Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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AW Vki it! MtvliX.itkjujmKytm. tf-wtm illMaTa i KVWMI1i SY aVat'SSai 1 WWIIIm.
The Omnha Hcc's Great
Bookloveps' Contest
Announce to Their Out-of-Town Cus
tomers That
October 23
Will Be the Greatest
Lac Cifftek,
Ever Held in Omaha
; '"'........ . .
An Eastern Manufacturer's Entire
Stock on Hand, Together With Great
Lots Bought From a New York Im
porter of the Finest Foreign Hade
There are thousands of pairs
of Fine Curtains in this Sale and
the Bargains are so. VVnoderful
th&t it will certainly be worthy
Special Trip to Omaha at the
Prices we are offering them.
All the Lace Curtains Go
-On Sale Next Hpnday
All the Curtain Materials
in the Purchase Vill Go
on Sale Next Tuesday.
mm for Eater.
m ummi
.. ti H ' mm Xt
Successors to
Neateat auipix.t dental office i
Oiu.ha. Highest glad. dentletVJ
reaeuiiable price psrc,ViB ?,nf., V
Oor. lfth ut rimn
J J Every Time You Spend a Dime You J
yy Get an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp. 2 ,
You Will Love
These Suits for
ava va m m m w m v s m .
All are new arrivals which' have
Just coma' from our suit buyer, who
is now In the east. And we aro sure
they will entirely please the woman
who wants a striking-plain tailored,
salt that Is In thorough-good taste.
$32:30 And They Look
Like $13 to $20 More
That Is to say, you ould naturally
expect to pay from $40.00 to
$50.00 for the same amount of good
we piaiDiy .marKeQ prices we auacn(';
to each garment.
Made of the most beautiful all
wool -mixtures In which brown, navy
and gray tones predominate. Collars
are trimmed with black or white
broadcloth or satins otherwise the
rarjnents depend on their superior fit and finish for
tuelr exceptional attractiveness.
Of course, we will be pleased to show them to
you any time you are In the store even though you
may have no thought of , purchasing.
For Notion Wednesday
sssl w m. a. 7 T-st
' flr- :t- :. il l ( ' ii
4 spools of Se Mack darning cotton for '. .Bo
to papers of -needle point ;lns--860 pins to the paper
at 2 for , ,.... so
to pka. crimped wlro hair, plna, all sizes, pk( . .10
.so cards of on doren nickle plated safety pins, S for Bo
.JSe-pks-s. linen Upe.. containing .five different . width.
Wedneadsy i . 100
-Women's and chlldren a 1 ISc "pln.-on" hoae aupportem.
all colore so
10c bolts of! yards of black mercerized aklrt braids
at 2 bolt for. Bo
6 lre auto hair neta for .....'.....,.......'.'.100
Wednesday and Thursday ; ih the
Big Pure Food Grocery
40o " Jar ' T rla
' for ........ JC
30o ) . Taa aardea
JX" 15c
' Bennett's Capitol coffee
1 ..V.":.30c
.Bennett's . Golden coffee
Aaaorted teas and 60
stSJTipa, per 48C
Tea slf tints and 15
fb?.!!?. 15c
Vi-lb can pure pepper
and ( stamps -
Assorted plcklea and 10
stamps, per 1 fir
botU XXMKj
Ho quart can Tranoo
Amerioan aoiups. a
sorted flavors 20C
SIX lb " WaVy 1 "oCn
been t tor . .i0
S .cans Royalton pluma
pkV Swift's' Pride
Cleanaer and 10 ORT
Ktamps ..... OK.
Galllard's pure olive oil
special offer A fin
of a pint can..
Bennett's Capitol ex
stamu Dr hot IOC
rivo lha." To .Jap .OCT
rice for .,...'.,Ov
8 cakes York Violet
toilet soap and Ofr,
10 stamps-......
Doable Trading- Stamps
Oa B murine.
Meat Bargains
Shoulder - Br
8tak. 8 lbs. XUKj
liamburcer, 25C
Lamb Chops
at .......
Lamb . Stew f C
10 bars . of . "Ola
mond -O" Soap or 10
bars "Beat 'la AH"
Soap for '
Diamond Crystal table
salt, and 10 - -f fgi
sumps, 'sack. . ;AV,J
1- lb package Bennett's
. Capitol . cata 1 Or
and 10 stampa. .'aV.Vv
2- lb. package Bennctt.'S
. Capitol . pancake flour
and '10 1flr
etampa . .. ... .....
l-lb. package Bennett'a .
Capitol heat' t(t
. and 10 stampa. . A-vrV
Bnlder's salad drenMns
and 10 atampa, OK
per bottle. ....
Beedleea ralalna and 10
atampa. . per -t OU
Jb '. .--ac
catumet -baking powder
end. 5 atampa, tfn'
par can XVV
I cans hulled beans with
chicken and
20 stmpa....V
When You Write a Letter
.sr. If you write a letter to a prospective customer,
f calling his attention to your line of goods, the prin-
. cipal thing to remember is that the letter must be
' read. - ' '
It does not make bo much difference whether it be
a typewritten, original or a duplicated letter.
Three things to be considered arei 1st, Advertis
ing Value of the letter; 2d, Promptness with which
prospective purchasers may be reached ; 3d, Cost
of producing the letter.
- The first one of these three things ia.up to you.
. . We can help you mightily jn the other -two. .-. With
a Rotary Neostyle in your ownjofQce; your stenog
.'..' rapher, or the office boy, can, turn out your let
. ters at the rate of forty, per nafnute at a cost of
.'less than fifty. cents, per thousand.", A' half hour
after you have given your stenographer. copy.for .
' the letter, they can be ready for' thi mail. No other '
. process is so rapid or inexpensive. t
, Machines are made in three different models at three
different prices. A telephone call will bring one 'of these
" machines' to" your office for complete demonstration.
The Smith Premier Typewriter -Go;.-
Brancnea la Mod5rn om BappliB-
SIOUX CITY,' ' ' . : "' 1 19ttx nd Douu '
LINCOLN, Omaha, Neb.
DE3 II0INE3. Telephanea Doug. 1SS4; fed. A1S84.
$31 EQE
That Arc Just a
"Little Dcttcr"
You Can Have Healthy Hair. Use Wyetii's
Sage and Sulphur. A: Harmless; Remedy
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
With JIappy Hooligan.. Little
Nemo, th Katzenjammer Kids
and the whole interesting family
What a ,tty It is to observe se many
people with thin and faded hair and then
reallie that the moat of these people
might have a fme, healthy, head of hair
if they would but uae the simple "sage
tea" of our -rendmothera, combined with
other lngrelirnta for .reatoring and pre
serving the" hair. No one. young or old.
need have any. grey hair,! weak, thin or
falling hair, dandruff or any trouble of
the sort if they would but uae Wyeth'e
Sage and (Sulphur Hair ftemedy. On the
contrary, it la poeaihl to have healthy,
vigorous hair, of perract color, by a few
appllcatlona of thla remarkable preparation.
Wyeth's Sace and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy quickly reroovea dandruff, leaves
the scalp clean and' healthy, promote
the growth f the lialr and reaturea the
natural color of the. heir union has be
come faded or gray. 'It it a clean,
wboleaotne dressing, which may be uaed
at any time and with perfect safety.
Don't neglect your hair.. Ftart , today
with Wyeth's Page and Sulphur.'
This preparation is offered to the pub
lic at fifty cents a bottle, and le rac
onimended and aold by all drugglsta.
Special Agent. Sherman McConnall,
ifth and Harney Ma, lth and Dodge
Made by a shoe manufacturer
who specializes for women.
These $3.60 shoes are his leader-
and considered by all first
class dealers the greatest $3.50
shoes made.
On examination you will Ins
tantly see the superior Quality
and workmanship embodied In
them. :. v
Tbcy are In the new'raise"
toe and the popular effort vamp,
made over-the new "Fad" last
-the style now In greatest de
mand. , ,
Really a $4.00 .value for
$3.50. Every size .and width.
Ask to see our shoes at this
price.. They'll sure satisfy you.
16th and Douglas
gvsRQjt c&wwo C"W32 C"W"3
M 6
Wednasday Specials.
8 oakea "Magip Waeher" eoap.
does all the work 85o
Gripe Nuts, jr pkgr loo.
1 lb. carton leaver Kaiains sso
10c PrpUels fresh and criap,
nor IK- Kit
ffnffed Olives., assorted lOo,
16o and -..'... 3 So
X5c , Imported - Sardines, per
: tin' 9o
Snd Hill. Potatoes. - per bp .-,
. at.-:
I stalks well bleached Celery.
at ... , .10e
Fancy Jonathan Apples, per
fbuenei -. .
New York (Jrapea, per basket,
' at . rr-e -. : ..-.-v se
yhed I'la- per banket . S5o
XJ nr,A . r Sk
&Sj CSvr CSa C91
Coma in and select a pair
of tan or black shoes
$3.50 $5
Latest Stylos
:-i ai t so. ism st.
Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119
. ' . . Retail Dealep
Wfice803 S.' 7th St!
Our illustrated catalog of diamonds,
watches, china, cut glass and jewelry.
Cither mall your request (or one or
call Is jersca. We would be pleased
to have a visit from you.
15th and Douglas Sts.
Best Sport Kcivs in Hie Dec
Bailey, The Dentist
Ne Offices. New'
White (Saiiltarv
DentiLT Eaulnmint
704-10 City MaUoaal
Bask Bid.
Tea sKTscxarzB,
,1ui t,.
in 1880.
p . , IffMfflifW
ft Where to Find the Bte la
flew York. City, IJ, Y,
Arthur Hotalin. Grand Central
Lepot News bund. Aator Uuuaa
Harry J. Schulta, Grand Ceutral
Tyaon Co'a
Inducing '
M.K.I Ka-kerbotfcar Hortaa. Umm
Impart! Ho.l
M array v.otx
News s Btanda,
So. S4 Wednesday, October 18, 1911.
What Book Dees This Picture Represent?
Title k . . . .
:' - '. '.'..'. .. " . ,
AUtb,Or 9m 4 . M ..m. . . . w . m mm . . mm'm ...... a ' . i M ...
Your Name; .".
Street and Number!.;. . mm. ..... . . . .'. .. .
City or Town . '. ....... ,
Write ln'tltlo and author of Does andSa.V coupon and picture. Send
oo cvupon until finish of the. cbntest .la' aonoanced. Kacji picture represent
a book title not a. scene' or' character.-Catalogues .containing g.ooa names
on, which all puazle pictures are baaed tba catalogue uaed by tha con teat
editor are for aale at the BttalDess Oftl at The bee for Xa ctnu; by mail.
30 repta. ,
Rules of the Contest
All seraan. are enable to eatar this eootMt icpt employe, nt the Omaha Bee tn4
BWBbera et UnolUoe. Kach 4a. tor Mr.ntr.(iva days,, tbere .wiu be publl4 la
The Bee a picture vluca will nftwnt the aame of a hook. Bfoath oack ptaure there
will be a bl.ok (or th. coatMttnt to till In th. title at tit book. .
Cut out bath the pletur. o tb." blank b4 till. la the n.m. tn4 euthar ot the book
aad a44 your nuae 04 addreea autly aa4 plalnlr 10 the .pace provided.
No reatrlotlana will be placed on the war la which anawera to the plctnrea Bar be a
nre4. Eath. picture repr.aujita. 04 'On. tlue.ot one book. It you axe not ture of a title
and lah to eend In more tbia one anewer lo each plrture.' you may ' do ao BVT NOT
cortact aoawara will hot . be couat.d aaln,t couteataatji .lt correct anewer la alio ?1van. '
More than 00.. am.r.Hwu)4 oa b. put on'tbe ame coupon. Kxtra conpooa ahould be
e4' tor' extra aiawera;' All tha.aaAe number ahould be hept toaether when
aeadlns ta-tbe eet... Only one Hat mar be submitted by one couieatait. thouah any net ay
bare tire anawera to' aicb; purale.? ' 1. .,,-'. '
The number of coepoea- ud anwrara lTn-moat be plainly wrlttea oa the outaMe ot
each BET eubailtteS, but 4o aot write ah latonjiatiou oa th. wrapper. '
. While Dot abeslutely neceaaary. It la 4mirable that the picture, ahould 'ia each eaee
be a. at In with the anawera, la ord.r that all anaw.ra ba u.itonn. Additional nleture.
and coupon, may be obtained at the ottloewf The Bee by mall er la peraoa.
When you have all a.TntyttTe plctu eaa. taetea. than together la a TUAT packace and
Bring er mall them te Omaha Bee, ad4reaa4 to BooklOTere' Coateet Kdltor. Pliaea
will be awafdea to the coateaunta aandln. la the largeet anmber ot oorreet eoluttona. In
enrant at twe or more peraona ka.lag the eama number et eorroot aolotlona. the pareoa
aalng the emaller number et extra coupon, la hla aet ot anawera will be 4eelar4 winner. Ia
eveat ot twe pereoo. harlna th name somber correct aad .luinx the same number ot oou
pan., the penoa whote net et antw4re la moat a.atly prepared. In tha opinion of the' full
iudflna eominlttee, wil) reel re toe tlrat prUa,
Only eae Jiat, t anawera awy t auhaUtte4 by a ooataetaat and esly eaa prtae will be
Swai-dea ta Ma ftal)7 t 4a kMreaa,
' The na of the oeupon. ia aot obligatory apea tha eenteataat. sad an aaawer stay be
SUbmlued In any leaibte manaer the eonteatant may .elect.
Awarda will be made etrlctly according to the merit ot each eeeerete Hat.
The aame ot more than ooe peraoa mvet aot be wrlttea upoa any eae eoupea.
The awarda will be made by the Centeat Editor and a committee of well-knows ett.
(eaa whoee aamaa will be aaaeuaced later.
Tie eeateet la limited te the tollowias territory: Kebntka, Wyeatag. that portion et
lewa waet et bat aot Including Dee laotaee, and uat aectloa of South Cakota kaowa aa
the Slack Hills Dlairlct,
ViTiite Steamer Automobile
Greed lu eletel - V aldert-Aeterla
A B-pasaenger 1911 Model White Steamer Touring Car odorless, smokele.s
and noiaelesa No cranking no shitting of gears; any desired speed. White
6 1 earner .ale. Increase elch Succeeding year.-.Haa practically an endorsement
of tha United States government. - which owns- and operates more White
Btoamers than all other cays oorqblned. 1 Richly -upholstered.'' beautifully fin
ished. unltmHed owra controlled speed. 1 This oar will be ezbiblted, ta Omaha
In . the sdft..semi-treple, cHmstie 'scne. extending-north
from 8an pi.go to BUast County. Cali
fornia, lies "Tehama county, in which 'is situated,
this beautiful-' little 10-acre ranch nea.r the tow,n
of RedBluff. 'wrhls is fruit Oaad of -a very' high
order and is part' of the celebrated Lutheran' ! col
ony iwhlch , had .lta ilnoeptlonf' with afl Omaha'
clergyman. Literature 1 describing t this property,
may,ba aeen at the of floe of TBOWBBXDOS-BOeV.
ITI1CO, U tae City Vatioasl Baa BtUUUaf.
II iw4' 1
The msgnlfieent, fancy walnut XUU
4-UTO OB4.KD riiAYSBr.PIABO which Both
lng cfa ecel.- No other player-piano has in
the absolute the "human touch" so desired by
atraueical ear and so prised by the manufac
turers. This Instrument will be'exhlblted. ex
plained and Played for anyone who wishes to
see it tp the ware rooms -on the third floor of
Ralston ta to be a rnajiufacturlng city.. They
have a fine start with .the ,Brown -Truck Man- .
ufaoturlng Co..-the.Rogra M"tor Car 'Co., and '
the Howard - 6trv Worka Everytrrln'g -ab)s
to comfortable .living mav be found-there. .
On one of .'he mala buslneee streets 'The pe
has -selected Its fourth. prize a business' lot '
2SxlO feet, and valued at SXJS.
FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225
In .the eame town and with the same prospect of advancement. The Bee
has ..elected a reaidence lot 60x1 so ft., and valued at 325.
Kalaton is on the only lnteruban trollev line running out of Omaha and
within ferty minutes of the Omaha po.torflce.
"orn p!tj I n f ormatloa about this property at the office of the &AXST01T
TOWBSXTB COStyAHT. 80S South 17th St, Omaha, -
This ingenious encyclopedia, which is a develop
ment rather than invention, has besides its con-
Venianeea rh valae- ef hunHred. nt Minor, men.
"?fYif A ' 'tally eaulBDed to 'make one of tha irreateat encv-
a. H'- 7J W clapediaa ever compiled One of the atrongeat
y.r ,r-wJ revoniiueudationa tur tiiie 'woti. ia C,t it is frcra
L, ,rf-,L Jhe preaa of the reliable old house of TKOS.
r.i x.,awm a bujib, oz jiew x vra. i,osaon, uueui
tki- - . d JSdlnburfh, hlch aa founded In 1768.
This encyclopedia of twelve volumes, which is valued at $98 a aet. may
be seen at the Omaha office of W. A. BUxeabaugh Co, 1814 St. Mary's Ave.
These Prizes consist of .tw.nty-f our volume cloth bound sets of the "Boole
of Knowledge, an encyclopedia made speciUly (or children and aold at 3
-, TnJ work'la wrj'tan in almpls language and la a -wonder book"' in
i, - en -Kriom leoge neaary to oroau eaucauon
hundred, of colored pit tea and thouaauds ia black and white Th
equipped encyclopedia made for children, and may be seen at
offices of W. A. aUXXBntAVaa: AS 1814 St, Mary's Avenue.
to broad education. There are
This ia a fully
the Omaha
Five-Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of. $5. Ten Prizes of $2.
.' Twenty-Prizes of $1. - -v
eammaamaaaii i ail mill iir4ySSi 'i-sr- m a, I " -n uasa3awstaaBBMememenemg