TITK 1JKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBKK. 2."). 1011. 7 BD TTTP mmV nuui rnm Ctyptlaa Chocolate BOo, Myera-Dlllon. Oaa, Eleo. I" tstares, Borress-Orandan. Writ T. W. BUokbura Douglas UM, In new phone book. Ittikhart Bella Horn K. II. Lutkhart has aold his bouse at Forty-first and Dodge to O. F. Smith for $10,000. Work on Baldrlfe Homo Work has been started on Juc lialdrlge'e new house at Thirty-ninth and Davenport streets. Apartment House Bold The Tsschuck Meal Kstate company has sold Its apart ment house at Twentieth and Davenport to W. M. Quald for J19.500. luncheon to ExMbltor Exhibitors at the Omaha Land show will be guests of the Heal Kstate exchange at luncheon at tho Commercial club Wednesday. Park Board Masts The regular- meet- Ins; of the park board will be held In the cltv hall Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A number of small Items will be browfcht up at the meotlng. rails In a TU Theodore Tholeljhohan a retired engineer for the Vulon l'aclflo Railway company, was stricken with an uepiic spnsm ai nmeenin nnu rrinv" streets Tuesday morning, lie was lanen tho police station, where he was re lved by Dr. T. T. Harris and then taken home. 1307 Pierce street. IT a Concart At Swedish Church Olal Pelberg, assisted by his wife, Scfio Set berg, will give a sacred organ recital and song concert Wednesday night In the Swedish Lutheran church at Nineteenth and Cass streets. The couple wai 'heard here last June In the Zlon Lutheran church by a largo audience and in all probability standing room will be a scarce article. There is to be no admission to the concert. ' Begins am Old Sentence Athanaslos Olatiotls, the Greek indicted some months ago by the federal grand Jury for con splracy, was taken to the county Jail to begin a thirty-day sentence, In addition to a $300 fine. Olatiotls was convicted of conspiring to bring a large number of Greek laborers here for work on the various railroads, and to collect their salary for them, giving them out of the money paid by the railroads .a small amount. Tho Indictment was returned a year ago. TMinief ore Artrno Whether to Teach .Di Die in fccuuuis AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA' Annexationists Open Headquarter! and Start Campaign. RESOLUTION ABOUT OFFICIALS Aatla Meet After Council Meeting ! Proceed to Uet Cohorts la Line Lire Stock Men to Lincoln. Tho question "Shall the Bible be Intro duced Into the Fubllo Schools." was fully discussed at the quarterly rally of the Trl-Clty Baraca union at the First Meth odist Episcopal church last evening. The general opinion of the' audience was that the Bible hould be Installed In the schools, but the - voting on the question was held over for the meeting of the Rev.- Frank A. Chase, pastor or the First Baptist church of Council!, Bluffs, was on the affirmative side of the ques tion. . In his arguments he said, "The Bible Is the work of God and should be taught to the people. It has done more good for the world In general than any other medium on earth. If the Bible had been In the school for the last few gen erations there would not be at the present day so much wickedness and crime In the world. Ducing the last three generations the population has Increased 28 per cent and crime 60 per cent. No person' education-Is complete uniesahe la learned In the word of God.1' . . ..' Charles A. Alden, financial secretary of the University Of Omaha, waa second man In the debate and talked on condi tion. "If this Baraca union would only practice using the Bib! Instead of trying to Introduce It into the schools, it would bo a fur greater move than the one thoy are at the present time contemplating. The churches aild Sunday schools were built and are for religious purpose. "In my estimation It would be better to get ail your friends to register next Eatuiday than to get the Bible In th "The purposes of the publlo chool," aid Rev. Charles W. Bavldge, who ar med the negative side of the question, "are oolely educational and not for re. Ugloua advancement. It you set out to Install the Bible In th school you will be lawbreakers a th law of th tt forbid the introducing of religious In struction of any kind in th publlo ohool of th stat. The plao to teach the bible . is at home, not In tho schools. Things went with a vim at the meeting of the annexationists held last night at the offices of Murdock & Tancoast, where a larice crowd or sympathisers filled the offices and overflowed Into the adjoining hall. rians for the campaign were mapped out and W. 11. Daly, secretary of the committee, was elected campaign mana ger. Mr. Daly immediately announced that he had acquired a suite of rooms in1 the Haunon block where the headquarters of the annexationists will be hence forth. Tho sense of the meeting was that every man must see to it that all the voters register before the end of the week. This was laid down as the para mount duty of all the annexationists, who have left four days only 'between now and registration day. In a stinging resolution the committee threatened legal proceedings against the city council in the event of that body utilising public moneys lor the further ance of their campalsn to defeat the annexation measure. Pass Warn In a Resolution. The following is the resolution: Whereas, The city council of 8outh Omaha, ISeb., did no the Uth duy of Oc tober, If 11, pass a resolution instructing the city attorney "to take any and all necebsary legal action seeking to prevent the submission of the quciuions of an nexation at the ensuing general election. and to file In behaif of the city.a protest and challenge to the pretended petition Liled for same. And whereas, said resolution in effect seeks to divert city moneys from their appropriate tunds to be used for pereonul uses, and also seeks to prevent the citi sena ol the city from expressing their rights as such citizens at tho coming election. Theiefore, be it resolved by. this or ganisation of South Omaha electors, that we as electors una citizens oi me city ot South Omana hereby protest and object to the expenditure of the people's money for any such purposes as contemplated by such resolution as trie same is cieariy illegal and contrary to law. And be it lurtner resoivea mat tne exec utive committee of this organization be and they are hereby instructed in case any of the city money be so expended to at once commence the appropriate legal oroccedtng against any and all oi the city officials participating In said expenditure. &. I. HAKIMSVVUK1U, Chairman. .W. B. DALY, Secretary. Antla Hold Meeting. Last night's council meeting was but the prelude to one of the strongest gath erings of the antl-annexatlonlsts that has been held since the beginning ot the agitation forv the merger of the two cities. The council meeting itself was marked by a distinct lack of interest on the part of the aldermen and attendant , gen erally, i While the city clerk droned through tlie reading of the minutes and resolu tions, little knots ot city employes' and "antl" men gathered in the" hall and rooms adjoining the council chamber. Present In the building were former Senator "Doc" Tanner, the member ot the Fire and Police board, E. R. Leigh and W. A. Schneider - of the school board,, together with Superintendent N. M, Graham, City Attorney H. C. Mur phy and his assistant, Sam Winters; Chief of the Fire Department John Mc Kale and all the members of the city council. Besides the city officials there were present many of the business mtin and contractors of the city. Mayor Tralnor announced that the meeting was called to talk things over. It was conceded that the fight for an nexation will be a most bitter one. Every one of the antl ha com out with the determination to put forth all their political strength o muster a vote that will overwhelm the mergerlsts at ball game in the afternoon. It I th devlr of the committee that the trip this year be made even more successful than the last one. A special train will convey the party to Lincoln, where they will be taken direct to the state farm. After the foot ball game the party will have supper at the Lincoln hotel, returning to Omaha that evening. Maale City Gossip. Three heating stoves, cheap. J. Buy your coal. South Omaha Ice Co. The South Omaha labor unions will hold a meeting this evening at Twenty-fourth an'' ij streets. For rent, six-room house, modern ex cm heui. Also large barn, SKIS Q street, t'hone Mouth 1094. The birth of a son Is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Hhodes, Twentieth and Z streets. liable Strangled. by croup, cough or colds are Instantly relieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. BRANDEIS BLANKET SALE Tremendous Cash Purchaae from Fa mous Blanket Maker. MANY ABE PULLMAN BLANKETS Twelve Oreet Wlstlswi Now Blnj Vsed to Display Tfces Goods 10,000 Pairs Will Go on "ale at Vokrard-Of Bargain Not Monday. We take pleasure ,ln announcing the most extraordinary of wool blankets that was ever held by any store In America. W hav Just bought 15,000 pair from a famu manufacturer at just about one-half th actual cost to make. Many of the blankets in this sale are the famous PuUman blankets made expressly for the Pullman Faiac Car company. Th sal will begin next Mon- day, October and It offers a clianee such as may never occur again. Thl maker turned Out all wool blankets of superior make, chiefly for fin retail trade. He la now retiring from blanket making to take up the weaving of fine dres good. This sale la just another of those great money saving events that has made Brand! Stores great and famous for Its bargain giving. It la now so well known that we buy for spot cash, no matter how great the stock or how fine the good, that many of the best bargains In the country are offered first to us. Twelve great show windows are now filled with these blankets and thousands marvel at the bargain every day. Many of these blankets are full size, while others are In sizes suitable for cribs and single beds. They will all go on sale next Monday, October 30. BRANDEIS STORKS. Sick headacne 1 rs.uswi by a disordered tomach. Take Chamberlatn'a Tablets and correct that and the headaohea will disappear. For rale ly dealer. IP fainforctd at eery point BEYOND its velvet like caress to the skin and its luxurious warmth, Velvetrib has another important merit. It is elastic both ways. Though smooth in fit, it is as free and easy as yourown skin. "It lull u good and wmri to art." Velvetrib is knit of fine Egyptian yarn in two closely interwoven layers and is alike on both sides. Without coarseness of fabric strength, . warmth and velvety softness re obtained. Vtlvitrib is BO 10 100 stronger than underwear oi equal weight. VmUmlrib 1 Guaranteed" ot to irritate, shrink, rip. tear, beg ot money back. 1 1 It m ad io medium aad heavy weights. Atkyouf dealer. MEN'S Separate Car. mu, 1 Vmkm Sate. ' BOYS' Seaarat Cit. suBte, 60t Uaioo Sato. SI. Try V4hmtrH Ualoa Suit with lb perfectioa Onelta erotca. ON LIT IsTTTWG UlUS, . T- ttmtmU TrJm Sw U,t kr Byre u Mam me? D. O). 0 ft B. Smith a C. fthe polls. Among those who have watched the movement it is generally conceded that the fight, will be made in the west 'end of the city, on and about what 1 known "Indian bill." The northern section of the city will doubtlees go to the an nexationists, and the southern part, with small fraction' of loss, will go the op. poslte way. In th went part ther will be a hard fight. For some reason this district, which ha heretofore been hand and glove with the administration, fail to respond to the call to arm issued by their old leader. That there la dissatisfaction prevalent In the west section 1 admitted by the antla themselves, but few seem able to diagnose the exact cause of th trouble. Th leaders, however, are not discon certed and there will be an immense amount ot missionary work don be tween now and November 7, when th question ot consolidation will be deter mined for or against at the polls. Kotine to Oof Customers. Beware of fraud llquer solicitors, repre senting themselves at your door to be selling tor J. Klein, which is not true, a I have no solicitor at all, J. Klein, Family Liquor Dealer, 26th and N, South Omaha. f Cooacll raabea Bnelnes. After some hesitation the city fathers met last night to dispose of the press of business that had accumulated during two weeks. The order of the meeting was strictly routine work. The resignation of former Assistant City Attorney 11. E. McNalley wai read by the. clerk and ordered filed by the council. The appointment of E. R. Leigh to succeed Mr. McNalley was also filed together with Leigh bond. Leigh tendered hi resignation as member of the Board Hit Appraiser. A resolution calling upon th Omaha Water company to construct a water main on Thirty-ninth avenue from P to U street was Introduced by Councilman Tom Peterson. Th motion was carried unanimously. Chairman Mat Peterson of the finance committee took charge of the recom mendation of the city treasurer calling upon the council to provide tor obligations maturing November 1 at the New Tork fiscal ageucy and amounting to 11S,1SJ.7. Live Stock Mti to Llacola. Representatives of tne live stock inter ests at the stock yards at South Omaha are anticipating with a great deal of pleasure -a trip which they are to take to Lincoln Saturday, October 2S, upon the invitation of Prof. Smith of the College of Agriculture. The invitation ha been accepted by the board of director and th advertising and pub'.lctty committee have been in structed to get a large a crowd together possible to msk thl trip. Arrange w. If Marriage w ells bv-H. G. The same Wells who usee! to write that Jules Verne kind of stories who dropped them for something better who then wrote "Tono Bungay" and "Mr. Polly" who is today the greatest novelist writing in English, has written a long story for The American. It is called "Marriage' because it begins where most novels leave off. It will interest you, because it deals with the most common problem of married life, too much spending on too little cash. It is in solving the problem, that Wells reveals the imagination that produced "The Wjir of the Worlds," but it is in drawing the character of Marjorie that he shows his greatness as a writer. Begins in November merican MAGAZINE Now on ! at all newwtands. IS cents a copy; $1.50 year Men's Underwear ."-' Si 3 U'NvW . .r -.' Ar Most stores treat their underwear department as a . . . 'ii i : . i i. r Blue issue Willi us untierwoiir is nil iuiuiuiui iwnuu: u nur lnrco stocks rind low prices enable us to carry on a n large underwear business. The varied assortment in all weights and dimensions makes your selection easy. "With us the values are always better. Special Valuta Union Suits $1.00 to $5.00 Two-Piece Oarments -...45c to $2.50 SWEATERS The kind that keep you warm and laugh at cold weather 31.00 to 56.00 -t f ; Special Pennsylvania Sweaters S2.00 to 55.00 GLOVES Capo leather and Kid Leather, "Wool and Cassimore, Adlcr's and Fownes makes $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 TT HOUSf or mm mwjm mm sal! ON MEN'S LTIH1DW at tho Mow Gtoro . WEDNESDAY $7.50 values in Men's Cheviot Suits C A QQ &t mi p a $10.00 values In Men's Blue Sorgo Suits, jg 08 $15.00 to $20.00 values in Men's Broadcloth C!tQ QO Serge and Worsted Suits yO'OO 11.60 value In Man's Union Pnlt blue, pink and ecru 69o colors $1.0(1 and 11.60 rallies In Mon' Soft and 8tlff Hats, all A fie bade and color tww 1 1 j Southeast Corner ot Sfctfvnth nd Donglaa Street, First Floor Over tbs Basement Btoro. ot Six Generations" M Its The Full strength Full quality. Full purity rye Distilled 4 timc3 in copper (Ordinary whlfJty not more tba twice) ' 1 s Pay your money for tho genuine. I Bottled m Bpnd Each bottla Is ' sealed with k the U. S. Government Stamp, Its age is guaranteed by the - U. B. Government, purity by the Schenley jDistuiuic company. Its quality speaks for itself. When you buy Rye. buy Schenley. At all dealers. & I 8che nley Distilling Co., Lwcesco, Pa. riiMr iii'f ,J ! in mom .'U nu4sS Friday Dress Trimmings An immense cash purchase of high class, new Dress Trimmings, the entire surplus of one of the most prom inent importers secured at a tremendous bargain; almost unlimited variety of nobby new 6tyles and patterns ot prices much less than half actual retail worth. See window HAYDEN'S ment hav already been made for a , section of the grandstand fit- the foot