WANT ADS Vt wt nda received at any Udm but to invar proper clnesirkatlon mwt bo presented before 12 o'clock iw. (or the evening edition and be for T:0 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi thm. Want nda receded after such hour will bare their Drat Insertion under the bending "Too Iat to Clanslfy." CASIT MATHS' KOK WAXT ADS. II KG U LA R CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H rent rw rr,l n' 1 cent per word lor each aabseqaent Insertion. Each Insertion ntado on odd dayt 1, cent per word, fi.BO per line per month. TUtea apply to either Tho Inlly r Sunday Ilee.. Always count ti f ortit to a line. Want ad for The Be may be left at any of the following dm store- one Is your "rornw 1rti(rKt"'" "T are all branch office for The Hoe and year ad will be inerted Jnt n promptly and on the aame rate aa at the main office In The Wee bnlldlng-. Seventeenth and Famam arrreti: Alhach. W. C, 4th ari Farnara. Vlum Drue Co.. 21 N. lGtb t. Pennon rharmacy. IiPBHon. N, Bern! Psrk Pharmacy, rid and Lumwi Heronek. b. A.. lOS S. 11 lit bt. DKATIIB AND VDKBRAL KOTICKf. . pen :' J-imu.-i J.i "-"a TP.ACY Andrew, seed TS year. Funeral Wednesday. October 25, at a. m., from th family residence, U31 Mouth Tenth street, to Kt. Phllnmenas church. Interment Holy hepufcuher ceme tery. rEMOSS-ninton, October ft, Mil. aged M years. Funeral from Cole-McKay rompony rhspel, i; Dowlas t troet. Thursday, Oc tobrr H it I o clock p. in. Friends in vited. rfaTOirTIBSiBtrliffr1' 1 m""" B1KTIIS AS D DMATHI. D.-.I... mtn-! anil Vmnt Tllink. S7H Seodirk street girl; Ruth Marelal, Res- cue Home, tov; uwirire ana r.va nan Ulster. MIS North Twenty-fourth street, Blrl; Charles and Jennie Doye, 217 i!mi street, boy; Albort and Ellen Mm... 7.ll Onulh Vlnlh 1 r ... f alrt! k(MM and Henry Uerahandt, 4344 Leavenworth street girl. Deaths Elnthrop R. Johns, 17; Mis Ora Wolfsfleld, 25, 2(2 North Thirteenth street. Marrlaae Mrrnri. The following- man-lag licenses bar been Issued: Knin anit 'Andre. Age. VlniHr I. Jnhneon. Omaha 27 Catherine M. Halae, Omaha 20 .Tntn Prni'liBRkft Omaha Kram-aa Makry. Ouiaha 28 Jacob Oehr1t, Benson. Neb 2 k'rancea liuller. Uenun, Neb -i Jnhn A ITauaer. Platte Center. Nen.... U Jntna Carsteiisen, t'olunibu. Neb.... IH Hnbert Rutahy, Imkot City, Neb ffl Jlaaei Colllsoo, Dakota Tlty, Neb ii Oeorga T. Crulkahank, Pntith Omaha.. 25 Uenertev M. Miller, South Omaha.... W Arm and Oirenette, Omaha 21 Mary Cahlll, Omaha 1 P)HJah Vf. Pnundera. Omuha Winnie A. Kunk, Omuha 23 Roy & lavls. Vrhana. It) 23 liiillah Hume. Urbenn, 111 t'harlea A. Jordan, Omaha Buaaa A. Scott. Boulh Oroeha U ANNOUNCEMENTS J . A. G TLKMAN tmkaJtner, liut Chicago Bt. D. llNVElt. UK<, NU. i-laA IIKAFEY itlliiAFEY VaderUkars, mill Fainam. A-u; U. KAt YOU'LL) always be happy it your wj. tflug rlua kvutes Iruin ix ud-jru , iij ek IMit oU At the sign at Wi crown. Mv;ULa9 1'rtniiiig Co., Tel. Loug. u. Gi-T your diamooos at etrooegiuud a, UOV1NU picture anaenmea; supunae, .uiia 'iiu in., aaiuaio. MONEY SmS! TO LOAN LOW S UUliu WwiiA EVKHV ptrxm knows who I). J. O ti ten is bovtiiiM) be iiu nmue Oioana lamoue mm iu utuuy. n Aire. st. 1j., u4 t. Inn bt., will Collie to 'in iie uitice wtiluu tin ce u u win gike lii au o4uu' tur a wvuiii ooa. ui o uiitiu s cauuy Int. bOlLl':iL eheet Unu sud una Oiuau auuciuiai aiu kwrka. or a. Lumlere pliuto. stualj, mu ho. lata at Waters oiueut cou. lou .. ju. y, kalAi Mouruuiet im.. el any. itc, i,, Ibdiaon pouue lev. bhu,i i.iua. ,eM 1 .1UJ-AU vooU Imomi pa l.VMW UlhUUIIIU, i,Mt Hila.lliM l.Uu. tUn pel l.!, tu.in SUM kttui,a lueueu, tii. li ""' tLiiwi Vau Ooiuon a liorb, uu hoapitai. i4. Our letter oupikatn.g work 1 untxiclicd. jk. tr.ei win Hum"." -. imu, t.uun. Kwiun iui..,i.i..il vu.. , JbUa ii. liimoe, bhlrta, two paxiun b.oc. VLUblU auiKMUiueweuia, Pniuuia - iHiugut 'fveaty per cent lea limn oaiii pi. liuMl, r Oil. CUV Twcuty-iouiiu eud tn., uutu Omaha, ltarpit.r, l evr liangiiig. paint fc-. It b. U. Cola feign Co. L. J.'w. mii c aruam aiagsaiu Vau t oiuii. tuve. SVM Hll ht 1. aa. LJ. IMU.U..M, Lluoiypo totuioatlloa tur trade. O. sie, lcu. feccd i-u., Lju Juue. x.uia piwii l'.t.al' bieccr tur nicu. taiays Nn l t,uO 'lli, 4 pec IW4, p4pe.u. tue, uua III.UIMII llu V.V., UUiAIM, .New. oulo a no biuvun ixaumT" Cu Uaiuic. Uiu u.u, ii.,u n,uuuiU4 eJu kw.iu le.aa a mw. Eslabilslieu ' iMixrf. 1 tlarhsy. Oit'ico btatiouery Kumi.A u i.c.itti t;o. lu. New auuie.s U u. Lxcloat.e 44lUk in. 1MIU.IU tlQ bt. Ls l oit n, iaui Wiivi . ix,..tua ie. e l(itomr,ni(. piai.o. li-fu. ley. Lkut ear. AMt-KICAN i ci.-i.eubfct.ug Cw. It. J.ti I' HOST manuUcl'ii and ui-u. l.u-.ii i-taiciWiiiin. epajis V- L. tuiitii. ail y at 1 . Mi tere. U. U;. at. '. AJoirul. ill Ili ja. ll.. k-J i-r.iiu,!! la AUT0MQ3ILES M'LNTYUE AUTO CO.:'- At'iO BAltGAlNat IN LSED U..a pitOT imH.uf-nuii 1. no rtaii tx.i.. 11 L,ca.iuonh. loll SALE S-paener blutiUai d-Dy-tun. in Lci:cni vuiiuuiin. iiaiuvy l.jj. WILL sell my half Interest In my new Invitiiuu ur 11.1 vxihanae tut goun auu. EI.KCTKIO CAPS POR "ALE. To , cui tun.i-, 1 Coiiunbus vit luiia, t Mluint.'.i siurti.i'ir, 1 iabcui k vii'toria, 2 N vvr!y cijui . If yuj contt.ri.Mat ti v.i.s u eitciiic u. V k,tt )ut OU 1 l'.,jh,:. lul". I'l I. m 1-ftUl. I'. r. L.otic Oaf. l:jni ju AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) HONK SHONK FRE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND lilh and Harney St. WHOLESALE prleea on oil. Doug. MSS, DIUsCCLL. auto painting. 20 N. l&tb. TIRES OMAHA BUBHKR COM PANT. Everything to rubber. auto Tlra lifuulrlnc Co. ISC1 Farnam. Tin nerd no cuarantee when we do the ork; bret workmen, loweat price. Murphy did it KKFA1KINO, I'Al.NTINU. TK1MM1NU. LION cars do mot work for leaM money. K. B. Held, U umoueia uag ONE Tnter-Stete; one Auburn. Hushing flrrii , Fouth Omaha. 25 o dlsenunt on auto gloves. Room 121 llee IlMg., Omaha. Burleigh Gloves WANTnr To tiny 2d-hard antottiohlle; mvit ho In flmt-clueit condition and cheep. N Ml, Hoe. PRVHRAI rccoiKl-hand aiitomohllei from l2fi up: all In gmd riienlng order. howlr, leavenworlh Bt. Aoto lamps repaired. Omaha Hllver Co. BUSINESS CHANCES Ta rt In or out of biiHlnent call on QANOt-bTALi, M Bee lildg. Tel. 1.-347T. TKR TENT to 300 FEn CENT PROKIT ur you on any amnunt from t!9 to IlO Wl. Our lnve!mnt plan he already mate large uratlta fur huudieda of clients In the pt 1 months. You oirh not lone your money: we guarantee to refund payment, if you cnnnot or even If you ue not wtfth to continue. Our ll.OUMMt CAPITAL) fctamla behind our prom. sea highest reference, w rite fur run aeiaii. CAN A IH A N CITT and iUVVN fKOPHrlTlUS LlMlfU, iH btubart kit., 1'ortage Avt, W1NN1PKO. IV YOU want to buy a half Interest In a well ctabiiHlicd general Inauianco and iiiuii uuhineM vtiiiij at onie. jitiAliicHu .la growing o 1 cannot attend to It alone, only auod reeuonaible nmn need apply. tteiercncra excuaueeu. Auorexa t in. lies. 7 M l.KT MB EXPLAIN TO YOU HOW t'iNli BONud 7c uvr evfit or beiter on an utaimeiit ot SluO or mora. f. H. Hurl- uKlOli, bTATW AUKNT, bit UBti Hi.UKj 1NVKHTOK8 AN1 CAPITA Hd II. the Cauu aiuum tauiu i.na It now donna Its af aoruas tne tanioua r,aaer va.ley In CKMttAL iiHtilDu COLUMBIA tlie rlioiceet region of the irhuat Kruvllice In CaOuOa. Iteia l your nance to buy tertilo laotl at opeulns Wit. In the irrnii i'ort ueorga tuuuuy. rur luriiier iniornutuon kmh, u vi EL"7kYF.U DISTRICT 8ALK8 AC1ENT, u t-axton UKig., umaiia. ntu. Phone Liuuaias Zlol: Ind. A-43J t-CHAIR shop; I living rooms. Q M, tee. K)H SALK White Hou Cafe. Vola Jt Kack, 'i bo. l.tti, iMteemenu 11TH n. BUSINESS & REAL EST AT K tXANtlli CO. ttaiUMaie, grwoei. botei, pool room, baruer eiiup, uwuuii IC, tur ealvj aume auoa biiu iu il ektaie. LI B. Kill et., cunu nuut', iwuui 1 and X ud Uoiiiery. i-riaetiu FOR SALU KtAt only grocery store. wiliiiii 2 biuvaai living louuit, guod bu. t,u., lnl, 4W per luuniH. uui vbmi,j ,ur vul eacriiicu, Auuiee iffm auu Cu.uj i. Auioinatlc 1'none Bus's, Ul rtidnc. tl lik-ALi ilr OLJ-H luriiiul 4-rwoiu houee S)MUUiinii sieuu.a loiei.uu, vteiiuuei cOU BaLji. buiail sloog liii.iuiuri', kteiyinmg n; awwu lueauwo. ailmtti i, iuii live. WANTED Tovng man to Join t iber uuof men iu well eeiauiieutu nlilig bu,llkS. AAi I'SUIIVU. MUH 1 t, uuauer auu vn witu uilice axpvfieew t...nd. o SO. Be. li'OR SALE Hotel; three poul labies, bajuer snopi Uoing guua bus.ne, wJl invuics ana sell lor Su ceuls 011 in uui. lac. Auarews i i'. Bee. ClX)81ii In business corner, with auta gaiae for sai at great barnatu ur uaou consldvied. oee i. , itAac CO., uk AAiaiieeie iiurf. OROCERT, prlc If taken at once, InveailKate. Mbbster ZM). IT'S an excellent show at the American theater, tie tne 1 00c nerd MtixK com pany. It V ilk 1 u til Peaoli, -ilM H. iiih bt.. w.ll com to 111a i- oiiice wiiuin inree day w will give nini an oruur lor pair of ticket. . WANTED Toung man te . aocept agency lor usiabliahed cunCurn.. oiihiiI Investmeiil. baiary guaranteed. J. ,v. AiuoiU, falsa noiei. ciiy. NKWhPAFEH WANTKLWro lease, by CKiririiuid i.e J.inr, mull, Address 1 buo, lee, tniiana, noui WILL sll gf.f0 Omaha reg.stered grad ing fund v.uriaiita; better than govern mint bund; I-- to lLo warrant, olm air.k 'I'M llranJul Tlieater Bldg llnemleeT Itoners for Sal. 040 Farnam. l-rooiu, modern rooms; at lays full. llcssiMUibls tur cash. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aeooitlo Coinpaulea, ORSERAL Aoouatw compaoy; lnetru. nieius tur tti eat. H6 oiit Nat. BanK. Aceonntaat. M. D- THOMAS. Util City Nat. Bank. Aumeententa. . ,-nTTnnii'SI roller rink. nuu k Gimii band, eli'gaut Toor and the beat that money can buy. 0001 Upa ViiNitPlly ,:W' Admiaalun, ioo. bkai HKKORi: and after th shows vl.tt ths OLiMI mr v.. mil canaie. Arehlteete, v C. J- LJ. archlt.ct, 871 Braadala Bldg Arteeiau Weiu. U E. yCBEBaaLL7MU-U City X.l t Asphalt, Urntel nnd Heertitfl MICA ROOF1NU C J. 109 S. Ithh. Alleirnei. O. W. Bbield. atloriiey. U7 B. cf Trade. UoaON L. 11 ALU LAWytuc. 4i ,h Aevnlnne aad Teats, OMAHA Tnt Co. Tel. V3 Doualaa. "Key" t the Siiuetioo-u," BUSINESS PERSONALS 'Continued THE ONLY WAT. Paccar checked to deetinatlna. TstT- cabs and touring cars. lei. oougiaa ba. TAXICAIiS. 1 an hour. D. 17s. Ban Maaafaetarera. SEMIS OMAHA AO CO.. Omaha. Ka. atkerte. TIP-TOP breaJ the beat. Webster KEl A. B. COKOS. bakery. Webster CltL nut pMtiag. OMAHA B1U Posting Co.. Douglas 3Ht. Ilalltflnn sail t Aa.eeU tlome. K-VPTtARKA favlnas Kt Loan Aseoela- line ha never n Id leas tbaa tier eent dlvtdend.i. Inveetmenta from tl ta received, lfiufi Farnan, Bt.. Omaha. Rarber Shop. HAWK BROS., barber shop, 63 Leavenworth. Be Bldg. barber shop, tonsorial aril eta. Doe. a & Stewart, balr cutting. 1T S.ltk Ideal Lady Parber Bhop. W. O. W. bMg. lerelea aad Motnreyeles. U I1M1I j lib J"in mtiu iimin. Indian Motorcycle. Write for catalog o Billiard and Tool Hall. THB new Ak-Par-Ben Millard parlor. 1(41 Howard. Chas. E. Johnson. Prop. Dlrd Store. Btnnn. docs, cold fish, earea. Oelsler tJIrd Cff, 11 Faruam bt Bon aa Pack at Maaefme Carers. Wooden Box A Package Co- UH N. UUt Carpenter aid Contractors, W. P. Uevrrsll. contractor, Ramg Bid. iitevenann, carpenter, cant. Both phones. A. Linborg. carpenter, contractor. II. 'M'tU Carpets, Rnar an Draperies. J. It. orcutt tc Bon Co.. lllh A Farndm. imrfllT) r. nr Fluff ruga, rag oar- i uuvmv w. peU( Il(k portiere. carpet cleaning. 1WS S, 24. I). ZXU. A-cu. Caterers. E. B. Fsao. wedduig cakes. U13 Lnrb Chiropodists nail Blanlcnrlnn. Da ROT, chiropodist, 1(01 Famam. Prof. J. Lund, chropodlst. 416 Kurbach. tl,U Chiropodist, manicuring. iLuuutL.it imir dreaalnit. hair Koodn. City Nat l Bank, oougias zsxs; ma. a-bj. Cigars anal Tobacco. Traey Bro. Co.. Uli Douglas. I41 Truds blgh-giaaa Havana. ie-u-c cigar. c THK eanltary Crown Ftp. IU X. urn. Monopole Cigar Store, Her Grand HoteL Cleanerr anl Clothe Oyer. tNQRAMAN'S Buluirlum, Sll S. Mta. D. ma. Vull dree suits for rent. tlothtos llannlaetniwrs. Wear Ideal dress shirts. U. E. Smith Ca Coai freelers. Powers-Heafey Coal Co.. TL D. S8J. utter Feed ft Coal Co., J Far. H. Mt, COAL if cut orioen. AU NDS. We av u but) to l.& uer ton. ''The lioiue of leiiality Coat l,UBBiii,M,i .ut luce Coal Co., 1K1 jMicnula bt. Bum i'noneg V'pdlk "uunllty yd.." to ft Dvage. II. JjJ. RKEDh.il COOKING COAL LETl- Xlci A ELL IOU AbOtiA XT D. 16 c A. wal,Kii'laao. A-ioU t;. ki. Johnson, coai. 110 isord. t 'pnones, NEW ooal yard, 24th and Grand Av. Georo K. Cobb, CualCo. W. Wl. c, tOAL Us good, try It Aek Wsbeief a. 111 mun 4k weeih. eta. oil! ou Paraota Coal I Th money saver. Jen w. tjeuiura io. uutu t'uoae. COAL, lilUL. tor cuouimcat vuui. i puUt Ui liuill pnuuna. GOOD basket ccal. Call Crounsa Coal Co, Dougia gulca dull very. taltee, tea, kplec aBa uu. Moyua Teh Cck. eus N. It. Both phonea tteaniwcie Da trie aud gappliea, MUk. crem, Fer-nui-iao, Alumlta. d. l l airmonfa Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COt.. Cli.n.AM..HY CUHfA.NI KLGIN Sauitary Dairy. Epperson Bro., prvpr .et-or. UoUBla Co. Milk Produom- Assn. D. UH. Colletioa Aateucle. -. ccirt.L ADJUbTMEN'T CO. ti.i SUf" ..,, luuiyl.. .... yirel fqu"" JOSEl " F-CCLLEN collcotlon of all kind. ' ' A-44ot ComyntlnK fceale company. ON gT Wight Seals Co. un Parnam. tornico nnOgleel Cwlllu.,, CARTER 8tl etl Works. Omaha, Dentists, l.al'.ey. ten-l" "'" City .VatL a tin. Xalt a dental rooma, lil? DoU. L jttACIl ei MAC'H. 3d fl. laxtnn. D. jusi nit rickvfc. city Ntj 1 xn, UUi4 PH. DAlLEH. )4 Binndci Biug. o. 4734, Ut. U'Har. over Mercuunt a og. iur. Ur. Q.A. Qantnr. Il-ia City Nat D. 411. XJR. WILLlAMa. teir-IHSKi B: no dele ii. yy. Ailwif. N- for, l.th et Diu,, Ult ELSTk-R. t4 City Nat I Bit ultl- OanvlHat Acndosaie. Turplii s. Faawn Bib. Claaae Mon, W ad. "d PA. Priv. a uaiiy . .l2 n..,unu a. i d. liaiuey. Aalii;ii iaua. kl acme a Daubing Academy, la. Harney. iu iiait "'JU- A". oau iUl44, MlSd LbllfcU llonfll'ER-el ecuuoi of uanciKg. Meuupoluaii out. i iiar.y a.emuiiea eveiy 1-iiuay svuiau. p. Ul. I""" MU Jewel Simpsun. Tel. Webeter Hil. r vi 1 MART COLL'S clasae and . keinbli i-"k- .r-"'""" . luautute ban. tt ku, vkllllUA. - Diciaiaklan LADIES Tailoring, gowna an nd dress. Mi " 'T, ".1."' "lurued Doin at""1"' ' -fiiuim s.. terry DreaamakUig College. :idh ft ear. Uremklng. plain sewing-. hj H. ut kt pretsuiaking by day. I'boo Web. JI1S, Test Coulter. drsmkluu. 5l McCagua Dremskitg bom or lamlli. jjju. DRLKSMAKINa by the day. D. KI BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Dranntate. JlEX Drug Store. lth and California, Pur Drug. Crey Phar.. Mth et Lake De tertlvea. Amaha aecret aervle detectlr agency. Inc. bonded. K- Paatoa Hk. Ix Ul. A-Ull CAPT. T. CORMACTC 117 Karawch Blic. JAB. ALLAN. Neville Elk. Tyler 1138. Bccrythtac ElewtrtenL Central Electric Co.. flitures. D. Hit Burgeas-araodao Co., IBlt Howard. D. 1 fc'.ectrlo lighting fla. wtoohisal and retail KECDND-HANO ELECTRIC. FAN. dynamos. Ignltlnal dyaaroo. motor, f paira, Lesnm, u o. uu oi. vaug. u, M. J CI'RRAN, wiring. t. gSL Johoeton Kleetrlo Co.. 411 fl. 10h. L. U. poth Liee. cu. Aloior rnirin.tf. U. tw;. Floriat. A. Donabu. 167 Fsrnam. XK lflCL A-KWi, JENSEN, florist, 4AU Lear en worth. HKB3 at SWOBODA. Uli Far nam Bt. bteerart a. flortst tt elanien, lis N. Is. PAULS KN. Florist. 171 Bro wo St. BRAN DEIS FLOKJal. Brandds Bidg. L. HSNDERflONT. Ul Farnanx l. U, BATH'S. FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bdg. BENNETT'S, cut flow. Dong. U7. rnrsMteon sad Stoen Repairs. FURNACB AND BTOVT5 REPAIRM te fit your store or beater. New furnace, laiindo tank beater, gaa heelers. tnr moetet and couihlnatlon warm air anil hot water he Una Omaha biuve KaDalr works, iwi-ua usuiiu ou aoi uougiaa PiC. ino. a-xzi. A. MONliOlS. Agt. for the Modern Nor elty warm air turn are; estli.iate cheer, fully given. Doug. 4064. 401 8. LStb. Olson Bros., furnlc repair. 3670 Leavth. T1IWANR c- Oampball. furnace. XLWUXIVMU A furnac- repairs. D. 2XL W. 8. He ton. Amar. fur once. U. SMe. A. MONRO H, agent for th Modern Novelty warm air furnace; estlmateet cheerfully given. Doug. 4006. n a lsth. Ft ntnato.tak Oeaeon. . UPDIKE Pride vf Omaha Flour. Feed Milt nnd Store. Peed, alt kind, uieucoe MID. 2ZI Isard. Fonadrie. McDonald brass and bronzs foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 15th A Jackson. WL Fur. Co., repair remodel. IS24 Per. Croeertcn anal Meat. Chapman' quality meats. 240S Cuming. AHAMO Cof fek 1-lb tins. 90c. Auk grocer Harness, laddiery, Lcathev Oooda, PiMfiliS Collin miidlrs. Alfred Cornish ft Co., lilt) Famaiii. Writ fur catalogue. Wlcnext, harness, leather good. CM 8. 13. Uospttnla WfSS MKMOR1AU ttth nnd Harney. Bethany Hospital. 2it Marcy. D. fast. au.'irlll.l4 MIHBIOM UOSPITAf- T. pbune. i-v N. 14th St. iMnrnne. H. 8. BYRNB. surety Honda. Insurance. 1. D. ma- a- w ntt tm. INBURE In th. Woodman of th World, 'lb worio greau.i organu. tlon. ALFRED C. 1CEN.NEDY. Fire auu ioiuauo Anauianc. Kit iiiet Nt'i Aiiuia. AAiug. 723. John lal ft ton, ins ur once. alK kunn, lNbURB IN THK GLEN FALLo. Rhodes-Monigomery Co. ins. itamg m TALK TO VivJSIf, "th policy piacr.' Iron and- Wis I'suelng. Anchor Teoc Cos. Olf W. 17Ui. Tet Red li jewelry, Diamond nnd Watches. r. vt vnur bargalna at Reynolds' Cut Kate Jeme.ry biore. li t Mia. OI I1.N up n Uiarg account with us. A Uauaii. jeweler, urn sarnaia. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut- Kate Jeweiry mure. W a. ibtiu . Jewelry and clothing bargain. 201 & Uth. La n nitric. ist-CLASS laundry: guaranteed deilv. ry. Call oil short notice. Harney j;4. FRENCH rtand Laundry. Tel. . mm IST-CLASS laundry; guaranteed deilv. try. Call on snort notlo. Harney M.'t EMEKSON Laundry. Uutb phone. uu N. .no bt tiuarantej Laundry High-grad work. Doug. &17X LlsktnlnaT Rod. . Nabraaka Lightning Rod Co.. ."XB N. Kth. Uncaronl Manntnolarora, Skinner' maccaroiu ft spaghetti; pk 10c, Lumber, tt. r.rni. lAimbr A tVrecklne On gain in lumber, plumbing, macninery auii tlteiu ini,i,a. - - - wi. nin, iit MllMaery, rENSELL. Millenvry. Paxton Block. Lateet tall miUnery. Rauber. ltM s. ltitb. lltsaacsli aad Maaaalcaasa, J. F. Bloom ft Co.. 17 th and C tuning nta. Uaalc, Art anal LnasTnacea. HANSEN ioftulSFZ 2V, W - eyvwj M. J. Bock, ainguig. piano. Davldy Bis. MARTIN w. ue.11. pianist aad sr. gauiai. A n.i. 1 if. a,,a aiaxaey eea. Mevlag. htoran nan Clcaaiapj. OMAHA Van Storage C. clean your cai Pu n Ivor iioor; aiecAriu vacuum '- - , evw k 1,14, f ua XfHVIVO eUuo f"-nltur. Btor gag Co. UMt t. atory s Ala, ix jeu. CALL Vernur tor movies ana 0 prool loi. Office, A-iU-i ai Loux. n WABk-HoLbii. iyier lUs, tt-aiis. ' EXPHkhbMEN'S Delivery Co. Aloviog; luimiui pauaiug; tueurout iora, c.u' ellice, H n. 1.4. Doug. Mi Auu. at-Lw, Tela Ciiy Expren. Uli Howard. Both 1st kuruitiu iuov.; man, 11 per hr. W. i.ia BOCJUETT, expr and storage, w. airt Col XUprcn ft Storag C. 11 Can, A . Otosalhy. Alio Johnson. 3CB Brandels The. Bldg. Lathe.yn Nikolas. a i Braudeis Theater BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued ) Optlrlaoe, B. F. Wurn, fitting A rep' g.' 443 Brandels. MEKT me at Aaron's, Pl'.h and Farnam. EYES tented anil gtenees -ptrtly tlttod.. liKAN T. ORtAlO. Res- Optician. ETH.S EXAMINED, GLASSES FITTED -baliaiaciran guaranteed, lltllerua tyir. cal Co, lie K. l"th fct GET your eyes examined by a licensed optometrist; save your eyelgiit. ulae money, bar.dwall Jewelry Co., Ins H. 14th. Oyetcre. David Col Oyster Co. Wholesale only. Fatnta and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1P'4 Farnam. Ind. A-3A11: Douglas 4;; We do Picture framing and gusing. Special Dtarount this muoth on faint, (alaaa. Varnishes and Wail paper. Palnirr. Fuchs. Son A Blind, palntlne, decorating. I1 tents. HIRAM A. STURQES. patent lawyer, V. 8. and foreign patents, trademarks and coyprtghts; ii years experience, 415 Brandela Tiieatcr Bldg. Tel. Oou. iu XX O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7112. Willard Eddy, U. 8. Pat. attorney and solicitor. 1630 City Nat. Bk. Tyler VM Fape Coaspeuilea. Western Paper Co., 15th and Howard. Pawnbroker. Bargains In watch, overcoat. Kl N. 14 Phonograph. EDISON phonographs, Echults Bros., rhotonrapkera. FUnehart. photographsr. I8U1 A Farnam, O'Neill, artlstla photographer, Ut a. lMh. Candberg Studio. 107 8. ltitb. Take elev. MANGOLD' alUWO. liJO DOOULA. Hembrandt tudlu, portraits. 20 ft Vara. BIRDIE PORTER, BENEDICT photo gallery at n . 11m bi. Hignest grade photo work. Cablneta U and U per dosen. Post card IS for 1L . photosrmphera Sapplle. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813-15 rarnam. in inoir now iure; branch store, sue bo. mm. physicians. DR. ELEANOR DAI LET. worth. Kea M.67. Sll Wool- Flamber. Omaha Plumbing cu., 2C13 Sherman Ave. Plumbing ChU Weasman. H. 3091, A-2027. lie v truces dcGhye. Tyler is;t. A-lt.3. Plumbing and Heating lynch REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St L. 1477. T. F. UALi'K. piumo.UK and lieanne. 1G07 Howard bt Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-C41. Plallag. OMAHA BILVEil OL 114 & Uth. Neb. Plaung ft Grinding Co., Uli Howard. Printing. PERFECT typewritten letters mad, la largest western letter taotory. hlonguun u co., Priiuina. llua uooc. liulh piiouee. H. Ledynrd, printer, as ti. la. o. Kit, Lew. W.Kaber, Printer its., HUUXJ. biiwut.iii OiM CO our. AM. i'rinting Co., uut cuniing. U. b,. Phun ind. A-Ioju lwr uuuil nrinunv. i,)OaalU riiHUUH I.U., J,lll cupitul Av Keia-Haul i'trf. Co. Iu b. I4tn. Auu. A-wi Tlatet Proiung Co.. iiu it iut i. xieo, lleauiaraacs. JOHNSON CAFE, under new manage. 1111:111, uWi. a O. .lu OC Drexel cate; popu.ur price, uu N. llin. LNluUE liesiauiujii, vi a. ltn: llrat cia tn.ip but iiouoe, yiniBiicau a cnuiese uiahc. baiu jot, iiiauuger. Baxter's tine quick lunch, lmj Farnam. 1.T tne habit; eat at LniseUa, Cap.Ave, New Eng. bakery. bst lunch, iu n. uth. Littl Hungry, good mta m. in N. uth. BALTlMORhi cafe; every Hung in season Kai u.rhtA-e. UtktMl IMliisl 1 i 1 tr :.a ,vj ' sjrsy sa. vn i, ml n. EAT KOSHER HOME COOitLNU. AitttlMO, aie el. loin. Upaiairs. MODEL real., best service. IGuu Howard. GONZALES, Spanish cafe. 1014 iarnam. PARDlSliB caxc; quality, irood BIMu. Ing; un lmuot. A'nvaie uluiug; louoi. UIM K HOME cooking. Morris Cafo. Sll s. jj, thoemakrra and hhialaaT farlors. . Nebraska Machine Shoo Repairing Cev Good wra tui you watt x a. i,h J C. Morgan, Isl-claas shoe repairs Z607 Leav Csonan Bros., Mach. bbue Kevair. u C . O. I gportlaaj Uoods. ISSW snuywuiu sum, ( f0w -rte-. htasaauerlas aad htatcerlas;. STAMMKTONO and atutterlng cured JULdA VAUGHN, liamge Bldg. Steel lank aud Calvert touipaalea. MDUltASAA Mil lowa, bteal Tank r. . . . a ...1 Ml..,.. .. . iviuy..fi ...m ...vuww. jj. Abas, gleaonraphera aad Court Reporters. MYRTLit A. KELLO-Y. depoaluon. etc. ',& Biaauai Theater. D. EeteU D. Ricliaida, Sleno. AUllard hotel. kteriu Dour and Wladawa. Omaha Wn'dow ncrn. Co. Kt4 N. u D. ut 'tailoring. M. FINK.EL. tailor. 8407 Leavenworth. WHEN DRESSI.VO yon often find youiil Uiacuntented with our on appeal anoe. tvtiyr perhaps lack Ui very iateat lJej i (aanlua. xu v.o. r.r. "ui viie mHM 1 nuw .v.uoueiiei' o. i.uiaa' and aat' ear mania. 41 f;.... IvAl fougio bt. Cor. ittu. iuoue D.eWi! WE r now located at 3vtf Paxua bloc. t. f. .aiiorinsT CO. HAVE Tailor Bed. wake your foil eui. Dunham ft Dunham, IU suit. Us S. A. Malony, tailor. 131 8. lith. Suits In) to k4 POR TAILOKs-W oiaks hlgh-ciass coats; reasonable prices. ;H Bostua sluie JOHN A. RYLEN. Ullor. make cood Cluliiea. eus a. uih. IX auk It A. William, elcthe altered, it ft Ike D. TON'GE, Udies' and gent's Ullor. M I'acuii, BUSINESS PEhSONALS (Continued.! TnnJldevaalBtaw Aolabaugh, 170 Leavenworth. Dong, fin Teat nnd A walags. OMAHA Tent Co. TL S73 Doeglss. Truki nnd Salt Case. Frellng ft Stelnl. U0S Famam Sa. Tnrklehi Bathe. Lad lea tent' TurMsk baths. IS ft Doug Vanhre-Uns. WESTER.V TJmbrella Co.. 121 Farnank trtaT Mannfnctnrenr. SES MonJiit'n wig, tooneen. 4IJ S. IS. D. S. Glffith. why mtr., 11 Frenser bik. Vftnee nnd Ltqaere. Meyer KI tin. wine and liquors, UK U ED-ROTILEBYS .-U cigar. Caf in conoeeOon. Ill tt. 14th ot, MAT ft COw family liquor. 1303 Douglan. Cualck Bros., liquor, cigars. 30th Ames. C. Engallander. linuors. cigar. 1SU Dodge. Antoraatlo Phone Bus's, S3; reeidenca, tl T. J. Hart, liquors nnd cigarn M N. Uth. WILLOW SDrina beer. liquor, cigar. landwlcbes. Ales Jetes, ISO Douglas. Automatic FhoooBualaee. Hi r, 31. txftman, -yr-old wky, 10c drink. 14 A Har. RfT B K N'n a-A T JTA V H" Delbnteasen UutLtt, iiu . Him. atwaru of Araue ia. Hansen's Family LJquora, iza Chicago. N A TIOTTSF! Imported liquor, fine It. 4t. UVUOL lunebe. 311 to. Uth. THE best treat for n wife and baby U a dish of Imlscll a Ice cream. It O. Het- qutst, 2K3S Franklin St., will come to The Beo oltlc within three, day w will give him an order fur a quart brick of this tin ice cream. EDUCATIONAL . TUB FALL TERM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT TIME. Complete course In Business. Bookkeep ing, bienograpny. Telegraphy. Civil berv I.. mrA i.l.on..n.hln Tl, .... . - I . .. . . - is reaoy and free nor tne asking, can. write or phone tor it at one. Address H. B. Buylea, prsstdeat, Boyles College Building, Omaha. Nab. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN Tiihl WEST." Day and evening sessions all ths Tear. bhortband. TDe writing. Bookkeeinoat. Agrlcuiturai, Civil bervlce, fcaleaniauiiniu, b. A. Zartuiau. Pre.. lih and laiktut Dlckarman School for Acting and Voice: blatiorm. etaaa. concert, drama: all last tear graauates piacea. ituti tiouge. V- I6if ST. BERCHMAN'S Day Academy for youug lauies. run ana m. diary a av A. POPP. teacher writing, Latin. Ger man and cornet. lUi Dodge. D 217& EVEKYiHING F0K WOMEN NEW machine that cleans caroet an.t rugs witneut oust, can ana. see it. 'Atl. A-Uu. u jaranaeia mug. (T . 11, IT Al. U 1 k'lTIVfl trt . iilliiiR. ntMm .'HI willow nlumsa mad from old or new feathers, guaranieeu. w B. utu. D. saeil CHIODO. Ladle' Tailor. a a ltttt St 11 made over. Mlas Pepper, millinery Rubber good. Ball Drug Co., 1211 Fm rinnrR' Ruip 11 an, riu..d . . blocked. - HAM8KK, HATTER. 23 S. Uth. SHERMAN, ladle- tailor. Hoyden Bros. DEF1NANCS STARCH mad in Omaha. niBTima Rt.ivi'tr.TQ nun e-ixitt LACU BED SETS CLEANED. DOUG. 2733 PRIVATE economical cooking lessona. W ebster YOUR Inspection Invited to see the grand display of magnificent handwork in tne Oriental Bazaar, Our prices are extremely reasonable. one trial win convince you. Ii. AZiM, 1823 FARNAM ST. EVERY person knows who D. I O'Brien Is because he ho made Omaha famous with hi candy. If Mr. Evelyn trie son, ais jones bt, win come to The Be otflc within, Uiree day we will give her and order for n tiO-cent box of ontlen s eanoy rree. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Ottlee. .y Automatle Phone Bus's, tj; residence, tl WANTED Young woman dark in candy depL Apply H. C. Phelp. Brand! more. Patry nnd Trad em. nirTKKi nr is. at once, to work 1. img oeporimeni. noun wiwiia ag CO, lltn ana jonea bi EXPERIENCED waltrea report reau ior woia. uiiiiMH v.lc, iiowaru. ... . !Tfftl r 1 1 r 1 . M wmm. . i, A.i u. nwuwaj-ae Real Butler Scotch and Woodward Pur bugar stick candy. John U. Woodwiua . .-...mrll Kluf fa la. ECAMSTREi3 to beln finish ladles coals, good pay; apply at once. 1613 Har ney. CHOCOLATE dinner. Apply Sweet I-nnd Candy baelory. luiT Burt. Uoaaekeepera aad Uasaestlca. NONPAREIL LAUNDRY Ca Tel Doug. 1U1 Wagons call every hera bUli.1 a a " Women for day work furnished. D. at TlliC PERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOL.VKD Th Be will run your Dona,. 110 HelP Wanled ad FHEfci until yuu get U. ded rulu. Brmg your ,4 , A b Be ultca or teiepuou Uyler jum, WANTED A cook. Hnrnsy tm. . v -.nurlenced girl for second .ri smaU ramily aud guod nag. 4w4 8. tola Ave. WANTED A girl for general housn. kork; no vbJecUva tn olu4ed girt Ue , WANTED Otrl for general houseware lilt uotg Av.; sumJ taxuuy, god n age- GOOD tdls clothe troner; sieady work ana go . u,irta at WANTED Girl to work for room aa. ooaru. - GIRL for general bouaework at l No f unillv iiu, WANTED n girt for general house- aor. AW V- a,.v w. w A'VUgiaa. Q1RL for general housework. Call Red JJI. or coll al mi arnom be GIRL, for kitchen; on tliat can 000k. .vuo bt alary a Ave. GIRL tor general houework; small (auiily ; 4:- . in. EXPERIENCED gill for general houao uuik. lit bo. .u St. fbuue liaiuy .o. COMPETENT girl for general hoaae woik, family of 3. no wasltuiev Aply at : V Aul H AL. HELP WANTED FEMALE lfooarkeepereaad Dosnestle Dnnftt WANTED Competent girl or woman I fc,M..Uwnl. . . aju... I . for ll'HCl.l ,i U i.u u w . k .v 9 V. .1,-11 n in Wyoming, S per month. D ITS, e Be. tow ear GIRL to do general housework; small family: with reterenc. Mr. C 8. Bow man. Harney friiV WANTED A competent girl for pen. ersl housework; smsll family; good wages. Call at 213 N. SOto St. EXPERIENCED girl for general bouae work; two In family. Apply 41 North KKh. Douglas 829. ' WANTED A cook; no wasbtng; refer ence. Mrs. Joseph Barker. lUn 8. lh St Doug. 32GO. GIRL for general tiouseworkt small family; good wages. 13a & vih Av. WANTED Good girl to do gaoaml housework, small family. Mrs. B. A. Simon, 1313 S. IM St. 'Phone Homey 4161. 4 rooms; can go bom nights. Call Red M34. GOOD colored nlrl want position aa light housework or laundry by th day. CaJI Webster 2472. WANTED At one, girl or middle aged lady to help with housework and taking care of infant, one wishing tdy Job nd good horn, will pay 34 per week; wo and infant in lamiiy. Acuresa akne 30J, Ord, Neb. CTRL to awdst In housework. 8316 Burt St. Telephone Hamey 1028. COMPETENT clrl. general houwork. small family, srnod wages, no warn hi ng. 701 8. 37th St. I'hone Hamey 162. TOTINO Blrl to assist with housework. Call B-1K91 or Harney 1892. WANTED A good colored girl for gen eral housework; mtiRt be a ood cook; famllv of two. Reference. 8319 Dwey Ave. Harney 1753. WANTED Extierienced girl for general housework. 31)10 Dewey Ave. Phon Harney 2SIX, COMPETENT girl for general house work. 6U So. 29th Ave. Hamey 2436. WANTED A Rlrl for general house work; ' good wages. t23 So. 20th Av. uoug. aiai wi vwn fvn.l.ni.iNt cHrl tn Ainlr and da general housework; small family; no wasmnRj. iws iuusim 01. AN exnerlenced clrl for general house work: famllv of three. Dr. E. R. Tarry. 3803 N. 23d St riTRT. tn hatn with hniiae work, mora for companion than work. Phone Web ster 661. Good home for good girl. WANTED A competent laundress to do washing and Ironing on Monday, and Tuesdays. Mrs. u. mora, sivo rar nam Street. 1 WANTED A comDetent whit cook. private family In Fremont. Inquire 381 Farnam. Harney 3154. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. T. P. Redmond. 1021 So. 30th Ave. WANTED A stronc reliable woman about 40 years of age for general house work. - Tel. H. 4070. Call 1004 S. 37th St. Mleeellaneoa. TflTTNO women coming to Omaha a strangers nr Invited to visit the Young Woman' Christian association building at 6L Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will oe aireciea co fuuamv iiwraiua piece or otherwise assisted. Look foe our travelers' aid at the Union Station. GIRLS to learn halrdreselng; prices reasonable. Oppenheim, 23d City National Bank Bldg. SEE Mis Lana: In "The Mill of th God" at Ui American Theater. It Mrs. Iii Olson. Cos St. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a pair 0 tickets. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Snlcsaiea nnd holicltors, WANTED A salesman for curtain and drapery dep t. Thomas Kilpatrick ft Co. t,r , vitpi Dunl. , n .all hni If llAlllftl-i will. " Holme Co. First class proposition. Pax- con noiei, v7ii iKiia. v. . auvbwaj noon and Wednesday. WANTED Salesman calling on grocery trade in Omaha to handle a good line on commission. Ulve relereiices. Auarea x 13, Bee. SALESMEN wanted, representing west ern Oregon land; high class subdivision iruit and garden tracts in wuiameiie Valley. Apply 10 owner, ua rauaei Theater Bidg. ijauicn i". . - Little Wonder gas maker, being demon strated at 1911 Farnam St. own your own gas at one-half usual cost. rirr utMimi 1. W. A Hlzenbauirh ft Co 1814 bt. Mary'a Ava.. TL D. 3Z7. Biggest and best Mb meala 131 Dodg SIDE LINE for traveJtnir salesmen; good seller. 207 Brandeis Theater, umaha. Neb. Money maksr for agents. 07 Branddls. One of our agents mad tit first day; so can you. Experience unnecessary. Postcard brings particulars. Northwest Supply Co., Pierre, S. D. SALESMAN to cull on doctors. Estab lished trade. Clean, well-paid work for hard worker. Also one for central Ne braska. P. O. Box lal. Philadelphia, ONE of the largest and oldest Import ing houses in the south offers an un usually profitable side line that will quickly Interest everyone. Commission basis only. Line consist of medium and cheap grade leaf hats Imported direct from Mexico, Porto Rico, East Indies, China, and Japan. One telescope carries samples Regular hat salesmen need not apply. State present selling line, atd dress P. O. Box ), New Orltahs, La, ii vrrno.l.am.n , n Interview the voters In each county on an entirely new . 1 , 1..,, . n,iu flimrea a feature: excellent remuneration; exclusive terri tory; training given. Aoureaa Nally & Co., Department B, Chicago. 111. Hot. tt & x-tttti a n attend to furnace and keep yard and walk clean. Apply J California Bt. WANTED Several trustworthy .beys; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 112 S. 13th St Cl3l aad Office. BOOKKEEPER tor flrrt-class whole- 1 niui'i ranlv units you are mi vvum - - - - , . . , , competent and exiwioocod. J. sua. Bee. WANTED Experienced dreas good talesman at once. Apply Superintendent ktrauuets Slorea. WANTED Bright young man for cleri cal work and asitanl bookkeeper. Stat age. experience, reference ud salary de sired. Addreas A iiUS, Bee. WANTED Collector for country route, Soulh Dakota, salary til per week; lowa route, salary J1 pi-r week. Single man to 33 yearn old. Musi be able lo furn.an surety bond and be a bustler. Address U bu. Bee. P'netory aad Trade. Drug store (nape) lob. Knleet Be b'g. TWO tlnr.er wanted. W. A. Haver stroh. en.- Hamilton. NEAT sppearlng your.g man to learn the alio buaineas: local store; good fu ture; permanent poiAtion. 1' 603, Beo. WANTED Good carriage or auto top woodworker. Call at on . E. W. Rey nold Mlg. Co., 5U-71j S. iCilh bu, city. WANTED Exrertenred wash man. Phone Webti 4vlU. Ohio atreet WANTED Kxpcrteiirtd P'ten feeder, f A. ktadlar I n.. i bo. Uth. i