Oh, You Ueautiful Doll." "Down liy the Old Mill .stream," etc. lear Our New Feature Song-"Unly One Face ,n Dreamland." This song Is now sweeping the country with Its popular ly. We will gladly demon strate It for you any tin.e you wish also any other pieces In our Immense Hltics you might wish. The price of the aong is lO.r. Comlo Opera Maalo"Choco- late Soldier." Oiauncey Ol iott, 'Ked Kose," etc., 2ic the ' v. pu refresh! L-M ' "tjnTTm I IIMI i II liM HIM BMll fVTf ).mi SPECIALS Quality eonjider?d'7ifQre fbr& dottar-titan & tfott&rwill buy elsewhere Extra Specials for Saturday Only lOO-Piice Dinner Sets at $10,00 These are regulation sets and there are four distinct patterns for you to choose froiii-ICngllbU Canton blue patterns, Johnson Bros." KtigliKU rose border pattern, Knowlea' artUdlc KiiKlitsh patterns and German poppy design patterns, word) $21.00 and $25.00, jour choice Suturday at $10.00. Hardware Store Extra Specials Heavy galvanized Iron wash boilers In two sires, "t h.v Mohair covered gas tubing, per foot to hoys' handled axes at, each &oo Wooden wheelbarrows at, each 11.88 Ulack Jack stove polmh, tier ran So 2'-galIon galvanized ush miu at 9 Bo Tinner's extra good snips lit aso Wilson toasters specially priced at Ibo Japanned coal hods with funn.l tops 8ao S-lnch Iron stove pipes, per length loo i-liicb iron elbows. tcu , , 104 liennetls best colfee and 20 stumps, lb Jol 3 lbs. lleiinetl's best coffee und du stamps (1 2-lb. puikage Iteiuiett's I'apltnl wheat and 10 stamps 100 2-lb. pkg. Hcmielt n Capitol jis.i- cuke riour und in stamps . .. .100 35c quai l cuii r'luiico-Aiiicrli uii soups for 2oo mr tan iieiuietts t.'upitol gruicd pineapple for ia.o tStcdeil ruUlns and 10 slumps, packuge, i:ta 2-lb. puihuge liennetl's Cupitol outs and uun 10 utamps 10o Assortrd teus and .6 stumps, lb fctjo Arisol ted ti us und 60 stumps, lb . . ago 6-lb. mil liennetl's 'uilol bulUng powder turn 100 slumps $t Teu siltings and If. slumps ,i.r jioimd .. 16o lull cream cheese and 10 stumps, per lu...30o Three J Of cans i olumblan milk a bo 3 cakes York llosu toilet soup and 10 stamps, at aso Diamond t'rystul tablo suit and 10 Mumps, per sack ioo R lbs. of 7c .Ian rice for a5o Siildur'a Chill Suuca and 1C slumpa, per bot tle 250 Cliilllard's pure olive oil special olfer of a pint tun lor 400 I'.i-.iuly UHpaiugu arid 10 fctitmpa, per can 80o Assorted plikliiH and 10 stauipa, per bin I In luo 3 puiluge Swifts 1'rlde Clfunser un.l slumps 2So t'oiouinit burs uud fruit wafers special price, per lb ia 15 lbs. Granulated Sugar for Saturday Only. ..$1.00 Bennett's Capitol Flour, per sack Saturday..., $1.20 I Swanadown codfish uud 6 slumps, I'm ins iQe 1-lb, can llennett's Capitol baking powder und 20 stamps for , . . 84a Oaillnrd's pure ollvo oil uud I'D stamps, bottle asc Snider nork and beans und la stumps, run Ee DnlMtl.i: tlllKKN Tit AD IN J HTA.Mi'S ON HUTTKI-.INK. a cy Fruits and Ve tetables Fancy hand picked Jonathan tipples, $1.23 the bushel or, the peek !! Fancy hand picked Ciano, good eating up-ples-extra good keiiors-80c the btiuhel or, the pock 123 Fancy large (Jreeiung apples extra good keep- ers--bllc the bushel, or the peck 85c Fancy potatoes, per hiishal gj0 l am y hand picked U. D. apples, 66i: the bushel or the peck 150 J'um y red globe onions, peck 35o Jersey sweet potutoos, peck .350 8 large bends plain leltm s loo New i:iiglKh wulnuU, soft shell, lb Bio fc-crown layer Uuprtcd figs, lb abc X ' Fresh Dreaded Jjj -Svy Chickens, -r4 11 l-2c Poi Roast, 8y2c. Shoulder Steak, T iamb 2 lbs 15c Jpi Cfl0p3 IlainhurKer, 3 lbs., y IOC tor 2Si- )M c . AjamD V fork nutt...13Mc I ah7 LegS Corned Ileef, .Hc No. 1 Lamb and V u ib. Leaf Lard, y 14 c jjacon V for , 0 - jB Wtc. ft No. 1 Calumet J J Lean Veal Stew Bacon