Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 5, Image 19

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    nin Omaha kdmiay iw.m urmni;i: '22, 1011.
United Workmen Celebrate Twenty.
Fifth Anniversary of Lodge,
Dr. n. S. Lacke U Toulnaitrr and
HetpoBtn Are Made hr Nimbfi
Prominent Members ot
the Order.
Hermann lodge No. 96. Ancient Order
Vnlted Workmen, celebrated the twenty
fifth anniversary of the Institution of Its
lodge nt Washington hall Tuesday even
ing with an elaborate program, terminat
ing In a banquet. Musto for the occasion
was furnished by Union Paclflo band,
Ko. 17, Ancient Order United Workmen.
Dr. R. B. Lucke presided aa toastmas
ter and responses were made by Fred
Wengedoht, Fred Talker, Oustave
Hauelaen, August F. Ppecht and others.
Recitations were given by Jacob Kopp
and others and elicited hearty applause.
The Orpheus and Maennercholr Boclety
rendered many delightful and catchy se
lections durinff the vnnlnir.
Old Rrrords Head.
Ona of the principal features of the oc
casion was the reading of the minutes
of the first meeting of Hermann lodge,
dated October 19, 18S6, which disclosed the
names of its first officers and charter
members, vli: James W. Carr, deputy
grand master workman of Nebraska, In
stalling officer, assisted by O. U. Butlin;
Ir. Oscar 8. Hoffman, past master
workman; George Webber, master work
man; Fred I Stacker; foreman; Bruno
Tzschuck, Jr., overseer; Carl Dachrodt,
recorder; Otto Barsc.i, financier; John P.
Lund, -receiver; Carl Krlesel, guide;
Adolph Schlank, Inside watchman; Christ
Geroch, outside watchman; Fred W.
Melcher, Adolps Schlank and William
vom Weg, trusteees; Dr. Oscar S. Hoff
man, medical examiner; Christ Bauer,
William H. Hochmann, Henry Naeve,
George Paraslen, Ulrlch Frcdrlcksen,
Theodore Hegemann, Herman Rehfeld,
James F. Stroch, Carl W. Capune, Naeh
mond Benson, Max Conrad, Carl Ankele
and Albert Rau,
The present officers are: Anton Kish,
past master workman; John 1 Krage,
master workman; Paul Schoepe, fore
man; Fred Dalker, overseer; August V.
Ppecht, recorder; Frank Schoepe, finan
cier; Fred Mengedoht, treasurer; H.
Lohmann, guide; Alois Karstler, Inside
Watchman; Fred Karstler, ouslde watch
man; Dr. R. S. Lucke, medical examiner;
trustees, H. Moehle, II. Hofmelster and
Frank Schoepe.
talnment to be given Wednesday even
ing, October 25. This will be the flm 'f
the winter rntertalntnenls and Is Intended
to enliven the Interest of the members
In camp work for the winter months. No
charge will be made for admission and
the' public Is Invited.
The committee In charge of Woodmen
night at the Land show will serve re
freshments to the members of the order
and their families. H Is expected in mnke
this the banner night of the show.
Sm-lala at llnrlaht Hall.
Union lodge No. 110, Royal Achates, will
hold a dancing party next Thursday eve
ning, to which members and friends are
Invited. Last Thursday evening a surprise
party was held at the hall. Nineteenth and
Farnam streets. In honor of the birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Mathauser, who was
given a pretty token as a memento of the
occasion. Cards, luncheon and dancing
were other features of the evening.
Women Foresters Kntertaln.
On Thanksgiving evening, October !6,
St Mary Magdalene Court No. 81. Wo
men's Catholic Order of Foresters, will
hold a card party at St. Mary Magdalene
hnll. Nineteenth and Dodge. All members
of the order aro Invited. Rrlng your
friends. Refreshments served.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work In
the third degree next Friday night.
A large number of our Omaha members
helped to swell the crowds In Council
Bluffs last week, and many of them took
part In the parade on Wednesday.
Beacon lodge No. SO will put on the
third degree next Tuesday evening.
Hesperian encampment. No. 2 had a
class of four candidates for the Pa
triarchal degree last Thursday night.
Wasa lodge No. 1S3 will have work In
the third degree next Wednesday evening.
Dannebrog lodge No. 216 will put on the
third degree work next Friday evening.
Woodmen at Land Show,
The entertainment committee of Alpha
camp No. 1. Woodmen of the World, has
made great preparations for the enter-
Order of Seottlnh Clans.
CInn Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, met In regular session Tuesday
evening. Ballots wore cast for one man
and the balance of the evening was given
over to song. Part songs and solos were
sung by J. G. Gunn, W. R. Gunn and
George Peacock.
Woodmen Entertainment.
Alpha camp. Woodmen of tho World,
will give an entertainment October 25.
Vaudeville, the black art and dancing.
All members and friends invited.
Fraternal In Ion Party.
Banner Lodge No. 11, Fraternal Union
of America, will give a card party In the
hall, third floor Paxton block, Thursday
evening, November 2.
Chahipn, Iowa City, la., for mechanical
movement; to William J. Palv, Mason
City, la., fr fink frame brnoket; to
Henry Kwolt, Urxnd Island. Neb., for
bHiul cutter and feeder; to lYank Gal
lagher, KMgemay, la., for tire for wheels;
to John Howard, Albion, Neb., for sup
porting hook; to Kmanuel Oehrle. Omaha,
for combination tool: to Oustave It. Ol
son, I'lattsmouth. Neb., for riuirs for
print holding frames: to William K.
Howe of Orchard, Neb., for carpet
stretcher: to Albert Valketiberg, Hlteman,
la., for rail tie and fnstenlng; to William
K. Ward, Sheffield, la., for post digging
Ten thousand barrels of flour, made In
Omaha, were sold Friday by tho Updike
Milling company to a New York jobbing
house for New York and Boston con
sumption. "Several largo orders of the
Pride of Omaha' have been placed In
the east of late," said N. H. Updike,
president of the company. "We are more
than pleased that the east Is awakening
to the fact that Nebraska can make as
good flour as any state In tho union. The
plant Is now being pushed to fill orders."
Grand Prize Race
at Savannah Will
Draw Over 100 Cars
SAVANNAH. CJa,. Oct. tl.-The auto
mobile road races at the end of next
month will bring out more fast cars than
ever have been seen at any previous
meeting of this character. There were
forty-five entrants In the Mo-ml Is race
at Indianapolis. According to tho pro
moters there will be at least 100 cars In
the Grand Prlie. Vanderbllt, Savannah
Challenge Trophy and Ttedemaii Cup
races at tho Georgian auto carnival.
The grand prise Is to be run on Thanks
giving day, November 3t, and the other
races run together on Monday, November
27. The manufacturers who have
given assurances so far that they will
enter and the number promised are as
follows: Loxler, 2; Abbott Detroit, 4;
Mercer, S; Cole, S; Ohio, 2; Marmon, 4;
Flat, 6; Bens, S; Bulck, 2; Popo Hummer,
2: Mercedes. 1: Pears. 3; Opel, 1; Colby,
.1; Htaver, S; Sletsllurglme, 1; S. ll. V.,
1; Case, 2; l'oid, Wcstcott and Velle, un
determined. Many other manufacturers are corre
sponding with the officers of the Savan
nah club with a view to the entry of
cars In one of tho four races In a man
ner appearing to bear out the assumption
of President Graner that there will bo
loo cars here for tho races In the largest
aKgregatlon of racing cats ever gathered
on one course In America.
The latest Information lecelved Is that
Joe Jagerberger and J. D. McNay will
drive tho Cs.n ears which have been
entered In the Savannah challenge trophy
race. Ralph Do Palma will drive one of
the Mercer cars and will also drive a
I .osier In tho grand prlxe. Spencer K.
Wlshart will Drive the Mercedes.
The Savannah Automobllt club has
added $1,500 aa second and third prlxea In
the Vanderbllt and the two light car
races, making the total amount of prlxe
money offered by tho club $11,000, In ad
dition to these cash prises Is the $t.000
grand prise cup, tho Vanderbllt cup and
other valuable pla)ues to go to tho win
ners.. The Itemv Magneto company has
Royal Neighbors to Meet.
The Royal Neighbors of Dulsy camp
will give a card party November 8 ,at
Magnolia hall, Twenty. fourth and Ames
Maccabees Card Party.
Gate City hive No. 9, ladles of the
Maccabees, will give a card party on the
afternoon of October 27.
"Big Chief II. E. Fredrlckson. who
got his title from one of tho Sotnbra In
dian maidens of Wyoming, has returned
to his ranch after spending a few days
in Omaha looking over tho new Chalmers
and Pierce Arrow cars which arrived In
Omaha during his absence.
Mr. Fredrlckson reports the big ganio
hunting in Wyoming fine, but whether
he means "deer" or "dear" up to this
time we have been unablo to learn.
Protectloa Given to a Number of In
ventors Darin the Week
Just Ended,
During the week Just ended the follow
ing patents were Issued to Nebraska and
Iowa Inventors:
uo unaries j. AnJerson, Omaha, for
railway switch; to Walter W. Boatwright.
Granger, la., for cattle guard; to Harry
led off for the accessory concerns with an
offer of $1,700 In cash prises, and other
tire, oil and accessory manufacturers
have signified their Intention of offering
substantial cash amounts to the win
ners, until the lucky drivers will carry
off good slxed money bogs In addition
to the glory incident to winning the
greatest road races In the world.
An I air lah
should b covered with clean bandages
saturated with llmklen's Arnica Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. Sc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Cheyenne Drivers to
Tackle Freddie's Mark
There Is considerable talk at Cheyenne,
Wjo., amongst the various automobile
owners over the record breaking tlma
made by II. K. Fredrlckson when ha
covered the distance of f!6 miles from
Cheyenne 1o Omaha In a Chalmers in
nineteen hours and two parties are now
making arrangements for the drive to trf
and break Mr. Fredrlckson's record.
Of Automobiles and Accessories
FREELAKD AUTO CO., 1122-24 Farnam Street.
Wins Fairmoimt Park Race
First and Third Place
For Cars of 600-inch Class
Ralph Mulford and Harry Grant driving 1912 Lozier cars finished in first and third
places, both cars breaking all records made In previous events.
This was the twenty-third start of Lozier cars in great national events with BUT
A SINGLE instance of failure to finish through mechanical trouble a record equalled
by no other car in the world.
We Do Not Build Racing Cars
Every Lozier car used for racing is taken from factory stock and is for sale at
tegular price.
The Lozier has competed in all the big events of the past three years and has won
a majority of victories over every car against which it has raced. The consistency of
its record is foundation for its claim to being the
World's Champion
1912 Moddi
6 eyl. SI h, p. $5000
4 eyl 46 A. p. $4700
7 Style in Bodies
22d and Farnam Streets
Lozier ear arm built in
two chattel only tlx
cylinder! and fonrt
van etylee in bedite
1 1 A a l a DuiaI Aiitn Pnmnnnif
HUUIdofa I)UIU( Jiuiu. uuuijaiiy weish car..-
U.ooU .ranch. 13th ffiT&F&Xm.-n HtTT. Strr.
2082-84 Farnam St, Omaha,
Wallace Automobile Co.
2203 Farnam Street
VELIE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1902 Farnam Street
John Deere Plow Co., Distributors
Overland and Pope
Coanoll Blnffs Is.
Omaba. br.
Apperson" Jack Rabbit
Baker Electric
1102 Farnam St..
Electric Garago
2218 Farnam Street
A Marvel of Workmanship.
T. G. Northwad Co.,
814 Jones St.
2205-2207 Farnam
Prices $1,150
to $1,700. .
Marlon Auto Company.
o. w. Mcdonald, Mgr.
2101-2103 Farnam HU
II I r J!-l-- ft ..1 L!l- fi
ll. r.HR r RKsnn h in mil mm 1,11.0,,
bib sai a a SWMBSW..WW.. . ..m...w.v w w rhalmsra
This is the subject of a lecture that will prove interesting to the man of small means who
desires to make a farm home in the Pacific Northwest. Actual instances and other proofs
will be given. The products from just such farms are now on exhibition in booths at the
; -m Ol)
ER 16 T
The lecture will be given at 2:30 p. m. by William Bruce Leffingwell in lecture hall "A."
Another lecture, "THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS' will be given by
Mr. Leffingwell in the same lecture hall at 9:00 P. M.
Electrical Eiperim?nts and Demonstrations of the Wireless Tehphonc will be giv?a by Dr. Frederick H. flillencr ia the booth of the
XCLx 11 Ir
Standard Road of the West
For literature and information relative to farming in the Union Pacific country, call at the Union Pacific booth.