Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1911, LAND SHOW, Page 11, Image 11

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, X . .LJ J
Adjunct of the Bij Land Show ii
Most Intretiny.
Are CI vino Dfut.iuatratlon rtllk th"
Latest Miu)ilucr l.lvw KsulU
iU Arv AttrnetlitH' '
t'orili at Hie Mium.
?"ct only 1 JUohlnery hell at thu
Oniah l u-nd thaw the aeialMt plo In
Omaha, but !s an will contlnu to h
tor tt.o next two week th moit Indus
trious. All modem ant newfangled machinery
U on exhibition n4 all the exhibitor
are on the job, for the Kiant engines and
tbe amalier models or kept spluttering
from morelng until ulght wlh a eadenee
that la anything but melancholy.
Th farmer who enter thl collection
house of machinery la at one assailed
by Indecision. Great automobile are al
lentlr climbing Incline that are almost
vertical, hug traction engines Invite with
lo- and renular VH -ch an Inspection of
their rrta, epietir, hay baler. Hat
ers, cultivators, moweirt, brilliant In unworn-
paint and displayed In a manner
that at one exhibits their varloua ue,
all appeal In winning way to th man
who take hi richer from th earth.
Turning- to the west there at one U
reached an attraction that cannot be
pasted up. It l an array of machine
from th horn of th Llntnger Imple
ment company of Omaha. The exhibit I
In eharg of W. II. Fletcher and U. P.
Whltmor and conisu of tha field en
do. Gem washers, i'eoriu drills, Ollvor
chilled plow and Oakland automobile.
liny llalpr I hpTB.
Aa exhibit by the Uiiinger people
which bee attracted ino:e attention per
hap than any of their other exhibit la
th Leuben hay baler and Koiln engine
combined. I'nllke the ordinary baler l Ills
machine doe not pack th hay Into
squares and bind It with wire, but roll
it Into hollow cylinder and tie It with
trine. Owing to th scarcity of hay a
pad 1 being uied in demonstration in
stead of th real thing, but even under
this handicap the baler work perfectly.
Th baler 1 demonst rated by R. A.
The Beatrice Creamery company ha a
beautifully decorated booth in the center
f the hall and ha several machine ex
hibited, on being a cream separator In
sections to demonstrate how "slmpl the
thing 1." A separator la in operation.
H. B. Wright of Dea Moines is in charge
of th exhibit and Is much pleased with
the success he, has had thus far In dem
onstrations to interested crowd.
The Carter car automobile people of
Omaha have erected a steep Incline in
the hall and skilled chauffeurs drive their
machine slowly up this Incline to the
very tup, then aa slowly back until half
way to the ground, then the brakes are
applied, and then the power turned on
again and without a slip th machine
climb up the incline again.
Job Deer Kxhtblt.
B. C. Peattle, formerly of Omaha, hut
now of Mollae, III., la In charge of the
exhibit of the John Deere company an
exhibit covering the line of Implements
th company ha ao long manufactured
t so large a patronage. In addition to
th exhibit at th show grounds, lb John
Deere company has two plow working
for exhibition purposes .on at Thirtieth
and Wirt street and tb other at Thirty
third street and Ames avenue. A quick
detachable share i on of th new prod
uct of their factory which Mr. Feattle
I featuring. Thi (bar come oft with
the removal of a single bolt.
J. J. Rumely of the Rumely Oil Pull
Tractor comDinv of La Porta. Ind..
came with his exhibit and prougbt with
him an expert. William Burgess, and
skilled repairer, H. Mooney, and also an
aststa.t, Mr. Heleland. The exhibit eon
sists of a kerosene tractor which I said
to be one of th best heavy-weight work
machinea put out, tha adaptability of th
engine Deing aunoniww i ui imies ay
the exhibitor.
Th Hart-Parr Tractor company of
Charle City. la., ha exhibited two of
it largest gasoline or kerosene burning
engine and are giving away a series of
colored post card on which are th pic
tur of the engine doing prodigious
feat. K. H. Bwluer. of tbe Lincoln
branch is conducting the demonstration.
The Farlla & Orendorf line of plows are
exhibited in a neat booth by B- W. Berry
Thl Canton. 111., company also manu
facturers gaiiolin engine of a service
able type and Is demonstrating them at
the show.
I Li. Lease of the International Har
vester company ha decided upon a prac
tical demonstration and near th Coll
Mum is operating a plowing and a shred
tfog machine. II exhibits a forty-five
horse-power traction ens n and tw
mailer engines.
All Sorts ( Machinery.
Th Independent Harvester company of
Piano, 111., ha an exhibit in charge
of Oscar Gorman. The exhibit Includes
th latest model of all farm machinery,
plow, Hater, mower acd also gasoline
K. H. Wilson, In charge of th Gaa
Traction company's exhibit of Minneap
oils, is showing a bug sectional engine
from a great automobile truck and thl
exhibit ba diawn many people Into the
hall. Mr. Wilson also demonstrate tha
otbti-'engines manufactured by hi firm.
The exnlblt ot the Avery company of
Peona, HI., has attracted much atention.
The principal display I a forty-five
horeepower truck which Is flted with spe
cial tread wheel for farm use. The
variety of uses to which It can be put are
depleted on painted glass film seen
through an eiectrio lllumiued stereoscope.
Fairbanks, Moras & Co. of Omaha have
an exhibit in machinery ball that i ac
knowledged one of the best exhibition of
It kind ever shown at any exposition.
R. M. Perkins is conducting the demon
stration. wUcu include tee operation of
a apacial lectrlc lighting er.gln and th
famous Prry pump, an air pump watch
can be Installed by farmer and used to
as good purpose a water front a city
pit. A toie biiiry plant
for lighting farm houses economically j
also demonstrate!, along with engine ot
various types.
County of Douglas
Creeps Unknowingly
Into Land Exhibits
Without having msde tny etir. ('ir
of tha farmers of Douglas count'. Ne
braska, have Installed one of the moat
attractive, comprehensive and Interest
ing exhibits st the Omaha Land Chow.
The men who have taken upon them
selves ths task of showing what Doug
la county can do in the way of grow.
Ing agricultural product ar George
Dlerk of Jsffsrson, J. W. Bheemaker
of Elkhorn. John Taylor of Waterloo,
Will I-Otrgen of Union and Frank Brown
of Flornc precinct. Whll th prod
uct shown were not all raited by theae
men, they wore gathered by them from
among the farmer in th practnet
named. Th exhibit eecuote a apace In
th north gallery, Just east of the cen
ter, and It I ot a character that at
tract th attention ot all who visit th
Land Show.
Neatly arranged In th form of a
hug pyramid, th Dougla county farm
er have placed an exhibit that la far
ahead of that shown at th Corn Show
twq year ago. It consist ot every va
riety of corn grown In the great central
oorn belt, there being sixty-four sep
arate and distinct varlellea-averythlng
from the small "Yankee" rorn to the
great ear ot th dent varieties. When
It come to mall grain, there are
eighty-six different kind of wheat, oatf,
barley and rye. Than thr la no end
to th vegetable. Beside th large yel
low pumpkin. om of whloh tip the
scale at 100 pound each, there ar th
little suuashe no larger than your tint.
but as invest and juicy as oranges. Then,
too, there are melons and uch melons!
Home of them are as largo as beer keg
and as green and fresh as the day they
were taken from the fields.
In addition to pumpkins, sciuaishes and
melons. Douglas oounty is long on po
tatoes, the exhibit giving the lie to the
report that thl year there wr no po
tato raised In Dougla county. There
are dosens of varieties, many of th in
dividual samples weighing two and three
pounds. But potatoes are not all of th
vegetables. There are turnips, one ot
which would be sufficient to feed a large
boarding house for a week.
David Cole. George E. Haverstlck end
J. M. Guild of the Commercial club, who
ar on a business mission at Minneapolis,
hav sent a telegram to President C. C.
Rosewater of th Land show expressing
their regret , as being unable to attend
th Opening of th exposition, but promis
ing to be on hsnd In time to attend thl
venlng. Their telegram read:
"Although clrcumstanoe make neces
sary our abssno from th opening of
th second annual Omaha Land show,
w will be there to participate in Com
mercial elub night In th meantime we
wish you and your associate every suc
cess m your great undertaking and good
This California Co mm unity Make
Big Show at the Coliseum.
Twlare County Boaste of Ita Peaeae.
for It Ha Taken Tlret Msee
at Tarla and Other
Nell Doesn't Like
; Ordfaa'ry' Canities
When Captain Tlebor arrived Monday
night with hi trained seal h had them
taken to th south end of th Coliseum
where a tank for their special benefit had
ben erected.
The captain wa not aware that below
him and but a few feet away was a full
fledged restaurant, nor did he dream
that they would be trying fish In that
restaurant immediately upon his arrival,
But it so happened. And when the odor
of th fresh fish reached the seal there
were several pleading grunt from Char
ley and Daisy, and Bud even attempted
to call th captain's attention to the fact
that they had not been fed sine Sunday
night, although ordinarily they ate their
three meals per day, but subsided finally
with a rebellious and complaining whine.
Nellie, a sleek and intelligent seal, was
asleep in her crate. Suddenly she
flopped about, rubbed her eye with th
sole of her foot and began to bellow
It wa not a grunt nor a howl, but
bellow, that reverberated through the
Den until every shepherd, pug, grey
hound and mongrel within the enclosure
stood frozen, with fear and foreboding,
A black and quarrelaom eur, who
acknowledged neither fear nor forebod
ing and asked not for favor, gave a
quick yelp and bounded to th crates
where Nellie was pouring out her thun
derous Borrow. H growled, and in his
effort to reach the noisy newcomer his,
foot slipped through th orating and,
with th apeed she would have exercised
In spearing a salmon a hundred feet be
neath th surfac of th sea, Nellie
snapped. The cur screamed in agony, and
the Strang cry of th dog was too much
for the bellicose seal, the released him
and with blood dripping from hi four
toe th black dog tucked hi tall be
tween hi leg and ran to meet an anx
ious young master who had heard hi ery
for help and was coming to hi assist
ance. Captain Tleber threw Nellie
fish and ch laid down.
Tulsr county that boast of hstng th
largest county In th state of California,
the home of th largest tree in th
world nd also th resting pla of
Mount Whitney, th highest mountain
pek in the t'nited State. Is on hand
at the Land show with an exhibit that I
second to none. It Is In chsrg of Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. Mlot of Vlsalla and is
the product of th Tulare County Board
ot Trade, an organisation that I msd
up of h farmer, grain end fruit grow
ers of th oounty.
Tulare county I midway twen Ban
Francisco and Los Angeles and contains
4.S3S qimr miles, equal to S.1M tOO acre
Within its area it contains mountain
ranges, fool hills and valleva, thus giv
ing It a varlsty of climate. In It valleys
It hsa the climate of thst pm-tlen f Cali
fornia, lying to the south, while In the
foot hills there Is found a climate similar
to that of the Mississippi and Missouri
sections of the country. A a result of
the superior location it la abl to grow
all ot the grain of the purely agricul
tural teta. s well as th fruit ot th
semi-tropical reglona.
The Tulare county exhibit t on that
attracts universal attention and admira
tion. It I located on the right and about
m'.dway of ' Coliseum. It I housed In
two booths, built upon the pagoda lines,
artistically trimmed and decorated wltt
th California poppy, th state flower.
Along th outsld th booth are freecoed
with larg photogrph of California
cenery, orehrd and ranch rne. while
inside, in Jars and in their original tat.
ar th product of thl wonderland and
county which It an mplr In luelf.
Of th grain shown is Indian corn that
t unequalled by any of the oompetitor;
Egyptian corn, a kind that growg similar
to can or broom corn, end 1 uprtor to
any other grain a a food for cattle,
horeses. hogs and poultry. In addition. It
ts ground Into meal and flour and I ued
to a great xtent a a breakfast food, for
bread and pastry.
Then. too. Tulare county I nowing
potatoes that yield 400 bushel per aor.
srown without irrigation: pumpkin and
quash, the largest of which weigh 280
pounds and are as weet a sugar.
Alfalfa and native grasses are snown
In profusion, which help to mak the
county trong as a dairy otion o ms
tat. There the alfalfa yields as nign
as eight ton per acr and I frquntly
cut during favorbl season as many a
five time per year.
Tulare county boaats of it peach and
well It may. for It ha taken flrt prise
at th Paris exposition, th World
fair at St. Loul and at th Alaskan ex
position held at Soattl. In glass Jar.
Reaches are shown thst weigh sixteen
ounce each, a delicately colored as a
maiden cheek and a sweet a honey.
Besides the peach there are per.
prune, apple, grapee, th tabl raisin
and those of th win variety.
When it come to apple Mr. and Mr.
Mlot have In thir collection-. thoe that
weigh two pound, and ar colored a
only nature can paint the hues of th
rainbow, ....
In growing' strawberries, Tulare county
doe not tek a back seat for any locality
In the aorld. for there r plenty ot them
on exhibition that weigh sixteen to th
pound. Then there are plume laree a
i vers apple.
But It Is In growing oranges and lemon
thst Tulsr eoiinty shins. Th soli I
reeullarlv adapted to these fruits and
th claim la made, and It it said success
fully, ton, that they are larger and of
better flavor than those of the eountlee
farther south. At least orange growers
have all made money out of th fruit. A
number of Instances ar cited where dur
ing the last five year orange growers
with ten-acre orchards have made, net,
M.W nd . annually.
In th Tulare oounty section of Cali
fornia the fruit and other farmers are
not confronttd with th irrigation problem
to ny great extent. A a rule the rain
fall, en account of th valley lying be
tween two range of mountains. Is suf
flclent to mature the orops. Kven If It
Is not. Irrigation I nl expensive. the
under flow of water I large. Well with
a capacity of 1.0P gallon per minute r
obtained at a depth of from fifty to
seventy-five feet, th water being drawn
up by gasoline engine primps snd dis
tributed by gravity pressure.
At th prnt time the)' are thousand
of cre of wild land In the county suit
able for grain or fruit growing that can
be purchased at from tX to 170 per acre,
much of It being In close proximity to
market towns that have railroads.
Wyoming Land
Goes to Land Show
Wyoming Land not for sale may be
found in Council Bluff. Robert Land of
that city came to Omaha Monday and
wss married to Mrs. Wyoming Bonham
of Council Bluff. Her pew name Is
Wyoming Land. Robert was asked If he
and hi wlf would visit th Omaha Land
how. II said they will go out to the
Pen to the show.
Canvasser of th Omaha petition for
a special election on th South Omaha
annexation proposition reported Tuesday
afternoon that they have canvassed the
first four sheet of th challenged names
and hav found that 60 per cent of the
name they glv ar tin registered and
must b stricken from th petition.
Antl-annexatloniat declare If th re
mainder or tne enaiienge list keep up
thl percentage the petition will be ren
dered Insufficient. Annexationists assert
this percentage will not be maintained.
Is your husband cross T An Irritable,
fault finding disposition I often due to a
disordered stomach. A man with good di
gestion Is nearly alway good-natured. A
great many have been permanently cured
of atomach trouble by taking Chamber
lain's Tablet. For sal by all dsalers.
j9 . I.Vfc" H. : , ' 'eV "l I'll 1W 'i -1 F - if us-"-!' 1J'- . . J.
i)skssr'-, . -.-a -r 1"". -.J f-igsmg:; : g
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VLi ''V'' i l ' S ERVICE' lJM'( 1 , l'
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touafcasw,i.iii.ii.iiii.i,"'.''i'.'''-. 1 " i i ... J
yu E.n-i!'e m-'tn. .-9 .- if,
-.erMj .ii.jjtaiaMj
Tha success of the present Thomas organization rests upon the confidence of th
public in its product, its methods and its business integrity.
With Cull realiration of this fact th ThomasXaecuUves place them salve
squarely on record aa exponents in the broadest senso of The oara l?eal.
Twe)Chal 134-inch and 126-Inch Wheel Base Four Styles of Opea
Bodies Seven-Pasaenger Touring Car FivePassenger Phaeton J "
PaMcnger Surrey Two-Passenger Runabout Price 14000 for eathtype
Enclosed bodies are built tor both Chasai
E. R. Thomas Motor Car Company, Buffalo
noma Declarations (No, 1) Wt ewrt that lh 1912 Thtma$ "Six-Forty" hat At nod
aetMtu and e roJle o any ear qfitt Wight nd lH, wurfruj th utmott tqfttito paitngtn
iuV. isesmamia arimii4r,tfiviiWTi.Tr'TWlTW
Perfect Shoulders, Neck and
Anns Count Much for Bciuty
(Theatrical Bulletin.)
Berne women remind u of th ostrloh
who cover up hi head nlcly In th
and and then Imagine that th rest of
hi anatomy I invisible A woman's
neck, arm and houldr a quite as
Important a her face, and th wise wo
man of today dvot quit a much car
to making and keeping them beautiful
and attractive.
The moat almple and effective method
of keeping the flesh taut and tree from
wrinkles, hollow, sagging fleah. double
chin, "crow' feet," enlarged pore, eto.,
1 to apply old-fahlond thermodlsed
Jelly. Get an ounce and a half from your
druggist, rub aalf a teaspoonful Into the
face, or a small tablespoonful into the
fac. nack. arm and ahoulder, and con
tinue to rub each portion about five
minutes, or until the flesh haa thorough
ly absorbed th Jelly. Thon bath brlakly
with cold water. Youi akin will in
stantly feel different taut and refresh
ed. More than that, you will very quick
ly see that wrinkles, enlarged pores or
your oouoie cnin win Disappear aa ir Dy
"eauneni. vccasionsi
magic under thi treatme
us or tne merraoaiseu jeny wi
your face in fine, firm condition.
A plowing contest will be one of the
attraction at th La-nd show this week
a contest between flfty-hoi-power en
gines. The entries are the . John Deer
company, the international Harvester
impeny and the Hart-Parr company
The contest will be held on a field near
th Coliseum, where all may . By th
rule ot th coateet the competing com
panies must do good work. Machinery
hall I laying wagers oo ue tttooca.
even bets taken.
Miss Luclle Eavea of Lincoln, an In
structor on sociology at th University
of Nebraska, will speak at th meeting
of th Woman Suffrag society Wednes
day at t p. m. at th Union Outfitting
company parlor.
If you hav anything to exchange ad
vertise It In The Omaha Daily Bee.
Society Women Remove Bad
Complexion by Old-Fashioned
The average woman I now quit uni
versally following the exampl of a fw
clever oclty woman who discovered
that th eld-fashloned. Pur coieaUd
balsam would renew their complexion
In a most surprising manner. When ap
plied at night, after a thorough clean
sing of the skin, th deadened and dis
colored partial of the outer skin drop
off and with It all auch blemlshss a
ptraplea, aallown, Urer spot, freckles,
eto., freeing th fresh, healthy cuticle
beneath and behold! a natural and
lovely k!n Is th result Oet an ounce
and a half of pure col ee tod baUant of
your druggist and use It as suggested
There la nothing you posses that will
Inspire the admiration of other and
eonfidance In yourself store than the
knowledge that your skin ts fayltles
4 lovely. fbyaloeJ Century Magaain.
"" ""- e e-.-
If Ask Your Grocer
I to Send Yon a
I r wfi.
vast vi uiaui
i or oraer cireci
from distributing point.
toiiiBii.. ni,iim,
rhenoi Ioaglas eS
9? 1 1
S i-ur
Marquotto Hotel
IBth and Waehlngton Are.
fcT. tOV'Jl, MO.
400 Rooms, f 1.00 and f 1.80, with
tatt 12.00 to ia.10. A UoUt tor
roar Mother, Wife and Bister.
. . . - ClCY, Pras.
rLII-llU.r J jnl'.MILI
Certainly you do; but have you ever seen a
ir Mini iryeir1
You will find one at the stupendous
at tho
Now Opon Evory Day. 10
A. to 11 P. M.
A complete model prune dryer is in operation at
this big exposition. And there arc hundreds of
other features to educate, amuse and interest all
classes and ages. Great farm machines are run
ning in machinery hall during the day and evening.
Band Concerts, Vaudeville, Singing, Illustrated Travel Talks
The artistic features of the exposition make the big
Coliseum a place of grand and fascinating beauty.
Spend your evenings at the Land Show. Some
thing new every time you visit the Coliseum.
Ample Street Car Facilities To Handle the Crowds