4 HELP WANTED WALE (Continued.) Factory and Trade. rmig tore (snaps) Jobs. Knlrt. Pee b'g. TWO tinners wanted. V. A. Haver stroh. Hamilton. NEAT appearing young man to lenrn the shoo htiFinens; local rtore; ffood fu ture; permanent position, F ii03. lsee. WANTED Oond carriage cr onto top woodworker. Cull at once. K. W. Rey nolds Mfg. Co., 71J-H5 3. Kith 8t., city. WANTED Experienced wash man. I'hme Webster .'1.'. 222D Ohio Jtreet. MlHceliaaeooa. ELATZ Yvciner. Tel. Doug. 10S1 for case WANTED First-class pants maker, steady work tor right man year around, l'hono Ited 6u7. Council Bluffs. WANTED First Class prescription clerk. Apply In own handwriting stating experience and names of former employ ers, t-herman It McConnell Drug Co., lth and Dodge. FIRST-CLASS pressers wanted. Harney fct. 1S1I WANTED A cont maker; steady work. J. f. C.eeten, Seward, Neb. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postofflcs clerks, mail carriers. November exam inations lu Omaha. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Hi J. Ku cheater, N. Y. WANTED for U. a. Army Able-bodied unmarried men, between ageii of U and v,. .nizena of Lnued HluleS, of cuod character and temperate habits, who can speak, teau anu wnie ine jngusn tan guage. For luformailon apply to iruiuug Officer, Win and Douglas bis., On, anu. Neb.; WI7 4th Bt.. Stoux City, la., liO N. Wlh Bt. Lincoln, Nab. "CANO" High grade positions. 600 Bee. 7,000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Write tor list, Frunklin institute, Dept. 14 J. Rochester. N. . TEAMS To haul Dilck. Co. Smith brick UC 11(10 MONTH AUTOING. S AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEU LAKOliiiX ANU BEST. WKIT'lU. f' ANTED Men to Drepare for automo bile business, largest and bent equipped shops. Nat l Auto Training ash n, uniana LAUNDRY Shirts, -10o; collars, 2c. 1814 Harney. AhlJi bodies men wanted for the U. S. Idurine corps, between the ages of IV und 36. Must bo native born or have first papers. Monthly pay I la to u0. Additional compensation poesiuie. l-oou, counus uuarlers and medical attenuanoe free, After M years service cuu retire with in , per ctut of pay and allowances. Service on board bhip and ashore In all parts of the woild. Ai.oly at U. t. Marine Corps Recruiting oitlco, lo6 Famarc bt., omaua. Net). WANTED An experienced furniture limn to set up furniture and stoves, tftato Furniture Co., corner I4tn anu uouge. WANTED A young man to fire boiler morning and evening. Ueorge & Co., DOS Lity National Hank Bids.' WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Wo have hiindreilB of uraduales running hhops, depending upon us for help. Great hcari'lty of barbers this season, 'lop waira raid. I'oEitlons now waiting, tew weeks completes. Tools given. Diplomas im nut, mI. H'aae Saturday. Board if ae tired. Only place In the world that can tavo years of apprenticeship by Instruc tions, with charts, diagrams and free nractice. Get particulars today. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's ice cream. If Mrs. C. O. Scott, lis S. 42d !St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for ii quart brick of this tine ice cream. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hoi sea aud Vehicle. FOR SALE All klnos of good horses. lilt N. xlst Bt. inone uouim sw SEE Miss Lang in "The Mills of the nuiis" at the American theater. If Mary Hiott, 2tl B. mn St., will come to ihe Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a pair oi iicaein, L0SL.ANDFgUND LOST A deed for a Kelley. W4 No. litith tit. lot. Cornellus FEHBONS having lost some aruol wouiu uo well to vail up the oitice of me Oniaua & Council Bums bireet Railway company to ascertain wuoUier tney nil it in Die aueet cars. Many articles each day are turned In ..and u;e cumpa j mem to tue n, jf las u. r OMAHA & COl company is anxious to restore guttui owner, can Doug COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAIL WAX COMA1 AMI. TTTTvrrv The Teddy Bear expert clean erB and dyers. A-isal D. i)4ut LObT Saturday evening on street. string of gold beads. Leave at olfice of Benson &. '1 hoi no and receive reward. IOST Gold bracelet between Boyd the' liter and Merchant's Drug store. Reward Tel. Harney 4aw. LOST A white bull terrier; brlndle left shoulder, half brlndle tall, ears not trimmed, collar not engraved; answers to name of Don. Reward. 1'lione Harney 112 or 819 mo. ifetn Ave. LOHT Cameo set bar pin Saturday Phone Douglas 183) or leave at John Deero Flow company. Reward. MONEY 10 LOAN Salary and Cbattrla. 1 1,000.005. 11,000 000. . ll.OoO.oui). WE HAVE tl.ouu.otio TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omaha before Christmas on FURNITURE. F1ANOH. WAKli HOUdE RECEIPTS, FIXTURES, REAL KS1ATE, HOUSES, VVAUUNb, OtO., or on YOUR PLAIN NOTE If steadily em ployed, httrna old low rales and each transaction strictly private. We nmkH more louns than all of the othei?. There a a reu?oii. If you can use a piece of this MO.NH.Y wny, )us call on the largest, Digyest ana best. REL1AU1.E CREDIT CO.. Third I' ioor, 3 paxton UlocU, 2i7 8. ICth St. I'hor.es Douglas 1111 and A-1411 WE LOAN MONEY to ar.y woiHl!ig man or woman on lust a i, iuR.jii.il now; no sucunty or lndorser i.uu.ifj. Why . iiioruags your peisoual Lt . nt life's nlien YOUR CREDIT IS COOP HERE? All vi uufcacitun cuiifiouiitial. Couie in i.ii iiv or phur.o ua. OMAHA TRUST- CO., V liouid of Trade Uidg. Fourth ) lour. bell l'ncrnt liougias 5111. CHATTEL LOANS AT U.;.'.5U.AHI.i: RaTES NEBRASKA LOAN CO., :: Uee liiuy. , Douglas IX. A-liH. i-&na bldg., formerly M. 1. Lils lilug. MONEY loaned salaried people, womon keeping house and otnars; wllnout so luniy. iMY puwiienla. OUices lu V7 prin c.vi cities. Tulinao. ti -Juialia Natl DIAllONr loans at 2' and S per cent W. C. Flaiau. U.Li Lodge. Red hU. EVERYBODY enjoys an evening Tlth tho Woodward Stuck company. If Mrs. A. Echurs. Zwi Cuming St., will come to The lite office within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. OFFERED FDR RENT Uuard aad Kuaoii, O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 6R. A-HU. Portola, family hotel. 2th Av. ts Hsr. LARGE, pleasant. nicely furnished room; best board; prRate family. Call Huint-y 0. .l PAIitC AVE., newly .I? routed steam .ooiim with board. OFFERED FOR RENT Foard aad Hoom Coatlnurd. The Shrlner. 2ii ft Harney; room & board. LARUK furnished alcove room: nlso other rooms, with board. References. 1:3 South t'th Ave. THE HOTEL BERKLEY. IITlt AND Harney, two rooms With board, suitable for two couple. Famished liaoms. S18 N. l!Uh St , nicely rjrnlsheil, mod- etn rotmj. GOOD rooms, reasonnble. lWi Dottglas. Dewey European Hotel, U'lh ft Farnain. 120 NORTH 2Sd; neatly furnlaheC, mod hi, Mmiu healed looms, MODERN, furnished room for one or wo vouna ladles, near lirownell Hell. Willi family of two. Address II 402, care Hee. 411 N. U'th, furnished rooms for rent. l."l N. 31st Ave., desirable room. trictly modern; near Farnam car. 2010 FARNAM. south front room. for t. by diy or week. I.AROK furnliilied room, one or two ciitlemen. Hancnm I'ark. Harney i?:iu. 3 nice furnished rooms. modem. 12:4 'rait. Web. 3113. FOR RENT One nr two rooms. Ladle preferred, only small family. 24:4 8. 24ih. TWO lane rooms wltn nrtvnte family. Pteam heat, electrle llahtw: ech room suitable for two or four. 1S24 Dodge. 214 NORTH 15TH Modern, warm: on car tine; walking distance. EVERY" pernon knows who D. J. O'Brien K If Mrs. M. F. Leach. 24054 South Thirteenth St., will come to The Hee office within three davs we will alva her nn order for a 00-ccnt box of O'Brien's candy free. FURNISHED room In private family gentleman preferred. Tel. Red "US. 2L'l N. Hth Bt.. flat No. 5. Ptrlctly mod ern furnished; steam heated rooms. SHERMAN AVE.. .1217. one nr two clean, modern rooms In private family; good fieltthhorliood on car line. Web. IvlVl. LARGE furnished alcove front room. nlm other rooms, with board; references. 113 South ZT.th Ave. Furnished HoneUeepiujt Rooms. TWO modern tight housekeeping rooms, 2921 Mason. THREE nicely furnished- housekeeping front rooms. 2018 JJaveriport. TWO furnlsned rooms for llufct house keeping. TH N. fist. The Manuel and Howard, 21 & Howard, t a nd 4-rm. akpg. apU.. to M0. YOUNG widow, 29. wishes to share part ,ol a 6-room steatu neatea apartment reierencea requireu, niiimi nmius uit tance. Address. N 368. Bee. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds. 1811 Dodge. ReaKonable. 210 e!. 2th Ave., newly furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen ' J'-urnlstaed lloasrs. Nicely furnished modern house. D. SI77 Hotels and Apartments. tciMTLY FURNISHED nOOMS for sen llemen. THE chaiham, nv s, uth bt. Elk hotel, rooms 36c and 60c. 817 N. 10th, PAI.M HOTEL, 1305 Douglas, newlv Ulnisllta rooms, w veins, weexiy, s up; steam beat. Hub hotel, steam heated, 130S Doug. St TllK SCHLITZ HOTEL. Our SUj plate atnner the uesi in tue vnjr. nonoK HOTEL. 13th and Dodrs: all toot outside rooms; special week rate. HOTEL ALBANY; most elegant rooms; hot and cold water: tireprool; prices leasotiauie; ooiu puuuea. uu igutwi, Excellent meals. 303 N. 26th. Bo. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1003 Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms 35o up. 620 8. 13th. Vlrnna. mod., reasonable. 1011-14 Farn. tmk IRVING. 2103 Leavenworth: first. claMk room and board. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. NEW YORK hotel, rms, bou. 101k Oougias Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. 610 B. loth. Hotel Lyons, rooms 60c up. 113 N. 13th. Ogden Hotel ( uu to 17.00 per week. Burlington, nice rooms, 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 1708 Cass t WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 60c to IL60. Apartments and Flats. room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 57U5. STEAM HEAT. ONE C-room up-to-date apartment. No. 111. 1. 2oth bt. Tel. D. 4133. THREE and six-room block, iHUi and Wobbler. flats. Marti STEAM HEATED FLATS. THE STANDARD. The high standards, tine decorations, G large rooms, free hot water all year, walking distance, GIVE more for money than found anywhere else; an outside corner. $. winter, 125 summer. Refer ences required. PAYNE, SLATER & CO., Sole Agts., tith Fl., Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 4 unfurnished rooms. Inquire 2024 St. Marys avenue. GEORGIA APARTMENTS. Five rooms each, steam heat, junltor service, new throughout; located at 1040-42-44, S. 29th St.; Janitor can show you or call Doug !$. PETERS TRUST CO. FULLY modem, 6-room, heated apart ment in the exciunlve West Farnam dis trict; very choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 Farnam St. ROOMS, In suites of 2 and 3 each, 318 No. 17th St. THUS. W. IiAZEN, 207 Mo (.ague. Phone D. 1300. STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. "THE STANDARD." SEPARATE HOMES. Six fine, decorated, large, full, modern rooms. Inside hall, bath, shades. Fas ran4e, free hot water all year, Janitor, m alulntf distance: references required. Winter: one at $32. another 133. another i.R; kuininer, 810 Icsh. More for money than e.aewhere. PAYNE, SLATER & CO. Hole Agls.. Clh Fl., Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. I ( auUhed Room". THREE or four unlurnUhed rooms or Bparinionts. Walking distance prierrd. Douglas 7ii)l. 1121 LEAVENWORTH, I unfurnished rooms, tall after e p. m. or Saturdays and nunaays. . tC SOITH 2CTH AVE. Lower lift, i rooms and reception hall Call Doui.!a 0461. Ileuses and Cvttafrs. MOD. 6-room cottage, fine rep'r. H. 8641 MODERN (-room brick, hardwood floors throughout; 3 nice mantles: fine nefKhbol hood, on car hue. Only IX..0U. Wright & Lasbury. 60S S. path. I'nune Doug. 162. B-Rf)OM cottage just west of 20th St. on Harney; uo utreet car fare; modern except heat, rent 827.60. be Neville, Neville Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses aad Cottaarea Coatlnard Only :5-"-room.-; new, full 3-ytory, viuaie; 1 bloca west of No. nth line; ntar Kountts Place. You choose decora tion. U KKKKK KEAIi tM AIL CO., MS Omaha Nat l Hk.; Ikius. nr A-Ili." Eve. H. or It. M.t4. llOUSKHOLD GOODS packed, tor- aurded; cheap freiK'K lines, moving aail ktorlng. Expirssintn's Delivery Co. '1.. Doug. il. Cll ollice la a. l.iu el., iiu tiidg. FOR RENT The twenty-room brick house, with brick stiiblo and about five kcies luipioed grouinis, at oullit io roe r cl Shermuu avenue and opruc m cel. lnc-iiie roviu Dl( t irt .sat 1 uaua b.utf. leiephone lougias I2U. NEW modern ti-room house near new catliedrai. 1 bono Harney . 612 So. ISth St., rooms, completely Hall, 433 Ramge. D. Ttvo, modern, $!.6o. A-440S. 10-ROOM modern, strictly up-to-date residence; hot water beat; east lioul 3it Ave., and Douglas Su. opposite Auruer .aik-)wj. McCague Uidg. Douglas 15SJ. I3S3 l'aclflc, 9 rmt., all mod., J40. M,4 Fowler Ave., i rms., an mod., HO. tM Cap. Ave., 7 rms., ail mod., :'4i3 N. lh, I) rms., all moil., H. W.'B Emmet, 7 rms., ok. heat, tlT.M. IlK S. 31nt, rms., mod. ex. heat, ll. 1,23 N. Sid St., o rms., city water. 13. 3J3 N. OOlh. 8 i-iiis., mod. ex. heat, llO.oO. MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 4l;; Independent A-io40. SiX and evcn-room iiiodern flat, hot water heat, for W. Tel. ibster H0. Om. Van & morale Co., packs, moves, (tores lioUHciiuid gouds. Fireproof stor age. HI t. loin. Branch, .'J a. A 1 1 hi. iel. D. 4103. A-UiJ. 8-room houte nt Ko. North 17th St. O. C. RED1CK, l.r,17 l'Hrnain ttreel. FOR RENT 3KS1 Cullfoinia. 8-rooni modern, one block from rurnuni cur, t-- 8iiJ2 Grand Ave., 0 looms modern except furnace. !!. C. H. Vanco at iiayden s tiros. Tel. Harney loM. MODERN S-ruom brick Iiouhc, 13d St.; owner pa.. s water rent; month. 'Phone Harney o. 1111 N. 1:5 per DUNDEE Seven rooms, strictly mod ern; near car; paved street; cheap to permanent tenant. Phone Harney 3317. Six-room cottage, modern except heat, in good repair, located at No! IH9 North ti'tli M-. - per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel. Doug. 7M. D14 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. NINE-ROOM modern house, near Har ney and Farnam cars. Only $27.60 Doug las 12t4. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Tb. BldJ. 7-ROOM modern. lOH S. S5th, north Far nam; good condition, fine neighborhood, $35. Apply Hamilton apartment office. D. 2510. 5-ROOM house, 2211 Howard, only 112.00. 'Phono Red 2177. OMAHA KXP. CO., movln vane and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 334. 41 N. 17th. FOR RENT Modern apartment, 8 rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 The Clarinda. 31st and Farnam. BENSON cottage, bargain, by owner, leaving city, call 304 . Halcyon Ave., or 'Phone Benson 3T6 J, day or nliHit, this week only. 8-ROOM modern house, except heat, 2101 Miami. tj-roorn, strictly modern, 2410 Jones. J. I. KEMP, 2613 Leavenworth. 'Phones: Douglas 9b8; lnd. A-1U83. 40S 8. 24th St.. 8-r. flat.. M.00 620 S 27th St., 7-r. flat 37. W) S16 8. 27th St., 6-ronm flat 80.00 I2 S. 27th St.. 5-room flat 80.00 322S S. 23d St., G and 6-r. flats, both.. 37. GO 2K03 Woolworth, 8-r., modern ., 25.00 8M S. Si'.th St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat.. IK.Ov rois Iavenworth, 7-r., modern 20.00 2623 Reoa ft., 6-r 12.00 62d and Military Ave., 6-r 13.00 REM IS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandtis Theater. NEARLY NEW ALL MODERN 8-RM. HOUSE, FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, WALKING DISTANCE. 'PHONE HAH NEY 6406. CHEAP RENT. Fine, large, full, modern, 8-room houBe, built for home. No. 1,113 N. 20th St.; newly decorated, inside and out, walking dis tance; Ml. If tenant does his part, takes good CHre of property, 125 will be de ducted from last month of year. T. J. HOOK, olflce 1101 N. Mth St.; PAYNE & SLATER CO., Omaha Nut 1 Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern; 253S Dodge; D. 3770. MODERN 10-room house, 631 So. 22d St. Inquire next door south. ITncna in all parts of the city. Creiga UUUbia unnn A Co.. Km Bid. Six-room house, modern except furnace. located at No, 0454 North 2fith stret. Paved street and onu block to car. M per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel. Doug. 7M1. 1614 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern houne, fine lo cation: paved street, corner tut: l-'i. Phone Webster 2502. 4-ROOM house for sale or rent. 2412 S. 42d St. Inauire 21o9 S. tilth St. Harney 3322. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1102 N. 22d, 118. FOR a dnlnty dessert use Dalxell's Ice crenm. If Mrs. Ellen Welles, 2U capltol Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will givo her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. HOUSE, 2120 Caldwell St., 8 rooms, modern ; rent $25. Stores and Offices. WEIP.ICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; storm saan. Webster UTt, Hit No. Mth St. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 8. 13 to. Wish to sublet suite of five rooms In City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 412J. OFFICE ond reception. 404 Bee Bldg. STORE at 2308 Cuming street. More at No. 21o4 Cuming M. Store at No. DOS Harney street. Office or salenroom at l.rlh and Harney. 4-room office suite at No. li17 Farnum street. . . fl. ki'.ijii iv, 1517 Farnam Street. At. "t.' u iflTII OT Pnnm VhirAl .nn. piled with steam heat, now being put In i'ETEHS TRUST CO., 17lh and Farnam. Halls. WASHINGTON Ha 11 TCiJce,1 dance, banquets. C. C. Bntenssn. D. 225. A-232i. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture, WISHING to leave the city will sacri fice lurniluru of fc-rouin house for I0): i.oute modern except furnace, : no:, n-y walking uisiar.ee; good place i.r rooiueis. J 227. Bee. KNTIKB house foi n'.aU.nn for sale; one old English lll.ruiy set, bedroom pieces, chairs, etc. Must be sold at once. Dewey, l'hone Harney XT. ONK leather davenport and rocker, isblta. etc., practlca.ly now. cheap, ti, UADIANT Home double heater. It. 6-117. QUARTER-SAWED oak dining table and chairs; almoit new. D. 6M.4. FOR SALE gL'ICIC. Dresser, sideboard, diulngroom table, leather couch, chairs,, Hand, oil heater. i4o Iithrap street, i'bwue W outer tiii. No (laaicra. OFFERED FOR SALE I'nrnllurr -Coatlnurd. FOR SALE a Moore's cook stove. 614 N. l.',th St., South Omaha, south lnu. yuartersnncil olilt yldebonrd, bock' use. gas anil com rnngr. inrgi sue. nearly new Acorn nnsomiriu r, tin .e iouui.s iron bed. 2 --- tturdette. el. 'I pe writers, RENT nn Ohvrr typrwr.ler fro:n thl Oliver Typewriter Co. Iel. Uougias .u. FOX typewriter. 1M Farnam St. SMITH PREMIER modi Is No. 1 or No. I in excellent condition, rtnitii tbiee SMlu niUMKK TYPEWRITER CO. ivn nun Lxiueitti. TYrKWRITKRS-Bpeelul sale for a hurt time on nil mnkev. bet window for b'g price reductions. 11. F. Suausua Co., 131 Farnam St., Omaha. THE ROYAL la king of typewriters likx Typewriter. 119.50. 100 Farnam. D-.MXJ. LIGHT touch Monarch Yislblcs for rent. The Monarch Tperittr Co., 411 tL loin bt. Phone Doug. U9. Mnstcnl Inalranteats, PIANO bamalns. los N. 16t)i. D. U01 LEAVING THE CITY WILL SELL AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Sieinway piano. 1401 Loihrop. eoeter ..Wi. Pianos, wholesales pre. 201 Boston store. PIANO, slightly uses, at a bargain. Seaerstrum rnuio Mit. co.a 191 a uud ttr baiu Sis. VIOLIN repairing; nil work promptly douo and guai anU-ed. SH04 So. 141 Ii St. Mlavellaueoua. FAFF-P Ov.rstock.d with ecconil-hani (ales, ad emus and makes; bargum American bupp,y Co., lllu i' allium at. SIX-FOOl' bookkeeper'a utnk, ouk fin itli, lor sale at xlv.uv. Apply, Ucuik- iv. i n.l-1. Bee publishing Co. TWO good second-hand National casu lvalbu-t lor salu hi a baigu,u mid ua may itiins. 11. B. Vi Imcuuu.c, tt Uiu t. FOR SALE AlaKka teal co.it, perfect condition, worn snort tune; us bust 14 long; wnl sell tor low iigurw. lUotn UOUfeiaS IHHA BARGAINS in store fixtures at less t Ii ik it cost of material; small lot ol nuariy new store shelving anu store enclosure. uix-uiawer euuntei especially suitable lor aiocciy businens. Central Supply Co., 111 Farnam. 115 BUY'S almost new dress suit, only worn a few times; tull and num. Addru. 16 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire diamond ring; will bacritice at a big ua.- gain. Address. B 2ltt, Bee. NEW and old lumber, and house to move, cheap, Dworak Lumber C?.,U-t t. U, SEVEltAL standurd makes of pianot will be disposed of lor stoiage and r i, mi- cliurai'"! will sell or trade. Call inurnlnKS, cIibd. H. 'llialclier, piano lau lory. I'.kis Harney St. KOll SALE New and second-hand bll Hard and pool tables. We ieud tlie world In cheap bar fixtures; caty payments. brunswick-BaiKe-coiieuuer, wi a. lotn St. " kindling, 14 load. II arose Wrecking. W. 2664. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. HOME PIPE, some cast. N. Steinberg, lulu Harney. FOR SALE Two acholarshlps In the Omaha Commercial college and two in boylcs college, Business office. Omaha Bee. CHEAP, one electric piano, 8 muslo boxes and 60 vending machines. 3124 Leavenworth. 11. 243, lnd. A-2433. ONE sealnkln cout for sale at Nathan's loan office, 100 S. Litli. SEE Miss Eva Iang with the Wood ward Stock company at the American theater. If John Se.ibrooke, 1013 8. 34th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a pair of ticket. PERSONAL MAXWELL, cures piles. 40S Om. Nat. bk. Automatic Fhone Bus's, $2; residence, tl ifinaniM TONSKTII. Bwedlsh move ment and massage; graduate of Dr. Kell. hertf Inst., tstockholm. Bwedon; day Phone L. 719:.; nlbht. t". SMtH; 4VJ Om. Nut. Bank UUtf. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy. 12th and Uodje. M AKAnii' Bath, salt alow arornatio 41AOi3iVUli treatment- Mine. Allen of ClutBjro. 1M ii. l.th bt., firtt Hour. u. Wi. FOlt cases of Biati Beer Tel. Dou(. 101. Mechano Therapy massage treatment, HheumatlHm. Dr. Margin et lialloran. UiS Nevil.e Bill. D. libL Open alir . FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLHANINU PHONE L. MS. FHlCfcb KttABONABLrJ. MBS. C. W. CHAl'MAN, II. LU0. Hair good, all desurlpuoiu; cuinbliiKt made up. Massage, BltUnhoUM. IQs Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke, Women's Diseases, 41 Dels. Blk JAMES COHH ELECTf.lO COMl'AN K -Movia to Mi a. ULh Hi. Uoutfiaa ua LAUNDUY rough dried. 1U18 Cloik 8t Adellcht hair lood iows hair. Mint Krayei, MeKeath ttta. Co., istlt and l(iu, Mru. Tierce, shampoo, halrdresslng and manicui niK. ail r'arnam. 11. uom, A-14o. YOUNG WUMh.N coming to Omaha a Stisusers ate invited to Visit tno kouug Women's Cuiift.an association buiidiiiK ai bevuiitceiith bt. and bt. Mary s Av., tt litre they will iiv directed to suitable I.GUrUniK places or oihtiwise assisted. Look lor our travelers' aid at the Umuo station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, llitliglhin, BH.LL DKUU CO. Miscl BNVUL.H out of city until No veiiibr 1. WU rent and repair all kinds or sewing machines, lud. a-iia!. Dougma liML NEbuABivA CVl-LH. CO.. liith and liariity bts. MASSlAdK XreatmenL Mrs. btesle, iu. o. inn, ta i lioor, nu. s THIS SALVATION ARM If solicits ial oil ciuihiiitf. in fact, au iinng you do nut listd. We collect, tepair ana sen, at li N. lllh bt., lor tkt ul counclion, to the worthy poor. Cuu p.ione Uuus tit and wagons will .uil. MASSAGE J,uth- f ,aw I-omuo lUlUUAUU ireatinent. Mine. Allen oi Chicago. lUv H. l.:h Hi. 1st flour. U. .ti. k A(lKi"l,fCutul,ntnt- li- Brott, JU MAbSAG t bwdih movement; nothing better lur : beuinatisui. Ladies, 41; genii mn, il .V). Apt. 4. iu3 iainiu. L. IwU. DKUGtf at out prices: freight paid on Uu uidurs; catalogue tree, bherniaa sc McConuel Drug Co.. luiaha. Nub. ETTA OOLDbKUK i has opened new handrersiiig jiariors ut iui Neville. D. Uti. Dr. Burke, nervous diseaxci. 41 Doug. Ills. s I I AM PDl i tiealm ts. Mis. bteeie, ex- '3U'U1U vv pert opei I r. iol b. 11. 3 Ji. EVERY person knons who 1). J. O'Brien is because, lie has inude Omaha famous with his ca-lly. If Mrs. H. Koep Ini K, Nlti h'lulli 4lh Ave., will come to the Bee oitlio within three duys we will give her an order for a Hi-ccnt box of O'lliieii's Canny frei-. A LITTLE girl to board nnd are for; from i to 1J ears of ase; no other chil dun; refeiiine given. O Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Fl OOU kwetpingt, good chickea feed, tl.uu per hundred. V.'sfncr. M Nu. lull. REAL ESTATE ( IT Y PHIirrRTV F4in I.R (Continued.) 20 IT TO HE LU In Collier Place From $475 to $550 Each Located On Larimore Avenue, Fowler Avenue, and East Fronts on 31st Ave. on our very easy terms of $10 Down and $10 a Month Those ;iro tho Jnsl good building lots loft in Collier Place; all lie fine for grade; cement walks will be juit in immediately; all new homes built around the block. These prices are from $10t) to $200 less than you can buy any other lots as well located on the North side. Don't overlook the last opportunity you will ever get to buy such well located school, stores, and a good car line. UEMEM13ER there are only 20 lots in this block left and you must act quickly if you want one. Nome are north fronts, some south fronts. All slope to the east; not ono undesirable lot in the whole block. Fine for an investment or a home. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1(314 Ilurney Street. "Where you can always buy the best lots on the oasiest terms. 16th Street Business Property Investment .a, m LOCATION: v. Two blocks from City National Bank DtilkliiiK, adjacent to ono of Omaha's largo retail utorcH. LOT: 4 4 feet frontage on 16th street with alley on north. nUILDINO: 3-story and basement substantial brick, on which about $5,000.00 has Just been expended for putting In new modern store fronts, new plumbing and wiring throughout, i.ew roof, new sewer connoetlons ana concrete floors in basements, and generally rcfinlshed building from top td bottom. Price: $45,000.00 Terms; $15,000.00 Cash, Balance Easy Payments (5K0SS INCOME: About $4,000.00 per annum or should.be between 0 and 7 on the Investment. We believe the 44 feet, exclusive of Improvements, will soon be worth $44,000.00. Present value of the building Is about $23,000.00. This Is an op portunity to make an investment on Omaha's bent retail street, near the retail center, on very favorable) terms, l or further Information, call or address GEORGE & COMPANY City National Hank Building. POULTRY & PET STOCK (Continued.) TUOnOUQHBRKD S. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young; take Amu Ave. car to 40U1 and Grand. Call at Mi SINGLE Comb White leghorns; March cockrels and pullets, I0 per dozen. A. o. Zimmerman, Loup City, Nub. BEAUTIFUL Bcotch Harney 1447. Collie puppies. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS V TITLE. Frank 3. Norton, m 8. 17th, Ilea Bldg. "There's Reaon. "X minimize your title tiuiibles. ' Both phones. Midland Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far. 11. 11. Neale, pres.; i. Campbell, sec. D. &oo. feler Jensn, Jr., Co., Tel. Doug, mi Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Netiska. 'M Brandets Theater. tlUARANTLK ABbTICACT CO., room 7, 1'alterson Blk. Ut'Il.DEHt' INFORMATION. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Platte Gravel & Washed Band Co.. 441 Bee Ideal Cement Stone Co., I7ih and Cuming. Amer. fiplr. Co.. roof'g. paints, nun Nloh. Fuchs. Son It Blind, painting decorating. FOR rent or sale, ooncrete mixer. Douglas &M4. 1'attou Bowinun, 1616 Far nam. WANTED TO BUY. L1BT our city property for gale w!tl Vogel. 4l fcarbach Bldg. citv riiorKiitt Kuit SALE. BUNaALOW"AND TWO ACRES. At S'th and Newport Ave. we have a brand new 1-roum bunyalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country in all directions; plenty of young (rult started, and Just the place fur it man who wants to farm a llltla and con tinue bi work Uowiituwu. i'rlc. o'py ,3'llAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. HAH'JAIN Choice lot on California p't. west of iilli Kt. Addresu, M b-u. Hi t. 6-UOOM cottase: corner lot. 62x132; two blocks from llansooin park webt s.du tar line; prloe verv ressonuble; owner nii.Kt leave city. i!'A2 bouth Mt.'i fct. BITV direct from owner. 1217 Mlpaourl Ave., 6-iooiu lioUHe. newly palmed and papered tlnoUMhoiit; watur, sewer mid gas connections; sternly tenant ut tW per monin. Price ll.wi; cash, balsme on eey nionlhly paymen'.s. Address L, Bee office. South Ou.aha. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOI'llllTV KOll I.IJ (CoiltllUK ll JL SOLD lots so close to paved streets, INVESTMENT OFl'ORTUNITi". U itUUMH, ALI. MODERN !,.000. We huve a two-uparimeni nous, can. talnlng 1J rooms, two baih rooms, seven bed rooms, with pat lor, .lining room and kitchen in each upiirtiuent, with new plumbing and Kood beating plant. Tills property is loo lame for nresxni owner and it U splcndll proposition tot some one who will buy It and divide II Into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrungement of the ho-ise thU worn caa bo done at a very small expense ami When cuinpietou inu apartments will rent for 125 each. The buyer can live In una apariinenl, rent tho rest n.io inakv u good investmciit out il your uoine. The building is well built and In mood coiiulllon; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center oi in cuy; one mock from the Duuge street cut tine and lu guod rest. Actus district. iiiiu ru mis i:.ii ts 2um N. Mil UT. It Is Just north of Ohio on ths Florence Blvd. A good six or seven-rocm modern house will be taken in exchange at the right price, una proposition la certainly Worm tooKing ui. NORK1S St MARTIN. 400 Bea Bldg. DuuKla Ci'd. A 4Hi. Investment Opportunity to Invest 11:1,000 to earn 15 per cent per annum In a finely Improved real estate properly; leased to A 1 puritui-... Particulars ut this office. tlVOOThree attached brick dwellings, hardwood finish, hot water hist, very desirably locuted, near Farnurn cur line. liicoiriu si.biio. i'urt casu, pamnce on mortgiiKe at 61? per cent. ll&.uw Threo large attached brick houses on big lot, with froiuugo on 3 streets; space for more houues or store. Closo in on car Hue, Thomas Brennan E. W. OANNE'IT Mgr.. Real Estate Dep. Til. Douglas 121.1. M-Hli City Nut. Bunk. .SOUTHEAST CORNER lUtli and Wirt, i.2.H by 121. MuHt be eolil. W. II. OA I KS, U44 Ouiuha Nut. lilt. Jlidg. I'll. D. 121)1 II V OWNER, fitrlctly modi i n me-inoin cottage, two and one-half blocks from Farnam HI. : only 12 ml in. leu' Rlk from liilli tiiitl liiiaiii. Mans Icudlnz up to ccuiid story; enough spuco lor two l uge rooms and clim'i. I in- l Uiii. t oiiiimiuiioii tix turi "; cemenled bnsi mi-nt ; ik wIv painted, ul.io new wulu and HHp.i; liurdwood fin Ihli throughout. Iloiifi) is only thiee ymr.i old und u perlect gem Inwide. ro if you wunt nn id.al home drop nift and look it over. lUntH (or IJ.. At 2K2: (spltol Ave. Only J,4 Ai, purl cash on terms to ..uit. LARGE brick factory building, with hulf block of ground, un M. tc O. truck; lor aula iheup, or trade couxidered. J. M. RASP CO., oij Brundeis Bldg. I'Oil a dainty deu.sert "ho Dulzoll's too cream. If Mla Lizzie W lison, JI17 Ohio Kd., will come to 1 lie Bee office Willi. ll three days wo will yK'e her on order tor a iUki brick of lum fine Ice cieam. EVERY plumber 4h not a robi i r; If any tliii.K huppi n phone I'OUi'. l 'li, (iuod l luinl. Int. I'j. REAL ESTATE I ITY rit;ri'HI V FOlt S A 1.11 (Continue' ) Close in Home On Very Easy Terms 7"4 North 3n'h utrr-ct. f well-built hoii of s rt'oms; nioilorn hi rvrrv rcpTt; nw furnace, tnnriVrn plnmliii. paved flrort; close to enr snd school, nnd eimy wnlklnir dl Mniico from town: nn oppoi timlut y fov 1 party ricstitn'r l.irre home floe III, on terms Unit will suit. R. H. Landeryou 412 Hoard if Trartf. Tel. 1. 21.M. South and East Front Lot 74x124, In Kountso Flare, S pood living; rooms, with attlo over entire third story, houso strictly modern, including lllo bathroom, toilet In basement, hard wood finish, good bnrn or garage, with driveway; everything la In first class con dition; vacant at present and is well worth $T,rK, but you can buy this prop erty right und trade In a smaller property too. 8. T. IIOSTWICK. 1223 City Natl. Bank Bldg. 38th St. and Marcy Choice of six now dwelling, no two lilllte, onk finish, unn nnd electric lli?ht. & to K rooms, paved street, excellent. nolKhborhood, cIoro to school, Frloe. $.l,M to tIM). Terms: ."IH) cash, t'Blanco u tilt'lo inoro thin rent. Bemis-Carlber Co SI0-3I3 HrnndelM Theater. SOM 10 J IK AL i i AUG AINS " 2014 M lit ml. 7 rooms, all modern, south front on paved street, fcl.TidO. 1 si 4 Mlnnil. 4-room bunitnlow, prsrtl- cully new; comblnntlon fixtures; floored attU'. IJ.lcO; easy terms. Wo want n cumIi offer on all or part of 7 lots, 3 blocks from end of Sherman Ave. car linn. 1'rne $1,000. for 7 lots, but niiiko nn offer at once. M Ki'llKlUJN UEALTY CO., riiono Web. lt.'.l. 1W4 Lake. MUST RKI.Ij Owner leavins; city; fine i-room, all niodern home, N. W. Cor. 3sith and Hurt. (nn of the best locations In the new cathedral dlntrlet. 15,600. W. M. L.KMON, 437 Hrandeis IIUIk. l'hone 1). Sill OOOU lot on 3tli and Cans for salo chenp. Address owner, 3211 Leavenworth St. ACllKAtiK FOR SA1.K. DANDY HALV ACRE. 2-rnom house, bnrn and well; north west of the l-'ort; dirt cheap at IT;; M ciish and 116 per mouth, J. W. Hasp Co., CM) ltiandcls Willi. REAL ESTATE AHM A II A t il I.AM) FOR SALE Canada. We wnnt to send to every man who con templates tho pur chase of a farm our circulars describing tho wonderful resources nnrl l-wtuui In 1 1 1 1 no n F 4liA Nechaco and Eraser Valleys in Western Canada. "Everything; looKInu well In Necliuct. this year. I hud 7D bunhelv of oat to the ueiu en land buuKht from you." The iihove Is extruct from a letter of W. 1'. McAlh n, goveinment Indian agent of Fort Ueoige District, British Co-, luml.lu, and refers tit wild land sold to lilin by this company two years 'go. (J rand Trunk Pacific Land Co., 309-12 New York Life Uidg., Omaha, Neb. Colorado. IF YOU want to buy Rood farm land at 110 (H. to tli.,00 per acre, or want a good homestead rt iiuquishment write ti. or call on The .Mutieson-Purdy Land Compuiiy, Otis, Coii. FRUIT land bargains. Intermountaln Laud Co., U2i Farnam. Phone D. 4o.. BurgalnsFrult land, bvi Brandels bldg. FOlt sale at a bargain, tho rcllmiulfth- inents on a beautiful section Of farm land In the Arkansas valley, only a few miles from a good town and a short distance from lto ky Ford, the center of tho great melon district of Colorado. The innd la under the "Tinipus" ditch and the water stock, which will be sold with the re lliiiluiHhmcntx, curries with it certain water rights under that Irrigation sys tem. 11. F. Elckhoff, Tlinpas. Colo. tins, THE easiest way to find a buyer fof your farm Is to insert a email want J In tne Deg Mulnes Capital. Largest cir culation In the slate of Iowa, 43,0uu dally. The Capital Is lead by and believed la by the stunupattem of Iowa, who s'uiply re fuse to permit any other paper In thelf homes, lutes, 1 cent a word day; 11 24 per hue per month; count tlx ordinary words to the line. Address L'aa Moiuci Cap.lai. Des Moines, la. Oeorgln. GREAT SOUTH QEOEGLV Tiaversnd by the ATLANTA. B I H M I N O H A M A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest rung ol ciops. Ail the money crops or tne bout.i plentifully produced. For literature treat Ing with this coining country, Its sull, cli mate, church and school advauua-t rU W. II. LEAIIV. DEPT. K. (icneral PusMenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. . Jllnuesota. A FARM SNAP. ;s0 ncrea nice level innd, black soil tv-o lo three feet deep. acres In crop ll.iii yeur, all plowed ready for crop next year. Oood new burn, uther buildings good. Thirteen ucirn of ouk timber- Kvu, foot of this 2ki) ucrc.s can bo plowed, ex cepting where the timber stunds. 76 pur auie, easy terms. Morebart 4 Atchiau... Maukutu, Mum. 31 Issuarl, 120 ACRES valley lund, H0 acre In etii tlvutlou; fuuilly orchard, 2 wells, a new U room house Lhx2; barn and other out buildings; 3 horses, 1 cow, implements, household goods und piirt of crop lor ti,(".0; 62. Out) cash, 1,000 five years' time; 7 per cent Interest. A. 11. Johnson, liut ton Vuiley, Mo. Nebraska. IMPROVED Nebrutka farms, IS at acie up. Wriie or call lo.- our lisu Wo.c mill, .14 Omaha Nut. Buna Bldg. 100-A CUE farm near Benaoa tor e; chcap. owner iias incurable sicklier 1. lu-uuiro iul.1i. 0t. 1 row'n bluck. Free list of improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, bheruiaii and Custer county lainiM, for people of limited means want ing hoities on eaay leiius. C. Bradley, Wolbach, Neb. WELL improved Frontier county. Ni bruAUu, faring tor eulo or trade; lj to .. ; ul.so I. ami proiMilKS In towns of cerlniii ties. 1. 1'. Jouiitou. l.ox 1, Curtis, Neu. KASTEP.N Nno.. und Iowa, farms to exchange for Dakota ia.'idv. Walker el LU., ,L Biuudics tiituter, omul)-.