Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 14, Image 14

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7MT fine Bluff, exhibit at
Land Phow and see the train that grow
on LAN1" you cn buy from SiS to 8-"i per
ere. Lst lit til) you about It C. I-
IOWA and NTBHASKA farm. OnMt
Peters. 8I Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg.
Farm ed Ilaach Laaila
m acres Irrigated. 4 mil from Wheat
land, Wyo.: all In alfalfa; l section I
miles from Kimball, Neb,; 2 acre
broken; flna land; and VP acre 12 miles
from Atkinson. Nsu. H. Uroia tOl 8. Uil.
REAL ETTATtToANS loans uuu warrant
W. y srnani binitn at to . W Faiutm at
OMAHA Property and NebieaUe Lanua
Ok.kk.rB. HAL l.blAiA. CO.,
1416 Ntw Omaha Nat l Lank bunding.
MONbV TO LOAN Payne Inir. Co.
WANTED-City lsaaa Pctera Truat l.j.
CJTV "d rami. JOHN N. VHk.S.n.tL
M to Hu.JUO maU promptly. F. o.
W tad. Weaa mat , mtii aim frarnmu.
MONLY lo loan on buslnea or resi
dence properties, 81,"J to a-Ju.ooO. V. . it
liioXIAa. u Hi at Nat. aank Lldg.
Hu-Ul fcranoela 1 relr Jblug.
WANTtD-KAKM LOAM. ktioke 4a
teetuieni Compeoty, Omnia.
gaIEvL bkos jng
LARGS LOAN 6. municipal bonds, mort
gagee bought ana oid. eai'LL tr;oo.
t-Urt 6AL OH tAunHuuc
t reoa D. lAi.
BEE J. It. Barber lo soil, or exciisag
anything- AAoaid ui 'ireda D. wu.
FOR EXCHANGE-If you have stocks
ot msrciiaudiae lo exchange tor equity iu
terms dasurioe luily aim lut wun me,
comrolaaion, V par oant, prefer laig
stocka, alu.uOO and up, irom pajuea ..o
actually vant a change. A. si. Avauu
man. iockrdge, Iowa.
I UANDLK exchanges evary whera Fui
faults sea ma. jJcan. ail Use Did U. Itt.
WiC exchange properties of merit. C. W.
Welsh, eis-A O. AN. ilea Alag. Uuut. iau
WANTED, from owners only, large and
small aiocka ot geueial inerunaiiaiaa,
doming, hardware, etc., to exchange tor
unlmpioveo, clear land in Minnesota,
isurm Uaitola and Montana, johu a.
Martin. Aberdeen. . D.
WHAT have you to exchange for good
Iowa farrns or otbar lanuar sua Myrtla
liuttl, 4 N. Sato, Web. loU.
NEBRASKA Traction at lower Co.,
bonds for lot or eUamonda, Doug. 6077.
TEN nrst-claas raeldsnoa lots la Linton,
Ind.. worm MM, wiiltm i will trans for
pinaha property. Address H. A. Kelaey,
IkJi Laird street. W ebster kdw.
$12,000 KQUITT In flna, KO-aera farm
bear Maryvma, JUo., to trade for muse,
or hardware; a long time will be given
on balance. Income tbls year lAOoo. l rice,
Us per aora Address X u, cara Aaa.
THIRTY thousand dollar southeast Ne
braska farm; inoumbranoa K.two; equity
for merchandise. A boa J. . saattbewa.
ortolk. Nab. '
FORTT Uiousabd dollar aoutb. oantral
Iowa farm; take bait in merchandise;
ruay be two-thirds; want foods. 'A bos if.
Matthews, Norfolk, Neb.
TRADa-S U you have anything t
Uade. wrua oia 8. JC Walt. M ilea bldg
I HAVE for trade near food town In
Do&tsa county, Nebraska, cloe to Omaha,
at acres of as good corn land as there is
In the a lata want 1 or I room modern
house: ruut be well located and clear of
encumbranuea. Charlee Hanlay, Aft., U7
b, auUi au. Omaha, Neb.
M a. good land I miles of town and R.
R, Hamilton Co., Ivan. I'rlce, U per
acre. Mortgage ll.fju. Want 6 to i-room
laaidenoa. Alaaa oUer. iio t.'t,
.160 ACKS good land. I miles north
Bomerseu Llnooin Co., Neb; price. ILtfuO;
raottgaga, Want auto, vacant lot
or equity In email cottage. Cog 4ie.
1W ACRES In Garden county, two miles
from good western town; 64 acres lo culti
vation, savan aoies Irrigated, perpetual
water right, all tillable; owner having
moved to Omaha will exchange for dv
alrabia residence proii'ty: value, 140 per
aoraWeuater 6.tjaHer J p. m.
Id-band goods, Klessr. vm Canter. D-MU
WB PAT highest prtoa for mens u
hand clothing. M. Nathan, lok b. utn.
iB allaa Lang in "l'hs Three of Us"
at the Amerioan theater. It Vlias t.
Mullen, it Chicago Mt., will come to The
Deo effloe within three days we win give
tier an order for a pair of tluketa
WANTED To rant i-room house, part
tnoorrn. ui auy pan of way. Addreas
N. aw Baa
WANTED A five-room, suictlyy mod.
rrn apartmeati family of two. p. ,,
WANTLD By young buslnsss man.
flrst-claaa room, with or without board
lu a oobgeniel home; atate teiins and tu'
cauon. Addreba, b iUt, iiie.
THE beat treat for a wife and baby Is
a dlh of Dalxell'g Ice cream. If j y
Mitchell, rainarn hi., v. Ill come to
1 he ! of lice within thrte days We will
give him an order lor a quart brick of
tfala fine Ice cream.
VOCNU iMj , ,u uigu .ac.tool euuva.
ou. wiabea a ptwiiou. C w. Hmm.
MAN aais po:uon a jauitor; good
ritcueiicea. AUuim t Aju. lu Aea
Hkol ciaaa piactiueu uurae can be
eagegvd at once. Oougiaa aua
aavVlNU by the day In families; good
Wojg guaiauuteo. A Lou. Ueosiur
MAN Slid Wlia, ery cspabla dealiea
ciupuymiii; eaieriaucea a niauajir
Sud tiou&ekaapr Auuiwt, A-K, oT
WaN'J t-V A-.ace ou li ui ivi bo7il
eara oka. A. Aiee. ' "
DAY work nd taiully wa.hing; jlarT
bey 43.
WAaHINO and curtains dona T. H lu
F1KT CLAt laundi... wants worn
isr :tit t?y t:. i-nwm, ia i,,nsa sC
WANTED Position as cook.
M Cuicago hi.
Call at
YOLNJ lady aunographer; prefere no.
titlon out ot city; experienced; good in.
man; care of Mre. Aueua ling, Xruau.
Iowa "
LADY wants Uunay Work. Tel. A lL
blTL'ATlON wanted by colored s.n t
Wr '" uf aUt
WANTt.D-.By competent colored wo-
"--ins we eeooaa wui.. Vi'eo-
WANTtO riiiuniioa by a iiuuuie gd
....., 1.1.1111,11 aa gentr
farm aup inteiment, accualonied to ol
erauiig Wigs iliiuote lariu. unueretsnu,
niouetn larui u.rtiioda ot haiioung stutl
of aU klboa Addreaa U ia. bee"
CtjOU let.miui wubes poaiUon. Ad
aiee K As.
Beit Feature in Payor of Wheat Bny.
en it Gradual Advance.
If There la a f nntlaeetloa of Ad"
eree Weather la Cara Belt, Pre
lentlna Marketlag, Cora
Illaromfort Will Reaolt.
OMAHA. Ort. 17. tail.
The beat fature In favor cf wheat buy
era la the gradual and natural advanot
or rash prl. ea and the Increase In ship
ping raWa. The latest reports on the
conditions In tlie nnririweat argue for a
carciiy of milling whist lor tne coming
ataeon. cm the other hand tne vlalhie
supply flgurea look bearish and are
ci,e. King the advances.
K thfre Is a continuation of sdrerne
weather in the corn belt preventing dry
ing and marketing ol new corn, a very
uu ouilor tarie situation will develop lor
Oecem)er shorts. For the time being
there is nothing arsreeslve about the
general trade, the market being dull.
wnem naa a better tone throughout the
senaion. ah w heat In all markets has
an advancing- tendency and better values
ai I'ledlctrU.
t'prn was fteady. htit showed little ac
tivity, general I tad Hue. being dull owing
to the uniavorahm weather which ha
u-lHed the movement ol the new crop.
t'rimary what receipts were l.OtSi,)
buKheis snd shimente were 601 oflO bush
els. sgHlnut receliMa last year of l.Ma.on)
buHheua and alnpmenta of Hi,V bushels.
i'Mmary corn receipts were 5W,0W bush
els and ahlhmenta were frt.OoO buahals.
avaliiHt recetpta met year ol im.wO bushels
and ahlpineiils of 'fiii.ilft bushels.
Ciraiencea were md,oiO bunls of corn,
t'n of osis and wheat and flour equal
lo AM.rmu bushels.
Liverpool closed 44 to 4d lower on
wheat and unchanged on corn.
'Mm following mm sales were reported
Wheat No. I hatd. i rars, $1.01 ; 1
enr, lul'; 1 car. 11.01. No. t hard: 1
rnr. 101(,, 1 car. 1101. No. 4 hard: 1
car, H in. No. 4 uprlng; 1 car, We. nu. 2
mixed: I car. II 0:V.
Corn -No. I whits: I rars. lHAc:. 1 car.
. Nn. a yellow: 4 cars. Tic; I cars,
;'c. No. a mixed: I rare. 7i.c.
Oats No. I white: I cars. 4ac. No. 4
whits, lc. No grade: 1 car, 4o.
Omaha caslt Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 herd H flOfenirMU: Na
t bard II fxftl.OJV,. No. 4 hard, 7c ul CSH
CORN No. white. WSiiAUe; No. a
white, tufiv'ie: No. 4 white, IWo; No.
3 color, W-u''xc; No. t yellow, 7f4trerr;
oo. 7iniw, oi-i,eo; no. 4 yellow,
fcAfltiTVc; No. I corn. 7tf7Ue: No. 1
coin, .feT?i4cj No. 4 corn, tktVMi1c.
oaib-wo. i. wsj-inc; standard, eMy
41 c; No. I white, 4'P4bc; No. 4 while,
fVMc; No. I yellow, 45WtHuei No.
4 yellow, 4M46Vo.
HAKI.KT-Maiung, 1 llt.n. No. 1
feed, Wctil.07. '
MIT E No. I, tttMo: No. t. WCc.
Oswlot Heeelpts.
WhtiL fTnen O. 4
Chicago luo 46 iiA
Minneapolis IM
Omaha so 41 l
Ouluth ion
Prices Board ef Trad.
CHICAGO. Oct. 17.- Wheat today
cloned at the highest price reached ao
far on this year's crop. The develop
ment of a milling call for aoft winter
grades proved mora than an offset lor
aU baarlah news. Latest figures Wers
iWo to leo higher than last night. The
and of tha day left corn at a shade to
Wo advance, oats unchsnaed to l-iiiu
down and hog products varying from be
oecune to an increased eost ot ilc.
'lhe decided Improvement In tha ton
of tha wheat market d:d not appear un
til tha session had nearly coma to an
and. On tha bulge oonelderabla amount
of good Investment buying waa done, but
tha majority of tha purchasers were
unessy sliorta. who covered on a larsa
aoala open trades In tha December op
tion. Heavy resting orders to sell at
aha advance failed to stop tha flurry
and tliera was soma talk that tha Da-
cemoer lutura was congested, If not prac
tically gt the mercy of tha bull leadera
fcArller in tha day depression had been
tho rule, because of favorable weather
in an directions and owing to tha big ln
creass of tha world's available supply.
Nevertheless, the weakness altogether
disappeared afterward and tha cloaa Was
unmistakably strong. Between the open
ing and the wlndup December fluctuated
from w'viWo to 110014 and finished at
the top level named, a gain of 7o net.
Disclosure that an active shipping busi
ness had been under way In tha last
few daya macs com rally, though not
eo sharply aa wheat. Charters for lake
vessels' room amounting to more than
1,VJ0 bushels were reported and there
were rumors of large exports. Besides,
old corn waa aald to be unpleasantly
acarca. December ranged from WU
CAPABLE young man with three
years' business experience wants work ot
anjr kind, immediately ; referaiioes. Web,
SITUATION by a comptometer ODOra-
ter; experlenoa in railroad ofllca A 47 L
gXhip four stock to South Omaha i
sat a. mileauia) auitl ahi luaagoj jour
couslgTuiBeata rtclT Mreoipl and
careful attention.
Brers Broa. 4k Co. KU-ong and reaponalbie.
WOOD s HUB., 2A4-W Exchange Bldg.
Great Wast. Com. Co Omaha 4k Denver.
W. H. SMITH at HON )uat handle aheea.
W. F. DkMMf 4k CO., Mi Avxch. stldg.
TAOO BHua. handle catvla. bog a, sheep.
CLIFTON Com. Co., KM skgeoange sitdg.
Donahue a Atauoail Co., 'JU Avxva. AMdg.
U), AVObiUauu 4b CO., AW Avxcu. fellug.
The btanoard Coin. Co.. lie axon. Ajldg.
W. K. bMl'lit at kOM just Uauuie sbaan.
Ititeistats Co. tHtiter rtsuiia amp 10 ua
bLHKa.-AtlCh.LV IX., SUA Avxch. attdg.
L L. ROliaHi d CIA, lL3t axe a Alg.
AAica Duoiey u Co., u-47 Avxcn. stldg.
Cox 4a Juuea Com. Co-, buach of buauara
Halauiu Fonda, live atooa ouui. mar.
caruiara L. a. Cwtn. Co AW aguoanga
Deiioait proceeds ol sbipuiema In hioca
Varus Aat 1 bUA. wmy iuu at yaiita.
WINN feitud. a CO.. a.acnange Miag.
LAV AvHi V AAAvOH.. AVi AVxch. llklg
Paxiun-Avckuian Cbaiu. Co. at a remedies.
Mai t.n Aro. as Co.. ftw-7. Lxcn. Ding.
Alas O. Uutnaaaa g aoa. AM-e Awx. auilg.
Paxton-Lckinan Cbem. Co. si lt remedies.
Deposit proceeds of shipments 111 block
Varus ssi I bank, uuiy bank at yarua
llaision A funds,, live slock com. mar.
U MM nH nfc UftAlli MAKKtl
tjt i,'k:ws r. k 1 1 u ,n u r. . n .
coneignuienu aouoited.' i4 Atramieis.
Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. Me Mraadeta,
Oieuta careiuliy haautau. Ootaha. Nea.
AaaitttAAM kOMAiealUM CIA .
u.a wuo o irinl ua. "
CAVLlta AvLb7 VATUAi Co., wao.eaa.e
aa.ia ui grew, bay, cuop tewuv 11
ttai.uia A4 lug.
KOtrEHTd OHAIN CO., gram eonaign-
nauts soiiciiao. grain bvuxal u arriva
1 Atiauuaia.
HSo, closing steady He tip, at 443i!.
(ash grades were firm. No. t ellow
wan quoted at 7i 1,3 7 Jr.
In oats, unlike corn. Shipping sales
were limited, with futures dull and ea.y.
High and hw pointa touched by Decem
ber were 47i74?o and IT'ec. The close
wis st 4T'4o snd eshlh.ted a decline of a
Shade from lest night.
Moderate offering checked an attempt
to sdvanoe provision. At night the
blackboards, compared with twelve hours
before, showed no change either way
more than a nickel
Uuutaliona of leading products were!
I Open. I High. . Low. I Close.) Tes'y.
Wheatl I I I I
lec..,Vw Wl I 0M,iT3! 1 OOVil 9M
May. j IWHi 106 1 vl 04 iu )
I 1 W I VJ
Corn I
Dec. 1414,0 tfc
Mny. )A (1 V
July. 1 tw 1
I t'.e ..
Oats 1 1
Dec. 47UJi7','iHl
47; 47H,4:',(. v i
July. I '.',41 4nWl
Sal '
Porn 1 1 1
Jan.. 1 15 Z2i IS ta H'e
u ao
16 U
a u't
jaay.iu 1
AS vi 16 27 U Vt
I U I Slf
1 7Vsj a 00
7 86-7,a v7Ss3l
1 a ou 1 a 00
May. 1 a 04 1 a 07m I 0t j i a V7V
Cash quotstloni were ss follows:
r LOl1 it Market firm; winter patents,
$4 l('(f4.'ir; strsights, tiMnji bj. spring
suaights, l4i'iu 7ii, bakers, J.V'
Hi av wyaytoic.
Al;Lii-lind or mixing. 6c3il.G9;
fair to choice malting, II h-12X
KEtiOB iimotny. u.Wfll.w. ciovar.
r-KijVlblONS Pork, mesg, per bbl.,
$14.'.i'iAl". Iard, per 1'JO lbs.. Mi'H
hhort libs, sides (loose). r7 7N'a.; abort
clear aides ( boxed J, .2i(i.7i.
Total clearancee of wheat and flour
were equal to anu.OU) bu. Primary re
ceipt were 1,06.. oi) bu compared with
l,lj,uuo bu. the corresponding uay a year
ago. The worlds visible supply, as
snown by ftradtreel'e, increased K.K.-
wv bu.
Kstlmsted receipts for tomorrow:
Uiitit. M; corn, 2H cara; oats, Ui
cars; nos, Hi,0W head.
Cash Prices Whest. No. I red, ss'acjx
11. ou; No. a re1, ttjjwc, No. a hard. aI.oju
I. W; No. a hard, ll.uijgl No. 1 nortnern,
II. wai.W; No. i northern, Il lolU. No.
noithsrn, IL.l.U; No. a spring, sl.utttf
l.ll; NO. Spring, IIWJ1W; io. spring,
kuciiill.ia; velvet chalf. &J111; durum,
icii.o. Corn, No. 2, IX'tiSid No. i
white. 7UUc: No. 2 vsllow. UW'aiM:: no. a.
7t)1tt11io; No. I white, 71t(fi2c; No. 1
yeiiow, iiniriac; no. , ivioci ro.
white, 71ilHc; No. 4 yellow, 70$ 71 He.
Kve. No. 1. Wwhmo. Barley. 76cu$i.2a.
Timothy, aia.otl.Zfc. Clover, IH.Ouviw.SO.
BUXaER atteady, fcfeAK'i dairies, ila
KfiaB-Bteadv: rece pt &,uu case; at
mark, casea Included, A6'fflc; firsts, Jlc;
prim firsts, sic.
C H E E E Htsady ; datslea. liaise:
twins, lWJ18ot young Americas, 14'W
14',o; long horns, UWuUhic
roiOTOita-i'irm; rnoira to xancy, as
Cic; fair to good, 60qHc.
i'OUl.l KI r.asy ; turgeys, uo, cnicsene.
c. springs, lOVic,
VbAlr-Bteaoy; eo to ou 10. weignts, bo
9c; 40 to lb weights, 510c; t to
U0 lb. weights. 11c
iieceime. enipment.
Flour, bble M.iwo . 11.100
Wheat, bu WOW ' W),7I0
Corn, bu SftO.000 11ii.V
Oats, bu 78."0 151,400
Rye. bu l.o z.too
Barley, bu 21U U.700
Carlot Reeelnts Wheat. 100 cara. with
24 contract grade; corn, 464 cara, with 10s
of contract grade; oata, 2M care. Total
receipts of wheat at Chicago, Minneapolis
ana uuiutn tooay were us cars, ooui-
farad with a&t cart last week and U7 cars
ha corresponding day a year ago.
4sealoaa of tha Day an Varlaoe
Case nsodl ties.
NEW TORK. Oct. 17.-FLOUR Ftrmar;
spring patents. Ii.ao36.40; winter sualghte,
4,uuu4,ls; winter patents a4 i6p4.TO; spring,
Clears. 4.iB4.t0; winter exliaa Na. 1.
I3.li0tl70; winter axtras Wo. 2, IS.fcxiys.4.
Kansaa strsights, MtW-Spl.SO. Receipts.
Ill MUQ akli,mar.ll 4 VKK Kll MVah fsAiUP.
firm; to ijood, Hl-i cbolo to
CORNMrJAL-Flrrn; Tna white and yaJ
low, l.4icl.4.; coarse, . 86140; kiln
dried. t6i.7e.
WHEAT Mpot market firm; No. I,
$1.01, elevator, export basis, and 11.04 f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, I1.19W. t
o. b. afloat. Futurea market declined lo
during tha aarly operatlona, owing to
lower cables, favorable foreign crop news,
favorable weather west and the large
Increase In world'a stocks, but regained
tha loaa on covering on fears of foreign
complications In Chine, closing W8S0
net higher. December. J1.04 6-lvfJl.u'A.
oloaed tl.v4V; May, ll.OBM0LlOa closed
IX 10 1-1. Keoaipu, 138,000; shipments. M,
iwo. CORN-Bpot market steady: No. 1 TSHo
nominal, elevator, domestic basis to ar
rive, and export No. i, Ti0 I. o. n. anoai.
Futurea market was nominal. Receipts.
1,126; shipments, HNwt
OAT'4-bpot market steady. Futures
market waa nominal. Rsoalpts, luO.lM).
FEaD teauy ; weeiern apring oin,
100-lb. sacka 1210; standard middling,
lwA-lb. aacka $Ji.lo; oily, 100-lb. saoks,
13 '.00.
HAY Steady; prime No. 1. ftlSVlK;
No. a, ai.iti.i; no. a. $i.ooti.o6.
HOPS-Fumi atate, aomnion to choice.
If It, 47i?rOo-
HID. Finn; Central Amarloa, , 19
11 ATHER Firm; hemlock flratt,
J7c; seconds, 2tilSHo; rejects, lo.
ROVliUNB 1 01 g, stsaayi mesei enw
ihiiM-. rmilv. tlt.0iii)fil.k: short riser.
$10.76 617.60. Beef, firm; meat, au&oiffu (;
family. aUsowwOO; beef hams. K&lt
sJ.bO. Cut meats, easier: pickled bellies,
14 to 14 lbs.. $11.0o(a,u.75; pickled hams.
$l 00. Ird, steady; middle weat prime,
Is koD.!; refined, steady; continent. $!;
South America, IliAeo; compound, t7$m
IW- . .... .... ....
TALLOW stMiay ; prima city, nnoa.,
o, nominal; country, s'!eo
BUTTER Steady; creamery, specials,
aic; axtraa, sue; first. riOASoi creamery,
held special, tHe; extras. g3e; proo
ess special, S4Wc; extraa, fcWifc; fas-
tury, current mass, itrsi, iiiitko.
CHEESE Barely ateady; aklina. 120
LUO 8 Rarely ateady; fresh gathered,
axtraa aoaic; extra firsts, JiSc; fresh
gathered, dtrtles, No. 1, 170 lue: fresh
sihared cnevka, prim. ic; rerrigerator
irla, season atorage charge paid, 2u4
ti'.'lc; western gathered whiles,
POcLTR Y Altve. western spring. 1 10
l'c; fowls, 11J1AW: turkeys, lsu; dressed,
demoralised; western . chlckena Vi&c:
fowle, cu14o: turkey, average heat. It
Q2uc; othera, 10ulkc.
Kansas City Crala a rrovlalona.
changed: No. $ hard, ll.OHiltW. No. t
$1 u.Ml.07; No. t red, $1 0nv,ul.til; No.' 8,
6c'uAl.u. December, $1.0oS, May, $104;
July. kSo.
CORN-Unchanged; No. I mixed. WV9
71o; No. S. Tt'W.oV; No. t white, To;
No. a. 71Vtc; Deuaiuber, (lao; May. Cic:
July, 3c.
OAT8 enchanged: No. I white, 4Sfl
4kSr; No. mixed, 4Sa4A7S.
It V !&- rrsoo.
HAV-.Hiady; choice timothy. $10.00:
choice prairie, H3-hnfU 00.
Bl'TTEU Creamery, iOc; flrsta. 36c;
seconda. i'4c: packing stock, ltc.
EOob Kxtras. Xoo; firsts, :itc; sec
onds. UV.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu. 40.00 04.000
Corn. bu.?. 11 0W 2S
OaU, hit a,0w I.tkO
Mllwaakea Crala' Market.
1 northern, II 13(11.14; No, S northern,
$1 lcul UV recmnber. $1UIS; May, tl Ui
BARLEY Malting. $11301 a.
Dalath Grata Market.
DCLVTH. Oct. 17WHEAT-Track Na
$ bard. $10114; No. 1 northern. $l.uV No.
t northern, $1 NVB 1 0ow ; Oesember.
$l.ov: Msy, $lUsb.
OATe-46 '.
l leerwoul Grata Market.'
nominal: future, weak; October, Ta tied;
LecembtT. ' id. March. 7a 6'ad.
CORN 8 pot, firm: American mixed, ta
!d; future steady; January, te M.
February, ja IVd.
Paarla Market.
PEORIA, Oct. 17.-COH.N-Hlgher: No.
t yellow. Rc; No. a yellow. TiVjo; No. $
nixed. Tlc, No. mixed, Tuu.
Cattle- Are Steady and Limited Of.
feringi Are Sold Early.
ply la aaall aa Monday'a Break
Valwes Is fleeovereg fheea
aa Lambs Sail steady
to atroag.
neVi-7. wrei cattie. uor. Sheep.
g" e', Monday 11IM i.m 44.7M
aatlmate Tuhiy i 4 -?
- .... m.vrj .uw , , rrjv
TtJViA itaua ALi- .. -
rime dati-gt XT
, araga..ll,r)( J 9,n II,-
!l'v" i ' ago.3,e l.OM IW.Jti
IZH a , " ? wkS SgO.X6,4Z3 10,!H4 9M,tN4
... - 1 weeks ago.ll.9ai Wi tt,37
ime days lst year..y).swl t,to lia.MJ
' J.i?u"k1""" Ho " iacaipts
for th :."'.;,,s BOU,n ',man
last v..;. " mpareq ita
SZ4.144 gi.iM
rlOSe 1 ImA Ai 1 I'jH ftwe ui m
a.3s,'i7a tlkoo.e.ft 'alioa
laat few Ct?. lor ln-
"in, comparisons:
Data 1 mi. liaio. 10.lo. ;i jut .ixw. io.
Oct. a.
dcl ki..k4;aaij
1 1 l i 07 c aoi a 01
1, a :H.,...T-....i
i Wd
e 11
l. U..I ill
Mi T 67
V 0 4 j
JCl, AA. .
Oct. 13..
Oct. 1A
$ 41i T 701 I W
4k( 7 ftlj 7
7 f )i 6 Hi;
t B
n e v.
Ml I Ui
Oct. 14..
Oct !..
a iv
an tt ih,
n t as
1 aov u. 11 ia c : k 1 .
Oct. H
i-.il6) ; a', oai it,
HecToY. ... .
, ,k. 7t. . ""H"iun 01 uve atocH
r t.n .Sl" Yrd- Bouth Omaha,
yeauraay.' Dd"1" 'l ' ,a-
, M. at P .
VvsLash 2
Missouri Pacirin!.'!" 1
LhKin A'aolup
lu 4J
4 I
U 4
a a
H 148
. at N. w., east., u
. N. v., west..Ut
. bt. 1'., M. k o.. 6
. ec W, asst.. a
C., H. I. eV 1'., west! 1
Illinois central .... 1
c. u. w i
Oman. Packing Co.... otl?' Joi
cuaany .c,n; T0:::rew tz A,WM 4.SW
Aiui unv
Aluiiskii ... "
vv. A. Vansant lag
toenton, Vansant 4k L. sw
--- ' a sa . ... all
F. B. Law.. !i!
MUaton 4k CO !' M
J. A. Atoot 4k Co M
J. H. AiUill
A A-'. AAUSg....
L. Wolf
Mccreary Carey.,
el. Vvertiieim.r
. . eie
Atamiiton sf
Lee Rothacnii.l
aio. ek Kan. Calf Co!!
Kline at Cnristy.
... 0
... J.001
wtuer uuyerg
Totals 10,19 ,$ 47.148
...rt.f ia"K,0,lpu tolerably hu
?.e UM.?.yn.."U tn ""' Character of
yeateiuay. bcarceiy any cnoice. wail
must or tn cornteds consisung 01 cattle
i..htt1 ?tn co iwu to s x
very uncertain ao
mat alt classes of buyers enoeavor to gel
Ln-m.hW,tn Ur gin 1 pom
ana the result is a ratner "10 w no indif.
arent market tor anything of Thle kind
4uyer oiUott pr.f.,' the good westsrn
Angara and the, are selling readily
irora feaoer buyers makes an active and
ateady warkel ior the medium ainda. In
genaial tna market for anyuilng at all
oasirable in tha way f beef au.r? wa,
fully ateady and tha limited oif'rlng,
were disposed of in very good season.
buppues 01 cows ana heitsrs were not
very targe and there was a good inquiry
troiu both local packers Ind outalde
buicnere for the fair to choice gradea
Prloea ruled ateady to strong fo any.
thing good enougn to attract compeU
Hon. wnne canners and cuttera, as usual
of lata, ware more or leae neglected and
wara slow sale at steady to aaaler fig.
Ures. Vsal calva. ennt.n,,. .... .... ...
. m awM uiaiatl lor DUila.
stags, etc. .
There was considerable activity in tha
stocker and feeder trade and prices aa
- " wen suataiuaa ail along tha
- very aoou
aiiapo owing 10 recent rains and there is
ni.IilV tit ..... ... ....
. couniry. eo
that the demand is about as good as it
.wm iiui season, cattle
earn ing good Cash and quality have tha
ealt Kll, rtti.lllu la , w . .
- - j - ... lima cuiisiasra-
Uou with buyers and good lightweight
steers are free sellsrs at strong prices,
took helfere and cows are in vary good
request and quotable about tha same as
last week.
j notations on native cattle: Good to
Choice beet steers. $i.s$r).go; fair ta gaod
beef eteere. eu.ftoQ'V.Sk; eouraon to lair
beef aiaore, $4.i6w0- good to choloe hen.
ers. a4.7oiB6.60; good to cboioa cows, $4soi
s.OUj I air to good cows, ai.tbsi-sti; commou
to ralr co, $4.76a4 40; veal calves, xa.m
tT.Wi 1 '
LliiAlfttlAn. Mn Mnaa Mill.. . .
. woq IQ
choice beet steers, e (vfraiu; fair to good
k. . . . .... a a, All. .w
u" .-, , , v. w , vvwiaon TO lair
hu.f ... a tA iyLai. a... .a. .1 . - l.Tj
rwwa a..--.. ,, n wai.-, . V VUUII 11611
srs, M-itiio.lki; good to choice cows, $4.4ou
.w; lair to good oowa, eaiae4-40; good to
choice stockr and feeders, aa.vurja.0u;
tair to good stockera and leedera -4.oi
awu; common to fair stocker and leeUsr.
M-AWtrt-so; stock belter. H-4awi bulla
stag, aic, ei.A5t6.u0.
Haprssautailv sales
Ma A. rr. Na At.
. Pr.
1A lit 4 M ta lluS
11 1171 U If liw
CO.. a,.
. r 1 1 tm
4 f i i ii a so
U 14 w
1 W t M I l i M
u.. a lb U wit 4 a
a JUii
u. ua a m .
ALV aa.
I it
.... 114
.... 1A0
( M
I w
4 W
. 4 14
. AO I Utl
. AA 4 U
.v. 140 I At
40' 4 U
mi ia
, kl 4 14
tl MS 4 u
ill 4 at
4. AuA A a.
I 4 tt
W Ai a, . ..... a .
No. AV,
Pr. No. av.
4 M
4 OB
44 oowa...
14 a 4MWS Uji
.ltd. a VA
W steers.. ,.UU
ol leaders.. tA
.Ujd 4 M
,. eai g ea
.Ml Is)
. SA 4 SO
AO avwe...
LA teeaera
11 cows...
1 cows...
7$ 4 u
MA 404
U teedera
a cow a...
,7.0 a
A ttieHier..liAs
kl com ie
l)U ers.. 110
. lMO.r.. tlay AO.
Ai teeaera.. lAla W
u leeuKi . .i-i to
1 Ulltf
M. Nebiaaka.
50 feeders. .lvii
oj cows kll
oo i 'Aexana..llM 70
IU s4 cow. al iu
I cows...
U Caiaoo Nebraska
luu4 4 74 Hi feedere..l0ta
B Bktle Nebraska.
feeder .lueT I u II eowe M
W. rr. CoWe Nebraska.
13 feeders.. M Ih a hsilere... 7M
a an
U cows l73 4 Ob Wcows....
S ralvea . !S M A. n.v..
Ml a 64
s i i
J. P. eiibbltt 4k Co. Nebraska.
ee leeoere. .iiai o ou feeders. .1140
UT feeoere. rw 4 ta 41 steers...
14 4 W
j. . null Nebraska
17 feeders, toa I lo
F. L. Logan Nebraska.
Meows 7h6 a 4i 11 steers. ...10a 4H
st ear a. 1130 4 4
A. J ' Bibcock Nebraska
n oowa to
4K) I cows..
. tos an
U cows Tt
17 feeders., f.7
a to
. kc
, 740
a as
a ii
4 i
4 (S
4 40
4 76
t U
a oo
4 ti
4 00
4 96
4 u
4 W
4 W
It feedera.
11 feeders.
46 cows..,,
11 cows.,.,
14 feedera.
30 feeders.
W cows...,
10 feeder.
14 heifer..
44 steeia. ...HS
13 cows 4
Jl feeders..
14 sterrs... lota
11 teetlers.. tl
4 feeders.. TAG
11 heifers... 4.K
4 41)
i u
4 It
cows lou 4 10
fedr.. PI III H feeder.. 71 (
11 cow i 4 6 heifers... 7J 4 15
14 feeders.. IS M feeders.. 714 4 tm
Ill 4 1 1 feeders.. M III
I Cows rl 111 41 heifers... 447 4
41 feeders,. 727 I W u calvea... 10 7 W
10 rows ft7 4 to
Z T. Rrowsj Wyo.
41 feeders.. 96 I on to cows 11J 4
J Maeharrv 'v.
aO f seders 1071 fn 4 feedere .lhT 4 40
eows iini 4 11 cow. ps a 4i
Caere $M a ealvss... MJ 7 00
11 feeders.. 63 6 20
3. W T)..n Wvri
II cows n 4 20 II feeders.. t H
4 cows If! IW a cows 833 4 10
3 feedera.. 0 4 $5
M. Cochran Wro.
a feeders.. 911 H 14 cows M 4 10
1 cows MO IU
J M. Mann Wyo.
W eows 7I 4 40 10 stcckers 728 4 40
1 eows (JO a 74 4 cows M3 a 24 .
La Bonte Ltvg Stock Co. Wyo.
I1T feeders. 10n IK li feeder. .11JA R K
feeders.. 7 a M X3 feeders.. ll::s 4 R5
2S steers.. . 1323 4 AA 17 steers. ...1103 4 M
Western Ranches Wvo
17 steers. .. lo'd :s 30 steers.. ..10(4 4 16
Knsjelklnc Hros Wvn
1 feeder.. 174) 4 CO 7 steers. .. 9?S 4 25
Kdnsr Boles Wvn.
13 ter....lW m 7 cows 974 1 SO
1 helfere ..MOO I It
H. E. Cheeeemsn Wv
18 feeders. . 74l 4 75 13 cows 931 4 M
I caives... ana (1 13 feeders. .1011 130
t feeders .71 4 M
Charles Farthlna Wvo.
18 cows 1023 4 0 10 cows 9 4 15
77 feeders.. V'A 6 10 feeders.. R.V5 G 10
29 feeders. , IM 8 10 44 pel fere... 1 4 10
14 St. Ac ti. VM 5 OU 1 fe dr.. 930 4 70
F'lUTll L'AKt'TA.
13 feeder.. 76 8 20 21 cow Ts t M
heifers... SM 4 71 19 ralve. . . 3 4M
12 feeders.. M'4 i W) II feeders.. 61 I 20
l caivea... 87 4 mi
Heefert Wood H. f
13 feeders.. fr2 8 to 8 feeders., m 4
14 cows 87,7 8 40 3 cows 9"3 4 It
T heifers... oi 4 10 11 calves... 31 i 10
F. L. Loaran A. D.
20 cows Tift 4 46 U steers.. ..1048 4 71
steers.. ..1230 4 40
D. N. Huff-g. D.
18 ateara...,1078 4 TB 14 feeders.. 414 4 48
1 cows 101 8 7t
I Flaigg-R D.
11 cows KoO 3 40 0 calves... 305 4 75
U Flalgg-H- 1
17 COW 140 8 4. 12 calves... 275 4 75
A. E. Evsleth--S. D.
18 cows 830 4 0) 11 cowe 101 8 70
A. Flalgg-8. D.
8 helfera.. 615 175 8 feeders.. 805 4 85
1$ feeders.. 7H5 4 70 11 feeders.. 875 8 00
U halters... H15 3 CO
HOO.S All of yesterday's decline was
regained on a market that held only a
limited supply. The sdvance was prsc
tlcally identical with the break yester
day, amounting to I if 10c. Demand from
all quartera was fairly active throughout
tho session, but packers were the leading
buyers and outalds ordera had little or
no bullish Influence.
Offerings gave a total of 1,800 head and
with four or five regular buyers out
tn the alleys aarly complete clearance
proved easy. Yards were almost empty at
10 o'clock, but Individual droves were
necessarily small. Only a few odd loads
were purchassd on shipping account.
Bulk landed at a narrow spread of
$6.8Hr.40 and full advances were allowed
more readily toward the close thsn dur
ing the opening rounds. There were no
really choice bacon animals on sale, be-t
lights available making a top of $6.45,
nlcksl undsr yesterday's high price.
Representative sales:
No. At. gfc. Pr. No. At. Sk. Pr.
II VI, ao 4 So M IM 140 I ti
41 VI 40 I Si) 15 m ... 4 SA
44 I 111 4 SI ht S.l 10 4 U
10 140 4 AA It 144 M I II
M to 44 I SA II Ml ... I 14
l 241 ... 14 SA4 114 I il
11 tat ... ISA IA HI ... ISA
17 3Tt 140 I IA 72 174 40 I AA
i au ao I ia II :h 120 I l&
17 All ... I IA tn 120 I II
17 3T 341 I IA r 210 130 I It
t I4 12 I IA AS 21 1A0 I'H
AO 140 M I 14 l 161 ... I II
M Ilf 0 4 B t I'JT ... IITW
44 Ill SO I II 47 IU IS I 17
IJ 171 SO I SI 7 fit W I 40
M UI 00 4 M 41 IM 40 I M
44 11 4 4 It 47 SO? 120 4 44
I u ... IM II 311 120 4 40
M 104 M I II 41 Ill 100 4 44
41 244 ... 4 IA II 244 SO I 40
73 Ill ... IS M 17 ... 14
II Hi ID Ik 14 1.1 10 I 44
II 140 ... IIS W 174 10 140
4t.......7 140 I I II 141 120 4 40
71 144 IM I II 47 Ill 40 4 40
It Ill N Ik 4 IAS ... I 40
It l-l ... I II II IA M I 40
40 HI 120 I St 17 M ... I 40
44 7I 40 I II 10 ll ... 140
M 140 110 4 14 Kit IM I 40
44 364 IM I H 7 ISO ... I 42S4
41 20 N 111 All 221 130 I AA
44 III 10 I M Tl 114 40 I 44
UT 14 ... I M ,
ena&r- iraue In shsop and lambs
tooa a biaoo ana early prices ruiaa
steady to atrong. despuu tne tact tuai
isceipts were lairly large, ine estimate
called for tuny ei.uuu ucaa, maxiug a
two uay total of aoout a.vou iiuao. Ot
tering in feeder tlesn preoominaieu, tne
sauie aa recently, ana larou were in
usavy majority.
.now suppiy tound a market occupied
by b.vuu uad of stale stoca, but -mis
liunou of holdovers caused no vision
auunesg In Duying oirciea. Tuere was
tioiuixig unsaid yesterday that carneu
kinnm .lean and an incumpluie clearance
of teeoere is seiuoiu levugmged as a
uade lAtuier the louowlng uay.
a ai AaiutHl ataitou u.. u .awiiy active
i) le, good korig moving gviuutid e JA
s.ko. Few strings ol tins usscripiiuu uauiu
suraignt, however, aou raiauvtuy sniaii
uuia wara neceaary in Older 10 ubtaiu a
rather luooeat aupply. atrlcuy cnoicv
.auiua wuuia haroiy pass at most,
as packer are watouitig aaslsrn coat
uiora oioaeiy and are trying to keep loca.
values margined low enougn to nia
aome allowance (or the additional ex
penaa ot delivery.
liuaineaa in tat ahecp had limited ail
for tha reason mat good wetnere, awes,
etc., wara ham to tlnd. r irm price
were paid as a rule and tna general trad
showed no change worth mentioning. Us
eently finlahed ewes sold around 84.5.
And from a belter country uemand,
the feeder market kspt Its usual form.
Some little improvement was ahown In
weighty stuff, but from top to bottom
the price list was rather elastic Light
o.aaaea looked cheap In moat Instance,
ssliing around $uu and less. Some extra
good feeder lambs touched 8490 early,
while to and 0-pound weights ranged
from M 88 to $4.60. Feeder ewes were
purohaaed from 83-78 downward. Yes
terdsy's total buy on country account
amounted to 80,8. s head.
Quotatlona on Sheep and Lambs
Lain ha, good to ehoioe, 88.4odle.ta; lam Da,
fair to good, 1 la6.4o; lambs, feeders,
M Wt4.90. yearlings, good to choice, $4 11
04.46; yearlings, feeders, J3 fa4 10 weth
era. handy, $2.1544 00; wethers, heavy,
M.&; wethera. feedera, 83.364.3.66;
ewes, good to choice, 87i.lW3.4o; ewe,
fair to good. $2 '; ewee, breedere,
la jfyQIW; ewes. teeUeis, $2.IKtt7e; awes,
eulla ll.4ot6.le.
If! Wyoming lambs, feedera.... 80 4 00
1073 Wyoming lambs, feeder.. 63 41
7h'J Wyoming lambs, fdra. culls 4:4 8 SO
39 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... M 4 88
81 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 88 4 33
70; Wyeniing lamhs. feeders.... 61 T8
$48 Wyoming lamhs, feeders.... 68 4 40
7M Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 80 4 0)
70O Wyoming li-mh, feeder.... 8 4 7
SJ1 Wyoming lam he, feeders.... 4 4 IS
41 Wyoming yearlings 93 8 78
Mil Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 17 180
117 w yomtng ewes, tare., culls "3 I M
179 W yoming ewes, feecwrs.... SS
Vug Wyoming ewes, feeders.... M
i t
11 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... Tr I 88
Ms Wyoming lamhs. feeder.... h 4 7
111 Wyoming Isinbs. feedera.... CS 78
18 W'yomlng lambs 7 8 80
44 Wvowiing lambs Tl 8 60
kM "Wyoming lamba, feeders.... 40 4 80
840 Wyoming lamba, feedera.... 44 78
44 Wyoming ewee 9 8 30
227 Wyoming ewea, feeders..., 8a 1 40
140 Wyoming lamba 47 6 3
141 Wyoming lamba, feedera.... 48 8 78
9 Wyoming lamba feeders.... 48 4 00
168 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... tl 4 00
191 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64 40
Wyoming lamba. feedere.... o 4 88
t V.'yoi;s feeAwre..., 8 4 AA
2-.S Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 5 4 T4)
38 Wyauatng ww la 78
No. Av. Pr.
2o)i Colorado ewea feeders 71 8 40
368 Colorado wethers 2 8 38
43 Colorado waa. culla Is 3 io
lot Wyoming ewea. feedera 73 1 40
lib Wyoming ewea. feeders 83 1 00
130 Wyoming ewea feeders 74 1 10
lt3 Wyoming ewes and ylgs.... 3 3 78
4 Nebraska ewea. yearling . 47 8 74
8 Wyoming wethers, feedara. 80 a 46
TU Wyoming wethera feedsds. M 8 46
361 Wvomlng lamba. feeders.... 47 86
344 Wyoming lamba. feeders.... 44 4 71
1ST Wyoming yearllnsa. feeder! (00
IS Wyoming yrarlinse, feeders (1 00
14 Wyoming yearling-, feedera 4 40
M9 Wyoming lamba, feeders.... U 4 78
tt Wyoming ewes m 8 18
Jn7 Wyoming twee 107 10
421 Wyoming lamb 74 6 0
i47 Wyoming lainbe 74 6 eo
97 Wyoming lamba. 80
1S7 Wyoming lamba Tl I 00
16 Wyoming lamha Tl 6 to
Wyoming lamba.... T g
... 78
... 74
... 74
... Tl
... 9f
... 7
8 75
6 75
k is
3 4.1
8 UI
4 V0
Demand for tattle aod Sheep Weak
Hogs Slow.
CHICAGO, 4ct. 17.-CATTLE-Recilpt,
. 0 head. Market weak, beevee, 4 to
lexaa steers, M-loll l; wehtem
steeis, U4ou'i.U packers and fevuera,
$i.j4j.77). cows and heifers, tJ.uu'uti.tfj;
c.-ilves, Ao.o'fgS.aO.
HOuS- Keceipts, 15,000 hesd. Market
slow, 00 lower than yesterday average.
Light, 87 avtlti.70; mixed, $6.u6i.76; heavy,
Aitt).iO; rough, 4t-tjD 3h; good to c hoice
heavy, -,., u; pigs, .6it.ipo. Bulk of
sairs, tq.axtin.45.
fell aii i' ANU LAMBS Receipts, 42,000
head. Market weak. Native, lAo4.oo;
weatera. i.o(H.uu; yearlings, l. I'otut.mi;
native lambs, 4-oiVoo. w ; wetrn, 640J
t. I.ools Live block Market.
1ST. LOL'18, Oct. 17 CATTLE Re
ceipt, k.ioo head, including k,94 Texan.
Market w lower. Native ampplng and
export steers, 17 .fa', A. 00; dtcuSra bacf and
butrner steere, to 6'; steers under
l.ioi lbs., MotHj.Otj; Blocker and feeders.
sJOifio.: cows and heliers, 8wj.ju;
canners, $1 OOrdl.OO; bulls, 6i.7nAj4.25; caiveM,
$4.uo-ae.;5, Texas and Indian steers, $4uo
47.W; cows auil heifers, :i tlOQi.t'O.
HiKJS heceipts. l.oCv h'i'i. Market 6
lower; pi its ' and lights, 4.-.jti.i0;
packers, 8 ; butchers and best
heavy, 4bir,.,0.
BlltEl' ' AND IAMBS- Receipt", 4.100
hesd. Market steady to 10c lower. Native
muttons, I3..51'7) W, lambs, $4.0tHi fiO; culls
and bucks, l.--ti'A.o0; stocker, il.tcti'S.W,
Kaaoa Illy l.lva block Jfarket.
ceipts, 24.000 head, Including 1.700 south
ern. Market steady to strong. Dressed
beef and export steers, $7.un4i..30; fair to
good, 46.iOvci6.0u; western steers, ll.W-a7.7k).
stocker and foodars, 84.wtn,.7o; southern
steers. i. JodicOO; southern cows. IJ.7.V(i
4.,; n'ttivc cow, ti it'a5.'.'6; native helfete,
M.HKgi.uO; bulls, 8J-2i'U-l ; calve.
7.75. ,
HOOS Heceipls, 15,000 head. Market
t end v. bulk of sale. $6.1rt. oO. Heavy,
Is.W'ijH.SS; packers and butcher, W-auw
S.50; lights. Aii.oiKiaMii; pigs, $4.2.Vn.0li.
RHEEP AND LA MUo Receipts. 23.000
head. Market 10c to 16c lower. Umbi,
4.5iti5.65; yearling, $37SH50; wether.
$.I.A7ti3.75; ewes, 83. 90.1.45; atockers and
feeder, $:.60nJ75.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ceipt. 8,600 head; market steady to
strong; steers, $4.60(8.00: cows and heif
ers. J2.8txiid.Oti; calves. $3.60rr7.7.
HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head; market ic
lower; top, $1.46; bulk of sales, !ti.3ua6.40.
. SHEElP AND LAM BH Receipts, 4.00J
bead; market lower; Ismbs, fu.uu41i.Ol).
atock la Slaht.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western market yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Bouth Omaha 8.o a.rvxi 37, kh)
Pt. Joseph I,6i4) 7.000 4.000
Kan-as City 24,000 16,000 23.000
Et. Louis 9.17,0 1H.5D0 4.100
Chicago 8,000 26,0110 42,0)JQ
.S2,2oO 69.000 108,800
81. I.oals General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 17-WHEAT-Cash,
firm; track. No. 1 red, ai.OOtQ LOlVs! No. 2
hard, 31.06HB1.13.
CORN-Lower; track. No. 2 73Vc; No. 2
white. 73 74c.
OATS-Dull; track. No. 2. 47c; No. 2
white. 47&4So.
RTT2 Higher; at $1.00.
FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents. $4.S0
04.80; extra fancy and straight, $3.90t94.35;
hard winter clear, 83.5oj3. 16.
PEED Timothy, $lir0014.50.
BRAN Weak; sacked aaat track, $1.10
HAY Quiet: timothy, tl9.00Q24.0O; prai
rie, $18.(Kn.M. .
BAGGING 86 l-18c.
POULTRY Chickens, 10c; springs, 11c;
turkeys, 1416c; ducks, llAc; geese, 10c.
BUTTER Steady; creimery, 2.fi30c.
EGGS Firm at 19H31Ho.
PROVISIONS Pork unchsnged: J0I1
nlng, $16.80; lard, lower; prime -team.
$6 l7m$ ,6-V: dry salt meats, lower; boxed
extra shorts. 8c; clear ribs, Sc; short
clears, 6c; bscon. lower; boxed extra
short, 9c; clear ribs, 9o: short clesrs, 9lc.
, ' Raceipta Shipments.
Flour, bblg 8,0ft) KXom
8 Wheat, bu JT.OOO 61.000
aU, bu 44.000 17,000
orn, bu 63,000 33,000
Coffee Market.
tures opened irregular at an advance of
two to eleven points In response to higher
French cables, reports of unfavorable
weather In Brail I. buying by trade In
terests and covering by recent sellers for
a turn. Trading was active from the
start, but tha volume of buainesa In
creased aa prlcea worked higher and dur
ing tha afternoon December contracts
sold back to 16c, or the previous high
record, and forty points from the low
level ot yesterday, on urgent covering,
bullish crop reports from Brasil and re
ports that leading roasters had been cred
ited with heavy purchaaes of spot coffee
In tha local market last week and again
yesterday were now bidding for spot sup
plies in tha Interior markets. The close
waa firm and within a point of the best,
at a net advance of thirty to thirty-eight
pointa Kales. 168.600 bags. October. No
vember and December, 14 98c; January,
14.70c; February, 14.50c; March, H81c;
April, 14c; May. 14.2sc; June. 1427c;
July. 14.36c; August. 14.34c; Beptember,
14.24c. Havre waa &l franc higher. Ham
bury waa pfg. lower. Rio unchanged
at I 300; Santo unchanged; 4s. 9 $2o0; 7s,
8 $600. Receipts at the two Bratillan ports
were 135,0u0 bags, againet T..0O0 last year.
Jundlahy receipts, 97,000 bags, against
64,1(00 last year. Cold weather waa re
ported In Sao Paulo. Today special Santos
cables reported a barely steady market,
with 4a unchanged. Sao Paulo receipts,
74.000 bags, sgatnst 113.000 the previous
day. New York warehouse deileverle
yesterday. 17,333 bags, against 12.571 lust
year. Private cables from Havre Bald
a prominent recent seller there was cover,
lng a prlvats cable from ASantos saying
that wet weather waa Injuring tha crop
and that they wara bidding 176 points oa
spot for Octobsr contracta Spot coffee,
firm; Rio No. 7, lSTc: Santog No. 4, 16V
Mild firm; Cordova, 17M9c, nominal. ,
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 17. METALS Stand,
ard copper, firm; epot, October, Novem
ber. December and January. IU.OuoU.6;
Loudon market easy; spot, 66; futurea
55 Is 6d. Custom house returns show
export so far this month ot 1,61 tons.
Lake copper, $lt.60i8t2.63H; electrolytic
IU aOffl2.37Vt- and casting. $12.00(1111.28. Tin,
aasy; stot. $41.-53-41.75; November. $41.15. J
4160; December. $40.9utfr41 8TH; January,
I40WJ41.26; February, 840 76541.38. Lon
don, ateady; spot. 1X8 12s 6d; futures.
168. Local sales, fivs tons spot at
Ml 324. Lead, quiet; $l.2MjP4 .30. New York;
84. lost 4-20. East tit- 1-oua. London. 15
8s 9d. fcpelter. quiet; 8t U,..2s New York;
pilosis. AO East tit. Louts. London, 27 lua.
Antimony, quiet; Cookeon'a, $8 .l2iS..2i
Iron, Cleveland warrants. 4ee,4Hd In Lon
don. Locally iron was quiet. No. 1 foun
dry northern, $15.2t,16.6u; No. 2, $15.00$
15.26; No. 1 aouthern and No, 1 southern
soft. $15. 0045.50.
New Yfk Mar Market.
call, steady; 2v,$3H par cent; ruling rate.
3H per cent; closing bid. 3H per oant; of
fered at 84 per cent. Time loans, ateady;
cixty day. 33fc par cent; ninety days.
IWA par oant ix months. 8V44 per
actual bualneaa In bankers' hills at $4 .8140
for ixty-dar billa and at $4 6w0-A-iU4 fur
demand: commercial bllla. 84.83'e.
SILVER Bar, Kc; Mexican dollar.
BONDS Government, ateady; railroad,
Oils aa Roala.
TINE Firm. i'oi galea 880 bbl.; re
eetpta l.OH bbla; ahtpmanta, 438 bbia;
atock. 87.S04 bbia
ROalN-rirm; aalea, 1.401 bbU.; r.
eelpta 3 0t bbla.; ahlpnvanu. 1.8a bbla;
tocka. 11.41 bbl Quotation: a). 86 4;
P. 8H.4: E. $.&: f, G. H. I. K, M. WW;
N. $ o; WO. r.8u; WW. r 60.
' Waal Market.
BOSTON Oct. 17. WOOL An Increase
of actlvtty la noted tn the wool market,
while a number of buyers declare that
staple territory wools and fisecea are
lea strong. Tha demand tor fleeces Is
fit Wyoming lainh
168 Wyoming lamba
$73 Wyoming; lamb
18 Colo, ye.rllnga. feeder.
i!l Wyoming ewes
71 Wyoming yearling
still confined to lower grsdes, with some
del!ngs in three-eighths blood, which
sells from 244c to 37c. Good average ter
ritory clothing wools are held at 10.
with estimated scoured value off lo. A
moderate amount ot pulled wool find
UT. LuCIS, OcL 17. WOOL Steady;
territory and w..rn medium. ITlj.f'C;
fin mediums, lglc; fine, llluc.
NEW YORK. Oct. lv-Th attitude of
official of the Department of Justice
toward the Amern Tobacco company s
plsn of reorganisation and revlvnl of re
ports that action was soon to be tskn
by the government Bgsinrl the United
States Steel corporation comhlned to de
press prices materially In the morning
lon of the atock market. United ft a tea
Steel wai the weakeat of tho prominent
Issues. Both lssus of American Tobacco
bonds and the preferred stock wero heavy
and on the curb the common stock de
clined pointa. Union Pscific fell below
yesterday s low price sml Hcsding was
under some pressure, hut Lehigh Vallev
was relatively firm. Norfolk & Weeiern
wss virtually the only stock to show a
gain, rising 1', to 107. The trend of
prices ws upward In th hecond hour,
but tha recovery consisted of only frac
tions and the buying decreased steadily.
Bonds were easier.
'Hie upward movement attained greater
momentum in the latter part of the after
noon and Union Pacific, Cnited States
Steel and Reading ro-e to a level slightly
above yesterday s cloe. The market
cloeed rtrong. Trivial iluctuatlons wr
Hie Mile In the cloning hour, but the mar
ket maintained a decided under current of
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were ss fo'"s:
1111. r- ,m- HI-,B- to- Cl0'
AlllA-Tiilmr pf 1.4110 10 l"4
AmilfT-mttar) cVr-per ... I.M0 11 o H
Anierlnn Agricultural .. P' AVa io4 41
Am. H-t ur..... I.M h
Atsericaa Qaa mo . lou lou livt
Am.rlri, c ft r ,i40, j.
AmrlrB Cotton OIL... luO tl II 101
Amerieaa H. A U pfl 14
Am. Ice gerurltlM , 1
Amerlrwa LUmd l
Amsrlcsa Lseomotlv ... IV) IS 14V 3S
Amerli-sn 8. A R l ino - I44 l4
Am. 8. A It. pM 100 101 102 t
Am. Steel FnunilrlM 10
Am. gur lifllnlns SiO 111 117s iilUj
Amrlrn T A T MO 134 l.1 1361
Aaierlcsn Tobacco DM... K) MV H N
Amrlr4n Woolen so
Anaconda Mining Co Inn I3H "
Atchl-on t.yin in;t toni 111714
AtrhiTnn rri :oi i"it imuj in
Atlantic Coaat Line imo 127 137 U7
Biltlmor A Ohio l.KM 1714 17
B-thUhtm nteel Zk
Drookly R.plo Tr 7(10 78 7414 74
Canadian Pt.lho Ism SJBV J2ti, V
Cantral Leather 200 JIH II H 21
Central Lcathar pfrl 4
Central of Nw Jeraty JS0
Oeaapaeke A OMs l.OofJ T II lt
Chlrato A Alton 91 Q. W., new 0 II lit! II
Chlc.o O. w. eM I7tfc
Chicago A N. w im 14414 J44V4 144W
Chlraso, M. A St. P... 4o mi 107 V, li s
C, C C. A Bt. L AS
Colorado f A I 7Uj
Colorado A Southern 44
Oni.ohdatcd Gla TOO 13l4 111 MH
Corn Product- 1H4
Delaware & Hurlaon 1(H) ICS IM 1R3
Denver A Plo Granda... too 34 34 34
Denver A R. O. ptd 4'4
Dlatlllora Becurltlas ... 700 13 i. t
Erie ,no SOS 1014 10
Erie lat pfd inn Silt 1014 6ftt4
Erlo Id p(d ion 41 41 40 v
Oaneral Electric mo 1IS1 iU uo
r7ral Northern pfd t.sno 134 IX.), U
Oreat Northern Ore etfs.. 1,700 61 60 4li4
Illinois Central 137
Inwrbnroush Met fV) 14 14 14
Int. Mat. pfd t"0 44 44 41
Intematkinal Harveater . 700 104 1H 1034
Int. Marine pfd 100 tail ir II
intarnallonal Paper " 100 111 10 10
International Pump . v- 21 "w
toa Cantrml 4 II
Kanru City Sfcuihern 3
K. C. go. p(d S0 6 as 14
Ltclade Oaa no 1"4 104 104
Loulavlll A Nt ah villa.. 400 147 147 14
Mia. A It Loula II
M . St. P. A S. 8. M... 7O0 1SI 130 111
Missouri, K. A T Lino Si 31 11
M . K AT. td too 70 9 II
Mlauurt Pacific 1.500 39 S
National ptacult 124
National Util too 41 4" 47
N. R. R. of M. 3d pfd.. too 1,1 U 12
New York Central 400 101 104 10a
N. T., O. A W '
Norfolk A W-,tern 1.300 10T 106 10
North Amariran 10
North.rn racllks 1.700 U4 ill 11
paciiio Mail rv u i ad
1.1O0 1!2U 1S2 13?
Pooplo's Oaa
P.. C. C. A Bt. L
rittibunh Coal
I"0 lin mv mi
lliO W. M 14
Prnial Steel Car. .
rullmaa Palace Oar N7
R.1IW.V StMl Sortn. 104 7 17 Z7
Reading 14.1. 10 131 lllli 1AS44
Kopublle gteal '.. ..... 12
Republic. Iteol pt.., 14
Bock laland Co 1.300 34 l"H
Rock laland Co. pfd li0 47 47 47
It. U A I F. 14 Pfd--. 100 41 41 41
It. Louta . W 0
It. Louta g. TV. pfd
Rl04-Sharflal4 I. A I... 100 40 40 40
Southern raclfle I.ioo 1 U'" 10
geutharn Railway 7.100 29i 5C4 t"i
go. Railway cfd 104 10 70 70
Tennoaaae Oppor
Taiaa A Piolflc 100 21 81 4
T., St. L. A W 100 l ! 11
T., Bt. I A W. pfd tOO 42 42 45
t'nlon Paoirirf I0.4oo IAS 111 IM
t'nlon Pacific rfd "IH
t'nlted State Ttaalty
rnltad Stal.a Rubber.... 1.000 4S 4S 4?i
Cnltad Statas ateal 114.400 H M B!U
C g. Bteel fd 1.800 ,0 1" 1".
Vtall Copper I.00 42 4t 41
Va -Carolina Chomloil .. l,on 4 4 4i
Wabaah oo IS 15 t:i.
wabam pfd Lion ir. ts
Wtat.rn Maryland 200 17 6 6
Wutlnshouao Eloetrle... 400 v 11 4
Weat.ra Union 1.000 71 71 7S
Whoallns A L X S6
loatss Vallor 21.100 114 142 113
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Oct. 17. American securities
opened quiet and sbout unchanged today.
During the first hour prices moved Irregu
larly and at noon ranged from H above
to H below parity.
Tndcn closing oc-v r.Mnts.t1on
Conaoli, mosey .... Tl Loalavlllo A Naah.111
do account 78 Mo., Kan. A Tax.. II '4
Amal. Copper' 81 N. T. Central 101
Anaooala .V. 7Norfolk Watra.lul
Atchlion 10 lo ptd
ao r 10444 Ontario A Woatara. 41
Balttmoiw A Ohio.. Pannaylvaola 12
Cndln Pacific ..l)4RAnd Mlaaa I'a
Chaapeak A Ohio. 74 Reading 71
Chi. Great Weatarn II goutbera Ry 2"i
Chi.. Mil. A it. P-1" do ptd TJ
D Beors lloutbrs Paclllo .11'.
tronvor A Rls O... l4Vsloa PMlllo Ibl'a
do pfd AO 4 Id 14
Brie "... HtJ. . tel o
do lat ptd 61 do pf 112
do M pld Wabaab
Cran Trunk ...... t o pfd IT
IlllDOi C-aatral ....142
ait. Vert Firm a. 24Sd per ounce.
MONKY IKfaW per cent.
The rata of discount In the open max-'
ket for short bills la 3'e3H per cent; for
three months' bllla iUis per cent.
Cotto Market.
closed quiet at 16 points lower; middling
uplanda 8.36c ; middling gulf, 160c. No
Cotton futures eloaed ateady. Closing
bids: October, 8 96c.;. November. 0c; n-
. A lamtM , Al,' F P hl'l W T V .
09c; March. .17e; April, 8 23c; May, . Ale;
June, s.jac; July, saec; August, n.c, n-w-ternber,
BtaUlon aa Jack Sores, Old fores,
and Swelling,
from any causa Many bad caaea where
other remedita have failed have been
cured permanently by a tew appllcetlone
of FlaTUPOLE. If applied tn time a cure
may be effened without breaking the
akin. Ordinarily worst catea are cured
within three to four waeke. One bottle la
sufficient to euro any ordinary casa
Price 12.00 prepaid. Guaranteed to
aura or money refunded.
a a rui DSUCC.ST dca net have tl
write to tha
riatupele Coaa pounding Co.
batkam, MMlaoia. V. A. A.
Vsluabla tastlmoniaia given on appllca-
lotmlt by currency, draft or P. O. order.
Q. M. Otfica Central Dlvi.lon. &Ji fed
eral Uullding. Chicago, UI., Oct. 7 in.
Scaled propoaaia in triplicate, will be re
celved bv the Quartermaster at Port Rob
Inaon, Neb., until 11 o c ock a. 111., moun
tain time, OcL 21-, 1SU. and then ou-ned,
for fuiniAhliig all material and l.ihur 10
auutd for the consn uvtion of a Hay tShed
al that Pot. Full ii-tormailon, plana
and pc'.ficatkin furnihtd n rpitea
tlon to that officer, plan and apecit. ca
tion can be seen at thia office. Colonel
John U Clam, Ctuat Quartermaster.