Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    a nn: r.r.i:-. satt.i:day. octohkk si. wv-: I
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Wonderful Fruit and VrgeUble Ex
hibit at Land fihow.
bwl ".riwerls 'e fli frlerl-
.J fad. try, fcat M.tlfa ia
; K a llrel
IW4 rralae? eeelrr.
Vj.ri ' r'h'w rxrver r
ar.g t1. ''i'rtl l'! "f tb f1lirn
m'.'t,ri ' ad'Mr the rt)i)rf'il
ft ": 1't.Uy male r
c.iivm f tt. vte:;e WaJi ulr. I"
If ra' tVel.!r.rtfn, an eahlbit that
l la (h ,f I M. I5rwn, publicity
r j lf-r f f Wall Walla Cornmer
i4 cl.fc
vrti !, rv of tr ';iy t w!ia
nf iA the frit hit M
IwjU tri !- , I' great srowt b
ia f t dale Aa early an ll h
Hori fcay "rrnr established a Bjet
w!.re th iy 'f Wall Walla wow
ta.vl. there traOng wtn th Indiana
Lawr aJd J lb InfrrpM etplorer,
Marti Whitman, tun4tftt a party
as-roea lt. .a and T " in'unu m,
vwiii!y gating at Walla Walla.
Vr'ro that llna urn tba lty been
n () ma a rut tat attract.d aiiontl'n j
all ovr (h twuntry. In IVJ lb rliy
waa Inrorywaied M shortly afn-rward
tf a1Ur tirnm-fc"sd flo"k tn. Cn-
rel It Kreaier, an f t early -t-IIts,
'uri!r. fr'm Ulnixxirl. realUm;
tb -nalllllit of th ally a a fruit
arowlrg action, planUd an appla free
that .be had brought with him. TWi
tr anil aianda afcfK It was planted In
JWt and laa Wn bearing scpla annually
or unit than flfiy yara. It It prr
fly vml and in liHhy ndltlon,
havl( .r'r.('iri'wj ly I'rut.
ikn of tli Afrit ullijial )-pnrtir-tiL tt
haa hrrn l-arlnn fium ht tv l tuah.U
f ai'l annually Vr II- lat twenty
yar. It U ffi-n ft In fa!ltit
an4 ftw'ir- vnly-lx I-t from tip
I tip. far aa known, Itila la tin
Jaraeet ail tr lit tl. workl.
1'ha Aaal laaaalry.
Tha idantlng f lha on tf marktd
tli tKl'inln Cf Waalilna-ton'a aM'la In
Atmiry, whlali haa fnwn by lif an 4
Ixiarida li ri II now, wlio thla yar tli
ai'l'l jTodu't f tha a!! Krrgat! In
l-oond numlwra tifto.MH feuatiala.
Kor many yvara whnat ralalnic waa
tli la'lln Indualry, farmara b-IUvltig
that It waa tha (inly money maker. How
avrr, a nnilrr of yrara f dlvrlfl4
farming wa tiled and It at one provad
ii h a aui:-ii that w hlla w htat la atlll
tha prlnclnal crat. all varlfit of amall
Hialita are ralard Willi great profit.
Around in u ty of walla Walla ar
probahly many of tha larft anpla or.
aharda In tha world. In cIomi proximity
ra thoaa of tha Walla Walla Appta
Jand compajiy, acr; tha lllalock
rmlt oompany, l.aW aoraa; tha liaker
Jjint'Jon orchard. 470 acraa, and Ilia fa
tnoua 1'omoria orchard, which laat year
croducotf l,t buahaU.
Tha Walla Walla appl find a market
In almoat avery country of tha world,
4 t llluatrala It ia only nauaaaary to 1
nvntlon that rore In tha vicinity ot
Mawtawn liava alandlng ordara with Eng.
Iib appla. deal! a to ahlp l.OW barrala
nnually. ,
Laat yar tl.a oily at Walla Walla
hlppd I.Mjq cara of appUa, 1,600 of vg.
tablaa and hundrathj of rarloada of al
falfa hay, InJIuatlng that-farmara do not
deparid Upon fruit alona. 1
Tha famoua and fcrtila Walla Walla
,vlly contain J0 aguar mils of fr
til land, mot of It aa Invel aa floor,
and In It, ruch4 by atam and trolley
toada, ar tha proapruu til lea of Mil
ton, JTrao Water, WaikaburC, Dayton and
i'r.-cott, UtlOua tha city of Walla Walla.
3 n thla vlly, lit adUltlon to tha grain
field and ai'I'l orchard, tha t-aopla arp
talnlng avery known varlnty of vaU
blea, ptarlion, para, prutm, aprliwta,
(hairlaa, and all of tha berrle to ba
found In tli Umpaiata aoha.
Walla Walla la I aliiae.
In many way tha city of Walla Walla
3a unirji.o. In fact. It la In tha heart ol
an old ttlt community. Tli, city la
built along tha lim-a of ol.ler cltU-a ol
tha !. with grout aliada tr on althnr
of th atroot. Thor aro mile of
l aved ' tr4a and on ot tha bt
iMilHd elci'trln vur line In ,n atato.
Th tlty la aotnd fur It oducatlonul ad
anlaa;. It In tha rt of tha famou
Vliitiiiaii colia. fuumled lit tli AH
Ventlat rolliigK, Ht, Kplmnpal ai'hool, two
CatliollA ucaxlanile. Ia Hullu uml HI. Vln
entj araoit aadi'lliy, beahlr th
aiiletidld puUlio and two prtvata arhiiola of
inuelo. It I tlio only city of lia alia In
Ilia rnuntry that haa and aupporta a
ympliony orchvalra. AH of th arhool
building ara modern and of brick and
ton oonetriu'tlon. 1'ha city la tha alta
of th afta hiiina of tMil feJlnwa, and
if . (.
. I' ' .-V ;
Men's Sample Raincoats and
Slip Ons at
Some Actualljr Worth up to $20
Maxr of r irctortM Coata.
Trr are all up to da'a tcx5l aud
are proof aitaiuat rain.
II ? N
$2L $3'i
Worth $4, $150 and $5.
TVcIl icade of omda and fany
rr.ii! re la a.'l the be-st fall fabrics
an i pttterns. Pec tors and rrrul&rs.
Sample Overcoats i Suits
s125-0 1
To our New York buyer go3 the credit for this great
He wcurwl all th hou and traveling men' samples from several
eastern wholesale tailors,
Built like all r-ample clothe?, they are the Lett of their class and
will wear longer and look better than moit suits that sell for more
If you want a clever new suit, cut in the latent style, buy it here
and tave that $j. If you want a warm, roomy, clay looking overcoat
that you will be proud of all winter, buy it here and save that $5.
These .Sample Overcoats and Suits in All Sizes.
They Are Worth aa High aa $22.50, at $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50
Me-n'a i;lra llravr l'nrtr.
ahlfia and !rawer Values CA
up to 1, t awe and JUC
Men's $3.00 Hats at $1.15
The Strictly New English Models Are Shown in Our
Hlnh-Wickwire & Co. and Rogers-Peet Overcoats and Suits for Men
Have you ecn the new English models! They are the season' extreme new models only to be found in the
io-hest class Kuits that are made. If you want a suit that's just right be sure it's an English model and IN'-
Aeir C fl fl HIST that it be a Rogers-Peet or a Hirsh-Wickwire model. These are the best COtZ. CA(
VwD VtIU Buits and overcoats made-that's why Brandeis sells them and recommends them. VVVV
Hen's .Shoes. S85
Worth $4.00, at
El V 1 m .! m Bl W it WW av- at I Illlll U H bvj -1 W a w ll w H bW'"S S i e au
i t Avi. l
il 9 - Ah:
1 I f V; H
t.vl . - J
. v. - 'h ;i
) L
Boys' Extra Heavj Fleeced Union
Suits, at per fiQt
(arment Ut
y:. If)
Hundreds of Men's Sample Hats, in new
Hoft and fftiff styles. lieht fall and winter
models, worth up to $3.00
All the Odds and Ends of Men's IT A.
$1.00, at.. J Vie
Sample Hats Worth to
CU.iB'-Dle,B ato"" nU for th eel
O161S0O brated John U. Btetaon bata; aoft and
Hats iW.2S l.n. r!1. .$3.50
Brandela sell Wllaon'a Hats ot Denton, England.
litit Kngllah hat made, at S2.50
Wtlaon'a Engltah Health Brandela Bpeclal Bo ft
Hats, at ........03 I nd mtt 1UU 92
GenulD Velour, Bcratca.Up and Bilk Pluah Hata,
at . . .$2 a"d 82.50
Genuine Ucaver and Imported Bilk Velour Hata,
at 85 "d 87.50
I ttoya' School Caps, fur lined bands.
.2." -10t 08 81.50 I t . 25 1 na 4U?
Hi-hoo Hats roll Mtylea,
In velour calf, patent leather and gun
metal calf button and blucher lacs
Goodyear welted, oak aoles; natural fin
Ish. Thea shoes are absolutely perfect
In every war and well worth
their original price, f 4. Our
special price is
Men's Underwear
In Fall and Winter Weights.
Men's Extra Heavy Fleeced Underwear
values up to $3.00. Shirts and drawers at,
garment, 50c and 69c.
Union Suits at.
MnncLpr Union
Bait for Mo
V ill go on aale
$L00 to $4.50
Boot's MadicataS
Wool Vndarwaar
will go on aaia
Horfolk ft New
Brunawlclc Stllc
and wool Under
wear at
$1.00 to $4.50
j $1.25 to $2.50
Dr Jaeger Woolen Underwear, night ahlrta, golf coata.
We are Omaha and weatern egeata for the celebrated
men'a wool hone, outdoor aleeplng hablta and all otber
woolen garmanta.
Men's and Boys'
bweaUr Coata
TSo, Sl.BO ad
Hand M a d e I
Sweater Coats
Men's 60c and 75o
Silk Hoae, pair
$3.50 to $10
Men's Up-to-Date Fall Negligee Shirts
riannellRii, Rrwr.inl Rnlo nf roa ml
with d- "r A, . , V "
ixegugee nins, in au new styles
and patterns, extremely -well made
and actually worth up to AO.
$2.50; at, each VOC
tachable collar to
match; worth np
to $3. at
Exclusive agents for Boys' "Shod-Rite"
Shots the most serviceable boys' shoe
msde. Prices are ...82.25 to 82.75
Manhattan and
E.&W. Shirts
for Men
hera la liutlad tha "luMjIcfleld butue tut
lilldnNi and axot manna.
Near th rll of Walla Walla, tha
Ultra of lilaJio, Oriin and Waaltlnglun
hava purt-haaad a larga Iraut of land,
share ia Imlng arwimi tli Trt-Htale
iliiiiMi for tl" Ad. llera Hut KolUU
uf Prttil liava rroHud their alulo Uxlffw
building, a oxtnrn flrapnMif atmntura.
KelaUva to t!i tllmata of central Waan
InaTton. Iba winters are mild, while Out
autnntera ara moat di'llghtful, with Ions,
oomfortabla day and cool nljflita. Th
normal traiperatura of winter la M da
ifrnr and of aummrr 71. Ttis annual
rainfall aveiwgca aavenUen to twonty-ftva
turea. Oalall. X3m twa wlamrtf. erntca in
for hla ahara of aitct)on durtn bola
of bis avrfonnaneea and tne Deal oif
cua ntade a bit wtioo on of tha ataJa
rafuaed ' to walk the tight ropa. Tne
fat llttla fellow waa caniad into plaoa.
tut all of a sudden, ba developed a
fit of atubhoraeaa and rfund to do
tha stunt Tha kpr gave him a sharp
tap avruas'tbe bauk with a light can.
Tlilii, liiatnad of having tha dual rod af
fect, brought forth from tha half ani
mal and half flub creature a moan a
plaintive aa that of a cMld.
Juataad ot obeying orders, tha llttl
eroat urs rollnd over on Its atoiuach and
uttarlntf loud ortea, crawled and flopped
away to lis bos In tha corner of tha
performing ring, wbera It remained dor-
Ing the balance of th vnlng.
Crowd lalt Aalatal flraa to
Watch fate t aarra.
In the amuaetnenl ball at th 1-and
how large rrowd Hmanrd to th trav
logue and wat'id Ilia motion ptu-
"""""""wa"""""" ii i t,
i li,. i lui'iiih t i aaiam 1 1 aa ai iwi "i' Ttr-TrTTT" -m -pj- p -i-pjppj-ijp ,
! M
Yoa flood
0 Vitality.
If you aro Weak,
Nerveless, Bloodless,
your arms are bound,
your energies paralyzed.
is the Vitalizerand
your opportunity.
all onuaaiT9
Metropolitan Club
Jarred by Explosion
An eiploaluo In th Metropolitan i-lub.
Twenty-third and Harney atreeta, at
Friday morning, arouned tha neighborhood
and raut aome dame- to the btillillna,
lnVatlgatlin illat'luaea that a ga Jut waa
turned on In tha buauninnt and th plar
was filled with g. A carelwi workman
on th oulxlj loaaed a lighted match
through an open window of the bailment
and th cxploalun followed. Some furni
ture waa uvertuin1. walla were allghtty
cracked, but the damage la not eerluu.
Wlllard Chamber, the dancing tnuatar
who recently laad th building, aaya
that the eiploaloq will not retard the
work uf rniuvallng aiui redecoiatlntf
whli ti li I having den at th building.
Realty Men Fail to
Make Nominations
A allr liu born cratd la the Ileal
I0tata exchang by tlio UIiovery that
the nomination of ofrtcor ahuuld bav
been made laat W'rdncaday, but waa not,
tome good-naturedly blame (Secretary
Harry Tukey and aoin I 'real dent C. C.
Uvorge, and Intimate It l a chauc for
t'iiltl tw Cvlttlnue li. o?'U. i.lvU utm
reaaonabl. aliu e rai h g ta Iota of work
and no pay out of hi office, air. Tukay
liaa bren at retai y only arvvn yrara.
What to do now la a problem. Tha
election 1 act by the conaUtutluii for
the flint week 111 November and Comll- j
tutloiial pruvlnloa for uoiulimtloo two
week b.for rltHllon 1 made.
Heart Failure is '
tho Cause of Death
w Hrowo, th atrlkbrakr who waa
funnd dead In tha I'nlun I'aalfla bunk
liouaa Tburaday morning. dld of heart
luilui. acoviding a pot morteui ea
nmlnallon comluvted Thuratay afternoon.
Urnwn Uvd at Twsity-viiiid anu tlrra
at i ua
7. Fred Kerr Withdrawi from the
Abstracter!' Association.
Sara that Pirleea Were Itaiae-4 Whew
the Aaaoelatloa Waa Karaaed
that It Waa Pr
tteallr a Traat.
The Hoe'a atory Borne time ago that an
abatraclera' truat held tba real eatata
bualneaa of Omaha la Ita elutohea, though
It was don lad by tha abatraoter atrenu
oualy at tlia Uma, la traa, aoeordlu; la J.
red Kerr, who admit that ha waa dim
of tba organisers of tba traat. but aaya
sow that ba Is Isorar aa4 lateoda to
boat It. '
Vfltma tba abatraetera
orgaiiLanl oa Juua 1. aarurdlnaT ko Mr.
Kerr, prioea wer raJaad to SS par cent.
Ao Mwramt waa reached, ba says.
whereby the prloa quoted to aayone aa
an abstract waa telephoned to othar ab-
tract effloea, ao that tha ruatoinar waa
glvea tha Buna prlua wbaraTer ba want.
Mr. Kerr U aeodlnar out circular Inter
to ral eatata man, la which ba aayai
Aa a real aetata ant yen are Inter-
iea in prioea lor abetrweU or lilt.
Hi nee June 1. 1811. tli prtoea of ab
atracts hav been materially hlcher bv
reauon or in lurroauon or a truxt afrree
ment between tha abatraoter. Tha Kerr
A Detract company lie thla day with.
drawn from euid agreement and will
from now nil. continue aa In tli naat.
furnlahlng the boat abstracts, but at mora
reasonable price.
Ahkko Discharged
Following Raid
Louie Ahkko and Ms head waiter,
Charles Mebourue, who were arrested
Thursday night when Ahkko'a chop auay
tiouaa at Hit Douglas at'reet waa raided
by th polk, were discharged in police
court Friday morning Whan th place
wa raided a partly filled barrel of beer
waa found on tha preml and It wa
ounnacaied. in pome court Charlea
Lynch of Lincoln. Nrb., awor thut ha
had given Ahkko money to buy tba beer
beror a o'clock and that ha was giving
a party. II aald ha did not buy th beer
from Ahkko.
Albert Anderson, ona of tba thlrty-ali
men asainat whom have been filed
charge of perjury for Ulngal rrglatra
tlon, waa srrealed by IVputy Sheriff Ira
Slanagan Kiiday aftemooo. Anderaoa ia
sUeged to bay attempted ta Qualify aa
a voter by fraudulent methods In the
flrat prwlnct of tba Ttilid ward. In
which baJllwVk b oonducta a rwta.
Aadereua waa arrlu4 WtXui Uounty
Judg Leolla at f o'clock. Deputy County
Attorney Plattl reading tha complaint.
Anderson pleaded not guilty and asked a
reasonably speedy trial. Hearing was
set for Tueaday aftornoon. Martin J.
8alvlto signed a $500 bond for Anderson
and tha accusod man was released.
Anderson ia proprietor of a small res
taurant on Hlsteenth street between Cal
ifornia and Cass streets, lis says ba
baa lived in tho Third ward for years.
Anderaon waa accompanied in court by
Salvlto and Morris Milder.
A new hum la being- work In Omaha
whereby tha paopta In tba Hanacora park
district ara fast gwrUror rid of tbolr aar-
basa cans. Friday morning the pullca
reoeWed complaint from savarai women.
who said two men bad been around col
lecting gurbaa cans. According- to tha
bUVaraaatfcaa aminos by U woUea tew
ntew ar tvaeMST are nag wttia a larsa
oovwrad vaip. n, Tbcy it tay are
fruan the) bemltb departovait. They an-
par at a housa and say tliy bar been
ordered by Lh bealth derjairtroont to take
garbMO cans sod fnmigata thara. and
that they will b returned In tba apripx.
It ta not known bow many cans hare
There will ba a good attendance from all
police ar looking for them.
The polk are looking for a pair of
men who bava been selling potatoea from
a wagon to conaumera and who ar
ahort-welghting the victim In a whole
sale manner. City Weight Inapector John
I'egg has found three place wber peo
ple liav purchaaed from ten to twelv
buahel and have received but flv or
six buabels. ,
Thoae much talked of "Mark Croas"
fi.lA Engltah hand-wed gloves for men
snd women may now b had right bar
In Omaha at Renaon A Thorn Co. 'a
Dactor'i Bst Formula
rak Beare Cold ta a Say and
Cure vay Curable Cough,
Hit baa been publlnhtd here for vrv-
erul wlutera and hue proven the quick
cat and moat reliable formula obtainable
rr couKha and coIiIh. "iei two ounce
uf Olycriine and half an onm- of Con
centrstrd Vine compounil. Thru get half
a pint ot good whukey and put the other
two Ingrtitlli'iita Into It. ISIiuke It well
and tuke oiie or two teaoonf ul after
m h meal and at bvil tliur. Wtnallt-r
doara lo children according to kit. lie
aura I gvt only the --nu.tie (lob) Con
centrated l'lne. Kadi half o'-incn bottle
comra In a ai-aled tut acrew-lop cae.
Any druaalat baa It on hand or will
anLk'y gwt It from lila wUoUmiI hoiote.
Anv one tan nil It. Don t eiiierlinent
with preparation becauae of clieapuoa.
ll don't l ay lo fool with a bad Colli.
A ITollillirnt local drumil alalea that
If till luUtur wer uatd promt1!! by
veiy one catching rll thcie would b
l -w dtAthS Iiviu uounwal. A4v.
WerylgdoVes ft
The most satisfying, refreshing
chewing gum produced
Pleases the taste of everybody.
The delicious flavor of natural
mint leaves and essence of
' peTwjerTruntBWrferi
not too pronounced
and lasts as long
as you care to
w j 'M wf a av m jr, sr w w
IT CJ tUllULil L .
today youll lite it better!
than, any other.
: ;:v:l:!rl";.j,'lll:llst
Gray Hair Vil! Make You Look Q!d,
A Harmless Remedy Restores Color.
Gray iiair in a mark of age, and noth
ing that can oe aald aa to Ita beauty will
effect th dlvidventagea of thla mark of
age aet upon your brow
Wyeth's and Kulphu Hair lleiu-
edy darkens (.) hair aud reatorea it to
ita youthful beauty. Our grandmothera
and their .ran Jinothere btfor them
uaed aag and aulphur for darkening
their bair. Nothing haa aver been found
mors affective for thla purpoa than
tlieae two time-honored remediea, but
Wyeth, a modern chemlat, haa combined
Hi Iwi with other Ingredlants which
make a delightful drsailng for tli hair.
and which not only remove every tracn
of dandruff but promotes tbs growth ol
th lialr. It alao top tlia hair from
fulling out and makea It beautiful.
All drufgluta ar autUoiiced to re
fund tha money if It falls to do exactly
as represented.
on't neglect your hair and don't re
sort to old-time hair dyes. Uet a bottle
of Wyetha Sis and Sulphur from your
drugglat today and notice the difference
In your bair after a few daya use.
This preparation la offered to tha pub
lic at fifty tent a bottle, aud Is recom
lutoded and sold by all druggists.