Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18

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For Exchange
MO icrfu, all smooth, level, rich land. In
Weld county, Colo., within two mile of
tine town nd five miles of another town;
120 acres In fall wheat, balance ran be
plowed; fine rich, Irani anil. 1 to S feet
Jeep; rood settlers all around; will trade
Tor eastern Nebraska land or Omntin
property; will trade 320 acres If 640 la tou
Ml 4 Harney St.
TRADES If you have anything l
trade, writ me, 8. E. Walt. 41? Dee Bid
FOR a dainty dessert ue Dslxrlt's Ire
cream. If Mrs. T. J. Nedd. I on 8.
Ave., will come to The pre office within
three dsy wo will give her an order fur
a quart of thin fine Ire ("rant.
Cw Tork, .9r.donricrry and Glasgow.
Haw Tork, Palermo and 2Taple.
Attractive rates for tickets between Nt w
York and all H otrh. English, Irlsn,
Continental and Medf tcrrnneun pol'ifH.
nperlor Accommodation, Excellent Cul
eiae. Efficient Service. Apply prompt
ly for Reservation to local snent of
Anchor Line or Henderson Brother!,
(General A Kelt". Chlrak'O III.
Id-hand good. Kleaer, 1020 Center. D-tttB.
WE TAT highest prica for men's Id
hand clothing. M. Nathan, 100 b. lilh.
WANTED Second hand act of North
western Reporter! or Nebraska etate re
ports. C. 8- Aldrich, Elmwood, Neb.
WANTED To rant 4-room home, part
modern, lu any pail of Ut. Addrsii
N. 44, Baa,
WANTED A nicely furnlahed room
with piano by ft gentleman. Addrea U 487,
WASTED-Dealt room in downtown
office and me or atenographar and tele
phone. Add real K 480.
AFTER a day's work little recreation
la welcomed. We will give Mrs. F. W,
Bowman. 963 North SKtb Ht., an order for
a pair of aeata to the Woodward Htock
company at the American theater If aha
will coma to The ilea office within three
YOUNU lady, with lilgli school educa
tion, wtahee a Position. C JUL He.
WANTED- Poaltlon ae bouaekeeper, by
experienced cook, in either a Danish or
(icrnuo home. Addreaa, Uhoinu Jensen,
ltoula i, Beatrice, Neb.
MAN wanta position aa Janitor; good
tafereocea. Addroca U-3'M. care llee.
fclTUATlON WANTED Experienced
ilcnographer and bookkeeper wanta puel
.Ion. Addreaa It cara lie.
WANTED Work; call Web. 2016; col
red girl.
MAN and wife, vary capable, dealrei
tnipluyment; experienced aa manager
mi housekeeper Addreaa, b-336, lite.
WANTED I 'lace on farm fur boy )
rtara old. b V, Ilea.
FIRST CLASS laundress wanta work
y tne day. C. Peterson, W10 Ohio tit.
FOR a first rlaas practical nurse, call
Mra. lioynlon. 11. 1473, A-2t74.
WASHING and curtains dune. T. II. UN
WANTED-l'naltloa aa cook. Call at
S-16 Ch'cago St.
GOOD penman wishes position.
Ireaa K 444 ilea.
EXPERIE.NCED lady wishes day work
of any kind. Will cook and serve for
tntertainnienta. Call Doug, Ci.'j.
WANTED By boy. of It, third year In
High school, a position utter school.
11 483. Bee.
YOUNG man locating In city deairea
position aa bookkeeper or office work,
Hank experience; excellent education and
marectcr; reliable In all particular!. Ad
ireaa, L 4M. lieo.
BUNDLE washing wanted. liar. 637k
COLiORED girl wanta work. Web. 1670.
EXPERIENCED atenographer deairea
soetllon. Web. 2005.
SITUATION wanted by flrat-claaa
Monographer. Eight yeara experTeuoe.
,'an give first-class reference!. Addreaa
J 484, Omaha lice.
E1.DERLY gentleman wanta work In
hotel or any kind of work, J. O., 2311
Hickory ht.
KITUATION wanted by couple; edit
rated; refined: wife excellent bouaekeeper;
nan expert maaaeMr, nuree and dermatol
)BlHt, rare for chronic ailments, nervoua
Jisorders, curative or Invalid; good rrf
lencee. Prof. Urlmdagt, 1110 Forest, K.
r. Mo.
EVERT person knows who D. J.
O'Brien li because he haa made Omaha
famous with hia candy. If Mra. W. II.
Klrkendall, SMf. N. 2lt St.. will coma to
Hee office wlthlu three days we will give
her an order for a tW-cent bus of
l Hrlen'a candy free.
Ship roar stock to South Omsk;
? mileage nd shrtukage; your
rouaigaiuonia i-cccit) prcuivt anj
careful attention.
FyeraBros. It Co. Strong and renponalble.
WOOD bHOa. ;31 Jt Exchango i:iug.
Ureal Weal. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver.
W. H. t-MlTH BONjuat handle eheep.
w. K. penny tc co. ;aiit.:I.:hriii
TAGti bltUA handle cattle, hoga, ahec
Cl.lKTuN Ciiiii. Co., Zli KxclitTnae llidg!
I unahue . Haiumll Co., .vi Excl)-iildg.
Clay, Itiibiiiaou : Co., 2uo Kxcivriid
I lie rtiandard Com. Co., llai'.xcn". H.dgT
V. H. tSM I 1 11 ii HON )uFlmtdlheeuT
imereiaie Co. lirtie r lenuiia. MuiTtn "mi"
r HF liliK-KiC KLY XJ. .jrETc h ltid"gT
U K. lUldfcMTll ex CO., iiikitchT BWrfT
A I irn 1'unle y at Co., ha. a ; K x c hH I d "
'o it JflifK Coin, t o., Injlii n of hualieiaT
UtiHui; ft;, live Mix'.
yi mere 1. e. Coin. Co., aw KxcttitaV.
l'r.ual prot etna ot kliilliPii7i lli"hluca
Varda Nat I Hank. Only bank at )ard.
" V I N N liiti)B.c CO.. Jx"ciiaiiKe" "li'ulgT"
,i'A !lE1 Ji'OnJ 'Vwjj-.xcu-ltldii -'
1 uxli.l-J'-ciiiall i Jiem. Co. M'k l'MK'ill'
iilirilroa.ut . o., m- ixciT7 iu.
It. Hill IliMJII a; fun, l.-i-u, 1.x. il,il(.
KMX loll-K klllfcll t h-iii. Cu. t k lc l.'.ll,,
li"t lMl plom.uil Ul tfit,loulil ill fittx.
Verne Jvat I Hank, only bank at yard
,tMibiuii ae viitii, liva aloca cum. nitir'
OMAhM iriE GHAIf. Mahku
WEEKS UKA1N CO.. grain merchant,
t voia uutcuLa aolicitMd. iM iiraiiUa-a.
Mcbra'ka-lowa Urala Co. 7M lirandeia
Hit; Lt'UIKE OKA1N CO. i.'Onalga
K.cuie cJtljl7 hanuieil. Omaha, Iteu.
MXl.klAM COMatinolON Cu. "Aaa U
nin wtio lia Mivl ua."
teani a la gia'a, bay, vluu (eeu. ai
tiaiilsla liliirf.
KO HERTS UHA1N CO., grain conaiga-n.t-uia
eoliciied, giain bouiit to xrnta
i.a iiiandca.
if uu bave anything to excboiige au
tite it lu The Omaha Pally Hue.
Reduction in Milling Wheat Cauiei
Bullish Conditioni.
Obaervera la Cora Trade Expreai the
Opinion that Malta Ilo Kot Fa
roe Important Advance
fa l ularea.
OMAHA. Oct. , 1311.
I.lvcrpocil rablea were easier Ihli morn-
mC. hut inllrllllfin. In V. - . . . .
. -: ,i, i, iv'i mi v
biiiliah. aa there haa been a lartxe reduc-
ii m me oiume of mllllnu wheat on
both ddcn of the Canadinn line the lat
feiv crke. Thn remaikahle atretiRth of
rush wheat, e-peclally In the eouthwest.
!h Io ii luill frnture of Importance. The
trs.V In whfat In out of a long, dull rut,
ii'id lvil-!lc aentlment favora the buying
! !d'.
j tMiK-rvcm In the corn trade expreea the
I ('Pinion that bull loader do not favor nn udvarice In corn future at thl
' :cn(in of IIih crop year, l'rencut prlcea
(ii'iiciid iipiui the charactT of the
Mcnlhfi'. hm cleur, dry condition! are
nro.1,.,1 to put the now crop In merchant
i'hio condition.
Ht ntliricut wa more atronyly bulllah to.
(ay, oiilriK t.i the reiiiarkabln rami
vuliicn nt all hard winter inxrket. Katn
pica Kohl ivo hlsher on the floor todcy.
( orn nihun...! I. , . ,.r ui.AHni ...inn..
hy lomr nlm re entlrflixl nnd were
Making ptufitH. Caali value! advanced o
1'runHry wheat receipt! were 1.2.V1.0)
burfliela and ahlpmenta were (WJ4,0ki
...r,,.,,, nKmnai receipt! lust year or
I.Jh.noO buehela and elilpmcnti of 3S8.0-W
I'Umary corn receipt! were FI7.0ftO
nunnein ann ahlpment! were 712,0n0
bushel!!, agalnat receipt! last year of
S3.PW huiihels and ahlpmenta of W,0u0
;iearance were none of corn, none of
eata and wheat and flour equal to 120.OO1)
Liverpool cloaed unchanged on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
The following radii ealci were reported;
..W'lEAT-No. 2 hard. 1 car, 104H; 1 car.
fMSv" rr"- No. a hard, 1 car."- No. 4 hard. 1 cur,
HOT. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, lixifp; No.
mie1, t r,r, )U
CORN No. 8 white, 1 cara. 70lc; No. 3
yellow, I c!r, )v,c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car,
tSHc No. S mixed, i car!. te..
OAT8-8tandard, 1 car, iije. No. I
white, U rara, c; I car. rtfce. No. 4
white, I cara, 4i,,c. No giade, 1 car, 46c.
Omaha Cnak Krtcea.
. JVHKAT-No. I hard. ll.WHl.oSH; No.
ti.r1v el.iJ1.06S4; No. 4 hard, Mci$1.04.
CORN No. 2 white, TOVaiOSic; No. 3
wnuo, rwwtvw, r0. 4 white, Wl-B70r;
No. I color, wyjTOc: No. 2 yellow, tsv&
ni-tc; No. I yellow, 44(g.ix,ci No. 4 jel-
tiVlC'WM.c; No. 4, 7iMlc.
OATH No. t whlto. 4S'?4:c; atandard.
8r.,S 4614c; No. I white, 4iiW4Ge; No. 4
wh.te, 46"ifHtte: No. I yellow, toMWW.
No, 4 yellow. 4iW4in,
RARLEY-ivfaltlng, tl.llfri.21; No. 1
feed, 2ca1.07.
RYE-No. J. WQ07C; No. S, WJc
Carlot Ilecelpti, ,
irk.., r.n a. .
Chicago tto im i3i
Minneapoila , 45
Omaha 14 T 22
Duluth 210
Liverpool Grain Market.
IJVERPOOU Oct. 20.-WIIEAT-8pc.t,
nominal; future, firm; October, 7a bd;
Decemher, 7a ",d; March, 7, 6 d.
CORN Fpot, firm: American mixed, !
I'Vl: futurea, ateady; January, la lOd;
February, fi 9Hd.
Peoria Market,
PF.ORIA, Oct. 20-COr.N-Hlgher; No.
1 white. 74c; No. 4 white, 72c; No. 2 white,
iSHe; No. t yellow, 731(73; No. 6 yellow,
Absolute Title Uiven 1 he unallotted
lands of the Choctaw and cmrkaiaw Na
tion of the Five Clvlilxed Trtbea In Okla
homa, and not including iliu coal and tim
ber acgregktlutia, will be aoid at pubnu
auciiou 10 1 lie 11 is "cat uiuuer at the fol
lowing term. tUnca and place! at nut los
than the iniiiimuoi price atated In tho ad
vertlsement: Orady county, Chickasaw,
, tiucta, iiT.uvu et:ie, ,utitnovi , , ,
Htephena county, Duncan, 7.10 tract. tU,)0)
acrea, Novembci' U, 7, ; Jefieraon county,
Kyan, V1 truot 4H.4U0 acrea; November,
10, 11; l,ove county. Marietta, e44 Iructs,
16. f0' atiea, November 13. 14, lu, lti; Carter
county, Ardmore, J.lij trauta, Vi.wi) acres,
November 17, is, i, 11, m, X3; Murray
county, rjulpiuir, tiacu, .iMu acrej,
November ii, 'J6; Oarvin county, lauis
Valley, tl tractH. 8v,&uu acres, November
17, ', 2V; Mcclain county, I'urcell, tui
tracts, 14,KH aorca, December 1, 2; 1'onto
too county, Ada, Iw tracta, 4a,!kx acrea,
Ieoember 4, 6, ; Johnson county, 'iieno
ndngo, fcttt tracta, acrer, December 7,
i, a; Marshall county, Madiil, 2i traota,
1I acrei, December II; itryan county,
Durant, box tracta, ,100 acres, liecemoer
11. M; Atoka county, Atoka, l,3ut tiauis,
Vi,in aorca. Decern Ubi, 14, li, id. is, !;
Coul county Cuaigate, 6va tracta, M.wii
acres, lcvmber , HI, 22; llug.iea couu;y,
i.aiwil, .ii tiacia, uu,,w mi., iw.-riloef
80, 27; 1'lttabuig county, McAleater,
Ii acta, 1H7,IV acrea, Kecember in,
1U11, January I, H; Haskell county, bugler,
41s tracts, )a,3ti0 acrea, January a, 4, Lati
mer county, Wllouiion, mi tracta, 16. WW
acrea, January I; l-flure county, t'oteau,
Hi tracta, n.MJV acres, Januaiy S; 1-uab-niataha
county, Antiera, t4t traota, i,wx)
acrea, January I, a. lu; Cbuc'.aw county,
Hugo, c-'.l tracta, ri.butl acres, January
11. li, M; Mocurtatu county, Idauci, ,il
tracts, M.&uu acrei, January 16, w, 11, is,
UiX etui more than IM acrea of agri
cuuuiat alia tj umri 01 outer .anus niu
be sold tu one) peraon In any one nation
Agricultural iandb are tiiuae raving u
niiiumuiu valuatiun uf ts.uu or more par
acre, 'lerma are 26 per cent at tne time
uf sale, per cunt In twelve inoiuiis an
btf per cent In two yeara, with per cent
interest. Cayioeins uiuai be maue in ine
lurm of drait or certified checa, payauiv
to J. U. v right, coiiuniaaiuuer. Cpun (ml
(.ayititnt being maue at any time deed
will issue, liiiuieuiateiy aiiur approval
of sale lertiticale 01 purctiase wm usue
and puaaeBMiuu be giveu, but cutting of
limber or drilling or willing tor imtiuraia
UlMitoit Hm lioi ue pvituitieu Utiiti iuti
layment of purcbaae price. Right la re
served to reject any or all bids, i'or lulur.
tnatlun appiy to tne Cummissioncr uf the
ive Civilised Tribes, Aiuekugee, Okia
lioma, or any of tno Dlmiic Agents a
to laiida wltnin their ruapecuvu uisirlcia.
I.ihis uf these lanua have bcou prepuiud
by coiiiitict. abowliig the teium uf sale,
tne tloM-ripuuii of the various 1 rails auu
imiiimuiii price. It will be Impracticable
to luniiali eucli Inquirer all ot tiieae lists
and it la augaesleo: Unit I irsons uoMrmg
sucn intoriuatiun specity tne locality 1,1
which they are Interested, lilueprinia of
Ilia varloua cuunus, allowing iuu loca
tiuit of the land to bo sold will be lur.
lusheu upon application to the under
kifciicd upua the I'ttinent ot I j for euc.i
county, in tne lurm uf urait or pooiai
money order. J. O. W ItlOllT, Couiiiua
aioncr to tne Five Civilized Tribes, Mux
kugve, Oklatioma, August L VU. . ,
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
$10 & $151
pwarda. Meala and
alaterooma tnnhio,!
claaa. all let clasa accummodutlone-
Cheaper Than to Stay at Ifoino
THESE RATES are the lowest
which hav vftF 1.. t
feet for those who gatl now. They
may not continue long.
Hy "I rantojtluntlo Elner
"TACUS" Oct 2S
Wireleea, mbmarlne algnala. wator
tlglit lumpariiiienta and every
I'l-Klxin ai'pllance
. . . AOi:,iO go.
GenL Agt. . 16 n. LatfaH, b, Chicago.
1- " '"'i?';; T. A. 1IL Cent 1 1
W. E llock. 141) Faroam Bt
II. C. Kltlalds. 1914 rarnaio Bt.
Ixiuls NMaa, care First Nat. bauk.
.; No. 2 mixed. 73c; No. t mixed, 72c;
new enmple. fioft-Jc.
OATrt-Cnrhatiged; No. 2 white, 47Vc;
siandard. 47c; No. 2 white, 47c; No, 4
white, 4tjH;.
Feat area ol Ike Tradlag anal Cloalag
Prlees s Board of Traele.
CJIICAOO, Oct. 20-A new high price
record for the season was made today In
wheat. Rain and anow throughout the
northwest hurried up Inventors who had
been hoping In vain that a reaction was
Jut at hand. The close, though nervous,
was Vt"iH(C net advance. Corn finished
I' to 1-V above last night. Oat up
4 to c, and hog products higher 7',i
to 26c.
It wa evident from the start that the
pit ftupply of wheat would be too acanty
for buyer!' comfort. This condition grew
wore a the day progressed, being re
lieved only at rare Interval and then
not aufflrleiu to cnue any material set
hnck. The main raon was that It had
been amjw.'ng throiiKhnut a good rart of
the northwi-Ht. following rain over night.
More unfavorable condition could hardly
he IniHginrd for thrchlng the great
quantities or wheat ft til In the field
both i!c of the CanadUn lino. In addi
tion, nn Increased demand for flour w
tcportcd In the southwest and there
were ndvlcps from Omaha that Mlnne
apoll buyers were taking all the cash
wbt'ut offers. December nwiini from
l.l to IIU'-j and rlomd at ll.W',1.02',
li kalu of I'ul'ni' net. '
t orn rulnl etrong nil diiy. December
fluctuated between UV-xc nnd CGVc. closlmc
nt the top point of tho dy. l4-iilV;
niKiier 111H11 last night. Cash grain grade
were firmly held with No. 2 yellow
quoted at 7GVifi7t;c.
tmts, though ovcrshadoned by the
greater activity of wheat and corn re
ceived a lift due to purchae made for
elevator concerns and commission Iiousch.
I'pper and lower levels for December
were 4M nnd 470 with the clore
hlsher at tx'io.
The provinlon trade caught enthusiasm
from the gra.ln pit and hoisted quota
tions with a vim. At the last gong, pork
had ripen to 25c, and other hog pro
duct 7'4 to lOi.-.
Quotations ot leading product! were:
I Open. I High. . Low. j Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I
1 Olfi's
1 o:t,'if 1 oiH
1 Oo-i,
1 W.a
wiNil uti-Tt7
1 00 1 ou'a
CTi'il C6 nafm
dV4 67',i'ii W'!6't7i
o?4l Z,
tO'ikiSOHSrS Wf(4
47 I 47y:icva.'a
47 M
15 5S
15 70
i 15
8 30
1 02 1 01
1 w, 1 0o;
I 1 004 1 00
I tsj'al
15 BTH
16 67ft
8 80
8 174
8 27Si
I 13 2',i
I 87i
I 9 15
8 25
8 36 I
May. I
Cash quotations were as follows:
FI.ol.'K Market firm; winter patents,
I4.16i4.i&; etraighta, :i.wy(i 4.60; spring
atralKhts, M WlM.Vo; bakers, l.7U(jo.W.
RY 10 No. 2. U7",4c.
IIAUI.BV-Feed or mixing, $0cuil.02;
fair to cholco mailing, l.l-'(ti 1.23.
t E EDS Timothy, 13.Uufado.). Clover.
tu.O'Mi w.ra.
I'lloVlsiONfi Mesi pork, per bbl.,
tiri.'iaji 1 (. lard, per IO11 lbs., 19.00. Short
ribs, sides (loose), ts.00U8.Ul; Bliort clear
side (boxed), tM.lT g.To.
Total cUarancea of whent and flour were
equnl to Iji,uu0 bu. Export for the week,
11 shown by Uradstieet's. were exual to
a.'il.Lt'O Int. Primary receipt! were 1.253.0O0
bu., compared with B.'j,0O'j bu. the corre
sponding day a year ago. Estimated re
ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, li3 car;
corn, 1!G cars; oats, 158 earn hogs, 13,000
Chicago Cah Trlcca Wheat: No. 2 red.
tl.ltM.02(i; No. 8 red, tl.0Oal.0-J; No. S
hard, 1.0;.'il.07; No. 3 hard, l.o:'ul.05;
No. 1 northern, l.lif1.17; No. 2 north
ern, tl.l3'(il.ll; No. 3 northern, tl.llw
1.14; No. 2 Hprlng, tl.06tfl.14; No. 3 spring,
tl.tat'jl.l2H; N". 4 spring, UOc'atl.Ki; vel
vet chefr, Mk'litl.U; durum, U.'jcfitl.Otl.
Corn: No. 2, elyiivxc; No. 2 white. 76'j
"die; No. 2 yellow, 7514iii7tic; No. S, 7ii(i
iu,o; ro. b wnite, Tfvn:ia; no. 1 yel
low, il'it'iSHc; No. 4, 71'i7ic; No. 4 white,
74'.c; No. 4 yellow, Vivmtac. Data: No.
i", 47sHi47,c; No. 2 white, 47'ffls;c; No. 3,
4VHc; ino. J while, 4, Vti'fi IN'ic; No. 4. 4Ut1f
lie; No. 4 white, 4,'o4i4c; atandard, 4if
l.-c. ,
RUTTER-Steady; creamerie!, iSUHc;
dairies, 21t!2lc.
EtlOS bteady; receipts, 1010 casea; at
mark, casea Included, lfru'lsc; firms, 21c;
prime firms, 22c.
CIIEESE-Btuady; daisies, 14ffl4ttc:
twins, Hfllc; young Americas, 14VJ
14'jC; long horns, 14Vu'14c.
POTATOES steady; Wisconsin, 65
60c; Michigan and Minnesota, 6uuoc; re
ceipls, 74 curs.
l'OULTRY-llve eaay; turkeya, 14c;
chlrketiH, Ot.-; springs, ld'-jc.
VEAIr-Kteady; to to 60-lb. wta., RflSc;
(0 to K-Vlb. wta., U',x110ie; Bo to 110-lb.
wta., 11c.
taily movement of produce:
Articles Receipt. Bpipm't.
Flour, bbls l'2.2ou 17.IXX)
V heat, bu 97,:M0 1!i8,7O0
Corn, bu 27l,6iO SKI, too
Oats, IU. 49.9110
Rye, bu It.WI 8,700
Barley, bu 169.0U0 7.700
Car Lot Receipts Wheat, M cars, with
13 of contract grade; corn, 199 cara, with
67 of contract grade; oats, 131 cara. Total
receipt! of wheat at Chicago, Mlnneapolla
and Duluth today were 735 cars, com
pared with 600 car last week and 461 cara
tho corresponding duy a year ago.
4eatloae ot the Day cm Vsrl.n
NEW" YORK. Oct. 20 -FI.OtTR-Flrmer;
spring patents, t5.3U'iia..iO; winter straights,
JI.S0nj4.J0; winter putelits, 4.3uHt4.70; spring
cieaiH. 44.3(,'4.Mi; w.mer extra No. I,
t3.0iid4 80; winter extras No. 2, 3.4fj3 55;
Kansas gtralghta, t4.7Mj4 90. Receipts,
SI. SW bu.; shipments, i.iuo bu. Rye flour,
firm; fair to gjod, 4.;fry4.W; choice to
fancy, t- lo-;i5.45.
CORN MEAI Firm; ffne hlte and yel
low, . tl.4oil.4.'; coarse, tl.Sol-4U; kiln
dried, 3.Vo3.76.
WHEAT rtpot market firm; No. 2 red,
tl.OUtfc, elevator, export basta, and tl."4,
t. o, b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
II. WV f. . b. afloat. Futures market
tlrin und higher on gO'jd buying, In sym
pathy with the outside markets and on
tho firmness In the earn puaitlon and
turther complalnta regarding the grad
ing In tho vpiing wheat states and Can
ada, clotting Stto not higher. Decem
ber, ll OtMii.or. cloned at tl.06 13-16; May,
1 liil.ll V cIohimI at ti ll 3-1. Recelpta,
tO.MW bu.; niiipmctits, -'4 -ti 11 u.
CORN Spot market Urong; export No.
2. Mic. iiomlnHl. f. o. b, afloat. Futurea
111:11 krt nominal.
oAl'S-soiit market ateady. Futures
market noinlnnl. llecelpta, V9.475 bu.
FEED Steady ; wealern spring bran,
10u-lb. eacka, 1.6.10. atandard middling.
1'-Ili. sacks. t:3.19; city, 100-lb. aacka.
HA Y Firm; prime No. 1, tl.l5l-2o;
No. -'. tl. 1.15; No. 3. tl.00iiil.06.
Hors-Eirm; stale, common to choice,
1911, 4Tni5lK:.
IllDEJj-rJteady; Centrul America, tie
LEATHER Firm; hemlock fireta, t6iff
27c; rinds. I'.'v-t'tc; r-Jcta. 6.
PKoVlcUONH Pork, steady; nieaa, tl700
Ti'lT.riu, family. tl.ooii2l.0u; ehort cleor,
fl.i.7.Viil7.Iji. Reef, f.rm; mesa, l2-5uf IS (.;
fanillv. tll5tijil4.0l: beef bams, .9 5o
5.. 50. 4'ut moats, steady ; pickled bellle.
lu to It lbs.. 4u.uv4ill.7a; pickiea nama.
t)i.W. Ijtnl. firm; middle west prime.
I'j It' i9.'ji; rriineu, eteai . i-uuiiunu, ;
Koullt America, tlO kl, compuuna, (.
TALLOW Firm: prime city, hhde..
t,r. nominal: country, 6so67i.
Ht T I EK riini: creamery siieclals.
31c; extiaa, Sc: first, KhiJSV: creamery,
held aiwcial, tvc; extras, ;'(u;j-1c; proo
esa special, 24Sc; extras, J-i1-, u .c ; fao
tory. current maAe, first, 2ltiiiVc.
CIIEESE Steady; skims. UiritUc:
state wbo.a milk, specials, 14vo
l-.tiOrt Irregular; fresh gathered, ex-
traa ItntUlc; extra firsts, i. u.c; fresh
kathered. dirties. No. 1, II wise; freen
gathered checks, prime, ltc; rafrtgerator
tirts, season storage charges paid, tori
;ic; western gathered whites. u3uo.
POCI.l HY-Allve firm; western spring
chickens. l!ullV; fowls. llUSac; tur
keys, l.x-; dreseed weak; Western chick
ens, lotiitic: fowla, lliiluvc: turkeya, aver
age best, IM1W1; others, li-lfc.
Dulalh Urala llarket.
IlL'H'TH, Oct. 20.-WICEAT-NO. t
mm, lll.'4 ctw. noriliefii, 91.114; IN O.
3 northern, tl 0;'(uLl4; Dumber, Lu';
jiiiy, 11.11't uia.
IS 8:1 IS
lb 7 U
7J 8
1 j I 8
23 (8
II 35 I 8
Emtio MoTenientt Ajain Charac
teriie Tradinj During Day.
Market (loses with Sabstaatlnl
GalA, Ranglag from Ose to
Tito Polnla A anon g the
Active Stocks.
NEW YORK. Oct. zu.-Erratic move
merits again cuaracieribed tno stock iom.,-
eei ioua, ailoouaii u extuoitea a con
sistent iirm uuui none. 11 ices sefmeu
to liucuiaie In tfKponte to 110 Weil ue
iinea cnuiitiea of opiiinui, t.nic.H remain.
coiituM-u ana unceitam. Cnaii(,c in con
nc.iu n. e . re otten perp exinu una couiu
00 atinnuteu to tne varying turtunes ui
npecuiative inieremH, v. none upctaiioii
nave been expanueu consmerabiy 111 tut
mm feiv aays. ihc inuiKei cijed with a
Miio.itantiel gain, ranking trom 1 to 4
poiiita uiuong tne active stocks, but the
exivaiico teemed to represent more tile
temporary aovantaso ot one taction tha
a general ennanceincnt 01 in or Kit values.
i.luioiiKh activity increased on boin
siues ol tne market, the bares were not
nine to bring about such periods ol weak
ness an they produced yesterday. c
cording to tne kos..ip 01 the street, a largt
tAtol w ni wora 111 l rniexl Mate rneel.
vhether or not there In any ground for
bucIi a report, evidences ot inanipulHtiun
in vinloiiH pari ot the lint were piuin.
Rears attacked tho market energetical. y
m tno i-nriy trndlng, but made lime bend
way, helling at Hm outset was unusually
nigh. .More than 1O.01O tharcn of Cnlteu
Mtate htecl were thrown on the murkei
within the first few minutes, but alihouRh
the list weakened Miincwlint, it For.n re
covered. After a series of unlmporlaa.
tiuctuatlons the market took on n re
newed activity before the clo.e, tnd In
the lot holt hour prices were carried uu
The metal stock were most conspicuous
Transactions In United ntatea Kteel con
tributed one-half of the totnl morning's
business. Ihe copper slocks, utter sev
eral months of Inactivity, became promi
nent In speculation. Amalgamated Con
per advanced 2 points on heavy dealings,
and Anaconda, Tennessee Copper, Utah
K'opper and American Smelting gained a
olnt or more. While the movement In
theae stocks Is largely speculative, It lias
a basis In current condition! in the cop
per metal trade, fairs of copper continue
on a large scale for both domestic and
foreign delivery, and price have been
quite generally advanced bv producers
and selling agencies. Although salea thus
fur till month are estimated at more
than lflO.000. pound, a large Increase
n surplus stocks at the end of October
Is expected.
Declaration of an Initial dividend on
American Heet HtiRar, common, placing
It on a 0 per cent busts, had been ell,
counted' rome time ago. although the
stock made a further advance to fi9t4, its
highest price on record. Allls-Chalmerr
recovered part of Its recent loss. The
movement was most nronounced In the
6 per cent bonds, which gained more tha"
6 points. Thero was no continuation of
vesterday's heavy selling or Great North
em ore certificates, which resulted from
announcement that the United Htute
Steel corporation would terminate Its
lease of the Hill ore lands, and the stock
moved narrowly.
Foreign exchange rates, after earlv
firmness, became weak. Fluctuations Ir
exchange nro watched with unusual ir.
terest fit this time, a to rate, a the
rates have approached terms on which
gold could be shipped to London or Paris
Known movement of money during the
week Indicate a small loss of cash by the
ban If.
Trading In bond was on a smaller basis
toditv. Price Improved after early Ir
regularity. Totol sales, par value. t2 -002.000.
United States bonis were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
4in. r 1 Hlrb- Low- Close.
Allls-Ctiilmsra ofd 1,100 1'4 is ji
Amalxiinsted Capper ... JS.lwO M4 12 Hi
Amcrli-sn Agricultural .... m
Am. ItMt Su4r (,7K) Ht MH Hsu
Amerli-iin Cn ro in
Amsrlisn V. ft y tm 44 u 4
em. onon till 100 41 f 47U
Amerli-aa H. U pfd j.
Am. Ir HfN'Uritlea 20J 17ta 17a; i;il Uimeed , ,. .,., saJ
Amarlt-au Locoinntlvs ... 403 .1414 itii S4
Amel.4ii 8. Si It Jl.Kio 6', n it
Am. 8. & R. pfj M) joit, lop,, kuu
Am. FtMl Foundries 00 -4 29 .yu
Am. Kuar llednlng (7
Am.rlr.h T. ft T l.taj .1S HIS 134V
Amrluu Tobscco pfil... 4U0 W.S Mfe i4
Amrlfu Vooln . ..... Sl) '
Anaroml Mining Co.... no SiH, itii 36S
Atrlil40u 4.000 II17". nn, pi74i
Alchlsna ptd 100 1113., jnju pi
Atlintlo Cosrt Lin tint) K'614 lisw imk
llaltlmiirs ft Ohio i.Dno P7 '- . s;4
llffthlvhem Btel J00 2H 21 2S
llrooklyn Rapid Tr 600 7&14 7414, -,r.i
Ca.iaitlan Parillo 1.000 IWl'k Saovi JJiifA
Central Loalhtr lug jiv -iv ,1
(enlral leather ptd . . ft
Central ol N. i . ox-dlv jm
rhraaprak ft Ohio t.700 J4H 7S14 74i
Oilcaso ft Alton .. . i,
Thlcato O. W . new tO u Jju
Cntraao t. W. ptd . ,7
Chlraso ft N. W e0 144 744 j,,
Cliliaxo. M. tc Bt. P.... ll.tuo loot- io ,,1x14
c. c.. r. ft Bt. l ;
Colorado P. ft I ,4 27U
rirado ft Southorn 4s
(Anaollriatod Uas ,rj 1.111, 1J9u
ra Products am jo'a ls tov
lielaare ft Hudson uri
Penver ft lllo Grand ,.
Denver ft. R, O. pld " 41!
iMMIIItra' securities n
Krt 4.700 l SOU ;.tni
Krl HI ptd too 4014 4ti
Kris Id ptd 41 u
General Klortrlc 700 IW4 1S jsoit
Croat Northora pld I.loo U4 111 l;4
llroat Northern Or clfl. 4."4 4314 42 u 4.114
Illinois Ontral
Inuronroush Met. s xoo )4 Itv n't
Int. Mot. ptd IO0 44i 44 4ij
Intriiatitinl Itarvettar.. 700 1U44, I04 Mu
lnl. Marin pfd 4 144T
Intarnatlonal Paper miJ
Intoruational Pump 100 - S714 2714 -7
Iowa tntral 74
Kanaaa City So ; m
K. C. So. pld 44
Lacled Uu 4uO 1044 iota, 10414
loulailll A Naahvlll.. too 144 1444 ItH,
Minn. 4: 8t. Louis 37
M . St. P. ft S. 8. 14... l.tftO 134H 13H4 134 '
M . K. ft T.. -dl.... l.lwi mi, iiv. 1144
M.. K. ft T. ptd (7
M incur I Pactrio l.SoO !tt X 304
National niacult l.tOD 13t4 124 Itli,
National Load 4714
N 14. R. ol M. id pfd.. 4) ' 134 3 t1
Naw Tork Oaniral Ine 1(14 . P lOntl
N. Y . O. ft W 400 H .,
Norfolk ft W'nurn l.noo 10) lusi, iot.
North Amrrtran H0 41 41 4
North.rn PacKIC 1.700 117 14 11(44 llbt
Pacific Mall oo 104 tic, la
pounalvanla 1.I04 1:2 lu i::
Poopi'a Uaa ; , 1014
P.. C. C ft 81. L N
Plttaburf Coal js
Pressed Siocl Car too v lav, 214
Pullman Palac Car :oo lit ll.s
Hallway 8tl Bprinf rr
ltodln 97.T00 1404 WH K014
Knpubllo SI eel 00 :l 11 21,
Krpnbllr Slawl ptd MS MH (ij HC
Rotk l.laul Co t.(UO tS Li h
Itotk l.l.uj Co. pld 1.0CJ 41'4 47'4 474
kt. I B. '. 2d pld... 2iH 41', 41', 41
Ht. Loula 8. W jo
Ml. L. B. V pld 100 41 CS 7'i
Blowt-Bbalflald B. ft I T'
Koulliaru Pacific 4.C04 1104, n 111474
inullirrn Railway 1.4i0 II'-, ;a,
So. Hallway pfd I'4 "Dl, 70 TO
Tennaa.e (Vpper ItHI Ml, IS 14 J.514
Taa ft pacific 71 241, 244,
T . Bt. L. ft W 400 lm, H14 7414
T.. Bt. I., ft W. ptd too 434 41 411,
t'nlttn Pacific (7.1X10 li.l, ll4 1KJ',
t'ulon laclflo pfd bi
t . 8. hcolly, ei-div 4414
I ntted Btatca Pul.hor.... i4 4 424 4iV
t'nltwd Blalaa 8tel tU.'i 4et4 S
t B. Btcol pfd UU 10S, pill, M
I'tah t'orpar 14.iw 4j, 4:11, 4414
Va -Carolina Chaniltal .. " 4H 47'. 4u
WahaaU l' II 13 l.'V
W ahull pfd !ii0 2114 1,14
VtMtcra Marrland Il 44 4 M",
"'r-'i"!!""" klartrlo ,. 100 u 441,
Wawlora I'nloa uu la ias
Wbeollus ft U K lu
Uhifb Valley lilt ltott 14414 1401.
Tout alc lor tu r. sbsraa.
Doataa atorU Market.
BOSTON, Oct. 30. Closing quotations on
stocks and bonds:
Allea IT Mohawk
, 4
. U
. M
. t
, T
, W4
, t
. 23
, 44
. 144
Aatal. tapper
A. Z. L. ft I
Arlaoaa roan
u. ft c. c ft a. M
441, Nevada Coa
tlNlpiami Mlna ...
4 North Butt
44 North Lak
UOl4 lO04lul
3M Parrott I. ft C...
44 BUannoa
, SSSuporlor ft B. VI .
11 8 R. ft af ..
. (14 ptd
, l ! 14k tVa
butt Oalniaa ....
C'al. ft Artaaaa
(-41. ft Hwcla-
t'oolenatal ,
( 04. Rawaw ..
rt butt C. M...
Otroux I'Vka
tliwnSy t'oa
tlraoo tananaa ...
Uio Ituyai Copper,
k .r. l.t, ..
24 I'tah Coppar C....
Lake epr HWli.ow
Ia Sail fopper ... 4V4oyrta
Itiaaal Copper l
l.eadea Slox-k Market.
LONDON. Oct. JO American securities
opened steady and m fi action higher
today. Ifer prices Improved on fair
buying, and at noon the market wus
Meady. w,th alur ranging from 4L to
?k higher than ye?terday a New York
Imdon closing stock qilctatlons:
Consols, aionoy ,.; ll-KIyiulrvlll Naah.ltlH
do account :-4Mo., Kan. ft Tax.. J3
Amal. Copper 44iN. v. Central 1014
Anai-onda 7', Norfolk ft W eatara.irov,
Atchlaon I ot 1, a( rfj to
PM PHI Ontario ft Weatern. in3;
flalllmor ft Ohio.. HH4 panni) Irani C'H
Cni,litn Paclfrc ...M-,nand Mines
t heaapaak ft Ohio. V5, Reading 71'4
t hi. Orcat Wetarn 1 Southern Ry 04
t-hl . Mil. ft 81. P.111 do pfd 72
Iwlioara 1 4 Southern Pa-lflo ...113
Denvar A file O... Jilnion Pacific IMS
4o pfd so do pfd 0414
En aiStl. 8. Btaol (1
do trt pfd H) do pfd 1I24
do Id pfd 41 Wabath 134
Orand Trunk n do pld Mb
Illinois (.Hr(l ,...14:,
iai, uncertain at 26 1-lfid per
MoNKY-imfl" per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills Is 3iv2 per cent; for
three month' bills, 3 per cent.
C4T York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Cct. 2.1 IfflNF: vrn
call, steady, at S'Sit-'i per cent; ruling
rate, i'-v, per cent; closing bid. 2 per
cent; offered at 2'4 per cent. Time loans,
steady; Mtlv riftys. n'i'oS'i per cent;
ninetv tluys, :j4ii;;i4 per cent" six mtintni,
S'-irS', per cent.
4"i per cent.
aetuul bt;Klne;-M in bankers' bills nt $4.StJ5
for sixty-day bill find ut tl.MM for de
mand; commercial hill. SI.SJU.
KILVEIl Bar, 64-c; iloxicuu oollars,
ItONDS Govrrnmi nt. steady: railroad.
Cloning quotations on bonds today were
aa follows:
V. 8. ref. ta. rrf . .JOI'4 'Japan 4a tlS4
do 2a. coupon ioo4 ao 4 -a P4
uo J. rex 10114 It. C. Bo. lat 1. 73M,
do coupon 10114 1a. B. deb. 4s 1931.. 3'4
4o 4. re 111L. ft N. unl. 4.... Si
do 41. CO IP'JO IIJ -M. K. A- T. lit Aa 7
AlllM-f hal Kt R- . . f.1
Aincr. A. In I'-'l'i'Mo. Pacific" Is'..'!.'!! II
A. T. & T. cv. 4..l, ,.V. R.R. ol M. tWl i
Am. Tobacco 4a fs. Y. C. f IVta .. 474
do 4a 11 lu do dab 4 H
Armour ft Co. 4Si. n;i4N. y. j. . 4 j,
Alrhlaon gua. 4a ... t'J'k ct. ta 130
do cr. 4a 1w.aN. ft W. 1st c. 4a. S41
do ct. 4 1114 do cr. 4a uwv
A. O. L. lat 4i..;.. 40 No. Paclflo 4a lov4
! uinw racuio aa lotiv.
"no JVja njva io It
do B. W, IKa 0'O. 8. It. tMi. 4a .... ft.lli
Brook. Tr. cr. 4a... Mi4Penn. cv. IS a IMS.. M44
cen. of c.a. it lOHi, adn con f
On. Leather 'a 9Q Reaills son. 4a sv
O. of N. J. g 5.. 121 8. L. ft S. r. fa 4a 7
Chea ft Ohio 4S4..101'4 do gen. Ha......... S7-H
o cr. 4a l8t. L. 8. W. c. 4s.. 7IU4
Chicago ft A. JS. 4 do lat gold 4a....
C. D. ft Q. J. 4a... Sons. A. U adj. Sa..... SUV
do gen. 4a M Bo. Pacific col. 4s.. 4U4
C. M ft B. P. d 4a 42V, do ct. 4a s?i
C. R. I. ft P. e. 4a. 7314 do lat ref. 4a 454
do rf. 4a M'4o. Railway 4a log
Oolo. lnd. ta 744 do gen. 4a 7
Colo. Mid. 4s 69 folon Paclflo 4s... .10114
-1 . tr n r ri ao cy. 4B 10214
D. ft H. eT. 4a.... 7"4 do lat ft ref. 4a.. S7U
D. ft R. O. 4s mV, B. Rubber 4s....l03l
do ref. it 8741.1. g. steel id km iimi
Dlstlilera' (a 14 Va.-Cnr. ITiam. 4..10014
Erla p. I. 4a t4Wahaah lat 4a 107T4
do sen. 4a 774 do 1st ex. 4a... MV4
do cv. 4a, aer. A . S3 Wentcrn Md. 4a 7'4
do serlea B 7S4 W'nt. Elc. cv. 6a.. 2U
Cen. BIcc. cv. 4s...l43'4 Wia. Central 4 B'u
111. On. lrt ref. 4i. H'HMo. Pac. ct ta 8714
Int. Met. 414a 7i,aHanaina la 10u
Int. M. M 4Vja.... 444
"Bio. ""unered.
Near York Mining: Stocks,
NEW YORK, Oct. 30. -Closing' quota
tlons on mining stocks were:
Allc K.O Llttl Chief 4
Com. Tunnal stock.. 20 Mexican 274
do bonda 17 Ontario wo
Con. Cal. ft V 73 Ophlr .MS
Horn Silver 6 'Standard 100
Iron Silver 5 Yllow Jacket .. 12
Loadvllle Con 10
Imports at New York.
- " . ' " - w . . , vv aw. 4111101 lO VI
merchandise and dry goods at Port of
1100 urn in 1110 wwk enqiiig tjciober
at n ct c vmui-tA at i,uv;o,iw.
- ... , , ... v. 1" 'J a v t tun wftv rilUUI
totlny were Jll,364 silver and $326,019 gold
end exnnrta were tl ojt3 44i ,tlrvie un,t
(JJ5.2S1 guld.
St. Louis General Market.
fi'P TrviTTfl VI. S-...A nt nrtrr. aw
' ajwja., .'117. , Oil, LtU.-WnEiAl-
Iliuhnrr tmrlt X7n 9 ..H ct ooi ao. v a
Imid, ILOTiij 1.11; December, $1.01;' May,
l.Ot'.'vfi l.lK,i4.
COUN Higher; track. No. 2, 73.3Vio;
No. 2 white, 73Sc; December, 66c
OATd Steady; track, No. 2, 47H47-c;
No. 2 whit, 4St4iHSh1c; December, 4oVc;
Way, SO, c.
HYK Firm ; 98c.
FLOUR Higher; red winter patents,
$4.O'n6.00; extra fancy and straights, ,4.00
a 'M hard winter cleors, $3 00U3.8i.
6 E ED Timothy, $12.0Of8 14.00.
M E A L Cornmeal. 13.20.
IJItAN Quiet; sacked, east track, $1.12
HAY Steady ; timothy, $19.00Q4.00.
PROVISIONS Lard, higher; prime
steam, S.5;V4tiS.62H; dry salt meats, un
changed; boxed (extra short), 74c; clear
ribs, h',c; short clears, 8c; bacon, un
changed; boxed (extra short), 9c; clear
ribs, 9c; short clears. 9Vc.
P O U L T It Y Quiet ; chickens, H4c;
springs, 10c; turkeys, HtTloc; ducks, 12c;
geese, ffc.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, Sfffflc.
EGOS Higher; 20220.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 7.000 8,tM0
Wheat, bu 41, on) 38,010
Corn, bu 7'J.o.iO 26.0HO
Outs, bu 4ti,000 28,000
Mlnneapolla Grain Market.
cember Sl.ll'.; May, S1.15Vt(ri'i; July,
11. 11; caali, No. 1 hard, No. 1
northern, Sl.ll"'4'(Jl.A21i: No. 2 northern,
Sl.W,tl.l04; No. 3, Sl(744rl 06T.
FLAX U 24.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 7374c.
OATrt No. 3 white, ebaiii'to. .
HYK No. I, fl:ie.
HRAN $21 00.
FLOUR First patents, S5.404tfi.70; second
patents, $5,0050.30; first clears, S3.0&4.iS;
second clears, $2,8043.20.
Kaaaas City Cirala and Provisions.
Cash, ateady; No. 1 hard. $1.04igl.ll;
No. 3. Sl.02fil.00; No. 3 red, Sl.tWHtjl.flBVj;
No. 3, Sl.0Oijl.02; December, $1.02; Muy.
$106X4; July, JHO,
CORN-Unchangcd to Ho higher; No. 2
mixed. 72H72Vac; n;0, j, 7mc; No. 3 whlto.
i2Ht73c; No. 3. 72"4c; December. HWii
6414c: May. uGHii5c.
OATS Unchanged : No. 2 white, 4SO
4SHc; No. 2 mixed, 47UtiiSc.
HAY Stronger; choice timothy, $19.00;
choice prairie, $13.0oarl3.60.
BUTTER-Creamery, 28c; firsts, 2c;
seconds, 24o; packing stock. 19c.
EGtict Extras. 24c; firsts. 224c; sec
onds, lie.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu Ki,) 6i,0u0
Corn, bu Si.0iiO ISOiiO
Outs, bu 1U.0J0 9,1X0
Oils and Hoala.
Firm at 4714c; salea, 614 bbla; re
ceipts, 7H3 bbls.; shipments. 3S8 bbls.;
stocks. 3.S,."i27 bbls.
UotslN Firm: sales. 1.717 bbla.j're
ceiit, 1.G7H bbls.; shipmenU. 8S0 bbls.;
stocks, K3.S30 bbls. U. $o.40; D, Sd.46: K.
$ri.!N(ninO; (I, $o.62V4: II. $aS2H; I. S6.52H
4iti.ti; K. $ti.6S; N and O, $6.70; W and U,
$7.20; W end W, $7.50.
ottoa Market.
NEW YORK- Oct. 20.-COTTON-Soot
closed dull. 14 points higher: middling up
lands 4.ic; middling gulf, 9 7uc; no sales.
Futurea closed steady. Closing bids.
October, 90hc: November, 9. lor; Decem
ber, V.'ine; Junuary. 9.I00; February, 9 Slc;
March. 2sc: April. 9.Mc: May. 9.43c:
June. 9 47c: July. 9 jlc; August, 9.43c; bep-
temoer, !.ec.
Dry GoualH Market.
The cotton goods markets are quiet, with
an easing tendency. Yarns are quiet, but
with Inquiries on contracts more fre.juent.
More Jobbere are doing ateady trade with
small orders predominating.
Mllaal4v Grain Market.
northern, $l.lcul.l8; No. 2 northern. $l.lij
114V,; No. 2 hard, winter. tlOdlOS. I
cember. $1.0314; Mlv, $LtXIT.
Oils sstl Hoala.
Firm. 47l,c
R SINFlrni; type F and type O,
Waatl Market.
ST. LOUI8. Oct. 2e.-WOOL-Wenk;
territory and weittem maftllurtis. lTajJtic;
fine niedlume, V.olsc; fine, ll'Jlc.
Cattle Slow Sellers, but Steady at
Than day's Prices.
Sheep and Lambs In Large Receipt
Every Day, bat Good Demand
Keeps Yard Well Cleared
oei Moat Days.
OMAHA. Oct. CO, 19U.
Official Monday' .
Officio! 'r..,t..
t Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
.12, WO
2.SM3 44,
3,797 37
6,Vt 63,
6.4n8 1
4. W0 11
uo'am . O,
OfticUl Weanesday... 8.3112
uiticial 1 hurbuny ....41
Estimate Friday v'.Juu
Five days this woek.8'i.67u 52.431 1S6.37
uoie uuys last week..?l.K!) 22,ilti l7.3li-
cume aays 2 wits. ago.40,1 1.3S 15k,047
amo days 3 wks. ago.:i7.771 14."..ll
.-am days 4 wks. ugo..i.047 24,S:7 l;iti.03.i
Mime days l.trt star. .35.117 21.7tC ltil.7.i:
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogB and sheep at South Omaha
me year 10 auie, as compared wun
Odt year: 1911. 1910. Inc. Dec.
V,altl 931.291 M.o.o'j? IG.a-JO
""K 1.9.'.b.6i2 l,t;n,e31 342,023
'''P 2,:ii2,013 Z,XiJ&i 2?.Sii
Ihe following tiiblo show! the average
prices for boge nt South Omoha for the
ew uuy!, with comparisons:
Dt I UU. :910."109. 119JS. 11907.11008. 1906,
Oct. 11.
21 8 2 ! 7 671 16 161 2 4 9'
-'ct. 12.
2S t(, 8 4) 7 70i 5 301 6 11 6 211 f7
15.. I
6 20 8 i 7 oil 6 711! I G 201 0 M
7 I 8 37' 7 40 6 6S 6 09 I 6 10
' 8 47 7 4S 5 6-1 CI SI
0 SOU 7 4CI 6 60 6 9-S 271 5 11
0 Mt,i 8 65 1 6 42 eti 6 Hlj 6 10
Oct. 18.. I
Oct. 20..
o oal 11 w. i'i 1 o on j u im a to
o 07 1 8 61: 7 6 21; 0 0$, ii .01 6 1.
I 8 37 7 411 6 221 6 IS 6 14
Receipts and disposition of live stock
,1,0 Dillon oiock yards, south omana.
. J , ' uur nours ending at 4 p. 111,
n x, oa t. Cattle.Hogs.ah'p.H-r-s.
-., .... oc cu 1-. xty.. ..
Missouri Pacific Ry. 1 2
Cnlnn Pacific Ry.. It, g 03
C. & N.-W., east... 3
- iN.-w., west.. 23 27 30 1
t . B. ft Q., east... 1 2
C., B. & Q., west.. 23 9
R. I. & P., east 6 ..
C R. I. & p., west .. 1
Illinois Ceraral Ry.. .. 1
C. Q. AV. Ry........ .. i "
let CSI
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co....
Un,lA A- -
V'll OC VO
- ... .w. All, . etitn
Hill & Son
F. B. Lewis
Huston & Co
J. B. Root & Co
Werthelmer & Degen..
J. H. Bulla
McCreary & Kellogg....
H. F. Hamilton
Mo. & Kan Calf Co...
CI Ine & Christy
Other buyers
rr a v
lol" 2.309 3,618 16.768
1 ii-JiT-i nero was a decent run of
cattle for a Friday, seventy-one cars be
ing reported In. This brings the total
for the five duys up to 36,570 head, being
a gain of about 5.000 head over last week.
. 1 -i tt j on or nearly 4,wj head as
compared with two weeks ago. There
is also a gain of 1.000 head as compared
with a year ago.
The market as a whole did not show
very much change ae compared with
yesterday, It being what Is generally
known at the yards as the usual Friday's
market. This means that with receipts
moderate there were no new or Interest
ing features and that the trade as a
whole was rather slow, with the tendency
bout steady with tho day before. -
What few beef steers there were In
sight that were at all desirable com
manded firm prices. A scompared with
a week ago the market Is a little higher,
poaslbly In some cases as much as IOM
loo higher.
Cows and heifers were slow and dull
a usual on a Friday and they are not
very much different from what they were
a week ago, possibly a little stronger In
some cases.
Oood feeders were still In demand, but
common and Inferior light cattle, of
which there has-been a large supply dur
ing tho last few days, were Blow sellers
and w-eak. Good feeders are possibly a
little higher even than at the close of
last week, but trashy and Inferior grades
are slow and weaker.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $7-2o&7.90; fair to good
beef steers, $6.5037.25; common to fair
beef steers, $4.75f5.60' good to choice heif
ers, $4.76jj6.50; good to choice cows, $4.6041
6.00; fair to good cows, $3.75tj4.&0; common
to fair cows. $3.7634; veal calves. $3.ofl
Quotations on range cattle: Oood to
cnoioe ueet steers. o.b!K0.oO; lair to good
beef steers, $4.90.40; common to fair
beef steers. $4.26 4. 80; good to cholco heif
ers. $4.713)6.26; good to choice cows, $4,406)
$5.00; fair to good cows, aX.64t4.40; good to
cnoice aiocaer ana leeaers, $5.tJo.OO;
fair to good stockers and feeders. H4064
6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders,
(3.26(24.26; stock heifers, $3.2641-4.26; bulls
stags, etc., $3.2566.00.
Representative salea 1
At. Pr. N. .
, 7(0 4 IS . It HM
,11V 4 10
I 0
.720 1 00 t 87! 4 M
Hi 18 - 414 4 00
a a 1 103a 4 no
M7 1 SIS
,ll IN
24. 917 4 JO
4.0 I
i IKK S 0
1 110 T 00
1 1S4 1 04
1 12 7 tj
AN u Fii,li.l-t.itb.
IS.... 737 4 H
10 m 4 to
13 ISI I M
, 2!l 4 IS
, 410 4 M
144 6 00
b'lOt ..a- 8
T 117 I M
I 4 00
M 171 4 10
l in 4
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
22 feeders.. 936 4 65 cows 1071 'A
3. E. Graham Nebraska.
5 feeders.. 860 4 40 2 bulls 6 S3 S 45
6 calves... 253 6 00
U. Bienuiler Nebraska.
$ feeders.. 7HS 4 5 cows 6.16 3 30
4 cows liuo 3 HO 6 heifera... 704 4 15
J. O. Sornson Nebraska.
11 cows 1'74 4 40 4 leeders.. 740 4 75
t cows HM) 3 10 6 calves... 371 09
William West Nebraska.
7 cows S14 l0 -7 feeders.. 982 6 SO
6 cows 1047 4 44) 7 feeders. .10145 30
O. Oedekowen South Dakota.
15 feeders.. 727 4 25 9 cows S57 3 65
16 cows X0 3 10 8 heifers... fvm 3 50
6 calves... lta 4 7j i calves... 27 4 25
William Weit Wyoming.
4 steera. 6 ft) 4 feeders. .1003 6 20
2 steers.. ..1008 6 00
1). U. Campbell Wyoming.
23 feeders.. kSI IN) 3 feeders.. hS3 4 00
Id os&lifrs. k-'il 4 35 4 cows k.,2 4 in
3 cows 1O0O 3 75 3 bulls ktd J to
HOGS Bearish feeling pervaded ho
trade and business started out at figures
a big nickel lower, the bulk of a modcr-
te supply selling on this basis. a.m
from unfavorable advices from the east.
mere seeineu 10 oe no logical reason for
the decline. Demand from local quartera
had a fair degree of life and while hut,r.
were unamlmoualy on the bear side, pur
chases were made in very good season
and the yards were practically cleared
IM'lOl V 1U O t lut it.
outside orders were hard to find anil
the few that were placed, calied for only
tne oetter iniu, ui nuicner ana bacon
weights. No more than mtlf-dosen loads
of animals were bought In the aggre
gate on shipping and speculative account
Heavy butcher and Ducklna stuff made
up the btg bulk of the seventy loads re
ceived and spreads were merged the eame
aa recently. The long airing settled at
$0.30. while the best bacon animals un
sule brought Se.40, a nickel under yester
day's high price.
Representative sales:
30 671
444 9S0
278 ; 1,391
m 673
29 .......
31 .....
H. At. 8a. Pr. N. Ae. fk. fa.
W Utt ... 4X4 U 7t MB
14 14 hs ( li 7 tat ... 4
ao 14 490 4 14 tl lot SO 4 IS
41 1.4 XW 4 14 14. I04 HIM
46 lol 130 I 14 l ..nt 9u4 4 44
to o4 ... 4 Zi 4j ji ... IM
11 1-1 ... 4 IS t:t 1.' I 30
Ml 104 . . 4 14 44 I I a I N
r ;iii IM 4 ir rt iw 1 w
IT 1 ' 110 4 14 44 J4 St Ik
Ml 117 16 4 I 141 2.4 lv) 4i:i4
ii 144 HI IM to. til 44 4 11
1 J I ... 4 IS 1 U ... 4-'.,
II 1.4 ... I 44 - :4 H4 IH.
4 10
I 10
I 4
I 10
I 10
4 SO '
I so
4 10
I 10
I u
ti HO 100 I Mt4
44 Kl 10 I JiW
4t Ill 144 I I?
48 BU 8 llsk
. mt ... 44
a tfi ... 1 11
TO .il 90 4 H
tl tU ... I II
75 104 ... Ill
a r. 41 1 11
Tl X ... ( 4
43 114 ... 4 M
1 100 ... 4 M
11 II ... 4 M
( li ... I 00
T - ...
71 IM 44
10 ii ...
II lit IM
SHEEP For a Friday supply, the sheep
and lamb market had plenty of slxe,
amounting to about 13.000 head. Added to
tho runs of previous days, this estimate
makes a total of around I06.OOO head,
revei al thousand above, expectancy at the
close of last week. Something like half
of the fresh offerings were eultable for
killing purposes and as yesterday s mar
ket was cleared In good shape, there was
no branch of the trade that held an ex
cessive supply.
Fat lambs met with a fairly active de
mand and usually ruled firm. Gool classes
moved around 5.6o and strictly choice
animals claimed a $5 65 limit. Compared
with last weeks finish these prices
show an average decline of about 15c.
Fat sheep showed free action, as mut
ton product Is finding a ready outlet at
present, prices having dropped to very
low levels. Oood and wethers
brought steady prlves, without much ot
a work-out, the former class of stock
ranging around J3.lMj3.25. Handv wethers
of toppy quality would probablv landl
within the $3.iafj3.65 spread. Loaded mar
kets during the weelc have enabled back
ers to cheapen cost and current values
show uncertain losbes from a week ago
about a quarter In most Instances. '
For the first time this week, feeder
tiado. .shared volume honors with the
mark", for fat stuff. Country demand ap
peared quiet, but easily broad enough and
bulk of business was transacted at un
changed figures. It has been a rather
mean deal lately, however, and clear
ances each day usually found a few
thousand head still unsold, mostly light
feeder lamba and common feeder ewes.
Dcspito this fact, the market la finish
ing in fair shapo, as practlcallly every
thing offered this week, except present
accumulation In speculation' hands, has
been re-bllled to the country. Feeder
lambs, with a fair fleshy top. are soil
ing up as high as $4.75, while plain So to
40-pound grades can be bought around
$3.27jtf3.00. Feeder ewes are none too
popular, selling from $3.50 downward
Weighty feeder lambs show a net decPnri
of about 2025c, while pee-wees and old
feeder ewes are liVS40o under a week ago
Quotations on sheep nnd lambs Lambt'
Good to choice, $5.36a.66; fair to good!
xo.loiUo.oo; leoders. $0.00444.75. Yearlingi
Good to choice, $3.50y4.26: feeders, $3 3cV&
3.75. Wethers: Handy, $1.35ii3.60; heavy
$3.2&V53.50; feeders, SS.OOfg'S. Ewes: Good
to choice, $3.0O3.25; fair to good, $2 75ff
$.00; breeders, $3.2&(J35; feeders, $2.107i
2.65; culls. $1 60,2.10. ' "
Representative sales:
wo. . a.
4 40
4 65
4 50
4 25
4 2,-
3 60
2 25
6 50
6 oO
6 CO
3 65
3 4')
4 3-5
2 30
2 30
2 85
5 43
8 20
i 30
2 30
1 85
2 30
4 25
4 65
4 10
4 60
2 25
2 60
2 25
4 10
4 10
4 10
5 90
3 35
2 60
4 60
3 85
8 25
4 60
4 60
4 00
4 35
4 5
2 60
2 lu
1 20
4 65
4 15
3 75
4 00
8 25
4 55
4 00
4 65
4 70
4 70
1 60
2 .15
1 75
2 25
2 25
8 M
3 60
4 00
1 80
8 10
, 1 60
' 3 00
8 25
6 60
t GO
6 50
2(17 Wyoming yearlings 79
223 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 68
634 Wyoming lambs, feeder!.... 63
wyommg iambs, feeder!..., 65
97 Wyoming lambs, feeders 41
610 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 48
141 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 49
22i Wyoming ewes, feeders 94
1S3 Wyoming lambs 67
633 Wyoming Iambs 67
183 Wyomina- lambs - r,7
245 Wyoming wethers 10.1
oi Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 45
4ti8 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 66
231 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 82
257 Wyoming ewes, feeders 84
85 Wyomina ewes tr.
No. Av.
410 Wyoming lambs SI
136 Idaho ewes, wethers Ill
86 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 90
74 Wyomina ewes, feeders k9
233 Wyomina ewes, feeders kl
621 Wyoming ewes, feeders 87
00 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 66
172 Wyoming lambs, feeders Co
734 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 47
1042 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 66
417 Wyoming ewes, feeders 88
03 Wyoming ewes, feeders 91
215 Wyoming ewes, feeders 93
(Vi a. v. iambs, 49
677 rt. D. lambs, feeders 47
404V-1. D. lambs, feeder culls... 42
159 Wyoming yearUnas 79
179 Wyoming ewes 98
lix Wyoming ewes m
159 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62
104 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 4.S
it Wyoming lamns, rur culls., 40
739 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 63
153 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 61
245 Wyoming lambs, fdr culls.. 49
377 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62
376 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 62
4J Wyoming ewes, leeders.... p&
443 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 79
467 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 75
649 Wyoming lumbs, feeders.. 63
667 Wyoming lambs, feeders., 62
197 Wyoming lambe, fders, els. 62
25 Wyoming lmbs., fdrs., els. 64
hi Wyoming ewes 11a
SM Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 67
392 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 49
y Wyoming lambs, leeders.. eo
119 Idaho lambs, feeders 6T
4:4 Idaho lambs, feeders 73
88 Wyomina ewes, feeders.... 81
435 Wyoming ewes 87
117 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 81
242 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,. 91
40 Idaho ewes, feeders 107
72 Wyoming yearlings 79
75 Nebraska yearlings 76
44 Nebraska yearllmis 75
466 Wyoming bucks 106
vi Idaho ewes 106
71 Wyomina ewes 89
225 Wyoming ewes 96
40 Wyoming wethers, feeders. 94
484 Idaho lambs 79
88 Idaho lkm bs go
260 Idaho lambs . 80
Demand for Cattle Doll Hogs Moro
Active Sheep Strong;. ,
CHICAGO. Oct 20. CATTLE Receipts.
2,600 head; market, dull and weak; beeves.
44.76Wi.76; Texas steers, $4.106.10; western
steers. $1.26 '7. 25; stockers and feeders,
$3.25(35.80; cows and belters, $;
calves, $5.OCKij9.0O.
HOGS Receipts, 2.400 bead market
more active and steady; light, $5,950
6.62i; mixed, $o.0-i(;.tj5; pigs, $6.75a6.UO'
bulk 01 sales, iv.yrtui.w.
bHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000
head; market strong; native, $2,264(4.76;
western 12. 444x3. 85: vearlinea. 13.-kiiAl4.2fi:
native lambs. S3.76I&&60; western. $3.75ni
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
Receipts. 2,300 head. Including 1.400 head
southerns; market steady to weak;
dressed beef and export steers, $7.00(0-4.60;
fair to good. $ai.Zoui.90: western steers.
M.'JOIM.&O, Blockers and feeders, $3.76n--5.76;
southern steers, $4.0wp5.26; southern cows,
$3.0of).4.a0; native cows, $2.756.00; native
heifers, $1.0u-jr7.00: bulls, $:j.2c'Ol.2j; calves,
HOGS Receipts, K.uw head; market luo
lower: bulk of sales $6.0j6.45; heavy.
$6.:gtl.5i); packers and butchers, $ti.30i)
6.50: lights, 15.b6i').40; pigs, $4.254i&.25.
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, ti.tioo
head: market steady to strong; lamba,
$4.3f45.M; yearlings, VUWn4.i; wethers,
$3.2.Vft3.75; ewes, $2.oO'o3.tO; stockers and,
feeders, $2.2o'ao.oV.
St. I.otnls Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 3,2s3 head. Including l.lt3 head
Texans; market, steady; native ahlpptng
and export steers, li.2-i.iX.0u; dressed beet
and butcher steers. $5.7.rMi7.50; steers under
l.uuO lbs. 44.UW' 3.w; Htocaera and leeders,
$3.Ui4j5.25; cows and heifers, $3.0oiu j.25;
canners, Sl.0tm3.00; bulls. $3.7i((j4j.2&; calves.
14.i(jS.16; Texas and Indian seers, $4.0ij(
00: rows ana neuers, m. -(,- .i-u.
HOtiH Receipts. 10,360 head: market.
steady; 6c lower; pigs and lights, KM
u; packers, eu.T'"Hi.oo; outcners and
best heavy, $!. 464s. 5.
eiHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 2,774
heaa; iii4icl .IctJy: native muttons.
H.iri-.iS e.7; lumbs, $4.0ri.5.90; culls and
bucks, $1.26aoi; atockera, $l.oO-jj3.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 20. CATTLF
Receipts. 40O head; market steady: steers
$4.6oiS.25; cowa und heifers, $3.0OaC25-
u I . . . 44 Ofiv,.-! 7
HOGS Receipts, S.Ois) head; market trjt
10c lower; top, $0.55; bulk of salea, $6 4vvj
ieO. v
tsHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 00)
head; market steady; lambs, $5.0oa'i-76.
Stock lit Sight.
VAvrA.fn4 r.t Mvmi .IaaV .a , 1 -
, I , 'ie i:v prin
cipal western markets enter. lay:
o...fc .w.i.. T.A,4i"' V'.-7- o"cep.
.. 2,:h
ift. josvim ...
-. 4 l
.. 1,2110
.. 2.5U-)
10 K
2 4u0
Kansaa City
t-'t. Lnula
8.000 23.300 32.300
-v '