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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
THE BEE: 0MAIIA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911. 13 HELP WANTED MALE Fa v toty and trades. InC 'r-s f.-nar 1ob. Kniest, Be bg ttsNI'O-r.r svldle department, one x; ii . 1 '.u--r r.n r.dinu saddles; in..! ( .-v' f lebable. sieadv post- l:no t . i p-ti... J. B. Sickle Sad o " ' . .-I i rtii.c. Mo. M iscetlu uenu. W.XTZ v, v :,cr. ,cl. Docs lul for case "Ct AN i :t' .'":rst cia prescription c'.ei'n. . in own staung rerun. oirt names cf former employ sis. Mitin.An i: ..icConnell Drug Co., Icir. .. L'oug. Vi'a.n ID First-Cian pants maker, ;tf.y work for ris'ht man year around. Phono Rtd OcT, Council fluffs. FHTST-CLASS pri-tfers wanted, rlun.ey St. ISIS WANTED A foil maker, fteaiy work! J F O. :. Sew am. 1 .-. WW.N1 ED Eart"r. y-our.g t.ugie man proicTrefl. Adare's Grar.t v o.cou, Kmiiu lid.". Neb.' RAILWAY MAIL, CLERKS, postOffic dork, mail carriers. November exam lu.UienP id Oman. Sampio questions fi.e. Frankdn institute, Dept. 21; J, K rhester. N. Y. WANTED for U. 8. Army Able-bodied unmarried ill. n, between age ot Is and 8o, cil.&ens of United Slates, of goou character ana tempeime huuit. who cn i,tk, toad ana write the Eng.ish Ian' fciaj;e. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, I3tn and uougia &ta.. Or.iai.a, Neb., W, nh St., Sioux City, 1.. UCt N. 10lt St, Ljncoln, Neb. .(WO OOVEIUsMEN'T positions open. Write for list. PraiiKlin iristituis, lept Zil J, Kochester. N. X. TEAMS To huul brick. Co. Smith Unci. UP $W0 MONTH AUTOING. N aCTO SCHOOL,, OMAHA, NEB ' UKGKSi ANL bhci. WKllti. WANTELi Men to prepare for automo bile bdb.riess, largest and be;t eauipped tl.oi'K. Nai 1 Auto Training ass n, omahu W ANTED The address of contractor to build Udiui with bheei piling in Noda way mer Address Box biJ, Vilhbca, la. LAl'.NDR 1 bhirts, 6-10c; collars, 2c. l.'d. ney. 1SH Aui-i oouied men wantecl for the U. S. .'lii.lie 101113, LelAeeii the at,e. of 1j i.d 6j. .Uust be native born or Lavo firsi I apors. Aiuiitluy pay J5 to .U. AudilioiiH, 1 oiiipeitaiion possible. Food, coming. ujiIis uid medical at'.cnuauce irou. Auei .') 5 ears service can letiie with 7. ,.ei' ecui. ot pay and allowances. Service en bc.ii d slu.) and ashore .11 ait pans o. tae w 01 M. Apply at U. S Marine Coipj o.nee, Hu6 Furnum St., Omaha Neb "iVANTF.D A first-class whit window ileuj;t'i at once. U. J. Cowell, 814 Felix Si , St. Joseph, Mo. THE ttttst treat for wife and baby fs a diKh of Daliell's Ice cream. If fi. S. Stewart. "MJ Lancoln Ave., will corr.e to 'in.' Live otfice within three days we will give :1:1a an order for a quart of this tine K-e cream. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Honei and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. tk N. lust Si. , 'Phone 1)ou1um MCO. LOST AND FOUND LOST Wednesday evening between Bee ottice and ir&ui and Lake, a rajor; it was wrapped in plain wiuie paper, call Web. LOST Between Farnam and Davenport on oui Ave., blatK velvet bag. llaiucy LOST A deed for a lot. CorpellUB Kelley, No. l'6th St- PEKSONS havinj lost some artics v.ould vo well to tail up the oince ui vue Omaua 6c Council blutls Street Hallway loiiiptuiy to uacerittin whether ttiey lef t It in Hie attect cars. Many articles each day are turned In 'and uie company is anxious to restore ihem to tne rituifai owner. Call Uoug- aIia & "COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KA1LWAY COMPANY. LOST In Omaha or around Fort Crook, lie.11 wreck, pearl and diamond pin; lib eral reward, phone Harney 61. lost Saturday evening on street, a f. ring of gold beads. Leave at office of h-.iaon & Thorne and receive reward. pnTTKTl The Teddy Bear expert clean f VJ JVi J ers ana dyers. A-aJ5; D. HJ EVERY person knows who D. J. O Brlen Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. S. trkowitz, 119 N. loth St, will come to The Bee office within three clays we will give her au older for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. tl.0j0.000. J1AM).U0. WE HAVE $1 ,0U.,ix TO LOAN OUT to tne people of Omaha before Christmas oil FL'I.NITVHE, PIANOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE. HORSES. WAGON'S, etc., or on YOUR PLAIN NOTE if steadily em ployed. Same old low rates and each traneaction ttrlctly private. We make more lows than all of the others. There s a reason. If you can use a piece of this MONEY why, just call on the largest, biggest and best. RELIABLE CREDIT -CO., Third Fioor, 3os Paxtqn Block, 217 S. 16th St. Phones Douglas 1411 and A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATE NEBRASKA LOAN CO., :30 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1356, A-lSSft. bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others; without se curity; easy payments. Offices In 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman. tos Omaha Nat'l WE LOAN MONEY to any working man or woman On Just a personal nolo; no security or Indoraer Why mortgage your personal b''.i'''r.niik's when YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERET All transactions confidential. Com In and see or phone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trad Bldg Fourth Floor. Bell Phone Douglas Mil. ' V GO TO TILE HOME LOAN CO. tor the lowest rates and easiest terms on Otiattle Loans. Strictly private and reli able. Phone Douglaa M DIAMOND loans at 2 and i per cent. W. C. Flatau 1614 Dodge. Red 6619. MEDICAL WHILE In Omaha visit Dr. Ward's In stitute of Manual Therapeutic. Cures chronic and nerve V. foj gf4 Eld" OFFERED FOR RENT Uuartl and Kouum, LARGE furnished alcove room; also cimer rooms, witn ooaro. Keierencea 1:3 South Iktlh Av. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. (li. A-M1L Portoia. family hotel. 26th Av. Har. The 2 At Harney; room & board. THE Templars 1S: Capitol Ave. Table Lu .ui. ') a week. cEH Mik Lang In "Tb Thru of Us" at the American theater, if Miss Berk lard. Hiil 8. loth SL, will oom to Tb Ilea office within three day we will gi ve her an order for a pair of Uekats. OFFERED FOR RENT furnished Room a. JC:' CE'T.OIA AVE. one n:cev fur bished loom, ail inouern. for two muse or two gentlemen: private" fum Iv, walk In,? thrtunce. Call liamev 6,-74 l-o' REN!" Room ;n pi family, h'ote or -i;.r.t) t.ian o -mpensation. Call DougUs : ! Harney Kty. V F;-T Farniim couple without children wouid li V h. n room an. I boir.1 (wo gentlc-n.-ii. ktr-i y modem homes, conn ml .' r. 1 i l.-.i.;,! l - 4h1 panj. Aldn s s P- 2'S St Mary's Ave. modern furnished room f'f gentlemen; private family. 1:V1 CALIFODNIA-FiTrnlshed ""rooms; wri! heated, hot and cold water day and night. MS N. inth Ft , nicely furnished, mod (111 rooms. tiOOP ro.-na leasonable. X2 DougW Ive-.vey I.mopcn Hotel. 13th & Farnain rVFNlSill-D or unfurnished rooms for rent . .Yia WcUter. Jjougias 4T0l. I'll S 25TH ktreet, molern room. Ty- ier. W.. ro NORTH 2W; neatly furnished, mod en., tteiu heated rooms. ins CAPITOL. Ave., nicely furnished rooins; inodein. , MODERN, furnished room for one or to wiumi la.liis. near Urownell Hall, witli of two. Address H 402, cars Per. 411 N. 1'Jtli. furnished rooms for rent. NICELY furnished room for two gen t.e'i.r. , pr.vate family; walking dis tance Haii.ey ui'i. Sunday or evenings. TCS Farnam. large front room, gentle nit.i preieired. STEAM hfated room In private family, uu s. Mh st. FOR. a dainty dessert use Dalzell's Ice fi'iam. If Mrs. J. A. Graham, 2.V1I Mere dith St . will come to The Bee office 'lthln three days we will give her an order for a Quart brick of this fine Ice CI inn. Furnished Huaxkrrping Rooms. TWO or three nicaiy furnished front room comfieiB for housekeeping. Zvls Davenport t. HARNEY 29M. euile of two front rooms,, or three rooms. In nil modern nr.use. ' furnished complete for house keeping, lisht. heat, telephone, laundry, machine and library. Vo' Park Ave TIIRFB nicely furnished housekeeping frjnt looms. 2018 Davenport TWO furnisned rooms for light house keM'.nt.'. 724 N. 21st. Tl e Munuel and Howard. 21 & Howard, t snj 4-rui. nkpg. apt., $23 to $40. YOUNG .widow, 29, wishes to share part of a ti-rcom steam heated apartment; roterences requuea, wit tun warning dis tance. Address. N SJD. Be. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds. 1811 Dooge. lica-onabie. LARGE sleeping or housekeeping room; private family. Harney CMS. I jrnUbril House. NICELY iuiiiiMuo modern lious, H blocks poslolflce. Tel. D. 3477, 8 a. m. to i; m. ili! S. 1STH, new three-room house, nicely furnished; walking ditance. u per week. NICELY furnished modern house, 14 blocks 1. O. Tel. D. 3177. 8 to 12 a. m. Hotel and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen, i HE CHATHAM, 110 a. 13ih tit. PALM HOTEL. . Uu5 Douglai-,' newly furnibued-i-oonas. ou BU,-wtkly. J up; steam heat-. Hub hotel, steam heated, Doug. St. THE SCHL1TZ HOTEL. Our iua plat dinner the best in ih city. DO DOE HOTEL, Win and Dodge; all cool outdid looms; special week ram. HOTcL ALBANY ; moi.1 e.egant; hot and cold water; fireproof; price iMbu.iuule, uotil puoiies. uu Excellent nieuls, Soi N. 2uth, So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. liX2 Howard. Grand Hotel, room &C up. 6.0 a.. Ulh. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-li Faxn. THE IRVING, 2102 Leavenworth; lust class room and board. OXFORD and, special w kly rata .- NEW YORK. Lot -ji. una, due. 10i uougia Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. UOft 8. loth. Hotel Lyons, rooms 50c up. LU N. Uth. H rr A an Hnipl Council Bluffs. Room Burlington, nice room, 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice room. 1708 Cass EL WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 60c to $L60. ApurtiueutM and Flat. STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. At 1140-42-44 S. 29th St., Just com pleted; tiled bath; gas range; ice box; .aundry and lockers in basement; first class janitor service; terms reasonable. Tel. Lmug. 89b or call and janitor will show you. PETERS TRUST CO., Rental Agents. STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. Separate Homes 6 large uunubomo rooms, besides private hall, bath, shades iane. free hot water ail year, janitor, uaitwug distance, leases, references, nothing equal tbeiu. 432 win ter, $22 fuinmer and up. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sole Agts. hth Fl. Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAGO FLATS. 6-ROO.M MODERN HUMES. Few apartment houses In omulia com bine thu high standards and desirable things to be found In this place; none other where you get so much for your money. See these homes tor yourself, learn about them. Your judgment will be but one way. References non but desirable tenants accepted PAYNE & SLATER CO. Sola Agts, bin Fl, Ornsba Nat. Bk Bldg. $10.50 Thre large rooms, part modern, lirst floor. $8.60 tor same kind of apartment; sec. ond floor. Good neighborhood, near 11 h and Vinton, phone Douglas 894 or Har. ney t& evenings. 7-rooin flat on SUeiinan Ave. Web. (714. STEAM HEAT. ONE t-room up-to-date apartment. No. UL N. felh SL T'eL D. 1L4. LORRAINE APARTMENTS, NEW. NEAT, NIFTY. Stcm hritcd, all modern, are r.ovr ready, 2 and C room, see these. l'i,2 to l(3u Maple St. MENGEDOHT & CO. CIS Bee Bldg. Doug. . 42. Web. 3712. THREE and six-room (lata Martls block, lbth and Webslsr. Vmt talikid tioouis. THREE or four unfurnished room or apartments Walking dlstanc preferred. Douglas 77U1. 2121 LEAVENWORTH. 3 unfurnished room. Call after p. m. or Saturday and Sunday. FOUR room upstairs. 1123 list bt- Wb. ttii. North THREE room, prlvat bath room; out ld porch. Modern exoept beat; no chil dren. 2617 N. 18th St. OFFERED FOR RENT limine rtiil (ottnaes, SlX-FOiM ictt.ige. modern expert heat. R"d 1 MOD. 6-room cottage, rep r. H. 3t;44 MODERN S-room brick. hardwood fioois throiiehout ; S nee msntles, fine ni :sliboi nood, on car line, only IV AO "unlit & Lashun. S. P'.th. Phone Doug. 1M. Only fx 7-roonis; new, full 2-story, square. 1 Moi k west of No. 21th line, near KounUe Place. You choose decora tions CVKF.EFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 101S Omnha Nat'l Hk.; poup or A-JTlr.2. Eve II. ?M2 or 11 M34. HOUSEHOLD C.OOD9 packed, for warded; ir.ea: freight rates, moving and Horing. Expreeiinen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 81 L City uluce Zi S. i;th St., Its RidB. FOrt RENT The twenty-roont bricl-' house, 'mi. i I. , Ktsliln and about five ucicm improved .rinnni!i, at southwe?: corner it Slurman avenue and sprues ctreeU inquire loom ,'14 Pir;t Nat 1 Lank Bidg. Telephone Dougias 1242. R72 So. 2Sth Pt.. I room, completely modern, $.i' do. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 74t A-4-K The Key fo th Situation The Bee Advertising Columns. DUNDEE Seven rooms strictly mod ern; near car, paved street; cheap to permanent tenant. Phone Harney HIT. SIX-ROOM cottage. 2507 Franklin St. 10-ROOM modern, strictly up-to-date residence, hot water heat; east trout Sim Ave., and lHiuglas St.; opposite Turusr park-Ai. MADS A. HANSEN. McCagu Bldg. Douglas 1SSJL NEW. modern, i-room cottage. 4111 N. 2bt.- Ave. Web. Mil. FOR RENT A new seven-room mod ern houtc. Call 2727 Davenpoit St. Har ney JiJ SIX and seven-room modern flat, hot water heat, for S4l'. Tel. Webster im. Om Van & Storage Co., packs, moves, stores household goods. Flieproof ttor sge. Sol S. l'th. Branch, di S. i;ilv lei. D. 41tJ. A-1335. HOUSE for rent or sale; very cheap. 911 Atlas. Inquire 9J0 Homer. COZY "-room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat, on car line, at N. W. corner of 13th street and Missouri Ave., South omaha; lame grounds, with garden and fruit trees, $2j. Inquire CieUhton Heal 1. stale. Co.. MA First Na tional Lank Bldg. nuAUl tT"V fn mnulnf van, anA storage. Trunks baggage del. L. WA 416 N. 17th. The Key to the Situation Beo Ads. MODERN 10-room house, 531 So. 22d St. Inquire next aoor south. FOR RENT Modern apartment, I rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 'ih Clarinda, 31st and Farnam. Houses, Ins. Ring wait, Brandels Th. Bid. IlnnciP ln all parts of the city. Crelgo Liuu&ea Co Be- BMg MODERN S-room flat facing Hansoom paik. 4lt. 17ul Park Ave. 6-KoOAI cottage, modern except fur nace; will install furnace it tenant de sires same; Hanscom Park district; $27. K-room house, strictly modern, walking distance, $Jo. 6-roora house, strictly modern, near 18th and Clark Sis, 425. Gallagher & Nelson 41' Blaiii.cb Pifilnida 2 RENTERS. SAVE HALF MONTH We have 22 bourns, I io I roomis, fi to $30. on several can make concession of half to full month rent. D. 8o7. RUSSELL & McKlTRICK CO., 4X2 Kainge Blug., 15th and Harney. 2307 Dewey, 5-r. brick. $30. 241 California, 8 lare room. $.". 42At Farnam, 7-r. mod., burn. $27.60. 2S16 N. Ltli, 7-r., square. 2-story, 425 18lo Corby, b-r., mod. ex. heat, 4J0. 213 Reea, C-r., up or downstairs, 412. O KLEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. lrtlii Ornsna Nat I. Doug, or A-2152.' 2f.01 Parker St., 7 flil S. 2Jd St., 10 '2o23 Caldwell St., loos Pacillc St., 4 M2 S. 22d St., 7 345 Ames Ave., 3 12 K. 471 h Ave., BiRKETT 423 Bee Bldg -r, mod. ex. heat, $20. r, ull mod., $40. ti-r, mod. e neat, $17. -r, part mod, $14. -r, all mod., V'2.50. r. mod, ex. heat, $10. 6-r, mod. ex. heat, $16. tc TEBBENS. D. 4764. A-1764. The Key to the Situation Bee Ad. FOR RENT Six-room house at 2414 Cald well St.; modern exrept heat; good cellar; cistern pump ln kltcnen sink. Tel ephone Harney 4593. FIVE-ROOM house. with electric light, gas, city water. 427 N. 16th, South Omaha. 210 S. 26th Ave., newly furnished front room suitable for one or two gentlemen. 6-ROOM cottage; corner lot, 52x132; two blocks from Hanscom park west side car line; price very reasonable; owner must leave city. 2m2 South aotn St. 4-ROOM modern brick, 1102 N. 22d, $16. Store and office. WILL sublet south private offlc and reception room cheap. 404 Be Bldg. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan. 210 8. 13th. WEIH1CH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; siorni easn. Webster M.l, UU No. !4th St. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 8. 13th. Wish to sublet suit of five room ln City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 412. Hall. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, dane, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D. 2325. A-2325. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Furniture, linen, bedding, and silver. Pboue Doug, olio. WISHING to leav tb city will sacri fice furniture of b-rooiu house for 4100; house modern except furnace; $-o rent, easy walking distance; gouu place (or roomer. J 227. Bee. FOR SALE Piano, gas (lave. Ice box, dining room set. Southwest corner 2iih and O. 'Phone South 2-'52. ONE leather davenport and rocker, tables, etc., new, cheap. R. FOR SALE Two office tables, 3x6 feet, on drawer. Call i'JH paxlou Blk. KJLD LA-NT Horn double heater. 1L 6417. FOR SALE Cheap, cook tov and Radiant Horn base burner No. 4. 614 IN. loin Dl., DOULU uiuaiia. nouin IIMU. Typewriter!, KEN 1 an Oliver tocwlli.i fioiu iu Oliver Typewriter Co. lei. Douglas titis. FOX typewritar. l&cS Farnam SL smith Pl'.EMlEH mod. Is No. t or No. 4, in exceiieul condiuon, rented thre month tor 4a. 6M11U PUfcIIER TYPEWRJTER CO., istb suad Dougiaa. TYPEWRITERSSpy:lal sal for a short tim on all make, be window for big price reduction. B. i". Swausoo Co., 131i Farnam St.. Omaha. THE ROYAL 1 king of typewriters Ijo. Typewriter, ltiut Farnam. D-suu. LIGHT touch Monarch Visible for real. Ih Monarch Typewriter Co., 411 . 16tn St. Phone Doug. 4uUl Tb Key to th Situation Ada. OFFERED FOR SALE Muslral Invtrasnenla. PIANO rigaln. li N. lMh. p. U0 LKW1NO THE CITY WILL SEIX, AT ONCE. PACRIFICF.. a Steinway piano. 140) Lothrop. Webster So-'i. Plsnos, wholesales pr. 201 Uosion Stor. PIANO, (lightly ut(t. at bargain. Se.tfisuoni 1 lano Mlg. Co., 1Mb. and Far nam ffl. FOR RF NT-Piano; references required Call evening ',-'i so. 2ith. M Iscr II neons, SAFES-Ov, with second-hand sates, all sixes and makes; bargain American Supp.y Co., lllu Farnam ou SIX-FOUi bookkeeper s desk, oak fin i.ii, tor tale at 4H'ou. Apply, Georg W. Wl.ti.i. no i uoiismng Co. PENINSULAR base burner, $12 0" 2-"vll No lMh Web. bK:t. TWO good eecoiid-Uand National cash reglsteaa for sal at a baitiain and oil easy term. H. B. Whlieiiouaa, 4v4 loth EL 16 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solltair diamond ring, will sanune at big bar gain. Address. S 216, Be. FOR SALE Alaska eeal coat, perfect condition; worn short time. 34 bust U long; will sell lor low tigui. t'aoue ioi, sotu. 11AKOA1NS tu store fixtures at less coMt ol material; small lot of nearly new stor shelving and store enclosure, bix-dianer louiuer eapecially suitable for gruoei.v business. Central Supply Co., U17 Farnam $16 BUYS almost new dres suit, only worn a few times; tall and slim. Address. NEW and old lumber, and houses to move, cheap. Dworak Lumber C-C ,1.-6 S 13. SEVERAL standard makes of ptanot mil be disposed of for storage and r pair charges, will sell or tiaile. Call morning. Chan It. Thatcher, piano fac tory, v.hij Ilnrney St. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Urunswick-Balke-Collonder, 407 3. 10th SL Kindling, $4 load. H Gross Wrecking. W. 251. FOR SALE Two scholarship In th Omaha Commercial college and two In Boyles college. Business office, Omaha Bee. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. ROME PIPE, lomo cUKt. N. Steinberg, l.'ln Harney. PHITiP nnn eleotrle nlano. S mililfl boxes and 60 vending machine. J134 Leaven worm. it. u, ina. a-;ija ONE sealskin coat for sal at Nathan' loan office, lo9 fl. 18th. T.VF.RY person know who D. J. O'Brien Is because he hss mad Omaha famous with his candy, ir Mrs. w . K. Chamberlain, 1715 Chicago St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her un order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures pile. 408 Om. Nat- bk. Automatic Phone Bus'. $2; residence. $1 63-DAY I'.LOOD REMEDY. GUddlsii Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. 1 1 lew CIV. Bath, salt glow aromatic olAQOAUD treatment. Mm. Alien of Chicago. UiU S. 17th St., first floor. D, 1665. Mechano Therapy masage treatment, tomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Halloran, 122-S Neville Blk. D. 7761. Open after 6. FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING PHONE D. 5-9.1. PRICES REASONABLE. FOR case of Blatx Beer Tel. Doug. 10SI MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN, H. bin. Hair good, all descriptions; combing mads up. Masssge, Rlttenbouia, 108 Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke, Women's Diesea, 41 Dgls. Blk JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY -Moved to j$ S. 19lii St. Douglas 1311. oil f pfil treutrn'ta. Mrs. Steele, ex OllVixUJ. JVJ t 0pe,"i r. io; b. li. 3 ft Dr. Burke, nervous diseases. 41 Duug.Bik. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a stiangeis ate uiv.ied lo visit the loung Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to auitabi boarding places or oiOvrwise assmteo. Look tor our uavolers' aid at th Union station. LAUNDRY rough dried. 1918 Clark SL Adellght hair food grow hair. Mm. Frayer, Megeath Sta. Co., lull! and aru. HINDOO TABLETS will build biaca, strengthen, iiuc. BELL DRUG CO. MISS SNYDER out of city until No vember 1. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machine, lud. A-1U03, Douglas lbw. NEBkASivA cvclh, CO., 16th and llainey St. f ASSAfJF, Treatment. Mrs. Steel, AlAdOAUH. WJ b. lAtt 2d Iloor. rm. I THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast off in tact, anytiiitig you do nut need. We collect, repair and sail, at la4 N. llth St., for cost of collection, to th worthy poor. Caii ptiou Dougia tu and wagon will call. MARSAflR BBtn- ,,Jt flow RroraaOo lUAOOAUIl treatment. Mm. Alien ol Chicago, 109 S. 17th St., 1st floor. D. 7otA MAGNETIC ,SlMS MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladle, 41; gentle men, $1.60. Apt. i. looi Farnam. D. bvO. DRUGS at cut price: freight paid on io orueis; catalogue tree, cnertnan 4k McConuel Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ETTA GOLDSBURY ha opened new hau dressing pariois at 302 Neville. D. 39&3. SEE Miss Eva Lang with the Wood ward Stork company at the American tl. eater, it u. a. Simon. 2315 a. 33d hi. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a pair of ticket. POULTRY AND PET STOCK POULTRY supplies all kinds. Tb Ne braska Sted Co.. iiilJ Howard. D. Liol. THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young, lake Ames Ave. car lo and uiauo. caii at tail baratoga. FLOOR sweepings, good chicken feed, $1 bo per hundred. Wagner. 801 No. loth. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF T11LU. Frank J Norton, 216 S. 17th, Be Bldg "There s a ltseon- i miulausa your title troubles. iioin pnoues. Afcttracts. M Rreni.a 221 llrandel Th Midiaua As Trust Co., 1714 Far. II. H Nea.e. pres.; J. Campbell, seo. D. txi Peter Jesseo, jr.. Co., lei. Doug. 2292. Heed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office in Nebiaaka. 208 Brandels '1 heater. GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO.. room T, Panel son Blk. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. r.lictrlc. gas fixture.- Omaha Silver Ci Platte Gravel & Washed Sand Co., 44; Re Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 17th and Cuming Amr. Bply. Co., roof'g, palnu. liw Nlch. ruoh. Son at Blind, painting decorating. REAL ESTATE wami:d to ntiv. LIST vmir rltv nrnreitv tor sal with esrei, 404 Kartiach Bidg. CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB, Hanscom Park Bargain Take a look at t'ieorti Ave 1 his Is a fine 8-room modern house Fine east front lot. Mxl.'-l feet, with all kinds o, shrubbery, etc.; lmmedia'e possession; only 15.350. SELBY 4 Poaid o Trade Pldg COTTAGE of five l.nrce rooma and bath. In good repair, with city water and S, lot 4AX150, within one block of car and walking distance of Mo. I'ac. and Union Pacific shops. 8.a7 N. 16th. For sal at reasonable pr'.Ci, Ownsr will show property. Rare Bargains 49th and Caiitol Ave., all modern, new. S-room house: finished In oak, rTTi1i and hard pine; furnace, fireplace, laundry, two toilet rooms, sleeping porch, etc.; this goes very low on the best of terms Tel. Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam, 6140 Burt SL New Bungalow 4110 N. 19th St.. necond house N. of Sprague St. Knst front. t" nice living rooms, strictly modern, oak finlKU lu ball, parlor and dining room; two bedrooms, tile bath room. combination fixtures, good cellar, furnace, laundry lnk, everything ready to move ln; prlco, $3,200; easy terms. Call Tyler 1506 and I will show you the finest little home for the money ln Omah.t. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK, 1225 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. New Close-In Home Located at InlO S. Kth St.. on east front lot, 40xLi, with nice terrace; house has 6 rooms and reception hall and bath on the first floor; full basement, ntcelv ce- mented, rurnsce heat, combination llKht lng fixtures, best of up-to-date plumbing. House Is modern In even inspect. Can have two large rooms upstairs If desired. mce 3,RiO-'itX cnh. balance like rent HASTINGS & HEYDEN, M14 Harney St 6-R.. NEW. MODERN COTTAGE. $20 PER MO.; $160 CASH. This Is a neat, brand new rnttase. irood corner lot, east front, 60x128; fine loca tion: high and sightly; 2 block to car. $2 M. tioofl -r. mod. house; full south front lot, well situated; about 2S blocks from P. O., S2.700. Rental terms. RUSSELL MoKITRTCK CO., 432 RHmge Bldg.. l.Vth and Harney. MONEY TALKS. Must sell. If you havo money to Invest and want bargains let me hear from you t once. One house In West Farnain dls- trlot, one north pnrt of city and one close In; all house modern. Will receive offer on one or all. Address owner. G 477, Bee. Beautiful Home West Farnam $6,000 315 North -ilst St ... iluu.u l.ut,(l it ... . e tulti noma, spieiiuiuiy oonstrucicii, conveni ently pianueu and beautiluny iinisiitd n o as i mums anu laige Sleeping poicii, fine uasoiiient, pressed uricii louuualion wuu sooti luriiace, wiuin eiiauiiieu iaunury .uos una noor (lia.n. on the first iiooi a nice reception hail, large living room, nice uiiiiug room, bood km in n. wuh iaigu pantry and till ciosnt. larue lear entry ami back pult-h, tront and nack stairway, oeautitul oak unisli and Hours, oeaiiieu ceiling in living room and dining rooin. on th saoonu iloor tour tin ooruer bod room and large screened sleeping porch, 10x17 feet; large floored atuo with four windows, in widen two mora rooms oan be finished. 1 ho bedrooms are finished in birch, white enameled. All of the walls are beautltully decorated, bath room sun- itos and wnlte enamel. Latest pattern lighting fixtures; fine oak flours throukh- out all the bedrooms. Nice lot with yard soaded from street to alley, cement walks: paving all paid This 1 facing the beautiful home of W. 11. Yatea and on one of the prettiest streets and best locality In Omaha. There Is absolutely nothing lacking In this house and It la cheap at $6,000; $2,000 cash required; bal ance to suit purchaser. It ! Just as rep lesanled and It will pay you to Investi gate. Just completed, never occupied. N orr is & Martin 4U0 Lee i..u i'0..i., -...j, A4370. A VERY fin residence close down town; lor ale or exchange or will ex change tor smaller residence properties or for (arm In Iowa or Neb. close to Omaha. Address 1921 Chicago St., Tel. 'lyier 1218. J. V. Vaughn. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. U ROOMo, ALL MODERN. to.UUO. Wa bav a two-apartment nouae, con taining U rooms, two bath rooms, sevsn bed looms, wlih pallor, dining room and kitchen In each apartment, wuh lie piumbing una good heating planL Till property is too laiga for present owner anu it is a splendid proposition lot Some on who will buy It and divide II into four three-room apartment, owing to th arrangement of in house nils woia can 0 uoiiti ai a very uiaii aspens and When completed the apartment wnl rnl lor 426 each. Th buyer uau live m Ulia apartment, rent the rest aau make a good investment out ot your bom. Th building i well bunt and In inj condition; omy thirteen minute' rids to lb center ot 111 city; on bioca from tu Dodge street car im and In good real Arnica uisiricL THE NUMBER IS 2618 N. 20TH 8T. It 1 just norm of Ohio on th Florence Blvd. A good six or soveu-roora modern house will be taksu in exchange at m right price. This piuposluoii I ceiiainly worth looking U NOiUUS aV MARTIN, 00 Be Bldg. iAiuiiias .iu. A 4271 BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES. At 87th and Newport Xve. w have a brand new fc-room bungalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all directions, plenty of young fruit started, and just in piac tor a man who wants to farm a illUe and ouu unue, hi work downtown. Pnoa, wny "'IUPAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. East V lot io, block so. in Benson, easy killing distance of car; new homes bung built on lots near this on; mk. otter. Adores P 42, Be. O NEIL'S Real E-at and Insurance Agency, 1605 Farnam; city property and taiiu lanua a pec4au; ws Lav FOR SALE THE BEST "CLOSlfl IN" ooruer fur brick fiat north of Cuming Bt. Location southwest comer of g,,i snd Charles St. Ground is 6344x120 Int and I parked about nine fet emia. Has concrete sideualk and pavid streets; roum coitage, purity rnodui n, sianrja' on trie outlinaat .Ide '1 he number . nmt, N. 2olh St Plane and estiuiuii (,,r im proving this propel I v with biuk flats will b shown on application. lnouli of owner. W. H. Orlfillli, 2o24 Chicago L Fsrslstsnt Advartlslng la th Road t Big Rat urn. REAL ESTATE FAHM a I. .SMI FOR HALE (Continued J REAL ESTATE FARM A RAril 1.4M4 FOR gAl a Oenrala. C1BEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Tiaversed hv h ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ft ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest rang ol crops All the money crops of the South plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coining country. Its soil, cij. mate, church and school advantages, writ W. It. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General pasnenger Agenc ATLANTA. OA. Canada, FOR SAL: Farm Red River Valley Land, l.etellier. M mltoba. Cana.l.i Three nules from l.etellier. Station on Hue Canadian Northern 'ailway, filly-lour tulles from w Innipee Ono farm. .40; good bulMttiiS Crop on this land averaged wheat, ci t 26 bushels an ore. Ptlce. I'.onV cash One farm. 10 acres, uood. larco bul d- Inss. $4. Ono. Come and ee for yourself. If It not a bargain. STATION AGENT. Lctelller. Manitoba- Colorado. IF TOT' want lo buy good farm land st $10 no t. Sis n) per ai re, or want a good homestead relinquishment write to or call on The Mattrsou-Purdy Land Company, Otis, Colo. Join Our Excursion to the Sunny San Luis Valley, Colorado Where You Will Find Pure ARTESIAN WATER. BEST CLIMATE, RICHEST SOIL, I.ARGEST CROPS, of all tho West. Land and water $50 per acre and up: term", pntiy. MUST BE SOLD. Close to city ot 3,500 people. Call for particulars. We own the land. San Luis Valley Irri gated Land Co., 110 Board of Trad Bldg , Omaha, Nob. FRUIT land bargain. Intermouptain Land Co., 1LJ FsrnaiiL Phone L. 4. FOR SALE ISO acres best land In Weld county, Coloiado, 6 miha from Dover, on U. P. railroad; 'pric l( per acre; half cash, lis la 11. 0 1, 2 and 8 year 6 cr ceuL P. C. Caldwell, South Omaha, Neb. BargaJns Fruit land. 642 Brandels Bldg. I law. FOR SALE A good 340-acr Improved Iowa farm, 1 nu.e from It. IL town. Price. 12o.00 per acre. Will carry 4A,0u0 or iiiuro, 10 years, at 6 per cent. C iid. Bee. iliE eusleut way to find a buyer tof oui liiiiu Is to Insert a small want J 111 the Des Muuie.i Capital. Largest cir culation In th tat ot low, 45,vuo dally. 1 ho Cupual 1 read by and believed lo bj th standpatters ot Iowa, who sunply re ins to net mil any otllnr vaixar In ths.l noiiics. Rales, 1 cent a word a day; 4i.4 per un per luonui; count six oruiuaiy words 10 th une. Addles U Moinui capital, D Moines, la. A BARGAIN. ifA ACRES of best east central Kansas land, one mile Horn railroad town. Good 8-1 oom house; barn and outbuildings, all in good repair; orchaid, well, pond, etc. price, t'A per acre. Address owner, lock box 76, Mont Ida, Anderson Co., Kan, Minnesota. TIMBER land, cut-ovsr land. Koo chiching Co., Minn., S3 to $5t an acra Best land In the stale for dairying auid la l ining. C. N. Wirt, International Vails. Minn- A FARM SNAP. 2M acre nice level land, black soil two to three feet deep. 2ou acre In orop till year, ad plowed ready for crop next year. Good new barn, other buildings good. Hilrteeii acres of oak Umber. Every foot of this 2M) acres can be plowed, ex cepting where the timber stand, f ,6 per acie. easy terms. Morehart & Atchison, Muukalo, Minn. lO.itfJ ACRES of partly cut over land near Dulutli, pine .i per aero.' Vv III lass Improved farm land or Income property to the extent of $15,(in0 as part payment, $7,6mi cash, balance payable In one year at 6 per cent. Land worth $6 an aura. Alfred W. Kuolinow, owner, Dulutli, Minn. Nebraaka. A Chance for a Fin Farm or an Investment. J-j0 acres ot hay ami tarm land 2 mile from the county seal of Rock county, Ne braska; It will cut over 41.2011 worth of hay tins seuson and can be bought for 820 per acre, 1,, cusn balance, time to sua at tt per cent inteiesi 1 all phone Web 2'213. or write iftob Saratoga til. J. 3,1 Coleman & Co., oinalia. Frea list of Improved Howard, Oreeley Valley, Sherman and Custer county farms, for people of limited mean want ing homes on easy tonus. C. Brauiey Woibacli, Neb. NEBRASKA and Oregon land, $8 uo c... ,, -.1...- E.1.. e.'t pi siiuoi. ciu. FARMS JHf. per acre up within 26 rrniea Olin 8. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA and Oregon land, $8 up. 194 Blaodel Blug. . , IMPROVED Nebraska farm. 48 an acre up. Writ or call for our list. Wood ward, 714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg. 100-ACRE farm near Benson for sala cneap. Owner has incuiabl sickness, lu-uuir room 6oc tirown block. A BARGAIN IN PHELPS COUNTY NEBRASKA. ""4. 320 acre, six mile north and on mil eaal of Hoidrege, Phelps county, Ne biaaka; S70 acre In cultivation, including vim vjr ,.,.,. Eiuf acre in pasture, first class Improvements. Land la all smooth and levei; heavy black Swedish and American settlement; four nilles to one church and seven miles to other churches; one nnlo to school, liioo s,i pea acie. rw lunner intormatlon writ to a. rveisoii, i.ox jou, Holdregg, Ne'o. HA ACIIBIS Banner county, Nebraska shallow water land. $6 an acre; $' s,) cash, balance one year. B x 36, Denver Colo. HOMESTEAD 320 acres for $178; about 20 miles out; rich larm land, not land Was an old entry, now cancelled. Worth $2,000. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. A SNAP. 160 acres of choice land IH mile from Lltchlbid; 130 acrs in cultivation. fl It In alfalfu. all fenced; p lr. pihDu j T. Caini bell. Llti hlleli). SrU. EASTERN Neo., and low, farm"! eMiiange for Dakota lands. Walker Co., Brandies lutater, Omaha. WESTERN Nebraska rellnqulahment. SM acres; will tk part cash and term O. B. Dean, Lookout, Wyo. REAL ESTATE FARM A KC11 LAND FOR ALs Uresjoa, OREGON AITLE ORCILVRLI IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Dev eloped snd taken care of for 8 years. No evtra r.'Sis NO Interest, ,'o taxes, A reliable invslment that ran be handled on Piimthly psvments ronvement to you, line sdvanvi 4 M FF.R ACRE Nov. L (ir.kon bear-.r.g orchards net from $100 to pet acre SA.VJIA.M FP.T'IT COLONY, Se.-t. aml'i.dil !-.ile Manager Tempos 11. i v, Sanfnrd Hotel. 1 l.iov acres of appie nd strawberry land In Hood river valley, Oregon fof sale on espy term and cheap; best wholes ale proposition In west. Se or writs owner, a w. H., Minneapoli Stats Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. VIPIA' th Willamette Vslley exhibit at the Land Show and see what we grow, thon come and s-e us and let us tell yon , an union in country, vve si her to) Ii.mvo you "I he Wot id Investment Co., i M'4 i ramPis tils'. Omaha. Neb. SOUTH IT RN OREGON FARM FOR RALn .;. acres b miles from th famous Sutheiilii alley orchard tract: So acres; choice ash swale botton cleared, 1j0, acres good first bench laud partly iciearen, naiaucn pastur ana lituDer; ?,,kl.,,l f.el of tlnvtisr: nsc-Mr fs.lln spii.'ig and running wter; lx mile ironi R. II.. on mde to school; telephone; on county road, b-room box house and barn; good suipiy of small fruit; 4-year-old oicnaid. like $J0 per acre. Write th owner. A- M Armstrong, Oakland, Doug- ills CO.. Oregon. H'CiKNtl, Corvallis. Albany or Salsrn re good secti.'iis tor homeseekers. lalic nth Willamt tte alley representatives! I Omaha Laud Sliow. Oklahoma. FROM 20 to 320-acra tracts from $1S to 4116 per acre, beo Vcgel, S Karbscn. toatb Dakota. St'O ACRES In Giegory county. South ; aUola, !m a.,o biukn, 60 acre mora si.ituiiie lor l i easing, oalani e very best hay mid siuiiug land; ha abundanc of iMiur an. 1. lot, of luubei , thin 1 one of tuo i'c:.i I'icKiioiia m south Dakota for a iuihMi. price $2S per acre; Stl.wo cash, bal ance 6 jears time, 6 per cent inteieaL J. F. spats. St. Charles, S. D. Teaaa, 2) acres In Nuecna county Texas, 4S miles from San Diego. Ids. Neff, 436 Boa rung. W yamlas. VISIT Pine Bluff. Wyo.. exhibit at ina miow sna see tne grain that grow on LANK you ran buy from $16 to $26 per sere Let us tell you about It. C. I Beatty. REAL ESTATE FOR. RENT Farm and Ranch. Lands, 160 sore irrigated, 4 miles from Wheat land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section 10 mllea from Kimball, Neb.; 2'H) acre biokeu; fine land; and lwi acre 13 miles from Atkinson. Neb. H. Gross. 601 8. 22d. ONE or two good farms to rant to good farpier. htewart investment Co., Blown Bik., Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS WAN 1EL Cuy loan and warrants, W. tar nam smith Co., 1340 Fainain at. OMAHA Properly and Nebraska Land, O KEEF l HEAL ESTATal CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bunding, MONEY TO LOAN Pay n In v. Co. WANTED City loan. Pvlar irut Co, CIT'I and mm. JOHN N. FRENltH. llul to 410,000 inau prompuy. F. D. Wad. Wad Bldg., latu auu sariMua. MONEV to loan on business or ri deuu pioperues, 4LouW lo 4-iuu,uu0. W. U. litoMAb, voi u-t, Nac tisAS Bldg. LOW RATES, EH-AtlS-CAlU-BliRti CO.. u-414 Biaiiueia Theaiar Biug, Slu- WANTED-ll'AKM LOANS. K.101 la. vtstineni compauy, uiuaua. FUiST TUUST C'OJ5J w UAiiViN liiiOS 0 LARGE LOANS, municipal bonds, mort gage bougni and sold. 01 ULL BROS. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE EXCUANGJUs A. C. 'wall, 4)01 d ot Trad. D. ltal'. SEE J. Ls Ba-rber to sell, or sxchang suyiniug. 40 toaid of Trad. D. u. 'OK EX.CUANGE If you hav slocks ot nieronanxUM lo axutiaua lor equity in taiius uc-scaioo luiiy anu list wuh uis; vuiiiiiiiastoii, i per cul, preier laiga siocas, iv.voo anu up, 11 om paities sua aoluany waul a cuange. A- 4i. avAuii .nan, bocartugu, Iowa. I HANDLE xuhange averywbar. For results me, own, u' Be Biug. Li. 132, W L exchaug propcruua 01 menu C. W. Tir.ll. kl-j-U ,k M UIU Hula hn... Nh'.kkUUcA TracLlon Ac Powr Cn bonus lor lot or vusunuitus. Doug. oo77. TEN first-class residence lots lu Linton, lnu , woiui snutsl, which 1 will 11 au fur Omaha property. AdUios H. A. 4ki, ib Laud SUeet. Webster uii9. 812,000 EyUITY lu line, 8ou-acre lana Dear, Mo., 10 trade lor mu ,.e i,ii uwaia: a luiia Lima will o siv.n 011 uaiaiioe. iiicouiu mis year 4-,oov. 4 rice, 4120 pur act. Auuresa 4 12, caia Boo. THIRTY thousand dollar oulnast N bra.aa laini, lucumuianoe fi.uoo, au.uity lur uiercuaaiuise. 4 no. P. , iuatUiuws. Norloik, Neb. FORTY thousand dollar south central lowu. tarm, iumu ban in uiuruhanais; may be two-luuus; vvant gouus. auu . tuatiiiew, Noiloii,, Nso. llUi'cs-11 you hav anyihlng to trade, win uiu. s. E. Wait, ai, i lu. For Exchange 640 Sin s, all b...oo,, 11 .ti, 1.... .and, in Weld county, coio., within two nines cf olio town and five miles ot another town; 120 acres in fall wheat, balance can b plowed, fine rich, loam soli. 8 to 6 feet ueep, good settlers all around; will trad tor eastern Nebraska land or Omaha property, will trade 320 acre It 640 is too much. . '. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney bt. ' I HAVE for trade near good town, ln Dodge county, Nebraska, close to Omaha. 40 acres of as good corn land as there hi In the tate. Want 7 or 8 room modern house; must be well locsted and clear of encumbrances. Charles Hauley. Agt , lu S. 15th St.. Omaha, Neb. F O R TRADE Four-hundred-dollar piano 101- vacant lot. D.''. 1.2 ACRES of goes! farm land near Ray. Colo., to exchange for good stuck of hardware. This ranch has a 5-rooin house, barn, windmill, water-tanks. All fenced, cross-fuiiced, and 400 act under plow. Nebraska Investment Co., Saaitiv, Wash. WANTED TO BUY Id-hand goods. Kisser, 1020 Center. D-5662. WE PAY highest prirs for men's 24 hand cot mm,. Nathan, lull s. Uta.. I i)R a dainty dissert use Datxell's lc cream. If Mr. H. Llnd, 6132 Dodg St., will com to Th Be office within thre days we win give her an order for a quart brick 01 tula Hue to