Daily NEWS SECTION' PAGES ONE 10 EIGHT WEATHER FORECAST. Generally Fair VOL. XLI-XO. 107. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOKMXfl, OCTOBER 20, 1911-KIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ELY CRUSHED IN IWINSOF CRAFT Aviator Meets Death at Macon, Ga., Fair Grounds When Machine Fails to Rise from Dip. PRESIDENT OF THE JUNIORS AT "You Little Darling! Of Courso I'll Adopt You!" HANKOWCUT OFF IDAHO RIGUES ARE EXPLOITED Entertaining and Instructive Fro gram at Land Show Friday Afternoon and Evening. BIG CROWDS VISIT COLISEUM THE HIGH SCHOOL, FROM THE W0RL1) Peking Officials Announce Commun ication Has Been Suspended Since Sunset Yesterday. FAILS TO CLEAS WRECK IN LEAP MAJTY WILD RUMORS AFLOAT More Reports of Disaffection in the Daring Pilot Sustains Many Broken Many Features Are Applauded Fre quently by the Throng. GOVERNOR SENDS GREETINGS Army Received. Bones in Fall. SECOND FLIGHT OF THE DAY VIEWS TAKEN BY FOREIGNERS The Bee OMAHA. I I i fi4 wm-m i SJJ mm wm fct Loses Control of Aeroplane in Long Downward Swoop. wTnr.q SPECTACULAR FLIGHTS Former Iowa. Hu Leaves Wife to New York to ! Series of Flights for Georgia. State Fair. MACON, Ge., Oct. 18. Eugene Ely. tbe relator, met death at the itate fair grounda this afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock when his machine failed to rise from a sensational dip and plunged with him fifty feet to the ground. He fell In the o Miter field of tbe race track, after almost clearing the machine by a desper ate leap. Bones were broken in a score of place. , Ely died a few minutes later, regaining consciousness just before the end' long enough to mutter: "1 loav control I know I am going to yne." Ely made a flight this morning, ascend tag to an altitude of 8,100 feet. At 1:45 o'clock he made his second flight, rising from the track lnclosure, which he circled In a few minutes, trav eling about thirty miles an hour. As he was completing the circuit ha made a dip. seemingly to startle the thousands beneath him. The machine shot down wtlh tremendous velocity and the crowd applauded, thinking the aviator would rise, as he had done many times before. Loses Control of Machine.. But Ely seemed to lose his grip on the lever. The machine continued Its downward plunge. He attempted to rise from his seat. Releasing the lever alto gether, he half' Jumped, barely clearing the aeroplane as it crashed to the ground. The machine was demolished and Ely struck with terrlflo force. He died shortly after reaching the hospital. Ely, a native of Davenport, la., left his wife In New York two weeks ago to come to Macon to give a series of flights for the Georgia state-fair in-his Curtlss biplane. He had been giving spectacular flights here for eight days, going up on pne occasion In a rainstorm. ' , Today Ely offered to make a flight by (tight, painting his craft with phts phoroua. "Bo as to startle the natives," he told the fair directors. ' The offer was declined for the reason that he wanted 11,000. . Fly was the fist, man to alight on the deck ' of a warship with an aeroplane. During an aviation meet in Ban Mateo county. Cal., Ely, in a biplane, flew from the, ' -aviation camp to San Fran .dsco, about twenty miles, and alighted on the deck of the cruiser Pennsylvania, anchored in San Francisco bay. After holding a reception on board the war ship Ely flew from the vessel back to the aviation camp. Previous to this time Ely had made a flight from the deck of a warship an. , chored in Chespeake bay. Although he i struck the water as he left the ship he ' managed to reach shore. REGISTRATION AT GREGORY IS EIGHTEEN THOUSAND k GREGORY, 8. 0., Oct. 19-The total registration for lands in the .Rosebud res ervation here at 10 o'clock today was 18.014. . Sleeping accommodations in Gregory were fully tested last night for the first ilme since the registration began. Ten ; heavily laden trains from the east landed a large number of persons here. All found sleeping quarters. Fully too slept ' In private houses. The temperature early today was nearly down to freezing. A great number of new town tltes In Mellette county are being promoted. BILLY PEACE IS KILLED WHEN TIRE GIVES WAY MASON C1TT, la., Oct. 19.-Speclal Telegram. Billy Pearce. driver of the Colby motor car. was killed at Sioux City this afternoon. A tire gave way and the machine ment into the fence , killing the driver Instantly. He had : driven for ten years, winning many I races. He was unmarried and lived here I with his father. Burial will be In Chi ! eago. Jasper W. Koonta Is Dead. LINCOLN, Oot. 19.-Speclal Wasper ff. Koonts, a clvU war veteran and pioneer in this state, died here today at the age of 87 years. 'Mr. Koonts' was formerly a resident of Holdrege. later i of Hayes Center and finally came to this ! city In 1890. The deceased Is survived by a widow, a son, L. B. Koonts; a brother, A. J. Koonts of this city, and a sister, Mrs. L. C. Blttner of Manchester, Ind. The Weather Tor Nebraska Generally fair, for Iowa Generally fair; cooler. Trmiwratarf nt Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg .... 45 .... 44 .... 43 All tosMWI & a. m 6 a. m 7 a m ft a. m 9 a. m 10 a in. A4rartlUng ! Ib Hold t .... 41 .... 42 .... 44 .... 4S ....6") .... 63 .... bi .... K f,2 .... 61 .... 44 .... 4 .... 47 M 11 a. m lis m 1 p. m 1 p. m I p. m i a. m 5 p. m... . p. m 7 p. m 8 p. m Growing Idaho Is Splendidly Arrayed at the Land Show Today f. f FRAND IIIXKNBAUGH. WHOLESALE FRAUD CHARGED Thirty-Six Complaints cf Illegal Registration Are Filed. MANY MORE ARE FORTHCOMING Statement Comes from County At torney'' Office that Activity Does Not Come aa Result of Governor's Open Letter. Thirty-six complaints, charging perjury in connection with alleged wholesale fraudulent registration In many precincts In Omaha, were filed In county court Thursday afternoon by Deputy County Attorney Louis J. Plattl. under direction of County Attorney James P. English- More than twenty complaints were filed against persons said to have registered fraudulently, and Mr. Plattl and Mr English said more complaints win be filed from time to time. About eighty complaints will have been filed by the end of the week. No time for hearing vt han hppti net. but It is stated officially that the cases will be given precedence over' matters In county court and will be advanced to early hearing, probably within ten davs. Mr. Plattl and Mr. English said the filing of the complaints is not the re suit of Governor Aldrlch's open letter to the county attorney. "The filing of these complaints is the result of the general demand for action lone this line." said Mr. Plattl. "We have been preparing them for three days. The governor's letter did not even hasten the filing. We filed them as soon ss they were ready and the cases in such shape that we were .warranted in be Uevlng convictions m"pe secured;1' "I have" not Ti'lYig .to. say1, ' about Governor Aldrlch's 'letter" except thst it was a hit subsequent," said County Attorney Eng llsh Thursdsy. when ssked for a. stater, ment regarding the governor's open let ter ordering him -to institute prosecutions for fraudulent "registrations. "It has been well known In Omaha for several days that' the complaints were being pre pared and were to be filed. It was amus ing or the governor heroically to older me to do something that It Was a matter of common knowledge. I was going to do anyway." Law of Extradition Set at Naught by Algonac Marshal DETROIT. Mich., Oct. 19. Extradition laws were set at naught by the marshal of Algonac, a village on the 6t. Clair river, thirty-five miles from Detroit, when he forced a prisoner captured In Canada Into a boat and brought him to American soil. After shooting and seriously wounding a patrolman !n Detroit on Sunday night, Joseph Moulton, a negro, made his escape and finally reached Port Lamb Ion, Ont, a hamlet opposite Algonac. There he was recognized by the local authorities, who were reluctant to at tempt to arrest him because of t?".e repu tation the negro had established as a "gun man." Marshal Gray was .hurriedly -summoned from Algonac. He found Moulton In a grocery store, arrested him - and then hustled his prisoner Into a boat and took him to the American side. The negro was brought to Detroit later and lodged In jail. Big Fire in Glue Plant in Chicago CHICAGO. Oct. 19. Fire broke out In th. ,iu, plant of the SuUberger Sons company In the Union Stock yards shortly after 7 o'clock this morning, and' in a few minutes the largest structure was In flames. 'The fire started In the bone drying room on the fourth floor and rapidly spread to other psrts of the five-story structurt- When the fire department reached the place the two upper floors of the build ing were In flames and there appeared to be danger of the flames speading to adjoining structures. After a two hours' struggle Chief Bey ferllch said the' fire was under control. The loss Is estimated at $75,000. NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD RE-ELECTS DIRECTORS CHICAGO. Oct. 19. Annual meetings of the directors and stockholders of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad were held today. The following directors, whose terms expired, were re-elected. William K. Vanderbllt. Frederick W. Vanderbllt', Byron L. Smith, Cyrus IX. MoCormlck, Chsuncey Keep, William A. Gardner. William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., was elected a director for the unexpired term of Frank W. Work, deceased. The pres ent executive committee and officers of the compsny were re-elected. General Belief that Situation in In terior is Not Improved. REFUGEES REACH SHANGHAI They Report tbat Yang Tee Valley Irani Below Hankow la In the Hands of Revolutionists Ma neb us Massacre. PEKING, China. Oct. 19.-The curt of ficial announcement this morning that telegraphio communication with Hankow has been interrupted since sunset last night caused consternation throughout the capital today. The wildest rumors of reverse to the Imperial arms spread like wildfire, although no definite facts to support them were available. Much sig nificance was attached to the fact that the government has refrained from Issu ing any official announcement of a vic tory in yesterday's engagement with the rebels. Among foreigners who may be regarded as Impartial observers it Is generally be lieved that the situation at Hankow has not been appreciably improved by the events of the last twenty-four hours. Government officials continue to profess the utmost optimism. They declare that the severance of telegraphio communica tion for a period of only twelve or eigh teen hours over a line 660 miles long is no ground for apprehension. They In sist that the 21.000 troops and seventy guns which have left Peking for Han kow and most of which are now enroute, should be sufficient to swamp any revolu tionary attack. Some of the rumors cur rent today, however, hint at dissatisfac tion In the army. An Imperial edict today places all naval and military forces In the region of the Tang Tse Kiang under the control of Tuan Shi Kai. who Is directed to inflict rigorous punishment on the rebel ring leader, and to appeal to "the misguided and coerced rebels" to renew their . al legiance to the state. The movement of troops., southward is proceeding smoothly. Official circles minimise the Importance of yesterday's fighting at Hankow, describing it as a pre liminary skirmish which forced the rebels to . retreat. Natives of Hankow claim that the xebels are deserting. Ref usees Reach' Shanghai. SHANGHAI, Oct. 19 -Fix packed steam- era arrived here from Hsnkow today, carrying refugees. The steamer Bel. gravia was occupied exclusively by for- ! elgn passengers, who were given free accommodations at the direction of the consuls In Hankow. tne snip was so crowded thst many of the passengers slept on tjie floors of the noia. most or the foreigner), were Rus sians employed In the tea factories and Belgian Iron workers employed In tne steel works, the Hang Vang arsenal and on the Peking-Hankow railroad. The refugees declare that the whole Tang-Tse valley from Hankow to Shang hai is In the hands of the rebels, with the exception of one or two of the larger cities to which provincial officers have retired with their ' available troops. It has been insistently stated here that Klu-Kiang, 150 miles below Hankow, Is under revolutionary representatives of tho Chinese customs service. This Is de nted, however, by foreign officials and the representatives of the Chinese cus toms service. Leaders All Able Men. Copies of the Central China Post, which arrived on the Belgravla, describe the early progress of the revolutionary move ment. "The revolutionary leaders, ', the paper says, "difplayed secrecy, promptitude and thoroughness, qualities seldom shown by the governing classes in China. But the, massacre of the Menchus In the three cities la a ghastly blot on the reputation of the revolutionists." The run on the Imperial bank here still continues, but the officials appear to have ample resources. They are now paying out for the first timo newly minted dragon-design dollars from tha mint at Nanking, the provincial capital. Their large reservo of Mexican dollars was completely exhausted by the de mand early In the week. Shanghai Is a hotbed of revolution and 1 rumors of plots and counter plots are numberless. A formal appeal Issued by the revolutionary agents here today says: "We appeal for the co-operation of our brethren throughout the world. Those with money should contribute funds; those with wisdom should devise plans; those with physical strength should mount steeds and Join the ranks; those with information should secretly report the enemy's condition. We expect that our movement w.ll succeed. If It tails the ten days' msssacre of Hang Chow and Kla Ling mhn the Manchus sub dued China will be repeated. it is hoped thst our patriotic brethren will respond from all directions and with unanimous hands will turn this universe about." tlabt Hundred Manchas Killed, , Arrivals from Hankow report that 800 Mauuliua were iu -red. To make sure the identity of their victims the rebels took advantage of the slight difference in the Chinese and Manchu pronuncia tions. When s kUBpect was taken he was ordered to count and the crucial test was his pronunciation of the num eral "" which in Chinese Is llushlllu. The viceroy of Nanking telegraphs to the Shanghai Taotai that the former city Is as quiet as usual. The Klang-N'an arsenal near here Is guarded by 1,000 troopa, but a rising In this city Is not expected. From the Washington Herald. ROAD OFFICIALSON THE RACK Virtually Admit Wreck Resulted from Dispatching Oversight. GROSS WILL NOT TAKE BLAME Missouri Paclfle Officials ou Hand to Take Part In the Proceeding". Questioning- Witnesses While on tbe Sta-ud. Official ' , ., i'aofic rail road at tiie li.-.ri ut Papilllon to Inquire into the causes of the Fort Crook wreck ' were virtually, forced to admit Thursday morning that If a telegram sent l.v David U. Lane, train dispatcher at Falls City, had been delivered to Con ductor P. L. Gross at South Omaha the catastrophe would have been prevented. Mr. Lane and J. T. Hubs, division superintendent of the Missouri Pacific at Falls City, were put on the stand and grilled by the lawyers for the county, the county coroner and even by the jury, who evinced an Intense interest in find ing out the truth about the wreck. The lawyers for the railroad, Francis Brogan and A. H. Mansfield, tried to show that if the telegram had been de livered to Gross it would not have fore stalled the wreck nor atoned for the fail ure of Gross to check off No. 106, the passenger train. County Attorney Jamie son and County Coroner Peters took up the assertion, and after grilling the two Missouri Taclfio witnesses, forced tliem to admit thst if Orofs had roceivrd the telegram he would have known that No. 105 was running late and could havs han dled the freight train accordingly. Robinson Flies Sixty Miles in Sixty Minutes , PRAIRIE DU CHI EN, 'Wis.. Oct 19. Avlator Robinson arrived at Prairie Du QUcn at 11 o'clock. He made sixty miles from La Crosse In lust sixty minutes. WINONA, Minn., Oct. 19. Aviator Hugn Robinson, who left Minneapolis Tuesday morning on his trip to New Orleans and who got into trouble when near this city Tuesday noon, resumed his flight down ths river at 8.16 this morning. LA CROPSE. Wis.. Oct. l.-Aviator Hugh Robinson In his hydro-aeroplane arrived her at &.U. He left Winona at S IT, acoiding to his record, making the twenty-eight miles In twenty-six minutes. At an attitude of 3.000 feet he could be seen here with h lanes when twenty miles way. He landed without accident. Robinson stopped here fir a thorough overhauling ol his machine, attention it had not received since he left Minneap olis. He left for Dubuque It 10 o'clock sharp, flying a mile a minute. He de livered a sack of United States nail here and took out another. DUBUQUE, la., Oct. 19. -Aviator Hugh Robinson arrived here from Prairie Du Chlen, Wis., at l.K. making fifty. eight miles In forty-two minutes. He will re main here until tomorrow morning, when he will resume his flight. His arrival was witnessed by 15,n people. As he was coming to the levee front he sailed under two brldgea Anihasamdor Baron's Home Barns. - WESTBURT, I I.. Oct. 19.-F1re today completely destroyed the beautiful coun try home of Robert Bacon, American am bassador to France. Tbe money loss la estimated st approximately $2u0,Qu0. Mr. Baron lost valuable books, papers and curios. Great Northern Ore Certificates Drop Heavily NEW VORK, Ort. 19. Officials of the United ttates Pteel rorporstlon declined today to break their silence In regard to the significance Of their decision to cancel the corpoiatlon's lease of the Great Northern ore properties. Chairman E. H. Gary was In consultation with the other officers. In the absence of an official explana tion, Wall street generally came to the conclusion that the steel corporation's ninvo was due to its dtrrmlnstlon to avoid thf charge of monopolization or to eecapc from an arrangement which lias proved unprofitable flnanciullj ; perhaps to both rauses. The statement of the comivilMion!i' of corpuv.itlonx in his re cent report to President 'Is ft that the steel corporation maintained a monop olistic position largely because nf its control of ore holdings and transportation of ore was cited In support of the theory that the company had determined to avoid further criticism of this nature. United states Steel was bought ac tively on the Stock exchange today. Great Northern Ore certificates, which represent the leased property, were sold heavily. The stock fell 7 points to 40, the lowest price since 1907. The United States Steel corporation has pent several million dollars in develop ment of the Illll ore properties, the lease prohibited that it should bnir the cost of this work. Rumor Secretary Wilson Will Retire On November 15 'WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Humors were In circulation here today that Secretary of Agriculture Wilson had lexlgned to take effect Novembi-r 15, or as soon as ths president may elect, but It was Impos sible to verify the story. Secretary Wil son is en route here from Chicago. For mer Representative Scott of Kansas, for some years chairman of the house com mittee on agriculture, and Assistant Sec retary of Agrioulture Hays were men tioned as among those likely to succeed Mr. Wilson. Prof. L. H. Bailey, dean of the New York Agricultural college and head of ex-Preslrtent Roosevelt's country life com mission, was recently reported as under consideration for the office on the re tirement of the present aecretary. It had been generally understood In official circles that Mr. Wilson dasired to re main until spring, but he would not re sign before the regular session of con gress hs had a chance to dispose of the Investigation of his department and settle the controversy Into which he has been plunged ifl dealing with Dr. Wiley and the pure food lews. JUDGE M'PHERSON WILL HEAR ALL LEWIS CASES 6T. LOUIS, Oct. ls.-United States Judge 6mith Mcpherson of iowa will preside at all tne future heatings In the litigation pending in which the properties of E. G. Lewis are concerned. Judge McPhorson and attorneys interested in the proceedings conferred today, but failed to agree on matters concerning tbe Lewis receivership and the disposition of the assets. The conference adjourned until November L TAFT SEES SNOW IN MONTANA Weather is Sharp Contrast with Con ditions at Los Angeles. SHORT VISIT MADE TO BUTTE Breakfast Is Followed by Antonio, bile. Ride and U d dress -Presl. dent Expects to Reiu-h timings Tonight. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 19.-Presldent Taft came to Butte today from the south more than a hour behind schedule. A temperature of 05 degrees he encountered at Los Angeles, was changed when Pres ident Taft found snow here today. His slay In Uutte waa not long and the pro gram for his entertainment Included an automobile parade through the city, hroakfast at the Silver Bow club and an address. From Butte the 'presldexit travels eastward through Boseman and Livingston to Killings, where he will Hop for five hours tonight. On his arrival here Mr. Taft win wel comed to the state ISy Governor Norrls and United Plate Senator Dixon, but Lewis J. Duncan, the soclsllstlc junior of Butie, was not on hand. Ieep Snow In Black Hills. DEADWOOD. a D., Oot. 19. From two to six inches of snow fell through ths Black Hills last night and today. Thl will probably materially rtiange the plans tor Tatt's entertainment here on Satur day, os It may prevent all outdoor speak- inf. Stephenson Sent Records of Campaign Out of the State MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 19.-A trunk filled with papers which are expected to throw light on the bribery chsrgns con nected with the election of United States Senator Isaac Stephenson was brought before the uenatorlal Investigating com mittee today. W. E. Black an attorney for Senator Stephenson, explained tbe trunk contained documents relative to tbe senstor's primary campaign In 1908, when he ex pended UOT.Ooo. After the primaries the papers were shipped from Milwaukee to Marinette, Wis., and then were sent to Escanaba, Mich,, so that, being out .of the slate they were beyond reach of a legislative committee, which, bad begun to Investigate the senator's campaign ex penses. The papers originally were taken from the Stephenson headquarters In Milwaukee. Attorney Black said the trunk had been sent from the state be cause Senator Stephenson felt the legis lative committee had no authority to pry Into his affairs. Tha papers are now In the custody of the senatorial committee. More witnesses today told of expending sums of Senator Stephenson's money. M. C. Ring of Nelllsvllle told of receiving IMS, which he testified he had expended lawfully In the senator's behalf. It probably will be several days be fore the committee resumes the line of testimony began by Lieutenant Governor Thomas Morris, who on Tuesday testi fied be had been informed Edward Hlnes. the lumbermsn, had helped to elect Sen ator Stephenson. J, W. Stona, former Wisconsin state game warden, now of Minneapolis, Minn,, who Is charged with receiving I2.14U of the Stephenson campaign fund and en lawfully distributing It to state officials, testified this afteruuon. lie admitted having received the money In eah. General Manager Paisley is Master of Ceremonies During Day. PROMINENT MEN GIVE TALKS Throughout tu liny Catertalnlns I'l'iiUm Are I'ieented by Baud, Uu-nHlliins and Vaodevtlle Artists. Idaho day was the big Thursday fea ture at the Omaha Land show. The ex ercises were held In the special tent during the afternoon and wero well at tended, attracting nt only all of the Idsho visitors, but those from Nebraska and elsewhere. The program wss enter taining and was frequently greeted with applaufe. It opened with a selection by Green's band, the members of the Ha waiian quintet, In Instrumental music and native songs. .As master of ceremonies General Man. ager Paisley of the Land show read a telegram from Governor Haw ley. In which he expressed his regrets at being unable to attend, extending his best wishes, however, for the success of the Land show. In extending the welcome of the Land show management Mr. Paisley took occa sion to remark that this waa the second time that ha had greeted Idaho at the Omaha Land ahow. Tbe first time the state came with a small exhibit, but this time It was on hand with one that was most complete and perfect In all of Its details, representing the resources of the Industries of the great common wealth. Mr. Falaley was the person who visited Idaho and secured the co-operation of that state. Responding to the subject, "Developing a New Land." J. R. Foulk of Idaho stated that he was not present for the purpose of alluring any person away from a position that waa paying wen, nor would he advise any person to leave Nebraska or any other place if such person was contented and doing well, adding. "But If you are not, then come." Idaho Wins Prises. Mr. foulk told of the aoll of Idaho, Impressing the fact upon the minds of the listeners that IU products had been shown at two great exposition, and at both it had carried away prises. As to the soli, he explained that It was mixed with volcsnlo eu and had received the wash of the mountains for centurlcb. For twenty feet It Is of the ssme ehar jwter, producing everything except he products of the tropics. ' Upon the subject of opportunities Mr. Foulk explained that In Idaho there are plenty of them, but to succeed one must work. He .had no apology to offer tot any part of the state. It has a splendid market, he explained, and Is shipping Ita products to all sections of the home l country, as well an abroad In conclu sion, ha remarked: "We want the lst of jou to come; we want you In our society and if you come to us we know you will like us." President C. C. Roiewater of the Land show spoke of the opportunities of Idaho, recounting them aa being many and varied. He spoke of three great water powers and the sunshine, and made a little plav upon Mr. Foulk's desire to in unduce Omaha society Into the state of Idaho by ssylng: you not only want us to come, but ou want tho benefit of our society to mix with." . Then the speaker told, the story of the Romans, who planted colonies in A-tc. and then called the members of such all Itomans, and so It wss with Omaha. It had planted Its colonies In Idaho, but, in his opinion, they still have a kindly fiull!iB for Omaha. uuMtia l nta. Mr. hosewuter icf.'iud to tho fact . that the jobbe.s of Omaha look upon Idaho as one of their be.t fields for.busmoss ana that many of them have gone to the extent of establishing branch houae. m tlat state. Concluding, he said. '"Uaman can do better In in Nebraska ' and Cj0 ,pe1 yAt this juncture the Hawaiian aulntet sang "Idaho; O. Idaho." i...i.,nit-r Stle. 1 a splendid triphammer style of deliv- . ..nucAfl the ery. James w. " " economic relations of Omaha to Idaho. in discussing the relations of Oman and the development of Idaho lt Im portant to remember three underlying economic factors, vli: production, trlbutlon and consumption, in.. -large markets for many of the manufac ture! products of the middle west and BoxesofO'Brien Candy. ijalzeli s ice Ureain Bricks. Tickets to tho American Theater. All are givei away free te UiuM uu luii lUvir nauiea is the want ada. Kead the want aar every da, jour uarae will appear some lime, tuayu more luau ouc. No puzzles to Kjlve nor aub. icrlptiona to cet just read the waut ada Turn to the want ad pages there you will find neariy every business houso la the city rep resented. i - Coliseum