13 THE - BEE: OMAIIA, -TUESDAY, OCTOBER -24, 191L WANT ADS Want rt rwrlvinJ at any timo bnl (o lonnre proper clasMfiratloa; vaunt he presented before 12 o'clock m, for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tion. Want ads received after men bonra will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 M cent pe" word un" 1 cent per word for earh subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion made on odd daj-i 1H cent per word. fl.BO per line per month. Rate apply to either The Dally or Punday Bee. Always count l words to a line. Want ads for The Be may be lft at any of the following dm store one is your "comer drugiclst" Je7 ere all branch offices for The B and yonr ad will be Inserted just as promptly and on tbe same rates aa at . the main office In The Bee building. Seventeenth and Feraam streets: Albach, W. C, 4th end Farnsro. La urn Drug Co.. 3621 N. tttb St. Benson Pharmsoy. Benon, . Bemle Park Ptirmwy, 33d and Cuming PersDek. 8. A., 1'! K. Uth bt. Blske-P-radish. Z Sherman A Ceughlln. C. R-, 436 Leavenworth. Clifton Hill i'humtcr. 2213 Military Ae Cooney pharmacy, jrj 8. lth t Crianey pharmacy, 2U and LK Ehler ft Co., tyti Les ven worth. Foster & Arnold!, 'Jl N 2Mb Bt. Freytsg. J. J., 114 N. Nth M. ' Fret!er Drug Co.. 1J N. 1& "- Florence Irug Co., Florence, J"""-,-. Crmn'i Pharmacy, Park Ave. A Pecinc Greejioujrb A fa, 125 B. lh .st Greenough A Co.. low and Hickory. Oolaman Pharmacy. Mth K'JwC. Johanaon Drug Co., 24th and fepelding. Johneou Pharrrscy, ZV '"V".-... Hanacom Park Pner., 1VU B- tttT... Hlnierlong Drug Co., 21st Ave. r Hoist, John, t-l S. 16th ft. Huff. A. L.. Leavenworth. King, H. 6.. Mth and Farnaro. Kountze Plaoe pharmacy, . jMtn. Lathrop Pharmacy. 24tb and hamllton. Mares. Fred L , 21 Central Blvd. Monmouth pharmacy. Kid at Ames Ave. Patrick urug Co.. North m ""j Mratoga Drug 6o-, 24th and Ames Ave. Wainut HllJ Pharmacy. 4tb J-'"i Pehaefer's Cut Price Ktore. loth 4k Cui. Walton Pharmacy, jutn nnu - ANNOUNCEMENTS J.A.UbMLLJlAN, UNDER- tmbalmer. IU4 Chicago bt. P. lfoa, it-isoa UEAFEY & HRAFEY. Undertaker. iU Fdinam. A-JUiu; il. Sn. YOU'LL a.' ways be happy If your wed dlug ring cornea trom lirodegaard'a. lit at. Iain bt At the sign tna oruwa. DO LOLA B Printing CO-. Tel. Doug. GET your diamonds at itrodegaards. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Ni.iaka Fiuu y-o.. l.U Jtarnam, 'lu LOAN JUJ W (ale. In sums ui au.t. am bH nM. Pouue Duum. mu. xajaH CO. BOlLk-K. abtot iron and laoJt work, Omaha Buuuiuiai eleai Works, Lumieie photo, atudlo. lilt Bo. lAttt Ht b. . waters cement con. 141 N. m. W. lvt Mournmg Ukia, 41 iy. tXK, im La v. tdiaon phone roc Bbuili isroa. leue s ar. I.Oijo Lt.1 i't-KiiivAlJ uood UiUd pa ntn. Lvov ouiUMus, i.imj uuiueaa cuua i.aw pi l.tMv, uiu4ite aim aauiptaa tur lUiiUtMl, ouiet' tuiuiiuf tuaiu riiuuug u4 taiuiui. Van Uoraoa a borae, dog noapilalt kitii. U. Iweuty per cent laee'tnan Otnaha pnoea. Tweoty-touna and U aia-. bouui Omaha. Harpkier, paper hangtug, palin g, ii. aim. & U. Cola Elga Co. U. . ui Farnam aiauaard Van bloiage. rc. move. eiure axid ship H. ri. guuua. U. lua.it-aiAk, Linotype compoaltiuu for tiade. I). MJa, GOLD AND UiLVEK PLATlNU. Gag U&turee, brake ouua, slove liuuiulng sud vjtbicwwe icpiacoa as new. UilAiA ll.Ali.Mj CO., Established itu. Doug. Mo. Um llarney. Office Sutiouery Exclusive LlMMiMUM. KO'lLBA u L.vltl' Co. lol. Dougiaa Uuu. Nw addios ilu H. 16to St Mia tultu. Utl.ea' lallur, Juj buaioa store Lpbolsturlng. piaao, luin. rep. m Far. AMERICAN t.tr.l-l.euovatlngCo. ii. (,u FROST manufactures and repalra 4ebicia. llo-iili Leavenworth. C E. bmilh. ail y at law. sU atee. D. ml. Neb. fced Co., Lv Jones, both phones. al. F. Morrill, clijia paint. tM brandela Th BEST bracer for men. Oray's Nerve Foou Pils, 41 per box, prepaid, bhenuaa at McConneil trug Co.. Uiuuia, Nao. Our letter duplicating work la unexcelled. A trial will convince you. Moth phonee. Western Duplicating Co.. 4ui bee bidg. PHOTO gallery, 84 8. 14th 6L. Omaha Neb.. iird.e Porter Benedict photo grapher. Have vour picture takeu here on h.gh grade poet cai'is. gioaay or velvet finlab, 1 tor 51. Cabinets U and IK per doSKQ. Post card views of realdancea, etc.. 14 lor i, ty tor s. 1'" ior ji. John E. Himoe. Shirts. MO Paxton block. FOR a dainty dessert Use Daliell's Ice creanr. K Mrs. E KinK. V.T N. 2tJ St will coins to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a quart of this fine Ice cream. AUTOMOBILES M'INTYivE AUTO C0.Q4UV AUTO BARGAINS IN USED CAR. FROST manufactures and repairs ve hides. 14 6-1412 Leavto worth. ELECTRIC CAHs KOR bALfcl Two Woods vouijca, 1 Coluabue victoria. 1 r'nlumbiui euniiot. 1 BalC4x:k viuioria 1 Waveily coupes. It you cooteiuulaia buying an electric ses US. We have Juai what you axe looajng ior. rriia right. P. at F. ElecUlo Oarage, OX Haroty bt. HONKSSHONK HERE S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND Urn aud iWoey Su. WHOLE bJLLE prices on eU. Doug. ut Df JbCOLL. auto palnUng. M N. 161 a. TIRES CUAHA RUBBER COM riM. bverytlilng to luiir, AU'XO Tire Repairing Co. l'.CI Farnam Tou ned no guarantee when we do tile work. Prat wuiamen. iowi price. 1 1 I'J REPAIR INI, Murphy did it iisa UON cars do moat work for least muuey. rv. a. iieuz, eje atiauueis Bldg FOR BALE e-paaeen ger Stoddard-Dar ton, m excellent condition. Harney 1711. ONE Inter -htate, one Auburn, true . fauuin Omaha. Rushing PFEIFFEIf Aut Pa'ntlng. Aj1'' Kpalruig. w ea. WILL aril my half lntereat In tny new Ibv Aum or will exihsiige f r gCK4 aula. AUTOMOBILES (Continual ) WAJ4TEr To huy M hard automobile; m-iet be In nfnt-rJaea condition and r.beap. N Ml, B from HJi up; all In good running order. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. FEE Mlaa Lang In ""Tha Throe pf Va" at th American theater If Mra. R. H. Maaon. n Maaon M., will come to The Bee office within three dava we will alve her an order for a pair of tlckefa. . BUSINESS CHANCES To rt in or out of buHn call nn OANOE8TAD. 4M Bee Bldg. Tel. D.-S477. FOR SALE Meat market and arocerv combined in a Sown of about 1.600, in one of the beat count iea In Nebraska, bales $2S.fl0 per year. Doing a apot caah bual nea. A good opportunity for the right man. Reaaonp for aelllng. have other bual- nea Intereata. will a'; II meat market enarate. If preferred. Address Y 1M. care of the Be. PIK CEJN'T t PER CT.&T PROFIT ror you on any amount from liO to IIO.W. Our Inveetment nln hm alreatlv made large profits for hundreds of clients In the peat I months. You can not lose your money; we guarantee to refund pay man ta. If you cannot or even If you do not wlah to continue. Our 11.0(10. om) CAPITAL stands behind our promises hlgbeat referenoes. Write for full detail" CANADIAN CITY end TOWN FROP&HT1E8 LIMITED. iM Stobart Blk , portage Ave., WINNIPEG. "Aiiii secretary wno cmn w,wi S2.'iuu in 46.U0O, aalary 1300 per month. 16 INVESTORS AJSD CAP1TAUBXB. The uia.no i'ruuK IikjiI.c lujif'HiU I a now closing lie gap aero the famoua riazer va.ley lu CENTKAJL BKliltiri COLUMBIA the clioiceat. region of the richest province In Canada. Here la your chance to buy fertile land at opening prices In the great Port George country. For further Information call, write or wire b. MEYEL. DISTRICT PALES AGENT, lu Paxton Bldg.. O rue he. Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1167; lud. A-4331. -CHAIR rhop; Uvlng rooms. O 344. bee. 14TH ST. BUSINERS A REAL E8TATB EXCllANOli: CO. Hardware, grocera. hotel, pool roouia, btuunr ahup, auioona, etc., for sale; aouie guod bargalna In real estate. HI ti. 14th tit., aeoond Hoar, rooius 1 and Ed hoihery, preaidsnt FOR RALE two. only grocery store, within 26 blocks; living rooius; good busi ness, rent. lo per uionth- Beat reaauaa tor thin sacrifice. Adureas 77th and Cuius Ave. Automatic Phone Uiiii's, U. residence. 11 BEAUTIFULLY furuUbed l-room bouse apaj-mieni; splendid looauon; wautiog uia- utnoe, Phoae ttea euae.- PHYS1CIAN. experienced, wishes to find a good location In Netraaka; N. W. part preferred. Adoreaa, X lu, cajte bee. FOR KALE tirnail auick miunery, everything new; guud location. AuurM . i, care Bee. WANTED Young man to loin two other young men In well established paying buemsss. tMi required, aiuat be a huatier and one wttu tittioe experieave preierrea. at lee. FoH ttALti Fully equipped abatraat uffioe, doing ejly bUHluee at st,wO; must sen on account oi poor oeaun. Au aiess il iU, Be. . ' whW lil.Ul Tibial t hr.. mvl barber shop; doing good buainess, will Invoice and sell' tor 9t cents on the dot lar. Address I 17. Bee. CLOSE In nualneas corner, with auto garage for sale at a great bargain or trade considered, fcee J. W. RASP CO., til Branaeie otag. PARTY with live to ten hundred dol lars to work state; exciuaive territory, lietnical roiriKiai'r: mvn ice Mils: big aelier; Dig pro in a. nnow you aeinonatru tlon. Every ur or loe needs one. Ad reas K i:S. Bee. OROCBRY, price tl If taken at once. Investigate. w debater K0. FOR HALE Confectionery and lunoh room; fine opening lor home bakery: rent cheap. ?. I ui iooe Harney 6US. RMsataeT Hoeaee fer Sal. 9Md Farnam. l-room. modern rooma: ai ways full. Reasonable for cash. For Sale First Class Furnished House suitable for rooming snd board. Great sacrifice, owner leaving city. Apply 1!16 Farnam tt. P7VKRT person knows who n t O'Brien Is tecuse he hss made Omaha famoua w tn his canay. tr Mrs. c. w Rinr, 117 North Tweny-slxth, will come tn The Bee omce wnnin tnree days we will give her an order for a tw-ceut box OI O Brian a ranoir nee. businessTersonals Areaatto (ompaalM, nxrKV.ILklj Acoustic romnanvt n.,. menu for the deaf. Ma Om. Nat. bank. Arcoaolaata. M. D THOMAS. t.Oj City Nat Bank. Aaaaaesaeata. BEFORE and after the shows vtait the OLYMPIA lor ice cream ana candle. Arrhlteete. C. J- Bewail, architect 6T1 Brandela Bldg. Artealaa Welle. L. E. WEBERQAIJ 10U-U City Nat l. Aapkatt, Gravel sad Hoofing, MICA ROOF1NU CO.. 10S fc. Mth. At torse ye. 0. W. BhtelJa. attorney, til a of Trade. L1BTON L. HALL. LAWYER. 4U Bee. AaaaeMeats. AUDITORIUM roller rink. mua18 by Green's band, elegant floor and the beat aaatee that mouey can buy. Doors op promptly at 7.M. Admlaeion, loo. Awalagi aad Teatts. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. tS Dougiaa. baggage aad Tax lea aa. THE ONLY WAY. Baxtas checked to deennattoa. Ta il ea be and louring care. iel. Douglas lag. TAXlCAiia. 11 an hour. D. r. Bag Ma a a last are re. BEMI8 OMAHA BAO CO Omaha. Nea. BaeieHee. TIP-TOP bread vhs best. Webslsr 10 A. B. CO EOS, bakery. Webaler slL DOMESTIC bakery; quality. U4 Cunuag. bill retic. , - , ,, ,. . . r. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued. art a. NEPRABKA Mvlnre Ioan Aaecla- tioo baa never paid )ee than 1 pr cent dlvldenda. Inveatmenta from II to B.90S received. 16u6 Farnam 8u, Omaha. Barber 8 hope. FIRST-CLASS barber shop 8 N. ltUt HAWK BIIOB.. barber shop, i'.'S Leavenworth. Bee Bldg. barber shop, tonsonal artlats. Doc 8. B. Stewart, hair cutUng. 37 B.ltb Ideal Lady Barber Shop. W. O. W. bldg. Blerclee aed SloioreFclea. vlii 'ivj ' i. mtit I.P1C1IO. Indian Motorcycles, write for catalogue. Billiard and Pool HaJla. Tltn new Ak-far-Ben billiard carlon 108 Howard Chas. E. Johnaon, Prop. Bird Store. mnnp doirs. gold fiah. carea. Mag Oelaler Bird Co 1617 famam St Box and Package Maaefaelarere. Wooden Box 4V Package Co.. 1614 N. uth. Carpeatera aad Ceatractora, W. P. Deverell, contractor. Ramge Bid. Steveneon. carpenter, cont Both phonea A. Llnborg. carpenter, contractor, ii. UiL Carpets, Hogs aad Draperies. J. n. orcutt as Son Co.. 11th A Farngm. 'OLCVR & CO Fluff rugs, rag car uu,jmfc vv-y- per a, allk porUers, cets, S. 24. carpet cleaning. 1548 D. 2321. A -443. Eleo. Vae. Cleaner, rent, 11. 7ft day ; W. 236S Ca terere. E. S. Fead. wedding cakes. lSIt LeaVh. Chiropodists aad Maateerlag, DR. ROT, chlro podia t lSOt Farnam. Prof. J. Lund, ehropodlst 411 Ear bach. fcmVinir Chiropodist. manicuring, J1.UU11C11, hi dreealne-. hair hkhIi. City Nat l Rank. Douglas UAS. lnd. A-aaa. Clgare aed Tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co., 1412 Douglas. La Truda high-grade Havana. Te-Be-C cigar, so. THE Sanitary Crown Pipe. Ua a. ufh. Monopole Cigar Store, Her Grand Hotel. Cleeeers aad Clothea Dytis, INGRAMAN'8 Bultorlum. tig a SOth. D. 4661. Full Ureas sulla for rent Clothing Manafactarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith CA Ceal Dealers, Powars-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. IS. Butter Feed Sc Coal Co., Zau t ur. H. Ms. COAL At cut prices. All KINDS. We save you 6vc to 1160 per ton. "The Home of uuauty Coal. Ropuriuiaii a k.ut Price Coal Co., 1223 Nicholas bt both 'Phono Updike "quality yd ." 46 at Dodge. H. TJ1. REEDER COOKING COAL LET Mttl TELL luU ABoui IT D. 164. C A. W a-di taUTDuUD. .A-U8J, C. bV Johnson, coal. 1Mb isard. 1 'prion as. mi, ...1 :mmA , U am A George E. Cobb, Coal Co. W. 6oL 18 COAL. Ha good, try' It Ask Webatar Ma. Harmon m vtveio. OHI you . Paradise Coal! The rnonav saver. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Both Phones. COAL HILL tor ecunuinlcal cuai. Phone ua;. coiu piiouoe. GOOD baakat coal. Call Crounsa Coal Co; - Dougiaa .- muick delivery. Coffee, 1a, Spleea an Mtf, Moyune Tea Co., egg N. Is. Both phones Creameries, Dairies and goppllea. Milk, cream. Fer-nUl-lao. Alamlto. D. 411 Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY ELGIN Sanitary Dairy. Epperson Broa., proprietors Dougiaa Co. Milk Producers' Aaan. D. Uii. Colleetloa Age no tea. oTTCcvi.I. ADJUSTMENT CO. 1l.tt fU'at Nalioua ". w,im avu. JOSEPH P CULLEN, collections of all inde. Ul)l City Nat Ibauk. D. iu, A.-4404. tsaisatlag fccafva Oompaar, sfONST Weight fcoeioa Co. 111T Farnam. Cornice aad Steel Cellleuga. CARTKR Steel Metal Works. Omaha. Uaactag AcakdeuUca, Turplne. Pax ion Big. Clsases Mon. S ed. and Sat. Pnv. leaaona daily. D. ......n.i a. 16 4k Harney. Danoina uuim. a"" . i. r,.iuw m i. t,i ...... u . Moluiay aim , it - pounea. Maekte a Dancing Academy, uug Harney. r ciaaMS iuou.. iiiuii, aMtu eveuuiaa Mips BBTHEH KOtteilTEJfa school of danclug. L'r:i.7r i' w arney Ki asienui1" - - y wiai, a p. m. i ' MU, ja.l BimpbOh. Tel. Webstar 14U. M189 MARY fOLLS classes and aa- nail. W."J " lueeda, vaiiina. DcatkBta. Ballsy, tha denUst 1M City Wag D. Um. Taft's dsntal rooms, UlT Doug. D. xwa. MACH MACH. Id fX Paxton. D. lugs. DR. FICKE. T4- City Nat l Bk. Bldg. DR. DAI LEY. lol Brand sis Bldg. D. 9718, Dr. Osantner, over Merchant'a Dg. store Dr. O-A. Osantner, 7u-x City Nat. D. U31, DR. WILLIAMS. te-tU-g-o brandela bdg Dr. It W. Ail wine. N. E Cor. Uth 4k Doug. DK. ELSTKK. xa City Nat l bk. bldg. UrtMiuaklai, , iMtrsTallorlug. gowns and rfr-. MiaHee WtlUauja aiU oudway returned trom abroad, w faftmant , Terry's Drwamaklag College, guth Par. Dressmaking, plain sewing. ut a. tlat U(. Dressmaking by day. Phone Web, grig. Teeta Couitar. dreaamaklng. 6U) MoCagua Drag gists, REX Drug Store, lath and Callforala, pure Drugs. Criaaey Ptiar., gtth A Laka Deteetlvea. rim,tii secret ear vice detective imo. Inc. bonded. -- PaxtM bk. D, Uut, A-Ull CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Ear bach blk. JAS. ALLAN. Neville tin. Tyler UM. Everrthlag Electrical. Cer.ua! Electrla Co flit urea. D. lag. Rurgesa-Orenden Co.. 1611 Howard. D. a r ' I f and rate tot BUSINESS PERSONALS rerrt king Elee-triral Ceatlasted. SECOND-HAND P.LECTRIC FANS. ynamoe. Igniting dynamos, motor, re pairs. LeBron. 213 S. Uih St Doug. 1171 M J. CL'RRAN, wiring. D. Sal. Johnston Electric Co.. 411 S. 10th. D. 464. Polh Eiec. Co. Mutor repairing. IX bSt. Flortata. A. Donahue NOT Farnam. D. lfloi. A-IOOT. J EN SEN, florist 4iU Leavenworth. HEf-8 dt 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St etewart'g, florist seedsmen, 11 N. 14V PAULSEN, Florist ITU Brown 6t BRANDEIS FLORIS1. Brandela Bldg. L HENDERSON. Ul Farnam. D. 126 BATH'S, FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bdg. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. U7. Faraaees aad Steve Repairs FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIR to fit your rtore or heater. New furnace. laundry tank boaters, gas heaters, tfler- moatat and combination warm air and hot water beating Omaha Btove Repair Works. LXK-li Dougiaa St Tel Douglas tea. ind. A-ysn. A. MONROE. Agt for the Modern Not. Hy warm air furnace; eelluiatea cheer fully given. Doug. 4064. 4C 8. Uth. Olson Bros., furnlce repalra, 2S70 LeaT'to. THRANE hi f- ""P""'- furnaces liuuinu & furnofce repalra D. i&X. W. S. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. S6B, A. MONROE, agent for the Mnden, Norel t y warm air furnace) estimates cheerfully given. Doug. 400&. 4Wg B. 18th. Flear Made la Onaaha. CPDIKES Pride of Omaha Floor. Fead Mills aad gtarea. Feed, all kinds. Olenooe Mills, 29 Iaard. Faaadrtea. MoDonaJd braaa and bronse fonndry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. 16th A. Jackson. Fairs, Weat Fur. Co., repairs remodela 1324 Far. Grvoerteg aad Meats, Chapman's quality meats. MOB Cuming AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb Una, (Oo. Aak grocer Haraesa, gadeUerr, Leather Geda, FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Comlnh & Co., mo Farnam. Write for catalogue. Stock Tda Sad. Co. J. O. Blessing, Prop. Wlchert harness, leather good a. 630 a W Hospitals. WfSE MEMORIAL, Mth and Harney. Bethany Hospital. 26t Mercy. D. 2864. SWEDISH MISSION HOSPITAL. T. phonee. i;0 N. iHth Bt. Iasnrance. H. S. BYRNE, surety bonds, insuranoe. el. D. l 1BU- viiy xsiat bk. Fire- WHEELER & WELPTON-Health Bonds "V.,- Accident Burglary aum w uabiiity plate Glass Autouiobils lbli Dodge buw. a-uuue xjougias ua. INSURE In tha Woodmen of the World. Tha worlds greatest organ Ua- tlon. ALFRED C. KENNEDT, Fire and Tornado insuranoe, 20 First Nat l Bank. Doug. 722 John Dais A Bon. Insurance, aio Ramga INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. Rhodaa-Momgomery Co. Ina. Ramge Bl TALK TO VEST, ."the policy placer.' IPOS) aaua Wlra Fencing;. Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th. Tel. Red &14, jewelry, Diamonds aad Watuhee. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 & uth r.K.T vour bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry eiore. iu a. iota. OF EN up a charge account with us. A Mandelbeig, Jeweler, uu carnam. nitT vaur barsalna at Reynolds' Cut. Rate jewelry ntore. n xh.o. Laandrlee. FRENCH Hand Laundry.' TeL H. 6S4. 1ST-CLASS laundry 1 guaranteed deliv ery, ry. Call on abort potloe. Harney al EMERSON Laundry. Uut N. Mth bt Both phone. Guarantee Laundry High-grade work. Dong. Llgatalasj Bods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 206 N, 17th. Lent bar. n riwiaa Lumber A Wrecklna Cn- . gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and uam titling, ilat and Paul. Web. tiba. Macaroni Manaracterere. Skinner's msccaronl 4k spaghetti; pk., 10c. MlUlaerp. PENTfELL. Mlllenery. Paxton Block Latest fall millnsry. Rauber. 1424 & Mth. MRS 8. RICHARDS, latest fall atvl.. geoond lioor vt.v nsuuusi oana Asldg. Meaameate and Maasoleaats. t. F. Bloom 4V Co.. 17th and Cuming SU Masle, Art aad Laacaagea. TTANSEN L 7rcnr. Tlarionst SUU VI1M1U. OdJ S. H STRAWNr.pl H. i. Bock, singing, piano. Davldge blk, MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and av ganiat U Baiarige xtia. narney stg. UoTtag, fierege and tleaalag. OMAHA Van A Storage Ca. cleans carpets on your tioors: i .,r,, vacuum cieaueia. mn m. mu, ae) a. l.tn. D.ug- 41BA. XfHVlXfr PIo" an furniture, ator MUViiU iuglaa Express A gsge Co. Uui bt Mary's Ave. d. S4.il CALL Vernor for moving and fire !Mf storage. Office. A-il67 Ac Dou;. Zlu ,ARLHOUE, Tyler liia, b-ails. i-vluk;SMtN'B Delivery fV, unui.. fuiuiture pacaiug; fireproof storage, uiy Twin City Expreaa, 1211 Howard, both Tel. Furniture uiov.; I men. 4i per hr. W. BO-4U ETC. express and storage. W. 6J71 Cole Express 4k Storage C. itlt Cap, , Opticians, B. r. Wurn. fitting et rep g. 44A Brandela ETES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITT -eiatuUaotlon guaranteed. Aiuteaoa Qi ED pu- 1 Co, kiS ev iota at QET your eyes sxsmlned by a Uoenaed optoaietriat; your eyeaignt. sim Biuney. aanowau jt v-u u a. utn. 4aieopathy. Alice Johnaon. soa-g Brandels Tha Bldg. Katharyu Nikolaa. brandels Theater. Oyeiere. revtd Cole Oyster to. Wboieeala only. BUSINESS PERSONALS Continued.! Falata aad Glaaa. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 160OV4 Farnam. Ind. A-S21; Douglas 47S We do Picture framing and glaalng. Special Discount this month on Paint Glees, Varnishes and Wail paper. Painters. Fuchs. Son A Bllnl, painting, decorating. Patents. HIRAM A STUROE8, pstent lawyer, U. 8. snd foreign patents, trademarks and coyprights; 25 years experience. 646 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 24t D. O. BarneJL Paxton blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy. U. S. Pat attorney and solicitor. 1610 City Nat Bk, Tyler 16JU Paper Companies. Wettarn Paper Co., 15th and Howard. Pa -era broken. Bargains In watches, overcoats. 01 N. 14 Fkeaogrspbs. EDISON phonographs, l Farnam. Bohnlts Bros., fUnebart pbotagrapher, lgth Farnam. O'Neill, artlstlo photographer, 211 a uth. Sandberg'a Studio. 107 8. 18th. Take elev. MANGOLD'S STUDIO, 1620 DOUGLAS. Rembrandt studio, portralta. 20 at Farm. Pnotoarraphers Seppllee. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1-1B Farnam, In their new store; branch atxira, M8 So. lolh. l'hyatcl DR. ELEANOR DAI LET. worth. Bad 6167. . na woei- riaiabers. Omaha Plumbing Co., 2612 Sherman Ave. Plumbing Tall Weasman. H. 1091, A-2027. Beverness & Ohye. Tyler 1377, A-ISA Plumbing and Heating REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St D. 1477. F. BALFB, plumbing and heating. 1607 Howard St ioi. u. 743. Ind. A-274L PlatlBS. OMAHA SILVER CO., M4 S. 13th. Neb. Plating A Grinding Co., 1313 Howard. Printing. PERFECT typewritten letters mad i argeat western letter factory. Mangum CO., iTinung. u uwiss. Both phones. H. Ledyard, printer, 118 8. 12. D. K12. Lew. V. Raber, Printer Doueb?oi5 BEE BLDG. EMltAACE ON COURT. AM. Printing Co., J604 Cuming. D. 644J. Phone Ind. A-2620 fur good urinUiw. Lngalad Printing Co., 16th k Capitol Ave. Rels-HaU Ptg. Co. 10 S. 14th. Ind. A-io24 TIMES Printing Co.. SM S. 18th. D. 2161 Reataaranta. JOHNSON CAFE, under hew minus. ment; Peal 2ju uiiai. zzo b. uth ol. Drexel cafe; popular prices. 620 N. Uth. UNIQUE Restaurant 207 8. 14thi first olasa chop .auey nouae; American and Ciuuese Qigties. oauu doe, manager. Baxter's fine quick lunch. 1616 Farnam.' GET the habit; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Ave. New Eng. bakery, best lunch. 212 N. uth. LItUe Hungry, good meals. JI7 n. Ifith. BALTIMORE cafe; everything n season best service, good cooking. 704 N. Uth. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKJNs, aib S. loth. UpMairs. MODEL rest, best service. 1609 Howard. GONZALES. Spanish cafe. 101 Famam, yi . DllCT'd faf A' mialifrv aan . ?.f"r. 'oJf..r:"i. " cook ing; tine uiiuvis iiivsii "'"nig rooms. HOME cooking. Morris Cafe. Si( S. 20. Shoemakers and Shining- Parlors, Nebraska Machine shoe ReDairin - A sihtl. vol, wl, i u ia . T . ... " C. Morgan, lat-claaa shoe repairs 2607 Leav, Omaha Elec. Shoe Repairing. 2412 Cuming. Caonka Bros., Mach. Shoe Reuaira. C llk tit Safety Raaora, SAFETT rasors sharpened. 330 Ramge Bd Sporting tiooda. NEW shopworn guns at low .rioaa l a ,i- idi i.-. " pnoea, iUWU...'- - ---- . wuui, Stammering and Btatterrng;. STAMMERING, and Stutterlon- JULIA VAUGHN. Ramge bldg. Steel Tank and Calvert Coiupaalee. NEBRABiui ana town Steel Tank oiiiir,.j, ..wmv. j. sua. Stenographers and Court Reporters, MTRTLlQ A. KELLEY. derioslflnn. ... Estelle D. Richards. Steno. Millard hotel. Estelle D. Richards, Steno. Millard hotsl, Stuce and Ufflcc i'ixierea. T. H. Welrlch Future Co., storm windows- UUI mntt. . , . St or as Doors aad 'Windows. Omaha Wn'dow burn. Co. fcjt N. II D. teat Tailoring. FINKEL, tailor. T407 M. ivenworth. WHEN DRESSTVa you often find yourself discontented with your own appearance. why 7 perhaps our s- ....... - inH.cvi LJ L. ui lacks the very latest ideas In faahlon. I OU WOUIU W lwu.uiuUK . UI Q II the eapoit fitter and reiuudeiler . latiiea' and tui garments, id floor. . W.B ifnoZ,,. . Paxtoa sioca. . v- uwuif to. HAVE Tailor beck make yonr fail eun. Dunham Dunham. 114 suita US S, la Mgiony. tailor, trt & 16th. Suits W to 14. KCR TAILORS-We make hlgh-ciaas coats, reahouable prlc. a Boaton siore JOHN A. RYLEN. tailor, makes gdod CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. faU sojungs on sisitj' vM, una aiug. r, A. Williams, alothes altered. M 4k taaa Taxideraslata. Aulabaugh. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug Cn Teata and Awalags. OMAHA Tsnt Co. Tel. Kt Dougiaa Traaka aad gait Causae. Preling Dtelnle, U4 Fat nam Et BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued ) Tarklah Baths. Ladles rfliU' Turkish baths. 15 A. Doug UsnhreUaa, WX STERN Umbrella Co..' IMS Farnam. Wig; Manufacturers. SEE Monhelt'a wigs, toupees. 412 fa. 13. D. B. Olfflth. wig mfr . U Frenser blk. Wines and Lienors. Mayer Kl tin, winea and liquors, 6C2 N. 11 ED R01UERY 8rhUU At'- run elgara. Cafe In connection. UI B. 14th ex. MAT A CO.. family liquors. 1202 Douglas. Cuslck Bros., liquors, cigars. SOth Ames. C. Engellander, liquors, cigars. 1512 Dodge Automatic Phone Bus's, 12; residence, 11 T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 602 N. 16th. WILLOW. Springs beer, llauor. clcara sandwiches. Alex Jetes, KKd Dougiaa. Automatic Phono Buainess. (3; res., IL Loftman, s-yr-old wky, 10c drink. 14 & Har. BOTBE N'S FALSTAFF Delicatessen Buftet !S1U a. loth. Board of irade biug. Hansen's Family l iquors, 1223 Chicago. N.A.nOUS"R Imported liquors, fine THE best trejt for Hf mnA Is a dish of Daliell's ice cream. If W. H. Adamson. 404 So. 2Crth St, will come to The Bee office within three days ws wtll gle him an order for a quart brick of this fine loe cream. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY TIME. Complete courses in BuRlnens. Ftnnkirn. Ing. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and free for tha asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boylea, president Boyles College building, Omaha, Neb. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H. 2644. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST iN i HE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. Shorthand. i'VDewriunn. B.irkkeinrw Agricultural. Civil Service, Saleemansnip. E. A. Zartman, Pres., lath and Farnam. Dlckerman School far Actlns anil Vnio. platform, stSKe, concert, drains; all car graouates piacea. iliUVk uoage. D. 1614 ST. BERCHMAN'S Day -Academy for young ladles. 27th and rt. Mary's Ave A. POPP. teacher wrltinff.- Latin. Ger. man and cornet, ini Dodge. D 2176. EVERYBODY entova an even In a- with the Woodward Sto:k company at the American theater. If Mrs. A. L. Jack man, 2404 Davenpo -t St, will come to The Bee office .within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN BUNDLE washing' sent for. nlcelv Ann and delivered. Dougiaa 4728w . NEW machine that cleans earners ran a without dust. Call and sea it t-i A-1&0. 607 Brandela Biug. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. Hr... Die&iings. buttons covered, all sixes anri styles. 200 Doug. Blk. Doug. 1936. A -1936. wiiiow iiuum mwit ,1 u ii oia or new , .v. ... uiia.e.t Ari V a 14,1. i-v - .... lesiui,, s " . mww u, Mill, xj. ootio. CHIODO, Ladles' Tailor. 211 8. 18th St H a to made over. Miss Pepper, milliner e ' MVW. CURTAINS UNUa-L8- Rubber good. Bell Drug Co., 1216 Fan- LADIES' Beaver Hats Cleaned and m- blocked. RAMSER, HATTER, 230 S. Uth. SHERMAN, ladies' tailor. Hayden Broa. DEFINANCE STARCH made In Omaha. CURTAINS. BLANKETS. AND FINTT LACE BED 6ETS CLEANED. DOUG. 2732 PRIVATE economical cooking leasona. Webster 2m HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. Automatic Phone Bus's. 12. residence. 11 WANTED Young woman clerk In candy dept. Apply R. C Phelps, Brandels btorea. Factory and Trades, FIFTEEN girls, at once, to work I. bag department. Bemla Omaha Bag Co., Uth and Jones Sts ' EXPERIENCED waitress renort nuH, for work. Oilman's cafe, laws Howard- WANTED Girls to wtsd Woodward'. Real Butter Scotch and Woodward's Pure bugar stick candy. John O. Woodward 4a Co. Council Bluffs, la. Houaekeenere nnd Uomesttea. NONTAEEnrLAUNDBy Ca Tel Doug. 1S1I. Wagons call everywhera 6UIRTS IN ovANlTARx COVERS. Women for day work furnished. D. 884. . . . .1 L mOT .11. r T . . . THK r.r-Iv v,-, 'J - v. . rnvoita SOLVED Th Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get tbe deairea resuii. uiun your aa to The Bee oltioe or telepnune Tyler AOuu, WANTED A cook. Harney 6202. an avoerleiictd girl for second work: small lamliy and gooUwagos. 4a S. ita Ave. WAniAi a, mt:imi nouse work; no oulectiou to coloied girl, us H lath St. WANTElD Girl for general housework. 1516 Georgia Aval small laraily, good wagea. GOOD ladies clothea Ironer; steady work and good pay. n Leaven worta WANTED Girl to work for room aci board, Dodge EU OLRL for general housework at 421 No. 19 U; email farully. WANTED a girl for general house work. $10 S. 26th Ave., or 14ul Douglas. GIRL for general housework. Call Red 7X3, or call at tla Farnam St. MAN and wife to work; board and . .rt.Mtl AM ,rV 111 V K,n ID.-.. , W1U , ii .i - - " . - - -. . W I1M lower leXt hand bell. 24 floor. GIRL for kitchen; one that can cook. Wh. C V1..U'. Aw. flMi S . OIR-L for general houaework; email cle-'sal and Office, family; 421 N. ltn. BOOKKEEPER tor first-class whole- EXPER1ENCED Kill f"r general house, sale house. Don't reply unleae you are work, lit So. 27th St. Phone Harney ,0. competeut and experienced. J. fcJA. Eea. ' COMPETENT girl fr general house- WA-M ED Experienced drees good work, fauulv of 3, no wasning Apply at salesman a once. Apply Superinteudei.t a.'2 S. 4otn St. Lrauweis btorta GLRL to do general housework; small family; with references. Mrs. C. 8. Bjw- uian. uarney bi.. WANTED Competent girl or woman for geneial houaork for good stsed town in Wyoming. Ui per month. D l. care f WANTED A competent girl for gen era! housework, small family; good aagea call at lis r. ovtn nu EXPERIKNCED girl f..r Ken eral house work. Mrs. Dervy Auatm, 211t S. IMh Ave. EXPERIENCED laun drees: light, eora, fortahie tiana fur wL AaUiwd HataL HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and O iiutilh -Cont'd EXPERIENCED t il f.r reneral house work; no In family. Apply 4J North 2uth. Douglas 92! WANTED Girl to asit with house work. !.! Park Ave. Harney 8385. WANTED A ccok: no wash'ng; refer ence? Mr Jofepii Barker. 1.V6 8. 6th St. Dou. 32f-0. OlfiL for general nou?ewoik; small famil'. ; fcood vast? 1 S. j"th Ave. GIRL tor general housework; tm&U faiuliy. "o S. &tn Ave. Harney 6(39. WANTED Good rlrl for general house work, small family, good wages. Mrs. Harry Now, 4til& Farnam St. WANTED A school girl for light housework fnr board and room, good home with man and wife. Doug. 4215 EXPERIENCED house girl; very good wages. Apply 108 So. 23d ft, or phone Harney 1196. WANTED Girl for peneral housework; good wages: no washing. 8110 Under wood Ave.. Dundee. Phone Harney 260. WANTED Experienced white girl tor general housework; small family; bent wages. Ill N. 2S Ave. Phone Harney 2427. WANTED A gltil for second work, ap ply Clarkson Hospital. 21st and Howard. WANTED A good, competent cook, with references. Apply 306 3. KM Ave. Tel. Harney 206. GIRL for general housework, small family, frond wages, good references, gli S. 35th Ave. WANTED A good colored girl for gore, eral housework, must be a good cook"! family of two Rsfertnces. 8318 Dewwy Ave. Harney 3763. WANTED ETperlenced girt for general housework. 3010 Dewey Ave. . Phone Harney 2SOt. COMPETENT girl for general home, work. 8U So. 29th Ave. Harney 8496. 4 WANTED A girl -for . general house work: good waea. 23 So. 26th Ave. Doug. S130. Miscellaneous. TOUNG women coming to Omaha 44) strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women e Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th' St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fofl eur travelers' aid at tha Union Station, GIRLS to learn halrdresslng; prices reasonable. Oppenhelm, 236 City National Bank- Bldg. TO SELL first-clans halrdresslng par lors, established two years, excellent business; good reason for selling; splen did opportunity for right party. Address Beauty Parlors. 1KH4 N. E. 6th St.. Beat-rlce.-Neb., or T 15, care Omaha Bee. EVERT person knows who D. J. O'Brien is becaus he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Clara John son. 2402 Cass, wlll-rome to The Bee of fice within three-days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors, WANTED People to sell books. Holmes Co. First class proposition. Pax ton Hotel. Omaha. Call Tuesday after-, noon and Wednesday. WANTED Salesman calling on grocery trade In Omaha to handle a good line on commission. Give reforencee. Address S 13. Bee. WANTED salesman: money maker fog right party. Address or call afternoons Burch, Paxton Hotel. 4 WANTED three salesmen. Call Donee las 110L SALESMEN wanted, representing west ern Oregon lands; hiirn class subdivision fruit and garden' tracts In Willamette) Valley.' Apply to' owners, 822 Brandela Theater" Bldg. CALIFORNIA. Agents wanted to sell stock' m t of the biggest properties of southern Call- fornla. A golne paylnn company. Mora money needed for improvements and ex pansion. Wiil pay large dividends. Beet of references. Liberal commission ti agents. Will advertise locally and send literature, uive experience and refer ences. Jno. A. Plrtle & Company, 604 Union Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal SALESMANSHIP ADVERTISING Introductory meeting next Monday. Oct. 23. 8 P. M You are invited, pree Addresses: F. W. HERON, SALESMAN SHIP; A. L. GALE. ADVERTISING Ladies and gentlemen. Look. sen. The Little Wonder tan maker, being demon strated at l'.Ul Farnam St. Own your own gas at one-half usual cost. CITY salesmen. W. A. Hlxenbaurh 4k Co.. 1614 bl. Mary's Ave.. Tel. D. 3397. Biggest snd best loo meals. 1310 Dodgej WANTED By larce corporation, two competent salesmen over 24 years of age. Alao a collector ror lows. air., wood ward. Hotel Paxton. . ADMIT Mr Firm . to. the Introductory Meeting of the Class in Salesmanship and Advertising held in the "s. Y. M. C. A. Auditorium Monday, Oct. 23d, at 8 P. M.. Addresses: F. TY. Heron, "Scientific ; Salesmanship." ""T" A. L. Gale, "Scientific Adver tising." Cut out this coupon, fill in and bring with you. It will ad mit you. SIDE LINE for traveling sslesmsnj good seller. 207 Branduls Theater, Omaha. Neb. Money maker for agents. 607 Brandela, . 1 liOTI, WANTED Several trustworthy boy 3; good wages. W. U. TeL Co.. 212 S. Uth St. BOY wanted, 14 or IS years of see; one traveling companion pre- Id oportunity for profea- who can be trav furred: aolendid 01 blonal training Apply Prof. J. Elmore, lis tn. aotn Factory sail Trades. Drug etoree (snaps jtibM. Knleet. Bee b'g. strob. 'M Hamilton. WANTED A presser. Thomaa Kllpat- rick i Co. SliaceUaaeoea. BLATZ Welner. Tel. Doug. 10S1 for case. WANTED Ftrat-cleea panta maker. Steady work for right uiau year " V Phone Red o7, CouuUl louLffa,