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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
TTIE BEE. OMAHA. FRIDAY. OCTOREK 20. 1911. 11 OPPORTUNITIESARE OFFERED Government Lands in Northwest Still Open to Entry. LA.YD VALUES ARE REASONABLE Improve, I Trnrta r IlrM hy HI Owner, Who Am :ot Able to Adrqnatflj- Cultivate nrh l.ara Arras. The Northern Faciflc Mat offer advantage and opportunity to ths homeseeker and farmer that ara not ex celled. The group of states referred to embraces North Dakota. Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oreaon. There still re mains government land that are open to homrrtrad entry, and there are vast areas of rich agricultural land that are for aale at low prices, offering opportun ities adapted to the me. ten and tastes of all classes of agriculturists. The lr rig able lands which are already supred with, water, and also tho.? which aro as yet unimproved, wait the farmer, or ehardlst and gardener. Lands that are not capable of Irrigation but which arc capable of profitable cultivation iir modern me; hods, and which have been proved capable of a very high and profit able productiveness, can be had In large or amall tracts at the will of the settler, ana In proportion to the i-apltal desired to bt invested. Unimproved, do-forested lands, which are possessed of as fertile oil aa any on the North American con tinent are available to homeseekera at prices that are little more than nominal. Farm lands that have been improved to greater or lea extent can be purchased at very reasonable prices and on terms to suit almost any desire of the pur chaser. Improved lands are often held by parties who own large tracts and who for various reasons are. not able to adequately cultivate so large area. Many such land holders are offering their foldings on terma and In parcels to suit purchasers. Satisfied, happy and prosperous farm ers, stock raiser, orchardlsts and gard eners, from all parts of the United States and Northern Europe, are living In various parts of the states of Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, who have been attracted by the success of other settlers whom they had known and whom they followed to the promising fields that these states offer. People from any atate, or from any country in Northern Europe, can find opportunities to secure for themselves desirable homes In communities made up largely of settlers from their own state or country, and often from their own neighborhood. People desiring to settle In communities where any particular religious faith or nationality predominate can with little Inquiry generally find what they want. Persons who are ambitious to pursue any particular kind of farming or to practice any form of Intensive agricul ture. Can be directed to localities where the climate and soil conditions are such as are required, where transportation facilities are aa good as could be desired, and where markets, the best In the world, are within accessible distances for every manner of product. The demand for all dairy and poultry products, small fruits and vegetables, has never been anywhere nearly supplied by the local production. Farm food pro ducts are every year carried to the cities and towns of these states from the cen tral states of the Mississippi valley and eastern states, to supply the local demand. Bee King Causes the Crowds to Wonder Prof. Frank Odeil, the King of the Bees, has proven his right to the title by entering a screened cage at the Coliseum and uncrating a swarm of bees. But he did not uncrate them and then walk out of the cage. He scooped them up In his bare hands, opened his shirt front and put a handful against his bare skin, took off his hat and filled It with the buzzing insects, put them In his mouth and per formed a series of teats that would have meant death from poisonous stings to anyone else. And all the time the professor was play ing with his "subjects" he talked, ex plaining the life of the bees 'and accred iting them with more intelligence than the common Insect possesses. At the conclusion of hla demonstrations, which were witnessed by hundreds of people, he explained It all by phsychology. saying that the confusion accompanying hla rough handling of the beea caused them to' congregate into group and "discuss what had happened," but the crowd, se Ing that the bees were not always "con tused," la still wondering. Bee Wizard Likes Omaha Land Show. Prof. Frank Odeil, King of the Bees, thinks the Omaha Land ahow is "the neatest, best and most comprehensive exhibition of farm products," he has ever seen, "and I've seen a few," said the wlsard reminlscently. Prof. Odeil spends hla time between I acta visiting the various booths. dis eusalng lands and land values and soil I compositions with the exhibitors, and takes an Intense delight In the axtlstlo arrangements of the exhibits. SUPERINTENDENT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL DOES LAND SHOW Superintendent C. B. Manuel of the atate Industrial school for boys at Kear ney, has been attending the Prison con gress, but Wednesday afternoon he "made" the Land show with Mrs. Man uel an Interested member of the "party." The superintendent waa surprised at the variety and scope of exhibits. "This Land ahow Is doing a good work," he said, looking over the Coliseum from the vantage point of the stage. "It presents the resources of slates and localities In states In an Impressive manner and also provides a means for probable Investors securing first hand Information In a re- Wuodurs Circle Raiki Hlark. The Woodmen Circle, the fraternal ordar for women, which Is also located Ic the Woodmen building, at Sixteenth tr.d Howard streets, has an important place aroonu the similar orders of the world and ranks very high. Its business fees Increased greatly during the last few years, until today It boa one of tba largest memlicrehlys wnong the fraternal wrganlzaUcci. Running up and down sta rs, awaentna and binding over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. Bho must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain s Tab lets to Improve her digestion and regulate tor bowels. For sale by aU dealers. Wireless Messages Flash at Coliseum Dr. Frederick Mlllener, the wlsard of wiroWs transmission of sound, Inst night gave his first exhibition of the Union Faclfle company's wireless tele phone system. It proving one of the big attractions r.t the Land show. The Union Pacific booth is located near the center aisle, about midway of the building, and here Is placed all of the mechanism of the system. Forty feet above the floor are the wires transmit ting the sound. In order to convince the public of thu efficiency of the wireless system. rr. Mlllener provided numerous head 'Phones. Each was connected with the steel rod of an umbrella, another wire connected wtlh the head 'phone, heint carried in the hand of the party desiritii; to make the test. All evening men and women walked about the Interior of the big hall, holding aloft raised umbrellas and wearing head 'phones, while 200 and SCO feet away, talking into his transmit ter, and Dr. Mlllener was engaging in conversation with them, the sound beli'g carried up to the overhead wires, carried along over them, and then caught by the umbrella antennae and transmitted through the head 'phones. DEBATING SOCIETY STARTS SEASON OF ACTIVITIES The Webster Debating society of the Omaha High achool Wednesday after noon, elected officers as follows: President, Justus Ingalls; vice presi dent, Harry Gideon; secretary-treasurer. Carlyle Allen; sergeants-at-arms, Harold I.andcryou and Milliard Holbrook. Ed ward Perkins was elected as a represent ative of the society to the Booster's club and Mr. E. E. McMillan of the faculty was unanimously chosen as head teacher. George Grimes and Edward Perkins were appointed as a program committee. Ar rangements will be made to hold even ing meetings at the Young Men's Christ Ian association so that freshmen mem bers may be enrolled. It waa announced at the meeting that debating would be one of the most Im portant of the school activities this year, and that Prof. C. E. Reed, vice-principal and athletic director, Intends to secure a good debating coach for the lads who are Interested in the work. BREAD IS CLEANER THANJEVER BEFORE There waa a demonstration of canned goods at the household economics de partment of the Woman's club Thursday morning, at which the members tasted the fruits and vegetables and passed judgment on them. Some of the women maintained that, considering the time spent In putting up, it Is better to buy goods ready prepared. Others asserted that home-made goods are more satis factory. Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, Nebraska pure food Inspector, who has been mak ing the rounds of the Omaha bakeries, aaaured the women that they can buy cleaner bread now than they could two years ago. IS IMPORTANT TO CATER TO THE BUSINESS MAN Miss Jeannette M. Drake of Sioux City In her paper on "The Library and the Business Man," read at this morning's session of the state library meeting said that if a business man who la seeking Information on a certain subject falls to find exactly what he wants on first In quiry he Is likely not to call a seoond time, and she emphasized the Importance of catering to the needs of the business man. Miss Anna V. Jennings, librarian of thi Kearney State Normal library, has a paper on "Public Documents In the Small Library" and Miss Florence Smith of the Omaha library conducted a round table. The Merchant Wbo Hoe the Goods Is' the On Who Lets the Publio Know it iNrous Advertising in The Bee. HOFFMAN FOUND DRUNK, ASSERTS HE WAS DRUGGED E. T. Hoffman of Wyomlnsr rennrteA to the police that he was drugged and roooea or M. Hoffman was found un conscious by the police In a coal bin at the rear of the Murray hotel. Fourteenth and Harney streets. Hoffman said ha was drinking early In the evening- before the saloons closed. He said ha mat couple of young men and they joined torces along tne bar. Hoffman could not state how be came to be In the coal bin. He said when he waa drinking with the men early in the evening he had about Kk on his person, which was not there when he waa searched at tlio station. mo U II 11 mill n UULU BURN LIKE FIRE Could Lay Pin In Cracks. Four Long Years of Eczema. Only Relief in Scratching. Used One Set of Ctrticura Remedies. Hands Entirely Well. "I Pn truthfully say Cut lea ra Reme dies have) cured me of four long years of ecsema. About four years ago I noticed some little pimples coming on my little finger, and not giving It any attention, it soon became worso and spread all over my hands. If I would have them In water for a long time, they would burn like flro and large crocks would come. I could lay a pin In thorn. After using all the salves I could think of, I went to three different doctors, but all did tarn no good. The only relief I got was scratching. "So after hearing so much about ths wonderful Cuticura Remedies, I pur. ofAsed on complete set, and after using them three days my hands were much better. To-day my hands are entirely well, one sot being oil I used." (Signed) J11! fc'1 Nrber. R. F. D. i, Spring Lake, Mich., Sept. 2fl. 1910. No stronger evidence than this could be given of the suoreas and economy i4 the Cuticura Remedies in the treatment of torturing, disfiguring humors of the kin. A single hot bain with Cuticura boap and a gentle anointing with Cuti cura Ointment ore often sufficient to afford Immediate relief In the most dis tressing cases and permit rest and sleep when oil else fails. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are equally effective la pre serving, purifying and beautifying the akin, scalp, hair and hands. Although Cuticura Soap (36c) and Cuticura Ointment (50c.) ae sold throughout the world, a llberaT aample of each, with 32-p. book on the akin and scalp, will be mailed free on application to Potter Diig A Chen. Corp Dept. S3, BxLoa, alaas. Buffum, Wyoming Burbank, Lectures at the Land Show When an agricultural tenderfoot Invades Wyoming the first great man he hears about is Prof. B. C Huffum, and Just as likely aa not he will be fid that ths professor has accomplished the marvelous fest of cross breeding the prairie dog with alfalfa and produced ai edible muskrat. That might be so, but It Isn't. Trot, l'uffum. though, has per formed wonders, and he has cmne to be known as the Bui hank of Wyoming. He Is at the Land show giving lectures dally, and thing valuable Information to all Isltors. I'rof. nuffum is not In Who's Who. but he Is a plant breeder of more than ordinary distinction. l'i the course of his experiments Kuffuni giit hold of winter em mer, a grain often wrongly d. s Imiated as spelt. Py throwing winter emmer under unusual con ditions of soil and treatment. Its npi'eorance, habit and constitu tion were so disturbed that several mutations or "sports" wero so cured, and these are so far be yond the original that one would hardly recognise the new product. .... H - - PROP. B. C. BUFFUM. The new grain partakes of the nature of alfalfa and emmer. Some slngio .,.., i.u.c utM-n grown wnicn weigh half an ounce. Prof. Buffum is one of the most Interesting persons at the Land show. FARM MACHINEMODELS SEEN Interesting Exhibit Displayed by Beatrice Iron Workt. ONE IS IMPROVED CULTIVATOR In This Machine Are Conihlaed 1m prOTenseets Which F.llmteate the Faults of the Old f altlvators. MOTHERS' SELF-CULTURE CLUB IS ORGANIZED A Mothers' Self-Culture club was or pan! red Wednesday afternoon at West minster Presbyterian church following a talk by Mrs. Edwin H. Wctks, vice president of the National Congress of Mothers, on "Child Welfare." The club will nuact on the second Wednesday of each month at the church to study child welfare In home and school. Mrs. McMillan Jones was chosen president, Mrs. W. P. Metsger vice president, Mrs. George M. Strain secretary urer. ind Mrs. I. K. Beach treus- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS J. M. Sewers of Ridge, Mont., Is In Omaha arranging for the sale of several hundred head of cattle. John T. Beamer of Washington, la.. Is here on business ronnixted with Texas land and Immigration. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Jack of Blair are Visitors here this week, the Land ahow being the attracting medium. fl. B. Msrdls and daughter of Lewellen. Neb., are registered at the Pt. Jamea hotel. Mr. Mardls brought his daughter here for treatment for appendicitis. .1. A. Snielhers has Installed an ex hibit In Machinery hall at the Land Show, which Is unlike the exhibits of any other firm of Implement manufac turer and dealers. The exhibit Is from ihe Reattlce Iron Works, Ueatrlce, Neb., and consists of severs! models of farm inpieinents handled by the company. Tlu exhibits are disp!ni-d In an or- llnnry shine case. Mr Smothers calls ihs attention of patrons of the Land show to one cultivator In particular which he says Is mndu for the ll'l! trade and differs from ail other cultivators. It Is a combination riding and walking cult I ntor, and Its luiifclttuiliisl shifting beams leprenenl an entirely new principle as adapted to cu!tlators. The beams mine forward and backward longitudinally with the movement of the team. Kach horse pulls one gang, and luilf of the weight of the machine nnd oper ator. Not more than half of the load can be shifted on one horse at any time. a fault common with many cultivators me longitudinal movement Is auconie panted with such ease that there la no whipping of the tongue from one side to the other and It Is made eai-y on the horse's shoulders by eliminating all "Jerky" motions. I'.asy to Tarn. The beams aro so arianged as to be easily raised at the ends for turning in the field by a shifting of the opera tor's weight. It Is claimed that while the lateral shifting beam Is not a new principle It Is new as applied to a rid Ing and walking cultivator. The beams may be shifted close together or wide apart by a lever within easy reach of the operator at all times. The msjorlo of the cultivators manufactured are shifted near and away from the rows by the operator, who usee his feet for the purpose. Mr. Smethers not only claims the Im provements mentioned but says that the seat Is cushioned being so arranged that the weight of the operator balances the cultivator gangs and makss riding as easy aa sitting In an ordinary chair. The same device which balance the gsngs, gauges the shovels to any desired depth and raises both beams while the cultivator Is In motion for shallng off trash. The GUI Rsas removes Urer Inaction and bowel stoppage, with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the pain less regulators. ?3r. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. It ft. I.1 ssett JVAKES LIFE5 WALK EASY" TMAOff MA fits'. T I find both in the new Crossetts. No. 137 is a business-like style for the younc: man. n Plenty of snap here, also in No. 2621 a winter tan and a just right button model. See all the Crossett styles. $4. to $6. everjwhen Lewis A. Crossett, Inc Mkw North AMngtocv Mas. mu ii i i i i I THE" M bole Umaaa Agents UIU00CU OllUCd f fm-mJ i .an .. ! 'i m ill HE Z3 f U(Q) Id) srUikiBHsJalbu aY ELD 1 I I r I -V I S 1 S i lit I I r - Nelbraska aimd WasMegtoini States Day Today see the beautiful displays from two of the west's greatest states. See what your own state brings forth from the rich soil. You will marvel at some of the wonders that Nebraska produces. So also will you be astounded at the magnificent exhibits from the state of Washington. This is your chance to learn many facts about your own state facts that you do not know now. The exposition is ablaze with burning features of grandeur Throughout the mammoth Coliseum myriads of beautiful and fascinating subjects project their splendor and form a maze of the most wonder ful exhibits ever brought into such a show. See modern machinery in motion The big Machinery hall, where are hundreds of modern farm machines in opera tion, offers a show worth dollars in practical educational value to every visitor. Special for Nebraska and Washington States Day SOUTH OMAHA NIGHT Plowing Contest 2:30 P. M. Captain Treibor's Trained Seals (Big: Hit) 2:30 to 4:30 and 9 to 10:15 P. M. nawaiian-Maorian Singers 1:30 to 5:30, 7:30 to 9, 9 to 10 and 10:30 to 11 P. ML Model Prune Dryers in Operation. South Omaha Orchestra 8:15 P. M. Prank Odeil and His 5,000 Honey Bees in Excellent Demon strations 11:30 to 4:30 and 8:30 to 9.30 P. M. Concert by Green Band at 8 P. M. Carter Grade Climbing Auto Exhibits. Most stupendous exposition of its kind ever held Extra Strcot Car Accommodations Amplo to Tako Caro of Crowds. J