Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
VOL. XLI-NO. 112.
The Democratic Procession of Native Sons
twenty-One Thousand Chinese
Troops Defeated in Mountain
Passes by Insurgents.
President Says Farewell to Minne
sota and Leaves for Home
of the Enemy.
Wednesday Developes Into Greatest
Day at the Omaha Land
Men Chang: and Kwsi-Lin Are Now
in Hands of Revolutionists.
Suggests "Barbaric Yells" Are Not
Useful Activities. .
East and West Crowds Exchange
Greetings at Land Show.
( TojiE ( vym t err 20 h (mvj
rhis Gives Them Control of Peking
Hankow Railroad.
Taotai Removes II In Household to
tar Foreign CM y Imperial
Fleet Retreating; Down
' lang Tsc IUver.
SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 23. Advices of
In Important and perhaps decided rebel
victory over the main body of the Im
perial army on the mountain passes sep
arating Hupeh and Hunan provinces,
were received here today by the Chinese
Free Press. The message which came
trom Hong Kong Bald that General Yin
rchnng. In command of the 11,000 royal
ist troops and 160 guna, was driven back
by General Li Yuen Hung with 15,000
(rebels. The defeated army at last re
ports was entrenching Itself In the city
f Wu Blng Kwan.
Two More Capitals Occupied.
PEKING, Oct. 25. Men-Chang, capital
of the province of Klang SI and Kwsl- j
UD, capuai oi euiow, nave gone
over to tha rebels. The' last named
Is strongly fortllled and commands the
lintrance to Po Yang lake. Serious dis
turbances are reported to have accom
panied the assassination of tha Tartar
general at Canton. The legation guards
wave been Increased.
A wireless dibpatch received by the
German ligation states that the rebels
Advanced to Seven Mile Creek today and
engaged the enemy In an extended srlr
mlsh. The rebels subsequently retired a
short distance. The mes.-iage adds that
It la Impossible as yet to estimate., the
Importance of the engagement. Advices
from the revolutionary headquarters, at
tifferant points show that the rebels
everywhere are carefully avoiding ex
tessoa. Revolutionists Take Chang-Choir.
SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 25. The cap
ture of Chang-Ciiou by the revolution
ists was announced in dispatches wmcti
reached this city shortly atter noon to
day. From a strategic point of view this
city should prove of great value to the
rebels. It la the Junction of the Kal
Fung and Peking Hunkow railroads and
Is located 260 miles north of Hankow,
(ta. capture apparently cuts off from
Peking all the Imperial troops now gath
ered around Hankow and Wu Chang.
Today's news from tha lower Yang Tse
valley was all discouraging to the gov
ernment. With Klu Klang In undisputed
possession of the rebels the Imperial fleet
has retreated on down the river, some of
the vessels being reported as far east
us Wu Ilu. Conditions are ominous not
only In Wu Hu, but In Nanking. Most
of the Manchu officials have left these
two cities and are crowding into Shan
ghai, where every hotel Is already filled
with refugees.
The taotai of Shanghai today became so
alarmed over the possibility of the seces
sion of the native city to the rebels that
he removed his household to the foreign
settlement. The taotai of Nanking has
lilbo put himself under the same protec
tion. The city of Su Chow Is In panio owing
to the revolutionary threats of 8.000
weavers, whose wages have been unpaid
for a long time.
Revolutionary agents here announced
that the Insurgents expect to establish
their headquarters at Klu Klang, which
will probably be the revolutionary Capi
tol. Yuan Man of the Hour.
The probable attitude of Yuan Shi Kal,
Whose "lame foot" prevented acceptance
(Continued on Second Page )
The Weather
For Nebraska Rain or Snow.
For Iowa Mostly cloudy; cooler east
Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Degree.
5 a, m 40
fl a. m 34
I m as
8 a. ni H7
9 a. m 3S
10 a. m 4j
II a. m 4.j
12 m 4s
1 P. ni 4
3 P- m 6i
J P. m 5
4 p. m $
5 p. m f,
H p.m 4
1 P. m 4"
S 1- ni 4j
When It comH
ta pitching that
pitcher aura baa
limi Banders-
A. It Maggy's halt
UtMra. (Mora apologia.)
Comparative l.oral Record.
1911. 1910. 190. IMj
Highest yesterday Ci 7 64 U
l0ent yesterday 87 41 i 3
Mean temperature 44. f M 3
Precipitation 00 .01 .00 .C
Temperature and precipitation de
partures truni the normal:
Nurmai tempei attire 4
Deficiency for the . day t i
Total escess s'nee March 1 "7
Normal prec ipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day u7 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .12.74 Inches
Dwiciency since .Mai en i 14.1.' incut
Deficiency for cor. period, 1!10. .13.14 inch
Deficiency for cor. period, lsua.. 2 18 inches
Heporta from Stations at 7 I M.
Station and Temp. High- Rain.
State of Weather. 7 p in. ext. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 3J ;a .Ot
Davenport, clear 4rt DJ .Oi
Denver, clear 43 4i .00
Iea Uolnea. cloudy 4i i'-i .Of
lender, cloudy 34 S!t T
North Platte, cloudy.... 4:! 44 .Of
Omaha, cloudy 47 57 .0
Ptiuhlo. clear 52 & .if
Rapid City, snowing 4 2 .T
Salt Lake City, cloudy.. 64 til .
Fanta Fe, part cloudy.... M v .0
Sheridan, snowing JO 3"- .'
tsioux City, cloudy 40 4H ,v"
Ye'entlne. snowing SO 84 T
"T" indicates far of precipitation.
L. A. WKLSil, Local Forecaster.
Every Feature Remains at Land
Indications that
Dr.Knabe May Have
Committed Suicide
INDIANAPOLIS, lud., Oct. L'5. Detec
tives today took to police headquarters
for examination Augusta Knabe, cousin,
and Katherlne McPherson, assistant to
Dr. Helen Knabe, former state bacteriolo
gist, who was found dead with her throat
slashed In her apartmont early yesterday.
Why there was a delay of over an hour
In summoning the police after Dr.
Knabe' s body was found by Mlts Mc
pherson and what were the conditions in
detail were questions put to the two
woman. After Miss McPherson entered
Dr. Knabe'a flat and saw her body with
a gaping wound in the throat, she said
she first called by telephone Augusta
Knabe from her home In a distant part
of the city, The dead woman. Miss
McPherson said, was lying on the bed.
on her back, without covering. Her night
dress was wadded under her arms. Miss
McPherson added that she pulled the
night-dress down over Dr. Knabe'a body
before the arrival of physicians, Whom
she summoned before tha police were
notified. This action, the detectives say,
would explain the presence of blood on
Dr. Knabe'a left leg, for tha nlghtflress
was soaked with blood.
Miss McPherson and Miss Knabe were
in the house where the body of Dr.
Knabo lay for nearly an hour before the
arrival of Dr. Ernest Reyer, who was the
first of Dr. Knabe'a other friends to enter
the apartment. Miss McPherson called
MLsb Knabe and Dr. Reyer and other
physicians by a telephone situated at the
foot of the bed on which Dr. Knabe'a
body lay. She denied emphatically, as did
MIhs Knabe, that she saw a knife that
might have been used In killing the phy
sician. ,
The detectives today turned to investi
gation of a theory that Dr. Knabe may
have ended her own life and that some
of her friends who gathered In the flat
before the police Inquiry got under way
may have sought to take away evidence
of aulclde.
Detectives sold they had learned that
Dr. Knabe had been despondent because
she was in debt. Jefferson Haynes, negro
'anltor of the building tn which Dr.
Knabe lived was further questioned by
the police today.
Kline Says Harriman
Shopmen Have Strike
Practically Won Now
CHICAGO, Oct. 2u.-Tho present strike
of shopmen on the Harriman lines was
forced on the men by Wall street, ac
cording to James W. Kline, president of
the International Hrotherhod of Black
smiths, In an address today before 3,000
strikers at the Illinois Central plant at
Bumslde. Further, Mr. Kline said that
Julius Kruttschnttt had admitted to him
tho truth of his assertion.
Mr. Kruttschnil'i siild he was following
the Instruction of the board of di
rectors, said Mr. Kl'ne. Wall street
though we were ready to back down. The
discrnii.natlon was begun against tho
Harriman lines, until the men were forced
to go out.
"We have the strike practically won."
Selecting Jury
to Try Dr. Hyde
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct 23.-Wlth
three men tacitly accepted Jurrymen In
the box the examination of veniremen In
the second trial of Dr. B. Clarke Hyde,
charged with poisoning Coloned Thomas
H. Swobe. was resumed today. Of the
three men retained It was expected that
'1. W. Smith would soon be excused
!lnce he was passed by both sides he has
ppealed to Judge B. 12. Porterfleld, who
presides, to be released. So well known
re his views on the case, says Bmlth.
hat it la folly to think he would make a
.air juryman.
It Is evident that much trouble will be
had In obtaining a Jury. Of tho eighteen
nen examined yesterday all of them save
.ne had read much ubout the case and
uad formed fixed opinions or were op
posed to capital punishment. Forty men
of tha original venire remained to be
examined when court opened today.
CHICAGO. Oct 15. Scores of men prom
inent In business and politics today at
tended the funeral of John It. Walsh, the
former ChlcaBo banker, who died eight
days after being paroled from the fed
eral prison at Ieavenworth, Kan.
Former employee of Mr, Walsh's bank
acted as pallbearera. rubllo services were
held at tha family residence, followed by
private services at Oakwood cemetery.
While the funeral was being held work
'n all stona quarries at Bedford, Ind.,
where Mr. Walsh had extensive interests,
was suspended.
Rich Man's Son Without Incentive i
for Real Effort. ;
Deplores Artlon of Ilase) Hall
Crowds In Attempting; to Pot
Visitors at Disadvantage
by Insulting; Remarks.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 25. President
Taft tonight bade, farewell to Minnesota
and dctnrtcd for the real home of the
enemy Washington.
Heforo leaving Mr. Taft expressed lils
gratitude for the reception granted him
here and In Minneapolis. His speech to
night was on the arbitration treaties and
was devoid of politics.
The president arrived In St. Paul after
a two hours' automobile ride from Min
neapolis. Ho was taken to Minnehaha
falls, to Fort Snelllng, to the State Sol
diers' home and to other points of Interest
on the way.
In addition to Ids speech on peace here
tonight, tho president made two Important
addresses during the day. One waa on
tho subject of the Panama canel, at the
luncheon of the oYung Men's Republican
club of Minneapolis, and the other was
a talk filled with homely advice to tha
young men and women students of the
University of Minnesota.
Poverty Good for Yoone Men.
To the latter the president suggested
that the activities of college life might
better be devoted to more elevating sub
wta than "barbaric yells." and he also
declared that the young man who started j
In life without means waa tar oeuer
equipped tlan the rich man's son with
an Income sufficient to live without work
ing. The president made a plea for fairness
In sport whether It be on the college grid
Iron or the professional ball field.
He deplored the action of base ball
crowds In particular In attempting to put
the visiting team at a disadvantage by
insulting remarks and cat-calls hurled
from grandstand and bleachers.
"I love base ball," exclaimed the presi
dent, "but I also love a fair deal."
The president's remarks about college
yells was called forth by the greeting
he received from the Minnesota students
under the leadership of "cheer leaders"
who Jumped In front of Mr. Taft and
went through various gyrations.
Advlee to Students.
The president spoke generally of the
responsibility of university men and
"For In these days I muBt not leave
the latter out," he explained. "Univer
sity men go out Into the world without
any money as a rule, said Mr. lan,
"and those who have not money usually i
serve the public best. If there Is any-j
thing that Is a burden, If. there Is any- j
thing that Is an obstacle, If there la any-
thing that it Is difficult for a young
man to overcome, It Is an income that
will enable him to live, without work.
"You don't applaud that enthusiasti
cally," he added with a smile. "You
would like to try it the other way. dui
I am giving you the benefit of real ex
perience. You look about after you have
ben out of college twenty-five years and
pick out, If you can, a single man that
has mode a real success and had a great
deal to live upon when he loft college,
if vnn find him. he la entitled to a great
deal more credit than you are If you have
had to hustle In order to get enougn to
eat. for ha has had to overcome more
omstacles and more difficulty than you."
NEWTON, la., Oct. 30. The Jury that
Is to try Leo Krampe. charged with first
degree murder for killing Miss Matilda
Hermsmeler, was secured and tha open
ing statements were made by County At
torney Mowry. and Attorney B. J. Bla
mon, representing the prisoner, today.
The murder waj one of the most cold
blooded crimes ever committed in cen
tral Iowa and the trial Is attracting
widespread Interest.
Miss Hermsmeler, a middle aged
woman, lived alone near Baxter. She
was found murdered by relatives who
anie from Laurel to see her on Febru
try 24. Death was due to a bullet
ound, and It Is supposed that she had
teen dead for several days when the
body was discovered. Suspicion fell on
Krampe, who was arrested and who Is
alleged to have made a partial con
fcsnlon Implicating Al Guest, an old man
of Baxter. Ell Harding, a Des Moines
detective, who was employed, claims to
have secured much evidence against
Krampe, but he died a few months ago.
Much money and valuable documents,
supposed to have been In the house,
were missing when the place wa
searched, but a few days later part of
the documents were mysteriously re
8POFFORD. Tex., Oct. 2B.-The biplane
of C. P. Kodgers, the coast-to-coast avi
ator, was wrecked near here early today
as the aviator attempted to take the
air, tha smash occurring before ha left
the ground. Tha machine hit a hillock.
It will take at least three days to make
repulra. Kodgers as unhurt.
Bandit Hetarna stolen Money.
IOWA CITY, la., Oct. 25.-Kpeclal.
Robbed one week ago by a highwayman
of her handbar; and fifty dollars In silver.
Mrs. William Howard twukn this morn
ing to find her property In the mall
box on her front porch.
President of Mining Congress Says
Exact Information is Needed.
SnKigestlon Mada that Otr'ps He
Taken to Protect Investors
Against Fake Stock delU
Ina; Schemes.
CHICAGO, Oct. 26. A government com
mission or a special congressional com
mittee to make a thorough Investigation
ot Aiaskan conaitions was urged by John
Derne of Salt Lake City, president oi
the American Mining congress, today,
"ihese men should not bolster up thu
views of any set of men," lie said, "liui
ihcy snouiu have tno soie purposv 01
geiling lniounauon ao the United Htatea
touiu act liiieiiigenliy In training au
Aiaakan policy."
Preaiuem Derne reviewed mining con
ditions 01 paot years and made numerous
kuggaaiion tor pumiig tne lnuusiry on
a aounuur basis. "First, the American.
.uiq jia cougress can pertorm no miiui
aernoe," he saiu, "man to eliminate mill
ing trauua ana to see that ine invruiui
toil a square ueal. io tins end, wa am
uesiroua mat l ne eastern coal mineia
aiiold aiiy tnenibeivea mure heartily wiiu
me western metal miners.
"Their Inieitwu are luenllcal and In
the union wouiu be louna me airenaih to
ikiiy out the reforms the congress ha
"ilia true status of the Alaskan situa
tion seems hard to tind out. The con
Dieting blaitincnli received are uljcon
ceiling to a man who is trying to aeep
nuiioeil in a judicial frame ot uiinu.
vv nat wo need more than anything viae
is accurate, rename, unuiuaed informa
tion. 1 am convinced tne Lulled Biutca
government will uo justice to AiaKa
soon as It has aata and actual conuinuns.
"oil aptitofiiuiii MLep 10 acane una in
formation would bo inaue by tne appoint
ment of a special commission.
"There can bo no real objection to a
national forestry policy. We give our
-nua.itlcd approval to any well directed
etiorts to prevent forest fires and avuid
uamoga from Injudicious deforestation. 1
Uon t believe tho majority of western
mining men are impressed with the wis
dom of a plan to lease coal and oil lands.
"What to ao with our water powers Is
a harder question. The most Important
thing Is not to mako these water powers
a source of revenue to the government.
but to provide that the water can be ob
tained by those who need It at the lowest
possible rale.
"There Is a broad conservation that has
particular force In the mining Industry.
The waste In mining Is something enor
mous and, unlike forestry waste. It can
not be replaced. I have heard that 60
per cent of coal la left In the Dilnes be
cause It does not pay to clean up. Ac
cording to this we are wasting half a bil
lion dollars worth ot coal a yar."
Wilson McFarland is
Charged With Murder
NEWARK. N. J., Oct. SC. Th Essex
county grand Jury returned an Indictment
this afternoon charging Wilson McFar
land with the murder of his wife, Evelyn,
who died of cyanide of potassium pois
oning at her home here on the night of
October IT.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Oct. 26. (Special
Telegram.) J. F. Hoop and Charles A.
Kutcher, both leading members ot the
Sheridan county bar, were yesterday
nominated for mayor at Sheridan'- first
primary election under commission form
of government. Seven candidates made
the race. Of the nineteen candidates for
he two coriimlsslonerahlps George O.
Carroll, Fred S. Eckwall, Sherman D.
Cunfleld and J. A. Church were the four
who polled the highest vote and will ac
cordingly enter the finals to be deter
mined November 7. Two are business
men, one a railroad employe and the
other the present city water commlsloner.
Great Interest was taken In the election
and a heavy vote waa recorded in spits
of Inclement weather. Sheridan will be
the first city In the state to operate un
der the commission form of government.
Show Until
S.M.Butler, Driver of
Glidden Tour Car, is
Killed at Tipton, 6a.
T1FTON, CJa., Oct. 2r..-8. M. P.utler of
New York City was Instantly killed near
his home this morning when thu auto
mobile which he wns driving In the Glid
den tour was overturned. T. J. Walker
and his wife were hurt.
Butler waa chairman of the contest
board of the American Automobile as
sociation. Walker Is the referee of the
Glidden tour now In progress. The ac
cident was caused by a break in the
steering gear. The car was wrecked and
Mr. Dutler waa Instantly killed.
Referee Walkcr'e Injuries are believed
to be serious. Mrs. Walker's arm was
brokon. Tho Injured were carried to a
Tlfton hospital.
Referee Walker In president of tha
California Automobile association and
had been selected as referee for tha
Glidden tour on Its run from New York
to Jacksonville. ,
The machine was running at good
speed when tho steering apparatus went
wrong. The automobile turned a somer
sault and settled on Its side.
Mr. Walker suffered a dislocated
shoulder and broken collar bono.
Charles F. Kellman of Rochester, N.
Y., was In the car but escaped with
slight Bruises.
Poison Container
Not Buried with Body
of Miss Linnell
BOSTON, Oct. 23. The vial or container
in which Miss Avis Linnell received the
cyanide of potassium which caused her
death was not burled with her body. This
possibility which led to the exhumation
of the body from Its grave In Hyannls
waa disproved at the examination made
onrly this morning by Medical Examiner
Timothy Leary.
Following an examination the body was
today sent back to Hyannls and again
The examination of the body was held
In the early morning at the city hospital
morgue, continuing about an hour and a
half. The medical examiner denied that
there had been an autopsy.
Applications of the defense to have rep
resentatives at tho autopsy, which was
supposed to be held today, were not de
cided upon yesterday, Judge Murray re
serving his decision until 9 a. m. today.
Whether this had anything to do with
holding the examination at such an early
hour Is not known.
HURON, S. D., Oct. 2u.(Hpeclal.)
James B. Cogan, formerly ot this city,
died at Tampa, Fla., Suturduy, the result
of a paralytlo stroke which occurred tha
day previous. Mr. Cogan was for many
years a resident of Huron, locating hero
In 1HS3. Ha established the Journal at
Wolsey and edited that paper for a
number of years. 1-ater ho came to
Huron and tor many years was editor
and proprietor of the Huron Herald
Democrat. He waa appointed postmaster
by President Cleveland and served four
years. Disposing of his newspaper plant
he engaged In tha grocery business and
continue in It for ten years or more.
Mr. Cogan with tiLs wife and son, Claire,
went to Florida a year ago, hoping that
a change of conditions and climate would
be helpful to his falling health. He was
well known throughout the state.
PIERRE, B. D., Oct. 20.-(opecial.)-WUlle,
tha 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
K. W. Crook, near Midland, lost his life
this week while at play along the banks
of Hal river. With a party of little
friends he was digging fossil shells from
the bank of 'tho atream and the other
children were washing them in the water.
While at this work a large section of
the bank caved off, burying him. His
little companions by hard work managed
to get out his body and washed the blood
from his face, but as he would not
answer them they reported the trouble
at tha house. An examination showed
that the skull waa' badly crushed and he
probably met Instant death.
Closing Hour. Come
Factions in Denver Presbyterian
Church Have Fist Fight.
Several Men Mlahtly Hart, Amonif
Them st Few Pfgermikfr-"
Women no Into Hysterics
and Flee front Room.
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 26,-Rev. W. 8.
Rudolph Is nursing various cuts and
bruises, and a number of other members
of tho Union Presbyterian church are
using soothing lotions today as a result
of ten minutes of lively fisticuffs over
church aflalrs. During the melee the
pastor waa thrown through a window.
Dr. Rudolph with a number of his
friends were sitting quietly In the rear
of tha auditorium of tha church, while
trustees and other church workers ar.
ralgned the pastor In severe terms for
attempting to retain . possession of tha
church after he had resigned from the
board ot governors.
Then a motion was carried to go Into
executive acsalnn In a room adjoining
tha church and tha pastor and his frtends
InferentlaJly were Invited to absent them
selves. Dr. Rudolph, however, led his cohorts
around to a back door and entered the
room. A fight Immediately became gen
eral. Women In hysterica bolted Into the
open air, while a doxen or mora men
punched at each other In grim and al
most silent earnestness, several oi mem
becoming Involved while attempting to
act as peacemakers.
Says Lorimer Made
Deal with Democrats
Three Years Ago
CHICAGO. Oct. 20.-Tha election ot
William Lorimer to the United States
senate waa today characterised aa "the
greatest strateglo democratic victory in
Illinois In years" by Thomas Tippit, ror
mer leader of a democratlo faction In the
Illinois leglvluture.
Tipplt's assertion waa made on t..o wit
ness stand before the committee of
United States senators Investigating tha
Lorimer case.
iiurinir his testimony Tippit revealed
a secret deal made by Lorimer In 180S,
in which LorlniiT agreed witn the ex
ecutive commit too of the state demo
cratlo organization to support Adlal Ste
venson, democrat, for governor.
Allen Fowler Kills
J.W.Bundy in Street
at Trinidad, Colo.
TRINIDAD, Colo., Oct. 25 -AUan Fow
ler. former city treasuier. Is In custody
today facing a charge of murder. Last
night Fowler met his dauffhters, Garnet,
aged 22 years, and Ruby, aged 1, walk
ing with J. W. Uundy, manager of a local
novelty works. Although the street was
crowded Fowler without warning leaped
at Bundy and stabbed hint to the heart.
The latter died within ten minutes.
Brush Reported
Seriously 111
NEW YORK. Oct. 21.-John T. Brush
has gone to Chicago without waiting to
se the New York National league base
ball club, of which he Is president, play
the final games ot the world'a series. Ha
left yesterday. It was reported that he
waa seriously 111. Mr. Brush Is accus
tomed to spend each winter In San An
tonio. This fall he delayed hla departure
on account of tha world's series, but left
on peremptory orders from his physician.
Zapatistas Kill 200
Mexican Soldiers
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 23.-Accordlng to
tha best Information obtainable the eight
eenth battalion of federals, numbering 200
men, was wiped out by the Zapatistas In
yesterday's fighting. The Departments of
War and tha Interior decline to make
public the facts.
President Roscwater Dwells Upon
Bonds of Friendship.
thief F.xreutive of Mormon Com.
inanity Bpenks of Woman Siif
frnB" and fajn It la ( Kind
that Makes Home.
With Its great and varied pro;iam
Wednesday was a ly at the (imah.-i
Land show that will long be rcmr.iilicred.
From morning until mldnlpht tha tltnn
was taken up with events thai, drew
thousands, many of whom ciiino from
Mates other than Nebraska. It was an
occasion upon which tho residents of
California extended fraternal greetings
to those of the Missouri vslley, and those
from tho fertile valleys ot Utah mingled
with friends and neighbors whom they
knew more than half a century ugo In
Nebraska and tho lands tying to the east.
Wednesday was Collfornla day; It wns
Utah day; It waa Western Development
association day; it was Woman's club
dny, as well as being the occasion upon
which tho I.and show management made
the hundreds of students of Crclghton
college feel at home.
The Utah people held their exercises
during the afternoon, while those from
California entertained with an excellent
program at night.
Tho I'lnh day exercises were held In
the north balcony of the main hall ami
opened with a selection by the Hawaiian
quintet, followed by the address of wel-
cotno by President Charles C. Rosewater
of the Land show, who by way of Intro
duction spoke of the bonds of friendship
that have existed between the people of
Utah and Nebraska for more than fifty
years. He spoke of the Utah people as
bring the pioneers who during tha 4a
crossed the plains, going from Council
Bluffs and Florence and settling In the
Salt Lake valley. Ha referred io them
aa the pioneers In irrigation, man who
were the tlrat to combine the soil and
the water, and, aided by Utah sunshme,
carved out a section of country that has
long been prosperous.
Irrigation In Utah.
Referring to irrigation In Utah tha
speaker said that It waa there that tha
first lessons In Irrigation were taught, a
barren waste having been conquered and
mads to. blossom with alfalfa, grain, ap
ples and peaches, In concluding lie added
that It waa a pleasure to welcome Utah
and Its cltliens and all others represent
ing the state, feeling that tha bonda of
friendship that had existed ao long would
bo forged still stronger.
Governor Spry, responding to the wel
oome ot President Rosewater, atated that
tha bond of filcndshlp between Utah and
Nebraska, so far as the east
end ot the last named state waa con
cerned, had always been strong, for from
Omaha and the little city of Florence, to
the north tha pioneer of Utah first
started on their journey through a track
less wilderness of mora than 1,000 miles
In order to reach a place that they felt
would be a refuge.
It was on July 21, 184T, that VA men
and three women, most ot them pushing
little hand carts, left Florence and biased
tho way for western civilization. Later,
and atter reaching their destination, with
others who followed, the peoplo fur
nished the bass of supplies for tha emi
grants to California.
Pioneers Discover Gold.
It was these young pioneers who wera
tha first to discover gold In the vicinity
ot Butter's mill In Cailtornla, and it was
those who first selllod In Utah that
turned the waters ot City creek Into their
lands that waior might mo.aien the land
and grow their potatoes and other crops.
Speaking t)f woman suffrage In Utah
the governor said that It existed, but fy
reason thereof there was no cause for
alarm. It, he added, was not ot the mili
tant kind, but lnatead ot tho kind that
makea bettor homes and better boys and
girls who are to become tha citizens of
the future.
RcferiUig to tha resources of Utah,
Governor Spry explained that the state
has. the laigost copper mtn In tha world,
uavlng during the .asl year produced 60.
juj tons of lbs value ot tl5o.uuu.tM, and
j.uoo men ore employed. Tha Park City
in.nes, he continued, have yielded Uf,
uou.uuo and have paid out JtO.O'Jo.o in divi
dends, "and thsse are but a few ot tho
uig things of Utah."
Aa tu the people, the governor referred
to tlicin a being of the agricultural class
and In proof ot the statement he proudly
pointed down to the Utah exhibit at the
wost side ot tha balcony on tho main
floor. Land, h continued, still remains
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