Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Daily :Bee.
Fair, Colder
VOL. XLI NO. 105.
The Grocery Bill is Breaking Into Society
lieutenant Governor Morris of Wis
consin Asserts Legislators Were
Paid Big Sums by Stephenson.
Beceives ' Information Through
Partner of Edward Hines.
Senatorial Committee Refuses to
Strike Out Testimony.
fWltmOM Baya Lmnbf rmtii rraUkd
Half of Money ud Shields After- v
-wards Demanded Fifteen
j Thousand for Bervlcee.
i. .
mCWAtrKEH. Oct 17. Testimony that
.Senator Stephenson secured hi election
Jto the United States senate through the
expenditure of $100,000 to members of the
'Wisconsin legislature was given this aft
ernoon before the senatorial committee
by Thomas Morris, lieutenant governor
f Wisconsin.
Morris testified he had been informed
by a Mr. Cook, a partner of Edward
JUnes, the lumberman, that the. deal was
put through by Robert J. Shields, who
went to Washington Just before the Wis
consln legislature met and secured money
atom Mr. Stephenson.
"Cook told me that a few days before
the legislature het to elect a United
States senator In 1909 a sum of money,
approximately $100,000, was placed in the
hands of certain men. including Shields,"
testified Morris.
This money it was told afterward went
to the three demooratic members who by
absenting themselves on Marcn 4, 19t,
assured Stephenson's election.
"Shields went to Washington and told
Stephenson it would be Impossible to elect
him linlesSs he raised a certain sum of
money, omems eaia Mines. m muw
n. was willing to put up half of the '
$100,000. An arrangement was agreed
upon and the deal put through. Shields
afterward demanded $16,000 for putting it
through." Morris continued:
"Cook told me all this in a lawyer's
office in the Rookery building In Chicago
Cook also said that after the chargea , visited Dawson's home to .reprimand him
were filed against Senator Stephenson, ; for falling to make the churcu ready
Mr. Hines went to. Stephenson and rep-I for the.Srjnday services. I After breaking
resented that It would be impossible toin the door, they found he three bodies
elect him because of the charges,' and
i ..,.... i that If he .nut in 465.000 Hines
! would put la an equal 'amount' and -use
I the money to bring about the election.
"I was told that a man named 6aun
flexson. a former assistant sergeant-at-'
arms of the senate, had told C. H- Crown
' heart of Superior. Wis., that he ' had
I knowledge that part of the money went
! to the three demooratic members -of the
I assembly who walked out.' '
"I am aware 'that .'this Information, Is
' second-hand. I don know Cook's first
i pame. and 1 have not seen him since.'.'
Counsel for Senator Stephenson asked
that Morris' testimony bo stricken out on
the ground that It was hearsay. The
committee merely replied that the objec
tion would be noted.
, : . . . , .'
TANKTON, S. D.. Oct. 17. (Special )
(James E. Wlthexspoon. one of the. pioneer
and unique characters of Tankton, died
iat Oakland. Cal. He arrived here before
I ift in flliul en a claim
now the western portion of ' the . .city,
walked to Washington to prove up:-then
walked on four times to California and
later to the Klondike, fought Indians
under General Sully and died at the age
pf 80 years. Mr. Witherspoon had walked i
64,000 miles on his various trips, but being
more of a roving turn of mind than any
thing elae, failed to make good in a bust-
cess way, although for some years he
held land here rated at a high value. It
all passed out of bis hands" before he
left the city, which was to once more
try the gold fields of California, about
ten years ago.
FOR NEBRASKA Fair; warmer. .
FOR IOWA Generally fair; slightly
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Dg
5 a. rn. it
6 a. m 47
7 a. m......... ii
6 a. m..... 46
9 a. m M
10 a. nr. S6
11 a. m 62
12 m...
1 p. ni 6:i
3 p. ni 71
3 p. m 73
4 p. m 71
6 p. m &
6 p m..... 66
7 p. tn. 64
g p. m ftl
How to jon .
Ilk this for
Somtt tin.
Cuiupara IIm Local Record.
19U. 1910- 190" 1908
Highest yesterday " il M 71
Loweat yeaterday 47 42 49
Mean temperature P9 71 W t0
iTecipl'atlOB .00 M .09 00
Temperature and preclpltatloi, de
partures from the normal;
JVormal temperature 54
fxcess for the day. 5
Total excess since March 1
Jsormal pnacittaliun try-h
fjeficlency for the day ' .03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. . .li. 74 Inches,
Deficiency since March 1 .13.67 Inohea
deficiency for cor. period. 1910.12. rjS inches
Deficiency for cor. period, li"i l.ka inches
Report fritiii station at T P. t ,
Station and
State of Weather.
Temp. High- Rain-.
. p m.
62 .
How io too .
I Ilk ihl for 1
I w4lhr 1
E torn tin. J
est. fall.
2 .0'
' .00
72 .
6 M)
4 fi
(A. .
;? -
72 . ' no
7 V
M .00
64 . 00
64 .0)
7t M
72 M
Cheyenne, clear
(Davenport, clear
Denver, part rinudy...
Ije Molnef, clear
podge C'ltv. clear
Lander, olear
North Platte, clear....
Omaha, clear
Pusblo, clear
Rapid City, clear
Fait Lake City, clear.
hanta re. clear,
fMoux City, part clmidy..62
alentlne. part cloudv M
T Indicates trace of pre'lpitatlon
L. A. WELSH, Loal r'wrevater.
Show of the Century -
1 ' - . ,; ,1
. t .. i
Superintendent Minnesota Sttte Re
formatory. Quintuple Murder..
in Kansas Much Like
Other Recent Crimes
CHICAGO. Oct. IT. The murders of a
man, his wife and. three small children
as they slept in Ellsworth. Kan., was al
most identical to the flaying of six in
Colorado Springs, Colo., on September 21,
and more lately the' killing of William
B. Dawson, .his-' wife and daughter in
Monmouth, 111., October 1.
In each case an axe was the Instru
ment of death, and in every case each
person in the house was killed apparently
while asleep and with a single blow.
In the Colorado Springs tragedy two
families practically were wiped out ,
The bodies' of Alice May Burnhanj,. her
year-old 'daughter Alice and her 3-year-old
son John.'' and- Henry Wayne, his
wife Blanche and their 2-year-old baby
were found in their adjoining cottages.
The bodies were not discovered for at
least two days after the murders.
Dawson was the caretaker of a church
In.. Monmouth, III. .The tragedy was dis
covered by a. committee of deacons who
each with us head crusnea . ,
The victims or tne Kiiswortn trageay
were slain In like manner, the murderer
battering the features of hla victims be
yond recognition.
In nqcaee has the alighest motive. been
discovered. .)! were working people. In
coihTdftabie circumstance with no known
enemies. N x
... 'i1;'. 11 - a
Boom for La Follette
is Launchedat Noon.
Luncheon in Chicago
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Senator Robert M
La Follette s campaign for the repub
lican nomination for president of the
United States against President Taft was
launched In Illinois today by the Cook
County Progressive league with a noon
luncheon, at which Senator Moses EV
Clapp of Minnesota was the principal
Senator Clapp appealed to the voters
to exercise their rights as Individuals
and not to allow themselves to be in
fluenced In favor of candidates controlled
or dominated by corporations.
"We of the United States should be ln;
terested in the , conduct of our -govern
ment more tnan me en urn oi uj umi
He said It is up to us to say what kind
of a government .we should have and It
we fall to 'express ourselves "the blame
for unjust government Is on our shoul
ders. Amos Plnchot of New York gave assur
ance that the progressives of New Tork
would aid the flfc-ht for La Toilette's nom-
"We will start the work in the east at
once," he faid. "and you iau depend that
we will not do It half . way."
James Manahan 'of .St. Paul. Minn., also
spoke. . -
Indians Kill Light
House Keeper, Die
of Drinking Alcohol
WINNIPEG. Oct. 17 -The finding of the
body of Robert Forbes, an aged light
louse keeper at Pie Island, twenty-five
niles from Fort William, Ontario, led the
olice to suspect Mose McCon, chief of
rjuaw band located north of Thunder
bay, and Fred Smith, another Indian, as
being the murderers.
A search lor. the Indians resulted In
finding their bodies in a cabin on Squaw
bav. near Pi Island
They had died -from wood alcohol pois
oning The alrohol. It is said, was taken
'rom the light house, where It was kept
to clean the lamp.
Fire in Distillery
Plant in Peoria
PEORIA. 111., Oct. 17.-The feed housa
of the Atlas distillery here belonging to
the United States Industrial Alcohol com
pany was destroyed by a fire which broke
out at 3 18 this morning The fire Is sup
posed to have ben caused by spontaneous
Fireman John Wenzell was badly in
jured by being throw n,from a fire truck
At 30 o'clock a general alarm was sent
In, as adjoining .property was in danger
and every fire apparatus was' put Into
Mayor : Woodruff was awakened by the
latter alarm and Jumped into his auto
mobile and was at the scene at 4:30
Capitals of Two More Chinese Prov
inces Are Attacked by Armies
of Insurgents.
Battle in Progres Between Natives
and Foreign Troops.
Government Expects to Reoccupyj
Wu Chang and Hang Yang Soon, j
It Sara All In Unlet at Canton, j
aoaln. Foo Chow and Tien Tain, j
and that 'o ntiturhioer
la Feared.
PEKING. Oct. 17. The acting counsel at
Nankin. Ah In W. Gilbert, telegraphed the
American legation here todav that the
fall of Nankin was imminent. Vie ks
that a gunboat be sent there
FAO TING FU. Oct. 17-Kal Funs, ths
capital of Honan province. Is reported to
have fallen before the revolutionists
PEKING. Oct 17 The foreign board
today lsaued a communication to the
legations and press saying:
"Admiral Sab Chen Ping arrived at
Hankow today with eight ships of war
and troops from the north and east are
arriving at Hankow. It is expected that
the recapture -of Han-Yang and Wu
Chang will be a matter of only a few"
Dispatches from Nankin, Chang Kow,
Canton, Mukden, Kal Fong, Tien Tsln
and Foo Chow state that everything la
quiet and that here is no fear of any
ThS-information of the legations Indi
cates that only the first statement of the
official communication Is strictly ac
curate. The minister ef war, General -Tchang
is at Chang Teh Shan, the home of Tuan
Shi Kal. with whom he Is In conference.
Word was received today officially that
Russian troops have been ordered to move
against the Hung Hutte bands tn north
Manchuria. Recently the Russians re
ported that these robbers were becoming
bolder and better organized. '
As a result' of reports that the reberb
sre massanrelng Manchus, the local
Manchu women are adopting - Chinese
One paper her Is publishing the revo
lutionist proclamations.
fiertuan Marines Plant Blob.
BERLIN, Oct. 17. Advices received at
the Toyelgn' office from Hankow today,
report that a German force of blue
jackets, reinforced by German. local resi
dents, have been lartoed t Hankow and
are now engaged In fighting tn the streets
1 w)th a Chinese mob.
The official report states that detach
ments were landed from the cruiser
Lelpslo and the . gunboats Tiger and
Vaterland. Members ' of the German
colony volunteered to support the
The admiralty has' no further details
regarding the fighting at Hankow, but
understands that the Germane are co
operating In the international landing
corps movement commanded by the Japa
nese naval captain.
The large German cruiser Gnelsenau
will arrive at Hankow . tomorrow with
Vice Admiral Von Kroslgk, commander
of the German Asiatic Squadron.' As the
German vice admiral has a rank superior
to that of the American admiral, It is
probable he will supercede the latter in
chief command of the International navy
A German torpedo boat is accompanying
the Gnelsenau to Hankow.
Imperial Army Wear Hankow.
HANKOW, China, Oct 17. -Th im
perial government began aggressive
preparations for the recapture of Han
kow and Wu Chang today. The first
train load of troops from the north ar
rived on the scene and campea In a busi
nesslike fashion north of Hankow. Sev
eral thoubuid troops are on the way and
are expected to arrive oerore sundown
A detachment of the Wu Chang garrison.
which retired from that city when the
rebels entered, crossed the river Hang
Tse, above the city and marched Inland
probably to affect a Junction ' with the
troops from the north.
Earlier In the day the Imperial naval
force tn the river was augmented by the
arrival of one of the navy's modern gun
boata, which carried Admiral Sah Chen
Ping, who immediately took command of
the situation. His first move was to aa
sure the foreign consuls that th foreign
concessions would not be endangered by
any bombardment which he might under
take. His purpose, It was believed with
to begin shelling ths rebel dfns around
Wu Chang at one.
Th Red Cross society, organised by
the revolutionary leaders, began today
removing the heaped up bodies from th
streets of Wu Chsng. WU to do
Chinese are subscribing liberally to the
funds for the work.
Tha revolutionary determination to end
the regime of official graft was brought
sharply to attention today by th execu
tion of an officer who had been ap
pointed "to" collect funds for the rebel
cauFe. He was caught In an attempt to
divert some of the -money to his own
pocket land waa promptly beheaded.
No trains are leaving the Hankow
terminal for the north and It Is uncertain
when tervtce will be resumed Th tracks
have been cleared .everywhere to ac
celerate the passage of the government
troop trains
flarlon Man Killed.
CLARION. Ia., Oct. 17-1 Special.)
Charles Abrahamson of Clarion was
killed at Council Bluffs last night trying
to board a freight train. He had been em
ployed with the Great Western bridge
gang. His mother, Mrs. John Abraura-ou
Uvea here. The body will be brought
here. He ku unmarried.
Omaha Land Exposition-Surpassing all Like
umr tee
Per a r
From I he Denver Republican.
Objection to Placing Name on Popu
list Ticket to Be Heard Oct 21.
Tt I Cbara-ed that the domination
Was Not Made In the Manner
Prescribed by 4b e Mate
From a Staff Correpondent
LINCOLN, Neb,, Oct. 17 (Special Tele
gram ) Secretary of State Walt has set
Saturday. October 31. as the date for
hearing the protest of G. A. Eberly of
Stanton against placing the name of
Dan Stephens of Fremont on the populist
congressional ticket in the Third district.
Eberly, who -Is republican chairman In
the Third district, alleges that tha popu
list nomination was Irregularly conferred
upon Stephens and that In consequence
he has no legal right to have his name on
that ticket. The certificate of nomination
from the democratic party with the sec
retary of state, September ,-JB, while the
populists cerflcate was filed October 13-
If the decision of the secretary of state
Hi not 'satisfactory to Stephens h ran
appeal the ease to the state supreme
court In the shape of an application for
a writ of mandamus to compel this state"
official to. act. E. A. Walrath of Oeceola
and other populists maintain that the
nomination was regular in all Its details.
In his protest Colonel Eberly sets out
thst . the alleged nomination was not
signed by the officers of a duly consti
tuted convention and that the officers
who signed the nomination certificate
filed with the secretary of slate were
not authorized to do so for the populist
party of the Third district.
The other reasons ara that no legally
constituted convention was held at Nor
folk September 4 when It was supposed
to have been, and that there Is not only
no populist committee tn the Third dis
trict, but that that party, does not offi
cially exist in that part of -the state at
the present time.
Burlington Gains
Four Millions in :
Net Earnings
CHICAGO. Oct. 17. An Increase of
nearly M.OOO.MO over 1910 la shown In the
net total revenue of the Chicago, Bur-,
llngton & Qulncy Railroad company foe
the year ending June 10, 1911, according
to the annual report of its directors
made public here today. Tha total net
revenue for 19U was $2S.623.183.4S. against
U4,tit4,270.21 for th previous year. The
total operating revenue for 19U was 188,.
r2 20$. 27. while In 110 tt was 187,869.617.14.
The operating expense for 1911 amounted
to 19,541.9 W. while in 1919 th total
was t43.O10.964. a.
The report of the Colorado &. Southern
lino showed a decrease in gross Income
from W.041,9i.t2 for 1910 to to.R23.665 t7 for
1811. The operating Income of this road
for 1SU was t4.978,344.93 and for 1910 I5.414,
132. it.
The report of the Qulncy, Omaha A
Kansas City showed in the operating in
come a deficit of tl04.Mi.iJ for 1911.
against a deficit of U5.4O0.1S9 tn 1910.
Congress of Farm
Women in-Session
at Colorado Springs
COLORADO hPKINOK, Colo., Oct li.
The feature of the second day of the
sixth annual Dry Farming congress waa
the convening of tne first International
Congreui of Farm Women. More than
100 women frym twenty-one states have
registered Among those who participated
waa Mr Mary Pierre Van Zllt. professor
ot domestic science at tu Kansas Staf
Agricultural college, who spoke on food
At ths farmer' InMitute discussions
wer led by W. Frank Gardner of Bturgla,
S. P.; Prof. H. M. Cuitrell. agricultural
commissioner of the Rock Inland railroad,
and Prof E. II. Webster. dan of the
Kansas. Agricultural college
Th session of the main congress were
devoted to technical aubjeota.
Among thofce who read papers was H.
1,1 Rolley. North ' Dakota Agricultural
Remaining Part of
Black River Falls is
Again in Danger
Fearing further destruction from a flood
similar to the one which partially leveled
the city several weeks ago. Black River
Falls last night was a wakeful lown, lta
residents fearing another Inundation, due
to th torentlal rains. Early today the
clouds had cleared away, but Dlack river
as still rising.
ClUsens of Black River Falls worked
ail night by the light of lanters in order
to prevent another d.aster. The mac
river is pouring over the crest, or me
Black River Falls Light and Power com-
oany dam. In lta old bed, snd slowly
eating Its way Into what is left of the
former business district. i
Buildings that had withstood the pre
vious flood were washed away light
night and floated In the raging torrent.
The Merchants hotel, which had resumea
business following the recent flood. Is
In Immediate danger aa woll as the old
noatofflce building, the home of the Jack
son County bank. Nothing, it is said, will
save them but a receding of the river
Uesldenta of the low lands have been
covpellcd to (leave their homes and
b- .ness men of Black River Falls, who
were In temporary quarters, have again
mnvnl tn hlarher ground.
8T. PAUL, Oct. 17.-The Mississippi
river is one-tenth of a foot higher today
than yesterday. Today's stage Is 16. snd
la the result of a heavy rain which started
Sunday afternoon and continued until late
Isst evening. Bo far the month of October
has a rainfall record of 7 85 Inches. Today
the weather Is clear.
Bryan is 'Willing
for. Another to lie
the Candidate
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Oct. 17. Spe
cial Telegram.) W. J. Bryan spoke her
last night to one of the biggest audiences
ever crowded into th opera house. ,Ow
Ing to his making thre talks at other
towns during the- aftrnoon and th
miserable condition of the - roads, Mr.
Bryan did not arrive her until nearly 10
o'clock and t was nearly midnight
whan be concluded. Mr. Bryan talked
along familiar lines. Ha paid high tribute
to La Follett and said he would Ilk to
sea him .nomlnsted by the progressive
rpubl1ans. He also said he would con
slder It an honor to be sent aa delegate
to the national democratio convention
and would be glad to see the presidential
standard borne by another. Ia th party
were auprem Judge candidates Dead.
BLark and Oldham, also Willis B. Reed
and candidate Harmon. While talking
the gas lights In the theater went out
and the orator was compelled to finish
his adrress in seml-darkneaa, two kero-
sen lamps being the only Illumination.
Joseph T. Byrne
Weds in Washington
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 17 (Special Tale
gram.) Joseph T. Bryt of Omaha was
married this morning at 8 JO o'clock
at fit Stephen's Cathollo church
to Miss Lucy Jones of this dty. Mis
Jones Is a niece of Isaac B. Jones,
one ot Washington's substantial business
The wedding wss a quiet one, only
the relatives and close friends being
present Colonel Thomas C. Byrne,
father of the groom, and Miss Esther
Byrne wer her to attend th wedding.
Immediately following tb ceremony
Mr. and Mr. Byrne left Washing
ton for a ahort trip through eastern
cities and will mak their future horn
in Omaha.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 All railroads
are forbidden by the Interstate Com
merce commission today to cancel rat
contracts with other roads when such ac
tion will result in a raise of freight rates.
The decision followed Investigation of
the Northern Pacific' e Increase of east
bound lumber rate from Oregon and
Washington points on the Tacoraa East
ern railroad.
Tut PVt I iO
to pr
iMotM Ate Tne
(9 V Uf.
Missouri Pacific Superintendent Say
Freight Ctcw is to Blame.
Many af Those Injnred Httf Been
Removed to Omaha Hospitals
Wreck are Has Bern
Cleared Away.
Superintendent A. Da Bernardl of th
Missouri Pacific road, who, with a num.
ber of other officials of the road, haa
been Investigating th wreck on the road
Bundsy morning at Fort Crook, states
that, without a doubt, the blame rested
on th engineer and conductor of the
freight train for falling to check off th
register at South Omaha.
No action has yet been taken by th
road in regard to th engineer and eon
ductor of th freight Action of th road
is awaiting the verdict of the coroner's
Jury. It la doubtful if there la any law
In the state that will convict th two men.
I can't understand why Conductor
Qroaa failed to check off the register."
raid Mr. De Bernardl. "H has been In
the mploy of the road for over fourteen
years on this division and haa an excel
lent record. We are all likely to mak
mistakes, but there Is no cause for mis
take' where Injury and loaa of life will
ha the result."
Two Talesmen Are
Temporarily Passed
in McNamara Case
LOB ANGELES. Cal., Oct 17. -With
two talesmen temporarily passed by the
defense, and a third under examination
th murder trial of James B. MoNaraara
went forward today with considerable
speed. Counsel and talesmen alike samed
relieved by th prospects of rapid work.
James B. McNamara. on trial for th
murder of Charles J. Hsggerty, who was
killed In the Los Angeles Times explosion
a yesr ago, seemed to be one of the few
fairly comfortable person, in the court
room, In the summerllk heat that swept
Los Angeles today.
"I don't want to stay here a minute
longer than I hav to," said one of tb
leaders among counsel to hla opponent.
I'm going to do my full duty, but I'll be
glad when Its over "
At th opening of court the Jury box
was filled again by the addition of two
veniremen, replacing Z. T. Nelson and F.
F. Cross, both of whom, were excused
Talesman H. T.' Queekenbush. who
preserves the age average of the present
set of talesmen by being OS years old.
was examined by Attorney Clarenoa 8.
Darrow. chief of cousal for tha defense
at the morning session of court.
Robert F. Bain and J. W. Roberts, tha
two talesmen paaaed for tha present
were held subject to their examination
by either aide on peremptory challenge
Aviator Robinson
Starts Down River
M7.VNXAPOLI8. Minn.. Oct. 17.-Avis-tor
Hugh Robinson started on his Minne
apolis to New Orleans flight at U today.
Th weather was Ideal for th trip. He
arose In hia hydro-aeroplane from Lake
Calhoun to about 1.000 feet and headed
aaat over Lake street to th Missis,
slppl river. He will follow the river to
New Orleans
BT. PAUL. Minn., Oct. 1T Going at an
estimated speed of a mile a minute.
Aviator Robinson- cam down the river
to St. Paul snd passed ovr th Robert
street bridge at 73 a. m. His air craft
was sailing steadily.
At Robert street the aviator turned
sharply to th right, making a short cut
overland southward. Ha was visible for
only a tew minuses aud uoo disappeared
It la understood that his first atop will
be at Red Wing, Minn,
CHICAGO. Oct 17-Wt grounds
caused a postponement of tha fourth
Kama in the city championship series be'
tween the Chicago American and National
Uague clubs today. The game, which
naa postponed yesterday because of rain.
a i 11 he played tomorrow
Second Exposition is Far Greatc r
Than One Given Here Last
Commercial Men Attend Big Attrac
tion and Bring Many Friend.
Entrancing Music Furnished by the
Big Land Show Orchettra.
' Kahlblts Are Varied and of High
t harai ter. and There Are Enough
i f Them to Demonstrate Pos
sibilities of the West.
The attendance and the Interest dj
' played Tuesday has demonstrated ' th
' fart that the second Land Phow Is to be
even more of a success than the one
held last year. Mondsv afternoon and
evening the rain kept down the attend-
unce, but Tuesday when the gates opened
1 th crowd came. The attendance during
i the afternoon surpassed all expectations,
' but It waa nothing like what It was in
' the evening. From 7 o'clock until 9 the
turnstilea clicked merrily, admitting the
thousands who visited the Coliseum to
gase upon the wonderful display and Hs
i ten to the entrancing raubic furnished by
1 Green's Concert band and the Hawaiian
Tuesday night was Commercial clul
night and it seemed aa if all of the mem
bers of the organisation were present.
Llk boys, the staid and seilous business
men left dull care behind and proceeded
to enjoy themselves. They visited the
numeroua ett and county displays,
praising' them and marvellns u-t their
comprehensiveness and the scope they
covered. They listened to the music;
they watrhed the performing seals and
strolled through machinery hall to looa
upon the great engines In operation. Then
they tool time to watch tse moving pic
tures and listen to the lectures
It was quite 11 o'clock before the list
of the Comrnerclnl club members left the
Coliseum and when they did so they aU
voted th Land Show a pronounced suc
cess In ever' particular.
All fcxblblts Are Bead .
Tuesday, with one or two exception,
all of the exhibits at the Land Shov
were ready for critical inspection,- and
well It stood the test. This was best
evidenced by the statement of L. J
Brloker, general immigration agent of
the Northern Pacific railroad, who ha
visited every land show and similar en
terprise held In the United States in the
last ten years. Speaking of the Omaha
ahow, he aald: ...
"The Omaha Land Show thla . year
comes about as near perfection as it Is
possible to Have s project ef this Chirac
ter. Th exhibits" are varied and of x
high character. There are. enough of
them to demonstrate thoroughly the
possibilities of the sections of the coun
try they represent. It is a great show
and the mansgem are entitled to much
credit for what they have accomplshed.
California Has
Alaskan Summer
Ban Diego, In Its attempt to proe thai.
California Is the land of eternal sunshine
and that Ban Diego Is th best place In
California, has Installed a specially con
structed electric glob at the Omaha Land
Bhow. This globe was constructed after
a careful examination of government
statistics of climatic conditions in th
world and was made under . the super ;
viaion of a government weather bureau
Tha globe, electrically lighted from
within, revolves slowly and tha continents
and lines to denote their cllmatlo condi
tions ar brought around and before every
spectator. According to the . weather
bureau's statistics, the sun shines In San
Diego 8t6 days out of the year. Ills cli
mate Is "Alaskan summer and Egyptian
winters," the temperature averaging b-
twMn go snd 70 degrees the year round.
Entertainment Will Follow Saaaaet
at tha Rons.
Tha ' xbrbttors at the Land show will
b given a Dutch lunch at tn Koms
hotl Wednesday evening, and after th
lunch an entertainment by the following:
Johnnl Walker, the lsd fra Kilmar
nock. In Scotch dialect.
James and Lucia Cooper, In "Chatter
ing, Chums." now at the Gayety.
The symphony quartet. In popular
selections. ....
Tb "acts" win b put on immeaiareiy
after th banquet. Tha leader (violin) of
Tha Jersey UUes," at th Oayety, win
accompany tha "acta."
glide af trnwataoJc Fa!.
iriBT DODGE. Ia.. Oct. 17. Harold
Keenhurar. is veara old. living south of
Dayton, who slid off a straw stack yes
terday and whose body was pleroed by
a pitchfork handle, died today at a hos
pital in this city.
Boxes of O'Brien
Dakell's Ice Cream Brick a.
Tickets to the American
All ar flvsii away frea t
those who tlmd their names La .
U want a da.
RtA tha want ate atery da;, '
your nama will appetr som.
time, mayba mora than osc.
No puulaa to solve nor aub
acrlptlona to gat Just read tb
want ada.
Turm to tha want ad pases-,
there you will find nearly every
bustn ho us la tha city ran