A. The Daily Bee. Oar Magazina Features nn, Instraction, smucu.s!.t WEATHER FORECAST. Generally Fair i VOL. XL1-XO. 103. OMAHA, MONDAY MORMXfl, OCTOBER IS. 1911 TEN rAOES. SINGLE COPY TVO CENTS. Omaha SEVEN KILLED , IN COLLISION ' AT P. CROOK Twenty-Eight Other Passengers In jured When Passenger and ' Freight Train Collide. DBOTH ON MISSOURI FACTJTC Conductor on Freight Fails to Obey ) Orders About Sleeting Passenger. CHAINS MEET HEAD FIRST Cream on the Engine Jump in Tine to Escape Injuries. STATE CAE JAMS INTO COACH Host of Dead and Injured Were Siding in This Car. AID HURRIED TO THE SCENE Aj-m-r Officers .Turn Over Men and Bulldlngr at Fort Crook to Assist in Caring for the Dad Md Injured. Bevea passengers war killed and fcwenty-elght Injured in bead on col lision between the northbound passenger 106 And extra, southbound freight cn the Missouri Pacific rallrcad, one half .mile porth of the Fort Crook city station at 8.49 o'clock Sunday morning. The cause ti the wreck wtt failure upon the part (if U P. Gross, conductor on the freight to check the register at South Omaha tor orders regarding the passenger. Aid Rushed to the Ecene. Physicians and nurses were rushed from South Omaha and Omaha to the scene of the wreck, where Xr. John A. Colllver of Xioa Angeles, a passenger, and the medl al corps under Major F. ' A. Dale and lieutenant Howard . Clark bad already feegun the work of rendering first aid. Che seriously Injured were transferred fo .the post hospital, where the nurses end doctors worked like trojans for hours to relieve the. sufferings 'of the unfor tunate victims of the wreck. - A squad of Infantry, . under Captains. Doray and Butler, aided. In the work of moving the bodies of the. dead from the wreck to the., pest morgue,. wherV fbey'ar held awaiting Instructions, from ablatives. ' '' Wraclr W the rert. '. , ' Che wreck occurred about :46 O'clock n th curve at the north end of the verament reservation at Fort Crook d half a mile north of the Missouri .ctflc station. Passenger train ICS out of Kansas City, charge of Conductor F. R. leavers. Nras running one j hour and a quarter late. Conductor I P. Grots of the freight (tasted South Omaha at 8:50. . He had Signed off. but evidently did not check the tram register as to the whereabouts pf 106. At the point of the collision the track Snakes a sharp curve, shutting off the flew of the. Fort Crook station. It was t this point that Engineer E. C. Craw, jpord of the freight train caught sight of &7ow 108, which was coming at a high rate ferf 4 speed. Engineer Crawford had no jpxders to regard to 105, but he whistled had slackened speed. When the passenger pld not answer he concluded that it was train on the Burlington tracks, which at this point run parallel with the Mis souri Pacific tracks. When within a few car lengths of one feaother both crews realized the danger aid reversed their engines. . Engineer pohn Scott and his fireman, Guy Wilsan, ut the air on hard and reversed the phrottle, but the momentum of the pas kenger was too grea i tl In . a moment t was piled high upon t.lo freight engine. had almost stopped. Th crews of engines Jumped and were not sert- tnjursd. . Impact Is Frtahtfnl. Bn Impact of the. flying passenger THE WEATHEE J'Vir Nebraska Fair. Tor Iowa Showers. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday, u auine no dir. Hour. lorrtou -a tut .... M .... ii6 E6 .... 67 .... 0 .... 63 .... Ml .... TO .... 72 .... 71 .... 72 o prod uca Cuiupurailvu Local Record. lSlt WO. 13W IX. Ilrheet yesterday... 74 4 Al it owest yesterday.... S4 (A .00 SS so .00 60 72 .00 de- lean temperature... 7 .00 recipltation TemDerture and prec:pitatlou partures from th normal formal ten fcera'u: M Sf7 , .09 inch 06 Inch .13 0 Inches (cess for the day lotal excecs since March 1. formal preclpuauon :)ficiencv for the dav rot nl rainfall since March 1 fldacoy since Marco 1 14.06 inches nficiency for cor. period, 1910 U 60 inches eficlency for eer. period. 1 69 incurs IMS- 1 1 S T y , ' 9 a.m. I 1 1 W m VrTTI? U a. m. V-ti. i P- m. ,VjfJ v p. m. t: 'JL V 4 p. m. S 1 P- m. The Big Land Show YICTIMS OF THE WRECK DEATH USI. The dead: F. W. PETRI.VG. general merchant. Ke bratka City, chest crushed. MRS. FRED W. ROWTMANN, ,d 50 years. Nebraska City, chest crushed. MARCIA ROWTMANN. aged 7 chest crushed. J- 6 PRAGUE, South St. Joseph, 45 years of age. fraotured skull, both legs smashed and riiht leg severed below the knee. MISS FRANCIS LILLIAN KANKA, actress. 2i years cf age. kald to have teen from Washington. Kan., top of tku!l t-,rn off, face smashed, chest and right shoulder crushed. W. O. KEELER, Atchison. Kan., brake man on passenger train, about 40 years of age, nose mashed and splinter In brain. COLORED WOMAN, said to be Mrs. Thompson of Omaha, Identification doubtful, 40 years of a, five feet six inches In height, weighed about 200 pounds; clad in gray skirt and brown coat, right leg broken, head bruised, chest crushed and left shoulder broken. Seriously Injured. Edward Collins. Bellevue, two ribs fractured, right ankle crushed may die. Fred W. Rowtmann, assistant cashier Otoe County bank, Nebraska City, la ternal injuries, nose broken, legs lac erated. scalp and arms cut msy die. Emma Harvey, colored. Kansas City, years, old. severe scalp wound, both lags broken end meahed may die. W. T. Richardson, farmer, Menard. Neb.. . right leg broken, bruited about body, internal injuries may die. Harmon Barber. Auburn. Neb., cerebral concussion, and probable' fracture of tile skull, scalp wound may die. John Scott. Kansas City, engineer pas senger train, bruised shoulder and hips, Injured Internally. The Injured. Vernpn M. Andrews, mall clerk on pas senger train. 440 Baltimore evenue, Kan sas City, Mo.; head and right arm bruised. back, strained. John Wetherla. Bethel, Kan. i rib frac tured right side. Clement C. Buck, mall clerk on pas- sengefr3914 Hammond place, Kansas City, Mo.i fingera on. right hand torn and la cerated. Bernard. E., He-ran, Bethel, Kan.: rail road man, scalp wound, left knee bruised. Miss Hop Conway, actress. . Alameda, CU r flesh wounds about legs. Mias Gen Conway, actress. Alameda. Cal l rlgh- ankle, sprained. Mies Floys Conway. 1Z years,, old; brttisel air. Vody. ' f "v. ' "J".- E. Darby, Bethel. Kan. : ' left evlle.p cone broken. William H. Gordon, St. Joseph. Mo. ; bruised about head, badly shaken up. e. 6. Karne, leg lacerated; wrist sprained. I. R. Karnt,-Eagle Vale. Kan.: hruUxt about the body. P. P. Kunne. Kansas City, Mo.; 'right Henry Krafe. fruit and produce dealer Nevada, Mo.: both knees injured. leg scratched; splinter stuck In arm. B. L! Phillips. Eagle Vale. Kan.; bruised about the head and arms, leg lacerated. H. J. Karns, Eagle Vale. Kan.; bruised about the hips. Charles Nlckles, Murrey., Neb.; left rib troken, head bruised. ' Andrew F. Piatt. 78 years old. Deep Tjver. ' la-, shock. T. M. Russell. Bethel, Kan.; scalp wound. William, S. West registered mail clerk on passenger train, 1427 Bprague avenue, Kama City. Mo.; left leg fractured. Vincent J. Wether!, Bethel, Kan.; head, left elbow and arm bruised. Guy R Wilaon, MB Central avenue. Kansas City. Kan., fireman on passenger; left ankle sprained. John Sieger, 2911 Stewart avenue. Kan sas Qty. Kan.; right thigh bruised, back sprained. ' against the slow moving freight derailed both engines and telescoped the mall cirs onto the paitenger coach In which about forty people were riding. Shrieks and groans mingled with the hiss of steam and the crackling Umbers of the cars In&lantly broke the sLULne&s of the morn lag and brought the paeaenvers la the PMilman rushing: to the front of the train. They found the day coach was a maaa of wreckage on the forward end and th dead and dying were caught In every position from the very top of th car where the body of W. O. Keeler, the uraneman was found to the foot rests Utneata the seat. The interior of the coach was Uteralry splintered. Many of th dead never realized what hit them. . Little Marda Powtmann. a 7- year-old girl, was sitting upon her father's lap at the Instant of the colllaion. Sh was crushed to death almost within the arms of her father, who. hlmif was badly injured. Mrs. Bowtmann and her father. F. W. Petrlng. vera sitting in the same seat witji Mr. Rowtmann. Mr. Rowtmann waa hurled over her h us band i head and crushed about th chest between two eeata Mr. Petrlng was caught be tween th earn seat. Doctor oa the TraJa. Dr.- John CoiUvrof .Los. Angelaa, a '. (Continued on Second Pag.) NOTED ONES TALK PRISON REFORM Eishop Tihen, Mrs. Booth, Prof, Henderson and Dr. Oilmour Ad dress Big Mass Meeting. GILM0UR ADVOCATES THE FARM Tells of His Successful Experiment at Toronto, Canada. GIVES WORK AND FRESH AIR Mrs. Booth Bespeaki Better Treat ment for Released Prisoners. SAYS HE WILL MAKE GOOD Bishop Tihen TJra-e Attention to Crime Prevention a-ad Dr. Hen- ' dei son "ays DUver Prison from Pol It ton. Bishop Tihen of Lincoln, Maud Balling- ton Booth, of the Volunteers of America; Prof. Charles R. Henderson, of the Uni versity of Chicago, and J. T.- Oilmour, warden of the government prison at Toronto. Canada: discussed the problem of the criminal before several thousand persons gathered Sunday afternoon at the mass meeting at the Auditorium of th National Prison congress. Warden Gilmour told of hla experiments in placing rrisoners on a farm. The American Prison congress has busied Itself In the past mainly with the indeterminate sentence and parole." he said. 'Now outdoor employment for de linquents la the great new question loom lag over the horizon. 'If we take a man cut of the shop and out of the cell and put him at work In the fresh air, we balld him up physl callv, which is Indlspenslble f we are to build him up mentally and morally. Puts Prisoners on Farm. "At the Central prison, Toronto, we are experimenting with a farm of MO acres. I have taken there between Ano and 900 men and' I have failed with only three out ' of 100. Probation and sun- p&nded sentence haa failed with them, but we are going to give them one more chance to make good without bolts and bars. Thre Isn't a bolt or a bar or a gun on. the farm. 'I have asked them. the difference be tween a prisoner In the city, and on the farm and they all say It la "getting away from that cell. I don t believe a man can spend six months In a prison cell and ever, be the same man again. . It has a hardening effect that Is Impossible to shake off. "I don't like the word 'criminal.' The majority of our prison population are not criminal so much as they are a' product of environment." . , Maud Balllngton Booth endeavored to give her hearers an appreciation of th view point of 'the prisoner while within the prison walls and on th day of leav laS , thear, and incidentally she took n few '"shou " at things as-they are; aome of which were: ;"I wish that those who refer to -th prisoners' at degenerates and those who talk of the shape of their heads might get rood stiff terms In prison thenuMlve. ''If there's hope for a millionaire, there's hope for a convict. If there's hope for a politician, there's hope for a convict. ... "A legal penalty should be placed on any reference to a prisoner's past ' life ater he Is released. ' Against Present Convict System. "Let us InaWt upon the right of the prisoner, while within the prison walla, to earn bread for his wife and family at home. . No state has a right to profit by the work of Its prisoners. . "Take th prisons out of politic. Dis aster will follow the removal of a trained warden to make room for an aexperi enced one, simply because on political party happens to have defeated the other." Mrs. Booth said sh had found posi tions for many former .prisoners,' after testing their worth on farms of the Volunteers, and all of them had made good. She spoke of seven men of big business in Chicago who' had given re sponsible positions to a number of 'her "boys'' and none of them had had cause to regret It. Soma of the "boys" have be come department managers. Religion is the best thing In the world to brace up a man Just leaving- prison, ahe said; he may feel that hla old habits have such a bold on him that he cannot succeed but If he can be Interested In religion, the new Interest wlU occupy hi mind and crowd out the old habita and evil thoughts. Tihen tars Prevent Crime.' Bishop Tihen also emphasised the power of religion In the regeneration f criminals. They are often so hardened, he said, such strangers to all er.nobllng sentiments and emotions, so obsessed with the Idea that all men are against them, that the only chance anyone stands of gaining their confidence 1 through religion. The bishop said the Idea that men who are to make the laws should specially fit themselves for their work should be mere general. In the past, he said, the public has not demanded that its law. makers have any apeclal preparation for lawmaking. Th speaker dwelt on th Idea that prevention 1 better than cure and asserted that It is the public's duty to eliminate the evil conditions that csiue crime. "In studying the cause of crime," ssid th bishop, "don't stop when "ou have learned that th natur of habitation In th-slums 1 the ciuse of crime Go further nd get after the man whoVwns thoee houses, no matter who he is. "When you have learned that a mer chant prince 1 paving his girl employ wagea too small to properly cloth ar.d feed them call that merchant before the bar of Justice. "Above all things the public should de mand decent environment for all chil dren. Environment, mora than heredity, moulds th Individual's life." That publio opinion should and will (Continued on Second Page ) at the Coliseum Is More than Worth a Trip From the Indianapolis News Pa Brown, Reading The Sensation covering the Ball, Etc., Etc. PAYING PENSIONS BY CHECKS Proposed Change Will Expedite Matters and Save Money. ROLL IS DECREASING SLOWLY Number of Name on It la Smallest for Nineteen Yer Net Loss for Year Nearly Thirty Thousand, WASHINGTON, Oct. US.-A sawing, es timated at $1,000,000 annually to the pen sioners of the United Slate and even tually about J 180.000 a year to the gov ernment, is contemplated by a simplified plan tor the payment of pensions with out vouchers which Commissioner of Pen' Hens j. L Davenport submitted to the secretary of the Interior, In his annual report made public today. During the yeer A7J.lfl0 was paid as pensions, a decrease .of .tZ.Wmt from last year.' making the total amount paid in pensions since the foundation of the government S4,230,3S1,730. There were M, 1S5 names : dropped from the ; roll and 16,200 added, leaving a net loss of 2S, 9R7 pensioners. The total number at the end of the year was the small est since 192, Methods of economy re suited in a decrease of the cost of ad ministration by $140,548, the amount be ing $2,517,137, the lowest since 18S2. Mill Mall Check Direct. Commissioner Davnjort's plan, which waa devised at the request of congress and which will require the paseage of a law, would greatly simplify the meth ods of paying pensions, result In the mailing of pension checks upon the date which th pension falls due, eliminate the cost to the pensioners in a large majority of the cases, to the execution of pension vouch era, which varies from n to $3 yearly ; decrease to a considerable extent the work In drawing and mail ing of pension checks and eliminate -the sending of 4,000,000 letters yearly through the malls, saving about $30,000 thereby. The plan contemplates payment direct by checks mailed to the last address of the pensioner. Besides the Indorsement on the back of these checks the gov ernment would require certification by two witnesses aa to Identity. In a fow Instances Commissioner Davenport said vouchers still would be required. Commissioner Davenport told of his ef forts to ascertain the truthfulness ot report from the press and elsewhere that the pension roll waa honeycombed with fraud. He sent field men from pensioner to pensioner in the Washington agency and Is now doing the same In the KnoxvlUe agency, with a view to probing frauds. Out of a total of 47,1-1 pensioners seen and questioned only twenty-six cases of Improper pensioning were revealed. The commissioner said he thought the check system would put an end to ny fraud that may now exist. Half Million Man on Roll. tree cumber of soldiers and sailors on the pension roll at th close of the fiscal year waa 570,flf.O, dependents and widows. 321.612; army nurse. 40. There were 529&S4 survivors of the rivll war, 35.293 having died during the yar. It Is be lieved that onlv about 2o per cent of the estimated 2.213 SCS Individuals in the Unltta States service during the civil war are now living, the death rate of the sur vivors being now slightly In exoesa nt t per cent yearly. Th average age cf survivor la now about 70 years. The latt pensioner of the revolutionary war, Mrs. Phoebe M. Palmer, daughter of Jonathan Wooley, who served In a New Hampshlie company, died at Erook fleld. N. Y . April 25. 1911. aged 90 year. Mrs Brlttanla W. Kennon of Washing ton, D. C , a great granddaughter of Martha Washington and who died durlns th year, drew a pension aa a widow longer probably than any other person In the historv of the pension office, hav ing received $Vt s month slmost sixty. seven yesrs. Mrs. Kennon was the widow ef the captain of th 1'nlted Etatea ship Princeton, who was killed February 2S, 144, by the bursting of a cannon en that vessel. In which occasion two members of President Tyler's caWset were kjlled. Ted's Education al Tlay of the Game Was Made by : Despondent Over Business, Kregler Commits Suicide Deecondencv over business affairs caured John Kregler, J101 f nuth Twenty, i flrt street, to commit suicide at 10 o'clock Sunday morning by taklns two. ounces of carbolic acid. Police Surgeon Peppers arrived at Kregler" rooms be fore he died, but waa unable to aave the man's lite. . Kregler was the proprietor of a res taurant on lower DiKe street. For some time business had been bad with him, and certain notes which were to be met this morning could not be met and Kreg ler brooded over the matter so much that he wa driven to distraction.! Yes terday -morning his left his-rooms, felling his wife he would be back In s short while. He went to nearby drug store and purchased the arid. Coming back to his room he- threw his hat on the bed and' drank the deadly poison. His body was taken In charge of by the cor oner and an Inquest will be held this aftwnoon. Arthur Brown Dies as Result of Shock Arthur Brown, S3 years old, through whose left arm 6.0no volts of electricity passed a few days since while he was dusting the switchboard In the South Omaha branch of the electric light com pany, dltvt In the South Omaha hospital at 2 10 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He leaves a wife and eleven children. Brown's axm was ao badly burned by the electricity that it was necessary to amputate It in the hope of saving nls life. When Brown 'was thrown to the floor by the ehock his skull wp free tured. He lived at M3 South Twenty third street. Omaha. . Tbe body waa re moved to Larkln's undertaking parlors and will later, be taken to the renldeucc. Funeral services will be conducted tlu evening at the home and the body will be taken to Julian, Neb., for buna!. FIRST TRAIN ON LINE RUNNING INTO CHEYENNE CHETENNE. Wyo.. Oct 15. CSpeolal.) The first train over the recently-rfwrn-pleted WelUngton-Cheyenne link of the Colorado V Southern's gulf to Puget Sound line, arrived here at noon yes terday, thus marking th opening to traffic of another Important railroad con nection between Cheyenne and Denver and Intermediate towns. The speolal train, which left Denver early tljls morn ing, waa occupied by Vice President Parker end a large party of official of th Colorado & Southern. A special train carrying Acting Mayor Johnston. Presi dent Potter, of the Indusrial club and a large number of leading businessmen and prominent cltlaens, accompanied by the Eleventh Infantry band, met the official train on the outskirts of town and escorted the visitors to the BurlliiBton Colorado Sr Southti n depot, m here they were met by eutomlblles and taken to the Indusrlal club, where luncheon was served An elaborate reception was given. BEET AND CANE SUGAR MEN ARE LINED UP FOR BATTLE COLORADO SPRINGS Oft 15 -That tha statement of John Arhuckle. New York refiner and coffee magnate, thst ho will go before congress r.cxt winter to fight for free sugar Is the beginning of tbe first bsttle between the beet sugar manufacturer and the cane super re finers Is the declaration of Clarence C Hamlin, chairman of th executive com mute of th United S'aiea beet tugar industry, In a statement made public her today. Ted Brown, Quarterback, Who, Re- t JUBILEE OF LUTHER COLLEGIA Institution Celebrates by Completing Quarter Million Endowment. STATUE OF REFORMER UNVEILED i uronse nepuca of Famous Image at Worm, Germany Sermon Is by Dr. Pren and Address by Dr. Ktnb. DECORAH. la., Oct. IS (6peclal.V-Th thrilling events through which this city has Just passed, will become a large part of the history, not only of Luther cpllege, but or Der.orah In which It is situated Possibly more notables of th Luthenus eh u rob have never assembled In this slat than the large company which met yes. terday and today In a triple celebration. James J. Hill, the railroad magnate, through a gift of $wooo. made It possible to complete an endowment of $250,000. Yesterday Dr. H G. .Stub, prealdant.' of the synod, presented this endowment fund' to Prof. C. K. Preu. president of th board of trustees of Luther college. While this event brought shouts of hallelujah from any hearts, while to others real tears of Joy coursed down the cheek, it did not surpass In tbrllllngna the semi centennial Jubilee which la also being celebrated on this occasion. Sunday morning the Jubilee sermon was preached by Dr. Preue and it was a great anrraon in every respect. Through these rifty years of life Luther college hsd made a grand, struggle to do what it haa done.. There had been very dark days when It seemed thst hopes would be crushed and th light would forever go out, but today there wee not a cloud in th sky and It was all Illumed with hope and Joy. Mate Is r veiled. Th third event which waa so attractive was the unveiling of the statu of Martin Luther. It Is of heroic size and is an exact replica : of the famous statu at Worms, Germany'. It is mad of hollow bronae, tand eleven feet, olear of pedestal,, and weighs 4.700 pounds. Tbe statue was completed in every part twelve hours before the expiration of the contract whlrh closed Friday. This Is the second status of Martin Luther of this kind In this country, the other being in St- Louis. The Luther college concert band pro vided Inspirational music The Jubilee address which I wa separate from the Jubilee sermon waa delivered by Rt. Rev. Prof. H. O. Stub, D. D , president of th synod. President Emeritus, Laur Larson. D. D., spoke very feelingly of th work of the school. Dr. L. Hoktoen. president of the alumni, wa among the list of noted speakers. At the unveiling of the statue It fell to Prof. John TMsager to speak, and it waa a masterly address. The program closed by th rendition of the oratorlc "Messiah," and it waa a fitting finale of the great occasion whloh brought th multitude together It was given by the Decorah Choral union under the direction of Prof, Carlo A. Speratl. CHARITIES AND CORRECTION BOARD MEETS AT N00N TODAY There will be a meetng of the Ne braska Conference of Charities and Cor rections Monday at noon, at ths Roms hotel. Dr. D. E. Jenkina. president, will preside and arrangements will be mad for our annual convention, which will he held aom Urn In January or Febru ary. Dr. Chsrlea R. Hencfcrson, of the University of Chicago, win make an d drss. Reservation bav already been made for seventy-five persons. OMAHA MAN TREASURER OF REFORMED CHURCH SYNOD IOWA CITY. la , Oct 15 Spcial Tel, gram ) C. W. Thomas of Omaha waa elected treasurer of the national synod of the Reformed Church of the United States, which adjourned tonight. I ALL NOW READY FOR LAND SHOW Army of Men Tut on Finishing Touches at Ak-Sar-Ben Coli seum Sunday. DOORS TO OPEN THIS EVENING Governor Aldrich and Other Promi nent Men to Deliver Talks. MANY ENTERTAINING FEATURES Panoramas, Musical Piograms and vaudeville to Be Enjoyed. ALL BIO ACTS WILL BE FREE novernnr Will De Met by Dnlfgatlon at 4 O'clock and Taken to Howe Hotel, Where He Will Be Gnet of OfflrlaJ. PR00BAM. OPENING DAY. Doors open at 7 p. m. Opening exercl.es at 8 SO p. m. Band selection march AAlrmtA a Omaha Land show; Oreen's Land Show band Address of wlmm in rtniia ku itm.. C Dahlinan mavor of Omjhn Beflronse on hutmlf nt .-h(hliAr hv " C. Rosewater. Fresldt-nt Omih l,nii . fhw. Selection by Poyal HawaU-Maorlan quintette Address of welcome tnr h& itttA nf Nebraska by Chester H. Aldrlrh. aovee- of Nebraska. Response, bv Dr. CI. F.. Cinrtre t.lnrnln Nh Clo.Mn? remarks bv th rhatrmm of the evening. Band selection. "March Aviator," G:ein s Land Pbow band. Concert bv Hawall-Maorl and fnllt nnm by Roval Ha!l-Morlan nnlntette on stage No. 2. main hall, from 9 .10 to in I'emonetratlon and exhibits machlnerv and agricultural Implements In machinery hall, from S to 10 30 p m Free movlns pictures and stereomlonn views from W until 11. Lectures Tellowsfone park. Bui-hank exhibit. Idaho beautiful ' scenerv. I'tahs great land product exhibition. Williimefte rauorama. L. H fc.hrelbr. ofrnlal lcturr. Half hourly lectures from 7 SO to 10 3ft. Cap'aln Trehor's trained t and sa Hone from- f'aclftc (Trove. Cel. Free ex hibition and vaudeville act at 10 p. wi., mulct hail. tat No. i Green's Omah Land fbow band con cert, free; frcm S. to 11 p. m Main hall. Formal opening, with lecture on the, panorama. "The Corni'ierlnif cf th West," at 9 p. m an back state in main hall Lecture Proirram. Lecture Hall. A Moving . rlctures. trap shooting, from 7:i to 8 "The Northwest" by L. J. Brinker. from S to S SO "Bav. Climate and Opportunity" bv J. A. Jasper. San Diego, Cal., from 180 A IK! "Yoeemlte. Valley" well, from to 8 80 by W. B. Lefflng- "Arrleultural Possibilities of Utah" J. E Taylor, from S0 te S6. Lecture Hall B by "'AlMrultural Development" bv Chamhorl.iin. from 7.W to J. "Washlnrton bv H. P. .Tame. S ift to S sv Prof, from "Downey, Idaho and the Marfh Valley" by E O Crocker, from 9 to "The big Trees and Mount Whitney" by A E Mlot, from fl.30 to Special Tont "Whv California Grows'' Walker, from 8 to H 3Y by Wilbur Hayes. ' "Yellowstone Park ' bv H. fmm 8 f to 9 10. 'The Willamette Valley' Freeman, from ft:20 to 9 50. ' H hy D. C. "Irrigated Idaho" by J. W. Jones, from 10 to 10 aft Flnlehlnv Tonchee Pnt On. ' Enough men to constitute an army of no mean proportlona worked In the Coll seum all day Sunday placing exhibits and getting everything In readiness for the Omaha Land Show that begins at 7 o'clock this evening. At 9 o'clock last night they had brought order out "f chaoa and with tbs exception of putting-' on a faw finishing touches the greatest exhibit, of grslns and grasses, frutta and flowers. vr brought together and shown under one roof is ready for the lnspec lion of a critical public. Sunday waa a trying dav for th offi cers and exhibitors. When they com menced their work Just after daybreak there remained much to do. Dravs and express wagons lined North Twentieth street st either end of the Coliseum. They were loaded with the best of the products of a doxen of . the western and middle western states and all anxious to unload at on and the same time. How. ever, what undr some circumstances might have cau?ed some confusion caused only, a riffle of stir out at the greau building, where Managers Buckler pd Paisley had their forces perfectly organ ized. The big boxes and cases were soon un loaded from the wagons, men falling upon them, and aoon haying their contents removed and ready for the booths in which they will be shown during tbe next twelve days. Today will be a busy tme with the exhibitors, but at 7 o'clock this evening, when upon the big stage at the north end of the building, Governor Aldrich presses the electric and strikes th sliver bell, feclarlng th Land Show opn.v the ex hibits will be In such perfect condition thst a casual observer would never know BoxesofO'Brien i Candy. Dalzell'B Ice Cream. Bricks. Tickets to the American Theater. All are give, away tree te those who Had their names la the want ada. Read the wast adr every day. your name will appear some time, maybe more tnan once. No puzzles to solve nor sub scriptions to get just read th want ads. Turn to the want ad pages . there you will tlnd nearly every business Louse la the city rep rsvented. to Omaha s