HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaaeoas. BLATZ Wclner. Tel. Doug, 10S1 or case WANTED-Flrst class prescription clerk. Apply Iq own handwriting stating experience ur.d Mntci of former employ ers. Sherman & McCoiutell Drug Co., Kth and Dodse. - I'UAMS Tc had oilck. Smith Lrtcic to. "CANO" Hirn grade positions. (00 Kee. WANTED Fiiit class pants maker, steady work fur rifht man vesr sruund. Phone Ked W7. Council Bluffs. FIUST-CLASS Hsrncy St pressors wanted, lsil RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postofflca r'.eiUs. mall carrier. Novembur exanv litillons In Uiiuha. Sample questions Hoe. Franklin In.ituuU-. Dept. ?17 J, Ro chester. K. V. WANTED fir U. a. Array Able-bodied iuuiaiiied men, between ages of 1$ and lj, citiitttns ot V lined Sl.iU, of good n.tmctcr and temperate habits, who can futak, lead and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, l.iia anJ Douglas Sis., Oniaua, NeU; w7 4th SL. Sioux Ciiy. la.. 13d N. 10th St Ltnccj-ii, Nol. ",000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list, t runklin institute, bept t'.4 J, Rochester, is. i. UC MONTH AUTOINO. .O. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA, NKH ' ' LAKUKSi Ai. U BiifcT. WKl l Ji ANTED Men to prepare for automo bile bUDineaa, largest uud beet equipped bup. Nat l Auto ii aiulnrf Ass n. Utu&na. LAUNDRI Shirts, S-10c; collars, 2c. 1S14 Ilaitiey, AIjlou bvuiea men wanted tor the U. S, Marina corps, between the ages of lJ una 4a. Must be aativs born or have fust pspeiS. Monthly pny flu to il. Additlooa. cmpJiaUun punslbie. Kood, c.othlng. guaitera aud medical attendance fres. Alter 40 Jears bervice can retire wliii per cent uf pay and uoAr.ce-.i. Merries on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at V. S. Marine Corps Hecrulun 01 flee. I4c8 Hainan: bt.. Oniab. Ncu. WANTED An experienced furniture man to set up furniture and stove.. Htatc Furniture Co,, Corner Hth and Dodfie. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We have hundreds of graduates running shops, depending upon us for help. Ureal scarcity of barbers this seuson. 'tup wage paid. Positions now waitlne Few weeks completes. Tools given. Diplomas granted. WsKes Saturday. Hoard ir de tdred. Only place In the world that can rave years of apprenticeship by Instruc tions, with charts, diagrams and free practice. Get partlculnrs today. Moler llarber College, Uu B. Hth St FOH a dainty dessert uao Dalzell's Ice cream. If Gertrude Heath, l'H S. SSth Ave., wilt come to The bee office within throe days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. WANTED Bright. enorgetic young man, not over is years old. who wants to learn the advertising butdnesg; excel- lant chance for advancement. Address H 105. care Bee. HELP WANTED MALE OK FIH1ALE! WANTED Man nnd w ife to do Janitor work In office buildintr. and live In build ing; must have had previous experience and must huve recommendations; none others need apply, 407 Brown llldg.. Kith and Douglas 8ts. WANTED Ten lady or gentlemen can vassers. Must be good. Address or call l&S Farnam. LIVE STOCK FOR YaH Horses and Vehicles, FOR SALS IK N. 31st Ht. -All klnas of good horses. Thora Douglas 6000, LOST AND FOUND LOST A deed for Kelley. iM Ha. ttitji St. lot. Cornelius PERSONS having lost some article would Uu well to cail up the oince uf lbs Omaha Council lilulfa Street Hallway company to asueriam wueiher tuey left It in ibe airext cars. Many articles each day are turned to lud tr.e compuny ut anxious to restore thein to the naiufui owner. Call ixiug- uJtAllA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET HAiLWAX COMPANV. irrtTTMri The Teddy Bear expert clean i. uui er and dvers. A-UJb: U. ilJ lost Saturday evening on street, a strius; 01 koiu oeaua. jxjave at oince 01 Uunboa A 1 home and receive reward. LOST A white bull terrier; brlndle left shoulder, half brindie tail, ears not trimmed, collar not engraven ; answers to name. of Don. Reward, rhone Harney 112 or isvj sso. sum Ave. LOST Cameo set bar pin Saturday. Phone Douglas 1H or leave at John Deere Plow company. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN balary and Chattels, U,IM),0UC. U.Wjo.OOO. WB HAVE n.coo.ow TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omaha before Christmas oil FURNITURE, PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS, FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE, HORSES, WAGONS, eto., or on TOUR PLAIN NOTE if steadily em ployed. Same old low rates and each transaction strictly private. . We make more loans than all of tl:t otnsrs. mere a a reaiou. 11 you can ueo a piece of thin Mu.NEY wny, just RELlAbLE CREDIT CO.. Third xioor, 3U Paxton Block, 17 8. I6th tsu rnones uougias 1411 aua A-14U. WE LOAN MONEY to any working man or womau on Just a personal note; no security or lndorser icu.uu-eu. wny inortgags your persona) DeionauiKS wnen TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD IIERKT AU tiAiisactloiis confidential. Come la ana see or pnone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. iJI Board of Trade Bldg. Fourth Floor. Bell phone uglas 3111. CHATTEL LOANS AT KwlNABUi K.t'f EJ NEBRASKA LOAN CO., f;0 Bee Bltig- Douglas Uufi, A-Uil taua ijint . tormeriy . 1. 1.11a Blug. MONEY loaned salaried people, woman Lerping Iiuumi and utliera; without -iunt, aaay payments. Offices In 87 prln ciVJl citiaa. 'lulman. 60) Omaha Nat I DIAMOND loans at 2' and per ctot W. C. l' Utau t.14 Lodge. Red 6018. F.VERY person knows who D. J. O'HiK-n 1 lecauto he has made Omaha luinuu with his candy. If Mrs. E. HowlinK, 82fc Georgia Ave., will come to The pe oliire ullli.n three days we will give her an order fur a 60 cent box of O'Brien's candy free. OFFERED FOR RENT tloariA and Mnii, O. M. F hauls trunks. D. 6U, A-JCU. Portoia, family botal. th A, ft Ht, LARGE, pleasant, nicely furnish, l room; best board; private family. Call Harney 4i. The Hhiinar, M & Harney; room ac board. THE HOTEL BERKLEY. 24TII AND llurncy, two rooms with board, suitable S'arsUahedIVeoaat II' N. 19tb St., alcely rurnlahed, sas4. tiu roc nu. GOtD roums, rteaaonable. 1202 Douglas. Lewty European Hotel, 131b A Farnam. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Rooms Continued 829 NORTH 2T.d; neatly furnished, mod tin. aieam heated rooms. MOl'KHN, furnished room for one or two young ladles, near lirownell Hull, with family ct two. Address 11 IK. iare Pee. 1"1 N. Hist Ave., dodmhle room, strictly modern; near Famum car. 4'1 N. 15th, furnished roon.a for rent. K10 FARNAM. south front room, for 2, by day or week. FOR RENT One or two roo'iii. l.aule preferred, only small family. 24:4 S. itth, TWO tvnre rooms witn private farnllv. Rtram heat, electric tistht ; e:ch room suitable for two or lour. 1N24 Dodge. 114 NORTH SoTM -MorTern. car line; walking distance. warm; on FrUNISUnp room In private family; gentleman ircferre't. Tel. Red 71ts. Kl N. fllh St., flat Na. 5. Strictly mod ern furnished: steam heated rooms. SHtvRMAN AVE.. 3217. one or two clean, modern rnonia In mlvate family; R-orxl nelKhhorheod on car line. "et. 7CO. lAltilR furnished alcove front room. al?n other rooms, with Ijcard; references. South ZT.lh Ave. A FT En a day's work a li:tle recrea tion 1 welcomed. We will clve Mrs. Mary l.'lsen. it N. 2!d i?t. . an order for a f air of seats to the Woo.Wraxd Stock eomrany at the American theater If she wtil come to The Hee oirn-e within tnree days. NICKLY furnlMietl roims, privato fam ily;, hot water heat. .1U01 N. Mlh. Phons Web. SSGl HARNEY w: iArgre, newly furnished room In moilorn houxc; two milles witn downtown posiilonn; Unlit housekeeping it desireil. He Iark Ave. 210 S. Cfith Ave., newly furnished frnt room. Hiiltublu for ono or two gentlemen. 21H N. 1TTH ST. Front rooms, steam heat. one. block from postofflce; gentlo- men lrefelrcd. Furntwbcil llon.rkerpina Itooma. TWO nvodera light housekeeping rooms. !921 Mason. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping frent rooms. IfeiS Davenport. TWO furnished rooms tor ltgtt bouss- keeping. Till N. 21st. The Manuel and Howard. SI A Howard, t and 4-rm. ikPK. apta IZi to H0. YOUNG widow, 29. wishes to sbaro part of a C-room steam heated apartmsat; references required; within walking dis tance. Address. N 369. Bee. LARGE roomy parlor. two beds. 1X11 Dodge. Reasonable. 3KB N. 4Cth, four completely furnished rooms on Karnam car line, to coupic without children; references required. LARGE unfunilphed front parlor In all modern house for housekeeping". lo: Park Ave. Harney swz. Famished nouses. Nicely furnished modern nouns. D. Jf77. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CiiAiiiAJVt. uu o um St. Elk hotel, rooms 33o and 6O0. 817 N. 16th. Dii.M HOTEL. 1206 Douglas, newlv furnished rooms. SO cents; weekly, U up; steam heat- Hub hotel, steam .heated, loot Doug, st the fiCHLlTZ HOTEL. Our J60 plats alnner the best in voa ciiy. nrinrsiS HOTEL. 13th and Doda-si all COOl Outside rooms; apwjwwvvK rate. HOTEL ALBANY; roost elegant rooms; hot and cold water; iireprooi; prices ivaao'.iaoie; coin yauna mi uuutiu Excellent meals, SCO N. Kth, So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1002 Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms &a up. 4U0 8. 13th, Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-16 Faro. thi; IRVING. il8 Leavenworth: torsi. class room aud board- O&FORD and ArcaUa, special w'kly rata. NEW YORK hotel, rms, 60c. 10JS Douaias Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. UOH 8. 10th. Hotel Lyons, rooms 80c up. US N. Uth. nvrnn TTntol Council Bluffs. Rooms Ugaen llOiei .uo , .7.00 pe, week. Burlington, nice rooms, 1 block to depot CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 1708 Cass L WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms BOO to M.60. Apartments and Flats. 7-roora flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 6763. STEAM HEAT. ONE C-roora up-to-date apartment. No. Ill, I. th St Tel. D. 41U. THREE and six-room block. Jiiih and Webster. (lata Marti FULLY modem, 6-room, heated apart ment In the exclusive West Farnam dis trict; very choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1808 Farnam Bt ROOM3, in suites of 2 and 3 each, 818 No. 17tti St. THUS. W. HAZEN, 2UJ Mc Cague. Phone D. 1J0O. ETEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. "THE STANDARD,' SEPARATE HOMES. C fine decorated, large, full modern rooms, inside hall bath, shades, gas range, free hot water all year, Janitor, walking distance; references required. Winter, ono at $32, another $3J, another $&; summer 810 less. More for money than elsewhere. PAYNE & PLATER CO., Sole Agts., bill Floor, Om Nat Bk. Bldg. STEAMHEATED FLATS. . THE STANDARD. The hlRh standards, tine decorations. 6 large rooms, tree hot water all year, walking distance; fclve moro for money than anywhere else; an outside corner, idu winter, 82a summer. References re quired. PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agents, utli Floor Omaha Nut. Bank. CLOSE-IN FLAT. 1754 Leavenworth St. 7 rooms, aU mod em except heat, 2j. PAYNE SLA 1 EK LU, Sole Agents, tth Fl. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Vafanlahed Rooms, THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Wall-ltig distance pratsrrsd. Douglas 77y I. aa LEAVENWORTH. 8 unfurnished rooms. Call after p. m. or Saturdays and Sundays. B;S SOUTH 26TH AVE. Lower flat, 6 rooms and reception hall. Call Douglas 641. Houses and Cottages. FOR RENT Sevsn-room bouse at 2414 Caldwell St. Modern except furnace. Good cellar and clxtern pump In kitchan sink. Near school. Telephone Harney 46M or enquire at 8218 Webster St MOD. 8-room collage, fiu rep'r. II. 8644 MODERN 8-rooni brick, hardwood floors throughout; 3 nice mantles; fine ne:ghborhood. on car tine. Only (&.0v. Wrtgbt & Lasbury, UjC S. loili. 1'nona Doug, lit 8-ROOM cottage lust west of 30th St., on Harney; no street car fare; modern except heat, reut 827-60. ae NeiiHe, NavUia Block. HOI StHUl.Il GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and Muring Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Uoi.g. 394. City office Zi b. bl., lsa U.c. OFFERED FOR RENT lloa sea and (vttaac -I onllnaeil FOIi RENT The twenty-room bri? Bouse, with brick (.table and aoc-ut nv sues iiui-iovt-u giuurids, at euuiaw, miner ul Sherman vnu and true aiicci. lunuue roviu ji4 rital ivat'i wea 11. ug. itirpbouv Douglas 1242. 671 So. SSth iuuuern, $.12. .ai. A-lUtt. St.. 8 rooms, completely iiall, 433 Atemge. i. i4vx Cm. Van & Storage Co., packs, nuvta, tores liouavuoul goutla. FireptooC aii. age. V4 rt. loth. Branch. u t. l.nx D. 4W. A-liM JIODKRN R-room li.nwe, J7HI Capitol Ate. 1 hone Hartley 1404. Ki e-tooni cotlane. modern but hent. .wu 111, tine repair, ilarney .44. RENTERS, SAVE HALF MONTH. We hao a houses, 4 10 8 ivoins, Sil to $T0. tin nevoial can make conceasiou of luilf to tub month's rent. l. RI'SSKLi. t M'KITKICK CO.. 4.U RamKo RidK.. liitu and Harney. Dodse Kt.. 8 rooms, Key next door. all modem. 10-RCOM modern, strictly up-to-date residence; hot water heat; east trout 81st Ave., umi Douglas St.; opposite 1 uruer aik M. MADS A. HANSEN, McCague Blag. Douglas 1SS3. R1X and i.evcn-room modern flat, hot . an r heat, tor 4l. 'J'e!. Webster DUNDEE Seven rooms, rtnctly mod ern; near car; paved street; encap to permanent tenant. Phone Hartley 3J17. SLx-room c-ottav, modern except heat. In bood repair, located at No! Sta North t'l OL. ll.oillll. VINCENT 1). DERMODY. Tel. Doug. ,'.. Ijl4 City Nat I Bank Did. NINK-RiHtM modern house, near lliu--ney and larnam cars. Only J-i.JO Doug- ian 1-tH. OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage oel. D. SJoa. tlli -N. 17 tb. FOfl RENT Modem apartment, looms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 The Clarinda, Hist and Farnam. HKNSON cottage, bargain, by owner, leaving city, t ail 3v4 IS. Halcyon Ave., or 'Phone Benson 3 6 J, day or night, this week only. HtwM modern house, except heat, 2101 AlianU. G-rooni, elrlctlv modern, 2410 Jones. J. 1. KEMP, 2612 Leavenworth. Phones: Douglas H3. lnd. A-lKf.3. N EARLY NEW ALL MODERN HIM. HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, TALKING DISTANCE. THONE HAR NEY 1)400. 7-room hou.e, 124; t-room house, t?X ITanscom park district. All modern, Phone Harney lSf. CHEAP RENT. Fins large, full modern. 8-room house, built for home No. 1&13 N. 20th St.; newly decorated insldo and cut; walking dls tuuee; iJO. It tenant does his part, takes good care of property, will be ue uucted from last month of year. T. J. llOOiv Office 1101 N. lMh St., PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Omaha Nat. Bank Bum. 403 9. S4th rt., S-room flat $.'i0.0o tJO S. 2ith St.. 7-room flat 7.5 i5 S. 27th St.. 6-room flat fl'I.OK OW S. 27th St., 6-room flat .(K) S. 23d St., 5 and 6-r. flats, both. 91. b0 U Woolworth, 8-room, montn .b.w Wtis! Woolworth, 8-room, month 2&.0u 8 S. J&th St., K-r., mod. ex. heat.... 18. 00 J01S I,eavenworth, 7-room, modern.... 20.00 Iteea St.. 6-r W OO 62d and Military Ave, 6-room 13.00 BEM1S-CARLBERG CO.. 810-Sia Br. The, CLOSE-IN COTTAGE. Look at 830 B. fkl Bt., a 6-room cottage, all modern except heal, tau. PAYNK & BLATKB CO., Sole Agents, 6th Fl. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg 7 ROOMS CLOSE IN 2609 Dewey . Ave., a 7-room, strictly modern brick dwelling, hot water heat. Price S41. owner pays water rent. JAVNf- A SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, 6th Fl. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. WEST FARNAM 8PECIAL. S317 DodifA St.. 7 rooms, strictly mod ern brick dwelling, In a very desirable location. Special Inducements if taker. at once. PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Fl. Om. Nat. Bk. Bide. 9 ROOMS, CLOSE IN. 210S Can St., a strictly modern brick dwelling, within easy walking distance Special Inducements if taken at onus. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Sola Agents, 6th Fl. Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern; 2D3S Dodge; D. 3770. MODERN 10-room house, 631 Bo. OA Bt Inquire next door south. ITnncna all parts or the city. Cralgo six-room house, modern except furnace, located at No. 04& North SSth stret. Paved street and one block to car, .U00 per month. VINCENT P. DERMODY. Tel. Doug. 786. 1514 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. BEVEN-ROOM modern house, fine lo cation; paved street, comer lot; l-'ft. Phone Webster 2j02. 4-KOOM houso for sale or rent. 1412 S. 42d St. Inquire 2109 B. 4'Uh Bt. Harney 3322. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1102 N. 22d, MS- HOUSE, 2426 Caldwell modern: rent 825. Bt, 8 rooms, FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's lea cream. If licalo Hvlmer, l'J14 Ixicust St., will come to The Bee utiles within three days wo will give her nn order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldt FIVE rooms upstairs. 1401 So. Cth St 1-ItOOM cottage; modern except heat 2'iti0 per month. 2412 Decatur St. Phone Red 1W. Modern clcht room furnished house. Went Farnam district. I-OO. Phone Harney 4&oa. v 9-ROOM, strictly modern house, 4223 Farnam. J. 1. Kemp. Both phones. It tores and Ufflcea. WEIRICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work: stornt sajh. Webster 2577, 111 I Na. Mth St. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, Z10 S. 13th. Wish to sublet suite of five rooms In City National Bank Kldg. Call D. 4114. OFFICE and reception. 404 Bee lildff. Halls. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, daness, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D. 2325. A-2323. " bTFERTbF0rTsALE Farallnre. MAHOGANY piano and piano player. Very cheap. Harney-Doug. Is67. WISHING to leave the city will sacri fice luriutuie of 6-room house for iOH; iiuuaa muuern except furnace; $20 reot; eaay walking uiatanct; ood place tvt i rn i.M., ENTIRE houso furnishings for sale; one old English library set, bedroom pl.-cea, chairs, etc. Must be sold at once Sua Dewey. Phone Harney tin. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, etc.. practlcaJy new, cheap, it FOR SALE a Moore's cook stove. 614 N. L th St., South Omaha, south I'M. yuartersawed oak sideboard, bookcase, gas and coal range, largest sice, nearly new Acorn baseburner, three-fourths Iron bed. 2220 Burdette. Web. 3411. $.7) RANGE. us-d very little; will sell for $22. Call 1606 Burdette. 1 hone Web- ter iS. OFFERED FOR SALE I Dewrtters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 21. FOX tyvewriter. 1WS Farnam St.' MI1H 1 P.tMlEH models No. I ar Not 1 in exce.ient condition, rented this months tor e.MITU PHEMIKR TTPE WRITER CO., 1SIO lA'USIU. TYPEWRITERS Special ssla for a hort time on all makts. See window tor MS price reaiicwuna. 11. . ewansott Co., 1..1" rni nam ft., umanu. THE ROYAL la kins- of typewriters lai. Typewriter, IIS.&U. IfioJ Farnam. D-sVS. I.IOHT touch Monarch Visibles for rent. The Monarch Typewriter Co., 411 d. bl. ) bone Doug. 4W. Mnstcal iMtraateats. riANO bargains. 10s N. loth. IX H01 LEAVING THE CITY WILL SELU AT 6ACIUFICE. a Sieinway plans. 14N Lolhrop. Webster HUa, Pianos, wholesales pis. Ml Boston Store. PIANO, slightly uses, at a baranla. Begeretrom 1'miio Mig. Co., lvtb and car. bain bts. VIOLIN repairing; all work nronmtlv done and guaranteed. :.4 So. Hth St. allseellaaeoMs. RAFE3 Overstockrd with second hand safes, all aues anu niaaca; bargaina Auiericun Supp.y to. Ilia Farnam aU taX-tUUt' bookkeeper's deak. oak fto. Ul, tor sale at 40.uu. Apply, Oeorss IV, Wright, lee Pubiisiung Co. TWO good secous-band National easa leglawrs lor aaia at a bargain , and, ou taiy verms. U. a. niieiiuuae, v4 a. lnVtt St. ..Jj.;,,. UakuaiM) n siore fixtures at leas than coat ot material; small o ot nearly naw store shelving and store enclosure. aix-diattri- cuuiitut vipfcaiy suitable toe Barnaul. FOR 8AX.E Alaska seal coat, pertact condition ; worn snort tlnte; as bust i lung; will sell (or low figure. 'Psoas tougias (U4U. tU BUYS almost new drees suit, only worn a few times; tall and slim. Address, 16 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin. solitaire diamona ring; wilt saoritice at a big be, gain. Address, at 216, Baa. NEW and old lumber, and houses to move, cheap. Dworak Lumber C3..1U el. U. SEVERAL atanuard makes of pianos wbl be disposed of tor storage and re pair charges; will sell or trade. Call mommas, Chas. H. Thatcher, plans fac tory, 11103 iitmiy h. FOR BALE New and second-hand bit Hard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. urunswicn-ciBJ-.uuiiuor, 4u o. tutu at. Kindling, W. 2b4. $4 load. H Gross Wrecking. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. HOME PIPffl, somo cast. n. cstemuorg, mis narnay FOR BALE Two scholarships In the Omaha commercial college ana two In Boyles college. Business office. Omaha Bee. CHEAP, xea anc on atectrto vending plana I raoslo boxes and 64 vending machines. Mat Leaven worth. H. 243, lud. A-JMJA EVERY person knows who D. J O'Brien Is because lie has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Anna M. Crary, 2155 St. Mary's Ave., will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-oent bos. ot O Brlen a candy free. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures piles. 408 Om. Nat bk. Automatic Phone Bus's, 3; residence, fl KARSTON TONBETTT. Swedish move, ment and massage; graduate of Dr. KeU berg Inst. Stockholm, Sweden) day Phone D. 7196; night, D. 8404; sua um, Nat Bank Bldg. 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy. Uth and Dodga MAKSSAnH Oath, salt glow aromatic IVlixOOAUfs treatment Mm. Allen of Chicago. ItM a. 17th St.. first floor. l. 1406. FOR caaes of Blats Bser Tat Doug. 1081. Mecbano Therapy massage treatment Rheumatism. Dr. Margaret Halloran. Ui-S Nbvli.e Bra. D. 7.6t Opan alter s. FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANINO PHONE D. 623. PRICES KSABGN ABLE. Eleo. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $LT5 day; W. 2968 MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN. H. 6240. Hair good, all descriptions; combings mads ua Massage, Rlttenhouae. 808 Old Boston Bid, Dr. Burke, Women's Diseases, 41 Ogla. Blk JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COM PAN -Movvd to m ri. Uth Bt Douglas UUJ, LAUNDRY rough dried. 191 Clark 8t Adellght hair food grows balr. km Frayer, Megeath eta, Ci, AitlA aud sara, Mrs, Pierce, shampoo, halrdresslng and mamcuring. 2961 Farnam. II. bubl. A-1U8. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ais invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building ai beveiiieentli bt. and St. Mary's Ava. where tbey will be directed lo suitable lbarding places or uUrwtss Look fur our uavelsra' aid at the Uutoa station. HINDOO TABLETS wlil build, braos, ti tog then, Umj. BELL DRUG CO. MISS SNYDER out of city until No vember 1. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing m t. Hid. A-iiak1, DougiaS It. NELivAbivA CYCLu. CO., lulii and Alaiuey bts. f ASSiAUH'. Treatment Mrs. Steele, THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off commit. In tact, any uung yuu do not lic-td. We collect, repair aud aeii, at t4 N. Hth St.. tor vast of cotiectioo. la the wormy poor. Ca.i paone Dwugiaa ixa anu waguus win tiau. f ASS AtlR -3tn' !" romaOo iraaliualiu Aa tne. Allen ui Chicago, m H. run St., 1st floor. D. Tbtxi. 84 AHMl'TIf! treatment. Brott H8 U. aJ MASSAGE Swedish movement; uotlUng better lor tiieuiiiaiisin. tauias, 81; geiit,- ineu, ILeo. Apt i. iMi Haroani. u. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid 110 oruers; catalogue free, bherinaa 4t Mccniiel Drug Co., uuana, isub. ETTA GOLDSBURY has opened new hau-uiessmg panora at 302 Neville. IX 8V. Dr. Burke, nervous diseases. 41 Doug. B I a. SHAMPOO fBl''; Steele, ex. OAXiXla UW par i opar t r. 101 M. II. 8 U A LITTLE girl to board and care for from 2 to 12 year a of age; no other chil dren; relerences given. O u8. Bee. SEE Mls Eva Lang with the Worxt u. i ,i fcf,,,. rt.uiiAnu a, . I . Am theater. If Mia. J. Rile. Slot N. 24th St.. win come to nn dm oince wunui tnree cays we win give nur an vroar ior a pal of tickets. TO WHOM It may concern: I am not responsible for any aebla of Mrs. J. K Nickels after October 26. Mr. J. E. Nickels. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FLOOR sweepings, good ch.ekoq feed, ll.uo per hundred. Wagner. l No. 16th. TWfi ROUGH BRED a. C. Rhoda lai.a p.ed cb'ckens. old and young; lake Amti Ave. car to win ana uianu. ctl at UU BEAUTIFUL Scotch Haruey 1417. Collla puppies, REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! OF UTtlt Frank Norton. Xl 5. 17th. Res Bldg There a Resvon. ' I minimise your title troubles. until pnoue-a. Midland Ouar. A Trust Co.. 1714 Far. It H Nsale, pre.: J. Campbell, sec D. itai. Peter Jeasen. ). Co., Tel. Doug. i-'SU. Reed Abstract Co.. oMest abstract otf n In Ntbiaaka. rv vranueia i neater. QUARANTKK ABSTRACT CO., room Patterson Hlk. BUILDERS' IM'OHMATIO.V. Electric, ess fixtures. Omaht Silver Co. Platte Gravel & Washed Saud Co.. 442 Bee Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming A mar. Sply. Cot. roof'g. paints, litis Men. Fuehs. Soa 4k Blind, painting decorating FOR. rent or sale, concrete mixer. Patton Bowman, 101& Far- Douglas 6&4. nsm. WASTED TO BUY. I.tST eur city property for sals with Voael. 40 Karbaeh Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR SA1.K. BUNGALOWAND TWO ACRES. At 87th and Newport Ave. we have a brand new 5-room bungalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all directions; plenty of young fruit star tea. sua just ine piece lor a aan who wants to farm a llttla and eon tlnue his work dowolovvn. Price, um I A XiNiU liN V JS 1 MIaN T COMPANY. BAROAlN-4.'holce lot on California St rest of JMb St. Aditrees. M , Bsc, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE tContlnued.) Brand New 8S22 Seward St.. 8-room modern two. story dwelling, oak finish, first floor, all large rooms, sleeping porch, lot 4aVi32. Price only $4,000. $000 cash, balance $40 a month. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 810-812 Brandels Theater. SOUTH SIDE HOME The owner of a brand new 7-r., all mod' ern home, must have sniae money quick It has oak finish, decorated wa Is. S cunts of lead and oil on outside, full lot, near school and ear, St. being paved; 8io eash will make the first payment on this beau- tuui home, nee J. V. RASP CO. 69 Brandels Uldg. GOOD BARGAIN IN 2 LOTS AND 5 ROOM HOUSE Immediate possession, owner moved to tjnicRgo. House, chicken houso and barn, almost new. Terms, $150 cash, balance. $1,400, easy payments. Location, Plnkney street, t diocks to car. Birkett & Tebbins 423 Bes Bldg. Doug. 4764. A-1754. Fine Bungalow Close In; All Modern ' For Sale Cheap 1523 Hall Avenue $3,150 A close-In, splendidly built, completely modern bungalow. Has large basement. cemented, good furnace, laundry sink, large living room with built-in book cases, beautiful dining room with pan eled walls and plate rail, solid oak mis sion ftnisn, beauurul oak rioore, two fine bedrooms, with good closets, also nice kitchen with convenient pantry and Ico box, thoroughly equipped bath room with tile cement finish. All ot the walls are sand finish and tinted with oil colors. The best of plumbing throughout and beautiful lighting fixtures. The street Is paved and the paving Is all paid tor, sodded yard, cement walks. You can't Improve on the arrangement or nnlsh of this house. Come out today and see It Just east of Sherman Ave., on Hall Ave., one block north ot Burdette St. Nbrris & Martin Douglas 4270, A -4270. 400 Bee Bldg. FIN ID olosa In corner. 60x160. with one large and two small frames, for qjilck sale at $12,600. Clean exchange consid ered. See J, W. HASP CO., 6SB Brandels Bldg. BRICK factory building, with or with out power plant, with 2 or 6 lots, on trackage. Bes J. W. Hasp Co., 89 Bran- dels Bldg. N VESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. ROOMS, ALL MODERN 80,000. We have a two-anartmem nousa. con taining 18 rooms, two baih rooms, seven bed rooina wiia pauor, tuning room and kitchen In each apartment with new Plumbing and good beating plant This properly Is too large for present owner aud It Is a splendl-1 proposition foi Some one Who will buy it aud divide II Into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the boae this worn can bo done ki a very small expanse and When completed tba apartments will rent for 82i eauh. The buyer can live In una apartment, rent tho rest a. id make a good Investment out of your borne. The building is wall bulit and lit good condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center ot the city; one bloc from tho Dodge street cat Una and Ui guod real deuce district. j, ujj nuwnB.n i.i ivim N. 8WT11 ST. It Is lust north of Ohio on the Florence Blvd. A good six or aevsn-rocm modern house will bo taken In exchange at the right price. This prwpoiillun la certainly Wwria look ins a. NOhiUS 4V MARTIN. 408 Bes bldg. Douaias V7a A 4271 Investment Opportunity to Invest $13,000 to earn IB per cent per annum in a finely Improved real ratate property; leased to A 1 parties, particulars at this ufflce. $18,600 Three attached brick dwellings, hardwood finish, but water heat, very desirably Iocs tad, near Farnam car line. Income $l,6o. Part cash, balance on mortgage at 6St per cent $lb,axl Three large attached brick houses on big lot, with frontage ou $ streets; space for mors houses or stores. Close In ou car line. Thomas Brennan K. W. GANNETT Mgr.. Real Estate Dep. Tel. Douglas UiH. fttt-Ml City Nat Bank. NORTHEAST CORNER loth and Wirt, 1,2 8 by 124, Must be sold. W. If. GATES, (44 Omsha Nat Bk. Bldg. Ph. D. 1394 BT OWNER. Strictly modern llve-ruom cottage, two and one-half blocks from Farnam St.: only 12 minutes' walk from 16th anil Farnam. Stairs leading up to second story; enough space for two large room and closets. Tile bath, combination fix tures; cemented basement; newly painted, also new walk and steps; hardwood fin ish throughout House la only three years old and a perfect gem Inside. So it you want an ideal home drop out and look It over. Rents for $32.60. At 2&3 Capitol Ave. Only $3,100, part cash ou terms to ' ESTATE 4 IT Y IMUU'KHT Y FOR AI.K (Continued.) EVERY plumber U not a robber: If anv- hin hnppi-ns rhone Doug. 1H1S, Good lunibing Co. Close in Home On Very Easy Terms T! North 3'th street, a well-built house of s rcomft; Moilorn in every rcitpect; tievv fiirnaie. moilern pliimltlnu, paved si ret; close tn car and school, and easy walking IlKtuneo trom town; an uppoi tunliitv lor party deslrlnt l.irse home close In, on terms Ihut will suit. R. H. Landeryou 4U Board .( Trade. Tel. D. 2151. (KHlll lot on Wth and Cans for xnlo. cheap. Address owner. X'll I.caven woi In ot. FOR a dainty dessert use DaUntl's Ice rvum. If Carrie Hettinger, IfcM Charles St., will come to The lien office within three days we will give her an order for quart brick of this fine ice cream. ACREAGE FOR SALE. DANDY HALF ACRE. 2-room house, barn and well; north west of the Fort; dirt cheap at $7M1; $,7 cah and $13 por month. J. W. Rasp Co.. iM Ikand.'. lllilg. REAL ESTATE FARM K A Vtll I. l.ND FOR MALE CnllCwrnln, SACRAMKNTO VALLEY LANDS Cllenn county, California, 20 ami 4o-acre trams now under cultiv iitlnn. $ per acre. Ono mile from railroad. Addtvss G. W. Conrnd, Wood River, Neh. Colorado, IF YOU want to buy good farm land st $10 eti to tuio per acre, or want a good homestead relinquishment writs to or call un The Matleson-Purdy 1-ar.d Company, Otis, Colo. FRUIT land bargains. Intermountaln Land Co., 1122 Farnam. Phona D. 40jJ. Bargains Fruit land. 6S2 Lranilels Bldg. FOR sale at a bargain, the relinquish mrnla on a licautttiil section of farm land In the ArkaiiMis valley, only a few m.h.a from a good town and n short distance from Rocky Ford, tho center nf the great melon district or Colorado. The land is under tho "iimpss" ditch and the water stock, which will be sold with the re linquishments, carries with It certain water lights under that Irrigation sys tem. II. F. F.lckhoff, Tlmpas. Colo. Cnnutln. We want to send to every man who con templates the. purchase- of a farm our circulars describing the wonderful resources and possibilities of the Neclnffio and Eraser Valleys in "Western Canada. "Everything looking well In Nechsco this year. 1 had 70 bushels of oats to the acre on land bought from you." The above Is extract from a letter of W. v. Me.Mlen. government Indian agent of Fort llcorge District, British Co lumhhi, and refers to wild land sold to lilm by this company two years OHO. Grand Trunk Pacific Land Co., 309-11 Now York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neh. MILD CLIMATE NO EXTREMES! LAND CLOSE TO SPLENDID MAR KETS. In 1!'18 the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed. opening up the rich agiiimltural districts of CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleys of the FORT GEORGE DISTRICT, the NKSIIOHO VALLEY and the BUCKLEY VALLEY. This land will double and treble In value as soon as the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today for booklet describing thin wonderful oountry. B. MKYEL, DISTRICT SALES AGENT, (SIO-U PAXTON BLOCK. OMAHA, NED. lotva. THE easiest way to find a buyer tot your farm Is to insert a mail want ad in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa, 43,ouo dally. The Capital Is read by anil believed In bf the standpatters of Iowa, who a-mply re fuss to permit auv other paper In tiislf homes. Hate. 1 cent a word a duyj l :i per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Mulnal CapliaJ. Des Moines, la. Georgia. GREAT SOimi GEORGIA Travsrsed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM a) ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptabls to the widest rang ot crops. All the money crops of the Soutli plentifully produced. Fur literature trtal. Ing witn this coining country, Its soli, oil. mate, church ana school advaniagta wrlia W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Pussenger Agent A'lLAK'i'A. Us. Blknasvs. FOR SALE-320 ACKKS. LOGAN CO., Kansas; ten miles from It R. station Oukley, pop., 6nv; will yield natural rain lad without IrrlKatlon; wheat, 14 bu.; kufflr curn, 3u bu.; mllo maise, 85 bu.; tans, 3 tons; potatoes, 300 bu. ; sugar beets. 7 tons; millet, 20 bu.; altulia. broomcorn, flax, rye, barley, cow peus, beans, watermelons, Rocky Ford rautu loupes; horas, mules, cattle, sheeii do well; Denver butter fat market nearby; price, $12 pur acre. Will exchange tor Omaha properly. I'. O. Box 3, Omaha. Mlunesuta. A FINE 100 acres In Itasca Co., Minn. Almost level, very itch soil, $25.00 an acre. Will consider a good piano and other clear property up to $2,000. Halance easy terms. A. J. Hunt, owner Coon Rapids, la. Mlaaourl. 120 ACRES valley land, 80 acres In cul tivation; family orchard, 2 wells, a new 8 room house 2x'2i; barn and other out buildings; 3 horses, I cow, Implements, household goods and part of crop for $3.01.0; $2,000 cash, $1,000 five years' time; 7 per cent Intel cot. A. H. JoIiiihoii, Hut ton Valley, Md, Nebrnabn. IMPROVED Nebraska farms. $8 ait acia up. Wilis or call tor our llal. Wood ward, i 14 Omaha Nut Ban Bldg. 100-ACKE farm near Benson for sain, cheap. Owner lias incurable sickliest lu-uuiro loom 6ut Airowu block. Free list of Improved Howard, Oreeiey, Valley, btitriuin arid Custer county fauns, for people of limited means want, lug huiues ou easy terms. C. Brauiey, Wolbach, Neb. WELL unproved Frontier county, N. brat-ka, fauns lor sale or trade; lo to $.V); albo town properties In towns of certain ties. D. F. Johnston. Dux t. Curtis, Neb. EASTERN Ne., and Iowa, farms to exchange for Dakota lands. Walker Jt Co., atU Brandies theater, Omuha. HOM ESTEAD 320 acres for $176; about to miles out; rich lann land, not land. Was an old enlis now cancelled. Worth $2 uuo. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Nub. NEBRASKA and Oiegon land, $8 up, IX Brandels Blog. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. Ws have a very lurga number to pick from; ull sists. from 40 acrea to l.tlno i.iti-m. iit-iir omuha, und all prices. A FEW EXTRA BARGAINS which will nut lust long, ('nine on and tell uu your wishes aud let us ahow you the goods. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1118-1214 City National Bank building. REAL REAL ESTATE FARM A ItANCII LAND FOR 8 ALB Nebraska (oat I need. 148 ACRES SARPY CO, 41!) acres. Hct bargain near Omaha for the money. Situated in Sarpy county within 7 miles of South Orrmha and 8Mi mil's of Papllllon; S valley land; tfe mile ,roni new drainage ditch; upland, gen tly rolling. Th very best of sod; io.iioo worth of Improvements, consisting ot good, well built 7-room houso I large rooms), giHKl cellar, plenty of closets, lantry equipped with flour bins, china closets, etc. Good barn for II head, with . haymow for 40 tons; good orchard, etc. If you wont tho very best Improved and very best farm you can get, without any exception, for $li0 pe racre near Omaha then lake this; Vi cash; balance long time. Let mo show you the gmxls. Bring wife with you. A large list and a few bar gains; all terms and all prices, but If you tan handle the above do not over look It. ORIN S. MF.RRlLt. CO.. 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. North Carolina. FARM for profit 111 eastern No. Caro lina, nation a garden spot. I-eads other lo calities for vegetables, fruits, staple farm ing on small capita). Homeseckeia A In vestors write. Carolina Trucking lievelop mont Co., 824 S". Bldg., Wilmington, N. C. Oklahoma. FROM 20 to 820-acre tracts from $18 to li per acre. So Vogel, 4o9 Karbaca blk. ureas a, VISIT the Willamette Valley exhibit st the lind Show and see what we grow, then come and see us and let un tell you all about the oountry. We are here to serve vou. The World Investment Co., K l.iandiis Bldg., Omaha, New. Alhuny, Eugene, Corvallla and Salem, are center of construction of two trunk trolley systems and two new steam rail ways, opening up splendid rich country. NO IRRIGATION here. Gardening, poultry, fruit dairies and general farm ing. Call at Willamette Vallev diMduy and ask us. Nothing for sole. Sen this country the land values are rUlug. Detail literature for the ask lug. W rite secretary Commercial clubs In towns named. OREGON APPLE ORCHARD tM WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Developed and taken cars ot tor 8 years. ' No vira costs. M) Interest .NO taxea. A reliable investment that can be handled ' on monthly payments cuovenient to you. Price advance nu re, aunu rtov. i. Oregon bearing orchards net from )4V0 to H.iAW per acre. SAniiAAi rnuii Sect aud Ui-nl. Sales Manager tempo rarily, baurorn iioieu Teans. BARGAINS In Texas land. In shallow wator belt Close In. Prices right. W. J. Van Gorder, Hereford, legas. Wyomtagt VISIT Tine Bluffs. Wyo., exhibit at Tjind Khow and see the grain that growa on LAND yon can buy from $16 to $26 per acre. Let us ten you sooui it. i. Realty. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT irarsu and Itaaett Lands, 1M seres Irrigated. 4 mn.ts from Wheat land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa: I section 1 miles from Kimball. Neb.: 800 aorea broken; fine land; and IW acree 12 miles from Atkinson, Nab. 1L Grosa 801 8. 22d. 4 REAL ESlATtLOArtS WAN 1S.D cay W. Faruaiu Smith loans 4k Co., and warrants, Hum Faruain Mb OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O KEEfc hi REAL KdTATsl CO., 101$ New Omaha Nat'l Beuk Bunding. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inv. Cn, WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co, CITY and tarin. JOHN N. FRalNER, $100 to $lo,ovO mads promptly. F. ft, Wead. Wsaii Bidg.. lktn sul Farnam. MONEY lo loan on busluasa or real, dene properties. 1,UOO to MM.UU0. W. U, THOMAS, 603 Ft! at Nat Bauk Blag. LOW HATES. BEMlat-CAKA-BEUliCO, ,v-kli Biaiiuebt '1 hoaier BiUg. $lv- FARM LOANS; no commission; optional payments; cheap money; quick service, uiin b. Merrill. UU City Nai l Bk. Bldg. WANTAvD FARM LOAaa vaatuisnt Compaoy, Omaha. lvloke la. lm lCP rpiITWP nil farm and elt A. a Juana. aui a. li QAliVIN HROSS i2 Jf- LARGE LOANS, municipal bonds. iuorb gtus bought and sold. STUUL BHuaV. EVERY person known who D. J. O'Brteu la. If Mrs. Elisabeth Crowe, 1510 N. Hutu St., will come lo Tne Bee office withiu three nays wo will give her an order for a oo-cuit box ot O'Brien s candy free. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCHANGED A. Trade. l. Mi. C. Jewell, Board o4 1 HAVE one section ot Wisconsin tim ber land that 1 would Ilka lo exchanga (ui good income properly; land is cioar and any piopeiiy taken must be clear ot uiiuuinoiaiice; would consider acreage properly near Omaha. Address Y It), care otuaha Bee. I HANDLE exchsnges everywhere. For rtaults ace me. Deaa. 417 Bee Bldg. D. 1388, WE exchange properties of merit. C W, Wulau, ttU-UI O N. Blk Bldg. Doug. 786a. I HAVE for trade near good town in Dodge county, Nebruska, close to Omaha, til acrua tif as good corn laud as there la In the Slute. Want 1 or room modern liousa; must be well located ana clear ot aiicuinbrancea. Charles Hanley. Agt, lol S. luih bl., Omaha, Neb. A SECTION ot land In McPherson county fur real estate. Tel. Harney 1218. $12,000 EQUITY In fins. 800-acro farm near Mary vine. Mo., to trade fur mdae. or hardware; a lu.'ig time will ba given on balance. Income this year 82,600. Pries, $126 per acre. Address Y 12. cars Bee. TRADES if you bave anything ts Had., writs me. o. AC Walt Ui Bee Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Thirty-five roomed niouern hotel, oouuty seat. Bast ot location. Reined tor two years, $,u per month. Want laud, give price. Full description in first letter. Julia Heyer, LeuiOiS, la. Exchanges Jewell. U'd ot Trade, D. 1637. IF YOU are looking for' an exchange ot properties and bave something worth whde, you should not miss tue oppor tunity ot visiting booth No. 1 at lha Land Show this week. Tho great San Luia Val ley exhibit la on there and the men In ehargit are live wires. They will consider any property ut value, priced right, as part payment on their lands. Dou't fall to grasp tlua goldeu cpporluntty. IT S YOL RS TODAY. THE RIO GRANDE HOME CO, Wood River. Neb. Alamosa, Cold- 5 ACRE SURURBAN HOME Improved, almost new, 7-room house. This has a great number of talkable features near car line, on macadam road, good high echdol advantages, one of the moat commanding vlei.a around Omaha, choice neighborhood, good soil, etc., etc. Valuu, KO.O, ail clear. Will well for cash, or ex ceedingly easy terms, or will trade for in come bearing property1 in good location in Omaha or South Omaha. This Is a chance which does not come often to gel good, gill lve suburban property. Think of It also that value It is dsiind to grow into an act. ORIN a. MERRILL COM PA NT, 1213-H14 City National Bauk Bldg.