Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Generally Fair
VOL. XLI-XO. 110.
Sew Republic of China is Rapidly
Extending the Sphere of
Its Influence.
Chang Sha and Nan Chang Are
Taken by Insurgents.
" 1
Poreignera in Sveral Smaller Cities 1
Cull for Gunboats.
DTetlve Merchants In Shanghai P e
fuee ta Receive Cargoes and
Hawks Decline to Ex
tend Credit.
SBLANG3AI. China, Oct 23 The occu
pation by revolutionists of two mora im
portant aotuharn oities, Chang Sha and
Juan Chang, was announced In dispatches
Iwhlch reached this city early today
Chan Sha Is the capital of the prov
ince of Hunan and Nan Chang Is the cap
ttal of the province of Klan til. Their cap
ture therefore delivers Into revolutionary
kinds the local governments of two tm-
toortant province, thereby more than
doubling the territory In which the rebel!
re masters.
Chang Sha, with 300,000 population, la
the ohlef commercial center on the rail;,
road between Hankow and Canton. It is
the seat of Ta LI college, the Chinese ex
tension of Yale university. Chang Sha
Is 200 miles southwest of Hankow, while
Nan Chang, with 100,000 population. Is
correspondingly situated 200 nnUes south
east of Hankow.
The fall of Chang Sha and Nan CTIang
OW Km u luniuicu uoia ivi
Today's advices definitely confirm that
, both cities are entirely In the hands of
the revolutlonlsts.
. Four of China's eighteen provinces are
I now regarded as under revolutionary In
' Ouence Sze Chuen. where the movement
started; Hu Pen. of which Wti-Chang Is
the capital; Hunan and Klang Rl. Ths
fall of Nanking, where the garrison Is
regarded a elding with the revolution
aries, would Oliver to them the vice
royal government of two more provinces,
Klang Su and Ngar Hwel.
Government Bendy to Fisht.
The latest reports from Hankow sfate
that that the defeated government troops
moved northward and are now located
t Staokin. awaiting the minister of
war. General Tin Tchang. who in turn.
aa-aftfc reinforcements before attacklne
I the insurgent positions.
The rebels at Hankow and Wu Chang
I ate reported now to be 25.000 strong and
to have quantities of rifles. The arsenal
at Han Yang Is being guarded day and
Bight. They have 180 big guns. Thou
sands of coolies are fortifying nearby
Tha f)i 4 naa or 1 1 n K-v a r at at tA DAsllnar asm .
i provisioning St Klu Ktsng. Two Chinese !'' BRADDOCK. N. . D . Oct. '33. Appar
I cruisers left Shanghai or the north yes-j ently insane, Mrs. Axel Johnson, wife of
terdsy. a. prosperous farmer lWng" about eight
The rebel government Is maintaining miles northwest of Braddock, locked her
iorder and beheading looters. Thousands
'of, Chinese refugees are arriving here
ally, penniless and so are adding to
I the genera distress.
' The central provinces are contributing
largely to the rebel funds. Singapore is
'ending much money.
The lebelsfntend to establish a covern-
tnen In Hu I'eh province, where they will
collect taxes from Hu Peh, Sie Chuen
and Hunan provinces, whose people will
pay more willingly to the rebels than to
the central government.
The rebels' greatest fear is that the
foreign powers will unite or delegate au
' thoiity to Japan to assist the Manchus.
Hence the utmost care Is taken that for
eigners shall not be injured.
Spreading Over lan. Tse Yalle.
The entire Yang Tse valley is gradually
uccurablng to the revolutionary Infec
tion. No uprising has yet Deen reported
t ranking, which Is only 200 miles
svbove Shanghai, but there u every reason
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Weather
Tor Nebraska Increasing cloudiness.
For Iowa Increasln gcloudiness.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday.
The Bwehant who 1
aawitiM u the
& a. io ..... S8
a. ra . 33
one who oto "6-
Unr tee caoas."
t a m ... s
Il m. .
a m.
10 a, m.
U a. tu.
12 m ...
1 p. ra.
i p. m.
t p. m S9
4 p. m Si
i p. m ..... &8
P. m M
7 p. m. 64
t p. iu .......... 60
r Comparative Locai Record.
19U. WO. 1309. 1S0&.
: Elghest today ta n 42 39
Lowest today a 17 JS
Mean temperature 47 b3 40 SS
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 04
Temperature and precipitation de
.cartuiHS from the normal'.
r-ormai tempeiature 61
Ificiency for the day 4
foeficlency since March 1 77i
Kormal precipitation o inch
i (Deficiency for the day Mi inch
Joial rainfall since March i3.,4 incht-s
Teficiency since March 1 13 & inches
pefluiency cor. period In 1S10. .13.00 Inchos
deficiency cor. period In nB . 2.04 Inobos
Reports from ktetiuna at T P. M.
Station and Temp High- Rain-
f-iate of l eather. 7 I) in est. fall.
cn-yenne, part cloudy 4
Jjavenport. clear
Jienver. clear
Pes Moines, clear...
Podge, City. clcr....
Paider. cloudy
'orth Platte, cloudy
On. aha, clear
pueblo, part cloudy..
Kapld City, cloudy...
Sail Lake City, clear
.. a?
.. 4S
.. M
.. t
.. M
.. 68
.. 44
fanta Ve, part cloudy..., 4ri
hertdan, cloudy 44
oux city, clear 46
Valentine, cloudy . . 4o
T indicates trace of prerlpltatton,
I . a. m,m i.'j di i- or.-.-aster
Omaha's Wondeful Land Show is Drawing
New Venire Ordered
for Second Trial of
KAfA; CITY. Mo. "it -Vr I
OlarV H .J vat to.lav (it m secopl tinv
pl3: rii irU! tlnrel with ivui during
Colonel T!v-m;i.- H f'wop lv ?; m 'thu
vprdli t of the fit ft .Inf. -hi'li "'i M.ty
is. i i,d in iiv.i fintv .jtvi iifj
hi;, i upiMin.f in it jf': Inn nt -niv.ent, .?
rerrfd nr.ri tr. .is' 1 -ni.i ni'i fW re
trial b the Mtssoin i upreme ou:
Ap: il U '.aft. A t-per ml effort l liii,;
mad by all attorneys concerned in t hi
trial to make epeil A force of dputy
rr.arsral worked until late Um tush
serv,i-g the last of the special ' ?nr-
men from whom th Jurv vill he seler-M
It vtr thought tody the ..urv hex v.n, ,d
be filled rv the end of this 'k Th-entu-
trlnl f ill not last more than three
!,!; I If bel1evd
Accompanied hv ht wile. Pr Hde
arrive! at Judge E !J rorteilioM
' O'.'.rt hortly before the cae an i.V.'.cd
at 9 o clock. Judge Forterfield Is hearing
the case, on a change ol ifim from Judge
' Ralph II Latshaw Although the accused
physician made a losing fight before
Judge Porterfleld last week for the ap-
polntment of elisors to take charge of
the Jury and for other court orders that
he asserted were necessary for him to
have a fsir trial he said today lie was
satisfied with the outlook.
The physician has always maintained
that the alleged unfriendly attitude of
Judge Latshaw toward him had much to
do with the first verdict
The defendant Is represented by Frank
H. Walsh, John H. Cleary, R. R. Brew
ster, W. T. Johnson and John H. Lucas.
United States Senator James A. Reed Is
acting as special prosecutor, assisting
Prosecutor Virgil Conkling. Attorney
John M-.Atwood,' who was employed by
the Swope heirs-to aid the prosecution
at the first trial has not been retained in
this one.
The sole charge upon which Dr. Hyde
Is being tried is the alleged minder of
Colonel Swope Collateral issues admitted
as testimony at the first trial have been
barred by the order of the supreme court.
The first trial lasted si . weeks, and
most of this time was taken up by testi
mony touching on matters that- will be
eliminated this time.
Just before noon the attorney for the
defense entered an objection to the man
ner In which the venire of Jurymen had
been drawn end moved that the entire
venire be discharged and new Jurymen
summoned. . The stste did not oppose the
motion and the court ordered the Jury
men discharged and gave Instructions
that a new venire of 10ft men be drawn
and summoned to be present 1n court to
morrow afternoon; ,
Technical reasons were advanced by
the defense to prove that the first venire
had been drawn Illegally.
Woman Destroys
Herself and: Sii
.Children by Fire
self and their six little children. In their
home today and set fire to the house.
They were all burned to death.
Mr. Johnson was working in a field
some distance from the house when the
tragedy occurred.
Neighbors believe Mrs. Johnson locked
and barred the doors and nailed down
i tne windows of the house. X""- satur-
atlng tne room witn ou, sne appnw me
match. The neighbors who saw the
smoke rushed to the home, but rescue of
the woman and her babies was impossi
ble. , . .
The bodies were found in a corner of
the living room under the smoldering
Woman and Six
Children Are
Burned to Death
BRADDOCK, N. D.. Oct 23. Mrs. Axel
Johnaon. wife of a prosperous farmer
near here, locked herself and six small
'children In tneir honje and net fire to the
hoHise after saturating- the room with
kerosene oil. They were burned to a
( ' ii
Monsignor T. J. Capel
Dies in California
SACRAMENTO. Cal., Oct. 23. Mgr. T.
J. Capeli world fa moya Catholic onoe
private chamberlain to the pope, is dead
Mgr. Capel died peacefully at the rent.
dAnr of niihnn nray-A Ha iaj4 tn.n 111
for some time, but preached in the Cath-
olio cathedral yesterday. He was found
unconscious In bed this morning and did
not regain consciousness.
The monsignor was born October 28,
1830, and was ordained priest by Cardinal
Wiseman of England In laflO. In January,
1S64, he became co-founder and vice prin
cipal of St Mary's Normal college at
Hammersmith. Shortly after ordination
be sought a southern climate to recover
his strength. When at Pau he established
the English mission snd was formally ap
pointed its chaplain.
During several visits to Rome he also
delivered course of English sermons In
that city by the express command of the
Mgr. Capel while laboring' at Pau In
the work of diversions' was named pri
vate chamberlain to Pope P1ua IX. in 1S.
and after his return to England, domestic
prelate. In 1273.
CABOOL. Mo., Oct 3 - Fire of un
known origin here today practically de
stroyed the entire business district of te
town, fourteen buildings, Including the
Bank of Cabooi, being eoosumed. Two
dtlsens were hurt fighting the flames.
Loss, idr.oca
Judge Bordwell Rules Against Con
tention of the Defense in
McNaraara Case.
Belief Building Was Destroyed by
Dynamite is Not Prejudicial.
Says Answers of Talesman Do Not
Disclose Biaa of Any Kind.
Defense Will I'eremptor t barge
to Hemove Him Jadue Bordwell
and Attorney Darren
LOS ANfiELEP. Csl., Oct t.-Ftrm be
lief that the Los Angeles Times building j
was destroyed by dynamite Is not neces-
ssrtly a bar to jury servti-e In the He
Namara murder case, according to a rul
ing made by Judge Walter Bordwell to
day. The Judge held that the talesman,
George W. McKee. who held such view, i
would 1n the opinion of the court give a )
fair verdict In the case. There Is no!
chance that McKee will get on the Jury, 1
but today's decision makes It necessary
for the defense to use a peremptory cbsl- :
lenge to get rid of him. The rullnr is the :
first on any point considered as of conse- '
quence since the trial began and, the de- .
fense excepted to It after a passage of
words with the court. The Judge's ruling
in part follows:
"Juror McKve testified thet he bad a
definite opinion as to the cause of the
explosion, and that It would require evf
dence to remove that opinion. He has.
however, stated positively that notwith
standing that opinion, as he explained,
was formed entirely from resdlng state'
ments In the public Journals and public
rumor, and notoriety, he could set as a
Juror In this case Impartially and fairly
upon matters to be submitted to him.
"I do not think the court is bound by
the mere statement of a prospective Juror
that he could so act. It. Is a question of
fact for the court to determine. But If
the court Is satisfied either from the Jur
or's statement of the circumstances which
are available that he can aot thus fairly
end impartially, the court has no dis
cretion, but must allow that the Juror la
' "Now do you think that under the con
dition upon thst matter he can act fairly
and Impartially?" asked Attorney Le
Compte Davis for the defense.
The court: "I think so from the testl
mony of McKee taken as a whole. I have
examined It carefully and considered It
and taking into consideration all the
questions asked of him and all ths ans
swers which he has given, I cannot upon
my ' conscience come to any conclusion
other than that he can and wUl set fairly
and impartially upon all matters sub
mitted to him, and require Just ns much
proof on the part of the prosecution in
this esse before he would come to the
conclusion that the defenant is guilty
as he would require If he had no Views on
any subject connected with the case. Be
ing of that opinion, as a matter of fact
1 must come to the conclusion as a mat
ter of law under this subdivision of the
penal code that the Juror is qualified."
.ladtr and parrow CoWld.
A collision between the court and At
torney Darrow occurred when Talesman
Willis F. Oliver, answering a question by
Darrow. said he knew of no reason why
laboring men should strike
"Do you mean that strikes are not re
quired or not proper?" asked Judge Bord
well. "I object to your question, vour honor."
said Attorney Darrow. emphatically. "I
am examining this man "
"I think the question is a proper one.
and the objection is overruled," replied
Judge Bor dwell
"Well. I think the question eobfllou
with my line of examination."
"Oh. on that ground I will not ask it."
replied the Judge. "I was simply getting
st his state of mind "
This Is the first ruling of the trial
which the defense has strongly opposed.
Only eighteen men outside the jury box
and six in it of the original 126 venire
men summoned to try James B. McNa
mara for murder remained when court
convened today at the beginning of the
third trial week. No Juror had qualified
finally. Three talesen, Zeoborn Manning,
Robert Bain and F. D. Green, had bsen
"passed" or temporarily accepted by
both sides.
Talesmen A. C. RobLnon and A. R.
Mcintosh were excused by Judge Bord
well today, leaving only twenty-three
talesmen and veniremen. Both men said
thay were opposed to conviction on a cap.
on cfcumstantlal evidence.
HIGHMORE. 8. D . Oot . President
Taft today signed the long-expected
proclamation declaring neutrality of the
United Ft a tee in the war between the
Ottoman empire and Italy. The procla
mation was forwarded from Hlghmors
and the Sstate department will notify tha
powers interested.
It recites that the United Ptatea "re
solved to maintain and enforce, In ac
cordance with the rules and principles
governing the rights and duties of neu
trality in International 1 warfare, a strict
and impartial neutrality between the
aforesaid contesting powers, as well as
between themselves and the subjects of
each, whether resident within the Jui Is
dictjon of the L'nlted States or else
where." Fowler's Motor Breaks Does.
BANNING. Cal.. Oct M. -A viator Robert
G- Fowler today tried to start eastward
from Stewart's ranch, where be alighted
pnatsrdaj. The motor tu-oke down when
Fowler was forty feet up, but the aviator
managed to land safely. It will be two
days before he can start again.
Kroin the New York World.
Motion In Suit to Enjoin Levy for
Ditch in Washington. '
Action In Supreme Conrt ConsoII
dated with Another similar One
-Reception for Dr. Davldaea
by TVebrashrauaa.
(From a Staff Correspondent. )
WASHINGTON. D. C Oct 23 (Special
Telegram ) William 3. Courtrlght of Fre
mont, Neb., ws today admitted to prac
tice before the supreme court, and later
submitted a motion to advance the case
of Ramuel O'Brien, plelntiff in error.
against Rudolph Schneider, Joseph A.
Yegar, Andrew P. Shepherd. Kugene C.
Dlers, Joseph Roberts, Ira M. Williams,
Adam Mindmarsh, H. H. Ortaman. as
treasurer of Dodge county, Nebraska;
James A. Donahue, as clerk of said
county; J. F. White as treasurer of
Waahlngton county, Nebraska, and O. T.
Anderson ss county clerk of Washington
eounty. defendants In error.
Thla action was brought agsinst the de
fendants as public officials, they being
In part the officers snd directors of the
Elkhorn river drainage district, and In
part the cftunty treasurer, and county
clerks of the two counties In which the
drainage district is located.
Th mirnni. la to tmloln th lawln
and collection of assessments fnade by
the Elkhorn river drainage district for
the cost of construction of a larg drain
age system. The Enkhorn river dralnajo
district comprises 40 000 acres and Is en
gaged In the construction of a drainage
system costing $22fi,0'.
Latta Csm Advanced.
Chief Justice White today granted a
motion made last Monday by W. M.
Hopewell to advance the case of the Chi
cago Pt. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha company versus Bud R. Latta
and to hear the same when the case of
H. Fred Miller againbt the same railroad
company may be reached. The eases are
similar, Involving apparently like points
in law. The question Involved is whether
the provision of ths constitution of the
state of Nebraska prohibiting common
carriers from in any wise limiting their
liability on account of gooda enroute by
a contract of shipment with a consignor
Is superseded and rendered nugatory by
the interstate commerce at of li.
Light Hearing Pvt Over.
Chief Justloe White announced that
motion to dismiss or lfflrm in case of the
Omaha Eiectrlo Light and Power com
pany versus, the city of Omaha and Wal
demar Michael sen would be postponed to
the hearing of the case in Its regular
Charles A Clark of Cedar Rapids, la,,
today submitted a motion to dismiss or
affirm in the case of David A. Collier,
Fsllle C Smythe, George B. Rraythe, Jr.j
Mattle Rubridge et al . plalntlfs In error,
versus. J. O. Smalts and the Iowa Rail
road Land company, defendants in error.
Reception for Davtdaoa.
The Nebraska, association mad up of
former residents of the prairie state with
a membership o nearly three hundred,
will give a reoeptlon to Dr. W. M. Da
vidson, new superintendent oo schools of
Washington, and Mrs Davidson Friday
evening of .this weak est Elks halL Ad
dresses will be nisds by F. A. Collins,
asslHtant attorney general, and F. K.
Neilson. sn alumnus of the University of
Nebrssks. now coach of the Georgetown
university foot ball team.
Favors Doing Away
With Small Forts
WASHINGTON, Oct -After a
innth's tour In the west Secretary Stlm
son snd Msjor General Wood have re
turned to Washington. They made a
flying trip along the Mexican border. In
specting army posts as far ss Prescott.
Aria, Secretary Stlmson and General
Wood said that tha trip confirmed their
belief that sound army policy requires the
concentration of troops in large posts
and tha abandonment of the many small
Western frt.
' ft
. I K 1 L
' TT ' a.rt..8a. -
Public Interest
Republicans Show .
More Activity in
State Campaign
Republican headquarters at the Millard
is now one of the busiest places on the
map. Reports are coming In from the va
rious counties of the state, all bringing
tidings of republican progress and a re
newal of activity. Yesterday tha follow
ing county chairmen called for Confer
ence with Chairman Kennedy.
O. W. Scott, Greeley, Greeley county!
M. W. Roby, Beatrice, Gage county; J.
N. Needy, Thodford, Thomas county; W.
8. Young. Superior, Nuckolls county; L.
A. Varner. Sterling, Johnson county; M.
J. Llpman, Bassett, Rock county: P. It.
Borgqulst, Sidney, Cheyenne county; Will
Rice, Central City, Merrick county; L.
Morse, Henkelman, Vmndy county; C. S.
Page, Harrlsburg, Banner county; A. 8.
Moon, Taylor, Loup county; V R. Hose
boom, Oandy, Logan county; S. H. Law
rence,' Trenton, Hitchcock county; M. It.
Prttll, Imperial, Chase county; J. F.
White, Blair, WaslUngton county; A. J.
Shirley, Ord. Valley county; J. TV Al
bright. Pawnee City. Pawnee county; H.
D. Mead, Chadron, Dawes eounty; O. D.
Aldrlob, Pender, Thurston county; K, B.
Rising, Alneworth. Brown county; W. C.
Johns, piu well, Oerfleld county.
Chicago Street Car
Strikes Automobile;
One Dead, Four Hurt
CHICAGO, Oct. 23. One man suffered
Injuries which caused his dath and four
others were seriously hurt today when
an automobile in which they were riding
was struck by a Halstead street csr at
Fourteenth street. The men were
hurled to the pavement snd the auto
mobile, which was being driven at a
speed, of fortyrflve miles an hour, was
wrecked. ' Samuel Btmon, efl years "old.
died two hours after the accident The
other occupants of the machine will re
cover. Ferullo's Band Gives
Two Programs a Day
Ferullo's band will give two programs
today In the main hail beginning at 1:80
and S p. m. Following are the programs:
March Popularity Cohan)
Intermeszo Diamond Flush Braham
Overture Frs llavolo Auber
Walts Jolly Fellow Wollste,
Selection Bohemian Girl Balfe
noioists, bignori cannlll and Curti.
Selection from Red Mill Herbert
vocal solo Selected
Mona B. Begue.
Intermexso Spanish Belle Frullo
Grand Finale cavaileria Kustlcana.
March Khrpo Ferullo
Intermeizo Lovers of Italy Ferullo
Overture Fam pa Herold
Walts Blue Danube Straus
Grand selection from Ii Trovatore,
Act 4 Verdi
soloists, nignon canem, Lomonte
Overture Martha Flotow
Vocal duet Selected
Mona. and Mroe. B. Begue.
Panamertcan Charaotertstio piece
Selection The Daughter of the Regi
ment ....r.. Donlsettl
BOSTON. Oct -M!ss Ida Conquest,
the actress, wss married today to Klcardo
Bertelll, president of an art bronze com
pany of New York and son of the late
Admiral Lulgt BerUlll of the Italian army.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Alexander Maon. rector of Trinity church,
at the home of tha bride's parents, Mr.
and Mxa John A. Conquest of Brookllne.
FORT SOTT, Kan., Oct 23 linne
Mitchell owner of a restaurant in Pitta
burg. Kan. was arrested, by postofflre
Inspectors here today charged with rob
bing the Fuller. Kansas, office of 110.000
on February 24 last. Mitchell recently
bought a restaurant and other property
giving in payment hundred dollar bills
Mitchell formerly wss a miner at Mul
berry. Thousands
50RE. - B0fli?r
' .
Former Banker, Financier and Pub
lisher Dies in Chicago.
lie Was Keleaaed from Leavenworth
Prison Week Ago. Where lie
Wae gent for Violating Na
tional Banking l.awa,
CHICAGO, Ocl. 23-.lohn R Walsh.
former banker, publisher snd railroad
owner, released a week ago from the
Leavenworth federal penitentiary, died
today .of heart disease.
Mr. Walsh hsn been In bed most of the
time since his arrlvsl here from Leaven
worth October' 16. . He had been attended
constantly by physicians. Internment re
ports of Mr. Walsh's falling health dur
ing his Incarceration nsd been denied at
the penitentiary. On his-release" It was
plain that he hst aged, and he gavs up
plans for a resumption of his position
as a financial leader snd took to his bed.
Members of the Walsh family. attributed
the Immediate cause Of his death to his
Imprisonment) snd charged President Taft
and Attorney General Wlokersham with
responsibility In falling to arrange the
parole earlier.
They wanted the last ounce of blood.
said Orvllle E. Babcork, son-in-law of
Who do you mean by 'Ihey'?"
President Tft anil Attorney General
W lckersham." he replied. "We presented
Ihem with statements by Dr. Frank Bill
ings and Dr. Joseph A. Capp, stating that
Mr. Walsh was dangerously ill, and that
further confinement meant his death.
They ignored medical advice and his
death resulted from the long delay in ob
taining his release,"
Mr. Walsh was 74 yesrs old. Death
enme hlne day's after his relrane on
parole from the federal prison
Mr. Walsh's health fulled soon after he
entertd the prison. An tmmedlste move
ment to obtain his release on a parole
was begun by members of his. family,
Mrs. Mary L. Walsh and his two sons.
Richard W. Walsh and John W. Walsh.
After his release Mr. Walsh was
thought to have been still further weak
ened by a long, cold automobile ride
from the poison to Kansas City. When
le irrlved home on the murnint of Oc
tober 16. Mr. Walsh was so 111 and weak
that be want to bed at once.
Tne former banker was surrounded ' by
all the members of his family when be
Uneonaclo Sine Kaaday Noon.
He was stricken with a sinking spell
shout noon yesterday. Physicians re
mained with him all night, but ha never
regained consciousness.
"Death was caused by myocarditis, an
tnflamatlon of the heart muscles."
said Dr. Joseph H Lowe, who attended
"When Mr. Walh returned from the
penltentlsry his legs snd muscles were
swollen bsdly from the dlsesss.
"We could not prevail on him to re
main In bed day times, though until
Wsdnesdsy. He was so glad to be home
be Insisted on being up around tha
He is survived by his widow, three
daughters. Mrs. D Blake Baldwin. Mrs.
Orvllle Babcock and Miss Mary Walsh,
and Ills two sons, John and Richard.
Mr Walsh was born Ii Cork county.
Ireland, snd had lived In Chicago for
more thsn sixty yesrs. He tvas of hum
ble origin and on his arrival here worked
first as a newsboy, gradually holding
better positions until h became attached
to a bank. I-ater when he had acquire,!
wealth, his chief business concern wi
bis group of Chicago banks, ths Chicago
National, the Euutteble Trust company
and the Home Ravings bank. Among
other properties weie the Bedford Qtisr
rls company, the Indiana Pouthrn Coal
company, the Southern Indiana railway,
the Chicago Chroni'ie and the Northwest
ern Gas Light and Coka company.
Withdrawal of money from his banks
to finance other enterprises resulted In
so Indictment following ths oloslng of
the banks In 1907. He was foud guilty
and December 3, 1CK was placed In
tConttn led cn Second Page.)
Here-It's a
Opening Day of Second Week of Big
Exposition Indicates Fust
Will Be Exceeded,
Warm Praise for Land Show Man
agement for Securing Musicians,
Governor Spry and Others from Utah
to Come Utah Day, October 25.
S.i.-letr visits Big "how Tontabt-Bbow-rlng
rarttes of Yonng
Peoule . Plan to Look
Over Exhibits.
The Mrnday attendance at the Omaha
Land Show has furnished conclusive proof
that the second and leaj. week Is to be
oven a greater success than the first.
Triple clly and country were In ot
tonilnnce l thousands and all went sway
plcsiTii. feeling that the men behind the
proposition are msklng good every prom
ise given snd that the show this year Is
Mr si. end of sny other that has been held,
either east, or west.
While there mere no special events on
the Mondsy program, it was satisfactory
to all who attended, many expressing the
opinion, thst if thers wss no other feature
than the Ferullo band oonoerts, they were
twrth meny time ths pried of admis
The Ferullo hand already has won a
warm place in the hearts of the Land
tihow visitors and the two concerts. Mon.
dsy afternoon snd evening, were listened
to with rapt attention, the applause being
long, frequont, and hearty. Musical crit
ic are unanimous In. pronouncing this
one of the best. If not the best band
that ever has visited the city, and the
Land Show management being com
mended on every hand for having given
ths public this musical treat at the nom
inal price, which admits to ths Land Show
and all of its various attractions.
, Specialists. Talk.
Both afternoon and evening visitors
strolled among the exhibits and when
tired, they went, to the amusement halls,
whre they listened to distinguished sps
elallsts. who. with moving and colored
pictures, took the crowds on Journeys
over mountains, through the playgrounds
of nature, over productive grain fields
and through orchards loaded with fruit
During the day a party of Utah officials
and business men visited the Land Show.
on their way to tne American mm ma in
gress In Chlcsgo, remaining until even
ing, marveling at the wonderful display
gathered from mountain, plain and valley.
Governor of Utah Cemlng.
Wednesday. Ootober 26. was fixed as
Utah dsy st the Omaha Land show.
Upon the occsslon of the Utah day ex
ercises Governor Spry will deliver an ad
dress and members of the celebrated
Mormon Tabernacle xholr will sing, oc
cupying the north side in the main hall.
One of the selections wUl be the "Irri
gation Ode," composed especially for the
occsalon, the words being by J. J. Mc
Clellan, director of the famous musical
Governor Spry and the members of his
parly left Rait Lake yesterday, traveling
In a special csr attached to one of the
fastest trains of the Union Pacific. In
the governor's party is President Kings
bury of the University of Utah; Prof
Talmage, state geologist; John Pern,
Duncan MacVlchle, R. J. Evans and other
prominent citizens of Salt Lake City and
the state of Utah.
in addition to the gubernatorial party
taking part in the Utah day exeiclsej
the members will participate in the Na
tions! Development league meeting that
will be held in the Coliseum during the
same afternoon.
oetetr Oat Toulght.
Tonight tha chief society event of the
soeaon and one that la already attracting
attention will take place. The occasion
has been designated' as "Society Night."
but regardless of this fact everyone is 1n
vltid to attend.
A number of partu s have ben maile up
for this evening. The young people ili
come chaperoned by those of the older
set to view the exhibits and be spectators
at ths traveloguea
Besides the social function, thers will
be a touch of military In connection with
the program tonight. It has been desig
nated as "Army Night." General Fred
erick Smith, commanding officer of the
Department of the Missouri, hla aides,
his staff and the officers of Forts Crook
and omaha, at least those of the rank of
captain and above, will be In attendance
in full uniform.
During the Ferullo concert, the army,
officers as well as the society people will
occupy boxes on either side of the stags.
These boxes will be draped In the na
tional colors.
Fnneral of Gotch's Father.
HUMBOLDT, Is.. Oct 23 -Ths funeral
of tha father of Frank Gotch will be
held here tomorrow.
Tickets to Ameri
can Theater.
Boies of O'Brien's Candy.
DalzelTs Ice Cream Brick
AU are first away free te
those who Imd thlr names la
tee want ada.
Head tfce want ads every day,
our naias will appear aoms
lime, maybe u.oia limn once.
Mo puiiles to solve nor sab.
criptlon to set Just read tag
wast ad
v Turn to the want ad page
there you will find nearly every
business bout Id the city rep
i sseoted
Big Affair