M-Se.M.m - WANT ADS Want aOa rcH-clTcnl at any lime lmt fo lnttre proper cllfrntion must lx presented liefer 12 o'rlotk m. fr the evening edition antl before, 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tion. Want aria received after Midi hour will hm their first Insertion under the heading 'Too I.nto to ClnaslfT." c.tsir nATrs Kin want ads. II K a V l, A K CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 cent pe word nnu 1 rent per word for eurh stibsrriiH'nt Insertion. I'.-tdi insertion nialo n odd day 1M rent per word, fl.50 per Una per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Sunday IW. Always count l words to a line. Want ads for The T.er. may he left at any of tho following tlrtic stores one ! yonr "corner dniKKlsl" they are all branch office for Tho He and your ad will be inserted Juet as promptly and on the same rates as nt the main office In The 15eo building. beTenteenth and Farnam streets: Albach. W. C, fth and Fartinm. lisum Drug Co., 2-1 N. 'Mh St. Pensnn Pharmacy, Rcn"on, Neb. Itemli Park Pharmary, iTd and Cuming Kernnrk. t. A., H 'J 8. 11th ft- . Rlake-Hradlsh. Sherman Ave. Caiinhlln. C. U., 4725 Leavenworth. Ormak. Kmll, 12M-6 S. Tth Pt. ' Cllfion Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military A Cooney Pharmacy, z:?.l S. Win J'- Cris-iey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Ehler A Co . 2u Leavenworth. Pouter & ArnolUI. ilS N. th bt. Freytag, J. J PH4 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1'1 N. I'Ah St. Florence I rug Co., Florence, Neb. Greens Pharmai y, Park Ave. Ar lecilic. GreemiUKh Ac Co., 1 023 t'. l'.'th GreenoiiKh Co, loin and Hickory. Goldman Pliaima.-y. 2lth At Lav"?,r'" Johatiaon Drug Co., 24th and Spain. ng Johnson Phaimary, SC'-'O 1' ' m. . lUnnwn Park Pliar.. i:01 S. 'iniAT?'. Hlntetiong Drug Co.. Hist Ave. ex ar Hoist, John, S2I S. lilth Bt. Huff. A. L.. 2M4 Leavenworth. King. M. . !4th and Farnam. Kuuntie Place Pharmacy, N. Ml". Latt.rop Phaimary, 24th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L., ails Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, S.:d t Ames A v. Patrick Drug Co., IMS Noitn SL Saratoga Drug Ho., 24lh and Ames Ave. bchaeter's Cut line Store. K'th 4 cm. Walton Pharmacy, uoth and Uiaca. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4'Jth & Cuming. DUATHS AND Fl'NEIlAL NOTICES. WADE iarr lienuoli, nierrii Into life eoneauay, Ueioin-r in, lkcii .a er. l,ilrtt-rit I'l ,il.IIM'L liul iviiicteri'. ini o.-inriuro of our oear youna irlend cam like a noit oui of a iliar unu ii.a uluw lo Iiik near mother, who lanlixed her only buy, and to all liia nmny lnemm wan a t-ere one. iiairy wh a yotiiiK li. un heloted hy all who Inm. ilia uiiiet. ai-ntie mannfr. and his riean, ti .ii.nl ln maile Hchoiuh frittnda lor hi in v.i.eiever he v.aa kiiohii. He had ben In liumnrH In Chivuiio lor about u year mnw iravniK Omaha, lie was a ilnvolr.l. rnn uiateui momber of All huliita and loved Iiih church. 'fa hla dear mother we offer our deepest evmnalhy, commeiidlnu iier to the loving are of tnat Ood wlio aionn in ablu to com fort her In sui h a sorrow, iler dear b'iy la lifted uu and away from nil Ilia paimt and peril of this enrtlt lile into the boundless lire and inilnite nosMiniiuies oi thut life 4hnt knows no sorrow, and no parting nor tears. Here the lovlnx circle in fortver belnn broken by the snarl who (nines to call us hlsher, but there, the deathless union of hearts Is ever growlritf In one unbroken band. LF.R Allan J., second son of the lat' diaries K. Ia and of Marietta Gregory lcej or nmaiis. The funeral wan held at Fluhklll vll lage, N. V., October 19. TRACT Andrew, nsed " years. Funeral WedneHduy, October 23. at a. m , from the family residence, 1.111 South Tenth Street, to the St. Phllomena'i church. Interment Holy Hriiuluher ceme tery. announcements" j.a.gentu;man, UXhFR. TA K i,: it embalmer. 1814 Chicago Bt. D. 1C). li-lik& Undertakers, ?till Fainam. A-3:ir.; II. 2X1 KOUXLi always be bappy If your wed ding ring comes from lirodegaurd's. ill K. tit. At the sign of the crown. lX)UtiLA3 i'rint'.ng Co., Tel. Doug. Hi. GET your diamonds at Hrodeuaard e. alOVINU picture machines; auppliea, Nebraska Film Co.. UU Farnara. MONEY SHS l-huue Vuun. jac IMUN LOAN C. POILER, sheet Iron and tank wurtZ Omaha bu uctural bteal Wurka. LunUere photo, studio. Sis bo, litu m ft, E. Waters cement con. lbltt N. W, w. ru, Mournmg hais, ii cay. ck, l,u Lav. Edisoa 'phone rec. BUults Urot. iia far. 1.0WU L KT T li ItH A.L tguod bona PJl ptij, l.ouu biiihtads, l.oju ousinta taiua 1.W pl l.tMi; l-.im.aie anu suiplua lul o.ua, other priuiOia iuaiu t-nouiig Co.. 1U tarnaiu. Van Uordon'a borne, dog hospital. DION. Zi. Our lettor duplicating work Is uiiexecllcd A tnal will vonvlnte ou. uotu puunBa' Western lupiicating co.. u iit, li.u. Joba K. lUmoe, Milrts. HW PaxtoITbToek" FOR dainty defcsiit use DuUe.l Ico (ream. If Miss G. V iiie'ard, ;.'.u ., vullt M., will come lt 'lhe te office wltliiu iniee days we will give her an order lor s it.arl orHK of tins Hue Ice cream. WEDDING announcements. Priming Co. Dou gius Iwenty per rent let tbun Unuiha pi ices HOME FCKNiTCRJi Co. Taenty-iounii aud L bis., boutu Omaha. hsrpster, paper hanging, paint g. n. iiJi b. li. Col Sign Co. D. litis, uitf Faruani Muftaid Van 41 glcrag. Pack. iaut kljie aud ship 11. it. gouus. u. tM.b-Ji) liuotypa cutupositlon for traoe. D. SiZi. Neb. Bced Co.. IA Jones. Luio. phJli.-t El-bT tracer for men. Gray Nerve Fbuu t'il.a, 4 pet box. prepa.u. ahmuait 1 JucCwuoeil Ll iig Co.. Uu4u. eu. GOLD AND SiLVER PLATING. Gat tixlutes, bleu twos, slow Wiuioiingl liu , njHri Itp.ilitu lis new. U.MAilA PuAlT.SLj t.O., r-ttabiblieu ioj. Doug ..j... Harney. Uifico Stationery nUIEUA & i.EAI'.Y CO Exeiujiv e i'f.iia New auciieca 71j ti. Elu at. 11US t-uitp. ladies' tailor. ,J.Loi,iou nuie I'l bolstering, piar.o. luin. i Cl). Kar AMERICAN beli-l'.enuval.in 1 ItObT inatiuf jctures at-d J t Unit a. lliu-ill Ltueaaoi i.i. 11. 3.U repuiis C. E. kuuth, att'y nt laa. all ll. i. jj;. ll. 1'. ii oil 1 1 1, tli.ua pu.ul. tj LiMUdciS lu M'LNTYWE AUTO CQ.- IL'.O RAhGAINji IX USED CA'ui.'""'' 1 l'.O.ST mat.uf icturi s (ind I'epbir . I e.. a. 14 V .4 ,i i-ea c li s ur.iu l oit t A I-E -pje::er Lii. Ill I...UU1I. ..Wf.vl. ....,. '.oouanl-Dsy. lianiey l.tl. AUTOMOBILES ((?ontln:ied KLKCTHIC CAHii Foil HA1IC. Ton v.'i.oda coupes. 1 C'olonih'is vl toils, 1 Coiunibiis st mhopo, 1 Hajtock vleloila. 2 avcrlv cmij:'n. i yuu i uiu-ihih buluK ati ele,tno see us. We have Jut what von sre hokln for; Prl-es rlaht. P. Al F. r.lei'tric l.aiUKr. iaij iryiii' oi. HONK .Ss&HONK HLl'.E 8 Tlir: l:K8T PLACE IN (IJIAIIA DRUMMOND 13th and Harney Bt. "wilOLUSALB pricea on oil. Hour. iJHISfOl.L,. auto palntlr.g. 2X. N. 16th. mTT-pPP OMAHA IlUMHtil COil- TIRES tv'r yi,"r,B ,o ALTO Tire lupHlnnc Co, 132 parnam. Vuu lied no Konrantre when wa do 111 work; best workmen, lowest price. Murphy did it lAi iN" cars do most work for leat money. 11. U. lleiu, . itisnneis inua ONK Tnter-Mate; ono Auburn. Hushing Pres.. booth )itiaha tJlir1! I,l('Ii',l Aut.-, carriage painting. W1I.I. sell mv half Interest In my new Invention or will exchange for good auto. Itee. illHcoutit on auto gloves. Room l:i Dee Pldx., ornaha. Burleigh Gloves WANTKK To buy 2d-har1 automobile; most be In flist-clitss condition and chiap. N Ut, live. f-'F.VFHAI. recond-liatid autnmotiil- frum ti;Ti nt: u II In koimI running order. Showaler, I.Mj Leavenworth Bt. Auto lamps rept.lrsd. Omaha Hllver Co. BUSINESS CHANCES To tret In or out ot business call on QANUbriTAD, ' Ueo Uldtf. Tel. L.-J4;7. per ci;nt to m rvn ck.nt rnoFiT ro r you en any mnotint from tio to llOUOik Our Investment plan has already madu inrKs pronto lor hundreds or clients In the ant 8 months. you can not lo'u your money: wu Kiiarantee to mfiind payments, If you cannot or even If ou do not wlnh to continue our l,Uou.0w CAPITAL stands beiilnd our promises highest references. Write for full details. CA N APIAN CITY and TOWN PHOPKItTllOa I.iMlTKl). 12 Htabart Hlk., Portage Ave., WINNIPF.U. IF YOU want to buy a half Interest In a well established general Insurance and iohii ousuiehH write at onee. tiuHtnes is ki owing so 1 cannot attend to It alone, only good responsible man need apply. iieiert.net a cxt naiisi d. Auurexs lu. Her 7 Of LLT MB KXPLAIN TO 11 of 10 VOL HovV l Mr noNuo IO i ay t tier cent or belter on un iii vestment of iluu or mine. P. II. n li- LKIUli, HTATh! AUICNT, bll HlilC Hl.lMl INVUSTOHH ANU CAPITA Lib 1U. Hie Oiana i'l tiiiK I st-iiiu iu..iouU Is how clusliig Its gap serosa the Iwiiuus Msier va.ley In CL.V1KAL jbHil'lbil COLL MlilA Hie ciioicest icgimi of the ilchest province In Canada, liete is your chenoe lo buy lert:le laud at opening prices in the great i' on ueorge cuuutiy. For further iiitutiiiatlon cuil, Mit uc wire ). MICTFU niSTUICT 8ALF.S AOK.NT, tilil l'uxton Hlilif., Omuha, Nt-U, 'Phone iJougias tU!; Hid. A-40.T. 1-CHA1R shop; 1 living rooms. U 311, bee. HTll ST. UUUINKHS & REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CO. liai dwai e. gruveia. hotel, pool rooiils, burner soup, aaiuons. etc., for sale; some good bat gains in l eal estate. Ill M. Hill ell., tweond Hour, lOUUK 1 and 1 Ed Rotnviy, i risidetit. FOR riALE IJtU, only grocery store, within 3i blocks; living rooms; good busi ness, lent. 41tf per liiulith. leaiout lor this sacritive. Aduiess ftUi and Cji.ij Ave. Automatic Phone Hud's, li: rtsidence, 11 l liAU 'IT FULLY fuiuUhcd l-rooni huii4 spHitinent; spieud d locatiou; waiaaig ti.a tancr. I buiie Rsd eXi.k FUR BALE tsmuil stock nii.liiii i , oveiytti ng new; voi juculiull. ..iiluli.j 1 I, tuie Dee. WANTED Yoc.tg man to join two Other young melt In well cslubllsnu paying business. fcM) luyuued. aiusl tti a iiutiler and one witu utiice cxpxiiciics l.ieioirud. ii ials Due. FOR BALE Hotel; three pool tables, barber shop, doiiig good business, Will Invoice aud sell Iwi' cent on tho dol lar. Address Y If. Hee. CLOSE in business corner, with uuto garnge for salo at a great bai'Kulii or tiado couaidvred. tca J. W. RAbP CO., t Prtndits Pldg. GROClOlty, price ' i5 If taken st once. Investigate. Webster l.Vu. F.VEIlY person knows who D. J. O'Prieu is bscauee lie liai rutiio Omaha liinums with bin canity. If Mis. J. W. Medlen, LSI Bo. tilth Ave., wltl emus to 1 he lies office within three days we will t;le her all order for a UO-ceiil box of O'Hrleii's candy free?. A M ANCFACTI'llINO concern denlrea to offer a He beslness mini In 'each state or large e'liy uppurtuiiity to handle a Mate. proiMifclt.ini tor tlieia, msnuH liK of fice and v.ar. House, party must come weil ii-eommehdcci. okia-v, tta Co., Okla homa City, U. f. A. Ituorulng HoRsee for Sale. few Ksrr.sm. S-roim , it.odern rooms; uays full. Kt aon.tbte tor easli. ul Acuustle Cuinaaales, GENERAL Acovistic company; tnnira. ments lur the deaf. t,U Om. Nat, Lank. Accountnuts, ( M. D. THOMAS. l:q CltyNat. Bank. AlUHienieats. DANi-lNG-Tou are invited to dance wttn the uiuvui.cft .iiiiciiik c.ud every ru..iiiiv evening m 1'raterniiy halt. wi. and Harney. Adunsiou ic. Ha. or. cner-tia. PI" FORK and after tho shows v:t th, OLVMPIA for lee en am and candles. Architects. C. J. Howell. arcliHtct, 6VI Hrandei tutf Artesian Wella. L. K NEUERGALL. 1CU-U City Nat'L MICA ROOF1NU CO.. lug 8. io-.li. Altoraey C. W. FlilriJ. attuiusy. :;; u. or Trade. UuS U HALL. IAWYKlt. 4.s kit. Asiswursta, " APDITORIUM roller ruik. nut. . Or .ns bund, elegant floor and the Ut bteS IIIHl IIIUII'T wuir. lo..e i.eil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ! y at baatts, ?-c. BUSINESS PERSONALS Aenln and Teats. OMAHA Vent Co. Tel. S22 Douglaa. Ilsggiige ami Taslreks. THE ONLY WAV. r.. !.- ile.k'd to destination. Tail. cabs and touring caia. Tel. Uouglas TAX1CAHH. tl an hour. D. JTJ, Dae; linaafactnrrrs. T F.M13 OMAHA UAO CO.. Omaha, N. Uakerire. TIP-TOP bread the bet. Wclister 1T A. B. COKOS. bakery. Webster CI 41. LOMK8TIO bakery; 0'iality. 2406 Cuming. Hill Pntttoif. OUAHA Till Posting Co.. Douglas K3I. UnlMlna and lean Assnelatloas. NFTinASKA FsvlnRs A Losn Associa tion bss never paid less thsn 4 per rent dividends. Investmenis from II to 15.000 received. lflQj Karnn-n St.. Omaha. ltrber Uop. rinST C'LAKS tarber Miop. mz 15th. HAWK liHOa.. bnrber stiop, 6 Leavenworth. - lies Klilfi Isiber shop, tonsorlal arti'tl. Doc. H. H. Ktenort. Iinlr cutting. 217 fl.l&th Ideal Lady llarber Khop. W. O. W. bldg. ricyeles anil Motorcycles. Omaha Pieycle (.'o . 101 h and Chlrairn. Indian Mntot eyelet. Write for catalogue Illlllnrd ami Pool ilatl. THK new AU-f-nr-Hen b:illn-d nil lots V(a Howard, ('has. K. Johnson, prop. Hint Itorce. Pinn. iIors. gnA fish. riirs. Geisler Plrd Co.. 101? Furiiam St. Max Dot anil rsrkaas Maanfactarers. Wcodn Cox A Fackaga Co.. K14 N. loth. t erpen ters and Contractor, V. P. Deverell, contractor. Panics Bid. htevenson. carpenter, cont. Both phones, A. L'nborg. carpenter, contractor. II. UI7L Carpets, notes est Draperies, i. II. orcutt & Son Co.. 11th & Farnam, POT.nAI?. & TO r,J " rcar I Uliln X KAJ. pot. Rllk port,enl. pots, ;s a 24. carpet cleaning. Z Klec. Vao. Cleaner, rent, 11.75 Cay; W. 2918 Caterers. E. P. Fa. wedding cakes. :;u Lesr'h Chiropodists nad M anlcnrlnr tVi. nOT, chiropodist 1G05 Farnam. Prof. J. Lund, chropodlet. 41S Korbsch Mnnlioif Chiropodist, manicuring, .UCHIIlf.lt dressln hair aoort. City Kat'l Bank. Douglas 2X13; Ind. A-2X18. Clears and Tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co.. 1413 Douglas. La Trudi blgh-grade Havana. ie-ue-ca cigar, 6a TUB Sanitary Crown Pipe. 110 U. ufh. Monopnla Cigar Btore. Ilor Grand Hotel CTcnnerr- sail Clothes Oyer. JNGHAMAN'S Sultorlum, m S. Mth, D 4U7. Full tli-es suit for rent. Clothing; Manufacturers, Wear Idaal dress shirt. M. E. Smith Ca f oal Dealers. roweri-Heafey Coal Co..' Tel. D. SSJ, Putter Feed el Coal Co.. JiM Far. H. 541 COAL J At cut price. All KINDS. We save uu Wo to 11 r.0 per en. "The Houis of Uuallty Coal. llorenblstt'H Cut Frieo Coal Co.. 12:,1 Niclio'us S'-. llotii 'Phone. Vpdlko "qunllty yd.. 4."i A Dodge. . H. 737. KEEDER COOKING COAL I, El' Mb TELL YOG AboGi' IT D. liW. 4J. A. WEJTtolRFlELD. A-13fJ. C. rl. Johnson, coal, ism lsard. 1 'phones. NEW coal Sard, 14th and Grand A (leoinc 10. Cobb, Coal Co. W. tttl. li COAL, it good, try It. Ask Webitsr liii. Harmon 4k Weeih. OHI you lataulse lal! Tho money saver. Jeff W. lleufurd Co. l!tn Phones. COAL HILL tor icunoniit.;! coal. I'hotis us; I. olii puunes. HOOD basket coat. Cull Cronn... r.i Co. Douglaa ZDtlJ. guick delivery. I of tee, Tea, Mpleea nnd Sugar. Moyune Tea Co.. iH N. 1C. Uoth phonea Crtaiucries, Dairies ud Supplies. Mlik, ereaiu. FrniU-luc. Aiamlto. D. 411 Faltmonf Diadcro butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANV ELGIN SanHaty i'Ulry. Epper0i, i)ra proprietors Douglas Co. Milk I'loiiuceii' A8SU. D. Uli. ColleoOou Agraclca. RU6SKLI. ADJUSTMENT CO.. l.! Fusl atloual imiut. Douglas Xnl. . JOSEPH 1'. CI LLEN. collection, of n.; kinds. i2t'i City .Nut I tuuk. o. iiio. A-4tu4. leiiipullMg! Rentes ('ouipuuy. MONEY Wejjhl fcule Co. JU17 larnam. (rule a4 litvrt CelUaa, CARTEU blctil Metal Won.. Omaha, Ueattata. - I.al'ieV. t''10 t".ii. .W city .Vtt; r Taff tlenul rwouis. iilf DoUa. o. DR. FlCUl-b. ill-3 Cli Nat i Uk PK. DAlLKY. UU Di Slides U;Gg, u aTJi ur. ;'J2: ma store Dr. O.A. Gsaiaucr, 71;'-HClty Nut,i. DR. W lLLl-VMs. -td--i UiaV.CttWud lit. 11. v Ada int.. .N. K. Cur, lulu .if d3uT Dli. ELaTLR, w. CUy Nat I Da. fctiatf Uauvtua; Aratleutiee! ' Turpln'Si SS raxtoa L;. Ciusse Mon Wed. audbttl- Pnv; itssoi.e Cay, uTIJZx Mul Jilu ,. .uuct.,fc liUni jqwliua - - "mil puul. Macki s l aiimig Academy, ImTWeT7 L..y ..ass atoi... ipuis.. aac .i"'' Ml art EMllEU LosMlUcs scooTol claucii.g. .UvtiopoliiKu.ciuo, tjul mr' 1' M ..eniout every rtuay avtuinJ"! p. 111. pnune Doug.us lSa.7. "Jg. ' Miss Jewul aimpsou. Ti, wPi."t.r MISS MARY COLL'ri claae and a tembiies iv-opeasu. Cieianm,, iIlMia nau. lH .u"u,u- ' UcuJ te t-v tiling- Tel. W. &U.J. Ucuty DrvsiuaUla, LADHri Tallorliig. gowns and fes.a Mnt.es Wltliauia and Oudway rTiu,,, , Lorn abroad. Ui N. . Apa.fi,.;:1" I lat-ry't Dituiak i.g ColUfce. Wu 4 t4. BUSINESS PERSONALS DrrmmaLlsg Cestlssei Dreismaktng, plain sewing, tn S. (1st St, Xresmaklng by day. Phone Web. 3714. Testa Coulter, drefsmaklug, G19 McCague. WANTED A good lady pnrtner In dresBmsklng business; references ex charmed. I4i California. Tyler 1174. Drvaalsts. ItEX Drug Store. lth and CallfcrnJa. Pure Drugs. Crsssey I'har., 24tb Lake. Detectives. omsha secret service detective atren.-v. inc. bonded. 4JS- paxtu.1 Hk. D. l.!Ut. A-1J1J CA PT. T. CORMACK, U7 Karbach Plk. JAR. ALLAN. Neville Plk. Tyler 1U. Iver thlusr Klectrlcal. Central Electric Co.. fixtures. D. IX. nuraci!B-Granden Co.. 1611 Howard. D. fsi L'tctrlo lighting fix. wnolesale and retail PECXlND-H AND ELKCTUIO FANS', avhsmos. iKnltinK (lyiii.i. motors r. ialrs. Leliron, Eli ri. Uth 8t. Doug. 2i;i M. J. CURRAN. wlrlhg. U. CS1. Johnston Electric Co., 411 H. loth. D. iot. potn ti. Co. Motor repaying. D. bi4l aVlorlsta. A. D inahuo, 19)7 Farnam. D. 1001. A-lOOl. JL.Nbli.N. florist, 4G1! Leavenwortb. HL8H & BWOUODA. 1U4 Farnam St. btawart'a, florist Sc sidsmen. 111 N. It. TAULSEN, Florist. 1713 Brown t UUANDE18 FLOR131. L'randels liltli. I HE.NDli.KaO.'. 1&1 Farnam. D. Uoa bATH g, FLORI3T6. Boyd Theater fcdg. BIiNNETT'8, cut flower. Doug. W. Fnroaeea mm Stove) Ilepulre. KUP.XACB AND h'lOVE P.KPAIRs'to fit our store or heater. Netf furnace, laundry tunk heaters, gas I. eaters, ther mostat and comltination warm air and hot water heating Omaha Htove Repair Works. 100-uos Dougiaa bt. Tel Douglas ICO. Ind. A-Stil. A. MONROE, Agt. for the Modern Nov. elty warm air menace; estimates cheer fully given. Doug. 08. M H. 18th. Olson Bros., furnlca repair. 2570 Leav'to, T1L11ANE U f- e"raPe. furnaces AJ-u.nxxi.ixj furnace repair. D. mi. W. H. lieaton, Amer. furnace. 11, tiM. A. MONROH, agent for the Modern Novelty warm air furnace; estimates cheerfully given. Doug. 4006. 4Qt 8. lath Flocr Mao lei Omaha. UI DIKES Pride uf Omaha Flour. reed Mills aud Store. Feed, all kind. Uienooe Mill, CT Isard. Faaadriea. McDonald bras and bronae foundry, alu minum, tin, lead caalinga. loth 4k Jackson. Furs. West. Fur. Co., repairs remodel. 1324 Far. Groceries and Meatat Cbipman'a quality meat. 2408 Cuming AHAMO Coffee. 1-lb tins, SOc. Ask grocer Harness, saddlery, Leather Goods, FAMOUS Collin saddles. Alfred Cornish aV Co.. U1U Farnam. Write fur catalogue. Wlchert, harness, leather goods. CO a 11 llespttals. WISH MEMORIAL, ;mh and Harney. Dethany Hospital, iM Marcy. D. 2oii4. BWEDlBll MISSION HOSPITAL. i"w phones, g'i'tsi N. 4th fet. lasnrauee. H. E. UYKNE, surety bonds. Inauran;. 'tel. D. Ink. A-luuJ. utu v.ity i,au ilk. INHERE In the. Woodmen of the World. Tl world aieattwt organisa tion. ALFRED O. KENNEDY. lit e unu ibtnauu itisuiaoce. iiit FUMl Nfti'l Lau. ijoutt. John Dale A riou. insiu-a,nce. Raiuge. INbURE IN THE GLEN FALLd. Ithodes-Monlgomery Co. Ins. Haing m AALK TO ViiiUY. "Hi policy placer.' ' irosi ssg Wire leucine. Anchor VeacH Co.. 'Ml N. 17th. Tel. Red S1A. jevtclry, Dlauiunds and Watches. GET your bargain at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jeeuy cnu.e, iub d. luth. OI EN up a charge account with u. A Maimtt'Ovia. Jeweloi". ltiii Barnaul. GET your bargains at ReynolUu' Cut Rale JcvtolO' r-tore. ltu 8. ltitli. Jewelry aud cloth:ng bargains. 201 S. uih. Itaudrlcs. FRENCH Hand uaundry. Tel. ll.'tsit. 1ST-CLAHS laundry: guaranteed deliv try. Call cu short notice. Harney 41 KMERdON Laundry, IXi K. Loth phones. 4th bt Guurantec Laundry High-grade work. Doug. vJii . LlKhtalac Reds. Nebiaxka Lightning Rod Co.. N. 17th. Macaroul Maaaraotarera. tklnnei s tr.arcaronl & spaghetti; pk., 10c. Luiubur. II. Grors Lumber & Wrecking Co.-Bar Kerns in iumhj.i, K""""."e. inacninery and steam tiniiM.. huu muc wed. 24. Milliner)-. " " PEN'NELL. Mlllenejy. l'axton Rloclt Latest fall nnllneiy. Rauber.,i4:4 s. ih. Slenuuteats aad alaaaoleants. J. F. Bloom & Co.. 17U and Cumlnj Sts. Slaslc, Art and l.atfaars. " ITAXSF.NJ" - lnr f e!rlonet STli WN1-'' E" n'her. sight oiu n leading. WS ti. tliU. i jIIjl II. J. Dock, ainglug, piano. Davidfte Rik, MARTIN W El'Hll.. pianist and or fanisu U lialdrige Uia. Haruey mi Movtag, etoraue and (lrualog. OMAHA Van as Etorage Co., ,j..nl your carpeta oh ywur lioorsj electee taeuum citauers. wh . Itto; jot x;ia, Dvua- y MOV1NQ 'no ni furniture. tor gage Co. laua EL Mary Ave. D. kn CALL Vernor for tuovli'g and f're proot tort.e. Office, A -ini Dull n. WAREHoLsE. 'iyier 111. D-iil. fcXPREbb.ME.N'8 Delivery CoXiumoT' (umiture pacaiiig; Xneproot stjjatt. c.iy ellic. mt ri. Liu. Doug. 4W. Ind. Twin City Express. Ul Howard. Uoth Tel. Fui uituie mov. ; men. tl per hi. W. i HOUl'ETT. express and storage. W. 47J CU Eiprcss & Storage C.. Itik Cap. Aa BUSINESS PERSONALS 'Continued.) Optlrlaas. B. T. Wurn, fitting at rep's. 4(3 Brandels. M r:KT me at Aarnn'r. b'.th nnd Farnam. EYES tested .mil nli'r"n ex pettlv fitted.. 1)K.N T. OUICCi'l. lie?. optician. F-TES EXAMINED, GLASSES FITTED tj itisiactioti guaranteed, iiutesou L'vti. Cat CO, ili . Pith bt. GET yotir eyes examined by a licensed cptumctrlst; save your eyesight, aUj money, bandwall Jewelry Co., 3ea t). i6tn Oatrnpatby. Alice Johnson. Krandeis The. nidg. ICalheryn Nikolas. S34- Ilrandeis Theater. Oysters. Cavld Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only, relate anil Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 11WV4 Farnam. Ind. A-JSl; Douglas 4750. We do Picture fra.iiint! and gluing. Fpeelal Discount tills month on Paint, Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. l'aln.era. Fuchs. Fon & Blind, painting, decorating. Patents. HIRAM A. RTURGEB, patent lawyer, I!, f. and foreign putents, trademarks and coyprlghts; years experience, IW Ilrandeis Theater Pldg. Tel. Doug. Ztojd D. O. Parncll, Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllatd Eddy. U. S. Pat. attorney and Solicitor. 1UK' Oily Aat. Bk. Tyler lUw Taper Companies, Western Pn;:er Co.. 15th and Howard. Pawnbrokers. Bargains In watches, overcoat. Ml N. U Phonoirrapbs. KDISON phonographs, Schuits Bros., 1400 Farnam. rhatoarraptier. Rlnehart, photographer, lsth & Farnam. O'Neill, artlatto photographer. 18 8. ISth. Candberg a Etudlo. 17 S. llith. Taks elev. MANGOLD BTUDIO, laa) DOUGLAa. Uemtratidt studio, portraits. 20 & Faro. rhotoaraphers Dnppiles. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO 1813-15 Farnam. In their new tore; branch lore, DOB So. lath. Phystclaas. DR. i:LE.VNOn DA1LEY. wertli. Red S1C7. an wool- I'l ambers. Omaha numbing Co., !G12 Sherman Ave. plumbingCall Wessman. H. 3081, A-2017. Usverness & Ohye. Tyler 1377. A-15.5. Plumbing and Heating LJH REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackaou Bt D. 1477. T. F. " DADFE, plumbing and heating. 1007 Howard bt. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-:'74l Plating". OMAHA SILVElt CO.. 314 a Uth. Neb. Plating & Grinding Co.. 1313 Howard. ' ' Printing-. PERFECT typewritten letter mad la largest western letter factory. Mangum 4t CO., Printing. Hue Doug, both pnones. 11. Ledyard, printer, tin 8. 18. D. J613. Lew. W. Kaber, Printer 't,'SSu?oi. UEE.DLDG. L.MltAACE ON COURT. AM. Pi luting Co., 'iH Cuming. D. iiHi. Phone ind. A-2uilu lor good printing. Lngbtad Printing Co., luth 4k Capiiol Ave. Rcls-Hall Ptg. Co. 1U9 a 14th. Ind. A-iiiJt TlilEd Printing Co.. a.1 d. laih. D. Utid. Hcstaarants. JOHNSON CAFE, under new manage. nielli, LiKst iileM... wO o. into ot. Drcxel cafe; popular prices. 62$ N. 16th. L'NlcjCE Kestauiant, 1V7 8. 14th; llrst class mop fcuey iiouhc; American and Chinese utslies. tfam joe, manager. Baxter's fine quick lunch. 1614 Farnani. GET Hie habit; eat at Lnceda, Cap. Ave. New Eng. bakery, best lunch, m N. uth. Uttl Hungry, good meal. 117 n. Utt UALT1MORE cafe; everything in eason" pst service, good coofciog. ,tH n. loth. ' EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKlNa. no b. isth. 1'pituna, MODEL lost., beat service. Itju Howard. (iONZALES, Spanish Cafe, 1016 I"ainam. PARDEE'S Cafe; Quality, good cook ing; une llnuois. i'nvuie ditnug jooins. Vjm rurnuiu. HOME cooking. Morns Cafe. 31ii 8, khuriuaLrrs aad MtluluK Parlors. Nebraska Machine hhoe Rcnalrlng Co. Good sou while you imi, ,! b. iula a' C. Morgan, lat -class ho) repairs ao? Leuy Csonka Likl.. Macli. bbue Kepaiia. els B. liilh bt. tiporttng Goods. NEW shopworn gun at low pricea Townsend Gun Co.. ial4 l arnum. tamaarringr aad Mattcrlae. BTAMMERINU and atuUering curi(i JULIA VAUGHN. Kamge Uldg. "a' btcvl Tank ud Culvert Coaapanlea. NEBRASKA and low Steel Tank Compuny, Hth aud Nicholas. D. lis. teograiter Sail Court Reporter. MTRTt.E t. KEI.LEY. depositions. o:j. 'M lJieud'-is 'i heater. D. iiiii Estell P. Klcbards, Bteuo. Millard hotel. Store aud Olllue t-'lx teres. T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co.. storm window mill work. Web. iu77. 1JOV-17 X. Mth at Sterut Doors aud Windows. Omal'.a Wn'dow born. Co. C: N. I( D. 4S3J latlorlagr. M. F1NKEL, tailor. t4J7 Leavenworth. WHEN DRESSING you often find yourself diacontr .nted w'lH Jour owu apptiaibhce. V li p.rtiaps Our fcei incut ti.t nt. ut .uck lhe ry latest hImh :,i u.niun 1 uu would uu well consulting isorda ilie peit filter and leiuudoiler vu ladies' and gents' aartneiiis. -M fioui 1.: iK'Ugis 1' WW'. Pnoae Dmvi. WK. ie no located at K. Pitao block. B. O. lluflntr Tailorlug Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Dunham 4c Dunham, fit suits. n . u. Maiony. lai'or. Si'l S. 14th. Suits (JU to 14 vuu TAIIXjKS We make bbrh-riTIZ UcaU; rauuabiu prtees. ijj Euu.i slut. BUSINESS PERSONALS Tailoring; Coatlaard. JOHN A. RTI.EN. tailor, make g.od Clothes. 4'C 8. lit h. D., R. A. Williams, clothes altered. 24 A Lake. Taxidermists. Ac I absurd. 17C1 Leavenwort:;. Dott(t. .".11 Tent aad Awnlogs. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. 122 Douglaa. Trunks aad Salt Cases. Frellng & 8(elnlc, 1SC3 Farnam St. Turkish lint lis. Ladles' gents' Turkish baths. 15 Doug. I'mbrellns. WESTERN t'mbrella Co.. 1S?3 Farnam. Wig Manufacturer. BEE Monhell'a wigs, toupee. 413 8. 11 D. . Gifith, wig fnfr.. 12 Frenxer blk. Wises and Ltiuor. Meyer Klun, wines and licinors. OS. !o. uu. i.uxxijix ,,,,, ot Uuuort an(, cigar. Cafe In connection. Ul b. 14th at. MAT & CO.. family liquors. 1203 Douglas. Cuslck Eros., liquors, cigars. 30th Ames. C. EnceUander, liquors, clgarr. 1012 Dodge. Automatic Phone Bus', 2; residence, tl T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. L02 N. 18th. WILLOW springs beer, liquor, cigars, nndwlches. ' Alex Jeles, IMi Douglas. Automalia Phone Doslnens. tl; res., $1. Ixiltnuji, S-yr-old wky, 1'ic drink. 14 & Har. BOfBE N'S FALSTAFF Delicatessen Uutlt ., 'm b. lutli, )oaru ot xraae iiug. Hansen's Family Liquors, Chicago. N A IIOTTSR imported liquor, fine Pl.n.uouOD lunches. 1U1 fio. Hth. The best treat for your wife and baby Is a dish of Daizells ice cream. If C. M. WundMon, ir7:'2 Farnam ht., will come to The Dee office within three day we will give hlin an order for a quart dish of this fine Ice cream. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL. TERM OF Boyles College iS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 6TUDENTB ADMITTED ANY TIM B. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing, Ktenograpuy, Telegraphy, Civil berv Ice and tjaiestnanslnp. The catalogue is ready and free tor the asking, call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, president. Boyle College Building. Omaha. Neb. Tutoring, first to lgbth grade. H. UH. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN '1 HE WEST." Day and evening session all the year. shorthand, Type writing, Bookkeeping, Agiluuiturci, Civil Service, baiesiuuiiaui. a.. A. Zaiiiiian, pres., lain uiid i aruaiu. Dlckerman School for Acting and Voice; platform, atsge, concert, drama; all last tear graduates placed. JMlft Dodge. D. liils ST. BERCH MAN'S Day Academy for young ladles. Zith and rit. Mary Ave. A. POPP. teacher writing, Latin, Ger man and corntL, 1711 Dodge. D 2178. EVERnHINGF0RJfM BUNDLE washing sent for, nicely don and delivered. Douglaa 471. NEW machine that cleans carpets and rugs wltnout udst. Call aud a iu Tei. A-iiil. efl Branaoia faldg. iHE IDEAL PLEATING CO., dress pleaungs. button covered, all sixes and styles. XUd Doug. Blk. Doug. liUo, A-ljii. Willow plumes mad from old or new feathers, guaranteed. A tl. into. D. twos. CHIQDO. Ladle' Tailor. 214 S. 18th St. l In, made over. Mis Pepper, millinery WW parlor, t14 8. lUi. uarney suus. Rubber good. Bell Drug 1:0., uit Farn LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Ro blocked. KAMSER. HATTER, m ti. Hth. SHERMAN, ladlea' tailor. Hayden Bros. DEF1NANCE STARCH made In Omuha. CURTAINS, BLANKETS. AND FINE LACE BED SETS CLEAXvKD. DOUG. Z7U PRIVATE economical cooking lesson. We baler tai. AFTER a day' work a little recreation Is welcomed. We will give to Fred Haas, lblo N. 27th St., South Omuha, an order for a pair of scats to the Woodward stock company at the American theater if he will come to The Bee office within three daya. - YOUR Inspection Inviled to eeo the grund display 01 magnificent handwork in tue Oriental Bazaar, Our prices are extremely reasonable. Ono trial will convince you. li. AZIM, 1S23 PAKNAM ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aueats and Malcawumcn. I.ADT KEPRESE.NTATIVEri-In towns and cities to act as local agent for Paris Ian model corsets. An excellent oppor tunity Is offered for permanent income. Write -nt once f1r territory and terms. Hesik D-o I'arislati Cornet l'o., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clerics I and tiff lee. Automatic Phone Bus's. $2; residence. 11 WANTED Young woman clerk in candy dept. Apply li. C. Phelps, Brundeis Stores. WANTED Young; lady of refinement for reception rovm and ttudio; referenda required. R. W4. Dee. Factory and Trudra. - , FirTEF.N girls, at once.' to uork a Lag deportment. Bfcinia Omaha Bag Co' Uth and Jone 81 EXPERIENCED waitress report ready for work. GirVian'S uiUi, XZOH Howard. WANTED Girls to wrap Woodwsro s F.eul Butter Scotch and Woodward's Pure Sugar stick candy. J oh 11 g. Woodu vj-j is Co. Council Bluffs, la. llousekrepere nad lluiiit-sttcs. nonpaeeilTlaunijii r co. Tel Doug, is' I. Wagons ca.l everywhere. SHIRTS JN SAM1ARW COVERS. Women for day work funibshed, D. Sst THE HF.KVAN7 GIRL PROBLEM 6OLVKD Tin Bea will inn sour Dome, tic Help Wanted ad FREE until yU4 get the desired results, tlriiitf your ad 10 Th Be nlt.ee or telplioua iyiBr 1 WANTED A rook, llainey iJCi AN experienced lrl for second work- mail laini'y and good waits. 4uj h. i,in Av WANTED A g-trl for general house work; OO objt-cllou to colored tul. ii Uth SL WANTED Girl for general housework UU Georgia Are.; siail family, fi09ti sge- GOOD ladles clothe troner; stead ttork and go d pay. rJ07 leaven worm at W ANTED Giil to wofk for oo ae : bulii. ii DoUgo SL HELP WANTED FEMALE llopscltce pers It ml Domestics .ont'd Gir.L frr trcmrri hotu'cnoik nl 4"i N. lilt., uniill l':i n-.il-. WANTED a p;iii for Reneial hi.ie wotU. olj S. iuth Ave., of iii'l Dotiyius. GIRL for tni'tnl honvov.orlt. Call Rei tJ'iS, or coil ul -!,". b uriiuni m. GIRL fur kitchrn; c-o 1: at Lari co"k KS) St. Mary's Aw. (III'.I, for ccncirtl l.o.iii-.w j! k; sn-rl fumlUv; N. it'll. EXPERIENCED pii 1 771. ne'i ariToTTg".' Work. ll'J So. 37t It St. I hotm linrn. y s.y. COMP10TKNT rlrl for ttr-neral l,oo?c vor!, faniilv of Z. 110 tv:ti;iiii j. A'U'ly m 1.J2 S. 4'.'th St. ' ' ('.lit I, to do general housework: umii.l (iitn!l ; with rrlc relieve. .Mis. c. . Bcw man. Harney 1.4. WANTED Competent girl or womr.n for gencial hotisewoik for good mte town In Wyoming. Ji per nicmii. D caro Bee. WANTED A competent Birl for (ten ernl housework; siuhII family; good wage. Call at -i." N. 30th St. EXPERIENCED piti for i-enernl house work; two In iunuiy. Aiply Hi North 20th. Douglas ilZV. WANTED A cook; no washing; refer ence;'. Mrs. Joseph Darker, Jjoo S. elh St. Doiik. J.'iiO. GIRL for general tiotteework; small family; foot! wages. I'M S. tptli Ave. WANTED Good piti fur general house work. Bmnll lumlly, food wage. Mrs. Harry Nott, 4ol! Farnam St. WAN 1 ED A school f,irl tor light housework for board ana room, good home with man and wife. Doug. 22i. WANTED Girl for general housework, 4 rooms; can go homo nights. Call Red C454. GOOD colored citi want position es llsht housework or laundry by tho day. Cull Webster 2472. WANTED At once, girl or middle aged lady to lioip with housework and taking cure of Infant, one wifihlng steady Job and good home, will pay $4 per week; two and infant In family. Address Box 3U.i, Ord, Neb. GIRL to assist in housework. S315 Hurt St. Telephone Harney 10;'8, EXPERIENCED house girl; very good wages. Appby log So. 33d St., or phono Hurney Has. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 6110 Under wood Ave., Dundee. Phone Harney 260. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; small family; beat wages. Ill N. US Ave. Phono Harney 24.'. WANTED A g!nl for second work ap ply Clurkson Hospital, 21st and Howard. WANTED A good, competent cool; with rcterenccs. Apply liOti S. 22d Ave Tel. Harney 2n. GIRL for peneinl housework, small family, good wages, good reference.-). CIO 8. 35th Ave. COMPETENT girl, peneral housework, small family, pood watres, nn wasbliiir. 701 S. S7th St. Phone Harney 1020. YOUNG girl to assist with housewoii;, Call B-1SM or Harney 1832. WANTED A good colored girl for Gen eral housework; must be a Rood cook: family of two. References. 3J1 Dewey Ave. Harney 3753. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 3U10 Dewey Ave. Phono Harney 2SU6. COMPETF.NT Blrl for general house work. 611 So. 29th Ave. Harney 2493. WANTED A (rirl for general house work; good wages. 623 So. 2Gth Ave. Doug. 8130. ' WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework; small family; no wnahinu. 2102 Ihnn-lna j AN experienced pirl for general house work; family of three. Dr. E. R. Tnrrv 3K03 N. 2Sd St. GIRL to help with house work, mom for romnnnlnn than u-m-L Ti...nH ster t61. Good home for good girl. Miscellaneous. TOUNO women coming to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit tne Youn. Women's Christian associaiion bulldlns! at St. Mary Ave. and 17th St., whore they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at tn- Union Station. GIRLS to learn hairdresslng; prices reasonable. Oppenhelm, 230 City Nationul Bunk Bldg. EVERY person, knows who D. J O'Brien Is because he has mndo Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. W. 1) Preyn, 2735 Caldwell St., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box -of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE A seats, Salesmen aud Solicitors. WANTED-Peoplo to sell books. Holme Co. First clas proposition. Pax ton Hotel, Omaha. Cull Tuesday after noon and Wednesday. WANTED Salesman calling on grocery trade-in Omaha lo handle a good line on commission. Give references. Address 1 Hi, Bee. I WANTED salesman; money maker for rii;ht party. Address or call af teruoons. Lurch, Pa.ton Hotel. WANTED three salesmen. Call Doua las 1101. . 0 SALESMEN wanted, representing west ern Oregon lands; high clues subdivision fruit aud garden Hucta in Wlllametto Valley. Apply to ownuis, t-.'S ilrandeis Theater Bldg. CALIFORNIA. Agents wanted to sell stock In one of the hlggeut properties of southern Cali fornia. A going paying company. Morj money needed tor improvements and ex pansion. Will pity large dividends. Lest of references. Liberal commission u agi'nts Will advertise locally ;;ud scud literature. Give experience and refer ences, Jno. A. Pinie tt Company, w, Union Tiust Bldg., Los Ar.yi.les, C;;i. 1 J". AGENTS wanted limi.-ieiiintily to handle our beautiful lino of lioliiiuy look.;. Interests readers of all aires. Can easily make 2i to f;"0 a week until Xntiis. Com plete outfit free. Send 2x.- lor cott of mailing. The Thompson Pub. Co., Si. Louis. I.nJIcs and gentlemen. Look. see. Tho Little Wonder gas maker, bcincr Uemun vtralid nt l'.il l'arnuin Own yojr own Kan nt o;ic-liali umi.i1 cert. CITY salesmen. W. A. Ilixenbattcli Jfe Co.. UU St. Mary's Ave.. Tel. D. Blfigest and best IJc mealr. 1310 Dot! jr. SIDE LINE for I ravelin salesmen; fcood seller. 2v7 LraiiUels Theater, umulia. Neb. Money maker tor aeenti'. C07 Erar.di?!. Tlois. WANTED Several tmstworthy bos; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 313 S. 13th K:. ROT wanted, 14 or 17i years of a:--e; ono who can ba traveling coinpatuuji pre ferred; splendid oportunlty lor profes sional training. Apply Prof. J. Eiinire. 115 N. a-jtli St. 4 1e;al aud Office. BOOKKEEPER tor flrst-elas wfco'r. sal house. Don't reply un'ess you are euuipelent aud expr;eiiced. J. lu!. Lee. WANTED Experienced dress goods salesman at ouca, Av" "''I'lsuat ul t.Ma. b nr.,