Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 191L WANT ADS W ant ads rorlred at any time but , to Insure proper rliflrtlon must bei prpoptitod Itrfore 12 o'clock m, for the evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such hour tvllJ have their first Insertion under the beading "Too Lata to Classify." cash rtks ran want ads. RKOI LAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion made on odd dTi 1 H cent per word, fl.00 per line per month. Rates apply to either The Ially or Sunday Ilee. Always comnt six words to a line. DEATHS AKD tTJIEBAL NOTICEi. WM1 ill i, friTtiasnttUssflh. WADE Harry B. at Chicago, October IX. ton of Mrs. Mary H. Wade of Omaha. HA BON Dr. R. T , October U, 1311. agJ 62 years I month! 10 days. Funeral services will be held from fam ily residence, ilft Cumins mrwt, Friday, (w-tor 20. S p. m. Remains will be placed In reviving vault at Forest Lawn cemetery, Friend Invited. MWifHIMI lliifBWI LODOB NOTICES. The Danish sisterhood of South Omaha Vlo. S Is holding a basaar and a dance Saturday, October 21. 1KIL at 1 p. m.. at the Iranian Brotherhood Bodety hail, nth and N Sta., South Omaha. Adnils Jon iua. . . Marriage Lteeaaea. The following marriage licenses bay .been granted: Name and Residence. Ac. Victor H. White, bouth Omaha.... .. a 21 22 u u Myrtle Klser, Maryvllle. Mo.. John Anderson, Omaha KsUierln Heiener, Omaha. Orley D. Pickett. Kimball, Neb . Bertha Bower, Klinbail, Neb ' Basil A, Gletsen, Columbus, Nab Harriet S. Dawson. Columbus, Neb... Txmla C. Ruhge. Avoca, 111 Myrtle Wolfe, Avoca, IU ......... ... 14 .. N .. tl - 81 ... 21 ... tl ... II John Fapek. South Omaha. Eva Alesknits, South Omaha. Orval R. Swan, Omaha LUIla Parish, Omaha . . Walter J. Morton, Omaha. Constance Q. DuCbarme, Omaha U Hsrry Levor,' New York City ... St Flora H. Blout, New York City 81 Kay Chapman. Wayne, Neb M Alma Kieper Wayne, Neb 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS t a mi'MTI.WM AN Under emiHumer, iut i " iueo du m. lour, u-iuua. 1IEAEEY & HEAPEY Codertakerh, 2611 Farnam. A-mA.; H. 2301. VuU LL always be happy If your wad. ding nu co in us from liiodugaard's, lttp nt. at me sign ui ma or own. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Doug.'fru. OET your diamonds at Urodagaard's. MOV1NO plcturs mschlnss; supplisa, Nebraska Filiu Co., UU liajnaua. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW sis, in sums to 4t- tiu Um aAXm. 1'lioue Duuit. -ju L.NJ- LOAN CU. BOILER, sheet iron and tank work. Tjotaua nuuciulal bLael Works. Lumlara photo, studio, UJ Ha. iota at 8. E. waters cement con. U16 N. sU. W. s7u, UourniAa liaia, 1 day. Lea, liiju Lsav. Edison 'phone rec UhulU Broa last far. PAPn.lUiANUb.Ka use buowtias pasta. Ouiaiia rests Co.. lis o. Uiu. ituut puuum. N. FEINOOLD, ladles' tailor, announces his return tioui lbs east Complete Una ot largest aud best Uopuriad umum guoda. ur a mgu otaaa sun a uie br.ces ruas.; guajr. ku4 ts iwia. u. uuu,' I no. Aitw. l.Uuii Lt'1'l't.llHh.AU tgoud bund pa per), l.uuu buuiuaus, l.Uuo biuiooM carua, pel l.tM, eoLiuiaia aim aaiiipiea lur bisucu, oilier iiimu tnuuut Co., li-i kturutuiL ELASTIC stockings, supporters and bsuuugus; sUjcJv aiwasts new, becauss ws sell so many. 'irusaiMi tlueu. U.vai yiniu ,uaraiitfva. W. l. Ciovciand Drug cw. tne taisoat surgicau suppty buusa. Itj-iJ Harney bt. Vsn Uoroun's horse, dog hohpital. siwN. u. 1 weuty per oeut leas than Uuiaoe unoea Twanty-tuurtn and L kia. aoutu Omaha ilarpater. paper hanging, palnt'g. U. allU. . H. Cole Ulgn Co. D. K7i. tut arnaiu Maggaid Van St tstorage. Paca, move, tor anu sh.p H. 14. gooua. D. ifcjo.U-u. Llootypa composition tut trade. IX i'V Miss iolcn. ladies' tailor, sun ioi0n stoi s t)H. a it a dainty deasert use DaUwirs loe Di. If Mrs. C. U- Lkstroni, ljj js'. 21si ortui. II mra. c. u. castruni, ljj Js' 21si at., win come to Ibe lie oftice wluim three ca.v we will give her an order lur a 4"aii ones oi mis Hue lue cieaui, AUlOiUcilLti honk;h:S.honk UcKbn inc. PLAcr. i.s lj.l . :dkujylmojmjj l&Ui auu naiusy en. LION naoiry. cars go most aora tor least It- B. Held. 4j Brandeuj Blug FOK BALE A-passengsr Sloddaid-Day. ton, in excellent couuiiiou. Haruey lit!. M'lNTYUE AUTO CO. AUTO BARUAlNa IN USED CAltaf'0' WHOLESALE prices on oil. Doug. & - DRlaCOLL. auto painting. Sua Uth. TIRES s OMAHA RUBBER COM- rxi, bveiyuiing in boor. AUTO Tire Repairing Co.. U22 Farnam. You nerd no guarantee when we do Uis woik. best workmen, lowest prios. . FROST manufactures and repairs ve hiciea. lto-lvU LeavsuworLh. Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. aoi Far. AMERICAN Salf-Renovatlng Co. H, 8741 C E. Smith, att'y at law. aU Bea. D. Ml. Office Stationery n"!V"v KOTERA a: LEAKY CO.. Tel. Douglas IMU. New addraas, 716 bouth Uth street. Neb. Seed Co.. I'M Jonea Both phonaa Wedding acnouncementa Douglas Ptg. at. V. Morrill, china palac sM8 Brandels Tfe BEST bracer- tor man. O ray's Narvs rooa riiia, i per box. prspa'a. eberaiag rpa a. eberai Ouiaha, Neb. LOMATCH. tool a tth and Leavenworth. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. r,s fixtures, brsss beds, stove tnuuutngl Sod labirware replated as nsw. OMAHA PLATING CO., Established l&tf. Doug. IbJL ttj) Harney. Aula lamps repaired. Omaha Stiver Co. I'FFTrTF.R Au., earrlate painting. A A L"A fcepeinug, 2aj L-v. AUTOMOBILES (Continued ) ELECTRIC CARS FOR BALK. Two Woods coupes, 1 Columbus victoria, 1 Columbus stanhope, I Hancock victoria, t Waverly coupes. If you contemplate buying an electric see us. We have just what vou are looking for. Prices right. P. F. Electric Oarage, 2318 harney 81. SEVERAL second-hand automobiles from H 'S un: all In sood running order. Phowaler, 2T.1S Leavenworth St. FORD touring car: good condition: bought In May this year; owner leaving c.ty. Address H 47S, Lea. ONE Inter-State: one Auburn. Rushing Broa. eouth Omaha. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has mads Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. L- Klrchbsiim. IK R. 2!tth St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a fin-cent box of O Brlen'a candy free. BUSINESS CHANCES To ret In or out of business call on OANGESTAD, 44 Bee Bids. Tel. D.-3477. FOR BALE Meat market and grocery combined in a town of about 1,600, In one of the best counties In Nebraska. Hales , per year. Doing a siot cash busi ness. A good opportunity fur tne right man. Reason for helling, have other busi ness Interests. Will sell meat market separate, If preferred. Address Y Ut, care of the Bee. 60a on the dollar for 125.000 stock gen eral merchandise. Dolus cash business. Ursnd Is. and Real Estate Co., Doian bldg.. Grand Island, Neb. W ANTED secretary who can Invest t- to x&.uOO, salary S3JU per month. 616 commerce uuiiaiiig, Kansas city, Mo. WANTED Five capable men to repre sent a Nebraska coronation In Nebraska on a new and attractive pruposition. Must be willing to Invest from W.uu to lo.ouu in slock of this company. Your com ml salons will be limited only by your ability, and ws guarantee you 1.4 a week. Besides, your Investment alone will pay you at least 10 per cent dividends. Full and personal investigation can be mads at our offices in this city. Kor appoint ment, address E 47j, care Bee. RESTAURANT FOR BALE. Three-fourths Interest In business doing $4,000 to lo.Oiu per month. If Interested in a good paying business, address F 4. 6, cars Bee. INVESTORS AND CAPITALISTS. The Urand Trunk Paoiiio isuiioad ) now closing Its gap across the famous r'rase.r valley In CENTRAL BRli'lHii COLUMBIA the choicest region of the richest provlnoa In Canada, Hers Is your chance to buy fertile land at opening prices in the great Fort George country. For further information call, writs or bMETEL DISTRICT BALES AOENT. 610 Paxton Ulog-, Omaba, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 2117; Ind. A -4337. BOTTLINO PLANT Cheap for cash, la aa r aas w ( ftantsial KJahraalra . m v a. I trade, large territory. Address Y l&L cars use. 1-CHAIR shop! 8 living rooms. Q S44, iea 14TH HT. BUSINESS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CO. Hardware. grocers, hotel, pool rooms, barber shop, saloons, eta., for sale; soms good bargains in real estate. Ill S. 14tn 8t., second Door, rooiu 1 and 1 Ed Rotbery, President. BUSINESS AND INVEST MENT Auto garage, machine shoo snd run. nlng business, also building occupied and two frame houses If desired. This Is a great opportunity for soms one. bee J. W. KASr CO. 8 3ranaela Bldg. FOR SALE $200. only grocsry stors, within 16 blocks; living rooms: good busi ness ; rent, iu per month. Meat reasons (ol this sacrldoe. Address 17U) and Curtis Ave. Automatlo Phone Bus's, $2; residence, tl BEAUTIFULLY furuUhed g-roora house apartment; spieudid location; walking uia tanoe. I'bon Ked UuU. PHYSICIAN, experienced, wishes to find a good location in Nebraska; N. W. part preferred. Address, x lu, oars Bee. IF you want a business that will pay you toou per month and can invest Ii.uuo or soms good trade, address F 467, Bee. FOR SALE Small stock millinery; everything new; good location. Address Y 2, care Bea. RESTAURANT for sals, good location, cheap, mat Leavenworth. WANTED Young man to loin two other young men In well established paying business. fXO required. Must be a hustler and ons with office expertsncs pieleired. b 212. Bsa. FOR SALE CHEAP Livery stock; good location. Grand Island. Neb.- Ad dress communications to Kaumana Bros., Graud Island, Nb. FoK SALE Fully equipped abstract office, doing yearly business of 16.0k), must sell on account of poor health. Ad dress B 472. Bea Iargf. building and profitable business with great future; for good reasons will sacrlflcs this week for 111600. Clean ex change considered. Doug. liifiS. S1 Bran dels Bldg. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room; fine opening for home bakery; rent cheap. 'Phone Harney C23S. FOR SALE Moving picture theater well equipped, doing nice business: good reasons for selling; particulars. Independ ent Film Co., 1323 Douglas St.. Omaha. Hoomlsf Heasea for Sals. 2n-room and boarding house' close down town; dirt cheap. Phone Tyler 1218. WE have rooming houses from lia up to lift; terms easy. Call us up today. J. v. Vaughn. Tel. Tyler 1218. 1321 Chi cago Bt. ROOM 1 NfJ MCI KB-i-roora modern houne; rooms iuu, guua rnance ror board. ;2U N. fcth. IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. See tlie Woodward 8tock com. psny. If Mr. Dixon. 42 N. SUth St.. will come to The Pee office within three days we will give him sn order for s pair of tickets. c lusiNESS personals" Acoastto Com pa ales, OENERAL Aeoustlo company; Instru. menu for the deaf. 46 Urn. Nat. Bank. Arceaataats. MELVILLE D. THOMAS. 1201 City Nat Bank Bldg. Ausasemrata. wrirftRE and after the shows visit k. OCX M 1 1A mr m vi.m .uu canaies. Architects. C J. Bowel!, architect, iTl Brand sis Bldg. Arteelaa Walla. U K- N EBERGALLk 10U-U City Nat'L Asphalt, Gravel aad Heoflag. MICA ROOFING CO . I0B S. lttih. Attaraers. O. W. BhUlda. attorney. 827 R of Trad a L1STON L. HALL. LAWYER. 4a) bea. Bag Maaalaatarara. BEM18 OMAHA MAO CO- Omaha, Nee. Baggage aad Tas leaks. THE ONLY WAT. rtacrate chetked to destination. Ta il ia ls sud touiiug caxa 'lei. Douglas at TAX1CABS. 12 an hour. D. 87a. Bakeries, TTP-TOF bread the bast. Webster KB BUSINESS PERSONALS Bakeries Coetlaeed. B. COKOS. bakery. Webster (ML DOMESTIC bakery; quality. 240( Cuming. Barber Shops. FTRST-CLAS9 barber shop. (01 N. lMH. Bee Bldg. barber shop, tonsortal artists. Doc. 8. S. Stew art, hair cutting. 07 S.lth Ideal Lsdy Barber Shop, W. O. W. bldg. Balldlac and I.oaa Assoclatloaa. NEBRASKA Savings A Loan Associa tion haa never paid less than t per cent dividends. Investments from tl to feuui received, 16ue Farnam St., Umaba. Bicycles aad Hotoreyclea. U D4....I. Cn - .w, l'TTIII Vtc "vl mill DICKKO. Indian Motorcycles. Write for catalogus. Bill Post lag. OMAHA BUI Posting Co.. Douglas 3034. J OMAHA Bill Posting Co.. Douglas S4. Bird Store. BIRDS, dogs, gold fish, cagea Gelaler Bird Co., 1817 Farnam Bt. Mag Baa aad rackaa Maaafactarera. Wooden Box 41 Package Co., 1M4 N. Utb, Carpeatera and Caatractara. W. P. Devarell, contractor, Ramgs Bid. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. A. LJnborg, oarpenter. contractor. H. 2U71. Carpets, Rags aad Draawrtaa. J. H. rcutt Son Co., 11th A Farnam. I'OIvCAR & CO rvgs, rag car. carpet cleaning. IMS & 24. D. 2321. A -4245. Caterers. E. 6. Fead. wedding cakea I5U Lear's. Cklropodlsts aad Maalearla DR ROT. chiropodist KOt Farnam. Prof. J. Lund, chropodlat. 41t Ear bach. frnripit Chlropodlat. manicuring. nair dressing, hair goods. City Nat'l Bank. Douglas 2&U); lnd. JL-Zm. Cigars aad Tobao. Tracy Bros. Co.. 141S Douglas. La Tnids blgh-grads Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar, so. THE Sanitary Crown PI pa 11a m. ldfh. Monopols Cigar Store, Her Grand Hotel. Cleaaer aad Clothes Dyera. INORA MAN'S Sultoiium. m & 20th. D. (LSI. Full dress suits for rent. Clothlag Maaafactarera. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co, Caal Dealers. Powsrs-Hsafey Coal Co., Tel. D. S8S. Sutter Feed aV Coal Co., Isbi Far. H. &4a COAL At cut nrlcea. All KINDS. We save ou boc to 1.60 per ton. "The Home of wuauty coaL ltohcm-mit s cut Puce Coal Co., 1222 .Nicholas bU Both 'plionea Updike "quality yd.," 46 4k Dodga H. Ul. NEW coal yard, 24 lb and Urand Ava George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 610. REEDER COOKING COAL LET Mki TELL VuU ABUu'i' IT D. luA C. A. Wa,tiTEUFla,LD. A-16SH IX S. Johnson, coal, lath Ixard. I 'pnonea, 16 COAL, Its good, try it. Ask Webster eta. Harmon 4k W Baln eal saver. you Paradise Coal) The money Jelf W. Beolord Co. Both Pbousa COAL HILL tor economical coal. Phoo u; uoin puunw. Colfeo, Tea, Spices aad gagar, Idoyune Tea Co., 408 N. 11 Both phonea Creameries, Dairies aad Sapplles. Milk, cream. Fsr-mU-lao. Alamito. D. 4U, Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Douglas Co. Milk Producers Asao. D-3411 ELQ1N Sanitary Dairy. Epperson Broa. proprielois. Douglas Co. Milk Producers' Assn. D. 84iS. Collect io a Agencies. RVRKF.LL ADJUSTMENT CO.. 231.S1 First NaLoiial Bauk. Douglas SHL JOSEPH P. CULLEN, collecUons of all kluda 1JU1 City i an uana. u. xyiO. A-4404. Campatlag kcases Cotmpaay. HONEY Wslght Scales Ce. HIT Farnam. Car aiee aad Steel Celllaga. CARTER Steal Metal Works. Omaha. Ucntteta. Ballsy, tha dentist, ivt City Natl D. 2Sis. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. Dt gUe, MACH MAC 11. 14 tl. Paxtun. IX luaj. DR. F1CKEB, 724-8 City Nat I Bk. Bldg. DK. DAI LEV. sU Biandais Bldg. D. 8721, Dr. Usaiitner. over Merchant's Dg. stors Dr. O.A Osautnar, Tl-22 City Nat. IX taj. DR. WILLIAMS. lsA)(-ill--6 Brand eta Bug Dr. U. W. AUwlue, N. E. Cor. lath Doug. D1C ELSTEK, M2 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Daaclagt Academics. Turnln's. 2JS Psxlon Bik. Classes Mon.. Wed. audbat. Priv. ieaauus uaily. D. Lmjl Mm anu s. la at Harney. Dauciug luasoas Monday and 1 1 lUay, s p. m. lioui pnunsa ui-kis s Dancing Academy, l&Lti Harnev. Daiiy kiaseua Muu.. 'inula. Bac eveuiiiaa MISS ESTHER Kuo.11 tat' S scnool ot .,.1., Meliopulilan ciuo, aau Harnav be; asfemblies every 1 nuay evening. 8 p. m. rUOUS -uueisa i. Miss Jewel Simpson. Tel. Webetsr S4S1. Mtsa MARY COLL' a classes and as. semblles te-opened. Crelgutou Institute hall. 1Mb snd Douglas, every 'luwulay eveums " Drasawa king, t.iniES-Tailoring, gowns and draaa. XI. sms Williauis and Odd way returned trutn abroau. - i. m, ayartmeat a Terry's Dressmaking College. Juth 4k Far. Dressmaking, plain sewmg. sua S. 81st SL SEWINU by day. Phons Wss. 8711 Uragglsta, REX Drug Stars, loth and California. Purs Drugs. Crawey Phar., 84th et Laka Dctecllvea. Omaha secret service detective u. Inc. buuded. Ci Paxtun Bk. D. liUS. A-1X.I CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Earbach Bik. JAS. ALLAN. Nevllls Plk. Tyler 1134. Zacb Ellis. St Neville Block. Tyler Sverylklac Electrical. Central Electric Co.. flxlurea. D. 8S8. Burgess-Orandea Ca 16U Howard, IX mi. Eieuula Ugbung Ox. wnnlesals and retail BUSINESS PERSONALS iSvarytklac Eteetrtcal Contlnaed SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos. Igniting dynamos, motors, r palra LeBron, J H. 12th SL Doug. 8171 M. J. CUKRAN, wiring. O. CO. Johnston Electric Co., 411 8. Pnh. D. UA. Putii Eiec c. Motor rcpsjiing. D. te-fi riortsta. A, Donahua, HOT Farnam. D. 1001. A-lPOl. JENSEN, florUt. 4612 Leavenworth. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. FLOWER pots, all aisea. The Ne braska Seed Co, 1618 Howard. Doug. 12il Stewart's, florist 4t aaedsman, lit N. 1A PAULSEN, Florist. 1712 Brown SL BRAN DEIS FLORISl. Brandels Bldg L HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. liig. BATH'S. FLORIST8. Boyd Theater Bdg. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 127. Faraaoes aad Btove Repairs. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS to fit your store or heater. New Iumha. laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat ana comnmation warm air and but water heating Omaha Stove Repair Worka 120H-V Douglas bt. Tel Douglas Ma Ind. A-S&O. A. MONROE. Art. for the Mrut.n. Mnv. city warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully given, uvm. mno. u b. Djttt. Olson Broa. fur nice repairs. 2670 Leav'th. T1LUANE h P- mmfb1!' '"""' imwinu furnace repairs. D. 2iiL W. S. Heaton. Amer. furnacea. u. 8668, A. MONROE, agent for the Mvt. Novelty warm air furnace; estimates cheerfully given. Doug. 400& 408 a Uth. Fleer Hade la Omaka. UPDIKES Pride of Omaha Flour. Feed MUU aad Stares. Feed, all kinds. Olanooe Mills. 233 Iaard. Faaadrlae. M'DONALD brass and bronie foundry, aluminum, tin and lead castings. 16th and Jackson Sta. Wast. Fur. Ox, repairs remodela 1S24 Far. Groceries aad Meats. Chapman's quality meats. 2408 Cuming. AHAMO Cof fas, 1-lb tins, 80o. Ask grocer Haraesa, gaddlery. Leather Ooads, FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish ft Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. Stock Yds Sad. Co. J. O. Blessing, Prop. Wlchert. harness, leather goods. 630 & 12. Hospitals. WISE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. Bathany Hospital, 2iM Marcy. D, Xaii. SWEDISH MISSION HOSPITAL. Two phones. 8iud N. 24th BC Issarssos. H. S. BYRNE, surety fconda, insuranca lal. D. !. Ind. A-lpuA 6U2 City ult Fire WHEELER W ELPTON Health Bonds INteUKAJNCk; Aocident buigiary ALL ivlNDa Liability plate Ulaas Auiuuiobiis 1611 Dodgs Straeu Phons Douglas isti. INBURE In the Woodmsa of the World.- Ths wond's greatest organua tlon. ALFRED C KENNEDY. Firs auu Tornado insurance. 80s rtrst Nat'l Laua. Doug. 721 John Pals 4k Bun. Insurance, aio Ramge. INSURE IN Thai QLEN FALLS. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Rarngs BL TALK TO VEBY. "ths policy placer.' lroa aad Wlra Feoclnar. Anchor Fence Co.. 20 N. 17th. Tel. Red 811 Jewelry Dlamoade aad Watches. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 & Uth. OKI your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Kate Jeweiry bioie. lu6 d. ism. Of EN up a charge account with us. A Mandaiuaig. Jeweler, lui rarnaui. Laaadrles. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6SK 1&T-CLAS3 laundry; guaranteed deliv ery, cau on snori nouua iiariiey tut EMERSON Laundry, 1301 N. 84th at Both phonea. Ouarantea Laundry High-grade work. Doug. WS. Ltgktnlag- Hods. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 205 N, 17th. Laos bar. H. nroaa. Lumber Wrecklna Cn n... gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and sveara minis- aiai. mmi rsm. w so. Sa&L Meaaoseate aad Maaealeaaxa. J. F. Bloom 4k Co.. Llh snd Cuming Sta. Macaroni Maaatactarera. Skinner's maccarotu 4k spaghetti; pk., 10c. Millinery. PENNELL, MUlenury, Paxton Block. Latest fall nullnary. Rauber, 1424 S. 16th. MRS 8. RICHARDS, latest fall sivl. Second floor C ty Natloual bank Bidg. Maslo, Art aad Langaages. HANSEN '. of clarionet STRAWN'- K" p ,no ti;nr. sight rcaning. aw S. 2iiu. Djsi H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davldga Bik. MARTIN W. BUSH. Pianiat a -a or. g an ist. 11 Baidrige Bia. Harney eU. Moving, Storage aad Cleaalag. OMAHA Van 4k Storags Co.. cleans your carpets on your hook. ,-... r, a vacuum cieauers. mm b. loin; a nut tlbl. MOVING P1100 n furniture, stor- gage Co. l&u ot- Maiy s Ava D. U&a' CALL Varnor for moving and fire proof storage. Office, A-aU at Doug. aU; WAKEHOCaE. 'lyier LMa, B-61U. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co Movie..: furniture p-aiug; tuepruoi storage, city wuiinh i mn wu. aes. lutl. rl' 1 it Iwli City Express, uit Howard. Both Tst tuxuliuis inov.l 2 men, l per nr. W. ., BOQUETT. express snd storags. W. 8271 Cols Express 4k Btorsga C. llg Cap. Are, Oyetera. David Cols Oyster co. Wholesale only. Uetaepalhy. A Ilea Johnson. 808-8 Brandels Tha Bldg. Katherya Nikolaa tM-8 Brandeis Theater. Opttctaaa. B. F. Wurn, fitting rap'g. 448 Brandeta MEET me at Aaron's, Uth and Farnam. WFS TESTED and OLAbJJEa EX. DIDO PEHTLY FITTED. 'l 7. 1 T Daaa L Oragg. Hag. OpUoiaa. cjj BUSINESS PERSONALS Optician oatlaaed. rrrrs examined, olasses nrrm -Satisfaction guaranteed. Hutesoa Opti cal Co.. 216 S. 1Mb bt. GET your eyes examined by a licensed cptometrlt: save your eyesight, also money. Handwall Jewelrr Co., 8. 16th. Faints and Glsee. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 164 Farnam. Ind. A-3S21; Douglas 45. Ws do Picture framing snd glaring. Special Discount this month on. Paint, Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. Painters. Fuehs. Bon ft Blind, painting, decorating Patents. HIRAM A STUROEB, pstent lawyer. U. S. snd foreign patenta, trsdemarKS and eoyprlghts; 25 years experience. (Ai Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 84W D. O. Barnell, Paxton Bik. Tal. Red 7117. WUlard Eddy, U. 8. Pat attorney and solicitor. 1620 City Nat. Bk. Tyler UM. Paper Companlea. Western Paper Co., 16th and Howard. Pawnbrokers. Bargains In watches, overcoats. 601 N. 11 Photograph era. Rlnehart, photographer, Uth A Farnam. O'Neill, artlstlo photographer. 816 8. Utb. Snndbarg's Studio. 107 B. lGth. Take slsv. MANGOLD S STUDIO, 1620 DOUGLAS. Rembrandt studio, portralta. 80 A Faro. Photographers Supplies. THIS ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., Iffl-15 Farnam, In their new store; branch store, 208 So. l&th. Pkyatclaaa, DR. ELEANOR DAI LEY. 8518 Wool worth. Haa 6167. Plans ban. Omaha Plumbing Co.. 2filS Sherman Ava Plumbing Call Weasman. H. SOUL A-20Z7. Bsvernesa & Ohye. Tyler 1277. A-1826. Plumbing and Heating REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1477. T. F. BALFE, plumbUig and heating. 1607 Howard St. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-274L Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 814 a 18th. Neb. PlaUcg & Orlndlng Co.. 1813 Howard. Printing. PERFECT typewritten letters mads la largest western letter factorv. M at Co., Printing. Uu Douae. Both pnonea H. Ledyard, printer, 118 S. la. D. 6618. L3w. W. Raber, Printer i,eo'bo0n1S BEE BLDG. E.N 1 RAN CE ON CUUHi . AM. Printing Co.. 2i)04 Cuming. IX b&il. Phone Ind. A-2ti20 tor good printing. L) ngstad Printing Co.. 16th at Capitol Ava Rels-Hall Ptg- Co. 10k B. 14th. Ind. A-2624 TIMES PrinUng Co.. 8al & Uth. SX Uii. Rsstasrsala JOHNSON CAFE, under new manage. ment; uesL wu uicai. ZZQ b. UUl ou Draxel cafe; popular prlcea 620 N. 16th. Baxter's fine quick lunch, lsii Farnam. GET tha habit; aat at Unetda, cap. Ave. New Eng. bakery, bast lunch, m N. XuUl. UtUs Hungry, good meala U.7 N. 16th. BALTIMORE cafe; every t Ding in season. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. AKKlNa. di S. loth. Upauui-a. MODEL rest., best service. 16u Howard. GONZALES. Spanish cafe. ltii6 Farnam. UN1UUE Restauranc 2U7 8. J tth; first class ciiop suey house; Aineriuaii tad Cbiuese uishes. Bun jue, Aiuiuar. II . U T L.' L" .J I'.fai niiBlltu . ing; lino liquors. Private dining rooms. Uwb laniani. HOME cooking. Morris Cafe. 818 8. 20. Safety Hasore. SAFETY raaora sharpened. 230 Ramgs Bd Saada. PLANT Blus Grass now. Ths Na braaka bead Co.. lull Howard. D. 12fiL fekaamakcra and ablatagr Parlora. Nebraska Machine shoe Repairing Co Good work wnue you wait, tis b. luth 6L C- Morgan, lst-class shos repairs 2607 Leav. Omaha Dec. Shoe Repairing. Mis Cuming. Csonka Broa. Mac a. bhoe He pairs, tu S. Win St. gportlag Qooda, NEW shopworn guns at low rlcea rownsend Gun Co.. itui Farnam. Sta iiuertag and Btotiering. e-r 1 TT Tn a n rl ar 1 1 1 Kpl.. . JULIA VAUGHN. Kamga Dldg. Steel Tank aad Calvert Cuaipaalea, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14ih and Nicholas. D. tie. Bteaographers and Court Reporters. MYRTLE A. KELLEY. depositions, sta. T06 Brsnaeis Theater. D. 62. Estelle D. Richards. Steno. Millard hotel. 8 tore aad Office Fix tares. T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., storm windows' mill work. Web. toii. Idua-l. N. 84th at.' Sturm lMvre aad W la daws. Omaha Wn'dow burn. Co. 624 N. 18 IX 441 Tailoring. EINNA. tailor, clean clothes. D. U74 M. FINKEL. tailor, 27 Leavenworth. WE are now located at 2U6 Paxtoa block. B. O. Ruilnar Tailoring Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Dunham 4k Dunham. 616 suits. 118 S. Ik Malony, tailor. 220 S. 16th. Suits ISO to 8A FOR TAILORS We make hltib-ciaaa coata; reasonable prices. Jw Boston store JOHN A RYLEN. tailor, makes good ciotha. o6 b. IbUl. D. gsmuel 4k Rlcklln. tailors. 112 8. 14. D. 4711 CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, fall t-Uitinie R. A. Williams, alothes alter sd. 24 A Lake WHEN DRESPINO vou often find yourself discontented witH your oan appeaiance. Why? perhaps your garment is nut a i-eneci tit, oi lacks the very latest Ideas la fashion. Vou would do well rouaulting Nordin the expert titter and reiuudeller oa ladles' ana gents' garments, iu floor, UM Douglas be. Cor. lath. Paooa Ixiwl. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Taxidermists, Aulabaugh, 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. tm. Teats and Awnings, OMAHA Tent Co. Tal. 83 Douglaa. Trnaka and Salt Cases. Frellng Stelnle. 1808 Farnam ,8t. Tarktsh Baths. Ladles' gents' Turkish baths. 15 A Doug. Umbrellas. WESTERN' Umbrella Co.. 183 Farnam. Wis; Maaafactarera. SEE Monhelfs wigs, toupees. 418 S, u, D. S. Glfflth. wig tnfr.. U Frenxer bik. Wines and Liquors. Meyer Klein, wines and liquors. 63 N- 16. ED.ROTHERYf?. cigars. Cats In connection. Ul 8. 14th at MAY 8k CO.. family liquors. 1208 Douglas. Cuslck Broa.. liquors, cigars. 80th Amea Automatlo Phone Bus's, 83; residence, 81 C. Engellander. liquors, cigars. 1612 Dodga T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 602 N. 16th. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alas Jetes, 1202 Douglas. Automatlo Phone Business, 82; res, U. Loftman. 8-yr-old wky. 10c drink. 14 4k Har. B O Y 8 E N'S FALSTAFF Delicatessen Battel, iio b. ltith. Loan! of Irade ktian. Hansen's Family Liquors, 1228 Chicago. N. A. HOUSE Imported liquors, fine luncnes. au So. Uth. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's loe cream. If Mrs. G. A. Rank, 4916 Grant St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine loe cream. EDUCATIONAL Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H. 8644, , OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all ths year Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Agricultural, Civil Service, Salesmanship E. A. Zartman, Pres., Uth and Farnam. Dickerman School tor Acting and Voloe; platform, stsge, concert, drama; all last vear graduates placed. 1M1VS Dodga D. lffll THE FALL TERM OF Boyles College IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT TIME. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeep ing, Sienograpny, Telegraphy, Civil berv. Ice and Salesmanship. The catalogus la ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone tor it at onoe. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Boyies College Building. Omaha. Neb. ST. BERCHMAN'S Day Academy for youug ladles. 27th and UL Mary's Ava A. POPP. teacher writing, Latin. Ger man and corntit. 17U Dodga. D 2174. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN T2TT1s:rT.Fl waahlnar aunt far. nl-iw jtA.. and delivered. Dougiaa 4A CfcLLODO. Ladles' Tailor, 214 8. 18th 8U NEW machine that cleans carpets and tugs wlutout oust. Carl and sea lu Tea A-ly'lj uii Biauaeis Blag. '1HE IDEAL CO., dress pmataigs, buttons covered, all sises and styles. 200-Doug. Bik. -Doug. 19(16, A-lajo. Willow plumes mads from old or nsw feathers, guaranteed. 2a2 a. lath. D. butn. CHIODO, Ladles' Tailor.' 214 8. 18th St. H uta made over. Miss Pspper. mUunery a-410 parlors, t14 B. 2bth. Harnsy 2ms. miRTAINS LAUNDERED. 601 8. UUXXALUIO 'i,, Harney o44. Rubber goods. Bali Drug Co.. 1216 Farn. ' LADiLS' Beaver Hats Cleaned and Re blocxeu. RAiMbER. HATTER. 220 8. lilh. Novelties, pleating, buttons. Doug. Bik. SHERMAN, ladles' tailor. Haydsa Bros. DEFLNANCE STARCH made In Omaha, CURTAINS, BLANKETS, AND FINE LACE BED SET6 CLEANED. DOUG. 2722 PRIVATE economical cooking lessons. Weoster 226. SOMETHING NEW. New process ot cleaning window shades, makes them look like new, any kind or color; our work guaranteed. Call us up and ws will call on you. D. 6617. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he baa made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. R. tl. Winkleman. 816 js. . 43d St.. will come to The Bee office within three days ws will give her an order for a b0-cent box of O'Brien s candy free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Saleswomen. LADY solicltori Patterson Block. wanted. Room it Clerlcsl and Office. Automatic Phone Bus's, 12; residence, 81 Factory nnd Trades. ' FIFTEEN girls, at ones, to work lq bag department. Bo ails Omaha Bag Co., lltn and Jones fits WANTED Girls to wrsp Woodwards Rsal Butter Scotch and Woodward s Purs buar suck candy. John U. Woodward u Co.. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED An experienced laundress steady work snd good pay. Apply ioi;r iiui'l St. TWENTY girls at once to work In ths Bag dt-partmeut. Bmls Omaha Bsg Co. liih and Jones Sts.' '' WANTED At once. 60 experienced closk and suit talesladlea Manhattan Sample Store, southeast corner loth and Douglaa. EXPERIENCED waitress report readv for work. Oilman's cafe, 160N Howard. Housekeepers and Uomestics. i , MIDPLE-AGED womsa for Ught house, keeping; smalt tiat, fatuliy of two. Ref erences. Vinton be NONPAREIL LAUNDRY CO. lei Doug. lsli. SVagons call evarywhera cHlKiS IN bAsilARl COVElUj. WANTED A girl for housework. Douglas bsu. GIRL for general housework; tour room. Can go uouie nigius. Call Red 6k4. GIRL for geneial housework; 8 grown persons; good wsgea. Tel. Harney i.,. bouth 2oth Ave. Woman for day work furnished. D. &L WANTED An experienced cook; no laundry; must have good reference. Apply airs, uarrett Ford. 'Phons Harney YOUNG girl to care for a baby, after noon ; good pay. Web. 6663. "vVANTED-Experlenced girl for gen eral housework. 1 hrea In family. in qune at 2&o3 No. 22d St. Dr. E. L. Tarry WANTEO An experienced cook. Mrs. John L. Webster, 618 bo. 26th Ava GIRL for general housework. Email family. N waabxug. Apply 628 South 4utk BC HELP WANTED FEMALE Heaeekeepers and Domestics CestM WANTETD Olrl for general hotisawork. 1SS5 Bo. 86th Ava. Tel. Harney 174, THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM FOLVED Thi Bea will run your Domes tic Help Wsnted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bea office or teltphons Tyler 1000. - " -'- v'i u worst small family and good wages. 4u3 8. 36th) aw. WANTED A girl for general house, work; no objection to colored girl, lii a. teth 6t GIRL for general housework; smaa family; good wages. 1336 6. 80th Ava GIRL tor general housework. 1821 Bin ney St. Phons Webster 2516. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 1514 Georgia Ava; email family, good wages. iMT?T. fnr ffn.rtl hmiaewnrlr ttmaii family. Bst es AddJv 2dJ Ca.nitr.1 Ave. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. A. A. Artar, 2216 Sherman Ave. Web. 8723, WANTED A girl for general house work, one who can go home nlghta TeJ. Harney 6784 or call at 101 No. 41st St. WANTED A good girl for general housework, small family. Mm. C A. I Simon. 2316 So. 1-d St. Harney 410L WANTED Nest girl to work In ver small family; best wages; good home. Phons Harney 6278. GOOD ladles clothes lronsr; steady! work and good pay. 2907 Leavenworth St, WANTED Girl to work for room and board. 2223 Dodge SL GIRL for general housework at 421 No. 19th; small family. WANTED a girl for general house work. 610 8. 26th Ava, or 1401 Douglas. OIRL for general housework. Call Had T378, or call at 2216 Farnam St. MAN and wife to work; board and room; small salary. 114 N. 12th. Ring lower left hand bell. 2d floor. GIRL for kitchen; ons that can cook. 2006 SL Mary's Ave. . EXPERIENCED girl for general house. work, lis So. 87th St. Phone Harney 970. COMPETENT girl for general house. T!f' cT of no "h'ns- Apply at 623 D. 40th ot. OIRL to do general housework; small family; with references. Mrs. C. S. Bow man. Harney 6174. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework for good sized . town in Wyoming. $25 per month. D 279. i care Bee. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework; small family; good wages. Call at 215 N. 80th St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two In family. Apply 415 North 20th. Douglas 929. WANTED Girl for general housework In 6-room apartment; three In family; good weges: apply evenings. Dr. Lang felt, Normandy Apt, 7, PacJfio St. and Park Ave. GIRL for general housework, small family. 206 South &5th Ave. Phons Har ney 6439. WANTED A girl for general house work; two In family. 846 Park Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house, work; two in family; 8312 Hamilton. Harney 6694. ' Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha M I strangers are Invited to visit the Youn i Women's Christian association bulldlnj I at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th 8t, where i they will be directed to suitabls boarding ' places or otherwise assisted. Look foe , our travelers' aid at the Union Station. ; GIRLS to learn hatrdresslng; prices reasonable. Oppenheim. 236 City National Bank Bldg. A FIRST- class lady preeser. 181S Ear ney St. AFTER a day's work a little recreation is welcomed. We will give to J. Houska, 2623 Sherman Ave., an order for a pair of seals to the Woodward Stock com pany at the American theater if he will . come to The Bee office within three day a WANTED Cashiers, bundle wrappers and cash girls. Apply at onoe to super tendent Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED People to sell books. Holmes Co. First class proposition. Pax ton Hotel, Omaha. Call luesday after Boon and Wednesday. WE WANT two live men to sell Ore gon apple orchards. "Developed." Heart of Willamette Valley. George E Wight man, Sauford Hotel, 19th nd Farnam. WANTED At once, to c-Ntierlenced clothing salesmen. Manhattan Sample Store, southeast corner loth and Douglaa. SALESMANSHIP ADVERTISING Introductory meeting next Monday, Oct, 23, 8 P. M. You are Invited. Free. Addresses: F. W. HERON. SALESMAN. SHIP; A. L. GALE, ADVERTISING CITY salesmeo. W. A. Hlxenbaugh 4t Co- 1814 bt. Mary's Ava. Tel. D. 2297. Biggest and best ldo meals. 1S1C Dodge. SIDE LINE for traveling salesmen; good seller. 2U7 Brandels Tiie&ter, oniaha. Neb. Money maker for agents. 607 Brandela TWO land salesmen wanted at once: high-class subdivision Oregon fruit and tai den tracts- See owneiu. Herkes as beam, Room 6, Hensha.v hotel, 6 to 10 a. m., or 6 to 6 p. m. WANTED A real salesman to sell our unique line of map and other specialty calendars. Our line is diiferent, exclu sive. It lands the big buyer tired of pic tures. We also supply strong line leather novelties and signs. Strongest combined outfit ever offered. Big money for live men. l'J12 territory now being placed. Write fully, give experience in first letter. Kenyon Company, Deg Moines, la, (S&th year). Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wsgea W. U. Tel. Co., 212 S. 13th SC BOY. We have a permanent position for a bright, energetio boy. Tho right boy can make from 60c to liOO or more a week, without Interfering with his other duties. Apply to FISHER-M GILL COMPANY. 4ul N. 2th St., South Omsba. Neb. Cle"al ayd Oftlew. BOOKKEEPER for first -rlass whole, sale house. Don't reply unless you are competent and experienced. J. 8t4. Bea. "CANO" High grade positions. 800 Baa. WANTED Experienced drees good sslser--" at ouoa, Apply BupenntsiadeoA braadats fctarae. 6s 4 1 6 gSaa 1 " of1 V-k