Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 10, Image 10

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Besources of Great Extent Still
Await Settler from Afar.
The Omnhn ycc's Great
. -
Booklovers' Contest
. T1 T f e
ino uecr
iXETnx spot or America
rioaoara ftoaabt It for olle, bat
Ia Clalasa for ftee.galtl.a
Were ttteretf from the
Nebraska Shows a
Remarkable Cow at
Omaha Land Show
If Prof. tV. V. French's mathematics
re founded on the proper principles, then
the Mate of Nebraska, own one of the
most valuable row In the middle west.
This row In railed Roxanna and la kept
at the Land enow in a atall on the stag
of the OoilMum with a Bister pure-bred
HolHteln known by the name of lno.
Itoxanna cost Nebraska f73. and In 1910
t1W worth of feed wan consumed by her,
but (he gave marvelous return on the
Investment. During the year ha pro
duced 21. KM pound of milk, or mora
than 10,00 quarts. In addition to a few
ec ore pound of expensive butter.
The state sold this milk In Lincoln at
10 cent per quart and thereby secured
ll.ono, from which remains, with all ex
penditure for Itoxanna' board deducted,
a net profit to the state of nearly $900,
from which the coat of the cow and eev.
eral other expensea have been subtracted
by Prof. French until the net profit over
and above all outlay la 9U7 In a single
Inquiry Into the death of James Wherry
aa conducted by Coroner Crosby
Wednesday, lie was killed In the railroad
yards Monday. The coroner's Jury re
turned a verdlot of aocldental death,
holding that no one was responsible fur
the fatality. Funeral services were con
ducted Wednesday afternoon under the
auspices of the lirotherhood of Railway
Trainmen, and Interment was made In
Prospect IIIII cemetery. '
Three, new player have joined the
Woodward eompany. now at th Ameri
can, and will be aeen In next week' bill.
They are Austin Webb, whs come to
play leads; DeF F. Danley, who will play
"heavlea." and Harry Kenneth, who will
be utility man. Mr. Burhhardt and Mr.
Luskmoor leave the company at tha end
of thla week' engagement.
A booth of quartered oak columns,
laden with riches which tha soil orodurea.
a few great glaes raxes, all surrounded
oy square posts conatructed to contain
bushel of nutritious nut and crowned
with a glory of glittering silver trophies-
tma is all you can see of the state of
Utah at the Omaha Land Show. But It
I merely an Invitation, a snare but not
a delusion to draw the happy visitor Into
conversation with a pleasant gentleman
who represent Utah and who la assisted
by delegates of private firms willing and
eager to dispense truthful Information
about a great state.
This structure of oak laden with fruits
and flower and grain give scarcely an
Idea of the grandeur of tha state, al
though It la on of the most beautiful
exhibits at the show. To one who k nnwa
of tha resource of L'tah It seems scarcely
possible that one who ha not personally
investigated could Imagine what th state
really represents a a mining, smelting,
manufacturing, agricultural, horticultural
and stock-growing center. And In addi
tion to all this practical and Immediate
value there la th wealth of history that
cluster about th founding of th state
and It marvelously rapid development
And. further, its scenic attraction, rival.
Ing those of far mora famous lande, call
10 in enterprise and ardor of the In
dustrious with a plea that cannot be relisted.
A Desert Half a reatary Affo.
U haa been scarcely half a century
ago, In 187, that the first settlement of
Utah was mad by th sullen, salt-bound
shore of the Great 8U Lake America
dead sea. This settlement wis mad by
Brlgbam Toung and a company of less
than , who wero vainly Teeing from
an ever-widening circle of civilisation In
an effort to find eolltud. liar they be
lieved no Inquisitive pioneer would ever
trespass upon thatr priority.
But It la probable that Cardena, fired
with tha fever to find th fabled golden
cities of Quiver, had Men th vary spot
where Brlgham and hi Mormon band
settled when h traversed the oontlnsnt
In the lxteenth oentury. And Kacalante
bad heard of It In 177 but to Jim Brldger
la given credit for first discovering the
place where th heart of Utah now beata
and tha arteclee of It Industrie gather.
Tha Qalek Transformation.
For a few year at Watt the dream of
Brlgham Toung might hav been realised,
but suddenly out of the wet flashed tha
new that cola had been discovered In
California. No sooner had th Informa
tion reached th eaat than a great cara
van et forth on 4 death march across
th "American desert" and th trail left
by that caravan remain yet, but more
abiding than tba path th slow-moving
oxen wore in th prairie la th a battered
dream of Brlgham Young-tor Utah la
a populous and a prosperous place and
th shore of the Great Rait Lake are
barricaded by modern buildings. The nar-
The Chef Wears a Smile When, He Serves It
The dishes it makes are so dolicioits he knows the whole family will be pleased.
(Unreservedly Endoraed by Food Inspectors. )
Hold In Large Sanitary Packages Only Cents.
Writ today for Mrs. MacMurphy's Book of 100 best rclpe for 100 dellclou dishei. lt' ire.
row plains throughout the state are under
Irrigated cultivation and th mountain
are gashed with mlnea which pour forth
uncounted riches.
A Soger Producing State.
The achievement ha been a splendid
tribute to th cltixens of Utsh, and. not
oontent to leave the land with It ancient
grlmness visible, they hav washed the
face of the earth so free from old soars
that It I almost a new land. Jim Bridger
I reported to have offered tl.000 In gold
to Brlgham Toung for th first bushel of
wheat grown In Utah. Now It would
take thou winds of thousand Of dollars
to purchase the abundant crops raised
there, crops of sugar beets, potatoes, al
falfa, timothy, oata, rye, barley, wheat
corn and garden vegetable.
Th sugar beet Industry eclipse all
other agricultural activities and for the
JS.0O0 farm In the slat five huge sugar
beet factorial hav been erected, and the
product turned out each year la of the
finest texture produced anywhere In th
world. Th Utah Development league
and th fait Lake City Commercial club
hav sent several glass cases of Utah
sugar to th Land show and they are be
ing exhibited there by Mr. Taylor and Ms
tannine Factortee Nnmeroaa.
But there are other Industries and chlsf
among them Is th canning factory.
There are thirty-two canning factories
In tha stat and all are doing a big and
profitable business. Fruits and vegeta
bles for canning purposes are grown
abundantly. The official reports .of hor
ticulturists say Stt.flOO fruit trees were
planted In Utah in 1910, and apples,
pears, peachea, apricots, plums, stiaw
berrtea, raspberries and blackberries are
grown bounteously, while the nuts of th
tropical climates are produced and semi
tropical products cotton, figs, almonds
and pomegranates flourish.
Mining Industry Extensive.
Passing from the agricultural and hor
ticultural vocations of Utah It needs but
a paragraph from those representing
Utah at th great Omaha Land show to
establish th state as one of .the rich
mining countries of the continent. Her
mines and her huge concentration mills,
and machinery which automatically car
ries the ores from the cars to the crusher
and then over belts and screens to acre
of tables, where th w,ast or I shaken
epsrate from the valuable, are the larg
est and most perfect In the world, and
Its smelters are not surpassed anywhere,
And the doposlls of copper, gold, silver,
lead and zinc a -e so rich that millions of
dollars are yearly taken from them, and
the supply remains seemingly Inexhausti
ble yet.
Hunting and Fishing Good.
The citizen of Utah need not exist on
work and prosperity alone, for their is
ample opportunity for enjoyment. Duck;,
grouse and snipe shooting la excellent
and the stream abound with salmon arid
trout and bass are numerous. '
Prosperity la Spreading.
Utah at th national Irrigation congress
at Denver, In 1W7, was awarded eleven
put of fifteen silver medals for the best
products from Irrigated land, and thee
adorn th Utah booth at the Land how
a a fitting compliment to th industry
of th men and women who hav made
th state a garden spot, where fruits and
grain and vegetable thrive and the
people ore content.
And now, added to all It other attrac
tion, is the fact . that Utah la a good
place to live, a beautiful piece, mrged
and grand, and of a rapidly Multiplying
population and fast Increased hoard of
wealth. The Utah reservation ha been
thrown open, and hundreds of settlers
are taking advantage of the new lands.
New railroad are being built, atid new
mines of rich and remarkable deposit of
ozocerite, elaterlte and gllsonlte are being
tapped. New towns are springing up and
the whole topography of the land Is
gradually breaking Into a wider smile
of prosperity.
Th Merchant Who Haa the Goods is
th On Who Lets th Public Know It
fSroug Advertising In Th Be.
J.A.Munroe Made
Vice President of
Oregon Short Line
Being promoted seems to b the easiest
thing In the world for 3. A. Munroe of
th Union Pacific. Last Friday he waa
promoted from general freight traffic
manager to vie president In charg of
traffic by th board of director of th
Union Pacific road. Tueaday afternoon
ho wa promoted to the ame position on
the Oregon Short Line. Mr. Munroe will
have headauartera In Omaha.
A Flerc Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble Is easily cured by Klectrlc Bitters,
th guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
v .
jro. 8 Thursday, Oetober It, 1911.
Manufacturers Surplus
An event of keenest Interest to all
economically Inclined buyers. Tre
mendous oargaln offerings In nearlv
every stock. Manufacturers' Surplus
Stocks and Sample lines of season
able merchandise at a small fraction
of worth.
What Book Does This Picture Represent?
Vour Nam
street and Number
City or Tow a
Writ In title and author of book and BATE coupon and picture, band
- n nw nuiwuiiueo. jkacn picture represent
too.k, t"1r-t or haractor. Vataioguo containing .Qoa names
on watch all puazlo pictures are baaed tb catalogue used by iho contest
dltor are for aal at Uie imalaeas oifi. at lb U for oiou. by iuai"
lie's Coming Here
rJ 1 1 Hard headaches. Dizzy, sick
JTlCQClOCtlCS headaches. Burning, throb
bing, splitting headaches. And
the great majority are all due to constipation, Anything
better than Ayes Pills ? Let your doctor decide, f 0
Prof, Osier Is Right, Youth Succeeds
Age. Gray Hair Is the First Sign of Age
Osier Isn't th only man who turns
down old ago. In th business world the
"young man" la always th on who
pick tb plum. It I an age of "new
thought," "new talent," etc., and the
old man la passed by In tha race.
One of tho first sign of coming a,ge
1 th appeara-ic of gray hairs. .When
you see them, act promptly. Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy will cor
rect this sign, which so often deceive
people Into thinking that age Is really
upon them. It la a well known fact that
Sage and Sulphur will darken the hair.
WyotlV Sag and Sulphur combine
these old time remedies with other
agents, which remove ' dandruff and
promote the growth of the hair.
Tho manufacturer of this remedy
authorize the druggists to sell it under
guarantee that the money will be re
funded If It falls to do exactly as rep
resented. Don't look old before your time. Get
a bottle of Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur '
today, and sea what an Improvement It
will make In tha appearance of your
This preparation is offered to the
public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is
recommended and sold by all druggists.
"Special Agent, .Sherman & McConnell,
Hth and Harney Sts., lth and Dodge
pcemidl si WEnoIle E2imSiniQj ait tiHni&
OcA. 1S to
You will there find entertainment for every minute of the time. The exhibits include
displays of every product of the soil included in agriculture, horticulture and floriculture
The special attraction consists of music, vaudeville, seal circus, demonstration of handling
hees, and illustrated lectures on the agricultural possibilities and scenic beauty of the west.
Today's lecture program includes two that are especially interesting, by William
Bruce Leffingwell, and illustrated with stereopticon and motion pictures.
Both Ta)ks Givtn In Lecture Hall "A".
Experiments in electricity and demonstrations of wireless telephony each afternoon
and evening by Dr. Frederick H. Millener in the Union Pacific booth.
For literature and information relative to the possibilities for
homeseekers in the states served by the Union Pacific, call at