PETER ELSASSER MUZZLED fcgmfc. iwr 'n. iki&t Booklovers' Cooftest' Democrats Accomplish Teat After Lonj Sustained StroggV. f 0. . Home ir wrm. tmw CDo DECLARE HE TALKS TOO MUCH n com, cam: jlejrzz r ) hold ocas zmr rM2f ?Ji Bo. 71 Wednesday, October 35, 1911. Wkat Book Does This Picture Ecpresent? Title Author ...... Your Nam lrcct and Number City or Town .... .... . . . i ...... t Write In title end author or book and EATS coupon anf. picture. Sen! no coupon until finish ct the contest la announced, tacn picture represtio;.- took title not a scene or character. Catalogues containing i.OOtt rmuei on which all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the ccutest editor are tor ttule at the tnisluess OffU at The Use tor lu cents, by uiaa. : .'t-rta. 11 From Office to Orchard d.Why stay "cooped up" in the city? The great Fertile Northwest calls you. Come and see what it produces. At Northern Pacific Ry Exhibit Omaha Land Show Alt tar ben Coliseum, Oct. 1S-J8 ' T,You can see what Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon ' i T" i... c. c a ; i uic tiuspciiiy oluics tii rvmcnuit nave iw , offer you. COet our free literature. Ask for "From Office to Orchard the true story of a man who broke loose. CCotne to the Land Show or call on or write to k n snot wmi.i. District P.sunter Attn! Ctnlmy Builtimg, On Idointt L. J. BK1CKBR. Central Immigration A ftftf A. l. Cl.El.AND. Crntral Paisenger Agent S i . PAUL. iilNS. Typewriters Should be Like Rubber Bands ."Were it not for its elasticity the common rubber band yould be of limited use. Its value lies in the fact that it can be stretched to meet different requirements. Likewise the typewriter that will handle nothing larger than the ordinary letterhead is limited in its use and is not serving its full purpose. The Model 10 Smith Premier designed to meet the greatest number of requirements in any office, can be furnished with carriages in six different lengths (all instantly interchangeable on the same machine) handling paper from one inch to three- quarters of a yard in width. Paying a visit to our office doesn't mean you will be harassed by an aggressive salesman until your order is placed. You may inspect the machine in our office, if you wish, and titll feel safe. The Smith Branches in SIOUX CITY, LINCOLN, DIS MOINES. Premier Typewriter Co. 19th and Douglas Streets OHAHA, HEB. Daring 1ti Last Two Months the Commissioner llaa llrrn Con splriioa by Ills Doolie Hence, Muttllng of County Commissioner Peter E. Elsnr-ser has born nccompllshril by the democratic machine atler a long and at times seemingly hopeless struggle. The explanation Is that Oscar J. Plck ard, his democratic colleague seeking re election, was In desperate straights, flepplto his claims that he was doing two or three men's work and wearing his finrera to the bone In the service of his beloved county desptto these claims there was considerable murmuring about Oscar. Fcople were beginning to solve his delivery; there were signs that his tamo was about played out. This sad state of affairs largely was the result of the careless manner In which Mr. ttlsoyser had discussed Mr. Plckard nnd hit operations. o the screws were put on Mr. Elsassrr. During the Inst two months he has been conspicuous by his docile silence almost s conspicuous as he was during his first months ns comm'ssloner by his free at tacks upon Commissioner Plckard. Mr. Elsasser says nothing naughty now. but some of the things he Mid before heroic steps to muixle htm were taken boh up with Increasing frequency to worry Mr. Plckard. When the county bonrd organized the first of the year Mr. Hertford was made chairman, succeeding the lnte turn-coat, Fred Pruning. Mr. Plckard explnlnod that he didn't want lo be chairman but could have had the place If he had wanted It. The fact that ns u plain commissioner ho would have fewer chances to blunder and pave the way for bin defeat when ho should Keek re-tlrci Ion had nothing to do with the dcciulon. Opr-iiN t poo I'lcLnril. The Jlrwt regular meet'ns of the now board had been In proems for about fifte.-n minutes when Mr. Klia'ser opened up on Mr. Pickerel, lie dialled the j;iir.nlrrliii,' of JJ.0.0.1 or thcreab.iutB by he honorable chairman of roads and bridges, Mr. Plcknrd was nnnoM and Jcoily hurt. The hlra of anyone' auft jer.ilng that he cauld nuke a nilta'tc. At the next meeting Mr. Ktatifjer was aimed with figures. He fired a few more broadsides Into Mr. Plckard. He kept It up for months and irunths. There were conferences of the democrats to deviae v:a and means for pulling the muffle on "Pete." He wua dciilel the prlvllejo jf nuinlng employe at ll-.e court house, though U should have boon his as chair man of the court house committee. Mr. EisasHcr aot to telling newspaper reiorteis about dolriija of Commlsslom-. a Bedford, O'Connor und Plcknrd In reisarj to the new county building. This In creased the Ire of the democratic comin;;; sloners with whom "Pete" refused to "jlue." Veir It Given Advlvc. When Architect John I-atfiimr wantcu ;o tell the tomtnlsstoiiers that a nub ontractor had tuined Jl.'JOO by Inducing .he board to muke a concession the demo orats made the meeting an executive cno When the facts were publliihed 'Tcte' was blamed and again advised thut "ht talked too much." Pete" stood out against changing o' Ihe irarblo contract, wnlch raved thou sands of dollars to Caldwell & Drake; he general contractors. He told ever) one why he opposed the change anc igaln he was jumped upon for talking too much. Put "Pete'' Is litUo more than t'.u hailow of hie once beMlcoKo self. l.nsl Saturday he was presiding when .South Omaha onnexatlon was under considers.- Jon. Mr. Bedford expressed 1i!h denlr. that the boar dtake a recess and go lnt. star chamber scsalon tnu the oneuicnt iilcasEer ordered the recess without ever. oallliiE for a vote. Comic Section The Suv.dav Bee With Hcrppy Hooligan. Litt)s Nemo, the Kaizenjammcr Kids crd the uholcirtt freeing fam'ly s',a (4 C25-7 N. 24th ST., SOUTH OMAHA 20 Below Omaha Prices--Not One Day But Every Day lock Now Complete in all Lines FallS !3i I 1 iwlW&Mh if KMX $1.00 S1.45 39.75 Get Our Prices on Rugs in All Sizes 27x54 Velvet - - -27x54 Axminster - - 9x12 Brussels - - - 9x12 Brussels Seamless $12.50 9x12 Velvet Seamless $16.00 9x12 Axminster - - $17.00 See our line of Body Brussels and Wiltons, in all sizes, much below Omaha prices. 4 Large Car Loads off Stoves and Ranges HEATERS and ACORN RANUES 'Quick Meal Ranges In all sizes. We sell a good JC73IT1 R3 i v: - .-ii 4-Hole Range $24.50 6-Hole Range $26.50 Set up in your home. Stoves Sold on Payments 1 Kfe: mm V r i r 1 - - T iY M ROTARY CLUBHEAD COMING President Paul P. Harris and Secre tary Perry Here Wednesday. A LUNCHEON AT TnE IIENSHAW Short Weight Man is Fined by Judge Joe Levy, who was arretted Monday morning by City Weight Inspector John Pegg, was fined (15 and costs in poilco court Tuesday morning by Judge Craw ford, Joe Keeeay, who was arrested with Levy, was discharged, as It was shown that he was working for Levy. But one woman appeared against Levy this morning. She was Mrs. M. T. fcwan bcrg, 6335 North Twenty-fifth street, who said that she bought ten bushels ot po tatoes from Levy last Thursday and paid for ten bushels. She said Levy car ried the potatoes to the cellar In a sack. The lafef. two bushels, however, he car ried In with a bushel basket. Mrs. Swan- berg said that when she looked at the potutots It did not appear that she had received a full ten bushels. Inspector Pegu was called to the house and meas ured them, to find that Mrs. Swanberg was two buithels short. Mr. Pegg filed another complaint against Joe Levy this mqrning for short weighting Mrs. Yost, 6314 North Twenty fifth street. Levy will be brought up on the charge Tuesday morning. Mrs. Fred Schroeder, 1114 Kouth Twen ty-street, wife of Councilman Bchroeder of the Seventh ward, reported to Mr, Pegg that site had ben short weighted She will come to the station to Identify Levy. Omaha Club Women to Have Fine Trip Wiltn the ciub and other women visit the Land show Wednesday, they will be Elven ono of the grandest trips In the I'nited States, going on a personally conducted excursion with Robert flruce Lcffingwtill, the noted travelogue lec turer In charge. Mr. Lefflngwell will take the club and other women through Yosemlte Valley park, the home of the bis trees. The Journey will be n.iide in comfortable Hate.-', with s;ops at hotels, camps and other ron-.anllc spots. Having made the slate trip, tho members of the party, at Visalia, with Mr. Lefflngwell In charge, will board a Harrlman line train and run tlown to Pasadena, where they will visit numerous orange groves, after wht:l tlicy will step over to the Adolph liuscli rote gardtn?, here they will stroll among the beautiful flowers. This rose garden Ij the flust In the world, having been constructed and maintained at a cost of iv.tMlons ot dollars. fckluaed from llr4 te Heel was lien Pool, Tbrett, Ala., when drag eed over gravel roadway, but Buck ten's Arnica Halve cured him. 2Cc. For Omaha Club to tikve Welcome in the Natloual Officer General Con In to Uellver Ad, dress of Welcome. Wednesday Is the day scheduled for the islt , of Paul P. Harris, president, and v'heamy It. Teriy, secretary of the Na- lonal Association of Ilotary Clubs. They arrive at V a. m. ht the Union depot ai.d wlil he met by President Gould Jlot of the Omaha Itotary club, and George Rogers, J. J. l)erlght, A. J. Love, Ueorgo J. Duncan, T. J. O llrlen, Getierul J. C. Coin, and others, members of the local organization. On a later train about two dozen from the Lincoln, Kansas City anil Ht. Joseph clubs will arilve and all will be gecstu of the Oiunlui Kolarlans at tho reception and luncheon to be givn at noon In the Honshaw rathskeller. The program for tho day Includes a drive about the city In the forenoon and a trip to the Land show for all the visi tors and Omaha Hoturluns in the after noon. General J. C. Cowln will deliver tho addrexs of welcome, to the visitors, and other prominent men will also speak. There are rotary clubs In about seventy five cities In America, while recently n rotary club was formed In London, Eng land. In Omaha tho Holary club has be come one of the foremast organizations of the city. Its purpoco Is to better the business of Its members by co-operation with each other and the exchange of Ideas, as well ns to assist In the better ment of civic conditions. This does not mean politics, but conditions entirely nshle from political questions. The club has grown wonderfully slneo Its Inaugura tion In Omnha only n few months ago, and there Is no other Institution In the city where the big men In business enter with such a heuity spirit Into all the pur poses and discussions of the club. Here Is a woman who speaks from per sonal knowledge end long experience, vl., Mrs. P. II. Ilrogan of Wilson, Pa., who says. "I know from experience that Cham berlain's Cough ltcmcdy Is fur superior to any other. For croup there Is nothing that excels It." Tor sale by nil dealers. The Key to the Situation flee Ads. Feels Public Pulse for Gov. Harmon Lieutenant Governor H. S, Nichols of Ohio was In Omaha Monday night as the personnl representative of Judson Har mon, glvernor of Ohio, and in Una for th. democratic, presidential nomination, Mr. Nichols Is boosting Harmon's presiden tial chances and Is touring the country In an attempt to feel the pulse of the public. What his trip has brought out could not be learned, for he would not talk last night and he left the city early this morning. Yesterday he hi In Un coln and held a conference with William J. Ilryan. A number of local democrats visited tho Paxton where Nichols stoppaj yesterday afternoon and welcomed thu Ohloan to Omaha. And you will generally find that they know of more good, intelligent people, those of good sense and dis cernment in your vicinity who have been cured by Dr. Pierce's World-famed Family Medicines than by all other proprietary medicines. They have been making these cures right along for over forty years and altogether likely you will easily find people all about you who will be only too glad to say a good word for them. These old reliable curatives are not exploited or urged upon the afflicted by extravagant and false promises but have a record of real, genuine cures to sustain them. nmon women Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is truly a favorite by reason ot its remarkable cures which, tor over forty years by far exceed those which can be credited to any medicine extant. Dy a little Inquiry you will no doubt find some of these cured and grateful cases In your Immediate neighborhood, for they are to be met with practically EVERY WHERE. They arc Dr. Pierce's best advertisements. Seek their advice it you arc a poor despondent overburdened broken down, weak, or palit'wracked woman, suffering from some derangement or weakness Incident to your sex. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in plain English, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., (new fully re vised up-to-date edition) gives all particulars which women need to know about their peculiar functions and how to correct ordinary derangements and weaknesses. Cloth-bound volume of 1000 pages, 31 one cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Why not send for it NOW? The New Edition is almost a household necessity. Address: World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS ARE A MILD BUT EFFICIENT PHYSIC. Ever Take the Pledge? It wan formerly customary for the haliltuul ili'i' to tako the pledge reg ularly, Borne' lines once a year, and tM'inviimea lit (very til ot ieiiiune thut followed lil.i ucbaui hei, and then Lieak It. hut now It Is uruiluully dawning on tho wcuM (hat plunge lu not Ht6p rtronketine i he nervous system of l ho haliiiuul drinker U li.seiteu and bat n. uM have '.ic4linoiit thut will cure his cnmlltou. If Oirine dues not benefit after a trial, your money will be re funded. UllKINE .iHts but II a box. Call nt our stoic and get a free oookiet. We'll gladly tell y i i all about this meritori una i.i.itdy for the leiuur lialill. Hiier rnuu & Al,'i''.ime!l luug Co., ICth and Ix.dffe and v-iih and I'nrnam, 207- No. U.ih ht,, owl Uiug Co., loih and Harney, Omaha. THE OMAHA HER Omaha 'u Greatest lloaie Paper "1 I W. 0. buINN, J-' '.,-i ' : 1 lil a. T ,1 i ,r. n u- ' - Shinn Lightning Rods the Trade Mark of the Best There is in Lightning Protection. VT. C. SHUT!, Llnooln, Web. Kf xx. Co i-1, or Carl. Liur-Uuir Jtods. npohiiiTllty l'-r the I'oslnve electric it v ti the storm cloud, lo M:liin lliicls nlve t.rr tno Iibkutuo t-iecirieiiy in 1110 nu i n MIRVTICTUIES OT LlUMTMItMU KODD X.ISTCOX.N, KB. It l.-t a n a hi re 1 n: f.-Ui'll (I..1 liM i 1. I I I , U M tl us us it is i.ui.11 led aobouiloiy I'icvtiiiiii J luu 1.1 uho etui:; LrucA oy n'n"Hee our co.Uiilote display, where we will prove Iheca fi.cts lo you t,t the Omaha Land bhow, Factory at LINCOLN, NEB., CSHJNfgr. aale by Uaton Irug Co.