Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    iilK J.KK: OMAHA. KDNhSDAV, (K JOithW, -, 1911.
Some of These Fine Days Jeff is Going to Get Very Inquisitive About the Guillotines, and Then- By Bud Fisher
I"1" T OUR UfT UfVrp fVNl)
tKrHToRrJ - TMflT'i AN QuT SHooT
' vfr
- ilriv'v.VUS
if! i
r. -your, tit and r tntopi to
it ?iv tmG rfoe-evrN
OH, PkOLOrect J
f pot rANSfcU 1
V To You J.
lf r 1 ii"' iy. ,
Gianti Lose to Philadelphia for
Third Successive Time.
Victors Come from Behind, Oetbat-
(las National Leaguers aad Dolus
faperior Wrk on liases aad
la th Field.
: PHILADELPHIA, Oct. Hitting th
great Mathewson to all corners of the
field, the Athletics defes'ted the Ulanta
at Shlh rark this afternoon for the
third successive time by the ecore of 4
to 1 The American league enamplons
now need hut a slnale gam to again
give them the world's base ball honor!
for the second year In succession,
. Tho victor not only outbatted the
champions (if tho National league, but
outfleMed them and showed mora alert
ness on the bnaei. It nu a finely played
game, aenantlonal In apote and gava the
home rowd plenty of opportunity to
Xtw Tork Rotting the Jump In the flrwt
Inn'ni. the Athletic ram from behind,
putted them In a fierce onalaugbt In the
fourth Innlnr; and were never again
hra:ed. Nearly U.Od) persona wltnaeeed
tho content.
: Mnthriveon Retiree.
Muthewit'jn, the mainstay of the Giants,
aj fairly crui.el under th fusillade
of Mta end at the end of th aeventh
Inning he retired In favor of Wlltse. The
luttcr nliched but one Inning against the
Iseavy-Mittlng I'lilUirtilphla team and es
caped with one two-base hit out of four
men up. Ten hits for a total of sixteen
bnea were mndo off Mathewson In all
Innings. In the rovrnth fining tie gave
bis only base on talis to Xtaker.
Bonder, the Athletlrs' sterling pitcher,
whlel he did not equal the wonderful
game he twirled acalnat New Tork on
the opening day of the series, was never
In trouble except In the first Inning. New
York got but seven hits oft him, only
two of them coming V one Inning. He
struck out four men and gave two bases
on balls.
In the opening round the top of the
New York batting list jumped on the
Chippewa In a manner that made the
timid ones fear that all was lost. The
great Indian settled down, however, after
New York had scored two runa on
single by Devore, a triple by Doyle and
sacrifice fly by Bnodgrass and had
New York at his mercy practically all
the way,
, " B.r,r Batter.
' Barry, the brilliant short stop of the
'Athletics, was the star man at the bat
In four trips to the plate he ripped out
m e Ingle and two doubles, but none of his
tilts figured in the scoring. The snsa
Uonal Baker came to time with a pair of
two-base hits out of thre tlmea up and
Murphy broke loose for the first time
in the series and laced out two double
that set the crowd wild with cheering,
Captain Davis, substituting for the In
jured Mclnnee, also was In th thick of
th battle, pounding out a,twobase hit
in the big fourth. Inning when the
Athletics passed New Tork by scoring
thre runs. It was in this Inning that
tb greatest exhibition of hitting yet
seen In tb present world's series was
Th only men on the Philadelphia team
that did not get Into the hit column were
Cfldring, Thomas and Bender.
For New York Devore, Doyle and
Fletcher showed best at the plate. Devore
got two slnKles In four times up, Doyle
smashed a triple In three times at bat and
Fletcher had a pretty pair of singles, but
enly Devore'e hit and Doyle's three-base
drive figured In New York s scoring.
Details of Oarne,
New oYrk etarted out like a winner In
the first Inning. Devore reached first
on an infield tap and came all the way
home on Itoyle'e triple to right center.
The New York second bsseman probably
would hav gotten only a single on his
hit had sot Oldrlng slipped In the soft
turf of the outfield, the ball eluding him
long enough to permit Doyle to pull up
at third, gnodgrans brought Doyle home
with a long sacrifice fly to Lord. This
aa the end of New York's scoring.
The two-run had looked big to the
Athletic partUans, but the fighting Ath
tetice kvpt pviiging aay at MathewKon.
There were chancea to score In the eec-
ond and third Innings, but It was not
until the f'M'rth that the American
leaguers showed Iht'lr real batting
Strength. Haktr, who struck out the
first tltne up, caught one of fttathew
eon's outside curves and drove It to left
(enter fur two bakes, much to th delight
if the crowd.
Murphy smashed a two-bagger to left,
si.idtng U.iktr across the plwtd and Davis
bi ought the spectators to their feet by
ii lung a double to right field, sending
home liaker with the tying' run. I'avla
moved up to third on flurry' out and
(wme huuie on Thomas' sucrlftce fly to
uJllae. a Uaker'a lilt.
In the fifth Inning Cullins singled to
ikht field and came all the wsy home
on Haker' to-be hit to rlht center.
Jt wiui a grest exhibition of running and
l.t head oik, coupled with his fleet ms.
won him a round of cheers. This gave
tne Atuletlce their fourth and final run.
In the four games so far played, neither
V urray of New York fior Thomas' of
1 l.ilaoi !it U has made a hit.
itu'dt fioiij the exceptional exhibition of
L.tting tt.e gun's was replete wnu km-
llant fielding, both pitchers being backs!
up In tine style. Hersog and Fletoher for
the QIanta and Colllna and Harry and
liaker for the Athletics put up a dashing
game. Raker had a throw that 'was a
little wide charged agalnnt him, and
Fletcher fumbled a grounder In hie hurry
to scoop It up and shoot It to llerkle.
No attempt waa made by either team
to' steal bases.
The crowd filled Shlbe park, but It did
not quite come up to the attendance of
the first day. The figures given out by
the National commission showed a total
of ii.Kt paid admissions, or a total of
124.1.18 for the series.
The home players having the advantage
of two victories to one for New York had
the greatest confidence that they would
take the next game, and the Athletics
were heartily cheered when they made
thlr appearance, liaker, of Course, was
Winners for Connie Mack
' i S ' '
,.f . . v v
. ,''' ' .. "'
Star Halfback Gets Blow Over Eye
During Practice.
Cornhaskers Rhovrlns; t7 Wei' la
Tractlec fllanager Enger and
Coach Stlehna Differ Over
Stlnnesota Officials.
LINCOLN, Oct. 24.-(Speclal Telegram.)
Actual preparations for the Missouri
gam started today In the Cornhusker
camp with a hard scrimmage at the
state farm. The practice was marred hy
A ' "X V.v? .
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thrmsh Rttenm was Wllta with no erttl
rtim frf th (Jphpr fnthfls and f the
ttmplrfnw, H J:rw ht we ftot pised
with tht t?wr1, 'lf! bip fit th ffi
clnlg, ainen ItPiififfy r4 tr he
conch, rtd with Manftr EnRry at
Mlnneapvfls, and When MMsTneTits were
made charging the frfilelals with fnvor
Itlsm Kft'sr thoshi H a feflentlnn n
him. Cunrequently b Isntied a
ment that the ttrurh Work Is all foolish
ness end ilmnt-.a rn fslrty drubbed by
the Ooplttff, 'the rsloikmn bnween the
coach nnd the insttaKef ny hcoome
somewhat itralnd.
Michigan Men Try
Out lolls. for the
Oornhusker Game
AH the alumni associations In Omaha
and all ths organisations of oolleglato
alumrri are Invited by th University club
to hold weekly luncheon meo tings at the
club rooms. The club extends Its hos
pitality to all college men, whether mem
bers of the club or not, for meetings as
often as one a month, to be held at
noon. This was announoed at the club
rooms Tuesday, whon the alurrftjl of the
University of Michigan hold the first of
the winter meetings. Tho Wolverines will
meet during th winter th second Tues
day of eauh month. At the Tuesday moot
ing arrangements were made for the
crowd that will go from Omaha to Lin
coln for the Mlchlgan-Nobraaka game
November 5. The Michigan men were
allotted only nlncty-nlne seats for the
Omaha association, but expect to . take
at least twice that many people to Lin
coln to tee the Ann Arbor men play.
Launderers Hear
National President
ofal Telegrfwn.) The Nebraska Lsttmder
enr acclatton tnrx In annual convention
in this city this afternoon, about fifty
mwnbwi being present. The address of
welcome by Mayor Ilyan was responded
to by Ueorge M. etraln, president, of
Omaha. Committees tor the convention
were then appoinlol and an address by
L. 11. Fisher of Kansas City, president
of the National Association of Launder
ers, was listened to. The officers, who
hold over to the next meeting in Lin
coln In March, are; Ceorge M. Strain,
Omaha, president; E. W. Truman, Lin
coln, vice president; R. L. Sabln, Has
tings, eocretary; P. A. Dennon, Grand
Island, treasurer.
Tho Commercial club Is arranging an
automobile trip around the city for the
visitors and the convention will close to
morrow night with a banquet at the
Eagles' hall.
Callahan Will Manage
White Sox Next Year
CHICAGO, Oct.' 24. James J. Callahan.
who played In loft field for (he Chicago
American !cauo base bull club during th
last season, will manage the club next
Hugh, Duffy, who managed the team
this year, declined to renew his contract.
According to statements by Duffy's as
FAIRFIKLD, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.)
Several hu.ulred people witnessed the
dynamite demonstration Monday after
noon on the farm of Mart Wallace, six
slstants It Is probable that ho will inanatre "lUcs north of town. The experiment
the Des Moines club
league club In 191!.
th hero and he threw the crowd Into a
wild burst of enthusiasm when ,ln prac
tice h drove a ball out of the grounds.
Th gam was cleanly played. Bnod
grass, who had expected a aemnnstra
lion against himself for the spiking of
Baker In th gam at New York on Tues
day last, went through the contest witn
only a few boots and hisses aimed at
Flayere Divide Fat Make.
Th stakea of the series are the richest
ever played for by two base ball trains.
The players' share In the receipts ended
with today's game. They will split 137.-
1)10. 01, of which CO per cent, or I.S.iW.iW,
will go to the winners and 40 per cent, or
tfaO.l', to the losers. Twenty-Ono pluy
ers on each team are eligible to partici
pate In the money, so that the players
on the winning team will each receive
S,8T4.68 and the mcmbets of the lonlng
team ei'.iTT.a each.
The Athlutlcs In winning the world's
Championship last year received $2.Wt .74
each and the Cubs, the loner, Jl.'JTi.lS.
rlny by lunluua.
New York's liope were ruined rlKht at
th start vl the game. l-vore aiimlwl
and tMiuu borne on Uoyle's Unvo to lit-tlt
center lor three hunc. KmMlgies brouaht
Doyle home with a long aacriltce Hy to
Lord and It looked bad tor the Athletics.
Murray was an easy out on a grounder
to lvl and Moik.e stiuek out.
Ths Athlelc started otf Inausplclously.
Lord and iildrmg Hiring out vu seven
pilehtHl balls. Lollln singled to center
and Mathewson and Meyeie held a con
ference to devido how to eli;Hie oi r,
V hatever was decided upim worked trvto,
for liaker strtu k out. to the intense d-l!-ht
of the New York rootera.
in New voi k a seeonit inning nii"i
fSUl to OldrhiK and Fletcher mads his
fust single of ths eeries. He waa torced
at soiHind by Meyers and the latter was
left on Iikmw when Mathewson went Out
on an suty grounder to ltendcr.
For ths Atnletu-a Murphy amashed out
his flrnt bit of the series, getting to
ond on u drive to the right lield wall,
lie went t.i third on Davis' out. Mathew
son to Merkie. On an aitvnipui.t hit and
i tut pUy Murphy van run out and Tnmua
ndiU the inning with a foul to Meyera.
New York went out in order In th
third, Devore flvli.g to 1-ord. loyle foul
ing to Kakor and Vnodgrasa being thrown
oot bv l urry.
in 1'hlladrlphta's half Hender was aa
easy out at ftrat on an awlai by Fletchei.
Iiid singled to right and waa forced at
e ond by (lluring. Coll n ti ui k out.
It was one. two, three for th tilante
In the fourth, Murray flying to i'ftker,
Merkie taking throe atrlkx and Henog
going ov.t to Davis, unansistrd, but (or
the Athletlrs there was luueh doing,
fcttkrr double to center. Murphy to left
and Davis to right. On these hits liaker
ai.d Murphy scored. Davla moved up to
third on Harry a out, i-tertog to Merkie
ai.d rame home with the third run on
1 lio.-naa aaciiflc fly to Murray. Bender
eidid the inning by tapping one to
I' l l; her.
In tie f.flh Fletcher went out on a
briiliaut running pi kup and throw by
Lakir, Mvtie LA lo ll!.t fur taw
The double Jinx which brat the Glantaln the third world's series game, the on which gav to th MhletlM the lead
In the battl for the baxe ball champion-ship. On the right la J. Franklin Baker. Jinx No. 1. who made his second home
run of the sevles In game number tliree.tliereby putting the American leaguera on eaay street. Ihls home run cam
In the ninth Inning, at a time when lllooked ax if Mathewson had his gams won. It was the same kind of a horn
run that 1-aker made In the second gameat l'hlladelphla On th left Is CMjmhi. J l N;
2, the Athletlo'a pitcher, who held tlieillants to three hits In eleven Innings. Coombs worked even better than Bender
or Flunk lit their preceding efforts. '
bnsfci, but was thrown out by Thomas
on in attempt to make third on a short
pastied ball. Muthewxon rtcolve.l a base
on ball and waa l U on first when Devore
tiled to i.rd. '1 ho Athletics added their
fourth run to their total in the filth.
With Ird and tildiing disposed of on
grounders, Collins sluched a s'ngle to
right and came homo on a grout sprint
when ltaker drnvo hi second double to
renter on tho first ball pitched. AKirphy
tin in k out.
Doyle received a pan In the sixth for
New York and rlnodmasa struek out.
Murray Bent a foul fly to linker and
Harry, fooling Doyle by predrnting to
scoop a grounder, the latter stood on
second long enough for liaker to get the
ball to Davis for a clouhle pluy.
In Fhlladelphla'a sixth after Davis
f rounded out on a fine lUay by Hersog,
larry bit for two bases to center, which
Knotgrass partly misjudged. lie moved
to llnrii un thorns grouiKtsr but was
left there when ijender was thrown out
by Hersog.
Merkie In the fievemli struck out.
Hersog filed to Oldrlng and Fletcher
sent Ida second single to the outfield.
Meyers was an easy out. Collins to
Davis. This Inning saw Muthewson 111
tho box for the last time,
I.ord was safe on Fletcher's fumble.
He was advanced to second on Oldrlng'g
sacrifice and to third on a similar play
by Collins. Mathewson here pllctit-d four
bad balls to the dangerous liuker and
the lulling ended when Murphy grounded
out easily to Merkie.
H.rker batted for Mathewaon In th
elgth and went out, Coiilaa to lvi.
Devoru alngiRd to left and waa forced
at aeiond by IViyle. 8no;liraia reached
first on a wide throw bv ltskee sn.l
was left there aa Murray fouled out to
i noma.
A lltse went In to pitch for Nsw York
ami sirm a out lis vis. the first man uo.
Harry hit the left handtd for two !...
ana toog tnuvi wnen Murray made a bad
throw to second. Thomas hit Hers.,u
who caught Harry between the bases aud
ne was run out. Hender weut. out
a grounder to Merkie.
uiwnea iew Tork a last . od-
portunlty to roore with a twn-base drive
to rigni. went to tniid on liersog'e out
i .'vis, anu was lelt there as
Fletcher fled to COlllne and Movers
was an wy out on a srn.m rv r-i.
llns to Davis. Itoth teams left for New
York tonight. Score:
All H PI I
Pevore, If
Doyle. 2b
biiodm aps. cf ....
Murray, rf
Merkie, lb ....
Hersog. lib .
Fletcher, ss ....
Meyers, o
Wlltse, p
Hecker ...
Irfird. If ....
oldrlng, cf
Collins, b
Haker, 5b ..
Murphy, rf
Davis. ll .
liurry ss ..
Thomas, o .
liender, p .
'l I 7
All it Hit
14 11
Totals SS 4 11 BT
Hatted for Mathewson In th eighth.
New York 3 4) 0 4) 0 0 0 0-1
l'hlladelphia 0 vSl0v 4
Two base hits: Murphy (J), Baker 2).
Davis, Meyers. Harry (2), Merkie. Three
base hits: Doyle, lilts: Off Mathewson.
HI In seven Irtilugs; off AYlltse. 1 In one
Inning. Sacrifice hits; rin.idgras.
Thomas. O'drlng, CV.IHns. Double plsr:
Haker to lavls. Lett on base: New
York, t; Philadelphia 8. Hai,e un balls:
(.ft Mathewson, 1: off Hender, 1. Struck
out: Hender. 4: Mathewson. t; Wiltee.
1. Time: 1:"A I' Ulnaen. behind
the plate: Klem, oa base- Connolly
rignt iieiu; urennan. tert
Farmer Killed by Fail front I.oft.
KAVKNNA. Neb., Oct. U. (Special.)
Ferry Vanscoy, a farmer living between
Ravenna and ltockvllle, In Sherman
county, fell from hi barn loft Friday
evening, sustaining Injuries from which
he died the following day. Mr. Vanscoy
has lived In this community for many
years. He Is well and favorably known
an unfortunate Injury to Racely, the
star halfback of this season's new men.
Haccly had his eyelid badly cut In a col
llslon with Warner whllo tho varsity wai
running through the signals.
The quarterback and halfback came to
gether with terrific force and a long gash
waa cut Just above Haceley's eye. Dace-
ley waa forced to retire from tho prac
tlce and while it is not thought his In
Jury Is serious, It will be a day or two
before he is able to return to scrimmage.
Hornbcrger was also out of the lineup
and It Is possible he will not return again
this season. Ills grandmother, who has
been opposed to his playing. Is In a crlt
leal condition, the result of a compound
fracture of the arm and her rcoovery Is
hampered by Ilornberger's continuance In
the game. For the time being, at least,
he will have to withdraw and In order to
meet the shift, Stlehm had a new lineup
F.lliott was placed at center, Ewanson
and I'earaon guards, and Bhonka and
Harmon tackles. Anderson is also being
tried at guard and If llornberger Is kept
out o ft he game th echoic for the vacaut
position will probably lie between these
two men.
Ik-aplto the fact that the Mlatourt gamo
Is but five days off there Is very little
worry In the Cornhusker camp. Advices
from Missouri Indicate the Tigers have
an excellent line, which should trouble
the Curnhuakeie seriously. The varsity
had little difficulty in scoring agalnat the
freshmen Tuesday evening. Owen Frank
Warner and Krnle Frank making several
long runa In fact the freshmen could
not stop this trio of backs, and the var
slty scored repeatedly. (lived the bell on
the five-yard lino the freshmen finally
managed to score after several fruitless
The charge of rough play In the
sola gnoie Is precipitating a nice scrap
Harlan County Auto
Owners Form Club
ALMA, Neb., Oct. 21. I Special.) 1 ii j
automobile owners of Hat lan rMu-.ty r:i t
at the court houso In Alma Sr.lut-:l r
evening and organized tho rinriaa Con-;;,'
Automobile club with officers art f II-jvn;
Ed Means, Orleans, president: Mal
Httsklns, Republican City, vice pre iilcr-.i;
W. O. Haskell, Alma, secretary: V. C.
Bartlett, Alma, treasurer; board of trus
tees, J. O. Thompson of Alma, J. V.
Watklns of Orleans, Henry Groscnbaugii
of Mascot, W. N. Clurk of Stamford, Wib
Fcrsner of Huntley, Grovo Etarkey of
Hagnn, L. E. Stevenson of Prairie DoiJ
township. The next meeting will be ht-ld
at tho court house Saturday evening. J.
a. Thompson acted as temporary chairman.
of tho Western
Special Dates for
the H. S. Societies
As a special Inducement to the students
of th High school and that the societies
may extend their scope over school work.
Principal McHugh issued a schedule of
dates Monday afternoon, specifying the
time when the different societies might
hold program meetings In the assembly
room at the school.
Following are th dates assigned the
various societies for this semester:
Monday, Oct. Me-Prlscllla Alden.
Monday, Nov, Athenian Debating.
Friday, Nov. 10 Demosthenlaa Debat
Friday, Nov. 17 Elaine.
Monday, Nov, SO Margaret Fuller.
Friday, Dec 1 Latin.
Friday, Deo, 8 Lowell.
Friday. Deo. IS Pleiades.
t Friday, Dec. ii Webster Debating.
Arrested after having served a week
on the present district court jury panel,
T. J, Williams, a young negro, was taken
Into- county court to plead to a charge of
perjury for Illegal registration Tuesday
afternoon. Williams declared he has lived
at his present address, 209 Pouth Thir
teenth street, for thlrtoen months, and
showed his jury service summons In proof
that he was living there when Jury lifts
were made up more than a year ago.
Williams pleaded not guilty and was re
leased In $C00 ball, furnished by Thomas
II. Adams. Ills hearing was set for next
Monday afternoon.
Albert Adama and J. K Brown, the first
two men arreated for perjury In connec
tion with the alleged fraudulent registra
tion, appeared for trial In county court
Tuesday afternoon. They were accom
panied by witnesses In their defense, but
but Deputy County Attorney plattl was
not ready for trial and aaked continuance
until Monday. Judge Leslie, granted a
continuance until Thursday afterrfoon and
peremptorily set the cases for hearing
was made' In a lagoon that held about
eighteen Inches of water. The charges
were placed about three and one-half feet
below the surface and part way through
the hard pan. About forty explosions
were made, which opened the pores of
the ground, allowing the water to seep
down through the hard pan, and In time
these lagoons will be valuable land, as
the experiment has made good In -older
Doctors to Meet at Alma.
ALMA, Neb., Oct. 24.-Speclal.) The
Republican Valley Medical association
will hold a meeting here Thursduy. Henry
H. Munro of Omaha, W. D. Shields of
Hold re ge, Harry Evetett of Lincoln, W.
L. 6ucha of Orleans, A. L. Kee of Cam
bridge, Ella Summers of Uloomington
and O. M. Boehler of Alma will read
papers. The meeting will close with a
banquet In the evening. Tho officers aro
S. J. Jones of Hastings, president; It. 8.
Mlchell of Red Cloud, vie president; J.
It- Campbell of Stamford, secretary; W.
D. Shields of Holdrege, treasurer. Direc
tor: F. t. Sanders of Holdrego, Robert
Damerell of Bed Cloud and J. O. Hoff
man of Orleans,
District Court at FaJrbnry.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. Oct. JL-tSpeeial.)-Judge
L, M. Femberton of Beatrice Is In
the city holding a short session of ad
journed district court. Tho leading
criminal case will be th atate of Ne
braska v. M. B. Torrlson and J. L.
Upton, wherein th two latter partice
will bo tried on charge of stealing a
book of United States express money
order from the I lock Inland agent at
Jansen and forging ono of them for H2.50
and passing It on tho First National bank
In Fairbury. It Is said that these
"boomer" operators will plead guilty to
th charg when brought to trial.
Kagle Killed Xcar Shelby.
SIUiLBY, Neb., Oct II. tSpeclal.)
Solon Scott killed an eaglo last evenlr.g
at his farm north of town with No. 7
shot. It measured seven feet from tip
to tip. The First National bank of Shelby
has expressed it to a taxidermist i:i
Omaha for mounting arid it will ir.ukc
an Interesting ornament for its business
Mim is
Family T:imj hujiJu-d bw R
whaa, Hiorx, I'baisc U ebatee- I -
t r