rnn r.EK: palm fa. Wednesday, October, 23. loir. Your Children's Feet Have Longed for the Luxurious Comfort of These Foot Form Shoes A bro;il "comfy" last which rfvea the toes plenty of room to breathe perfect fitting nt the ankle and instep, where proper support is vital. Conies in patent, dull and tan leathers. Extreme care should be taken in selecting shoes for children. Our expert fitters have had long experience in fitting children '8 feet. Their suggestions will insure your child the genuine foot comfort which the perfect knowl edge of the needs of growing feet affords. Sizes 7 to 11, Sizes ll'.-to 2. 93.50 $3.00 Dancing Slippers Leggings Rubbers. Tat ydom propirs STORE 161G-1C20 FARNAM STflEET New Fall and Winter Catalogue Now Ready. when there Is another lnnd show in Omaha, Oregon will be on hand." Member of the Hawaiian qulntett sang "QreRon, . My Oregon," composed expe clHlly for the occasion. Thla mimical orxanlxatlon wai followed hy the Ferullo Itnyal Italian hand, after which President Charles C. llosewater extended a welcome to the Land Bhow, saying that the links that hind Nebraska and Oregon were foro-ed 110 year ago when Lewis and Clark passed through the undeveloped west, finally reaching- the then unknown country "Where liolls the Oregon." Blnce that day, he said the Oregon trail had tieecn well worn and still more recently the chief executive officers of tn Oreirnn Short IJno railway hud become housed In the Union I'aclflc'a ma-mlflnent twelve story railroad building In Omaha. XM r.'skes a Bad CDUgh Vanish , Qyickly-or Money Back The Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy Ye Ever Used. Family Supply for 60e. Saves You S2. . Ton have nerer nM anything which takes hold of a bad cough and conquers It so quickly as Vines Cough Fyrup. Gives almost Instant rellt'f and usually stops the most obstinate, dpp-atel eou-rh In W hours. (Jnarantrod to a-lve prompt and positive results even la oroup aud whoop lug cough. Plncx la a special and highly eoniNen tratad oomponud of Norway Wnite Pine extract, rich la gualaaul and other beetling pine element. A 60 cent bottle makes a pint a family supply f the best couRh tviuedy tlutt money run buy, at a saving of I J. blmply mix with home-made eniar syrup or strainnd honey, tn a pint bottle, and It Is ready for use. Easily prepared la t minutes directions In imckaqo. Children like Flnoz CXugh Hyrup it tu-.tes (rood, and la a prompt, safe remedy for old or young. Htlmulatee tbs appetite and la sHklitly laxative both rood fea tures. A liauriy honwhokl medicine for hoarsenee., awthrriA, bronchitis, etc., and unusually efTnctlve for Inclplunt Innji troubles. Used In more homes In tbau" H. and Canada than any other oouga remedy. l'iuux has of ton been Imitated, but ixrrer suooessfully, for nothing else will produce the same results. The genuine la fruaren twxl to give abeulnte sniW action or mousy refunded. Certificate ol jnuunntee is wrapped In seen package. Your druggist has l'lne or will gladly gt It for you. if rot, stand to l'he t'laex Co., I t. Wayne, A bottle fall of quality and a class full of snappy goodness that is a Ccllsfet to the eye and a foytotbe palate. Blata Company eoa-sie imai at Own. Hk. raoNK DetscUae see it road, he said, furnlshrs direct com munication between Omaha and Oregon. Roaetmter on Oregon, speaking; of a recent trip to Oregon, Mr. Jlosewatcr spoke of Oovernor Writ designating him as one of the common leopie, Dut one In whom all of the resi dents of the state have the utmost con fidence, lie told of the reforms inaugu rated In the Oregon nenltentlarv bv the governor, saying that all of the 157 prisoners are treated like men. Stripes have been discarded and the prisoners go to their work and return without even guards. Hut one man had escaped In a long time and this man waa brought use at me muxsle of gun, held In the hands of the governor. In the penlten tlury the prisoners are permitted to have bull games, and movlnir ilfiir are provided for their entertainment. The speaxer expressed the opinion thut other chief executives of the different states might well emulate the example set by Oovernor West. Welcoming the Oreeonlana tn th t n.t show, President RoseWater, concluding, saia: . i "We feel proud to know that you are on one end of the line and that ... on the other. We of Nebraska and you or uregon are linked together by bands of steel that will not rust, or wear out." Commissioner D. C. Freeman, formerly an Omaha newspaper man. but now head of the publicity department of the Eu gene commercial club and bns of the Land Show oommlsnlnnnrn nf , rta..n was tha last speaker, but before re- nponning to me address of President Koaewater, he read a telegram receive I from the Nebraska Society of tha Wllll amette valley, as follows: Former .Nebraska- In Or. K1JOKNB. Ore., Oct. 23.-D. C. Free man, Omaha: Nebraska society of sunny southern WUllametta valley smids greet Ings to the Omaha I,aml Bhow and :o their former neighbors throughout Ante, lope land. We love Nebraska not less but evergreen Oregon more. We Join lii wishing you good look and oordlally wel come those of you desirous of In.-Btlng In an ideal atmosphere, with an environment of contentment, prosperity and heitlth. to ...... ( n nol Ior yur- aolvea alone, but for our children and u( miiiii rnniiren jnat we cajt our lot here and are glad and proud te help build greater oreg.m. We are sutlsttcd with our choice of a home In a milder clime and we never think, of exchanging It again. J. It. VAN UOMUKK. I'reaident Nebraska Society of William, ette Valley. Mr. Freeman said he waa pleased to be known bs sn exhibitor et the Omaha I .and Hhow. He expected thut bis lo cality In Oregon would be greatly bene fited nnd ttiat next year the Wllltamette rallry could be counted on to have a Mgtrer and better exhibit than this year. He sjoke of Oregon as a land of oppor tunities where there Is room for millions of thrifty people. As to the number of former Nebraska r..inlA In t W I ' : 1 1 1 . . .. II.... mf ma , ii i niinri in th.i. ii i . Freeman said there are l.om) and from &0O to 701) who formerly lived In Iowa. WOMAN'S NAME IN FIRST ENVELOPE PATROLMAN IS PRESPONSIBLE (Continued from First I'age.) 23 Nick A. Fandall, Koute 4, Metamora, III. 21 Frank R. Ilichardson. citation 1. Sloux KailM, H. I. 2ll;irry F.. Atwood. Vllllsca. In. iti V. C. Werthcln. 1(- F. 1. I. Chester. In. 2r-.I. O. Ilyan, rvntervllle, S. I). at llalph lladflcld. 2U Harnev M.. Wau- ke"ha. Wis. 2 James Robertson, IJike Andes, 8. D. --Alfred Nelson, llraettlnger, la. 31 W. J. Uolan, Platte, H. I). 32 Hiram L. Ackor. 1XM Laird street. Omaha. la-Ueorge I., fltahl, Rlverfalls, Wis. .H-lleiry Muth. Wagner. 8. Ii. S.1 J. M. liattnmn. Ureenshurg. Kan. 8 Francis P. Havln. stjs Jleynolds ave nue, nanxas ity, jan. 37-Heiiuie I'eney, route 1, Danklngton, 8. I). 3X William Prown Stewart. lr.. 17S0 eouth 1 wenty-nlnth street, Omaha. at w. II. ifedrlck. North Altoona, Kan. r-Kdward H. Albers. Hurwell. Neb. 41 William Manna. Kloux City. la.. North Itlverslde. 42 Harvey V. Ier. 1722 West Twenty- ninth street. Hennas t:tty, Kan. 4. nay Ksnkln, Lincoln. Kan. 4t Airs. Itohert HuaheM, Napcr, Neh. 4. W. H. Ward, fkulmore. Neb.; H. 3. 4' Charles Kates 1'cles. Kelle Fourchc. 8. I).; V. O. box 2H7. 17 Mary Hayes. 24 Fifth street. Lead. 8. I). 4S Kdward r. Hovd, Forest City, Mo. 4-AI P. Hmlth, Crablll, Jml. ro August N. Kluu. 1). 74. Caledonia, Minn. Rl It. K. Anderson, Centervllle, S. D. E3 J. ('. Collins. &:h 1'roHiiect avenue. Kansas City, Mo. b.t c. J. hchunter, Urand Mound, la. 64. Frank Sontl. Oen. Iel.. Lead City. S. I). Mr Margaret Fulton. 2 Itavmond street. I lend wood, H. 1). fl-J. P. Morup. Kllie, Neb. 67 Join's J. Cjitlgley, Carroll, la. tt K, M. Johnson, fJ K. lltn St., Co lumbus, Neb. r.t-Merle N. Kline, Colon, Neb. C0-C. M. Baboock, H. Nio. Itedfleld, R. D. til John ltiannan. 1H0H Flist 81.. tiloux City. la. tia r.rik rcrikson. Km a. Thlrty-nrst St.. Omaha, Neb. Ki lus yunker. F.lgln, Neli. 4-). H. Kahluren. R. F. U. B. 19. Dell nuplds, H. 1 1. tt Alma Faulstlck, imnettecl, H. 1). W H. L. SweiiMon, Marengo. la. 117 F. K. Lirson, Palmyra, Neh. 08 Jake Jaiison. Kimball, 8. U. t Ocorge H. Moore, I..an, la. 70-M. McBrldo. Planklnaton. S. R. . ' 1-J. Alben Johnson. It. 1. B. 6. Wakb- flehl, Neb. 72 ft. W. Bawyer, II. 2:!4. Curtis, Neb. T3 Hoy F. Uauleke, Lesueur. Minn. 74 Uavld Proudilt, llelle Prairie, III. 7-L. K. Walter. George. I. 7ft SV. II. Riley, H. ul3, Kpearflsh, 8. D. 77 F. J. Jost. Montrose, Mo. 75 Havlil Iyemonnlr, Osmond, Neh. 7 Nels Peterson, Valparaiso, Neb. HO Andv Pearson, M-adeK Neb. Kl-rW 111 lam , K. Collins, SljJ Lexington St., Chicago. R2 Wallis A. Welsner, B. 81. Avant, Okl. tu R. K Whipple, I-hlgh, la. K4 Abraham Levering, Maurice, la, M-rAibert R. Wolford. Romnev, W. Va. stl-Frenk M. Juvtman, R, S, Planklng ton, B. 1). H71I. O. Satres. Newman drove. Neb. Wt-K. J. Rhrnefleld. Malvern, la. lJohn A. Kiigelkaui4. Spencer, Neb. ljlward Perples, Bonesteul, B. V. Id J. M. Tarleton. Kudora, Kan. I2 Jonathan Walker, Uosctihell, Wis. : 93 John U. BurnH, Louisville. III. i'4i Hmer Thoiupnon, Scotland, 8. P. ' Wr Theodore Johnson, It F. p., fco, On wi, la. lot J. H. Murphy. S(V Twenty-second avenue Last, Ashland, Wis. U7 Ixniis Uabe, Oeddea, 8. D. UN Thomas I.. Dawson, Stewart, Minn. !t C. K. Freeman. Perkins, Okl. luo Carl Stone, White Luke, H. D. Wholesome Home Treatment for Bad Complexion. ' (Women's Vogue) The old-fa ihlonsd home remedy, pure coleated balsam, does for the complexion what a brush broom does to the house. When applied et night, after the face has had a rfood scrub with warm water and aoap, tt Immediately starts clearing and renovating the complexion. It squan ders no time destroying ell waste mat ter clogging the outer cuticle. Imme diately the discolored and diseased akin particles causing the various kinds of beauty Ilia, uch as sallow neas, pimples, liver spots, freckles, tan, etc., begin te shed off in tiny flakes like flour. This ugly skin portion dropa off Impercept ibly, while new, brilliant, healthy cuticle forms underneath. Just get on ounce aud a half of pure coleated balsam of your druggist. Very tjulckly your skin will become lovely, and every day your mir ror will offar you congratulations. OLD uftuj GOOD j MaWn tws OUR SPECIAL OFFER So tlxat you may know the great strength, end value in TOrJE SPIGES soaks this offer I Seat! as lOe and yea will reeeive, postafe prepaid, a full aise fckfe of any kiad of ssios yea sasy select. We will sea4 also s eoyy ef our recipe book TooVs Spiay Talks. Tka tliutmi ef tdi aHw aaa m wkrt Sarg. tfltcttr mUhJL fM-40tik mtm aaa iM yv oking, Always f Om mi gesssse 4 TON UOi, Dee Metnea, love JMoers ef ls faewaf IU fielets CsMes. Ieonard KUmaker of Omaha, who drew No. 7, could not be locnted. The address given In the report received here was Dodge street. However, about six months ago KUmaker lived at the Merrlam hotel. Inquiry at the hotel showed that he no longer lived there and 'his present where abouts are unknown at tho hotel. MRS. KENDALL'S HUSBAND HELPLESS PARALYTIC Voau Who Drew First Claim et Orescory Screeiua for Joy 'When She Gets Uoos News, . e ' . RAPID CITT. 8. V., Oct. 24.-Mary J. Kendall, who drew No. 1 tn the Rose bud land lottery at Gregory, Is the wife of Ptacy R. Kendall, a psralytlo who makes a precarious living by selling fruit and vegetables and running e box ball room In thla city. When the news came that she had drawn No. 1 Mrs. Kendall rushed to her husbsnd with the telegram In her hand and falling on her knees beside the cripple In his Invalid chair, screamed for Joy. Her husband, with tears streaming down his face, stretched out his hand and placed it lovingly on his fsithful wife's head and said: "There Mary, I told you, God would remember us some time and He has." , They sat In silence, while friends crowded around to offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall are Indianlans by birth, she having beon raised In Little Ford. Morgan county. They have lived in Monrovia and Danville. Ind., Chicago, Bellevua end Centralla. IU., and Lake villa, Neb., about fifteen years sga com ing to the Black Hills, where Kendall started to prospect for gold at Custer, Keystone and other Hill points. A daugh ter lay dying in the sisters' school at aturgls, and he went there to nurse her. Fatigued with long watching he went to the hills for a breath of fresh air, felt from a precipice and was paralysed from the waist down. The accident happened at the time ef the spring billiard six years ago, when so many cattle were killed In South Dakota, and Kendall lay tor twenty-three hours covered with snow before rescued. Since then be has been unable to work. Mrs. Mary J. Kendall for six years has . been employed at day tabor ta support herself and' her husband. She has woven i carpets by day. herded and milked cows and cared for her husband at night. She has one married daughter, Mrs. V. Milton liaseltlne of Keystone, 6. D., and one ' ton, aged 9t yeare, here. Yhora la Only Ones Tbat la fl vsxa rue wckld oven to cvhc a cold im ohz day. MUM 7 m mm i Jt lmS i f is dm AWajs receojU-r the full came. Look ' 7 VJ.i t'&aturtj ca trer-f lox. 55c. J. W. Copland hi twytun. purchases a bottle ol Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor his boy who had a cold, and boture the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone.' is tnai nut Defter man to pay a t doctor's bill. For sals by all dealers. MOTBTsravTV or ocxav btxamjim. roil. Arrives. sil4 Nai I.KS Ttunaiaa FHn.AIr.UHIA fnwtiH Duca Dl Akr...i ULAatX'W Cvluiubla KIM.AII'HK Amilo. tins Ht.VMOCTH .....kroa ft. C'aollU.. oiHKAl.TaM aiwUla hXEMKN Ilarttarowa Ut aaNSTOWN..kaiiala A Total KrlliLe of the functions of stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels Is quickly disposed of with Flectrio Bitters. 60c. For sale by Dtatea Drug Ce. , New Order in De Moinci He Must Keep City Clean. REPORT ALL DISORDERLY HOUSES Three Written Reports Mast Be Filed with Department of Poblle afety Flakblae Urates A ay l.nmher Treat. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINKH. Oct. 2l.-(Speclal Tele gram.) I es Moines patrolmen must here after report all suspicious disorderly houses on their beats to their superior officer. In an order issued the head of the department of public safety took steps to make himself. In connection with the chief, responsible for the operation or closing of all disorderly houses In the city. According to the order, three written reports must be filed with the heed of the department of public safety end the chief each month. These .reports will be made by patrolmen, sergeants snd cap tains They will contsln reports as to every suspicious house on every beat In town and wilt check each other, thus directly fixing the responsibility for fail ure to act on a report or failure to report houses. The department has been spurred to action by the recent religious movement in the city and ths appointment of a special commissioner to Investigate the social evil. Says . .amber Trust. C. A. Flnkhlne of this city, who Is a director In the Northwestern Lumber men's association, which has been at tacked In federal court In Ht. Paul as a trust, said today. He know nothing of the caso and that the board has not met In over a year. i "To me the whole thing looks like a Piece of politics, brought about to curry favor near the coming of the presidential campaign." He said "all other suits have fallen flat and I have e very reason to believe this one will. "There are more than 30,000 retailers In the country. I would like to know how they are to be oaganlsed. There Is no lumber trust and there never was one." SEND us a trial order TODAY for HAYNER fine old BoUlcd-in-Bond Whiskey on our positive guarantee you will find it the richest, purest, most delicious whiskey you ever tasted or it will not cost you one cent. Easy to Gel Rid of Wrinkles and a Doable Chin. (Ladies' Home Magailne.) Since It has been discovered that the old tashloned pure thermodlzed Jelly wlli absolutely drive away wrinkle, enlarged pores and the much desomed double chin, there is no excuse for any woman to toler ate these disfigurements. Whether your wrinkles come from the habit of fro n-lngs worry or the ravages of lather lime, you can soon rid yourself nt them If you purchase an ouol-s and a half of thermodlzed Jelly of vour druggist and rub half a teajpoonful dally Into your faLe. lhe oeuerit of this treatment Is helghtenud by bathing the face In very cold water Immediately after the Jelly has been absorbed by the skin, As flabblness. double chin, "crow's feet, ' blackheads, etc., result from the same cause as wrinkle, ther modlzed telly Is iiulte as effective tn dispelling them. It reaches the tljtsuea needing repair, gives them heat-energy and nourishment, and restores the- muscular flesh under neath to Us old time firmness. A : is. nr DANE' COOL! DGE Author "Hidden Water" A real cowboy story full of action, with stunning pictures by Maynard Dixon AT ALL BOOKSTORES A. C McCLURC fc 00. JNUUm NewYork CHICAGO SeaFnwctaee fflMffiG THAT guarantee is as fair and square as we know how to make it. It means, what it say. It is a guarantee backed by our $500,000 capital and our 46 years reputation for honorable business dealings. run?, The Knox Recipe Booklet Jjynfary Qsjt fwr Omimty fee") . . f -"- I KDOX ''! 1 Ulvsliatss ts I J-UT i 1 "" solon, at lh C a ,At?T.If i shouts b. Mmd, and voa ' - , ' I UISwlnvaliukU. Wtias oniaf IU. .V, uwi . . . . ywu siocor'a aama. .Mel m te tump. OkaHoa'B. K C. 4011 Ami A.o. Johaaleoa, N. Y. Natural Laxative Water F'i Quiclly Relieves. M '11 liuiousness, Sick Headache, Stomach Disorder, A COMOTIPATION j . .a. ..If....-r-,'.lltl Send us your order for four quarts of this magnificent Hayner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey. When it arrives, open one, two or all of the bottles TRY the whiskey and if you don't find it all that we claim, and up to your highest expectations in every way, send it back at our expense and we will return very cent of your money. You see, WE MUST MAKE GOOD we must send you a quality that will win your instant favor and we will do it. INSTROHG SEALED CASE rrau d . 1.- v ri Wf BAV A tt J EXPRESS VI iwn M i-j h i i i ni T ET us show you what a magnifi cent quality we are producing. Let us convince you of the great savins our "D1RLCT FROM DISTIL LERY" plan of selling means to you. Don't put it off. Use the coupon below fill it out and mail it to our nearest Office and Shipping Depots and we will surprise and delight you with the quality of the goods we will send you. Remember, the risk en please you. Note the nrl reonly PO cents a qnart (express paid) for this highest grade bottled-in-bond whiskey e whiskey that li distilled, aeed and bottled under U. S. Government lupervision nnd everv bottle sealed with the Government's official bottled-in-bond stomp positive assurance that it is a STRAIGHT whiskey fully ag-ed full 100 ' proof and full measure and absolutely PURK to tne very last drop. HAYNEI) riflAI,3l,."..K VHISKEY ECTTLFD IM BOND ''"nim obthiihs cwH "Wot mi s4S I mm ; roa take no chances. WE take all nd we stand all the expense if tre fail m letttr is ntctssary Cut Out and Use This Coupon Address Oar Nearest Office. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY '""7' " WD'CO HnI m FOUR Ml qoitl I boitlet ol Nirntt rrtrna Slock Boiile,i-lii.Bo.4 Whiuter-I txprrai p.U , roof err. Il It andtraiood tbat if ih;i! whitkty Ii sol loonl u KptcwnNkl nil uil.lartnrr lo rn 'n 5 trsrr r. It mar rataiat4 st rosi nwsiwe tad mw S3 20 1 U to s rrosipilr nfuodta. B-10S ' j Adintt LarSorP t1lll for I... tb.n 4 u.r. 1 Oram for Ariioss. CiUfornlt.CotorKlo. lutho.MontiiiVNwadi. New Mctico.OrFtoB. Vlah.Watbliiitoa 01 Wromlni mat bp oa b kali, ol 4 Quart, lor 14.00 bv Iinrn. p...,j .. . -. . . D . , ' ' .-r-w w. - - .u 1. iv pi... mw riwani rrvpata. A- K THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO, Dept. B-105 KANSAS CITY, MO. Offices sna Shipelnf Besets slss st ST. LOlt'IS. HO. Distillery st Troy, Ohio tT.raDi.Mmii. mtw otiiarrs. u. BirTerl.o. iostoh. nksx iknvtwvuit na. eOTABLUHEO 1060 Capital 0500,000.00 full Psld srr A4ibM. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER'S j mm tjasBir7r leldat jltfltef LsWMsMsbJ i' FIT fil l J Latsl 3 I! 3 of 250 of tho Finest Uprights. Grands and Player Pianos ever gathered together un der one roof in this part of the country These Instruments are all the latest styles, pianos you know names that are familiar to yon on account of their worth and reliability. Some are sample styles and makes, and you know what they cost when bought in the regular way, but we are forced to move 250 or more pianos and player pianos from our store within the next SO days. THE REASON FOR THIS SALE The celling and wall on all our floors have been badly damaged during the early work on tno Woodmen of the World building and we are forced to extensive repairing, plastering and decorating at once. Hosts of workmen will soon take possession of our upper floors and in order to expedite matters we are forced to remover 260 or more pianos to giro them room for scaffolding, etc. CHOOSE FROM THESE FAMOUS MAKES AT THE SALE PRICES STEINWAY,: ,! . McPHAIL HARDMAN WEBER, MEHUN EMERSON STEGER & SONS AND OUR OWN SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Also a full line of Aeolian Player Pianos, including the Weber, Wheelock, Steck, Stuyvesant ft Technola. Also our own Schmoller & Mueller Player Piano, made in seven different styles. You will admit that the above list comprises every good make worth considering, each raak he ing a leader la Its respective class. Tbey are here marked In plain figures at a price to fit every purse and at terms that no other Omaha firm Is willing or able to offer. Wo F.lonoy Down 30 Days' Free Trial FREE 3TCOL--FREE SCARF AND FREE LIFE INSURANCE In addition to the above we offer the following slightly used pianos, all In first-class condition and fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: former Fries Prioe Mow Cabinet Upright Piano .... $200 $85 Kimball Upright Piano .... $250 S90 Singer Upright Piano. . . . .$275 $125 Norwood Upright Piano . . . $250 $12.5 Hinzie Upright Piano $2G5 $135 Erbe Upright Piano $250 $135 Lexington Upright Piano. .$275 $145 Schaf er Upright Piano .... $275 $150 Price NOW , Former . Fries Estey Upright Piano $400 $185 Hardman Upright Ptino.. $375 $175 Knabe Upright Piano $400 $215 Knabe Upright Piano $G00 $320 Steinway Upright Piano. .$650 $290 JSteinway Upright Piano.. $750 $325 Chickering & Sons Upright Piano $G00 $300 Tou can purchase a good piano, splendid for practice use, for $26.00 on payments of 50c and 76o per week, and have the following makes to select from: Weber, Marshall & Smith, Vose & Sons, Emerson, Chickering & Sons and Knabe. We have cut prices so deep, made the savings so pronounced and the terms so liberal, that if you ever expect to purchase a piano or player piano now is your time and opportunity. ' IP TUNABLE TO CALL WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND FREE INFORMATION'. SGIIliiOLLER I MUELLER PIANO GO. 1311-1313 FARNAIel STREET. OMAHA, NED. Msnufsetiirere, ' Wholesalers, Hoteliers M. Tim AND RttlTH TO KOTHEB AMD CHllD.' Mas. Win slow's Booth imo 6Vr ti beea OMd foe oves atlXTV YKARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS ,or their CHILDKhN W'HILB lEHTHINO, with I-KRH-CT bUCCESS. It POOTHK3 the CHILD, 80FTHNS the UUMtf. AJULAYSaU fAIN CURKS WIND COLIC, aod a the best fetnedy lor lUARRHUiA. It la ab solutely harmless. Be sure sod a. a; fot "Mrs, WimtloWa Toothing ttvmp,- and take BO OUlf tsltuV Tveattyave cents a bottle. f Certainty in Diamond Bay in g El L.B.McGOUNGo. South End 16th St. VIADUCT "Homo of tho Lonn Ton" LEW RABER BIS BX.OO. Vatrance ea Court BaTIU'lTlU Comic Section The Sunday Dee JO r j "s You who know only that some diamonds weigh a fraction of a karat and that others weigh more must real ize tho necessity of buying of a reliable dealer. You very like ly cannot tell which of two stones placed before you Is the more valuable. You do not know for which, if you were to sell the two, you could get the more money. Because 5f your unfamlllarlty with diamonds vnn Jf- jff Beel to buy where you ting the greatest value for your money. Hence the wisdom of buy ing diamonds at the Edholm store, where only one price Is maintain ed for all customers. Don't Merely Lluy Invest, ALBERT EDHOLM JKWELKU Sixteenth and Harney. &RANDEI3 THEATER BAJtOAIS MATIKBH TO DAT, S6e Teaibt. 11 oo to sis lorini" Xaorslay at Popular Prloes TUB VXJtUiaiABT BaxrsL Mauaaa toanu-ilar, SSe, See BUWDAT EDDIE rOT AMUSEMENTS. omaiiv rnir ovirTsm" DaUy Mat, 18-85-809 BVSB. lB-a3-BO-73s Fii-.nt tha lanl flliov Nothing Ureater. Tho Trocadcros ZXTKATAOAirsa AMD TAUBSVII.U The live wires. Minnie Burke, rank. Ross. Frsnkle Bsller date of Weber & Fields). 6am J. Adams and tbs Bweet 1 (Scotch LJiaalea. Xutdies' Xtime Tata Usee Bvery Week Bay. Phones i Bona. Ind. A-1494 inviSCXO TATTSSTXI.I.I Mat. Every ley, i:lS. Kvery Night :15. The Darling of rari; WUla Molt Wttko flelJ; (Jerald Griffin and Company; UjI) Pender'a Glanti; Kelley and Wentworth; Lisis; ilabelle Konda Coinpny; Kluetoacope; Orpheum Concert Orchea trav. Prices, Nights, 10c. tie, 60c. i-c. Matinees. 10o, best seats. Use. except fcaturday aud Sunday KRUO THEATER Some of Tamil 7 Borlesaoe. alaUaee Today, 8:30. Miaht, 8:3a Beat Seats Be Canta. WiTlOI l rAHOTJl Blir TBTJtT Extra Returns of the World's aeries ball seones will be rea4 from tha sta.se. AMERICAN THEATER reaigbs Mate. Tnee- Tbsrs- Bet Prtoes loo and &6o BOSS BTA Z.ABO and the WOODWAAD STOCK OOM7AVT In TBB MIUI Ol1 TK1 OOBS.' Next Week "The Wolf.