You'll Like Mentor Union Suits
Tboy are fo perfectly
fitted, in the knitting, that
there is never a hint of
binding or saggiDg nt nny
Yield readily to every
bodily movement, but do
not lose their hhnpe or
Combine warmth and
comfort, without weight
or bulk Mentor Unions
arc a revelation to those
vrbo have never worn
Tor Women
A warm, fleeco-llned white
Mentor union suit ..1.25
A light weight union suit of
the finest combed EnypUan
yarn $1.71
A part wool union tult $iJ.OO
A handsomely flnltshed mer
cerized garment S3. 00
An extra quality union suit of
Ilk and wool $3.50
Tor Men
Light and medium weight un
ions of the finest combod
.Egyptian yam $1.50
Others of part wool and in
heavier weights
at $1.75 82.25 aaJ 53
wc-plece suits at per gar-
$1.00 and 81.25
For Boys and Girls
m.(-iinp(l Mentor union suits
Wool and cotton unions 81.0O nnd 81.25
FWr-iind Jersey ribbed shirts or pants, per garment, accord
ing to size, at
20 to 440
Part wool shirts or pants, per garment
Swiss rib wool ahlrts or pants, per garment, according
to size,
li 550 81.00
Til TfooNO rconra
m". aJ'Vi n r J f ri i xi
Send For New Fall and Winter Catalogue.
Make No Fight in
Bate Reduction.
Serving; of l.lqaor la f'afrs In loera
Prohibited, o Mnltcr How
or Wkri Peine I
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I)K3 MOINHS. la., Oct. 2S Ppeclal
Trie icram ) Exprrss companies will make
no flKht axalnst express rates which be
come cf.'ectlve In Iowa November 1. At
torney Central Cosson and N. T. Giirrn
sey returned from Chicago, where they
had a conference with the attorney! and
traffic manager of several of tho com
pnnlcs. They received assurances that
(ho companies will not fight the new
rutea when they become effective and
also that the companies will furnish all
Information which the attorney general
may desire as to the operation of the
new rates.
Divorcee stud Wife Desertion,
Governor Carroll Is confronted with the
question whether the marrlnpre In this
slate of Frank Truynell, wanted In In
diana for wife desertion, will art as an
estoppel to the charge of wife desertion.
Bruyncll claims he eloped with a woman
In Mlshawakec. Ind., and came to Dcs
Moines, where he got a divorce. The two
divorced people were married here. He
Is under arrest charged with wife de-tertlon.
, No l.lqaor la Cafes.
The servlna; of liquors In cafes, res
taurants and hotel dining rooms In the
state of Iowa wus stopped for good to
day, when the supreme court refused
to rthenr the rase brought from flloux
City to test the law on the subject In
which the court had previously rendered
a decision declaring: the law unconstitu
tional. No longer may cafe keepers permit
tholr waiters to o to nearby suloons
to set cold steins, high' balls and othir
things with the Ice In them for their
Sale of Liquor by
Iowa Hotel Keepers
is Held Illegal
DBS MOINES. Ia., Oct. 25.-The su
preme court today refused a rehearing In
the case Involving the rights of hotel
men or restaurant keepers to serve
liquor. The decision followed a former
ruling of the supreme court that such
liquor service was illegal. The original
.trtton was started In Sioux City with H.
II. Sawyer of the Anti-Saloon league as
plaintiff and Leonard II. Frank, pro
prietor of a cafe the defendant.
In the state, much of which Is available
to the man who will cultivate It, In the
country to tha southwest of Bait Lake
there being a large area that can be
taken up In E-acre tracts under the pro
visions of the Bmoot act
O. L. Cox of Utah was the last speaker,
extending an Invitation to those present
and all other good cltlsens to visit and
ielde In the Beaver state.
station when the great naturalist wnim-
slcally asked lilm It he wanted a hut-
tonlere and went away, returning in a
few minutes with the Inigo artichoke
blut-som. On bis recent visit to the Hur-
bank farm O. C. Itosewater was shown a
patch of ttO of these giant artichokes,
which Mr. Burbank had procured afte
many painstaking experiments.
Mast Wooderfal Healing .
After suffering many years with sore,
Amos King. Fort Uyron. N. V., wos
cured by Hucklen'e Arnica Halve, tic.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co.
Burbank Produces
a Big Artichoke
Accustomed to see an artichoke two or
ihrea Inches long visitors to the Land
kn fcava heen marveling at Be ef
lather Burbank's exhtblts. which Is an
artichoke blossom three feet In etroum-
ference. The artichoke Itself was as large
a tha flower. A short time ago W.
Nichols was at ths Burbank experimental
IttVM '
iesjipe Relief
In HOT and 1908, I was taken very sick
-with kidney trouble and being afraid of
Brlght'a Disease, went to a prominent
physician at Llbartyvllle. Iowa. After
doctoring for rome time without cure or
benefit. I began the use of Kwamp-Itoot
and found immediate relief, which urged
me to continue tha use of the medicine.
After taking several bottles which
bought at Jericho's Drug store, In Fair
field. I became a well mun and ran hon
estly 'say that I have never had any
signs of Brlght'a Disease or a return of
any kidney trouble.
I am ao grateful toward Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Rout that I never hesitate to rec'
. omend It to any one I know who
uf faring with kidney trouble.
Yours very truly,
FalrfleM, Iowa.
State ef Iowa.
Jefferson County, ee.
Subm-ribed sovl sworn to before rua by
the said Mace CHnklnheard, and the elg
nature acknowledged by him to be gen
ulna, tills J2lb day of July, 10.
Charles 8. Crall.
Notary Public.
X-otlar lo
Tr. Juimar ft Co
Flns-fcemlos, W. Y,
(Continued from First Funs.)
Mormons Coming
on a Special Tram
to Sing in Omaha
The special train bearing the mem-
bers of the Mormon Tabernacle choir and
about 100 of their friends, la due to ar-
rlva In Omaha this afternoon at 4:30
o'clock. From the train the visitors will
board street cars for Florence, where
their forefathers established winter
tiuartera in the 'forties on the long Jour.
ney from Nftuvoo. III., to alt Lake City.
The ehoir will appear this evening at
the Auditorium, where It will give one
of the greatest concerts of the kind ever
conducted In Omaha.
The choir leys claim to being the larg
it and oldest singing organisation In
the world. It was organised sixty years
ago. and today numbers over 800 voices.
ror the last twenty-five years it has
been under the direction of Evan
Stephens, who accompanies the choir on
it. nruint trio of &.CVJ miles, and will
appear at every concert during the tour.
The cbolr goes to New Tork to sing
tha famous "IrrlKStlon Ode", the music
of which was composed by J. J. Mc
Clollsn. . the Tabernacle organist who
accompanies the singers. This ode win
be sung dally at the National Land and
Irrigation show In Madison Square
Cardan. Coming and going the enotr wm a -number of musical centers en
The Mormon Tabernacle choir was
Ivan a tremendous reception last nigni
at Cheyenne, Wyo. Applause aner ap
plause shook the house bringing the choir
back for numerous encores. The sextette
from Lucia by fifty solo voices, and the
choir was tremendously applauded. The
selection from Mlgnon by Miss Edwards.
and the Oypay Sweetheart from the
Fortune Teller by Ensign and choir were
encored several times.
President Western Development Aso-
Oil-Pull Tractors
Are on Exhibition
The M. Rumely company, Laporte.
Ind.. has two oil-pull tractors at the'
Land Show. One la mounted In ma
chinery ball, where It Is shown stripped,
the parte being krpt In life-like motion
by an electric motor. A duplicate of this
fifteen-tractive, thirty-brake horsepower
tractor ia being used In the plowing dem
onstrations. Using a low grade of petro
leum distillate, which Is even cheaper
than the lowest grade of kerosene, it
successfully pulled six Oliver plows, cut
ting a strip seven feet wide, at the rate
of about an acre and a half of plowing
per hour. J. J. Rumely, Vice president;
C. A. Randall, manager of the Nebraska
branch at IJncoin, and L. W. Ellis,
tractor plowing specialist, have been
looking after the Rumely interests, while
J. W. Jay. advertising manager, made a
special trip from Laporte to Install the
attractive exhibit.
laxative Dromo Quinine, the world wlie
y removes cause.
cold and rfp rem'
for full name. Look for signature
Orove, 2ic
If you have anything to exchange,
vcrtlee It In The Omaha Daily Bee.
E. VY.
HOW to Keep Hair
Soft and Beautiful
Pirn Wui $, fUet Will D F Tsa
Send to Ir Kilmer Co., Blngham
ton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle, ll will
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, tell
all about the Kidneys and bladder. When
writing, be sure end mention The Oman
Daily Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar slis b litis for sal at all orug
ns Staler Feead Deed.
8IOCX CITY. Ia., Oct. . (Special Tel
egram.) -Ben Major, a well known lnsur
ance man, was found desd In bis office
with a bullet hole In his head. It Is
probably a case of suicide.
Caaa ef DUmvsdi Stole.
CHICAOO. Oct. IS A sample case con
talnlna diamonds valued at I10.W0 be
InnKina- to V. C. Barry of Newark. N. J
was stolen from the lobby of a hotel
here today by a man who escaped.
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are
taken, duarantred. Kc. For sale by
Haaton Drug Co.
Tha Key to the Situation Bee Ads.
This Shield ITS
on the Car Door (
Perfect Taxi Service
You are Justifed before buying anything;
to be reasonably exacting concerning Its
worth. If you will be sure that tha abova
ahlcld is on the door of tha Taxi you use'
you'll never get acquainted with Taxt-trouble. Our cars are
modem, quick, safe, comfortable gnd clean. That, together
with the ability and courteous attention of our drivers, about
completes Taxi-service perfection. For the theater, shopping,
calling or when In a special hurry, call up. We have ear
always In readiness.
Dougla. 4673 Ind. A-3678
Omaha Taxi Cab Gt Auto Livery Co.
2024 Farntm Street
SAN HOUSER, Pres. and Rom Hotel
l'1 :
of the government's commission to put
down the rebellion. Is a subject of lively
Interest here. Yuan is regarded as the
man of the hour In China. It is hinted
hern that he may be Induced soon to
give the rebel cause his active support
against the Manchu .dynasty.
Although the Manchu officials here con
tinue to give out false news of the state
of affairs In Clinng Bha and Klu Klang
and other cities In order to create an Im
pression that tho imperialists are still In
control, the native press In Bhanghal and
In cities throughout south China has
defied all censorship and Is printing the
most exaggerated reports . of Insurgent
successes in all parts of the country. Ap
parently the government officials are
making no effort to enforce the censorship.
It In .unquestionably a fact that the en
tire Yang Tse region and most of south'
em China as well Is completely revolution
ary In sentiment All the cities which
have been tuken over by the rebels In the
last few days have been captured almost
without resistance. The looal govern
ment has surrendered quietly and rebel
appointees have takon their places with
little stir. A few Manchu officials have
been killed, but most of them have Joined
the rebel cause.
Details of the transfer of Chang Bha to
the revolutionists were reported to the
telegraph office here by the operator In
that city. "Please take notice," he said,
"that the Insurgents have duly occupied
this office." He said that he himself
had Joined the revolutionists. The de
clared Intention of the leaders, he added,
was to gradually take over city after
city, linking tho various centers already
In their possession and thus push on to
Bhanghal. They planned, he said, to
re-establish the telegraph tines as soon
possible and permit bualness to con
tinue under a provisional government,
which, they declared, would have the
sympathy and support of the entire coun
try south of the Yang Tse.
Trade Conditions Better.
Trade conditions in JShanghal have Im
proved somewhat Commercial Interests
express complete confidence that no sort
ous disturbances to business enterprises
will occur. They point out that It the
revolution Is successful the rebel leaders
will encourage legitimate commerce, while
If the Imperial forces win, helpful re
forms In government are certain to be
put In force. It Is not believed that any
massacrea will be permitted tn Bhanghal
it the native city Is surrendered to the
rebels. The Manchu officials will be si
lowed to return to the north unmolested.
Foreigners are safe so long as they re
main neutral. Any Interference In behalf
of the Manchus would undoubtedly arouse
tremendous Indignation.
The American warships have not yet
succeeded In getting any effective re
suits from their wireless apparatus. The
Qerman vessels, however, are getting a
few messages through from the neigh'
borhood of Hankow. The American
cruiser Albany Is anchored off Shanghai
awaiting the arrival of Rear Admiral
Murdock. who is expected November 1
The New Orleans la si. at Nanking.
A report that 10,000 Japanese troops
have arrived at Mukden, Manchuria, Is
causing uneaslnees among the supporters
of the revolution, who believe that Japan
Is about to aid the Manchu government.
The Japanese authorities here explain
that If such a movement has been made
id Manchuria, the only purpose Is to pro
tect Japanese residents, their property
and Japanese railway Interests.
Tartar General AaaaaalaateeV
CANTON, Oct. The newly-appointed
Tartar general. - Fung Ben, was as
sasalDated on his arrival to assume bis
duties today. The general, accompanied
by his wife and a Urge escort of sol
dlere, was coming ashore when a bomb
thrown from the roof of a build. ng
dropped among the party. The explosion
that followed killed Fung Bea and a num
ber of soldiers and caused a fire that
burned several bouses. According to one
account, the general's wife was killed.
They came here from Bhanghal. having
stopped a few days at Hongkong. Ex
eept for the excitement caused by the
aeeaaalnaiton the lite of the city Is nor
mal. v
Mrs, Mary A. Whltaker.
MCOOK, Neb.. Oct. 28.-(Speclal.) The
body of Mrs. Mary A. Whltaker arrived
front Cheyenne, Wyo., Monday where she
died Buturday night at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. F. L. Hcndershot. Ser
vices were held In the Methodist church
of this city, after which the body was
taken overland to Danbury, this county.
for burlul. While the deceased has been
a resident of this city for the last ten
rears, she settled In Danbury In 1875, be
ns one of the early settlers In that sec
Fred Kentrr.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 25.-Speclal.)
Fred Kenter, aged about 00 years, died
lulte suddenly at S o'clock Tuesday after
toon of heart failure. While be had been
omewhat III for the last six months
othtng serious was anticipated until the
ast few hours. ' Mr. Kenter was in town
he day before with his daughters and
iremed as well as any time of day. He
as a. pioneer farmer and respected cltl
le n of this section of the state.
L. 8. Clapper.
PIERRE. 8. D., Oct. 25. L. S. Clap
oer, one of the pioneer residents of
eastern Hughes county, died at ths hos
pital In this city today from a lingering
trouble. He was preparing ' to remove
to Mexico when brought to the hospital.
(Jane Tyrel, on Beauty.)
"Too raucn moisture saps the life of
scalp tissues and hair-roots, causing
an excessively oily condition of a dry,
harsh, dandruff-laden scalp and dull,
'stringy,' brittle, falling hair.
"The most delightful results Imagin
able can be obtained, if a dry shampoo
mixture Is brushed through the hair
once or twice each week. A thor
oughly reliable preparation can be
made at little cost by mixing either
4 ounces orris root oi corn meal with
ounces therox. One tablespoonful
Is enough for a shampoo. After using
this a few times the scalp Is put In a
healthy condition and the hair takes
on a sort flufflness, and regains its ncn
luster and natural color. Adv.
' The Merchant Who Has- the Goods
(he One Who Lets the Public Know
Throug Advertising In The Bee.
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby 'a
coming;. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she is often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy is so truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use it. It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and el as
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbt, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the fear that the crisis
may cot be safely met. Mother s
Friend assures a speedy and complete
ifcovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
rearing oi ner
child. Mother' T'AmiTITiVC
Friend is sold at ltU AJUUuiiU
VTrTteforonrfrU FfflEIID
book for expect-
ant mothers which contains much
Valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
SfHAUriLUJ KUiliLAlVK CO., ABaafe, bs
STERLING. I1L. Oct. &.-The Northern
Illinois Lutheran synod adjourned to
day after refusing to consider charges
tiled asslnst IT. Charles Edward Ray
nwnd of Peoria, by Mrs. Katheiiue How
Young Pan's
Our clothes for young men are
particularly attractive this sea
son. They're dignified, refined
and different,' not freakish or
foolish, but clothes of character
with plenty of snap, quality and
style the rtttiro that proclaims
good breeding as well as vim of
Young Men's clothes are al
ways a different proposition here
than elsewhere.
The fabrics are colorings and mixtures
adapted to young Men's Wear I
$15$18 $20 522.50 $25 520 $30
pen foot
Tooth Poudo?
not only cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth without in
jury, but impartspuriry and fra
grance to the breath, removing
instantly the odor of tobacco.
The young man looking, is just as welcome and will receive
the same courteous treatment rs the young man buying.
BtewningcfKing & C
B. S. WILCOX, Mgr. 15th at Douglas.
Advents 2 to Buyers
The diamond dealer
who baa been longest
esUbllshed and who
;.tf1 nil ueea ooibk ids
larcest business ia cer-
ii'V ai talnlr the one who of
fers the most advant
ages to prospective
diamond buyers. He
must have dealt faith
fully for many years If
he has a firmly estab
lished business which
la also the largest. If
he were not honest he
could not retain the
trade. The Edholtn
atore has been estab
lished 'here (or more
than twenty-one years.
It 'a diamond 'business
Is the liraet. People have raltn in
this house and come here to buy dia
monds because they know they can
set the bet stones at the lowest pos
sible prlcee. They also know the Kd
bolm suarantee Is behind every sale.
Don't Merely Buy Invest.
Sixteenth and Harney.
Suits andOvercoata to
Order $20.00 and up
We don't have to declaim
very long or loud aa to the dis
tinct personal advantages of
wearing garments made by us
tor your person alone.
Rare wine from a tin cup
wouldn't have halt the charm
that is lta when properly served.
The vigorous personality
in this day and age ot Judging
by externals loses power
when its possessor is in clothes
made for anybody garments
Identically the same as that
worn by Tom, Dick ana Harry
all over town.
And it's so unnecessary to wear
the usual, coir m on ganneiua
when we make Suits to measure
(or from au.00 to $46.00.
MacCarthy-Wilson -Tailoring Co.
804-aoa Kontn itn t.
Five Steps South of Farnam.
Our offer for
this week
in Bottled in
Bond Kentucky (
Whiskey, is Ce-;
dar Brook, Full,'
Quarts, $1.00.1
Jackson Club,
Full quarts, 90c.
C. Schlank &,
1307 Douglas St.
Educational Course
The first of the series
of lectures in the above
course in
will occur at the
( Y. M. C. A. Building
Thursday Night at 8:00 P
Omaha's Greatest Home Paper
Xtie Omaha Bee's Great 0
Booklovers' Contest
A Safe Suggestion
To peeple who board or make their
home In hotels or apartments where
duplicate keys are the fcULB and
net the exceptioai
Kent a private safe tn our burs;
lar and Are proof vaults, at a cost
of li e and up, yearly keep your
valuables aad prtvite papers where
aoly you can nave access to them.
Lre stnrsae vaults for eUrer
ware, trunks, ete.. are alae at your
M av aver eBSBtasa sve, ics
sTIif ' i"TsaV jsft'TilTiTT
South End IGlh SL
"Homo of tho
Lone Ton"
Vo, TawTharsoay. Ocioae to, till.
Those interested in tbls
important subject, but have
not yet enrolled, are in
vited to be present. A spe
cial Invitation is extended to
Senior High School students.
First Baptist Church Tonight
by Max Landow
Reserved Seats at the Church.
Toalrk. SSo to S1.C9
Baxraia Ms Unas Belaraey see. Me.
Btarilas; Sunday
I-OT Seats Boer
Mow. S and
-Montfomery Si
"Omasa's rrrv czimim"
XaUy Mat-, lS-S5-50
Bv-a ia-S8-ao-7d
Kinnt tha RhOW NuthiDC Greets
Tho Trocaderos
The live wkra, Minnie fctutke. fcranl
Ros. Frankle Walley (late of Weber 4
Fields), bam J. Adams and the bweei
lii Scotch Lassies.
fcadia SKaie stall neo livery Week Say
In. A-U
infisns VATinc TILLS
Mat Every ly, Kvery Night S:1I
The Darlins- of FarU; Willa Holt Wake
field; Ueruld Grirfin and Company; BjI
Kender a Giants; Kelley and Wentwortl
LeipM". Mabelle eonda Company!
Klnetoecope; orplieum Concert orchs
tra. Prices, NU'hls. 10e, liic. SOc. ,yQ
Matinees, 103. best Beets. i&C excel
Saturday and Sunday
What Book Does This Pictan Represent?
TlUe e
A tit SOr mt m mm tmm m.. mm mm " ,ea as mmm.
Ysor Nam ................
Street and Number .. ......... a
City or Towa ;
Write la title and author ( Uok Bad SXAVB eoapee. enil picture. Bern
ee evupoe uolil flnlsn ef Ue cuoteet Is MBBvuced. k-oa pasture ravreaeute
e toe title not a scene e cUafertar. CaLaouee ouata'uiua l.oei umi
ea Blch ail pussie piumr are Saae4 me eateJuirua itsed. bj te eoataei
edited -are far tui at Ux iiuatueae ttfua si 1m feee foe Se ceate. fey swt,
so eta,
Home of TenUly BarUeqae. I
Kauaee Today, tsM. HleTkl, S:30. J
est Seats SO Coats.
Extra Returns of the World'al
series ball xames eriU be read frooij
the BtBKB. I
roalfbt Mats. Toes- Thnxs Sat
srioee loe asA B6e
, MXSS BTA LABd Bad the
Kext Week The Wolf."