Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1911, LAND SHOW, Image 11
L LAND SHOW TOUR PAGES The Omaha Daily Bee. Best Ipsrting News Tho Hee lirlnt full box fnrea of Mil Mg league RmM In no other Omaha newspaper. VOL. XLIXO. 10S. OMAHA, SATUIHUY MOKNINU, OCTOBlvR 'Jl, 1IU1. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. , . 1 : "1 I 1 TO DAY AT THE LAMP SHOW 1 1 1 , i i i i . 1 1 'If It Comes From A New, Clean. Modern Family Li quor Store. ILLER'S ". b.6"L JEstftnlished 1889. Souvenir with every purchase during the Land bhow. 1309 Farnam Street, Omaha IRUG THEATER Home of Family Burlesque, Cater in to Polite Audiences. ALL NEXT WEEK Commencing (Sunday, Oct. 11. Matinee, 2:30. Evening, 8:30. World Famous BILLY WATSOH And Hie Deef Trust Chorus In the Wheealngly Funny Show Krousemeyer's Alley 30-Glrls With Shapely Shapes-80 burlesque's BlgKest Bhow In Many Wayi. No Beats Higher Than BOo. Land Show Visitors are Invited to Sea the latent Paris styles in millin ery at this store. The most fascinating creations of tho famous designers are here. A particular hat for every partic ular woman, and all modestly priced. Mrs. Richards Second Floor City National Bank Building. 1 Traiiei, f l.oo to $15.00 each. Expert KHUn. ghonlde Braces 91 to $3 each. Lady attendant In these depart ments XI desired. Sh8rman & McConnsll Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Bodge. Cor. 16th and Harney. Cor. 94th aud Yarnam. 107-9 If 13tU Bt , (Loyal Hotel.) Poultry Supplies Corn Shelters Bone Cutters Winter Onion Bets. Bulbs for Fall Plauting. Seeds That Grow. Need Any? THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Doug. 1261. 1013 Howard St. Open Saturday Evenings. Fivo Dollars Three Dollars Owing to the number of people desiring our best plate and crowns at above price, who could not be waited on, I have extended the time limit to November 1st DOR WARD, Dentist Ware Block. lStn and garnam. Fhone Dong. 874. .' MOVING VANS - PIANO MOVING FURNITURE PACKING Gordon Fireproof VJarehcuse & Van Co. (EXFBEBSHSIT'S DELIVERY CO.) tlS Sontn 17th Street. Tel. Doug-las 394; Xnd. A-1314. Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Bead and Bat tan Tuxiiltnre, do-Carts. Baby Carriages, Etc pairing a Spe cialty. 119 M. 16ta Bt. Best to Mew U. P. Headquarters. Telephone I. SO 12. Ind. A- 16U Tfce Largest Mall Order Koase in Omaha Importer and Dealer In Pin Whlsalei, Wines, Liquors, Eto. MEYER KLEIN Wholesale Lienor Dealer, 522 Worth JGth Street. Telephones! Doag. 1809; Ind. B 1809. Pennell Millinery Go. PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR LAND OWNERS DeKirintt to sell their farnw or land will find un ad In Tho Bee Farm und Kanrh Land C&uiunt most successful. MOTHER: "Jlieuorldlovca a teinner" and the OMEGA vo'Mckt s that are told in all tizes and gra det 'row $10. 00 to $100.00 by t:ie factory giittt- T. L. COMBS & CO. Jewelers 1520 Douglas St ' ARE WINNERS. They $ay every OMEGA viatc it adjusted and every on hat a double t ol.treicapt men two feaiuret imtt imoortr iU andevlutivc infix OMEGAS ( all qradtt. Every one it guarantee J three ytart. Ton LAND SHOW VISITORS! ! ! We have a special dis play of GAS AND ELEC TRIC FIXTURES at attractive prico which we urgo you to inspect while in the city. BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY, Largest l'ituro House In the U'eet. 1511 HOWAItD KTHEKT. Afternoon Program Oct 20 Main Hall 2:00 to 5:00 Captain Tlebor's Seal Circus. 2:00 to 6:00 Hawaiian Singers. 2:0U to 5:00 Odell, The Bee Wizard. Amusement Hall "A" S.00 to 1:30 A. Thompson, Machinery Expert. "The Avery Tractor on the Farm." 2:30 to 8:00 W. B. Lelflngwell. Traveler and Lecturer Union Taclflo. "Kalmon Fishing-" 8 00 to 8:30 J. Ai Jat-per, Special Commissioner San Diego Co.. Cal. San Ulego County from Bhcep Range to Orange Urove." S-30 to 4:00 Wllber Walker, Sec'y Alameda Co. Chamber of Commerce. California, Workshop of Luther liuruank." 4 00 to 4:30 A. L. Hteenson, Secretary Cowallls Commercial Club. " the Willamette Valley.. Oregon." 4-30 to 6:00 J. Kdw. Taylor, State Horticulturist. Utah. ..Bl)0uUl Agricultural Features of Utah." Amusement Hall "B" 2:00 to 2:30 Edward Lewis. Kxpert on Explosives. 1JU Pont Powder Co., "Farming Vlth Dynamite." 1 30 to 8:00 C. 13. Oharnberlin.. Agriculturist for the Oreat Northern U. It. . "Industrial Uovelopments of the Northwest." 8 00 tc 8:30 W. K. French, Prof. University of Nebraska. "Farm Work." 8-30 to 4:00 J.'W. Jones, Ass't Immigration, State of Idaho. "The Development of au Irrigated Empire." 4:00 to 4:30 Prof. Taylor, Boll Expert "Soil Improvement." 4-30 to 5:00 Mr. Pouirherty, Traveling Agent Northern Pacific. "Northwestern Bcenlo Highway.'' Evening Program Amusement Hall "A' i in to 8 00 A K Mlot. Seo'y Tulare Co. Chamber of Commerce. 1 ..i .ri.iiiurai lteauurces of Tulare Co." C Freeman, Sec'y Chamber or commerce, E,ugene, urosun. "Hmall Tract Fruit Farming, Willamette Valley." J. A. Jasper, "Los Angeles, City of Hustlers. W. 11. Lefflngwell, "Yellowstone National Tark." Wllber Walker, "Why California Is Called God's Country." 8:00 to 8:30 D. 8:30 to 9:00 0:00 to 9:30 O.JO to 10:00 Amusement Hall "B" A. Thompson, "The Avery Tractor on the Farm." Jas. A. King, Traveling Lecturer Hart-Parr Co. ;. C. Chamberlln, "Agricultural Development of the Northwest." U. Von Forell, Specialist on Sociology. .... Wn.ih PlutlA V'u 11 A " 9:30 to 10:00 H. II. Moigan, Orthardlst. "Valleys of the Yakima." Hpeclal Tent O. T. Baker, Orchardlst, "Colorado Fruit." , II. If. Hays Gen. Passenger Agent Wylle Permanent Camping Co. .yellow alone national i'rn. 9:20 to 9:60 J. W., "Dry Farmlnr In Idaho." 10:00 to 10:30 L. N. Brown, Publicity Mgr. Walla Walla Commercial Club. "Washington." 7:30 to 8:00 8:00 to 8:30 8:oU to 9:00 9:00 to 9:30 8:00 to 8:30 8:40 to 9:10 M. E. HUBERMANN, Furrier Reliable Fur Sets at Reasonable Prices Room 0. Hecond Floor, Continental Block. N. K. CORN EH FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS ST.S., OMAHA Our policy, based upon life-long experience, in sures your success on an IRRIGATED FARM by thoroughly cultivating and cropping that farm for two or more years be fore we sell it to yon. J. H. Dau, of Minden, la., bought last year and got 54 , bushels of wheat per acre this year. VTrite hW See us at the Utah booth, or our Omaha Sales Office. 813-14 City National Bank Building. Spalding I Ivlngston alt Laks j OSOAB L. COX, General Manager. Phones Douglas 7788. A-4221. In the Heart of the Business District Within eaiy acceea of every point of intereBt we hav ea tabllahed a place to dine tbat hould appeal to you. Food-Service Cooking of the quality that will win your permanent patroniiKe. : ' Served A la Carte or ft Table d'Hote meal for 30 cents. Little tables at pleasant windows. 17 tli and Douglas SU. IS':: 4 u M m j An treet ar service TO THE LAND SHOW Visitors to the Land Show can reach the Coliseum, where tho show is held, by the "Dodge and North 30th" cars, which run direct to the grounds. Also by the "North 24th, "Florence" ' and "Forest Lava" cars, getting off at Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks cast, or, by the "42d and Grand," "24th and Ames" and "16th and Locust" cars to Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks west. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. The Best Is The Cheapest The finest land in the finest valley in the finest state of the West. Yet on the easiest terms. The West Stayton, Oregon, lands put under irrigation last summer by the Willamette Val ley Irrigated Iand Co., will stand the closest inspection. You must write us for speci fic details and Illustrated liter ature, for you owe it to your self to find out about the project. Address Hartman G. Thompson Bank Portland, Oregon. General Managers. EflGEDE, Tho Land of Opportunity! For Descriptive, Llteraturs snd Prloo Lists, Writs Filolvin Hanson 4740. Willamette Strict, Eugene - Orego Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation None Better at Any 1'ilce. Bold in 1 and 2 I'uund Boxes Only, Price 80c and 91.60. If By Mull fl.00 and 2.00. f lyers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. p-e D GET TEN ACRES OF THIS OREGON APPLE UND Yon "Bit f,t ten arres or more of the rich OOii-acre tract that Is being subdivided und suia only two inllua from Fulls City. This U your change to iurchue at rlsht rrl-e a home near a thriving city, among congenial neighbors ami the heart of the great siule cuunti y. There Is no land ifTWHIM more suitable to applee, and you will hae tne edvloe aad assist ance of expert apple growere to call upon. Ten acres of this land will lulng WMalth and certain In dVpemle'ice. JnvrettKate this tract .-rru you even berloUKly ooa Slder jurchatilng finewliere and do It at once, an the acreage Is limited. Aildrev FAILS CITY ORCHARD CO., Inc. Talis City, Ore. A Variety of good things to eat can be found here. Our ilace Is near 16th ft Todg fits. Juit where you will get off nr on the rar to or from the Iduid bhow. BELMONT RESTAURANT ISIS Bodge Street. O. JT. Ball, rrop. Very Best Set s( TtcU si Ruk scr J 8; Allai son S10 PU PI IDk Tk ratuln StsIM Uiit bLAnKf IH fAXIOAi sLOCK.