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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
TUi; HKK: OMATIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1911. 17 I V f Y w i JC LO.- a ttiiui. "TV Fol HELP WANTED MALE fcTat and Pal -Contlaaed. SALESMANSHIP There is so much interest in tlio Science of applied Sales manship R3 taught by the Knox School of applied Salcsman fhip that tho school has decided to open a branch office in Omaha and teach n series of classes here during the fall and winter, also by correspondence. Tho text books of tho Knox School are used bv the leading CcUcg5 cf tho Middle "West. 'J.'ho Knox System of Salesmanship is endorsed by the greatest Sniesmunagers of this country. It is the only system of Salesmanship that guarantees to refund the Cost of the (Vo! so if its graduates aro not Uo eure to investigate this ence. . It may be to our mutual Cut out coupon and mail obligations. Knox' School of Applied Salesmanship, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen : Deass cend tna complete information regarding your courses, Nwv.e Address Cily Mlaccllanroua Continued. WANTED A coat maker; steady work, i. F. Oiv.'tn, Hewr-rd. Nob. SALES manager for Nebraska; must be Kiroti& business ;eUer und organtxer. i.Joslilon will pay low a month to rignt rnnn. Give exponents und reterences. De troit io:ii Co.. IJcirolt, Mich. KAIL WAY MAIL CLERKS, poitofflc lei I'll, mull turner. November exam tt.iillor.u id Onia.ha Sample quesuon tree. FianKJiu Institute. Dtpt. S17 J, Ko ci.csl?r, N. Y. V. AN 1 EDBoi her; young single man I'lel'irrrd. Ad'Jreiis Giant V oleott, Smitli llt'lrl. Neb." WANTED for U. S. Army Able-bodied uupiarricd men, between ages of 18 and y- rilirvrts ot Umied duties, of good i'i:a vcr and temperate habits, who can t-prak ;caa anu v. rue mo .uun lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting Oldctr. lath and Douglas Bu., Omena. Neb.; i07 4th fit.. Sioux City, la.. 1.10 N. 10th Bt. Lincoln, Neb. TOJO GOVERNMENT position open. 'rii for llai. Franklin iiisiilul, Dept. IU J, Rochester. N. Y. I'EAMS-Io haul buck, bmllh Brick Co. T1 C ! MONTH AUTOING. I I AUTO bCHOOL, OMAHA, NEH W ks LARGiiJiT ANU BtlbT. WHITE. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business, iarfceKt and bent equipped shops. at'l Auto iiaiiilng Ann, Omaha. LAUNDRY-Slnrts, 6-10c; collars, 2c. 1814 11 or ney. Abut, bodied men wanted tor the U. S. Marine cut pa. between tlie ages of I'J imd U. .lcat be native born or have first papers. .Nionihly pay u to $;0. Additional toiupeiisutlon possible. Food, e.olliing. quarters and medical attemtanco free. After 'M years service ran retire with u per cent, of puy and 'allowances. Service vii board ship) And ashore In all parts of tli florid.,, AUily at U., . Marine Corps Indenting oifice, lloti Fainarc tit., Omaha. TVeb. '' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lloiae and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses, l.g N. list Ml. 'Phone Douglas 6OU0. LOST AND FOUND . evening between Bee cfticu and iMn auu Lake, a razor; it was wrapped in pigiu wnito iaper. Cull Weu. : LOST Het ween Earnuiu a on Kith Ave., black velvet .- J LOST A deed foi- a li Kelley, Di!4 No. Wth SL and Davenport bag. Harney lot. Cornelius PERSONS having lost bom artlol mini do well to cuii uo the oilice of in Omaha & Council iuuirs eireet Kailway loinpaoy tu ascuriain wuaiher tney loit It in the airevt cars. Many articles each day are turned la aiid Uie company is anxious to, restore ihein to the ngliUui owuttr. Call Doug- OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAIL WAX COMPANY. LOST Saturday evening on street, a tiring of K"'d beads. Leave at office ot Henon w Tpuine and recuivo reward. ItTJTTMIl Tll Teddy Bear expert clean- yui'uin and deii. . A-2WB; D. i4jt 'FOR a dainty desaert use Daliell's Ice er;im. If .Mrs. W. 11. Carter. 411 S. 8Mli St., will come to The Lee office within three days we will tivo htr an order for M i)ukii ui i.i:ii nib. i-v liv.kii tnlarr ant lantlel. ' s;, j ;!. ITA'.'K Tx.M-o. '.0 TO LOA)l OUT to rb - i: ( 'li a:.t iiiui,. Chili'imaa . -. '.-T'l.k:iV-.fU' I K: 2 .1.1 n (I ..vore ;wuxi ii un ail OK ine bthea. i irtfiub. It you can yat Pt e ol this .VIOf-'L Y.-wjiy, Just vi'-l CI li.'l MgWII. L'JCMI hill LtMt. A.'-iAliyE' v ju-l;t Of'., Tn'rtl F' t. t rx:uu l-.ock, 217 8. 16th 6t. Vcoi.t Hll u'ld A-H1L CJLYTTEL LOANS T -t fll.K (l VTE. NEiiiiASJiA LOAN CO tl) U LM. ro ,-1 aa t lii4. A-USa I'an'a iildg., formerly N. . Life liidg. MONSY letiKl halailca people, women V Bg l.o i 'o i:iJ olhci s; without se c'.'niir, 4t paym-nta. ofiices In 7 prlo tl'Ai rlvi?. Tolman. Ufi 0:naha Natl VR LOAN MONEY t any v.oiMng man or woman on lust a leroaat no.o. ! necurily or Indorser ek!ivd. ny moricae your personal telwiii.'1'.ra v. i SOCP. CRVCilT JS lOOD IlV-HBf All lk'.vue tond co'-jfideuilal. Cain in and aa or pb'.ne us. CMAHa TRUST CO, Ct ) oard cf 1ru Dld. Fourth Vluor. B. il hone lu -g.aj 51 !t. GO TO TJLE HOLE TX)AN CO. Mi cm t, Phttrrsou Ilik., 16-1 Fa nam 6t-, Tut the loweai 'ul'.s iMid eaiuvst ttriis on Otiait IHir.r. r,tililiy unvale ar.d rvii alu. ) hoo Duuglaa IJU. DlAUOr im;is at 2li and per cent. W. C. Kuiu. lodge. Red Kit. OFFERED FOR RENT " UvarU and lluoiua. I-y.ROt furnUhod alcovo room; also Mnar rooms, with board. F.efertacss. IS bJUlu bUa Ave. , " M. E. hauls trunks. D. 61 S. A-Kll. I I'orloU. family botl. teth A v. A Har aovrju uR. 'Sipia rivriiiEs, rea i4jAVK. ;o?Uir:-. vAwtNd. etc.. or t V'yt A lil'S JmjTHs if bicadlly err., t'ofio, '.'.:. e oiu low tales aid eaca HELP WANTED MALE- lirnli and Salesmen Continued. satisfied. System of Salesmanship at advantage. today. It places von under no OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard and Rooms Continued Tho Shrlner. 20 & Harney: room & board. THE Templars 1818 Capitol Ave. Table board, $4 a week. NICELY furnished rooms; reasonable rates; restaurant in connection, l'hone Douglas u6bi. EVERYBODY enjoys an evening with the Woodward (Stock company at the American theater. If Mrs. M. Kelley, 6oi South 83d St., will coma to The Wee office within three days we will give her an order fur a pair of tickets. Furnished Rooaas. K9 GEORGIA AVE., one nicely fur nished room, all modern, for two nurses or two gentlemen; private family; walk ing distance. Call hartley 6U74. FOR RENT Room In private family, mora for company than compensation. Call Douglas UiMi or Harney Uliiti. WEST Farnam couple without children wouid like to room and board two gentle men; Mrletly modern homes, congenial and pleasant to right party. Address P 4so. Bee. 20u8 St. Mary's Ave., modern furnished room for gentlemen; private family. 616 N. 19th St., nicely furnished, mod ern, room J. GOOD rooms, reasonable. IXC Douglas. Dewey European Hotel. 13th at Farnam. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for rent. )U Webster. Douglas 4701. 211 S. KTII street, modern room. Ty. ler, 107. 224 NORTH 23d; nasUly furnished, mod em, sieaiu healed roxms. MODERN, furnished room for one or two young ladies, near Brownell Hall, with family of two. Address II 4u2, care Hee. 411 N. 19th. furnished rooms for rent. Tm Farnam, largo front room, gentle men preferred. STEAM heated room In private family. 1311 S. Uth St. LA RO H front room with private lava tory; beautifully furnished; excellent board. Phone Harney u3Sii. EVERY person know who D. J. O'Brien l because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Dora Hull, 2127 Farnam St., will come to The Bee office within three days wo will give her an order for a 0-cent box of O Brlen's randy free. Furnished Housekeeping Hoosu, TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms complete tor housekeeping. 2ul4 Davenport St. TWO modern llb'ht housekeeping rooms, 2WI Mason. HARNEY 3, suite of two front rooms, . or three rooms, in all modern house, furnished complete for house keeping; light, heat, telephone, laundry, sewing machine and library. 10oy Park Ale. TlIRErc nicely furnished housekeeping front rooms. WIS Davenport. TWO furnished rooms for llgbt house keeping. 724 N. 21it. The Manuel and Howard, tl ft Howard, t and 4-rm. .ikpg. apis., ta to 10. YOUNG widow, 20, wishes to share part of a 6-rooin steam heated apartment; references rerulred; within walking dis tance. Address, N 869. lie. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds. 1814 Dodgu. Reasonable. TWO well furnished, connecting, first floor rooms for. housekeeping or room lug, all modern: also front hall bed room. 2707 Dodge; rent reasonable; use ot 'phone. Kiirslthtd Mouses, 14X3 8. 1STH. new three-room house; nicely furnlsh.-d; walking distance; 4 per week. NICELY furnished modern house, 14 blocks P. O. Tel. D. li!77. II to 12 a. m. Iletrls and Apurt mentsr NICELY FURNIM'ED ROOMS for n. t'.ciuen. lllli CHATHAM. Us S. uu Bt. Elk hotel, rooms 15c und t'Je. S17 N. loth. PALM HOTEL. 1S Douglas, newly furuislied looms, ca tenia; weekly, up; Meaiu heat. Hub hotel, steam heated, l'Mi Doug. l THE SCHI.ITZ HOTEL. Our 26o plat lunar the bust in iba Uiy. DUDGiS HOTEL, 13 til and Dodgs; all Cool ouiid rooms; special meek raia. HOTEL ALH-ANY; most elegant rooms; hot and cold water; fireproof; prie .v4Ui.oic; pt!t puoces. im isvx Excellent meals. 8u3 N. 2Sth, Bo. Omaha, Howard Hotel, elegant rs. lvo Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms i6o up. IjO 8. Uth. Vienna, mud., reasonable. 1011-14 Faro. THE JRV1NO, 2102 Leavenworth; first, class room aud board. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. NEW YORK hotel, rras. Mo. lull uougias Houl Antler, elegant rooms. UtHs B. lot a. Hotel Lyons, rooms 0e ua. u n. j, OcAanWrio Council Bluffs. Rooms gaen iioiei U,M ,0 w k'M Burlington, nice rooms. I block to depot. CASd HOTEL, nice rooms. 17ut Caae Ct WINDSOR HOTEL-Kooma too to ILM. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Aaartmenta and Flats. t'fl..'v-Three large rooms, part' modern, first floor. Is.ijv For same Kind of apartment, wo rm! tloor. Good neighborhood, near Mth and Vinton. Phono Douglas P or lLir. ney 4;i6, evenings. ;-room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 676i. 8TF.AM HEAT: ONE It-room up-to-date apartment. No. 111. N. 2olh SU Tel. D. 4Ui. THREE and six-room flat. Martls block, 16th and Webster. t'nfarnlshed Rooms. THRKK or four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Walking distance preferred. Lougias 7791. 2121 LEAVENWORTH. 3 unfurnished rooms. t.aii alter o p. m. or Miturduys and Sundays. FOUR rooms upstairs. 1C23 North 21st St. Veb. 82. THREE rooms, private bath room; out side porch. Modern except heat; no chil dren. LlilJ N. 18th St. Houses and Cottages. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. Rvd 111W. MOD. D-room cottage, fine rep'r. H. S044. MODERN R-room brick, hardwood floors throughout; :l rloo mantles; fine ne'.Rlibornood, on car line, only I'-ViM. l iaht L.asoury, wo s. iuui. i nunc Doug. IS-'. Onlv f?a 7-rooms: new. full 2-story, syunre: 1 block west of No. 24th line, near Kountse 2"iace. ivu cnuus ueui. ; 10111. O'KF.EFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omiitia Natl Rk.: I'oug. or A-2131 Eve. H. 2!42 or II. C.134. HOUSEHOLD GOODS lacked, for aarded; clieap freight ratep; moving and storing. Expressmeus Delivery Co. Tel. Dung. 2l. Oily oil ice 21i tj. i;iU bt lie Bldg. FOR RENT The twenty-room brick house, with brick etablo and about (Ive acres Improved grounds, at southwest earner of Sherman avenue and Sprues street. Inquire room 314 First Nat l Bans Bldg. Telephone uougias uu. c?4 j. 9vt h fit H ronma entnnletplv modern,' 132.60. Hall, 433 Ramge. li. 740U A-4k. niiNnF.E Seven rooms, strictly mod ern; near car; paved street; cheap to permanent tenant. l'hone Harney 317. B1X-ROOM cottage. 2007 Franklin St. . n dvim mniiurn atrlrtlv tin-to-dat residence; hot water heat; east front 31st Ave., and Douglas St.; opposite Turner park 4"o. HALIO A. Ilftliowi, McCagua Bldg. Douglas 1333. N.'i.'iv ninclern. B-ruoin cottage. 4111 N. 2Cth Ave. Web. 640. for RENT A new seven-room mod- ern house. Call 2727 Davenport St. Har ney 2182. mv am! (vfn-roora modern flat, hot water heat, for 340. Tel. Webster 14U8. Om. Van & Storage Co., packs, move. stores household goods. Fireproof slot', age. 804 S. lth. Branch, u S. lili Tel. D. 41C3. A-133& tti r Tel.- rant np nule vrv chitun til Atlas. Inquire D20 Homer. COZY 7-room house, strictly modern. with hot water heat, on car line, at N. W. corner of 13th street and Missouri Ave.. South Omaha: largo grounds, with garden and fruit trees, 325. Inquire Crelghton Real Estate Co., 300 First Na tional Bank Bldg. OMAHA EX?. CO.. tnovtnf; van and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. (3os, 41 N. 17tli. The Key to the Situation Boa Ada. linnFHW lo-ronm hitiaw. Ml So. S2d 61. Inquire next aoor south. FOR RENT Modern apartment. S rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 The Clarlnda, 31st and Farnam. Houses. Ins. Ringwalt. Brandels Th. Bldf. ITnncna 111 all parts of the city. Crelgu 12.ja 3 rooms. 2H21 Douglas St., modern except heat. 20.00-5 rooms. 1811 No. 19th Bt., modern except heat. 23.&0 4 rooms, 4S13 Underwood Avo, modern. 25.00 s rooms, 1510 Madison Ave., mod ern except heat. 26.00 4i ro ms. 2X10 Grant St., modern. 27.50 0 rooms, 21211 Farnam St., modern except heat. 27.BO 6 rooms, 2M)7 Dowey Ave., modern. C00O 6 rooms, Oil So. 18th Ht., modern except heat. 86.007 rooms. 1W7 No. 83d St., modern, hot water heat. CEiO 7 rooms, 3317 Dodge St., modern flat. LAFAYETTE APARTMENTS. Three rooms and bath. Including re frigeration, vacuum cleaning, laundry and Janitor service. Rental 17.50 per mo. GEORGE A COMPANY, !K2 City Nat l Bnk Bldg. MODERN 8-room flttt facing Hanscom park. 140. 1701 Park Ave. C-ROOM cottape, modem except fur nace; will Install furnacn If tenant de sires same; Hanscom lark district; 127. V-rourn house, strictly modern, walking distance, $30. -room houso. strictly modem, near 18th and Clark tits.. Gallagher & Nelson 490 Brandefs Uldg. Duugias 3383. B EVEN-ROOM modern house, fine lo cation; paved street, corner lot; 2u. Phono Webster 2UI2. SIX-ROOM house, 2010 H. 20th Ave. FIVE-RlHOM. modern except furnace, 9lo N. 23d St. J1S, plus water rent. Phono Red 4122.' 6-ROOM house, with bath, for rent, 2GS Davenport. FOR RENT Six-room house at 2414 Caldwell St.; modem, except heat; good collar; cistern pump In kitchen sink. Tel ephone Harney 43. FIVE-ROOM houses. with electric light, gas, city water. 427 N. loth, South Omaha. 210 S. 2tith Ave,, nowly furnished front room suitable for one or two gentlemen. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1102 N. 22d, fid. Offices. WILL sublet south private office and reception room cheap. 404 Boa Bldg. , OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 8. 13th. WE1RICH Fixture Co., high grsde mill work; storm sash. Webster 2577, 1217 No. Mth St OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 110 B. 13th. Wish to sublet suite ot five rooms In City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 4128. Halls. WASHINGTON HALL lodges, dances, banquets. C. C. Snrensen. D. 2325, A-2326. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's h e cream. If Mrs. J. H. Loomls. 1111 N. 23d St.. will come to The Bee offlco within three days we will give her an order tjr a uuart of this fine l cream. OFFERED FOR SALE rs.siisM, Furniture, linen, bedding, and silver. Phone Doug. 61X6. FOR SALE Steel range, gas stove, re frigerator, some other plecss of furniture; very cheap. 13u2 S. 31st SL Tel. II. 2i38. WISHING to leave the city will sacri fice furniture of k-rooin house for 1.00; bouse modern except lurnaen; rout, easy walking distance; good place Ivt rouinsrs. J 327, Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE I'urnltn oatlnnrd. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, eti ., new, cheap, it ii;;. RADIANT Home double heater. II. tun. Foil S VLE Cheap, cook stovo and Itauiunt Homo baso burner No. h. i,u N. l.Mh St., South Omaha. South lot). Typewriters, RENT an Oliver typewriter from the liver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas ISla. Ol FOX typewriter. 1805 Farnam Bt. SMITH PREMIER model No. J or No. 4. In excellent condition, rented three months tor liv bMllll PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO, mh and Douglaa. TYPEWRITERS- Special ale for a short time on all makes. See window for big price reductions. H. F. Swsufon Co., l.ilu Farnam Sl Omaha. THE ROYAL Is king of typewriters &. Typewriter. $19.60. 100 Farnam. D-WXS. LIGHT touch Monarch Vislblea for rent The Monarch Typeriter Co., 411 8. li; ft. l'hone Doug. 409. OFFERED FOR SALE Musical litstrumeats. PIANO bargains. 103 N. 15th. D. 1101 LEAVING THE CITY-WILL SEU. AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Steiuway piano. 1401 Lolhrop! S ebHter 2ii2a. Pianos, wholesales pis. 201 Boston Store, PIANO, slightly usen, at a bargain, Se;ei strom 1 lano Mtg. Co., 13tb and tar. bam Sis. Miscellaneous. FA FES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sues and makes; bargama American Supp.y Co., lllo Farnam bt SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, tor sale at $10.t. Apply, George VV. Wright, Lee Publishing Co. TWO good second-hand National cash registers for sale at a bnrgaji and ou easy terms, li. B. Vi hiieiiu..., v o. luin ci. r, 1& DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire dlamoiiu ring; will sacntice at a big ua. gam. Address. i iilti. Be. FOR SALE Alaska teal cont, perfect condition; worn abort tune; 3D bust 34 long; will sell for low figure. 'Phone Douglas 304u. BARGAINS In store fixtures at less limn cost of small lot of nearly new store shelving and store enclosure, six-drawer counter especially suitable lor grocery buslnoss. Central Supply Co., 1117 Farnam. tlj BUYS almost new dress suit, only worn a few times; tall and slim. Addre. NEW and old lumber, and houoea to movo. cheap. Dworak Lumber Co ,1228 S. IX SEVERAl, standard makes of ptanoi will be disposed of (or storage and rs pair charge; will sell or trade. Call mornings, t hus. 11. Thatcher, piano fac tory. 19US Harney St. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payment. Brunswick-Balke-Collcnder, 407 8. loth bt Kindling. $4 load. H Gross Wrecking. W. 2884. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. SOME PIPE. sumo cast. N. Steinberg. 1013 Harney. CHEAP, ono electric piano. 3 munla boxes and W vending machines, tin Leavenwortn. II. .'IJ. ina. A-SIJJ. FOR BALE Two Bcholnrshlps In th Omaha Commercial college and two in Boyle college. Business office, Omaha Bee. ONE sealskin coat for said at TNathan' loan office, loo s. i:;th. FOR SALE I'lunn, gas stove, Ice box, dining room uet, southeast corner 2Uth and O. 'l'hone South 22..2. THRKK-TON osl box nnd good wagon for Hale. 2i23 Charles. 'Phone Web. Witt 8i;il Miss Lang In "The Three of Us" at tho American theiiter. If Mrs. G. II. Nowinun. 'i Norlh 21th SI., will come to Thn lien office Within three days we will give her un order for a pair of tickets. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures plies. 408 Om. Nat. bk. Automatio Phono liiw's, $2: residence tl 83-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdish Pharmacy, 12th and Dodga KARSTON TONSETH, Swedish move ment and massage: graditute of Dr. Kell lierg Inst.. Stockholm. Sweden; day Phone D. 719".: night, D. 3401; 403 Om. Nut. Bank Bldg. M AWAflR Bath, salt glow aromatic MAOOAUIi treatment Mme. Allen of Chtcugo. 100 & 17th at., first floor. U 1M6. Mechsno Therapy mHtaB treatment, stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Halloran, KZ2-X Nevll.e Blk. D. 7761. open after a FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING PHONE D. 6293. PRICES REASONABLE. FOR case of Blat Ber Tel. Doug. 1011. MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN, II. (240. Hair good, all descriptions; combing made up. Massage, Rlttenbouo. SOS Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burks, Women's Disease. 41 Dgls. Blk JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY -Moved to 203 S. ltftti bt. Douglas Ull. CI I A M PDl I treatm'ts. Mrs. Steele, ex DUA1U1 JJ J)erl ulttl-t r, 10J . j7 jj tl. Dr. Burku. nervous diseases. 41 Doug. Blk. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as stranger ate nivimd to visit the Vouug Women' Christian ai-sociauun oundiiig ai beveuieenlh bt. and St. Mary's A vs., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otht-rwise aisisied. Look lor our travelers' aid at th Cnioa station. LAUNDRY rough dried. 1919 Clark Bt Adellght hair tood grows hair. Mm. Prayer, Megeath bta. Co., lutii and tain. HINDOO TABLETS will build brace, Strengthen, ioc. BELL DRUG CO. M1KH SNYDER out of Nclly until Nol ven.ber 1. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machine, lad. a-iuo3, Dougia looi. NEbltABlvA CYcL. CO., luth and Harney ril. f A VSAIIK ireatment. Mr. Ktosle, JUAOiSAUL iU( b 2a. tioor, rm. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast off ciuiinng. in tact, anything you do not Heed. W collect, repair and sail, at 14 N. lllh St., tor cost ot collection, to toe worthy poor. Call puone Douglas tut aud wagons will call. U2V130AUD treatuiont. Mm. Alien u Chicago, 103 S. lith St.. 1st floor. D. itsie. MAdNETKi treatment. E. Urott. 711 MASSAGE Swsdlkh movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles, l; genu- ...... I (A ... . ul ......... I, hi.u, v.-w. vk WU. m m u wv. LiitJuo at cui. prices: ireigni paiu on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman McCunuet Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ETTA GOLDS BURY has opened new hairdressliig parlors at 302 Neville. D. 3'JSJ. EVERY person know who D. J. O'Brien I becaus he has made Omaha famous with his candy. It Mrs. It. E. Vah-ntine, 2711 Capitol Ave., will come to The Bee offloa within three day we will give her an order tor a tio-ceiit box of O'Brien candy free. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FLOOR sweeping, good chicken feed, II. liu per huudred. Wagner, sol No- Uth. POULTRY & PET STOCK (Continued.) THOROUGHBRED 8. C. Rhode Inland P.ed chicken, old and young; tsk AmM Ae nr to 40th auj Gland. CaJat JM." taraloga. REAL ESTATE AUMTHACT (IK TITLE. Fiank i Not ton, 213 S. 17th. Use Uldg "There's a Kaon. "I intnlniue your title troubles.'1 Both phones. Abstracts. M. T. Brennait, 324 Brandels Th, Midland Guar. A Trust Co., 1714 Far. It 11 Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2 Peter Jesaen. Jr.. Co., lei. Doug. 2292. Reed Abstract Co., o'dest abtract offic In Nebiaska. Brandels Theater. GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO, room 7. Patterson Blk. BllLIi:ilV IM'OHM ATIO. F.lerlrlc. gas fixtures. Omshn Silver C. Platte Gtavel & Washed Sand Co.. 442 lies ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and fuming Amr. Sply. Co., roof'g. paints, IhM Nteh. Fuchs. Son Blind, painting decorating FOR rent or sale, concrete nilxr. Douglas 5J-M. Pulton Howmnn, 1(115 Far nam. WAMKI) TO 111 Y. LIST our clly properly tor sal with VoM'l. 409 Karbacb Bldg. CITY PHOI'KHTY Foil SALE. South Side Home On Our Very Easy Terms 2318 South 14th St. Onc-Toutli Cnsli, IV.ilanco Monthly lias six rooms, new, strictly modern; situated on ennt front lot. has veilibnln living room, dining loom, den or bed room and Ittielien on first floor; two hirae bed rooms, hath and hall way on second floor: full basement, nicely cemented; host of furnace) heat; first-class plumbing' tin oiiKhout ; ono block from l:ith street cur linn and two blocks from Kith street cur line. Anyone desiring a home in the south part of town see this property at once. Hastings & Heyden 114 HARNEY ST. Duhdee Home $3,500 101 6N. 4ST1I ST. Six-room house: furnacn heat; full basement; sightly location; ground loxl2ti ft.; one lot In all kinds of fruit; pountry house and yards. Owner leaving city. Seo us at once. IHI2-U lily National Bank Bldg. GEOUUE & COMPANY, Phones: 7MJ, Independent A-17W. Douglas 40 Acres Within 7 miles of the Omaha Postofflce. 3 miles from Florence anil Benson, and 1 mile from railroad slut ion. Most ot the 40 acres Is level, high lund, bulanee Is In timber punt inc. located on a muni road, close to Urandcls (arm. Prion tor ipiiok sale, $iiif, an acre, Cun make very reason ublo terms. HASTINGS & IIKYDEN, 1C14 Harney St. W ESTFA UNA ;M7$770Ur FIHST TIME OFFERED, a substantial BRICK. resUleiico; H rooms; modern; gar age: handy to car and (o the new CATHEDRAL. Reasonublo i-rnii. Also 8 rooms, imd-rn. adjoining TI'R N1CR PARK; owner very aiixioiia to sell, will take $i0 cash for eiiiily, subject to $.'..!i00 ti icr cent niorlgugo. A BIG BAR GAIN FOR SOMEONE. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, )21'J 20 City National. Phone Douglas :RHi.. 5 Acre Tract Will exchange for good, new, 6-room house and lot. well lo cated In Oinnha and worth tho mones . Tht acre (rat i Is eheup at $2.7iO, Is located III Florence on high ground, near good liu proveiueiiis and la a very de slruhln property. What have you to orferT GEOKUE & COMPANY, M02-12 City Notional Rank Bldg. Phones Douglas iM, liidepeiidcnt A-17M. AT 70S S. 1HTI I ST. Room, 20xii, sup plied Willi steam heat, now being put In fine condition; price reasonable. 1'KTERS 'liU'HT CO., Lin and Furnani. Rare Bargains 4iith and Capitol Ave., all modern, new, 3-room house' finished in uak, bTfcn and hard pine; furnace, fireplace; laundry; two toilet rooms; sleeping porch, etc.; this goes very low on the bust of terms, lei. Huriiey 00. Harry li. Putnam, uw Burt St. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 13 ROOM.-., ALL MODERN. iu.iM). We have a two-apartment tiousu, oon lalnlng 13 rooms, two b,h rooms, seven bed rooms, wlih pailor, lining room and kitchen In bach apartment, Willi new plumbing and good beating plant. Tills property Is too iaigu for present owner and It Is a spkiidil proposition fol some one who will buy It aud divide II into four thi-ioum apartim-ms. owing to th arrangement of tlie ho-sti ilils woig can b oono ki a very small oxpens and wnen completed the epai tiiicnu will rent (or $-i each. Tile bi.yer can live in ou apartment, runt tho rest a.iu maka a good investllivilt uut i'i uui uuinq. The building i well bunt and In good condition; only thirteen minutes' rldo to lbs csuier of til cily, ou blocs, front the Douku sireot cat iiu aud In tood ri. dent oistrlct. lllrj r. i Miir.u is N. 30TH ST. It Is just north of Ohio on the Florence Blvd. A gootl six or aeven-ioi. m modern house will bu taksn In exchaug at th right price. 'Xh s pipo-liion is ceiuttiily wonh looking at. NoRKIS & MARTIN, 00 Bee Bldg. Dualas .lo. A 437. TWENTY aorta, good house and barn; vineyard, . fruit trees, three mllea from Omaha poslolfice; price, $l5,0uo Twenty areM with small house, five miles liom posinff ice; prl'-c, j,umj. For full Inf'jrmatlon call or wrttq to Fourteenth Street Business and Real En tale Exchange Co.. Ill S. 14th St. Room 1 and 2, upstair. (OVTAGK uf five luiti luuins and bath. In good repair, with city water and gas, lot 46xlU), within on block of car and walking distance of Mo. I'ac. and Union Paciflo shops. 2u27 N. lLlh. For sal at reasonable pi:C3. Owner will show property. A VERY fine residence close down town; for sala or exchange or will ex change (r smaller rusldsuce pro per tins or for farm lu Iowa or Neb. close to Omaha. Address I'.'.'l Chicago St., Tel. lyler 1213. J. V. Vaughn. East H lot 10. bloc k 33, In Benaon, easy diking distance of car; new homes being built on lot near tul uue; ins, ul(er. Address P 3U. Bee. O'NEIL'H Heal and Insurance Agency, looi Faj-naiu; oily property and lai ni land a pciaily; w bavu bargains. 6-ROOM cottage; corner lot, 12x132; two blocks from Hanscom park West aide car line; prlco very reasonable; ownur must leave city. w. nouin ooiu St. REAL ESTATE ( I TV PIUM'I.H I V Poll A 1.14 (Conl Inued.) "bun u a lo w" AN I) "tvo ACPtES. At S7(t and Newport Ave. we hav a brand new H-room bungalow, heaudfully located, overlooking tho surrounding rounlry In all directions; plenty ot young fruit started, and just the plae for a mun who wants to farm a little and con. Untie Ins Work downtown. Plica, only $3.10" PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. REAL ESTATE FAHU .t IHM1I I. AMI I till SAL Canada. CA NADIAN 1 N I S. T'o you ant it fnrin In western Cunada, whero the cropa this yeur are In advance of anything uniwn on tho continent? For wheat growing, dairying, mixed farming and t ul Un raising (he province of Alberta is unsurpassed. latmts aro now offered bv the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices r?tn:liK from $10 to $n an gore on UJNO TI-.U.MS of payment or on the crop pavment pint,. This Is paying for your lariii Willi a poillon of yottr crops escl; year. Land values have Increaseil 50 per cent In two yenra. Great opportunity for the honuseeker. Call or write for full partlculufs, book lets, mu ps. etc. i;. S. Fl.Olt. Gen l Agent Canadian Pacific Alberta Land Co., 440 Hoard of Tradn Bldg. Excursion every Tuesday. See me for rates. Colorado. IF YOU want to buy good farm land at $101)0 to $irtK) per acre, or want a good homestead relinquishment writ to or call on The' Miitieson-l'urdy Land Company, Otis, Colo. FOR S.VLF.-ItiO iicres smooth, unim proved piuiiio html; good still; 7V miles of Sterling, (Villi., (own of 4,000 people, division point of yvo railroads. Trice $: per acre: $12 cash; balance In (our equal annual imynients nt ti per cent Interest. Don't fall to Investigate, as tills la a great bargulu. MORTON & WALtiO. Tho Land Men, Sterling, Colo.' Join Our Excursion to the Sunny San Luis Valley, Colorado Whero You AV1U Find Pure AltTL'SIAN WATlSIi, BEST CLIMATE, RICHEST BOIL, LARGEST CROPS, of all the West. Land and water $50 per acre and up: terms, easy. MUST BE BOLD. Close to city ot 3,500 people. Call for particular. We own the land. San Luis Valley Irri gated Land Co., 110 Hoard Jf Trado Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FRUIT hind bargalnM. Intermountaln batntl Co., UXi Farnain. Phono li. MHb. FOR BAI.1C -( acre best land In Weld county, Colorado, ( mil. s from Hover, on II. 1. ranroud; price II per acre; naif rash, balance 1, - and 3 yours 6 per caul. P. C. Caldwell, boulh Onianu, Mob. Hurgulns-Fruit land, ii Urandels Uldg Oenrgla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA bv ih. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC. KAlliKUAU. Lands adaptable to the widest rang ol crops. All the money cropa ot th South ilentlfully produced. For literature (rest ing with this coining country, its sod, oil- mate, church end school advaotagta writ W. It. LKAHT, DBPT. K. General passenger Agent, ATLANTA. UA. laws, T11H rssleel way to find a buyer fof your farm is tu Insert a small want ad In the lies Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the stale ot Iowa, 4:t,0uo dally. 1 lis Capital Is read by and ballet fd In by Hi standpatter of loiva, who sunply rs I use to permit any other papr In their tiouiea. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; tl.ti per line per month; count six ordinary words to the .inc. Address L' atoms capital. He Moines, la. A BARGAIN. 2M AtT'.KH ot boat eas( central Kansas I.. ...I ... I lu rL, rllU.l t.'.U'll l,t,l 8 -room house; barn and outbuildings, all In good repair: orchaul. well, pond, eto. J HIT, f'- . f v, .v.vj. un... ,, 1 v n box 70, Mont Ida, Anderson Co., Kan. Mlnaesota. A FARM SNAP. 2WI acres men level laud, black soil (wo to thren feet deep. 00 ai res In crop this year, ail plowed ready for crop next year. Good new barn, other buildings good. Thirteen atr.s of oak llmlxr. Lvory foot of this acres can bo plowetl, ex. (eptltig where the timber stunds. t;i per acre, easy terms. MurehaiT Si Atchison, Mankuto, Minn. 10.000 ACRLH of partly cut Over land iieur Hululli, price J per acre, will lus.i Improved fitrm laud or Incom property In (ho extent ot siti.uuo as pari payment $7,&oO cash, balance payable In ono year at per cent. J.umi r cent. Lann worth xb an acre. Alfred W Kuehnow, owner, Dululh, Minn.' Nebraska. Good Buys i:VEUY ON I'J !1 ucrea alley lund. -"a miles uf good town; handy lu school, etc.; slight lm piuvtiui'inn, D r. house, barn for 4 head; good well, etc.; good sandy loam soli; wlih proper euro this faun can be iiuido a gurdoii Hot. All can be cuiiUutt-d; price, $"" per acre; easy lerms; $1,840 casu b.' March 1, balance, i years, il per cent. SO iiiri, upland, slight Improvements; j r. house, bum 40x44; corn erlli, granary, chicken house, good Weil; UO acres under cultivation, HI miles of good town. Vi milo lo si liool. Only $i per acre; IXOw Cii.-h. balance D yir 1st' acres, few thousand dollai-a' worth of liiiproveiiieiiti; a homelike place: good locution, mainly Germans, 14 luilea of Omaha, mosily niacatlam; good value for llio money, $lJo per acre: b.000 cash by March 1, balance 5 years, li per cent. so ucros, well Improved: good orchard, etc.; A I location, S mile of gootl town: extra good blurs, soil. per acre; IJ.oul bv Man li 1, lisliiuce S years, i per cent. 40 atria, ldeul, unimproved, on maca dam road. This Is Just a slight list. Com on and Vt us show ) ou. Liihg wife. First come f!rt served. F-very one within lea than Vi mile. Oriu S. Merrill Company. 1213-14 City Nat'l Bunk Bldg. 1MPROVF.D Nebraska farms, IK acre up. Write or call lor our list. Wood' ward. 714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. lOo-ACRIO (arm near Benson for sal cheap. Owner has Incurable lcknt lu-tuli room $04, Brown block. REAL ESTATE I AII1I IIAMCII l,AU ion MALI Kehrauitta -Coatlaaed. A Chance for a Finn Farm or an In rstniont. .TO acres of hay and (arm land 1 mili from the county seat of Rook county, Ne, braska; It will cut over $l.20ii aorth oi Imv this season and cim bo houuht foi $i'ti per acre, H rash balance, lime to tnip at li per cent Interest. Call phone Web AV.i.1, or write iVH Saratoga St. J. Ill Coleman Co., Omaha. FOR KAL10 100-acre farm. 8 mllei town, three-quarter nillo school: good Ini provemetits, houses, barn, cornerlb, well windmill, catlio sneos. etc. crtce, $14,0iil A. Jewell, Tectimsen, ilea. "ree list of Improved Howard. Greeley Valley, Pherman and Custer count farms, for people ot limited means want lug homes on easy terms. C. Bradley olbach, isru. NKHI1A8KA and Oregon land. 18 un S't Urandels HI tig. FARMS $;is per acre up within 15 miles Oiln H. Merrill. 1JI3 City Nat. Bank Bldg-. wnn A fl IT A and Oresron ImnA ft .. $4 llrandals Bldg. i ui.,' . . v.. ,, fin,, imiii 30 miles out; rich larrn land, not fand. Win an old entry, now cancelled. Wortl $'i.i. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb, A SNAP, InO acres of choice laud 1'4 mile (rati t.ltchlh ld; UO acre In cultivation. CO ol It In alfalfa; all fenced; prlc. $S,nOo. J I. Ciimpneu. Liicniieiu, imcd. v.ASTKRN Nen.. and Iowa, farm , exchange for Dakota lands. Walker 4 Co, .mo Hiandlos theater. Omaha. WKSTKRN Nebraska rellnaulshment K acres; will take part cash and term O. B. T'ean, loosoui, vvyo. Orecoa. OREGON APPLE 0RC1IAEI IN W1LLAMKTT1S VAUKT. Developed and taken car of for k year No riim ousts. Nt Interest. NO taxes. A reliable Investment that can be handled on monthly paynents convenient to you. Pi lei, advance $M PER ACHK Nov. 1. Oregon bearing orchard net from $40 U $1,W0 per acre. BANTI AM FRUIT COLONY, Sect, and Genl. Bale Manager Tempo rarily, tjaniorn tiotei. . r- ArlllrU . mil. m m - land In Hood .river valley, Oregon foi sal on easy term and cheap; best whole sal proposition in west. ti or writ owner, a. w. it., Ninneapou aiats Bank, Minneapolis), Minn. VIB1T th Willamette Valley axhlblt ai th Land Hhow and see what we grow, limn itnma and see us and let u tall voi all about the country. We are her t serv you. Th World Investment Co, Hit Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Nab. El'OKNE, Corvallls. Albany or C1m are good section for honieseeker. Talk with Willamette Valley representative at Omaha Land Show. Oklabosna. FROM 20 to ItO-acr tract from 111 to ou per acr. tieit Vogl, u9 KafbaoA blk. tk Daatata. VO ACRL9 In Gregory eounty, Boutk Dakota; ltw aorea broke, M aores mur suitable fur breaking, balanu very be hay and grsilng land; ha abundane ol water ana lot of timber; this Is on rl th best location In Mouth Dakota for ranch; prlc M per acr; $8,166 cash, bal ance 6 year time, 6 per cent lntreL J. F. Hpatx. tit. Charles, 8. D. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT irolirres Irrigated, 4 rnlUs from Whaal land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 seotlon 1 mile from Kimball, Neb. J 2uo acre broken; fin land; and 160 acre 11 mile from Atkinson. Neb. 1L Pros. $01 3. 124. ON IS or two good farm to rent l good farmers. Stewart Investment Co., Brown Blk., OmahOj ""real estateToanF" WANTLD City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1-120 Farnam Bt. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O Khlli-Fbl REAL KHTAThi CO., 1011 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN Payne lnv. Co, VVANTED-Clty loans. Pater Trust C. CITY and farm. JOHN N. l'ftKNSk. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. T. t. Waad, Wead Bldg., Uth and Farnam. MONEY to loan on business or rat dent properUea, (1.000 to $:W0.0U0. W. H. THOMAa. 601 First Nat. Bauk Bldg. LOW HATKd, BEMItS-CARLBEROCO., lUi-SlJ Brandela Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM IXAN8. Klok g. vtslinent Company, Omaha. FlRSfTRUST COf'ii QABV1N BROSi-'Sa Jf Jig; LA RGB IX)ANS, municipal bond, mort gage bought and old. TULL BROsj. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCHANGED 'A. U. Jwll, Board 1 Trad. D. 111, FOR HALF, or trade, fin stock and fraln farm, 3.M acres, 1 miles from Onawa, a. Phnrmati Nelson, owner, KX17 Plerc lit., Kloux City, la. T. C. Torrison & Co. Phone LMIol. Wo'-htJ City NatKinai Blink DuiMlnc. tXtLl'BlVK tXCHANGlS BROKtlta. Wo (rade farms and ranches, city prop erty, merchandise, hardware, furniture, real estiUe mortgages, banks and bank storks, rattle, horses and any other prop erly of value on a commission baal only. We do not buy. Wo do not Bell. But Wc Will Trado. bttK J. L. Barber to sell, ar axchang any thin. 440 Board of Trad. D. 4ML FOR EXCHANGE If you hav atooka of merchandlsa to exchange for equity lu (arms describn fully and list with ms. coinmioluu. Si per cent; prefer laig stocks. klv.OuO and up, from partla wit actually want a change. A. Jd. aCauff man. Lockndge, Iowa. I HANDLE! exchange everywhere. rr results uta, lisau, ill Be Bldg. D. Uil WB exchange properties of merit. C. W. Welsh, tU-U O N. Blk Bldg. Doug. 7S06. NFIJRAUKA Traction ai Power Co., bonds for lot or diamond. Doug. $077, TIN first-class rasldenra lots In Linton, Ind . worui $l.tsM, which 1 will Uaa fur Omaiia luoperty. Addroa R. A. Keisvy, Uua Laird street. . Webster ju38t, $12,000 KQUITY In fin. 100-acr farm near Maryvniv, Mo., to trad for rads. or hardware; a long time will b given ;,n balance, income th's year i.ra PrWie, H-o per acre. Addres x U, car Bs. THIRTY thousand dollar southeast Ne braska laini: Uicumbrauoe fi,6t; equity tor meicliaiiJlsu. Tho. P. Matthews, Norfolk. Neb. FORTY thousand dollar south central Iowa farm; take half In merchandlsa; may b two-thirds; want good. Too P. Matthews, Norfolk, Nstt. I HA VK for trad near good town In DodKo county, Nebruska, clou to Omaha, 40 acres of as good coru land a thr la in the state. Want 1 or room modern house: must bs well located and clear af encumbrances. Cbarlea Hanley, Agt., W X. 1-th bt., Omaha. Neb. 1,11)0 ACRES ot good farm land ttsar Ray, Colo,, to exchange tor good atoulc ot hardware. This ranch ha a t-rooui house, barn, windmill, water-tank. All fenced, cross-fenced, and 4O0 aure under plow. Nebraska Investment Co., Seattle, Wash. A .,. 4.