THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1P11. LA FOLLETTEBOOM ENDORSED ProgressiTe Kepublictni Fivor Wii. cousin Man for President GARFIELD MAKES NO OBJECTION n.nlntlina Adopted Drrlin ta Fo of Direct rrlmarr for Rxprrasloa nf Prraldvn tint Choice. CHICAGO. Oot. lT.-Two hundred pro gressive republicans In their ftrit na tional fonOrence Mohday endorsed the candidacy of Senator Robert M. I Fol Isttft of Wisconsin for president and de clared in favor of a direct primary as a means for the expression of a presidential choice. The Indorsement rami In the form of resolutions framed In part by former Secretory of the Interior Jamea R. Oar. field, who. It was held by the delegates, appeared as expressing the views of Theodore Roosevelt and who. It was feared, would not consent to a declara tion in favor of any Individual. The resolutions followed a day of La Follette enthusiasm In which his nama was cheered repeatedly aa it was men tioned by a doten speakers. Contrary to expectations, tho conference was con eluded In one day; most of the delegates left the city and tho progressive program outlined for tomorrow will be devoted to support of state and local candidates and conditions. Resolutions Adopted. The resolutions were framed, by a sub committee of live from a committee of thirteen and revised by former Secretary Garlleld and t.'ongi ofsinan Irvine L. Len root of Wisconsin. Aa finally adopted, they read In purl: 'the progressive movement Is a struggle to wrest the control of the government in the nation and states troin the repre sentatives of special privilege and restora It to the control of the people. The is sue Is die same in all the dimes, tnouxh the problem may be presented in dif lerent ways. In the national field, the control of gov. eminent by special privilege Is evidenced by the influence ana power of the reac tionary leaders In both parties In check ing or preventing the enactment of pro- f;resslv policies pledged by the repub ican party. t'ucertalotr Intolerable. The present condition of uncertainty In business Is intolerable and destructive of industrial prosperity. It is worse than idle to leave the question of whether 'great business enterprises are legal or not. merely to Judicial determination. IndUMrial corporations should by utlirm ative legislative enactment be given deti nue o. conduct by whlcn business shall ie made sate and stable, wnila at the tame time tho Interests or the pub lic enouid be tully safeguarded. We seek constructive legislation, not destructive litigation. We lavor the ascertainment of the choice or republican voters as to eandl. dates for president by a direct primary vole, held in each state pursuant to tne statute, and where no such statute ex ists we urge that the republican stale committees provide that the people bo given the rignt to express their choice tor president. Robert Marion La Kollette of Wiscon sin years ago found conditions in his state not unlike thoae of the nation to day. Undei) his leadership ail opposition was overcome and there has been en acted in VNlBconsln a system of lawa that atand aa models for legislation in all the etates of the' union. Laws have been passed In that atate adequately reg ulating all public service corporations; equalizing the burdens of taxation; pro viding for direct nominations by the peo ple; protecting legitimate business and capital honestly invested; promotln" the welfare of labor in short, real progres sive government nag been restored. La Follette Favored. The record of Senator La, Follette In state and nation makes Mm logical candidate for president of the United States. Hia experience, his character, his courage, his record of constructive legislation and administrative . ability meet the requirements for leadership such as present conditions demand. This conference Indorsee him aa a can didate for the republican nomination for president and urges that all state or ganizations be formed to promote hia nomination. The resolutions were drafted by E. P. Costigan of Colorado, C. E. Merrlam of Chicago, Jamea R. Oarfleld of Ohio, Amos Pinchot of New York and J. E. Little of North Carolina. While the avowed intention of the eon ference was the Indorsement of La Fol lette. the arrival of Oarfleld in a non committal attitude put the La Follette supporters on the defensive. His visit here was announced a week ago, after a visit in New York with Mr. Roosevelt and Benator Jonathan Bourne of Oregon, president of the National Republican league, and it was expected some other plan might be Insisted upon. Mr. Gar field took no part in the open program of the day. however, and the Indorsement went through without a hitch. Wisconsin. Minnesota, and Nebraaki sent the biggest delegation, outside of Illinois, and the indorsement ot the Wis consin man became certain early In the day. Speaker after speaker, some by In ference, some by name, referred to him and to v hat they termed the Wisconsin Idea, each reference developing a little' longer cheering. Senator Moses E. Clapp of Minnesota was the first speaker after Media McCor mtck had called the meeting to order and George L. Record of New Jersey had been elected chairman. Senator Clapp was regarded as the keynote speaker, and was the (tret to mention the Wisconsin senator and announce the purpose of the conference. senator Crawford peaks Senator C. I. Crawford, the only United States senator present besides Senator Clapp, placed the responsibility tor ex. isting conditions on the federal govern ment. He pointed te the confusion aris ing from the legislatures of several ad Joining states passing laws regulating railroad rates, with a final readjustment by the Interstate Commerce commission. "ie o:e 1 1 s lit in a time when tlue great questions cum be settled only by the extention of functions of the federsl gov. eminent, extending its powers in the con servation of natural resources, extending Its powers In the control of Interstate commerce, extending its powers energet ically and protlvely In the destruction of special privilege and' In the destruction of monopoly. "The abuses In taxation la the tariff, In a thousand different directions, can be settled by the states only by an extension of power under the constitution, and if not possible under the constitution, at It stands, by an amendment of thte consti tution extending the powers of the fed eral government. Disappointment was expressed at the failure to arrive of Glfford Fincbot, who Is on his war from Alaska. Senator Borah of IdaJia, Benator Cummins of Iowa and others bad been announced as expected participants la the conference, but they advised the committee they were unable to attend. Senator Walter Clyde Jones, who seeks the republican nomination tor governor of Illinois; Amos plnchot ot New York James Manahan of Minnesota. C. O Whedon of Nebraska, Henry F. Cochells Of Milwaukee and 11. J. RJcbett of Ohio also spoke. Resolutions In boner ef the late Justice John M- Harlan were presented by the Minnesota delegation and adopted unanimously. Other members of the committee on resolutions were: A. FTemont Older. California: o. L Gear. Ansuiia: w. k. noil, urtianoina. I'. U. Vs lieuon, Nriiiiai,.; Howard J. Clark. Iowa; a. J. Leany. ktontana; A. M Mitchell, North lakuta; O. t. basioro. toutn Dakota; J mm Manalian, ftinine 6ota; A. W . Sanborn. inconstn. Mr. Lea. Indiana: Arthur . fihorr. Michigan. Oeorge L. Hecord, New jersey; Richard Crane 111. Connecticut; Robert M. Turner. Massachusetts; A. C. Urimm, Tennessee, Vv. u. Olnssman. Utah, unit J. M Inner. soil of Idaho. Members of the finsnc. committee were: J. J. McCarthy, Nebraska: C. A. Car penter. Iowa; Albert Andeison. Montana; W. J. I'rlce. North Dakota: It. O. Rich ards. South Dakota: Thomas Fraser. Min nesota; A. M. toudahl. Wisconsin: Al fred L. Paker. Illinois: rroctor K. Owens, Michigan.; John P. Fackler. Ohio; Gilbert E. Roaa. New York; K. H. Osborne. New Jersey; R. G. Stewart. Tennesee; J. 8. Temple. Cclorailo. and W. J. Price ot North Dakota. Death of Anderson Most Keenly Felt (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. D. C Oct. 16.-Ppcc- lal Telegram. ) Absence of Judse Ous tav Anderson of Omaha, active member of the supreme council for the southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Masons was generally remarked when the soverlgn body of high degree Masons assembled today In the house of the temple in this city In Its fifty-fifth biennial session. Not In many years has there been pres ent on the opening day such an assem blage 6f distinguished men of the Masonic fraternity us marked todays' proceed ings. Iowa. Missouri, Wjomiug and South Dakota are largely represented. Nebraska while not so large numeri cally In Its representation as some ot the sister states showed very fair at tendance on the roster of the council. Among those present were Carroll D. Evans and C. B. Finch of Omaha, hon orary thirty-third degree Masons; l.ouls Block of Davenport, la., grand master of Masons tor that Jurisdiction heads "ie delegation from the UaYvkeyc state which Is here in the Interest of the elec tion of II. C. Iverfon to a seat In the supreme council. He la now acting in spector general for that state. Among other Iowa Masons present are: W. F. Fldlar of Davenport; Louis C. Moesslnger of Clinton; R. M. J. Coleman, Dalton; E. Perkins and J. R. March of Pes Moines; while Sioux City has sent a stronger delegation. It was stated at the headquarters of the supreme council today that the recommendations of the late Inspector General Gustav Anderson of Omaha as to those who should re ceive honors, namely the honorary thirty-third degree and the Qegree of Knight Commander of the court of honor had been filed with the committee on nominations and would undoubtedly be adopted by the committee. , Colorado Shows How to Grow Good Pears Charles A. Robinson, a lawyer by pro fession but a real estate man by eholoe, la here from Denver to exhibit products of the San Luis Valley at the Omaha Land show. "The beauty of the San Luis valley," he said, "Is that with a coat not exceeding tlOO you can bore an artesian well that will spout the purest water In the 'world. But something else we have that no other country can boast Is a sell that will grow peas so plenti fully that we can raise any number ef hoga on a field of them.' When the peas are ripe the hogs, or sheep for that matter, are turned into the field ' and that Is all the care they will need." The exhibits brought by Mr. Robinson Included a cluster of pea-vines more than eight feet long. He also has every variety of grasses and vegetables raised In the Ban Luis valley. He Is being sssleted in exhibiting these products by T. W. Crew ot St. Paul and Clyde Oman of Wayne, Neb. NEW GOVERNMENT STOPS WORK ON CANADIAN ROAD WINNIPEG. Man.. Oct. 16. Consterna tion was caused here tonight by an order Issued by the Canadian minister of rail ways at Ottawa, stopping all construc tion work on the national transconti nental railway. This is a domination government line running from Winnipeg to Moncton, N. B. to be leased by the Orand Trunk Pacific railway when com pleted. The order also applies to work on the $5.00, 000 railway shops building a few mile east ot here. The new government, it Is believed, will at once order an Inquiry Into the expenditures on the sytjern. WILL INTRODUCE BILL TO REMOVE RAW SUGAR DUTIES NEW YORK. Oct. 1.-The subcom mittee of the congressional committee Investigating the accounts of the large sugar refining companies, representa tive William Sulser. chairman, today an nounced that It probably would Intro duce in congress in December a bill u. remove all tariff duties on the Importa tion of raw sugar. AFFAIRS ATJODTH OMAHA Aniitant City Attorney R. E. Mc Nally Resigns Position. WILL GO TO SHERIDAN, WY0. Poller at Work Roanitlns t P Gsag tressed of , Participation la nmrtin Tbefts of Metal From Yards. Robert E. McNally. assistant city attor ney for the last sixteen months, yester day wired his resignation to City Attor ney H t Murphy from Sheridan, Wyo., where McNally goes to become assistant to County Attorney D. M. Gogorty. with whom he will also form a partnership. Immedjetely upon the receipt of Mr. McNally's resignation the city attorney appointed Enos R. Letgn, vice president of the school board, to succeed to the office made vacant by Mr. McNally's resignation. The appointment became ef fective at once. Mr. McNally's resignation was not un expected to Ttla friends who knew that he had been considering some very tempting offers since last summer. One especially commended Itself because It came from a close friend and former schoolmate. D. M. Oogorty, at present county attorney at Sheridan. Round Vp Oang. Frank Hurt, a lT-year-old youth resid ing at Twelfth and M streets, was ar rested yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Detective John Zaloudek and Special Officer Heaton on a charge connecting him with the depredations of the Long-Flertgelnowsky-Klrehbaum gang. More specifically Hurt was taken into custody on the suspicion of having been impli cated In the brass robberies at the new pumps of the stock yards. Within the last week the company has lost over $100 ot brass fittings from the pump houses and suffered delays in work as the result of the loss of necessary pieces of the machinery- Hurt was arrested a few hours after Frank Long, who Is charged with being connected with the robbery of the Bur lington box cars on Septembe 11 The police say that the four boys belong to the one gsng. Sledgelnowsky was sen tenced to three yeara at Kearney Insti tute on last Saturday. Klrscbbaum la at the detention homo awaiting aentenee. Long and Hurt are under arrest and wl be brought to trial at the earliest possible moment. Helra Will (et Money. Acting on the recommendation of the local board of control Foreman R. R. Barker of the Yoemen of America will recommend the payment of the Insurance policy Issued on the life of Fred Meyers, who shot and killed himself last Saturday at Bellevue after shooting and danger ouxly wounding his wife. Meyers had been a member of the or ganisation for three years or more. Ac cording to the by-laws suicide does not annul the policy. Whitfield Gibson, a brother-in-law of the dead man, attended the meeting ot the Yoemen last night and presented the claims of the dead man's heirs. In the meantime the body of Meyers lies at Pa pllllon awaiting the disposition of friends and relatives. Mrs. Meyers, who lies In a precarious condition at the South Omaha hospital. Is also a member ot the same lodge as her husband. Her condition last night was said to be favorable for re covery. oath Omaha Howllnsj. JETTER'B GOLD, TOPS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. Briers ...172 179 171 f2i Hunt 1M 237 157 M8 Chadd M Itl lt 6S0 Koch ..178 100 131) 617 Fitzgerald 148 i 10 204 62 Total 816 t.OM S6 1T GARLOW'S COLTS. 1st Sd. Id. Tot. Howe 146 124 lit 884 Grace 143 lM 119 416 Bryan 166 lfS 466 Taft 166 I6 165 ' S5 Mullen ID 14B 1&4 4M Totals '. 784 7 6M 2.21H Handicap 28 i 28 84 Totals 812 764 726 "202 6TELLING8. 1st. 2d. 2d. Tot. Valstedt 187 Ml 17 686 Ham 222 177 171 670 Zeek 118 177 206 406 Jones 166 166 165 Sj Ohnesorg 168 184 147 623 Ttoal 886 16 864 1.634 SOUTH OMAHA ICE COMPANT. let. 2d. M. Tot. Oribble 124 116 ll 400 Cox 128 167 t"4 47 Peschek 13 162 1HS 492 Lew Ktter 166 164 161 4J0 Williams 165 16i 166 4 Total 724 7 82 i.tM Handicap U 1 Totals 721 7M 842 2,322 Uattle with Plckhandlea. Despite the fact that the code Is ob solete In this country, uenrge Franks, a colored man, and Ludwig Matson. a white man, essayed to settle their per sonal differences last night at Armour's engine rooms, using plcit Dandles as weapons of defense and attaak. f Both Franks and Matson are firemen at the Armour plant, and yesterday even ing the two Indulged In a discussion that grew rancorous. Office re SV-M end Coulter Interfered and the to were made te see that "boner was satisfied." As a special precaution, Franks was locked up sad charged with assault and battery. Hedl for Aeeae.14 Rov. fam Roeauskl of Twenty-sixth and P streets, a laborer at Armour's plant. Is being held at the police station on sus picion for having kicked and Inflicted great bodily Injury upon Joseph Tost, a 14-year-old boy, yesterday afternoon at the packing plant. Yost was injured so that he had to be removed to his home and put under the rare of a physician, who says that a surgical operation will have to be performed on the boy In order to relieve his sufferings. According to the story told by the police, Yost was assaulted by BocausKl without provocation. X otter to Oar f'astoasera. Bewaro of fraud liquor solloltore, repre senting themselvee t your door to be selling for J. Klein, which is not true, ss 1 have no solicitors at all. J. Klein, Family Liquor Dealer, tth and N, Couth Omaha. Magic City Gossip. Buy your coal. Fouth Omaha Ice Co. The Willing Workers will meet on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Wlgle. 2J j street. 1iw prices on good stoves Home Furni ture com pa ny. Mrs. Ella Flag Young, superintendent of the Chicago schools, will address the teachers at the high school today at 11. 80. For Rent 8lK-rom house, modern ex cept heat. Also large barn. 2618 U street. 1'hone South 10P4. The Lefler Pouth Side Aid society will meet Wednesdsy afternoon at 2 o'clock for tea at the home of Mrs. G. Thomp son, 1206 Edward street. Conl money talks J.dOO lbs. Cherokee nut coal. 14. Special cut price, act quick Broadwell. Roberta AS Co. 'Phone It. The Century Literary club win meet at the library thin afternoon to henr Mrs Orris of Stanton talk on the "Practiral Education of the Olrl." Mrs. Orris Is chairman of the educational department of the atate federation. Itl'Y Cherokee COAL now, 14 00. E H I lowland Lumber Co., 617 North 4th st 'Phone South T; Independent F-1M. Phone Bell Pouth Sftt Independent F-1S8S for a rase of Jetter Onld Tor. Prompt de livery to any part ot city. William Jetter. FOR 8ALR-7-rooin modern house In beat residence block In South Omaha, owner moving away. Must be sold soon Address "H, South Omaha Bee office. Ad-Gctting Crew Selects Wednesday to Visit Coliseum Acting In conjunction with the retail business men of the city and the clerks, the members of the Ad Men's club have secured Wednesday night on whirh to attend the Land show. Manager Buckley has set the night aside and la busily en gaged In preparing the program for the occasion. Ad Men's n!ht will prove one of the teller events of the 1-and show, as the Indications are that at least 2.000 of the members of the three organisations will attend In a body. Those in the central and southern portion of the city will come on chartered street cars, while those from the north and west will come on the regular trains. The program will begin soon after o'clock and will con tinue for fully an hour, the exercises be ing conducted on the main stage of the largo building. Besides the special music, both Instrumental and vocal, there will be a lecture by J. 8. Knoa ot the Knox Fchcol of Salesmanship. This lecture will be of special Interest te not only the clerk, but also to the merchant, the banker, the manufacturer and all others who employ help. During the course of hia lecture Mr. Knox will deal with the many ques tions that enter Into the successful con duct of business In various lines. He will give the real definition of "salesmanship" and explain why so many men fall In business, as well as explaining why clerks plod along, receiving small salaries. He wilt take up the positive and also the negative side of business, showing whst is needed to mske business a success. President Oerlng of the Ad Men's club has tsken hold of the matter sn1 U stir ring up enthuslesm among the club mem bers. The lateat advices from him are to the effect that nearly every member of the club will be In attendance. Vale Redget "abmltted. NF.W HAVEN. Conn.. Oct. IS.-An ex pendlture of SL45S.S29 22 Is called for at Yale unlversitv the coming vear, accord ing to the budget submitted to the regu lar meeting of the corporation here today. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION AT ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY, Oct. ln.-The next an nual meeting of the educational associa tion will be held In fit. Paul July 6 to It Inclusive. This was announced here today by Prof. J. II. Greenwood of the executive committee of that organise rion. ATTRACTIONS IK OMAHA. American I "The" Three of Vs." Brandelsi "The Olrl ol My reams." Uayetyi Burlesque. Xrugi Burlesque. Orphenmi Vaudeville. Matinees at the American, Oayety, Krug aad Orphean theaters. For the matinee Wednesday afternoon at the Brandelg, Miss Leila Mclntyre proposes to have as her guests the guests of the Old People's Home. Miss Mclntyre and Mrs. Coombs, wife of the managsr of the company, have the mat ter In hand. They will take three or more automobiles out to. the home on Wirt street, give the old folks art auto ride, and land them at the theater, where they will see the performance of "The Girl of My Dreams," aad then take them home again In time for early supper. The project is one of Miss Mclntyre e. George Beban and his new play. "The Sign of the Rose." met with a reception at the hands ot ths New York critics that warrants the belief that the play will be a suocess. The 8ua and the Times were warm In praise; the Tribune hyper critical, but the tact Is chronicled by all that the play touches the popular chord. It is an elaboration of the sltetoh Mr. Beban presented at the Orpheum here last winter. Omaha Interest depends on the tact that the play Is scheduled for an appearance at the Brandeis during the season, also that Miss Marie Pavey. who played several summers at the Boyd, Is Mr. Beban's leading woman. Franklin P. Adams, writing In a pepyslan vein of John Drew's perform ance of "A Single Man," hath this to say: "To Mr. Frohman's playhouss to see Mr. John Drew In Mr. Davies1 drama, 'A Single Man,' and highly hath It de lighted me, as ever doth Mr. Drew, he being a brave mime. Yet In one act he Is coma from a tennis court, where the plsy is said to have been fast, and ha cometh in all as fine and unwrinkled and clean as he had been at a game of heavy-heavy-hangs-on-your head, And clad in the most Coat ever I had seen, all blue with a binding ef white. Miss Mary Bnland, 'that acted with him. won me utterly; what with her modest way and fair person, and his daughter. Miss Loultte, that is some day to be a great sctress else I am wildly errant. . Then to a frugal supper of minced clams with my wife and a party of roysterers, among them Mr. Reed, the scrivener and man about Broadway. Ho home to bed, tired." Burns Mantle, whe la reviewing New York productions for the Chicago Tri bune, handa himself a merry chuckle while thus telling of Harry Lauder's landing In New York: Then there Is that other canny Boot. IP, U Westerners Live the Longer Harry Lauder, who began bringing In the sheaves Monday night. The tele graph has told you ot that of how, though It was planned by no advance agent, the boat on which Lauder arrived did not reach quarantine until the tilgiit was gone snd the suriience waa held at the Manhattan theater until 1 o'clock in the mqrning that tie might be welcomed. It did more than save the money that was In the theater thst ride up the bay In a dispatch boat and a speed dufylng run from the Battery to the theater In an automobile with a right-of-way and a police officer on the front seat to en force It. It probably saved the life nf the Scotch singer. His closest friends agreed that if Harry had been forced to return his share of that nlght'a receipts he would have died of shock . lost ills singing voice calling for help. Jan Kubellk, opened his farewell Amer ican tour at the Hippodrome New York. Sunday night to one of the largest and moat enthusiastic audiences ever attend ing a Sunday night concert In New York. He was assisted by Nathan Franka and aa orchestra of 65 players from the Phil harmonic orchestra. Not only was every seat taken, but 400 additional chairs were plaoed on the stage and In the orchestra pit. The nights receipts amounted to over tJ.0000. Kubellk was In great form and the critics declare that he has broadened and developed and Is one of the greatest artists of the stage. Borne Loral Stage Notes. This afternoon at the American the regular matinee will be played, the bill being "The Three of Us,' in which Mlse Lang has the first serious part she has f presented this season. The audiences isve voted the play a hit. It Is almost a moral certainty that not only all Omaha, but every visitor to the big Land show this Week, will make It a point to visit the Gayety some afternoon or evening and wltneex the clean, high grade musical and vaudeville entertain ment being given by the Jersey Lilies. The big chorus Is advertised as "Illy buds" -end they are a prettier and niftier bunch of girls not having been at the Gayety with any company this sea son. Big "Blutch" Cooper and little Charlie Howard are causing oceans ef good clean fun, Wallls Clark, the noted English actor who is playing "Scrooge'' at the Orpheum thU week, is a true lover of Dickens. When he was a boy ha used to play In the original Bleak house, which was for merly an Inn called "The Old King's Head" "It was In this old Inn that Dickens wrote most of 'bleak House,' " said Mr. Clark. "The old low oak celling room f tends there now Just the same as then, like the American vaudeville audiences much better than the English. In Eng land people are coming and going all the time and it Is very disturbing " Mr. Clark Is the author of two sketches which have been successfully played in England. They are "The Last Hon of fcummer" and "The Old Clown s Last Days." So many people scattered all over the American Continent have been cured by Dr. Pierce! Family Medicines that there's scarcely a hamlet where some of these grateful people are not to be easily foundever ready to say a good word for the medicines which cured the"! and which very likely may cure you, if similarly afflicted. Look them up. They are walking ad vertisements for Dr. Pierce's medicines ever ready to pass the good news along that these medicines curt when many others fail. Little advertised NOW, oecause their record of 40 years of cures makes great displays"oF their merits unnecessary. The great American peoplet pretty generally know of their unequaled record. As a Stomach and Liver invigorator, and Biood cleanser LD'EN MEDICAL DISCOVERY IS PAR EXCELLENCE THE ItEttEDY NEEDED. For Woman's Peculiar Weaknesses and . Derangements, DR. PIERGE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION "GO 99 XT Still Stands at the Head of the Line. WOMBN1 STRONG. BZOXC WOMHN WHX1I4. Get the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce, M. D.. the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised and up-to-date book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the practical and successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in one cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address: World's DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Comparatively Low Death Rate in Nebraska and Bordering States. I It trut, as reported, that the death rate among the people of the Vnlied States ia declining? Less than 50 yeara sro our Atlantic and Pacific roast cities were not protected aunlnst tbr Inroads of cholera, yellow fever and other rontsplou diseases an thoy gr today. IncomlnK aliens were not ao carefully examined lit quarantine as they are under comparatively recent ImmtRratlon laws. Aa late as 1S! New Orl. ans wan practically defenseless against, an attack of yellow f(-ver. while today It. la Im mune, thanks to arlcntlflc discovery and prorident sanitary Inspectors. So jreat has been the advance In gclentlfjc measures to protect eoclety arnliiet the Might of epidemic dlnnaso that the public at large rente In lv security. This explains why life Insurance com panies long ago found It desirable to otnlt exemption clauses touch ing epidemic diseases. Nearly every company now Issues policies containing a c)huo permitting the policy holder to apply for permit under the terms of which he may go to war without Invalidating hia Insurance. It is Interesting to note in this connection that the Spanish American war did not disturb the equanimity of llfo Insurance companies. Happily, the United States la comparatively free from epidemic diseases and from the possibility of war with a foreign power. Life insurance companies are enjoying that high degree of prosperity which follows In the wake of national peace and security. Yet. they have scientific methods for finding a basis for computing the average death-rate or the people at largo, and that also of policy holders who have withstood the searching physical examinations prescribed. No man baa ever been able to forecast the duration of lives of Individuals, but a way hs been found to compute the probable number of deatha In one thousand of people In a given state, during the period of one year. For instance, the U. a. Census Bureau, once In ten years, com piles fctatlstlcs, giving the number of denths In every 1,000 of popu lation within a given year In a, number of at a tea and principal cities. The latest bulletin on the subject haa just been Issued. Of course the flgurea apply to all the people and not to any specified class. This bulletin, as well as the census ot 1900, clearly shows tho average death rale In eastern states to be higher thau that of western states. It Is not the purpose of this article to give the reasons for these established facts. Tho table herewith Is made up of figures, taken from authentic son ices: Kastern No. Deaths Western No. Deaths Slates, Per 1,000 States, Per 1,000 1910 Popiftlon 1910 Popu'tlon Connecticut ...... 13 Colorado Maine 16 Iowa New Jersey IS Kansas 10 Rhode Island 15 Nebraska 7 Pennsylvania J.2 South Dakota G Average 14 Average 8 ' 1 " 1 1 " 1 1 p . i. - -.... in I,. Thus it will be seen that an Insurance company wboHe policy holders reside largely In eastern states must sustain a death rate nearly double that of a western company whose policy-holders reside In Nebraska and bordering states. These figures were taken from the public records. The death rate of policy-holders residing In the west Is lower thsn that of the public because the policy-holder la selected for his good health and high expectation of life. These statistics are highly Important to all policy-holders. If a western Insurance company is called upon to pay a less number of death claims In a thousand policy-holders than an eastern company Is required to pay, It stands to reason that it Is most fortunately sit uated. Whatever may bo said ot other life companies. It is a fact that The Dankers Reserve Life Company ot Omaha has been doubly for tunate in this regard. . The actuary ot that company, basing his estimate upon the American experience table of mortality, predicted that the mortality cost of risks carried In 1910 would aggregate 1234,608. But the actual mortality cost was far below that sum, being 1100,686 much less than half the amount predicted. This Is a fact of paramount Importance to every policy-holder In the country, for the obvious reason that the life company having the fewest death losses is best able to meet Its contract obligations with all policy-holders. In the very nature of the case, the west is the more desirable place In which to do the business of life Insurance. Yet this fact is not the only reason for the phenomenal auccees of The Dankera Reserve Ufa Company, due in Urge part, to careful and conservative management in all of Its departments. It Is one of the strongest financial institutions of the west, with assets exceeding S3, 000,000, and with excess security to policy-holders of $678,677.67. The company's assets are In western securities, btate, county and municipal registered bonds and first mortgages on high class real estate. 'The interest receipts from these investments tor the nlno months of 1911 were more than enough to pay the death losses during that time. This Is a faet of the highest Importance to policy-holders, giving evidence of able management and of the liberal conditions of the company's policies. This strong western company Is expanding its business and Is making most attractive terms to its agents in Nebras ka and other states. Evidence that its policies are highly attractive is found in the fact that Its Insurance business now in tore ag gregates $28,000,000. The Company wants an active agent in every county of this Section. If Interested drop a line to the Company. ox six Generations" Rc PBssBssstssP WLEY 11 Wc cannot make it better in flavor, mellowness or purity. Distilled 4 times in copper. (Ordinary whiskey not score Uxaa twice) Atk for SCHENLEY RYE Bottled In Bond Each bottla Is sealed with the U. S. Government Stamp, Its age is Guaranteed by the u. S. Government. Its purity by the Schenley Distilling Company. Its aualitv EDeaks for itself. When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers. Bchenley Distilling Co., Lucesco, Ps. Candy Special for Wednesday 35c Assorted sj m Fridge, per Q tvmnrl si w V G0? "Princess Sweets" Choco lates, per pound Myers-Dillon Drug Oo. 10th and Faraam bu. TKSSX SOME MADS CAVDXXS 35c E. J. DAVIS HEAVY HAULING Safi Hoisting a Specialty 1010 Farnam Street Tel. Doug. 3S3