Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 10, Image 10

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Worland Wizard Hai Accompliihed
Much for Farmen in Wet.
la Ilia Rxprrlmrnfal Work It Ifaa
rrntnrrd Wheat that Will
I Vlrld mm High mm riltf '
Baahrla to the Apr.
To grow grain a did the farmer
quarter of a crntury npo and follow the
rami olj methotis Is on thing that 1"
easy enough, but to crow grain and mak
four, flv, alx and even a dnsen stalks
grow where ona grew before, thus In
creasing the yield many fold, la quite an.
other. This, however, has been ncoom
pllsliod by H. C. Iluffum of Worland,
Wyo., a man known all over (he rouritry;
a man who lias out-Uurbnnked Hurbank,
but who la too mndprt and unassuming
to lay any clftlme to the irrent work that
he haa arcomlinhed for the promt and
the coming generations.
In the main hull at the Omaha lanii
rhow, In a booth to the rlKht of the main
entrance, are found an exhibition of the
Iluffum prod una. liurtmnk haa bred and
Interbred the fruit and flowers In 111
t'allflornla fields, working on produrt
pleasing to the palate and tha eye, but
Huffum has turned hla attention to the
grulns and hni brought about the desired
For fifteen years Prof. Iluffum had
charge of the agricultural section of the
Utterly Wretched
Xorrons Prostration X,ong rndnred Be
fore Xemedy Was roncd.
Miss Atlrterva Ttemlnirep T'hiu. tua,n
Ta., writes: 'Tor aeveral years 1 had
nervous prostration, and was utterly
wretched. 1 lived on bread and beef
tea berause my stomach would not ra
tain anything else. 1 took many rein
n ea tint (ttiialno.1 i.m .it
' . - " I " irim unill 1
took llood'a Haraanarllla. when I began
l-ure, rich olood nmkns good, n'roni
nerve, and this In why I laud's Sarna
rarlllu. Which urlflea anil anpl.k.. . ...
lilon.1 r U ram la manu ....... .1 1
tlet It today In uauul liquid form or
inuiuwivu wuian laiiva naxsataba.
t'nlvorslty of Wyoming at Laramie.
For years he co-operated with tha experi
mental stations In a number of tha west
ern slates, being a director on tha agri
cultural boards. A few years ago, how
ever, he felt that there was another place
where ha could be of more benefit to
mankind and then be established his
breeding fields at Worland, where he has
since resided, working early and late
among his grains and grasses, which are
his pets.
.ew Alfalfa Is (irons.
Prof. IJuffum has given special at
tention to tha breeding of alfalfa and as
result he has grown seventy separate
and dlntlnct varieties, four of them being
hla own hybrids. Me haa crossed and
reerosned and hand peritonized this forage
plant until now ltd has one variety that
grows to a height at nine feet and pro
ducts four to six tons per acre and three
cuttings per year. It Is more hardy than
any of tho other varieties and la specially
adapted to tho semi-arid regions.
In carrying on his plunt breeding work
Prof. Huffum has brought forth wheat
that yields from thirty to fifty bushels
per acre.
Tha professor haa given to tha public
tho beardless barley that haa an annual
yield of almost double that of tha old
varieties, and then ho haa made the old
varieties of oats ashamed of themselves,
for out on h i Wyoming breeding field ha
haa croseed and crossed and reo roused.
until he has a product that annually
turns out fifty, sixty and sometimes as
high as eighty bushels per acre. It has
tuken years to do this, but It has been
accomplished and tho seed Is producing
lis kind, regardless of where It is planted,
so that It la In a grain-growing country.
Probably the mutit wonderful seed pro
duction of Prof. Uuffum's rklll Is the
emmer, a grain of the wheat type, Tiav-
ing Immensely large and long heads arid
very strong straw. To produce this hand
pollenialng was followed, crosses being
made with many members of tho wheat
family until a grain that has a maximum
yield of ISO and an average of from DO to
150 bushels per aero was secured.
Display of Kmraer,
In tho Huffum collection of Wyoming
grains the emmer la shown In all stages
of Its growth. When young It looks for
all the world like wheat, but as It grows
the leaves and stems take on a bright,
dark green. Then, coma the heads, great
long ones, attaining a length of five and
alx Inches when lull growth Is reached.
The program today is given over to the ladies of Omaha,
and special features will be added to the regular numbers
Of special interest the lecture, which is divided into
two parts, delivered by Mr, William Bruce Leffingwell
The lecture will begin at 4:30 and will be illustrated by the choicest of
Mr. Leffingwell's 5,000 colored stereopticon slides and motion pictures.
Be sure to attend this illustrated lecture.
This evening another interesting lecture will be delivered by Mr. Leffing
well in lecture hall "A", beginning at 9:30.
A description of the west from the days of the pony express up to the present.
Dr. Frederick IL Miller will givo his demonstration of the Wireless Telephone again this afternoon and evening in tho booth of the
They are not single heads like those of
the wheat, but ono long central one, with
smaller ones on either side. It la the
most wonderful grain In the world for
stoollng, often as many as fifty and sixty
perfoct and producing stalka growing
from a single kernel of grain.
Ground Into flour. It Is mad Into the
finest bread, makes an extra good pastry
flour, is superb for pancakes and when
converted Into a coarse meal makes the
finest and most palatable breakfust food
In the world.
For a stock food emmer Is conceded to
be superior to corn or oats, possessing all
of tha fattening properties of all of the
other grains. And the enormous yield
per acre and the email expense In han
dling makes It ono of the most profitable
of tha grain crops.
Freak Rose Shown
in Burbank Booth
In the Luther Burbank department of
the Alameda county exhibit at tha Land
show Is a rose the like of which - has
never before been seen, for ;iono like It
was ever before produced. It Is the Wil
liam Jennings Pryan rose, called by W.
U, Nichols "Hlxteen-to-One," because It
Whiskey for Cold-
fins roininla for Old Tims Bemefly
Cured Thousands Hers Last'
- -- -- -- -- -r,-.-i--irwi.
The lncr?a.d use of- whlakey for
colds Is causing considerable discussion
among the medical fraternity. It la an
almost Infallible cure when mixed with
certain other Ingredients and taken
i other
iy. Ttl
properly. Tllx as follows: "Two ounces
of Glycerine and a half ounco of Con
centrated Pine compound. Put thesa
Into a half pint of good whlukey. Shake
well and take one to two teaspoonfula
after each -neat and at bed time."
Kmaller doses to children according to
age. This treatment often knocks the
worst cough or cold In a day. Hut be
sure to get only the genuine (Globe)
Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce
bottle comes In a sealed tin screw-top
esse. If the druggist does not have It
In stock he will quickly get' It. Uon't
experiment with cheap, uncertain mix
tures. It Is very risky. Adv.
Stop at the Qootti Showing tire Electric Bloclc Signal.
was found when processed to be com
posed of sixteen smaller roses, closely
united into .one of ordinary else. This
rose la not a Em bank creation, but a
freak which Hie fnmed wlr.ard himself
could not produce. It grew In the garden
of a Mrs. flinons In Oakland, Cal., and
Is tlio product of a Liberty rose seed, but
has no resemblance to the Liberty -roes,
nor to any of the roses which matured on
the same hush. The stem Is flat and two
Inches wide. When analysed by Mr.
Nichols eight arteries were found to be
running through It on either side, each
of thepe feed troughs ending In a rose,
making sixteen In alt, but so closely
combll ed that without a careful examina
tion they cannot be distinguished. The
freak flower was named by Mr. Nichols.
California Grows
Immense Pumpkin
Bouthorn California Is "some pumpkins"
and thnro Is no mistake about' It.
. The Idea baa become prevalent that
pumpkins will not grow In southern Cali
fornia. C. L. Wilson of the Los Angeles
Chamber of Commerce and the man in
charge of the exhibit from southern Cali
fornia, has knocked this Idea Into smith
ereens. . .
In the Los Angeles and southern Cali
fornia booth at-the Land show Mr. Wil
son Is exhibiting eight pumpkins that
aggregate 1,450 pounds, 'the largest 'one
tipping the scales at 2,'K) and tha smallest
at 101 pounds. They were grpwn on a
southern California ranch, the owner hav
ing this year raised enough , of the)
pumpkins to supply - the ' entire ' t'nKed
States with pumpkin pics during the next
six months. Tlie man who raised these
pumpkins had three rows, planted be
tween walnut trees. The rews were each
one-fourth of a mile long and produced
1,39, 1,730 and S58 pumpkins, respectively.
But he had trouble -with the crop. Last
July the vines started out on a Journey
and sumo of them ran out onto fruit
ranches one-half mile distant dragging
tha pumpklna along, tearing up tha soil
and destroying tbo small trees.
Counterfeit Dollars.
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's Nev Life Pills, for constipa
tion, malaria nnd Jaundice. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
New Conditions Necessitate Changes
in Methods of Farming.
Farmers of Today Do Foor Times
tbo Amount of Work that Was
Done by the Previous
James A. King of the Hart-Parr com
pany, declared InVa lecturo at the Land
show that new conditions had necessitated
the modern farm methods and then cited
soma of the advantages of these meth
ods. He said: ,
"Tha agriculture of today is not the
agriculture of yesterday. New conditions
and new problems have necessitated new
methods. The ways of our fathers can
not bo our ways. -
"Fifty years ago one-half the popula
tion of this country lived on farms. Today
not over one-fourth of our population Is
actually living on farms. The farms of
then had to produce twice as muoh as
was consumed on them. Now they must
produce four times as much. The present
day farmer must do twice as muoh as
his father did. The farmer of the future
If your back aches, rheumatic pains
shoot throurfli your Joints and you have
freiuent delre to urinate, painful or
highly colore ! urination, dlszy spells,
It's a sure slrn that the kidneys are
not in good working condition and need
attention. Get tha best remedv .obtain
able. The following formula la one of the
very nest, tiot iroin your druggist a one
half ounce package Murax Compound,
one-half Mince Ilutd extract liuchu
and alx ounces gin. Mix these well
together and rake in doses of one to two
teaspoonfuls after each meal and at bed
This slmpU prescription acts directly
on the kidneys . by cleansing these
sponge-axe organs; also gives them
strength and power to properly perform
their function of filtering the blood of
poisonous waste matter and urlo acid,
and aids to eliminate these Impurities
from the system. In this wav. dread dia
betes, chronlo rheumatism and diabetes
can be avoided. Adv.
will have to do t'ico as much as the
farmer of the present.
"He cannot do this snd use the same
Implements and methods his father used.
If he must do more work he must con
trol more power. This means that he
must use mechanical power Instead of
horse power. There Is a well defined
limit to tho number of horses that one
Hnan can work at one time. In general
that limit is about five or six. If one
ubgs engine power there Is no such limit.
Ho can use the power of twenty or sixty
horses just as easily as he could that of
five or six. In fact he has more abo
luto control of the power of that entfne
than he would have of the five or the six
The Traction Ensrlne.
"Drlefly stated, the reasons why the
traction engine will be used more and
more on the farms as the years come
and go, are these: The engine will do
practically all the labor now done on
farms by horses. It will do It cheaper,
better, surer and quicker than horses. It
reduces the number of men necessary to
farm any certain number of acres. This
leaves more men to go from the farms
and do the other tasks of Uia world.
Since the engine does the work of horses
It saves their feed to be manufactured
directly Into food for man, or else to be
fed to food producing animals, such as
hogs, cattle and sheep. -This means that
the use of a traction engine, the modern
farm horse, will Increase the amount of
wealth that one man can produce on a
farm, and at the same time reduce the
cost of producing, thus Increasing his
net income in both directions.
"For three years I have operated
farms where a traction engine was used
for everything possible. On these farms
we did all the work except planting, cul
tivating and husking the corn crop. We
plowed our ground, prepared the seedbed,
seeded the grain, harvested the crop and
threshed It. An engine was used to haul
the hay wagons and loaders when making
hay, to haul bundle wagons when thresh
ing, to haul the manure spreaders, and to
do al lthe other heavy hauling on the
farm, roads were dragged, roads were
built, twenty-three miles of tile ditch
was filled, open ditches were dug, all with
an engine instead ot horses. The engine
was used because It did the work better
and cheaper than It could be done with
"With an engine such as I use one or
ft mmSnVhUBB. I
two men will do work that would require
five or six men and twenty to thh;
horses. The fuel snd oil for the engine
would cost less than the feed for tin t
number of horses. This means doing t.i
work, cheaper than In the old way. Tlio
engine will also do It better. Because o
the largo amount of power under tho
control of ono man he can do n variety
of things at one time. He can plow and
dink and harrow at one time. He can
harvest and plow at one time. When
seeding on cornstalk ground he can drag
the stalks, double disk the ground and
drill In the grain all at one operation.
This is better v.orlc than can be done
with horses."
A Silken Lustre
To the Dullest Hair
(Fashion's Mirror.)
"Proper care of hair and scalp does
not mean time-consuming and ex.
pensive trips to the hair-dressers. Sim
plicity is the key-note Just an occasion
al brushing of scalp and hair on which
has been sprinkled a tablespooaful ot
dry shampoo mixture. This is brushed
through and 3ut of the hair, and with
It comes all (lust, dandruff and excess
"To prepare the dry shampoo, mix
together eltner 4 ounces of orris root
or corn meal and 4 ounces therox.
Keep In sifter-top can and use once
or twice each. week. After a few
shampoos dull, 'stringy,' lifeless oi
brittle hair grows wonderously soft,
silky and lustrous Continued using
Induces a luxuriant growth. Adv.
Toothache Gum
Used by millions of people for past
Get the genuine DENT'S
AH Drag Stores 15s