Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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A New Department
Mentor Comfort Underwear for Ladies
For yenrs mothers have looked
to this store for untlerwenv for the
little folks this f-oai-on we have
nMel a very complete section de
voted to underwear for ladieH.
The famous Mentor Comfort
Union Suits, whieli we nre featur
ing, hold many delightful kui-
prws for those who have to
it a task to secure warm, perfe
fitting underwear without nee
less bulk and weight try th
A warm, fleece-llnerl union suit
comes at 91.23; a light weight
union suit of the finest romberl
Egyptian yarn, whlrb makes tho
softest and most pleasing garment
Irusginable, $1.73. A tult of part
wool, $2.00. A beautifully finished
mercerized garment, $;t.OO.
The underwear de-luxe Is ef
fected In n combination of silk
and wool at STftO,
For Children
Fleece lined Mentor Union Bults,
50c; wool and cotton unlor.s, $ uni $1.25.
Fleece lined, Jersey ribbed shirts or pants, 20c to 44c per gar
ment, according to
Part wool shirts or pants. ftOc pr' garment. An eicellent qual
ity Swiss rib wool, shirts or pants, .W to Si per garment, according
m yovo
SI 9t-4 fVl I'J -v -
hi tM r 'i l i XI
Severel reraoee fainting Have
Shared the rata of Da Vine!1
Mono Lin.
Paris stands astounded at tns disss
pcaranrs of Mona Lisa, thirty-five years
ago London a si tin; by th theft of It
new-iound woiiiUt, UsiMooruugh's ucli
m of Dsvonshlre. 'J' he letter, till now
' most famous of all the painting which
hav played a nirt In th romance o
srt by being lout or stolen, must nive
wsy In Importance to Le Vinci's La
loconde. with hr enlgnietlc-ni lo.OuO.OW
mile. These two. tog t her wlti. th
brown-skinned Madonna of th
convent. iJllt Uooi airl. the portrait
of Saskie, tini to b '.v Kembnmlt, and
hi If a dustn other, the muur
roll of those who (to personify them;
hav beta kidnaped.
That moot of tha painting have bean
portraits of women allows at least a,
hesrlng for In M nilmental plea of In
f tuition of thus who took them. Long
haired persona liv atood In tears be
fur La Joronde in th salle carree, or
hav addressed poems and latter to this
UDrttsponslv lady of Hi Louvre. Th
wanderings of the Durhesa for a
quartcr-ctntury stuffed In tin tube,
however, and th generally ready sale of
such plunder to any buyr, argue a de
votion a bit short of iufatuated attach
ment, and It Is likely mat Mons Lisa will
be bald, as wer th others, for ranom,
not for love.
Th last theft of any painting of con
sequence was that of Millet's Shepherd
and Flock from th Uoldra Gate museum,
In Han Francisco. In March. 1310. 'Im
pelled by hi love for the beautiful," a
young artist ruthleaaly cut th canvas
from Its frame. This picture was oon
restored. Millet's Oons Girl, together
with a Routseau. was stolen from rrd
rtck L. Ames of North Canton, Mas.,
to IMS, and was found ten years later.
Th reward of 11.100 want to the ttSatuJ
purpose of defending th thief against a
chirr e for a second often In thla ctty.
New Terk ha had aom connection
with the trtea of many lost pelnttrgs.
Tha stranite recovery of th Mestcaa
Madonna- piece of art of creditable -cellenc-e,
but notable chiefly berauae the
models hid been Indians, aad conse
quently the characters wre represented
ITS treat that Velvetrib
- leenng. xtg velvety soft,
new givet grateful warmth
ita springy elasticity givet
glove-like fit, with no binding
or bagging anywhere.
OniTTKoil Utyisuai
"Itftels togoodamdwrt so wtll"
If yon want wsrra wiatet under
wesr, thstis comfortable your
summer weights, aik tor VilMtrxt.
Vtlvetrib fabric is made of Egyp
tian ysrn in two Isycn closely inter
woveg. This cooatr action permits
of wsrnith without grest weight.
VtlvttrU) U 80 ta Ca 4. urJT.
wan luxwrweer laone M
VVWrie U Gemstasl
f ar
sruoet IrrltatioQ t
snrinting, ripping, staring
mooey back. Atk your it
MEN'S Sea.r.l.C.r.
mbM. Ill Uaiua gaau.
OYS' g.a.r.t. Car.
S"i S0c Uakw&atasgt.
V$lvttrib Cnioo Suiu are Per
fection io Fit and Comfort.)
aatf rW Mg.- ay
M. M. Sum ) Co.
uud an rs: '
8 3 V
an brown-eklnned wa made In this ctty
fifteen years o. After reposing for two
centuries In a Mexican convent, the ob
ject of especial vrneratlon,. the canvas
was reluctantly given to the Kmperor
Maximilian as a hostage. It disppeared.
and a prleet sought for II in this country
and In Europe, finding It by a chance
elue in a Third avenue art ih"p.
Th ease of the Lost puchese bss been
to'd and retold too often to bear a lengthy
reixtitlon, but her romance is not apt
roi.n to be equalled In all Its points of
tntrrext. Suddenly vanishing from Chris
tie's rooms while It was the talk of Lon
don town, the painting lay hid for a
quarter eentury In the keeplngr ef Adam
Wlrth, a noted bank robber. No profit
able disposition eeuld be made of the
booty, and it was not until Wlrth found
himself almost penniless, ia UX1. that
the Lost pucaess was returned to the
Aitnewa. upon payment of K.00. Bheedy,
the gambiar, waa go-between In the
transaotion. The canvas la now In the
possession of J. Plerpont Morgue.
Among the several other art thefts of
Importance was that of Rubens' Visita
tion, which, It waa believed, had been
burned in a fire In Antwerp cathedral.
and which came to light again only In
tha nineties, and that of the miracle
working Madonna which was tsksn by
a ftuaalan peasent and hie wife from
Kasan cathedral, and. after the frams
had been despoiled of the precious jswsls,
ws burned. Van Dykea Descent from
tha Cross vanished from tha Cathedral
of Courtral In IBiiT, but waa eventually
The world came near toeing one ef ita
most valuable art treasures when a fa
ns tie slasbsd. only recently, Rembrandt's
Night Watch, but the damages were re
paired without serious injury. The Mona
Msa'e complete disappearance Is the
greatest loss of all. However, If hslf
the Ingenuity that has been epent In th
attempt to fathom La Jooondae smile le
eapended upon the problem of ber r
oovery art lovers will not long have cause
te sorrow ever ker ahaeno.-..V'w York
Ealaer ef Wellcsan hllin Talks
ef Croeetaa Ailaatle In
Twe Days.
The work of flUina tha aaahea? of tk
tg airship Akron at Atlantic City ha
ovcun, ana already more than SOO.009
eubio feet of hydrogen gas have bean
pumped Into the receptacle. When the
expedition is ready to start on the trip
cross the Atlantic ocean the bag will
aontain more than eno.ooe eubio feet ef
Mslvtn Vanlman. who win h,A a
ef five men In this second attamnt tn
ereee the wetera, will net set any speelfle
aaie tor bis osparture, but declarea that
lust a soon aa he Is readv ha artll mt.rt
This, in all probability, wui be about the
MlJill. - , ... .
"" b iia monin. More than 100 ax
Pert mechanics ere working on the air
ship and every effort la being made to
complete the big dirigible.
Of the hundreds Of Vlaitora ha unur
st the hioser here dally mm. u
eus to know why it ts that the otart
aereis me Atisntle should be made In
October. Mr. Vanlman. while tha
man about the plaoe. I always rsady to
answer any of th queetios put U him.
ioe reason we are rroestng in Oote.
ber," said he, "le that the government
charts show that the air current are
favorable at that time. It we are lucky
aad should gat a aood. atlff wind. I w
Ueve we could cross tha oceen to Surope
m two oaya."
Whll Mr. Vanlman 1 a aeiantlmt. k
is of the epinion that but aeronautical
cat. Trent, which accompanied the Amer
ica last year, will bring him good fortune
on the coming trip. Trent le a big, good.
niure looking eat and la guarded Just
ss carefully by Mr. Vanlman aa though
he wr the most valuable iu f
ipeduien. The feline mascot is kept la.
eoore au the time and le never permitted
te atray from the light of the Vanl.
man family. He la vry much attached to
ooin taniman and aire. Vaaunaa. la tKa
venlng, whan th analnaer aui to hi.
eottage from the hanger. Trent le always
a ma ooor to meet hint.
Last year, when Mr. Vanl mil waa fir.
paring the America for Ita attempt to
eroee the eeeen. a little, forlorn kitten
waa found In a sack. The eat became a
member of the Vanlman family, and when
the America soared from the shores ef
Atisntle city Isst year he was among
those nreaent. After the abandonment el
tha airship snd the rescue by th steamer,
i rent, it was decided te give the eat the
name of the boat, bine then h ha
born the name of Trent and has waxed
fat and proud In hie poeltlon as the Vanl.
man mascot. Brooklyn Bagla.
The Key to the Situation Bee Ada. '
Has Splendid Display of Iti Re
sourceg at the Land Ehtnr.
the WoniWfal (kinin
Wbleb Hit Been Hra(ki la
Ike or(hweitera rrt
of tbe Slate.
Out In Nebraska, 413 mitea northwest ef
Omsha, IM mile nutliemt of the Bleck
Hills sett I on of fiouth Dakota and
miles north of Denver, lies Mherldan
county, one of the comparatively new sub.
divisions of the state. The county Is
thirty-six miles wide and seventy-two
long, crossed by the North werVrn rail
road on the north and by the Hurllngt in
en the south.
flhetfdan County Is st the Omaha Land
Show and It la here with an exhibit that
well represents the Inttreet and Indus,
tries of the people. The exhibit is purely
sarlcultursl, but It Is an eye-opener,
showing most conclusively that by reason
of having tickled the boeom of old mother
earth with the plow, the farmers have
Induced nature to do what as not been
done In many other localities. The farm
era have conquered the wllderneae snd in
a fw short years hsve converted a large
portion of their eeotion of country Into
a region that abound with plenty.
Due largely to th efforts of Lew Ober
welter, Hushvllle: H. K. peters. Hay
Springe; J. F. McGrew, Gordon, and Wil
liam Bowman, Hay Springs, an exhibit
that Is ths admiration of all has been
gathered and Is now dlsplsyed In the gal
lery In the northwest corner of tha Coll
ssum. It Is complete end comprehensive
In every detail. In It Is shown U dif
ferent vaiietlee of wild grasses, endless
quantities of potatoes, for which Hherl
dsn eounty hss become famous the world
over; corn that ts ths equal of thst grown
In the southern part of the stste. wheat
of every known kind. oats. rye. spelt.
alfalfa, siusshes and pumpktna and the
many various members of the root vege
Hoeiter' f lab Active.
In order to make the exhibit the Sheri
dan County Boosters' club, acting under
authority of the commercial clubs of
Ruahvllle, Gordon snd Hay Springs, ap
pointed Mettsre. Oberwelter, Peters, Mc
Grew, Bowman end W. R. Kent as a
committee to gather, arrange and show
the products ef the county. In automo
bile these men alerted out among the
farmers and In neerly every Inetence met
with the most flattering euceees. As a
result they ere ensbled to place before
the public an exhibit that represents al
most every portion of Sheridan county.
Vp to twelve years ago Sheridan county
waa recognised and known aa part of the
great cattle range of the northwest. In
habited by few settlers and most of them
were renchmen. They paid little atten
tion to agricultural pursuits, believing
that the country waa not adapted to rais
ing grain. Some years later It was dem
onstrated that there was no better soil
for potato raising, and aa a result th
growing of th tube re has become a great
industry, the county during the Isst five
years having shipped more potatoes than
any other area of similar else In the
Ail of the crops mature without irriga
tion, the annual rainfall being sufficient.
Fotatoee ever since they have become
ene of tho itap)e crops have averaged 12
buehele and belter per acre annually.
While the raising of alfalfa was not
given much attention prior to els yeare
ago. ita growing has now become an Im
portant industry end all over the county
are eoattered forty-acre and larger fields,
yielding three cutting par year and run
ning from four te six tons per acre. Be
sides the hay, theaifalfa growere derive
a considerable revenue from the sals of
tha seed that is shipped all over the
country. It being regarded the equal of
any and superior to much that la on the
Variety ( neaaareoe.
Taken as a whole Sheridan county has
the greeteet variety of resources of any
In the state. At least M per cent of the
north half le good tillable land, produclaa
all ef the grains. Including corn, as well
ss potatoes, all kinds of vegetablee and
alfalfa. It la traversed by beautiful
atreeme of elear, cool, running water,
the banks af which are fringed by pine
timber. In addition te the streams, there
le an abundance of water in the ground.
never felling well being obtained at a
depth varying from ten to slaty feet
The eouth half ef Sheridan eounty com-
prises largely a region known aa "sand
hills." This section Is epeeielly adapted
te greslng and like that to the north Is
well watered by numeroue creeks, which
flow through fertile valleys of the richest
land on earth land that for agee has re
ceived the wash of the surrounding hills.
Tli see valleye are well adapted to the
relslng ef a'faifa. the pnet kind ef corn
and poteteee and th other root and
grain erope. ae wall ss producing the
bt ef tame fressss.
All through the valleye of the eand
hill seotton are scsttered lakes of pure
water, ranging from four to eight feet Ui
depth. Then, too, well water, as pure
as that from the springs ef the moun
tain, la obtained at a depth ef four to
eight feet.
While the sand, hills proper era net
Ullable, they grow -a eand green that Is
meet nutritious and eute front one-half
te one ten par aore.
The county produce enffteient corn te
suppry the nome demand, besides having
a surplus to sell to other portions of the
state, the acreage having Increased rep
Idly during th last five years.
Tsxei Are Love,
The population of Sheridan ceuntv. ae.
cording ta the last oanaua waa tie
Taxes are very lew, belug from U te 113
annually on 160-aore traots of land, being
slightly higher on highly improved farms
near me towns. Unimproved land ean be
bought at prioee ranging from tig to get
per acre, the price depending much upon
ill iuculiuu a,, J Hi. Cliaiailaf i.f
SOU. MenV Of tha urhl ai .
large trscts of Isnd thst waa formerly
uu tor range purposes. Much of this
has now been pleeed upon the market
and aa a sample of their confidence In tbe
ruture or the eounty. thev era r.rin.
te sell this land to men who win move
pen tt and Improve it on eash payment!
aa low aa ene-flfth of the purchase price,
the balance on long time and easy pay.
Tnirlng recent year the farmer have
given much attention to hog railing, and,
treng a It may eeem, a caae of hog
eholera has never been known In the
Bherldan county hea fint c-i.
ana numerous churches. Kach of
lewae-JluahvuMa. Gardan
prmge-nea ktah school aa wail Mm
ped ae thoaa of aav ottv. whn. ia
I country dlatricta there ere ninety school
In operation. No resident of the county
in outride of the rsnge of public schools.
Thr county la out of tht ant h
tFi,"Kl in iti treasury, tls. officials n.
rupying a magnificent fireproof court
nouse. erected at a cost of 135,000 In
Gordon, the county teat. There Is no
poor houee. nor poor farm In the county
snd what may seem more remarkable,
but Which Is true. linra Ita nrtinlu.
lion more than twenty year ago, but
iwo prrnona save asked for er received
purine anHittance.
It r source of t esjntjr.
Some Idea of the resourw of Hh.ri.n
eountv may he obtained by the shipments
as shown by the booke of the Northwest
ern rill road at Its stations during the
year iwo. rhey were all carload lots and
were ss lollows;
Wheat, 306; flax, 1; corn : oats, 32;
rye, ft; barley. S; hogi, 71; horses. 7; po
tatoes. 643; aheep, 1; hay, K; miscel
laneous, U; cattle, 811.
Besldea these shipments It should be
remembered that much of the territory
adjoining Sheridan on the east buye
large quantltlee of the grain grown in the
county, hauled there by wagons and fed
to the etock, thla section still being
largely a range country.
Gt.ENWOOD, la., Oct. 17.-(8pelal.)
J. w. Murphy of Olenwood ts exhibiting
In Lamb's bank window tbe trophies won
at tbe Missouri Valley Fair and Exposl
tlon. held at Kansas City September Z3
to October a. He won about 1500 in cash
premiums, the grand aweepstakes, county
exhibit, and first on twenty varieties of
Flora Bell, Huntsman, rears, Beokel.
market collection, three varieties; five
plates. Missouri Pippin, Grimes Golden,
Howell, Maramouth Black Twig, Rani bo.
Mankler. Winter gweet. Winter Permaln.
Pannock, White Pippin. Smith, Bnyder,
German prune, Gar bar pears, seedlings.
Nonesuch, Ortly; largest apples, any va
riety; fall plpplna, Winter May, Minkler.
Domini, sweet apples. Huntsman, Ko
manite, Gano. He alio won eevenUsa
second prise and several granda.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. lT.(8peciel Tel
egram.) Caught In the act ef robbing
Jerry Wing haberdashery here ai an
early hour. Ward Hayslett and Elmer
Allen, both only 17 yeare eld, are being
held for trial In the criminal eourt. A
night watchman passing the store saw
one of the lada light a match, summon
ing some police officers, he had 'he place
surrounded and then enttred It. One of
the boys drew an automat io revolver, but
was disarmed. In company with Flmer
Millar and Ray eWoek, Huyalett and Allen
escaped from the Nebraska fitete Indue,
trial schools at Kearney, Neb., recently
The lads say they have robbed store tn
Sioux City, Ia., and Council liluff daring
th last week.
MASON CTT 7. In.. Oct. 17.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Mrs. Rush waa acquitted by
th Jury after thirty-flv minutes' d-
MASON CITT. In-. Oct. lT.-Ppedal
TelegTam.) By a clever legal movement
th murder trial of Mrs. Aletha Rush at
Hampton, accused of ehootlng her hue
band, went to the Jury today. Attorney
Clock for the state had Just made an
opening statement, asp ting that after
the defendant's two attorneys had spoken
Attorney Liggit would make the doe.
Th defendant's attomy waived their
right, thus putting off Attorney Ltggtt.
Mrs. Rush waa on the atand tn her own
defense from yesterday afternoon until
I S today. The Jury retired at I o'clock.
An aecnttal is looked for.
Jury Secured (a Trr Bauntgust,
CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Thirteen dava attar
the examination of tnleaman began the
Jury te try Maurice Knrlaht. Labor ar.
ganlser charged with the murder ef
Vincent Alt man, waa completed today.
Kix hundred talesmen were, questioned.
Oarko Horbo
That have great medicinal power, are
raised te their highest efficiency, for
purifying and enriching the blood, as
thsy are combined tn Hood'e Earia
parllla tout tatlmoatala received by actual
ces ( tea years. Be aura te take
Get It today In uaual liquid form or
chocolated tablet called aaraataba.
i all vsrleiise Cured la
it in dsys without
Aiuoriuaiof time. No
air a lllboaooaptodua
i the patleut la ouied.
Write or oall.
Stent H. Wra M. .
ie eatieiae, thaaae
(7 A
t'OATS NOW 60c
A few dozen aweater
coats. In broken sizes,
to be cleaned out
mostly grey with, ma
roon or green trim
mings, while they last,
choice 50
Second Floor.
R. 8. WILCOX, Mgr.
CHICAGO. Get. 17 Tmm..t tnr tha
I'nlted Htate adnata rnmmlttM Ini'Htl.
Ratine the Lo rimer eaee tndav rhanril
State Representative Robert E. Wllion
witn having made a tour of Illinois in
Aprn, y.nv, tor tne auegea purpose of
warning certain leelslatora not tn talk tn
am one of the Ixirlmer election.
Although Wilson denied this charge and
declared that hla trip through the state
had been mads In the interests of the
Chlperfleld commission on submerged
isnas, ths witness will be reeened to
the stand tomorrow.
Wilson was ths onlv wltneaa tit inuu
before the committee today. He related
ths sam story. In essential points, that
ha told before the previous senatorial
committee of Inquiry.
Fifty Golden Years
Rounded Out Today
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berckhemer of 8202
Poppleton avenue were married fifty
years sso today In Pennsylvania. The
golden bride i quietly observing the dsy
In the pleasantries of hsr home, while
Mr. Berckhemer Is spending his time as
uaual as a postal clerk en the Rock
Island. He will be home this evening to
weloome his wife as he did en the event
ful day a half century ago. There will
be a few friends there, and they will
make merry. Mrs. J. G. Preston, a
daughter, together with her husband, ars
under the parental roof. T. F. Berck
hemer, engaged In railroading and living
at Cedar Rapids, and Mrs. C. E. Hoover
of Frlendwoed. Tex., are not here to at
tend the Jubilee of their parents. Ila M.
Hoover, a granddaughter, came from
Texaa, though, to assist in the celebra
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Berckhemer hav
three children, twelve grandchildren and
two great-grandchildren.
The fourth aeroplane model contest on.
dee the auspices of the educational de
partment of th Teung Men's Christian
association will be held at Fort Crook
Saturday afternoon at S o'clock. The
prise, a silver lovtn eun offered bv the
Aero Club ef Nebraska, will go to the
boy whose model files the farthest. It
wtll be hie property until another model
will travel a greater distance. Tha eun
at present Is in the handa of Otla hurt-
letr. Tne cup win no en display at the
meet ana win be turned over to the win-
N&taral Laxative
QuicUy Relieve:
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders,
Waa WikiVotv, aooTWtvo a-rmvr hii been
weed forevet SIXTY YSanSby MILIJON a
fctOTHHES .'or their CHlLOKgN WM1L8
iEtJHIWO, with ECT success.
allays sit ram ccKeawiNocoucaa
1 tee beat remedy for plAEgHCE A. It It
solutely kinslut Be ear end nk for "Mn
yhntow toothing Syea, and take no
YwerMceie bouie
Tharo ia Only Ono
That lo
asm rut woklo ovat to ouri a ovut m one oak
Alwtjt rttnember tha toll name.
tot UJa gJgaatara ea evaxy box.
WtsJ 111
at spniiiajnii x. "riiir m
Family Trael
t iniunrn in inc nni ur oncninu r' .
Chan. Baern, Pbosee) Wetisss
lHaOf UdapendnM IVlSai.
if Your Furnishings Come From
Browning. King fc? Co., They re Right!
TosHlbly you have learned from ex
prrirnre that thla etore la headquar
ters for frood shirts. Thousands of
Omaha men have, and vt'ri etrivtng
to retain their patronage and gain
yonra by offering better valuea every
81.50 to $3.00
And you won't wear a disappointed look In your face all eeaaon. becauge our
salesmen will see that you will get a becoming hat. We want you to come to
tnia atore for your bata each succeeding aeason thafa why wa'r ao anxloua
to please.
Not alone because of tha moderate
prices we ask, but because they are
well made, from dependable mater
ials and above all, they fit. 81,50
and up.
Browning, King &
, s if
ner after tha contests . Tha oonteat te
open free to any boy under the age ef U
whose model complies with the rules.
SIOUX FAIX8, B. D.. Oct 17. (Spe
cial.) Latest estimates place the loss of
Peters & Heran. proprietors of a general
store at Tea. at $20,000, the lots being
caused by a fire which destroyed their
store building. The fire originated from
a bolt of lightning, the building being
struck during a storm. It was the only
general store at Tea, which Is a small
village a few mites sooth ef Sioux Falls,
on the Great Northern railroad. The
amount of Insurance carried by the firm
Is unknown.
The Merchant WHO Has the Goods la
the One Who Lets the Publlo Know It
fvroug Advertising In The Bee.
Out This Out
Recipe that Break a Cold tn a Oaf
and Curee An? Carable Conga.
"Mix half ounce of Concentrated Pine
compound and two ounce of glycerine
with half a pint of good whiskey; shake
well and tise in dosee of one to two
teaspoonfuls after each meal and at
bed time." Smaller dosee to children
according te age. Any one can mix
thla But be sure to get, oply th
genuine (Globe) Concentrated Fine.
Each half ounce bottle comes in a sealed
tin screw-top case, if the druggist does
not have It he will quickly get it. Many
mixture are of large quantity and
cheaper, but it la risky to experiment.
This formula cornea from a reliable
doctor and ie certain.
One of our principal uptown druggists
states that he sells theae inarealente
constantly during the winter and that
ha ha seen this mixture work wonders
In curing the severest kind of a cough
and cold in short order. He advises
that It be kept on hand at all times In
every famlly.Adv,
Interest allowed in
savings department at
3 per annum ...
The United States
National Bank of
Omaha gives prompt
and courteous aervice,
; affords absolute aecur
lty and has a most con
venient location.
an i Famim
BXB iuo.
Bgtraneo en Court
i vet. ioie Jit
1TK1 iTlil
avensp nnriirikiev aaau.i. "
feenOled b
T 1:1
saf-r J
But there's a reason It'n a atory of
larger aaaortrueutg and better vgluea.
We specialize on fitting tbe hard-to-fit.
Better come In and make your
wantg known to our underwear galea.
Seeme like every well dressed fellow
la thg possessor of one or mora of
those popular gllk knit tiea. Every
looker becomee an owner whan thay
ae the splendid assortment now on
display at thig gtora. KQe to mit
15th at Douglas Su.
" a.
Your Dealer
Must Know
It is wise policy to go to an
experienced diamond dealer be
cause be Is certain to obtain
good qualltlea anil wortby
stones when bs makes pur
chases for this store. The Inexper
ienced dealer le not only likely to
he also is likely to
She deceived him
self. This store
has been engaged
in the diamond
business for more
than 81 years and
knows th value
of the stones It
buys. Every pur
chaser receives as
much value for
his money aa he
ran get at any
other store in the
country. Wlee,
sagacious and
careful buying
makee this pos
sible. Dont Merely
Bay Invest
lath and Harney.
Great Wrestling
at the
Saturday Night, Oct. 21st
World's Ohantplon
flu WBSTOAXS, -The
Iowa Glass
Tbe Wonderful Turk
Tbe atodem Banaow
Ohasiptea of Kesraaka
JOHB (Fannar) XSMBsTBrnOeX,
The Oerman Keronlee.
Six of the Greatest Wrestlers of the
World All in One Evening.
A feast for tbe Wrestling Tana
Beat Sale Wednesday, Oot lath at
she Auditorium.
rsuczav aa cents to sa.00.
Opeslns Klsht Wednesday. Oct. ISth,,
Music by Green'a Band.
Elegant floor and best skates that
money can buy.
Doora Open Promptly t 7:t.
Admlssinaw 10c; Skates, 30c
nan set
Sen. 4S4
. sa-.-ensew V W eV-iAjUM
tXna Arthur: Haram i&7a.a.k. 1 1 a r- '
WeWehrKuy JDoTls: Abbott WhitT
Waraelflea: Klnetoscopa; OrpheunT Con 1
- wwaaawev a vvj eVnaaaVIVal r eu
except Saturday and Sunday. .
Three Days Commencing
Thursday, October IB.
"The Chocolate Soldier"
Company of 100 Ore beat a ef aa.
Beats Brow BsUUg?
atattase Today, giso, sTifht, M
Bast Beats SO Cents.
BAT WKITB aad hi kanob of sXevy
shew glxla who show. A Keal
fJ'- atea Full returns ef
the V orld s series base ball same
will ta read frcm the stags.
-ox aba's rear cxarraav
. .Vr Ts.a-aaao-T8e,
Beeoad Only to tha Land aaow.
Aa clean and eet aa Ha title ImpUea
Little Charlie Howard. Blutch" Cooper
and Great Olio. Chorus of Lily Buda
X.adler Sim ntatise Svarj Weoft Say.
TealgkS Mata. Tne, THutk, Bad.
rrtoaa lOe asd fcoo
atXM ITA aVAXO aad the
ta Tux Txxaa or
Bert Wk
Txx arrxi,a or thi om