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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
14 TIIE BEE. OMAHA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1911. WANTED TO RENT WANl Kl-Io rm 4-room iiounf, part modem, in any (mil ot ci(,. AilJinl N. :. Lo. WAXI ED I Vail room in downtown office auul uw o( nrm,'i apher and i-Jc plumo. Address K 4). TLDEULY hcaitr.y gentleman all alone warns i jri.irh'-a or uni ut meh. ! loom in Qut.'t home ot f.Mcily wlrioiv ajM-iilux li,nnt a.rew-1 red. I i I maiicnt truant. IV.eplione or gncrnl inMoi a !'! ros not in.-ncieil. State pnc. Ad,.ii. N-4AJ, Bee office EVERY rrron knows who D. J. O Hum I hecaiie lie ha maue Omaha lamous with h.s candy. If. Mi. HI an nan. 27C6 W ebster St., will c-inie. lo The Bre office within three daya we will give him an order fur a to-cent box of O Rnon s randy Urr. t I. Uull i.i;.a I .ii.l mmuoi euu.a Hull. -' l. Ilea. a WANTED-Position as housekeeper, by experienced cook, in either u Daiuali ur German pome. AdUiesH, 'lltoinaa jriiatn, Houle 2, tteatrice, Neu. MAN Mama poa-iion aa Janitor, good retereucea. Adui U-eW. cai iia. tflilni ciaaa practical Hurt can tit engaged al one. Dougiaa 6.94. NAN and wlte. vei capable, detlrea employment, e ,erieiiced aa manager anil lio-isekeeper AUuieas, U-aXu, liee. NVANTL.Lt 1'laca on jeara old. 8 m. Boa. larm for buy Ij DAY work and family wanning. Bey -oJS. Her- FIRST CLASS laundress wants work by tha day. C. Peterson. 3310 Ohio flt. WASHING and curtains dona. T. II (420 WA N T ED Position 131 Ch'cago eu as cook. Call YOUNG lady stenographer; prefers po rltlon out of city, experienced, good pen man; care of Mr a. Adelia Lona, Truro, Iowa. GOOD draaa K penman 444 baa. wishes position. Ad- EXPERIENCED lady wishes day work of any kind. Will cook and serve for entertainments. Call Doug. 6726. WANTED By boy of IS, third year In High school, a position after acliool. M 43. lira. YOL'NO man locating In city desires position aa bookkeeper or office work. Rank experience; excellent education and character; reliable In all particular. Ad dress, L 4L Boa. BUNDLE washing wanted, liar. COLORED girl want work. Web. 1!70. EXPERIENCED stenographer deilrea poaltlon. Web. KUti. SITUATION wanted by first-class stenographer. Elgin years experience. Can give first-clans rcfeictices. Address O 484, Omaha Baa. ELDERLY gentleman want work In hotel or any kind ot work. J. 0 , 2913 lilokory fcu EVERYBODY enjoy an evening with tha Woodward flock company. If Mia. fmith, SMi B. 10th HI . will com to The Be offlo within three daya w will give her an orlcr for a pair of tickets. SITU AT lb N wantid by couple; id u rated, refined wlte, excellent house keeper; man export masseur, nurse and dermatologist, cure for chronlo ailment, nervous d sorders, curative or Invalid; good references. Prof. Brlmdaga, IIU k r . Mo. ui oiiifmrt K t ,iur W kS T Ship four Mock to South Oinaliat nUlc4) and ahrlnkanej your tooalgoaienu recci ijrutupt auij rarefui attention. LIVE STOCKCOWPilSSIOf. MtRUHANTS Byer Bros, ai Co. Huong and responsible. WOOD BROS. IM-M Kxchanga BIOl. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha at Denver W. R, 8M1TH SON just handle aheep. W. K. DENNY CO., SaTEschTBTdir TAC.G HKUrf. hanule cattie, Iiom, sheep. CLIr I'oN Com. I i., Ui l.xciiaiiK Bulg. Lionahua at Hanuaii co., .v.1 Kxch. Bldn. i lay. itooinaon at Co., Kxch. Bidg. The manual d Com. Co.. Uj Kxch. W. K. n.vtll il on o, IiihI tiatidle lieep. Internals lo. Better results. Ship to us. Hl.hfth.-UPM.V (., .VI Excli. lllilj. K. B.. H'll.l.KIH 0: CO. 'iZJ Kxch. BlUg. Allen Duoiey ex to.. ii.-Ji Kxch. BhigT I ox ai Jonoa Com, t o., huncli ot huttlieia. liaiacon a: rmKia. ne stock co.u. nicr. haitneis L IS. Com. Co.. )7r7xcna iikeT 1'vpuait piuceeua ol iiipiiieiita In 8lock Varus Nat l Bank, only oank at yards. WINN MhcjcI. A: I 07, ha'chang Bidg. I.AVKK1 X B ru rt. , l.ift-4i l:."xcn. HI . I K . t axton-KCkiiiau I hem. Co. ki k remuuies. la.tin miik. -I Exch.' Bulg. i o., Ajex li. Buchanan w kuii, l,i-bo Kx Bulg. iJax ton-Kck man c hem. Co. at g reiuetiiea. Dei oeil picKevua ol eiilpiiienia In eilocii Yaraa Nat i hank, only t.unw at yards, rxituii at t oiiuu, live Hiock com. iiteT UMAriA I tiE. GhAlfJ wlAHKcl WEEKS OKA1N CO., coosigutnsDls soliviled. grs.n meicnanis, aa urauusxa. Nebraaka-iowa Uraia Co. its) Btandeu, VHhl L'PDIKU URA1N CO. Consign 'tmais carol uii y bauuieti. Ouiaba. Nso. V UkhklAU COMMindiON Co. "Aa la ln wno ns irijtd ua. ' CAVERS 4aiera In ELEVATOR CO.. who. seals Kia'M. hay, caup leoU. . ,xi ixmuuela Bllig. rtubtrt iai grain CO.. grain consign, nienis solicitad. grain boug.u to anua Krarnl:s lie's Coming Here MAN WHO SUED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE LOSES SUIT VEW YORK. Oct. llr. A verdict for the defendant was found today by the Jury tu Russell G. Griswold'a breach of promlae suit against Miss Heleu Wood ruff timlth ot Stamford. Conn.' The Jury balii.tid eight nus On the lust seven ballots of the Jurymen tiiuiight trial Criswold hud failed to ebtahlibh hla contention and fue thought that he was entitled to dsn.sges front Miss Smith. On the fifth, sixth and seventh ballots recipient of the "Rual Lamb" letiers bad only two supporter. Tlio eighth found to twelve men saraed BIG SPREAD FOR THE ROOMERS AT Y. M. C. A. Dwellers In the Young Men Christian association building and a few Invltod guests will be entertained this evening at a "dormitory" bamjuet glveu In the assembly room of th Young Men's Chris tian aakoolatlon. An orcheatia will play during the banquet and later there will be a program of music and kpcaklng Arrarcements have been made to seat more than one bundled persona. Tim kinuut-t will b.i'ln at I o'clock Oil and Kmla. SAVANNAH. Ga., Oct. W-TURPEN. TlNE-rbm. 47V4(,nS. HoolN-slrm; type F, titty,; J, IWa GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Longs in Wheat Hold Fast, Letting Market Take Its Course. NORTHWEST 13 GRADING POOR RntlUh fceera Which lias Bern Af fecting Cora Market for om .lime la Xoev taaalaa Activity. OMAHA, Oct. It, 19U. There Is a better einument on the buy Inn aide of whet oer the one-dollar inaik than when pricea were much lower, ami longa are holUing faat, tlxt InurKet iuke its iouim'. Hepona on the Kinlinif in tliu northwest C'lntinue poor Hnd Kevcral alKiiona leport rain thin mornli,. Ui uilcd etieiiKth la shown in caah prices 1 lie ahott inteieat has tieen I 'iK'.y n.minalerj nnd eome ' profit tak n on Hie aw lis must be expected. Bullish news, which haa hem haMng llillB rltect on the corn inMrket for om time, is now catixmg activity and market uir.a are strsngthenliiK. 1 he advance la Le.riK helped by the wet forecast, the stroiiK cash situation and the display of atteiiKih in the wheat market. oiuinueu tuna vol a blc weather In the northwest and atiotiK each markets In the aoiiihwen foiced Idle aholU to cover. -hmi viiiiiea welt umhiiiiKd to lo blKher. BuiliMi hi was ki nrui ami the Inly ing lone was t laat awakened sending vaima higher today, ( ash corn sold Itc hlKher. I'rimary wheat receipts were 1,03.1.000 bushi ia ii nd ehipmenta were M1.0U0 bush- en. akalnst receipts laat year of H04.UU9 biiHheis and alitnments of Ml.ivO bunhrls. Primary corn receipts were 44..000 buah- cla and shipments were 753. mm buahele, uiiln.-t receipts last your of 4"i.0"i) bush clx and ehli inenta of iVi W buslicla. Cliarancea were b.A huahela of corn.1 dm bushel of oaie and wheal and fiour equal to ij.Sit) buahcls. IJverpool closed uiuhaiiiitd to Ud higher on wheat and id tu 1d higher on corn. The following cash sal';r. were tcporled; Wnnit-.Nu. X hard, 1 cur at .104. 3 cars ut ll.ik,'-,. k earn at 11 W; .No. hard. 2 c ars at tl ot. 1 car at 11 u.1, 1 car at 11 (W No. 4 hard. 1 car al llulV.. 1 car al to.i-, So. I mixod durum, 1 car at H.OJ't; No. mixed, 1 car at IL3'4, i car at ll.ui; No. mixed. 1 car at ll.UI',. tom No. white. 2 cars at G85o; No. yellow, '1 cnr at Sc, No. I yellow 8 care al ti-V; No. 2 mixed. 1 car at Oc ,o. 3 mixed. In cars at C'c. Oats Standard, 1 car ai 4nc; No. I while, 1 cur al 41'vo, 1 car at 4t.Uc; No. 4 white, 4 cars at 4tWc. 1 car al tic ; no grado, 1 cur at V Omaha Cuati Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard. V.0MM: No. I hard, sl.oinji.wi,,; No. 4 hurd, Ui'ctl oVs: i tut.-M fo. 4 white, b''il.4c; iNn, t while, (.U'VU'if )c; No. 4 while, butfj'ic; No. i color, wvvoia'.c; No. I yellow. tiKVasi teTo; No. yellow. lix'iUTnC; No. 4 yellow. W"u,lnc; No. i, Oa'ul, iNo. 3, bS'U'jh'JC, ivo. 4. tn-lutiB;. OA'iS-No. il white. 4iM.'2l4AVc: standard 4iW'o4i.!c; No. i white, 4''(j 4fi'o ; No. 4 wiiltu, 4ii)'iiilMc; No, yellow, 4uu4bc; No. 4 yellow, 4.i'a4iic. HA RLE Y-. Mailing, l.Ut1.21; No. 1 fce.1, c'(l.Ui, KiL-ivo. 2, 8t'97c; No. 2, t'u'tj '.Wo. Carlot llerelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 4s Iff) Ui .Minneapolis oVi oniKha 27 61 ii uuiulli 1S5 CIIICACO UUAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat urea of the 1 radios and Closing; Prices on Hoard ol Trad. CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Aa Immense burl hoe was done, today In wheat, notwith aiaiidlna the Dlic range was narrow. lyings were apparently taking protna and waiting lor me caan uemanu to eaten up wnn the gain In. futures. Compared with laat niaiil moeliiK 1 mures varied from i?a lower to no advance. The end of the session left coin unchanged to StlrVo down, oate a shade oil to a like amount, higher, and hug products slanting from yesterday's liguies to 7v,o above. There was a great deal of covering of short wheat today and much buying. A good share ot tne purchasing resulted trom rain and sleet In Norm Dakota, where only J per cent of threshing and lit per cent ot plowing lias ueen uono. With much of the cixip theie being ruined and a primped of decreased acreage next year the rumllUona in the stale would be giave, and according to some authorities the moHl serious me commnnweaiin nus ever sxncl Icliceil. 1 ne olticiai lorecaai, however, was lor dealing weather In trial section. Beariati auvicea iroin nussn and the Argentine exercised a some what restraining liuluence in keeping tne market trom becoming overbought, de spite alarming reports of poor grading In the Canadian northwest. The uel reault of the opposing Influences waa a steady tone at Hie finiHli. Between tne opening and the closing December fluctuated fiom Sl.OO7 to. W 01i, with latest sales ai tl.Oltk, precisely the same as last night. Promise ot clear, cold weather, the sort needed to maiure kernels and pro mote husking, held down the nervousness of shorts In corn. December ranged be tween Wimoio and tkic. closing steady Vu"o net lower at t&ViLi''- Cash grades were In light supply. No, I yellow was (pluted al 74l77c. Oats wure sustained by the Isrgeness of the discount at which the spot grain was selling under corn. December ranged between 4o and 47o, with the close at 47V, a net gain of a shade. rear that hog cholera would reduce suppilea at the yards made the provision market firm. In no case, however, did prices raise more than 7V net. quotation of leading products were; Open. High. . Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I Dec. 1 O0'k 1 01 1 00' 1 01k 1 01 Q1 01 May. 1 1 0t.S 1 . 1 1 06T4 (ijl 06;, fl'l On.fii 1 tii,1, July. I w' 1 00 I oo'fll 1 ool. 1 W Corn I Deo.. txVYSV S 6Sit7S'iM(Sl Wkj May. t(s'i,J"i t";l (S U ri 65 a ,4 July. 6i so v, tk'4i tbi u. Data 1 I I I I Dec,. I 47V 4S I 47 47li47fl', May. t0H'i, &"S BiiH-SOMi July. 47 47 M'rW4V(r 'jatt.. 15 ) IS 15f.7S 1S87H IS 74 May. li tw U 85 Uti la 7 15 fc.' Lard CKt . S95 IH 190 DO tSVt Jan.. V'ft 9 9 00 ui S .' 9 02i Rlha I Oct.. S 30 I 30 S 25 Id ISI Jan.. S I:.?! 8 2o & S 174 S 12i May.) a ii IS SJ4 S 2i S fl S I I KVil Cash quotations were as follows: Kl-OUR Market firm; winter patents. Stli4 7!; stralchts. ISdOu,1" errli atra-ghts, S4.i)4.;t; bakers. S3.70fta.uO. H E No. 2, !hc; feed or mixing barley. PMitlOJ; fair to choice malting, I1.12U' 121. KEF.D Timothy, 1J Oufl 1& S6; 'clover, 111 hk,i 19 SO. PRtiV ISIONS Meaa fxrk. per bbl.. Sir. .VJ j,'4i 15 7i. lard, per l'O lbs.. SS rci. bliort ribs, sides (loose). S 0itik.5l; short rlear snlos (boxed), l.'Qh Ih. Primary receipts were l.u&.OOn bu., com pa ird with MM. Ouo bu. the oorreapondlng tlav a yeur ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 1 curs: corn. 197 cars; oats, 133 caia; hugs, 1 uoj head. Chicago Ca.n Price Wheat: No. 1 led. Sioisuiwi. No. J rei". 90011.011: No. I hard. S1VI4107; No 2 hard, Sl.0J 106: No. 1 northern, tl 14ul 16; No. 1 noithern. Sl.l'sil 1; No. 2 northern. SI. 10 ulU. No 1 spring. Slotolbt. No. S prlng. SlW:'ill!-v; No. 2 spring, tcn 11 U; veUet chaff, '.C-esi $1 !.; durum. 9uoj II Vi. Corn; No. 2, ;:-j--j;tc; No. 3 white 71MT(;u No. 2 yellow, 74 -1 7.V; No. 3, 7':l72Vo; No. 3 while, 74 r74lc; No. a fellow. 74-i7-: No. 4. 7l'...;2c; No. 4 while, 7l'y",J1jc; No. 4 yellow, i3l, , Oata: No. 2. 4;l1c; No. 2 white. 4(j4.Vc; No. S while. 4T'.ii4Sr; No. 4 while. 4S',t t.tOi standard, 4;,a-lS,. Hr: No. 1 ;o. Barley: 0ciiSl A. Tbiwithy. tlSia) iilild. 4'lover: lU.UvaiS.SO MUTTER Steady; creamerlee, 23j2ac' (3ir1:-s. 2lfl.'H1. ' LtUiii Mi-ady; receipts 3 410 uu. . ilSin. n r. ,..v.v.w, ,uX, XirStS, 01 .me f irMe. L'2o. Jlo; CHEEE Sieady. daisies. I4',1j 141..C; .nio, '-.ji.v, r-'i .America 11 'iC I '( iTATOK.S Steady; choice to fmr to good, KAt I"OULTRY Easy; turkeys, 14c; tna. tw; springs. He. VEAL steady i to to M-lh. wis H'alJ fancy, chick- wc; 'a'&K'V; j to IHMb. Dally movement of produce Article. Klonr, bbla Whtat. bu Corn, bu ''Ma, bu Rye. bu Receipts. Bhlpmenta. . ln.urt 2f."f'l . 4: ') H orw) . 3J4 iJ4,ul 1,0 1 '! lonono lr'.O'O Iarlev, bu. i arlot flecflptp-Whcat. 4 car", with 15 of contract (trade; corn. l'! rare, with 41 of contract lirarie; oata. 1M enrx Total receipts cf wheat at f'hlrauii. Minneapolis and Ixiluth today were nn cnr. compared with cars Inat week and JM cars the corresponding day a year ago. NEW YORK t.EIIHtl, MARKKT Quotation of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. H. FLOt'RFlrmer; spring patents. S6.:;i; winter atralahts, M XqA.M; winter patents. 14 3t-it.70; spring cieais. 14 3- f;4 ': w. titer nxtias No. I, WRO-I3 S0; winter extras No. 2, .t.4i( 3 jfi; KansHH RtralKhts. $l.7jai!x). Receipts, 3l..m.i bu.; shipmeiita. 2 .'u tin Rye flour, firm: fair to good. ft.ijujuO; choice to fanrv, S.l v.4 !4.4i. COnNMEAI Firm; f'ne white and yel low, Ile.I4.'; coarse, tl.3oill4o; kiln dried, S3 .- 'a 3 ":. HMT-iKit market stesdy; ino. i red. 11.02, elevator, export basis, and ll.tfl, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Du- lutn. II. 1M. r o. b.. afloat. Futures mar ket was unchanged at the start owing to diaappolntlng weather, rallied sharply on caan markets, bullish reports regarding the northwest and export salee of 7U loads here and out ports, but eased off late under profit taking, closing Vc net lower. December. 11.06 It-lifts l.OB i-lte; closed at tl.t.; May, SI. 14 13-11 f Ml 5-16; closed at Il.lo 13-1H. Receipts, 74,200 bu.; sh'pments, 11,790 bu. CORN epot market steady; No. 2 ex port, ;'V, nominal, f. o. b, afloat; fu tures market nominal; receipts, 11, X0 bu.; shipments, 70S bu. OA To ripot market firm; standard hlto. G. In elevator: No. 2. 6.'l'c; No. 2 Mc; No. 4, f.2'V; natural white and white clipped, l'ii'.tua, on track. Fu tures market nominal. Receipts, 2X275 bu. ; no shipments. FEED Sieaoy ; western spring bran. inn-lb. sacks, $. 10; standard middling, ion-lb. sacks, tjx.ig; city. 100-lb. sacka. 127.00. HAY Firm; prime No. 1, SU.V1.25; No. 2. Si l"(; No. 3. SLOOtilCi. HOI'H-Kirm: stste. common to choice. 1911, 47f7r,Oc. HIDEH-FIrm: Central Amerce, zm 2mc. LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 2MJ 27o; seconds, lien ;;i.c ; rejects, l.'x'. I'ROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 11700 ('17.511; family. SIB Oim 21.00; short clour. tlt 7f-al7.C). Reef, i rm; mess, S12.iiili 13 00; family. S13.Lcf(t 14.00; beef hams. J-J &tydi iZ.'.fi. Cut meats, stesdy: pickled bellies, 1" to 14 Ins.. SU.otHjll.To: pickled hams, $l2.0i). Lard steady; middle west prime, :t.0f,t(9.16; refined steady; continent, SS; .South America, S10.40, compound, V-lSgt 7.W. TALLOW Rteady; crime city. hhds.. &c. nominal; country. 6Vy87c MUTTER Firm; creamery specials, Sic; extras, 30c; first, 2'.o28'c; creamery, held special, 29lic; extras, ZWP'i9c; proo ess special, 24'ic; extras, 2:i'rti4c; fac tory, current make, first. 21i21Vo. CIIEE.SE - Steady; skims. 12120; state whoie milk. sieclals, UVaO. ECKJS Firm; ftesh gathered, extras, 3"ti(itlc; extra firsts, 'It'nihc; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1,; fresh gathered checks, prime, 16c; refrigerator firsts, season storage charges paid, 'ivy 21c; western gathered whites, 2iiii3c. POULTRY Alive. firm, unchangr.1; dressed. Irregular: western chickens, lifr 13'ic; fowls, lliiflc: turkeys, average best, lS'a20c, others. l(kl8o. Ht. Louis General Market. BT. LOUIS, Oct lB.-WHEAT-Cash, higher; track, No, I red, Sl.OlHf l ft!; No. S hard, Sl.07ijl.lil; December. fLOl-; May. Sl.OfA.. CORN Higher; track. No. I. 73g734c; No. t white, 73 "c; December, t3c; May, OATR Strong; track, No. t, 47Hc; No. I white, 4s,')!ft4ic; December, ilc; May, 60c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, S4.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.!Xu4.3i, hard winter clears, S3.Wij3.7i. rEEI-Tlmothy, SUOtyuH-M). CORNMEAL 3 2i. BRAN Quiet; sacked east track, SI 12 1.14. HAY TiOWer; timothy, S19.0TXS 24.00; pral rle. I12.ooht1S.00'. , RAOOINO 8N,b. HEMP TW1NE-V. PROVISIONS- Pork, higher; Jobbing, 11.". '75. Lard, higher; prime steam, S .fr 1.75. Dry salt meats, unohsnired; boxed extra shorts. S7H; clear rlha. $8.K7Vs: short clears, t00. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 9.00; clear rlba, SU.UQ;. abort clears. t'.t.M. POULTRY - Weak: chickens, 9'ic; springs. 10c; turkeys, 14o; ducks. ll-o; geese. Ro. BUTTER steady; creamery, ZJflaoc. EGGS Steady, at lKSiSlHc Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls. 9,700 0 Wheat, bu 57.0HO 29.000 Corn, bu S4.000 21.0K Oats, bu 49.0i S2.0U0 Kaaaa City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. IS. WH EAT Cash. Hnjlo higher; No. t hard. S1.03 M 1.111 No. 3. S1.0lfl.OB; No. 2 red. 1.03; No. I. B!HecSl.i; December. SI OIHtf 1.014; May, 11.041(1.04; July. Tl597Sa CORN Unchanged; No. s mixed, nvie; No. 3. 71c; No. 2 white, TSe; No. S. 73',o; December, May, tMt4i4c; July, OATB Bleady; No. 1 wnite, VMDtsxc; No. 2 mixed, 4iHt474o. RYK Oltl'.vO. HAY-8teady; choice timothy, S19.00; choice prairie, S13.tko 13.00. Bt; ITER creamery, zsc rirsts, soo; seconds, 240; packing stock, 19c. EUUS Extras, 2oVfco; firsts, Z2c; seconds, 13'jiO. Reoelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 48.0u0 SS.Ouo Corn, bu IS. 19.0D0 Oats, bu 9.0u0 10,000 Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 19. WHEAT December, SlI"HtJ 1.10; May. 1 14l4i 1.14S: cash. No. 1 hard. S1.13. No. 1 northern, ll.ll1gl.llH; No. 2 northern, SI Ok-Vol 0tH; No. 2. Sl.Oddl-MH. IIaiU.E -fiScysl 11 Fl-AX-SJWH. CORN No. S yellow, 74c. OAT8-N0. S white, 41)HK1,-- RYB-No. 2, .te. BRAN-t21.rVti 22.00. FIXiL'R First patents. tfi.40r8S.TO; second patents. S-'ytKrf, ;;5; first clears, SS 90n4 25.; second clears, t2.8OS3.:0. Peorta Market. PEORIA. Oct. 19.-CORN-Hlgher; No. I yellow. TStfTSHc; No. S yellow. 72H 7Siie; No. 8 mixed, 72Hc; No. 4 mixed. 7Ujc. OATS Steady; standard. 47Ve; N- white, 47c. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 19. WHEAT Snot, nominal; futurea. firm: October. 7s Wd. December, 7 "d: March. 7a d. CORN' Spot, firm; American mixed. 6e 41, .1; future, strong; January, 6 lOd; February, 3a 9td. Milwaukee (.rata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 19 WHEAT-No 1 northern. SI .I.'kuM; No. S northern. SI U 11( No. 1 haul, winter. SI Ohi 1 Ok, D cember. Sio.'l,: May, S1.06. OATS 47t(4Sc. BARLEY Malting, tl 131 3. Dwlntk Grata Market. DULUTH. Oct. 19. WHEAT No. 1 hard. tl.llVi; No. 1 northern, SI 10H; No. I northern. JUKi'-aii 1 06; December, tl WS. asketV llay. tl.ii. aaked. oATo-eic. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. ll-M ETAL-Stand-ard copper quiet; pot. (."H-tober, Novem ber and Dei-em tarr, 11J 10-n 12.30; January, ll-'bii 1.VS5; lindon matket firm: apot, t. 13a 9.1. futures, So 10a Arrival re ported fgom New York today. S.040 tons. I'uatuma bouse return show exports of 10, H61 tons so far this month. Lake cop per, lAtHai3-7&; atleclrolyiie. flint? ill SO; casting. tri.Ouro 12.26. 1ln, quiet: spot. 42-07Sk: October. Sil br 4195; November and Derettiber, Id VM 41 S: January, S41 15dj41 90. February, S41 A(I1.;6. London firm; spot, flM 17 d; future. tlv9 l.'s d. Lead, quiet; New York. Sii.-u4.3c; East Ht. Ims. 4 2r; Ixuidon. (IS 6s. tipeller, New York, .,.lii,ii. East et. Ixiula, Su.10rne.J0; lxn. don, t.'7 7h 6d Annuiony quiet. Cook son's, SH uotiH l.V Iron. Cleveland war. rants, 3d, in Ixndon; linally. Iron quiet; No. 2 fojndry northern, tll2n4j l.S.Vi, No. !. llfcuuitilS; No. 1 aoutheja and No. 1 southern soft, I.U.O0& uViaX. to K-lb. wtc wis.. He. NEW Y0RKST0CK MARKET Fairly Strong- Tone ia Evidence Burin; the Day. CENTRAL 0AUJS ABE REC0EDET lolted ktates Steel Boaakt oa Theory that Cancellation of Ore Lease M ill IntproTC Status of Corporation. NEW YORK. Oct. 13 Fluctuations of stocks were much wider snd mor ac tive today than during the recent dull seasons. The market developed a A'Hy strong tone and buying st times waa conducted on a heavy scale. At the end of a day of contradictory movements the. Hat stood well above the trevlous day's close. Cnlted states steel. ehiRh .Valley and Canadian Pacific mnoe net gains of two points or more and moM of the other active shares roie hv substantial amounts. United Htates Steel, which was sold yesterday for the ostensible reason that the steel corporation was to cancel Its lase of the Hill ore properties was hrouKht today for the same reason on the theory that cancellation of the lots would Improve the corporation'! statute under the Sherman law. Great Northern ore certificates were affected keenly by the announcement of the steel corporation's decision. The stock broko 7 points, making a 10-polnt loss In two days and Belling down to 40 cents. Its lowest quotation since 1307. It subsequently recovered part of this loss. Movements of the copper group at tracted considerable attention o' ccount of the advance of the price of metal to I2c. American Smelling, which lost grou... rapidly early In the day, re covered Its loss and closed with a sraln of nesrly a point and Amalgamated cop per rose l,c. Representstlvea of tne copper trade said there had recently been a pro nounced Improvement In the situation. The decline In stocks of copper In Europe was said to have strengthened the for eign metal market. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: galea. Hlsh. Low. Close. Alll-ralmrs pM Amalgamated Copper ... Amartran Asrlcultural .. Am. Beat Sugar American Oau American C. si K Am. riotion OH Ameiiraa H AL. pfd. .. Am. Ic gacurltlea American btnaeerl A marina a Loenmnttve ..- Amarlciaa i. 4k ,K Am. . A R. pfd Am. Rtael Fnunrlrtea Am. Sugar Refining American T Aj T Aroerlraa Trtbaeeo pfS... Amerr-aa Wnolen Anaeearla Mining Or Atxhlson Arhlron pfd Atlantio Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio Ttethleham 8tsl Brooklyn Rapt4 Tr Canadian PaeUle Ontral Leathar Central Leathar pfrl Central of Nw Jaraey... Chssapsaka A Ohio Chicago O. W., now Chicago O. W. ptd Chicago A N. W 100 in4 in 10 l.Jed "i!nrl 7' 10 J.H"0 1.400 SO Ik 'ri?'' tk 4Sk us ei IVk 10 Hi 44 47 It 17 H (4 lot i ! Ill 1U H 1 MMj 107 lot 13 14 44 lH 7S S30H 31 MX, IM 7 Jit 111 IT 144 int 4.1 l'7V. 41 1H 1014 1M II IDS 4S 41 IM) 124 4514 13 Uj 14 1031 BS 104 II 44 10(4 UT 1 131 1114 It 121 4TM II IM 10 4a 47 Tor) 4" 14 oo 1U0 "i'.i9 too ijnd I.400 aoe goo 400 "'rin S.3' 100 too LM k Si, MVk lot4 10 1S4 MVk ii" lrxiH mitt 126 M 'T4H SIS It ' 107 'w" 44 137 i S(' 1"1 V "itii 107 103 V, 125 L, 7 TC4 21 3'4 u" iiii" it 11 Chicago, M. at St P f . c . r. t st L Colorado F. at I Cnlnrado A southern.... Consolidated Oaa Corn peoduota S.40 UMI l.tno S.SOO tviawara A tludaon Dsnrer A Rle Orand. ... Denvar A R. O. nfd Matlllara' ecarltla .... Erie Rrt lat Ptd Erie Id pfd General Electric io WH 494 '4 41 H i" 1! 40 1!4 14H looij . u sno HPS 45 13'4 MS 4(H t4 Uj 111 Great Nort harn pfd . 1.4(10 Oraat Northern Or ctfa. Il l") Illinois Central l.god Interborough Mat Int. Mat. ptd International Harvester.. Tnt. Marina ptd International Paper International Pump ...... lows Central Kar.aa C!r Southern.... K. C. a. pM Larled gaa LnuliTllle A Na.hTllle... Minn. A St Loula M . St. P. A S. 8. M .. Mlaaoiirt. K. A T........ M.. K. A T. ( Mlaaouri Parlfle National Blarutt , - National IHd N. R. It Bf M 14 pfd.. New Tork On'ral N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A We.tSfg North American ...... Northern Paclfia Paetflo Mall Pannaylvanta Paopla's Oaa P . C . C. A it. 1 Plttaburgh Coal PrMiaml Rteel Car Pullman Palae Car Ratlwa? Btael Spring.... Peadtng Bepublle Steel RepuhPr Steel pM Rock laland Co Rock lalaod C pfd St. U A . r. M pf4... st. Louia s w St. L W. pfd Rlosa-Shaffleld S. A t... Southern Factfle Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tnnea former Taiaa A Paclftr T . St I.. A W T. . St. U AW. ptd t'nlon Paclfto t'nlon Pacifla pfd t'nlted Statea R-alty ... nr) 700 1.100 400 100 1,100 "tino fon 700 700 104 147 11 II 104 4 144 jji'i ao; dofi 100 1.700 'i.Tno 4110 1,100 ton 10414 so lit 104 H ia 104 iiS uit 104 14 70 li4 30 1?!H ion 4 t Vi rr 1JS S (S 4TS 40 14 It loS r4 S I4H 4t4 II 41 mti tt a 44 M loauj 41 41H US s4 H oe too ""inn iH St II SIH "r" irruj "ii" rr 13H M.oo '4'" n 474 wii 1"0 srm X) '"iixi too T vt I 1A 1.400 MO '"iti PM) . tl 000 loe ', " io til IVM , MM , I Hon , l.ooe '"iei '. " 7 00 . S.ooe I4H 47 401 ii 40 lout r SlUj "ia-ei 41 40 l"Uj M4 TO 'i'4 4H l'4 M t0 M '4114 7H 104 H 4?H 47Uj 'iiii 71 I tlaltsd Stataa Ruhtwr.. 1'nltad Stataa ft eel V. g. Steel pfd Vlah Coonar Va. -Carolina Chemtral Wabaah 4'H an wahaah pfd Wni.n Maryland WeXtaahonaa Eleetlie Western t'nlon. Whaellne A L. B 'iiii 4 4 TS lt(4 Lrrhlik Valley rtlil 144 im Total eale for th day. UT.aM aharee. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. MONEY On call, steady, Ssa2 Pr cent: ruling rate, 21 per cent; closing bids, t per cent; of. fered al 2H per cent. Tim loans, steady; sixty daye. eStiSH per cent and ninety daya. I3 per cent; 11 months, SVtf SS Pr oeni. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4VP, 44 per cent. h-fuRLlNO EXCHANOE Firm, with actual business In bankers' Mil at t4AVi0 for slxty-dav bills and at 4 8070 for de mand: commercial bills. S4SU. SILVER Bar. S4c; Mexican dollars. 4to. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows! I). g. rat. Ss. rag. .KH Jasaa 4 17 4a Se, oeupea u do 4',a t4 da la, rag 101 K C. So. lat la... 73 a coupon lulSL g. dab. 4s 1M1... U 4a. ivg lUwU A N. unt 4a... I4 do a. .-uupoa UJM. K. A T lat 4a.. 17(4 Allta-Chal. IM St... lo do gas. ( l:v Aaiar. As. as UU'Vlo. Paolfle 4a 14 A at. T. A T. a 4a..lo.S'N. SR. ot M. 4Sa tl Am. Tebaoo 4..... N. T. C. g. 4a.... I7u do 4a 1U 4 dab. 4s 13 1 Armour A Ca. 4S la'N. T . N. H. A H Atchlso gaa. . a ct, ts 114 .10N. A W. tat a. 4a.. t .104 4 ee. 4a toa't . wttNo. Pavlfio 4a lw . M'4 o la aaa . tl 0. g. L. rfdg. 4a.. tn. . teSPenn. av. I Va UU. t da ev. a do ev. aa A. C L Ut to., kal. A Okie 4a... da IHa do t. W. ISa. Brook. Tr. cv 4a iw -00 coa. a Idila VVn ot Oa. la toi rlnadlng gan 4a tx On. Leather la..... L A . F. fa 4e 7a at N. J. g. la.. Ill do gen. la 17 Che A Okie 4la..l0lgt. L S. a. , a.. 784 do rat. la. ' lo lat sol4 4a.... sou, Chicago A. SHI. 4 S A L 4s. C. S). A li. ) to.... MS. Pad. ool. 4a W do gaa. 4a do cv. 4 MS CM. A S P i IHa o4 do let ret 4a..... H C R. 1. A P. a. 4a. 71'g Railway aa vn tin .:. -'i ds la Tt Colo. Ind. aa 74n'nloa Paciflo 4...too Oola Mid. 4a II do ev. ia jrei "i. . a. r a 1 . .1 ao ih at rer. ee. .. ar-a U. A H. ev. M4V. g. Raboer 4a. ...Il all. a Steel M ls...imt. da rat a ... Mallllara' aa .. Krla p. I 4a.. lo ga 4a... e,ie cv. 4a. aa da earta . Oaa. Kiac. ev. ..-.r. .nana.'l .... rtWabaak lat aa. .104 . W : .1(4 .... 7T4 da lat A aa. A. H'iWaatara M4. 4a .... 71 Weal. glee. v. .laavtewia. Csatral III. Oa. lat ret. 4aH4M. Pan. av. la.. la. Met. 4(a T tnt M. U. 4e 44 B14. Wool Market. PT LOUIS, Oct. 19.-WOOL Weak: territory and western medium. 17j-1o fin medium. ImjUw; fin. Ho lie fottoei Market. NEW YORK. Oct. IS COTTON Plot closed dull; hilddllug upland. 9 Sac; mid dlir-g gulf. 9.40o: eaJea. 4. bale. Fu turra opened firm; October, Suae, bid; November, 109c; December, .26c; Janu sry, t.liV; Msroh, 9Mc; Mar, 1 46o; July, 9.5V-; 8eptemler, 9 f jo. offered. Futures closed steady. Closing bids: October. 9 01c; November. 9 09o; Decem ber, 9 13c; Januarr. 9.0Sc; February, 9 13c; March, Ijc; April. 9 2Rc; May, 9 33c; June, 9.27c; July, 9.41c; August, 9 3nc; Bcptember. .35c. London Stork Market. LONDON. Oct. 19 American securities were quiet and featureles during the forenoon. Prices ranged from uncnanged to above parity at noon. Con sola, money .... tl Mo., Kan. A Tex... IIS do account .711-ldN. T. Central 1114 ... S.ili Norfolk A Western. n ... 714 do pfd tos Amal. Copper Anaconda .... Atchison ..i"vi)niarto ar weeiera. 40 do pfd 104 Pennsylvania US Italtlmor A Ohio.. W4 Rand Mines 4 '4 C anadian Pacltlc . .tn Pea-ling Tl Cheeapaak A Ohio. 75gc"'hrn Ry n Chi. oroat Weatarn lS do pfd 71 Chi., Mil. A Bt. P.lll Southern Paciria ... I"S Da Beara 1H do pfd 71 Denver A Rla 0... 1(H Southern Pacific ...lttUj do Pfd .. 4 I nlun Paciflo ....1S En a do l-t pfd .. do Id pfd ... -. 314 do pfd ... .. (1 l S Steal. ..42 do pfd .... .. I Wahaah . MS . aoi4 .lr.' . 13 . 1S Orand Trunk 1 1 llnnla Central )(. "1 do pfd .... Loula.llla A Nun 111 .-. 1 . . fi.l--iai , t Irm ounce. at 247d per MONEY-mfll. per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is afi3H per cent; for three months' bills, 3l73 13-16 per cent. Boston stock Market. BOSTON. Oct. 19. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Allouai :u Mirhawk Amal. Copper &2S Nevada Con A. Z. l At 11 Mpl.alng Mine .. Arizona Oora 2fi North Butte B. A C C. A S. M. 4H North Lake title Coalition .... K'ciM Dominion .... Cal. A Artaana (sOnceola Cal. A Hacla Ut Parrott B. A C... Centennial t Qulncy Cop. Pang C. C... H'4 Shannon Eaat Butts C. M ... 10 Superior Franklin I 4 Superior A B. M Olroux Co IS Tamarack Granby Con tt II. g. 8 R. A M. . It 1(1 . 'S . 941 . 4 IWV4 , M . I U , 7 II 14 , 11 US 4 1SS , 4?T4 3 . M Oreena Cananea . . S II tl do pfd lale Royal Copper. 13H t tah Onn Kerr Lake t t'tah Copper O... Lake Copper 14i4Wtnona I Falls Copper.... 4 Wolvertn Miami Cop par 11 New York Mining; Stock. NEW YORK. Oct. 19. Closing quota- lions on mining stocxs were Aline 1M Little Chief .. .. S ..170 ..100 ..1U ..100 .. u On). Tunnel atock. do bonds Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Silver ladvllle Con. ... uf(era4. 90 Mexican 17 Ontarle 71 Ophlr I Standard SO Yellow Jacket II Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 19.-COFFEI5 Fu tures opened Irregular at a decline of 1 point on October and from 10 to 26 points on later months tinder heavy realizing telling lor a reaction and European of ferings, wblr.n accompanied declines In the French and Oerman markets. At the beginning brokers of heavy roasters were bupers of the near months, but this sup port proved Inadequate and the market continued to ease off during the day, with the selling heavy and apparently for both accounts. The bigger Brailllan receipts and the accumulating stocks at Santos, together with more favorable weather for the new crop, seemed to enoourage operations for a reaction following, the recent sensa tional advance, but the officers from Braxll showed no weakness, and many thought that the bulk of today's selling here had been In the way of. arbitrage business or undoing straddle between New York and Havre at the present dif ferences, which are considerably nar rower than they were three or four weeks ago. The close was steady at a net de cline of ZS'S-U points. Sales, 153,760 bags. October, November and December, 14.60c; January, 14.S0c; February, 14.75c; Marcn, l.97c; April, 13.91c; May, 13.85c; June, 13.84c; July, 13.8.1c; August and Bcptem ber. 13.82c. Havre was 4i91f lower. Hamburg was V'l'pfg higher. Rio, 12S rels higher at nt7D; Santos, 100 rels higher; 4s, 9S4O0; 7s, 8100. Beceipts at the two Brazilian ports 84,000 bags, against 62.00 last year. Jtin- diahy recelpta, 00.000 bags, against 46,300 last year, loday s cantos cable reported 4s quiet and unchanged and Sao Paulo receipts of 70,000 bags, against 75,000 last year. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralta NEW YORK, Oct. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Pteawly. with only moderate of ferings; spot, fancy lOtslOHc; choice, 8 9Hc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, In leas active demand except for the small sixes; quo tations range from 7o to 12Ho for Cali fornia up to 40-50 and 11S13WO for Oregons. Apricots In slow demand, but prices are steady In absence of offerings; choice, 1..S15V; extra choice, 161(316140; fancy, 17'olsc. Peaches, quiet but steady, with little pressure to sell; choice, 11(3 ll'-ic; extra choice, ll$12o; fancy, 12W2 12c. Raisins, firm, with a better de mand for seedless. Loose muscatels are quoted at OVuc; choice to fancy seeded, SftSHc; seedless 61 7c; London layers, SI. 40 jl.45. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct 19. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 82c; do, nearby print. 33c. EQ08 Frm: Pennuvlvanla and other nearby firsts f. c, S8.10 per case; do., current receipts f. c. 87.60 per case; west ern firsts f. c, S8.10 per case; do., current receipts,'ui.oir per case. ' CHEEBr-bieady; New Tork full creams fancy, Lc; do. fair to good. 149 14tC Oils aad Hoala. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct 19. TURPEN TINE Firm, 47Vau; aalea. 3u6 bbls.; re ceipts, K7 bbls.; shipments, 208 bbls.; SIOCKS. SOMtlU DDIS. ROSIN Hrm: aalea 1.800 bbls.: recelDts I.94 bbls.; shipments, 1,6 bbls; stocks, M.U34 ddis. uuotauons: a. 98.40; D. Sn.4o K. H.oO; F, u, ri and I. St 62H; K and M S6.VS; N. to-70: WQ, S7.20; WW, ti-60. Kaaaaa City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 19. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.000 head. Including 1.3u0 south erns; market steady to weak: dressed beef and export steers. S7.0uii8.o0: fair to good, SS.4tu.90; western steers, S4.15gi cta; ntocaers ana leeaers. 3.ioujo.76; southern steers, southern cows, S2.7Mrjl4.60: native cows, S2.7MiS.00; native l , 1 n: .n aa. . . i , . n , . . . . , neiicre, ea.iici.w, ouiia, aa.oui-tu; caivee, S4.00oi7.50. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head: market 6 10c nigner; oum or sales, sb.sxna.ko; heavy, S8 rVi.Si: packer and butchers. 8" 25iy 6. till; llirhts, StU"'K; llRhts, S4.ot'rTo.36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; lambs, 4.0ofl6 60 yearlings, S3 5Vi4-40, wethera. SiOiHiii.76 ewe . $.85u8-40; a locker and feeders. S3.2aiBa.&. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. 6T. JOSKPH. Mo.. Oct. 19. CATTLE Reoelpts, 2,f00 head: market, slow; steers, t4.MQ4.00; cows and heifers, tl.SOifi8.00; calves. I3.MkiT7.7S. HOGS Receipts, S.S0O head: market. 8Tj 100 higher; top, ..a. so; bulk of sale. 84. 40 8 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 8 000 head; market steady; Iambs, Si 004J8.00. Stock la Sight lA...lri ( llua ,wtr Ik- ei.,- clpal western market yesterday: v auie xioKs nneep South Omaha 3..'.o S.300 17.000 St. Joseph 2.oo0 Kansas City 7.000 rtt. Ixiuls LpM Chicago S.'OO S.00 8.000 s.joo SS.000 Totals .95.400 SJ.200 74.SO0 Rumors of Wilson's Resignation Denied WASHINGTON, Oct 19. -Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, who react! ad her lat today from Chicago, denied rumors that he had handed his resignation to President Taft to take effect November 15, or a aooa thereafter as suitable. There la absolutely no justification for tha rumor," ha declared emphatlcaJly. 'i hAtra no thought of handing In my realty nation any time soon." LIVINOoTON. Mont.. Oct. 19.-Whn Informed on his arrival here of th tumors that Secretary of Agriculture Wilson had tendered his resignation, President Taft announced that th re port were without foundation. Th Key to tha Situation Bee Ada. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Good Cattle Fully Steady, Other. Slow and Weak. HOGS OPEH HIGHER, CLOSE DOWN Sheep and Lamb Comlas In Freely, bat Demand Is Good and Prices Held A heat Steady with Wednesday. 8OUTH OMAHA. Oct. 19. 1911. Receipts were: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .......1224) 2,803 44.73 Official Tuesday 8.8yn 3,;d7 S7.61 Official Wednesday... 8.'2 h.H W.41a Kstimat Thursday.... 2fi0 6.60O 17.000 rour days this wk...33.5!0 Same days last tame days i wks a4o.:1.4.'4 arne days 3 wks ago.M.9.'l lame days 4 wks ago.2..'2:l rama riava I1..1 .. . n - c. 1 The following table sliows lue iccelpti of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with a t ... ..... ..... . . . . t n.M last veai- 1K11 1910. Int. Deo Cattle ... 936.244 971.S39 34.S92 Nrifa 1 ki'iiu fiLd'o 91.1:79 Shtep '.2.318.404 2, 330. 718 12.-H The following table shows Hi average prices for hog at bouih Omaha for th last few days, with comparisons: Data I mi. 11910. il09.19i.ilrt.1906.19u6. Oct 10.. uct. 11.. Oct, 12.. Oct. 13.. Oct. 14.. Oct. 15.. 4H S 22 I 1SI 111 S 2-l S 06 Oil l(J 6 23",' 8 41 7 671 I 6 151 6 2 4 'Jj 7 701 S 99 Hi 21; S o. 7 51 1 6 7a! I 7 40, 6 oS) 6 09 6 261 5 Ci S St I S 10 o 01 v a 1 v a i 7 4 60 6 98 6 27 t 11 1 0 41 8 obi e 16, 5 10 I 4M 0 a o VI 31 Oct 16. ao..i 'ct. 17.. 1 'OL 18.. ( ct. 19.. J 7 Oct. Oct, 7 371 I 6 00 6 19 6 10 7 39i S 21 6 l 6 2ii 6 12 Oct, Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stuck at the Union 8tock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours endimr at i n. tu. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.HVs. C M. A St. P 6 Union Pacific S3 li 6 20 2 6 22 7 C. & N. W east.. 13 C. dr. N. W., west.. 40 C, 6L P., M. & O.. .. C. B. A Q east.. 6 C, B. & Q., wet.. 68 C, R. 1. & p., east .. C. R. I. & P.. west 2 88 20 Illinois Central 2 C. G. W Totals .168 88 72 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hncrs fiheen Omaha Packing Co.... 2o9 9462.223 awut and Company.... bod 1.478 Don Cudahy Packing Co. ...1,1,1 1.661 4,608 Armour & Co iHO 1.634 704 Alorrell 2 ..... W. U. Vansant Co.... 172 Hill Se Son 2t3 K B. Lewis 249 Huston & Co 20 J. B. Root tk Co 129 J. H. Bulla 71 U K. Hues 73 L. Wolf 273 b.ellogg tw Wertheimer V Degen.. 367 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co... 73 Cnne & Christy 215 Hlggln 21 McConnaughey 39 Other buyer 1,108 86,197 Totals 5,821 6,309 44,961 CATTLE Racalnta ol eiattlai thia mnrn. Ing were very liberal for a Thursday, making a total for the four days a Utile laiger than a week ago. but smaller than two or three weeks ago. The receipts for the week are also slightly larger than for the corresponding week of last year. The market aa a whnl. BiiriAiirail p.thw dull and slow, but still there was a fair inquiry lor good choice kinds and tne better grades were uuoted as steady with jesteroay, but with the other kinus dud and weak. COWS and heifera were In verv trnnA demand and steady with yesterday's strong close, which means that the mar ket as compared wltn the low point of yesterday was, it anything, a little stronger. uoud reeders were in demand and com manded steady prices. On the other hand light slockere and Inferior feeders were slow to a little lower. Wuoialion on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 8' ff7.; fair to good beef steers, 86.6017.26; common to fair beef steers, J4.i6mju.60- good to choice heif ers, 4.7oi(U.60; good to choice cows, t4.609 6.00; fair to good cows, S3. i'6u4.60; common lo fair cows. S3.76&4.60; veal calves, Slid) u7.60. Quotations on range cattle-. flood i choice beet steers, Su.60if6.60; fair to good beef steers, S4.90ij$.40; common to fair beef steers, $4.2iiu4.S0; good to choice heif ers, S4.?63o.26; good to choice cows. 84.401 0.1XU fair to good cows, 3.7b4.40; good to choice stnekers and feeders, S6.0otyti.00; fair to good atockers and feeders, S4.4u4 6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders. ad.uvn.Ao, biuck neuers, eo. &a4. s; Dulls, stags, etc., S3.26&O-00. Representative sale. COWS. 11.873 1R2.767 i.'."ft 167,'; (,nrvi 1MI.24K 2.1. 17 137.50i 2o.(kM 12h.(il.-) 17.1'Xl M 143 S 37 8 47 ml ' I a m g S3 U t fio I 8 W, Ha. av. 11 tui 8 14 4 lol I Hi I la) 7 U7 S. 943 Pt. Mo. Av. Pr. t Id 4 1072 S 7 S l I lujl) I 71 S li 4 Km) 1 74 S lo I Ul I H 8 40 U Ml 4 (M I K 8 1040 4 14 8 at .itUFLl'.S. 8 IM ITi 11 Ml Ik) 8 lad I SO 8 UaO 4 74 lJULuia. 8 U(4 8 to - ALV't.S. 8 SIS 4 04 11 15 t 04 347 4 44 1 Ut IM 4 M iKI 04WV. 12 U0 4 H U 848 4 SO I,.,,,, aad 4 eO wail DAKOTa. . No. Av. pr. No. Av. Pr. t feeders.. tt3 4 40 8 feeders.. 7o8 4 40 Knape Bros. South Dakota. JO calves... 220 0 10 J. bailey South Dakota. oti cows 1m 8 26 U calves... 168 4 00 it calvea... 29 4 70 John Lennina South Dakota. 11 teeuer... Vou 4 ao 26 lewder a.. 811 4 60 I 96 13 feeders.. bf 4 60 13 cowt aib 7 heliera... 732 4 15 NEBRASKA. 12 feeders.. 998 17 feeders. .1070 A steers.... 671 tu feeders.. 7w U COWS 1U.I 18 feeders.. V33 00 feeders.. 708 21 feeders. . 791 4 70 12 cows 896 6 60 44 feeders.. t&9 4 60 18 hellers... 789 4 8(i 14 heller. .. 608 4 86 29 feeder.. t44 4 86 23 cowa 8a9 4 80 94 feeder.. 807 t 00 8t f seder.. 836 4 16 16 calve... lot 4 20 25 heifers... 77 I 46 24 feeders.. 12j0 6 10 U feeders., enj 6 06 30 heifers... 9t4 4 98 28 calvee... 401 4 64) 31 feeder.. 791 4 70 66 steers.... 880 Merrltt Nebraska, t 16 81 steers. ... vol I 80 4 60 4 20 I 86 4 90 s St 4 69 4 70 76 4 86 4 4 66 4 20 t 20 6 00 4 26 4 70 2 cows... a heifers. e4 cowa... 08 feeder 988 , 6l'l 762 .1(M) 14 fsedars..Uu0 18 stsAhfrs. 8-8 94 feeders.. 8V7 90 feeders.. 9ot William 74 feeders.. 8.1 9 steers.... W, 14 feeders., 9 calves... 78 4 10 , C. Nichols Nebraska. 7o4 4 00 T cows..... 886 BOO 4 74 I SO C. H. Brown Nebraska. T feeders.. 61S 4 76 6 00 w a 824 t 90 4 hilra... aJO 4 SO Charlea titrelow Nebraska. cowa 9M S 24) IS heifers... 784 I SO I heifers... 9aS 4 00 N. 8. Rowley Nebraska. 63 feeders.. 91 4 80 feeder. 990 09 4 0 a to 4 16 a -i an 08 feeder., laat 4 8S 4 IS I SO 4 26 4 96 I IS 11 leer... 13 cow.... 22 Seeders. T cow.... cow.... .I'M . 9&3 . 840 . 9j7 .1030 41 cow. 908 9 bub. 21 cow. 14 cowa. ...llb ... 767 ... 7itf S cowa.. 48 steers. 930 M. Burke Wyoming. ..1008 4 60 feeder.. 894) C ttaain un w vammv. 45 K. s steers. ...111 6 u H. Isaac Wyoming. 10 steer.... sua) 4 au 7 cow 1042 L. F. Johnston Wyoming 38 feeder.. 1093 8 ta 81 feeder., k. 10 feeders.. 9J0 4 69 8 steers. ...UU It heifers... 9a 4 60 7 steers.... 9.7 10 cow 910 S 40 11 cow $ A. N. Hotel. kin Wyoming 4 49 4 45 4 75 4 8 4 00 4 70 8 25 4 99 4 toe 4 40 a to 4 60 10 steer. ...1344 4 70 8 heifers... Wl 6 heifers... 914 4 20 cows fan 4 96 4 heifers... 87 19 Slex. ...10ut WYOMING. S 2S M cs.&hfrs. 91S IS feeders. .1048 It steers.. ..1122 4 a so I 00 4 Oil 39 feeders. .1039 49 cows h8 10 cows 846 10 rows 948 17 cows... 21 feeders 11 cows... ft. 4 1W7 8S 10 cow 979 4 HOGS Trade In hogs drew considerable sirens-in. 1 10 in a (airly broad and active hipping demand, early business showing advance of ttjlOc. Speculative and order buying waa attended by a healthy de mand from packers, but after a rather Uriel acaaioa &t tha advaaco Inquiry bo- cam dull and prleea weakened, closing little. If any, higher than-those of yester day. Bupply amounted to about loO loads, mostly hesvy butcher snd packing grsdes. The percentage of light hogs l becoming larger each dy, however, and It Is evident that the big bulk of the old crop has been marketed. The premium for bacon stock Is nsrrowlng. of course, and manv traders assert that this phase of the msrket Is only a forerunner of complete reversal of the pos.tion of bacon and lard hogs in weeks to come. Shippers snd speculators bought about one-eighth of the fresh' supply, retiring from the trade after the first few rounds. Spreads remained narrow, long strings landing at 9H.3otfi6.40. The best light weights on sale brought S6.46, a nickel above yesterday's hiyh price. Representative sales. No. 11.. si.. SI.. 41.. 23.. an . 3.. HI.. hi. . 1 . !.. M.. an., in., eo.. 17.. i.. M. . Av. No. 15. . 71.. 54.. tl.. 51. . 44.. 10.. i'4 . 19.. 47.. 13.. 12.. 71.. 44 . . 13.. 51.. 51.. , . 11.. 18.. 5.. 16.. II.. II. . It., 71., 71. . 4.. m.. Is.. 54.. II.. 44.. Av. 1S7 171 ;o 141 271 174 11 2r72 l! 21 176 v.. 2"t 211 2(1 17 :hi 157 2S7 W14 134 217 271 271 31 OT4 17 218 17 1-1 W4 171 241 Ill 248 K4 Pr. I I7 I 311 I 17V, I 174 I I7, 4 li'1 I I7. I 371, t 171, I 17U, 4 7 H I 17V, 4 40 I 40 4 40 4 40 .4 84 I 44 4 44 I 4 4 40 I 40 t 40 4 40 4 40 4 41 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 ...170 . . .SL'I ....VI ...145 ..171 .. 120 ...1"! .. 3"S ...-Hi ...3.;5 ...mis . . nail ...3,'5 ...174 ...IU .. "i ..11 ...21 ...3:4 ...21 .. 11 ...2H ...1'JI ...170 ...Ml I M I 10 4 i:v, I 3.'v, I 3', I 324 I li 1 :( I 35 I 31 t 35 I 33 I US t 15 I I 35 I I I 15 I 15 I 14 4 15 4 15 I tt 15 I 35 15 I 15 1 n I 15 4 15 I 15 120 no 40 no 120 ino 1-.0 ISO at too iio 40 40 0 40 ino io 10 17 14 14 1 43 17 64 41 70 110 S-.1 H0 Ill 337 Itll Ill ?! ISI 211 .... Ill ... .1-4 IM :m 305 1C1 3X4 ! S53 111. SI II. 54. 41. 10. 41 M. 41. 34. 13. f. m. 64. 13. to ... I 15 100 S 81 an I 38 1(70 4 15 M I 35 180 t IS ... I 15 ... 4 la flO 4 U 10 I 15 10 4 35 120 I 15 ... 1 25 63.. 7. 158 41 Ill 13. 174 II.. II.. 71.. II.. 10.. II.. ..Ml ..140 ..224 ..1411 ..276 ..167 .. 4 41H .. 8 411 .. 4 42V, .. 4 42V, 80 4 46 ha 10 J01 150 I 38 71. SHE.!' ome Impi ovement waa ap parent In the market for aheep and lambs, but It was shown In a better de mand rather than any quotable strength In the scsle of prices. In most respect trade ruled Just about steady with yes terday. Fresh reoelpts amounted to fully 18.000 head, making a four days' total of about 155,000 head. Other points on the market map were also liberally supplied and at present It appears as if the week's ag gregate at the three leading centers will easily be a record-breaker. Local offer ings consisted largely of feeders and, ex cepting a limited number of holdovers, they found an empty market, fairly buoy ant. The few strings ot stale stuff were usually old feeder ewes or tight feeder lambs. With fat Iambs selling around S5.40O 5 60, despite the fact that the dally pro portion of killing stock Is very modest, packers took a more friendly view of the situation and started out buying without much pvrguaslon. Strictly choice lambs have dropped to a 85.65 limit, of course, and anything fit to kill looks easily "worth the money" at present. Fat sheep made up even a smaller per centage of receipts than fat lambs, but prices showed few changes worth men tioning and the better kinds of ewes, wethers, etc., moved scaleward In very good season. Good ewes ranged around 83.003.26 and toppy wethers brought small premiums over this spread. Country buyers furnished healthy sup port in the feeder branch of the trade and clearance promised to be complete. Feeder lambs, with a fair fleshy top, aro still quotable up to 84.76, but light. Inferior stuff has almost dropped out of sight. Plain thirty-five and forty-pound lambs can be bought around t3.253.60, but com- ftetltlon for the larger clauses has mora lfe for the reason that these are the only offerings suitable for dry-lot feed ing. Feeder ewes are none too popular around 82.60. Three days' purchase of unfinished stock on country account amounts to about 96.000 head. Compared with last week's close, good fat lambs are closing about 16c lower, with fat Bheep showing net declines of a quarter, more or less. Weighty feeder lambs are about 20-J2SC off, while light feeder lambs and old feeder ewes have suffered greater losses, ranging from 16o to possibly 40a In some Instances. '.-uoiationa on Sneeo ur,-Tainta Lambs: Good to choice, 85.35 3.66; fair to good. S6.lorUS.3u; feeders, a ; ,r4.7'i. Yearlings: Good to choice. S3.50-riH25: feeders, S3.353 S.78. Wethers: Handy, S3.S5ifS.60; heavy, $S.S5rjr3.60; feeders, S3.00-rJ3.40. Ewes: Good to choice. 83 00133 25:. fair to good, 32 7IV H.00; hreeders, S3 25 3 3.85; feeders, S2.10r& S.65; culls, Sl.WVf72.10. Representative tales: 1,975 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 52 196 Wyoming Iambs, fdrs., culls 62 6SS Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 69 181 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 45 716 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 63 1.746 Wyoming lambs, feeders. 60 316 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 40 767 Nebraska ewea. feeders Hi 4 25 3 60 4 45 4 00 4 00 4 10 5 26 1 65 t 10 2 30 2 40 2 00 2 75 4 26 8 90 8 40 2 75 4 10 2 60 4 60 1 25 3 00 4 65 4 75 4 75 5 40 6 40 1 40 8 76 2 60 a a 1 60 25 1 90 4 60 4 00 a 75 t 26 8 26 4 60 5 60 6 50 5 60 6 60 2 60 2 10 a 26 4 66 4 76 139 135 Nebraska ewes, fdrs., culls 80 48 isebraska ewes, 239 Nebraska ewes, 123 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,. 89 feeders.... 96 feeders.... 2 iu native ewes 78 native lambs 63 265 Wyoming yrlgs. feeders 64 M3 Wyoming 240 Nebraska 847 Wyoming 142 Wyoming 31 Wyoming 412 Wyoming 227 Wyoming 2S6 Wyomlna wethers, feeders 84 ewes 70 lanibsC feeders.. 44 lambs, fdrs., culls 30 lambs, feeders.. 66 ewes culs 73 ewes, feeders.... 79 lambs, feeders.. 61 lamha. f e.i 1 cm to 30 Wyoming 327 Wyoming lamb, feeders.... f8 611 Wyoming lambs 72 20 Wyoming lambs 73 61S Wyoming lambs 70 69 Wyoming ewea 101 97 Wyoming ewes 93 li Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 86 A ryn,ln wes. fdrs., culls 93 cS w7"0,'ns7 awes, feeders.... 83 Wyoming awes, fdrs.. culls 71 i? JVyomingr lambs, feeders.. 63 2j4 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 61 So JXvom!na; Umb' feeders... 3d Wyoming lambs 69 203 W yoming lambs 68 J JKyorain 1mb 63 il vly,'a Iambs 77 .77 u yoming lambs 70 4 I tan lamb gr 633Ctah lambs i""""": 7 XV, ".corning ewes, feeders .... 96 i,S wyominT "wea feeder".... 88 W.yomln . teders.... 66 J yoning lambs, feeder.. 00 88 Wyom ng lambs, feeders.. 69 So Wyoming ewes hu. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady. Ho Slow Sheep strong;. FlCA.Fa w-CATTLERecelpts, .6u head; market steady; beeves. s0"9 80; lexas steers, S4.1Ui.l6; western inJ J--' tckers and feeders. 83.25tj6.7S: cows and heifers, tt-OOeaai: calvea, to.oOt?.35. wwow , HOGS Receipts, tt.OOO bead: market low, Usui, aouxao-fo; mixed, S6.I0S16 80 .. . j , p,.,.,., erufiii, to choloe heavy, 86-250675; pig 6 00; bulk of sales, S6 40to.70. SHEEP AND LAMBti-Recelnts atood 38.010 head; market strong; native, S2.254j3.7b: lararra If ao!? A- .... ii -I- ... T f '" native ainha tl SV! Tw,-aw.w, - (..LCI II t.oo. SX8cl St. Loot Lire Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Oct 19.-CATTLE Re ceipt. S.9U head, Including 196 Texan: market sieady; native shipping and ex port ateera. S7.2fcu.oO; dred beef and butcher steers. Si.75j$7.J0; teers under l.OuO pounds, Sl OOij 00; stockers and feed era, S3.0U(i6.25; cow and heifers. S3.0trJ : ranner Sl.Otanft On- bulls niura, calve. 84; Texaa and" Indian teer. S4.uur31.uO, cow and heifers, 83 04 tjsoo. HOGS-Reoelpts. 11.217 head; market strong, to. higher; pigs and lights. 84.50(3 6.75; packers, 86 4f&.70; butchers and beet beavy. S6.jOTj6.77V- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,48 head; market stuly; native muttona S3.0-tt3.S5; lamba. St.00tiS.90: eulla alul bucks, Sl.25tU4.av; Stock era, He's Coming Here