LAND SHOW FACES NUTE TO SIXTE3 VOL. XLI-NO. 105. 'If It Comes From A New, Clean. Modern Family Li quor Store. ZitrMlahed 1300 Farnam (RUG THEATER Home of Fafnllv Burlesque, Cater- ' ing to Polite Audiences. ALL. THIS WEEK Matinee. 2:80. Evening, 8: SO. PAT WHITE (Funniest Fellow In Burlesque) and his Gaycty Girls A Showy Show of Show Glrla . Who Show Lota of Pun Lots of Girls Lota of Scenery The Show you'll want to aea again. No seats hlgrher than 60 eenta Rubber Goods Dept. We are headquarters for every ' sort of Rubber Goods that may be termed stele room er house hold accessories. Our stock com prises more than 1,000 Items. Sfcv Ice Bags, 3Bo o lr I 1 Invalid Cuah- Mi Inna I1JUJ1M 7fio Bulb . Syr Inge, like cut for 890, .91.00 Fountain Syringe for 4o 75c R u b b e r Gl nves for 39e Lady attendant In . this .depart ment. Sherman & MaGonne!! Drug Co. 16th and Dodge, ' Opp. a. O. 16th end Barney, Owl Drug Co. 84th and Far nun. Harvard Flutter. 807-09 It. lata. fcoyal Vbnrmaey. 1 n I Five DollarsThree Dollars Owing , to. the number of people ' desiring our best plates and crowns at above 'price, who could not be waited on. I have extended the time limit to November 1st. DOR WARD, Dentist Ware Block. ISth and Farnam. Fhone Dong. 874. MOVING VANS - PIANO MOVING - FURNITURE PACKING Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. (SXFKXgntXVS D1LT7IST CO.) 10 Boat 17th Street. Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Seed and Bat tan Furniture, Oo-Carts. Baby Carriages, 11 to- Bplilng a Spe- cuuiy. i m. iou siesi to Telephone . 03 lad. A-16K Pennell Millinery Go. PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR MOTHER: . Thank for Sitttr't finger ise. I bought a beautiful opal and fivt diamond-rhip rbitiler ring for flOot comes Tho Jeweler . .. oui ci try one I hat thou n it to ad mirtii. J am $ end ing it 1y regit- ft r7 mail lonwrruir. TOM he MILLER'S Must B. Good" Free A valuable Souvenir with every urchase during; the and Show. 1889. Street,. Omaha Land Show Visitors are Invited to . See the latest Paris styles in millin ery at this store. The most fascinating creations of tbe famous designers are bere. A particular hat for every partic ular woman, and all modestly priced. Mrs. Richards Second Floor City National Bank Building. .Sacred Chinese Lilies Put In a bowl filled with peb bles or sand, setting the bulb so it will ba held firmly in place. Then fill with water. Place In a warm sunay window. Extra large bulbs 10c each 8 for ....... , 25c .THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Doag. 1261. 1013 Howard St. Open Saturday Evenings. Tel. Douglas 3?4; Jnd. 4-13)4. The Xiargest Mall Order Boose In Omaha Importer and Dealer In Fine Whlsales, Wines, Liquors. Etc. MEYER KLEIN Wholesale Liquor Dealer. 6aa Worth 16tfc atreet, Telephones! Dong. 1809 lad. B 1809. LAND OWNERS Desiring to sell their farms or land will find an ad in The Bee Farm and Ranch Land Co'umns most successful. LAND SHOW VISITORS ! ! ! We have a special dis play of OAS AND ELEC TRIC FIXTURES at attractive price which we urge you to inspect, while in the city. BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY, Laigeot. Fixture House lu the West. 1811 HOWARD STREET. Omaha Daily OMAHA. WEDNESDAY 'MORNING. OCTOBER 18, 1911. TO DAY AT THE IAMD SHOW 8:00 to 2:30 2:80 to 3:00 Orange Grove." .3:00 to 8:30 3:30 to 4:00 4:00 to 4:30 9X13112 wsimy . tireet " Car Service TO THE LAND SHOW fa wmm.innjiiii m Visitors to the Land Show can reach the Coliseum, where the show is held, by the "Dodge and North 30th" cars, which run direct to the grounds. Also byHhe "Ncrth 2ith," "Florence" and "Forest Lawn" cars, gettingff at Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks east, or, by the "42d and Grand," "24th and Ames" and VJ.6th and Locust" cars to Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks west. Omaha & Council Bluff s Street Railway Co. n D M Afternoon Lecture Program Lecture Ha'l "A" W. P. French, "Farm Work. J. A. Jasper, "Sao Dlogo County E. R. Crocker, "Fruit Growing, Marsh Valley." J. B. Bolster. "California. J. W. Jones, The Development ,of Empire Idaho." 4:30 to 5:00 O. V. Baker. "Colorado Fruit, Hotcbkiss." Capt Tlebor and Performing Seals. y Hawaiian Singers. - Lecture Hall "B" 3:00 to 2:30 D. G. FresnHB. ."Qrt0." 2:80 to 3:00 W. B. Lefflngweil, "pioneer Days in the Vest." 8:00 to 8:30 Wilber Walker, "Resources of AUmada County." a 8:80 to 4:00 A. L. Haecker, "Biles and Silage." ' 4:00 to 4 ; 80 Pro t. Taylor.,".8ol Improvement. M .,-v',. ...... 4:80 to 6:00 Prof. Chamberlala, "Agricultural" v Evening Program Lecture HsU "A T:80 to 8:00 Edw. Lewis, "Farming WltJi Dynamite.'' 8:00 to 8:30 L. J. Bricker. "Northwest." 8:30 to 8:00 J. A. Jasper, "Los Angeles With moving pictures of the Pasedena Rose Carnival, New Year's Day." 9:00 to 9:30 W. B. Lefflngwell, "Yellowstone National Park.' 8:30 to 10:00 J. E. Taylor. "Special" Agricultural Features of Utah." Capt. Tieber and Performing Seals. Hawaiian Singers. Lecture Hall "B" - ... 7:80 to $; 00 Calvin Brown, "Washington " 8:00 to 1:30 Prof. Chamberlain, "Agricultural Developments." 8:80- to 8:00-rrH. P. James, "Washington." 9:00 to 9:30 E. R. Crocket! "History of Marsh Valley." - 9:30 to .10:00 A. E. Mlot,. "Agricultural" and Horticultural Ra sources, Tulare County." ' ... - SperiaJ Tent 8.00 to :80 Wither Walker, "Oakland, the Key to California." 8:40to 9:10 H. H -Hayes. "Travel Talk on Yellowstone, with Motion Pictures snd Colored Views." 9:20 to 9:60 D. C. Freeman, "The Willamette Valley, Oregon." 10;00 to 10:80 J. W. Jones, "Dry Farming in Idaho.1; from Sheep to an Irrigated O M n D D -A Bee SINGLE H. E. HUBERMANN. furrier Reliable Fur Sets at Reasonable Prices Room 9, Second Floor, Continental Block". E. CORNER FIFTEENTH AND POVGLAB 8TS., 0LnA N. You rightly de mand that tbe salesman who sells clothes to you shall know clothes all about them from the sheep's ' bark to your back. What about the sales com- -pany who will sell you that IRRIGATED FARM? Its officers ought to know irrigation from the sago brush and canyon to the alfalfa stack and the res ervoir. ..... Our officers know to Irri. gallon business from thorough training and life-long exper ience. We own, manufacture -and sell producing irrigated farms in Utah. Free inform tlon and consultation. ' , . Spalding I Mngsjon Inv.flo. alt Laka (jity Omaha Salea (Sffice, 818-14 City National Bank Bldg., Oinalia. VUh Booth Land Snow Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation None Better at Any Prjca. Sold . in-1 and ' Pound Boxes Only. Price 80c and $1.60. If By Mail $100 and S3.00. - Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. What's the Use of eating a poor meal when you can get a good one for tha same price? We Aim to Pleaae Yon. DELIYIOHT RESTAURANT ISIS Dodge Street, a m. Ball, Vtob. Free Land The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for ) and, information, has gathered and compiled data on soils,' climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, . general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention., State plainly and specifically what you want to knqwt . Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska Best Sporting News Th Bee print fan bo scores of all bis lea rue gams Ik bo other Omaha nswspaper. COPT TWO CENTS. In the Heart of the Business District Within easy socesa of erery point of Interest we have ear . tabllBbed a place to dine that should appeal to you. Food - Service Cooking of tbo quality that will win your parmanafit patreaaga. Served A la Carta or a Tabla d'Hota meal tor 80 ceita Little tables at pleasant win dows. 17tb .nd DougUs St. Thq Land of Opportunity! For Doaorlptlv Lltaratur and Prleo Llata, Writ Mclvln Hanson 4740. Willimstta StrMt, Eugene - , Orego rrn. Ve7 Best Set UZPZZtt" Rub ier (S; Aflioi. a S10 DM CLARK, ir,?;tTo,Ki. Information :x3ta am; :o v