Surviving Members of Dodge's Battery JAPANESE WOMEN AT HOME VnL !" LI V piwp" "a"- j ., V. - .' ip. - f ' .--v. i. nminm Row. Ileadi.ic Left to Rt-ht Kda arrt f.Vinirer, Ja.: John Covalt. Hroadwater, N'eb.; W. J. Iteming. Kltnhall. Nh.; I,. !. Phillip. Uravlty. la. Top flow Joe T. Innrlm, Falem. !.; John n. Ruttolph. Otden, la. Avora. la ; A. W. Covslt, Council Hluffs. AdeJ. Ia.: Frank Jewell, D. J. Whlttaker, Msynard, Minn.; J. II. Central City. Neb. : J. M. Kink. Add. Crowll, Dale City, I.; '. II. Norton, Alt but nix of the survivors of Dodge's battery, the Moond Iowa, and one of the most famous In pulnt of lengrth of service, personnel and efficiency, are. hewn In thi picture, taken at the reun Imi of the Society of the. Army of tb Tenoesseo In Council Uluffa. The battery nent Into service In the summer of JSftl, and was not muatcrad nut until July, 1W. t wa fighting all of the tlina. ami waa In ovary -big encasement and tir hundreds of skirmishes that constitute Iht brilliant record of the Army of the Tennessee. It had the beat guns In the service, and the man who nerved them war the ben gunner in the service. It had no miliary discipline whatever. Every man did exactly as he pleased, and every one was competent to be com mander. Jt never had but two com manders, Captain (now Judge) J. R. Reed and Captain N. T. Fpoor. both of Council Bluffs, each biff, beneficent, kind and boon companion of every other man in the battery. The men were drilled only In how to handle the guns. Their first Instructions were Imparted by Joseph II. R. Rawley, a re-enllated private from the regular army artillery corps. He was a wonderful shot, but every man In the command became his equal by the constant practice In actual warfare. Kvery practice shot was at a living target. Their guns were really powerful weapon Tor those days. . They had four twelve pound Napoleon howltser and two ten- pound Rodman rifles. The rifles were wonderfully accurate, and every, man In the command boasted that he could hit a hummingbird three mllea away. The rifle shot a conical shell with a heavy bumtlng charge, and.' so wonderfully pro fit-lent did tba men become that they boasted their ability to keep a shell In the air all the time. ' For siege purposes they had a Parrott rifle that carried a thirty-pound shell. oiurnfw nsw uwn rvquimi 10 ten I'l the events in which this battery partici pated In connection with the general military, operation.-but other Volumes might be written detailing the Incidents alorrd In the memories of the men whose faces case from this photograph. The ecoond Iowa battery, the Blihth Wli ron.dn. Fifth Minnesota, Forly-sevcnth Illinois and Kleventh Missouri infantry formed the famous "Kaglo brigade'' that fought tho bravest, wariest and ablest confederate ceneraJ, Price, until he was conquered and his army destroyed, ihe battle fields stretching from Missouri to Georgia. Of the thousands of Incidents re counted at the Council Bluffs reunion here are two. On March 3. 1W2. the battery's guns were trained on New Madrid, Mo., held by a strong rebel force. General Payne, the federal commander, bad climbed to the top of a lookout scaffold erected fur observation purposes, at tho point where the battery waa stationed. With his) field glasses he descried a building In the town flying the flag designating it to be the headquarter of the rebels. Egad I I'd give a hundred dollars to plant a shell In that building," exclaimed the federal general. "Show us the building, general, and we'll put It there," said several of the battery boys. D. J. Whlttaker. the third man of the top row In the photograph, climbed up the scaffold, took the field glaase from the general and scanned the building. It waa a little more than three mllea away. The boya had no range finder, but they knew bow- to get distances. The gun was elevated at Juki the proper distance. It waa a munle loader and the boys knew exactly the quantity of powder to vend the shell there. The gun waa fired and General Payne watched the building through his glaraea. A moment later he saw the shell rip through It and saw the debris fty from Its explosion, followed by a wild panlo of the headquarters offlrers - aa they tumbled out through doors and window. .The other. RodmaJi rifle had been loaded and was fired. 'about the time the first shell struck. Its missile took the same unerring course and exploded where tho crowd of fleeing men was the thickest. The battery made New Madrid too hot for the enemy and the town was evacuated. At Corinth, , on November 1 ,lfti. the fourth day of contlnuoua fighting, the battery wa In action on the brow of a hill, supported by the Kagle brigade. It was creating such havoc that the con federate commander ordored It to h captured or destroyed at any cost. Ten regiments, formed en chaolon, da3hed forward In the attack. Jt was JOWO men scalnst less than 3.0fl0. and General Rosen crsns ordered tho batterj- to retire. Kvcry gun bad 1ern charged to carry the sheila just to the places wanted, and fearful execution had been done from the mo ment the enemy came within two miles. They were hslf a mllo away when the supports fell back. Mill the deadly guns wcro blnxlns the ansry defiance. Kive men piled the rammers to each gun. As the enemy drew closer two, then three, cannlster shells were rammed homo and fired Into the human wall. ''They mtvrie fcapa llko the opening of barn, doors," ssld Mr. Whlttaker. The brow of the hill protected the men from the fire of the approaching host. Oaps were filled and the momentum of those behind carried the advance forward. The rapidity of the fire of the guns Increased as tho dlatiince shortened. Finally, when the advancing column waa less than 100 yards away, the order to limber was given. Tho horses were brought up on the run. There was no fumble. Flying bitches were made and the guns were snaked away with the outriders lying on the horses' necks. When the broken and mangled column , reached the hill the flying battery was disappearing around nn angle In - tle road hidden by tall timber and underbtuah. Twenty, minutes later It was' raking tho enemy from a new vantage - point a mile and a half away. This was tho only battery that ov?r engaged In a charge. On one occa sion It went through tho enemy'a lines and fired on them from the rear of their own works. The survivors on Wednesday went to the suburban home of Judge Reed, their first captain, and, with Captain Spoor, took dinner together. Tha only absentees In the picture were Theodore Oulttar of Council Bluffs, J. E. Knyder und Clem Ferguson of Adeil, la. All, however, were at the dinner. To the men who hsd been their comrades rather than their com mandara they cavo aa an expression of their fadeless affection each a beautiful gold-headed cane. Jt was one of many similar bappy reunions. f'aaklnna Hltr ll o ary anal Tbey n Brle-a-Brae la Their Homes." "Japanr women are rerene. smiling and happy because for them fashions never vsrv and they have no bric-a-hrae In their homes. The Japanese maiden has a cultivated sense for hue. and her eye for color Is carefully educated by an Intelligent contemplation of the beauties of natuie. She Is never at a loss or III at ease In society, for her etiquette teach er.! have trained her to lie twrfectly self possessed. As for her home. It contains only those things which are necessary and a fw things which or vry beauti ful." This Is the opinion expressed by Mrs. Marlon Bacon, who recently re turned from a trip, to Japan, where ahe has been studying social conditions and the art of the country. 'In the Pittsburgh (Ta ) Press, tfhe eav: "When you start furnishing your house, eliminate all but the neiessary and the beautiful. Then go over all your goods and chattels and put away everything exrept those objects whlch'nnlte the fo rc'i'i'sitc of real work and artistic alue. The American people have started to rnucm afier the Japanese In building their rummer homes, and especially In furnishing 'the bed room. Many faatldlous people are having their bedrooms fitted up with such aim. pliclty that only the presence of a brass bed, a thlnr not found In the Japanese house, betokens the western owner. The Japanese lacquered floor Is replaced hy highly polished tiles and the walls are tinted a delicate soft color and are painted In such a wsy that they can be washed down from top to bottom. A triple mir ror and table or a chiffonier replace the old-fashioned bureau. On this Is the laquer box for brush and combs, which is frequently made for the Japanese beauty, and comes from abroad. All Japanese women have these little boxes, usually about a foot long and two or three. Inrhes deep. In this thy P'f the Implements cf their toilet and thetr make-up; wooden combs. ecisors and .n.-ers. camelila oil for the ha,r. rouge for the lips and o-shltoi tbeauty water! of which they more even that their enern sisters. One beautiful print or picture cf the nvon Is n f'asl fr the eye which used to stray over the weird assortment of old-time picture, gradually finding their way from parlor to bed room In the. evolution of the family taste." Harder Work. Senator T.oot, nt a luncheon, faid of war: "Our arbitration treaties come none too soon. The world is getting tired of sir, Tlds fact was well hroupht home to me the other day by the remark of an Kngllsh diplomat. ' He sniff that, at the end of the Poer war. two unlonista were wrangling at a dinner. " 'I.' said the first unionist, alleutenant of volunteers'! went to the war und do fenried mv country.' " 'Pshaw, what of that?' the other re torted, 1 staved In my country and de fended the war.' "Detroit Free Press. Transforms CompUxlon; Wins Social Favors Had ! been unable to transform my complexion so quickly, so completely, bv an unique process I had Just learned of, I never could have attended the Charity Pall.'' A certain social favorite, a picture of loveliness at the grest event, told me this. "I h been much run down." she eaid. "When I beheld myself In the mirror after a night's troubled sleep. I saw T w becoming; heavy-eyed .nd pale. I could not take, and attend the ball, the long rest my v,..,i.i.r, ..H vised A friend suggested I get an ounce of mercollzed wax at tha druggist's nnd use it as I would cold cream. I did the result la arPrnl- "In a week I had a new complexion. The wax took off the old skin, with Its worry lines so gradually, there was no discomfort. Now you sea the fresh, bright underskin, with Its youthful glow and expression." Satur day Kvenlng Herald (Chicago). Adr. if Ji.iL rcis VANISHES M PAY PUKIE HO OHE NEED REMAIN FAT HOW DOUBLE Cimi GOES QUICK WonJtrful Fat Reducing Sacrets Ravealad by Famous Beauty, Who Ramovad From Hsr Owa Body Thirty-Seven Lbs. of Ponderous Weight in Five Weeks and Banished Deuble Chin Forever SI .089 Arrangement Xow Mad to Tomish All Onr Xeaders, Absolutely Trea, A Copy Of Her Wonderful Booklet Telling of Her Remarkable Treatment of How to Heduc the Human Form In a Harmless, l'leaaant Maansr. for rrs Book, "Weight Seduction With out Drurfs," Out Out and Mall Coupon Below. Send for All Bhe Offers frse. Beduce Tour Tat, Then Xecommend Her Harmless Home Treatment to Other Everything Will be Sent Confidential and In Private Package. MORERA, BRIGAND, IS TAKEN ' i i i Desperate Spanish Bandit Ravag-ed Three Frontiers. ACTRESS ' FOUGHT BY ' HIS SIDE Ilramatlaalloe) . mt "Slaalar Pick Trick" Preaeatea la ParleIater . aatlaoal - Genetic Coaareea ; - May Meet la Frlsca. PARIS, Oct U-The Spanish brigand Morera. of whom many talea of ferocity and daring are told in lonely mountain districts of northern J'ortugal and In the Galllcian province of fcpaln, has been cap tured by Portuguese troops. Morera was th old fashioned bandit of romance liv ing In a cave high in the mountain. He had been a bull-fighter of renown in Madrid who escaped to the hills after a crime of violence. There he was followed by the actress lola. Thia was year ago, and since , then Morera had l4 a lifo of desperate adven ture, marauding In three countries, Tor omrt!mes he would penetrate Into south em France and sack a village or plunder and burn a chateau, rsually he operated In rpain and Portugal until hi excease in one country becaino Intolerable. Then he would go Into the other. For some months he haa bten devastating the dls trlct of Valongo, near Duotto. I-at Fri day a detachment of Portuguese troops surprised Morera and his hand of sixteen men and pursued them to. their cave In the mountains. Two brigand were kllleS and six wounded in the first heavy volley ..t the troou. Ila fired her revolver with utmost coolneM. wounding two sol diera. hhe, Morera. and the survivor were overpowered. In tiio ears a quantity of loot waa found whlcb will be divided .n,f the cantors If owners are not Xuund. '- Plrkalrk la a Parle Play,. Tha tHckeru paaaion In Paris reached a climax with the performance of "Mon sieur Pickwick" at the Athenee. This little thJUer waa packed with nobillUea at tha Invitation first nlht. and. Judging from the applause which, followed the fall f& the curtain, tha new pleca ahould have k long jsnd prosperous run. The adaptation of Mm. Iuval and fharvay will b lea Hkejy. In the opln ten of critics, to appeal to genuine lucWenS lovers, armed w ItS page-long .jjotstlons. than to the fashionable French Anglophile who ia ready to accept whatever 1 offered by tha land of fchakespeare. But, while ft noceaslty rrany liberties have been taken with the riglnaJ schema, it would be idle to deny the Ingenuity with which tb varioua la cleat hav bowl chosen and grouped to gether. In an entertainment laatlnjf thrte hour It would b utterly Impossi ble to expect more than a glimpse at the amoat important firurea In Ulckena ma terpiec. ' The scenery, e w hich special . study fcas'beeir given. Is unusual aad eauemely artistic, the black outlmea and flat tone liruduvlxi aa atlonUuiug -ffect of un- realism. It waa aa If a series of old pop ular English prints had com to life. The , quaint costumes completed this unique and very charming .effect. Plas on "David roppertletd" and "Mar tin t'huz&lewU" are In rehearsal and will be produced during the coming Ma son at two different l"rl theaters. Tha extraordinary results which Amer ican Investigators have attained In the mixing it vegetable species so aa to pro duce original and more useful varieties have been more discussed by the Euro pean members of the International Genetic congreas than any other new ma terial brought before that body of avant at the conference Just ended In Pari. Thla association deala with the principles that underlie the propagation and development of life, both plant and animal, leading up In the end to the In tricate research Into tbe conscious modi fication of tha human species. Prince Poland Ilonaparte. whose ab sorption In . actenc haa entirely with diawn hliu from ollUi. did ruiiih to ir.uko the present :o'isre , success. lie and Phillip Vtlmorln, tho secretary, are In fas or, on account of the iiueuu Inif work if Americans, of holding the meeting projected for ltli In Ban r'rau- claco, during tha exposition. Wnlur'T. Kwlugle of the Department of Ahiicul lure, on of the delegates of the l'mtei Htatcs government, persuaded inst.y cf the European members to favor thu lonu Journey to Fan Francisco. The next meeting place baa been left to tho de claloa of a committee which wlil.tuke Eun KrancUco Into consideration, t America Kavaata Preaeat. Harvard va represented by Pi of. K E. Southard, director of the Psycho pathic hospital, Poslon. . I'rof. Laugh Un wa here, repreaontlns the Carnegie laboratory of experimental evolution at Cold Fprlng Harbor. N. V.; G. N. Col litis and tr. Stockberger. the Depart inent of Agriculture; Frank M. Surface, the Kentucky experiment station, ei'd C. K. faundrr. tho Canadian covern ment. The Amerloan delegates were told often that th United States was tho only government that give adcqv.A'e aupiort to tnveatigatlona of this kind. Kuroi-an Inquirers snd experimenters ate for the most part working out of their own re sources. Monsieur Phillip .Vllmorlu, In France of the hereditary family of seeds men, and hla brother, Maurice, president ef the French Potunlcal society, devote much of their' Income to aclcntlfic in-tettigation. WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING. i Air. H. I . Bhclton, who will take charge or me postal Havings bank In l-os An geles, la the first woman to he appointed to such a position. It Is believed. Mrs Nhelton haa been connected with the auditor a division In the Postoffice de partmcnt at Washington. A Philadelphia woman says that all men are borea and advises wive to uu piarry If they would be happy. Home one wanta to Know, ir that la the case, why ao many nivorced women immediately re marry. Possibly they entviv belnv miser able, aa many women seem to. . "young man." aya a western naoer. it youanouia come across a gin who, witn a lace, aa radiant as a sunflower says as you appear at the door: 'I'll be busy for half an hour, for the dishes are not washed, Just aquat right down on tne doorstep and wait Tor her. Miss Violet Oakley of Cleveland will paint the mammoth mural decorations of the new court lioune In Cleveland, U. Bhe painted a number . of decorations of the new atatehnuse of Pennsylvania. Khe will receive l-D.OUO for her work In Cleveland, the picture to represent th flrat American lonsttlutiunul cunvcntiu.i Mrs. Harriet Aahbv of Ica Moines. la., waa the only woman speaker at the conservation congreas held in Kansas city last week. Jler talk waa o Phe Fa.rmer'8 'W'lle." The object of Inviting women to the convention was to find out the needs of the women of the country ajid to study the methods by which they conserve ineir resources. Margaret McMillan, writing In Kncland about tho siliool clinic, saya that it has bean found that the children of the poor have, aa a general thing, better teeth than those of children of well-to-do par ents She got her information from ob servation of tho school cllnlo of Chi cago, which waa corroborated in Img land at the Peitltord achool. Mrs. Mary K. O'Sulllvan would like to be a truant officer In Boston. .Mats., but theie eema to be a difference of opinion a to whether women aro eligi ble or not. The attorney general has beon appealed to for a decision on the qiicatlon. Mrs. Oriullivan ha worked with Miss Jane Addsmi in Chicago ami has gained the experience that would be of gioat value in the work it she Is appointed. FREE TO GASH ALL IF SHE FflflL READERS Marjorl Hamilton, known throuxhout America th famoui "Calendar Girl,' It now recount i d aa tha areatam known vipart In tha art of fat reduction, and sha practice only Biro pie. nat ural mat hod in reducing doubia chlo and ex cn fat, 8li ta acknowledged aa tha hlhkl -prii ed ex- clualv photographic model for art calendar In America, demanding ona hundred dollar per hour from noted "Calendar Houaei'' for her time, Keat- lilng that an abundance of auperfloui fleeh would no longer keep her In mad demand by pho to rap nlo art lata, aha aet about to redui her Intreaalng weight by a uiarveloutly aJmple method of her own. Xo harmful drug or terrible majatagkng : no sweating; no painful phraUal culture exerilaea; no atarvatlon diet; nothing to take Internally; nn potion stuff to tub on body and non of the oil, rldleulnua harmful drug method are ud In her apt undid nw treatment. Th free book of thla Queen of Beauty explain to men and women, how by her natural, harm- lea treatment, tbey may reduce pondermi weight at the; rate of on pound or more dally. How any man or woman ma ha.n1h doubt chin quickly and regain new health and vigor. Our readera will be astonlahail to loarn for t.i flrat tlm of a really new. mrvloua combination of mtbod of FAT RKIU-riON. referred In thla aplendld book and pow offered free to our readera for ahort time. A Utter from W. I Srhmlti. from Montevideo. Minn , tata by thla treatment he lost 29 pound tba flrat month, and he la now th hpptat man In tha world; tha, to Is now losing 2 pound dally. You will be amazed to know how rapidly you may reduce your double chin and exces fat by following her lnitructlon and uilng her nrw com bination treatment. All fat men and women of any age who deal re to mak tbmlve more at irarth ahould aecure tbl wonderful hook free at one and Improve their figure quickly by her method. Thle book 1 written In a faclnatlng a! yt. It explains how, by her treatment, this famona photographic model, who la th raging "Calendar Olrl" of the present time, reduced her owr weight TlllRTY-SKVKS POINDS In F1VW WKKKS by purely natural method), snd without reporting to druga. tarvtlon diet, or harmful ex ternal stuff to rub on th bod, or harmful ox rclae. It. 1 aatd hr new treatment I similar io that uaed br farooua Kreoch artreear and court ladle of Rump, who dare not grow fat. Write her at om-e, and learn the angulah h felt when her glrltah beauty lrted to develop to abnormal pmportlona. Head of tho terrora- ahe flt when the monater fat made her real lea aha must give up her proflon and fad luto cb- ''llear'n how she experimented with determination and grit and conquered fat; learn of these thing o you my ireprov your own form nd dratroy your (t It will "not he longer necessary for you to aublect yourielf to the awful dangers of xcevatve (lh. . "Violent r'rile. starvation diets and worthie druga. alo harmful xternal uuff to rub on her body, were .all of res .benefit. Ho. roaHtin that If ahe dealred to longer continue th star in frier profewloo. and b fonger -ought after by art ralendar hone of Amrlca d fcuroo. she mart do qli- Parent the eneme fst from at,imv1ng her beauty, she stodtod en an entirely original and different plan, sua ft.r effort and mnv filur. mad what ah con Idcra a wonderful aclentlfic discovery, by mean of which ah ha perfected a treatment which tUSt "c the .i..-t I. tun. at fi t " ntk h""" o h lndlvldu.1 ith ettrr poim.1 taken otf. mici woman'" r.mrkbl. itf" baa aiaawt h.r tritn: h .i.ort .b.t ta .,t.l.hni.nt. maV..l'ni it b.r woanrou. Ultl. Her mthl t. m . i. aok4 upon wltl curwttf ltd ."mTrntuTn. r th r..Um .... h.r enmbln.- l h tVthe prl.acr "I own home. wh" of A leil.r irvm '., .U.h TOT . mA Aw. - 4 ... ;.Mnl Sv. . t ' - A v' v - j HAS LOST 40 POUNDS UP TO DATE OF WRITING STILLL0SIK6 My l")ear Mitts Hamilton: J can not find words to fully express my gratitude to you for your wonderful treatment. I would get so tihort of breath, and always felt no bad. so heavy and dull, but now I feel better than I ever did in my life and am at least 4'i pounds lighter than I was. Tour treat ments are Just grand. I will refcomroen your treatments to every one I see Bless your tlear heart, my sweet girl You don't know the gooi j-0ur treatment has done me. Your friend and well wisher, MRS. KLVA 8TRICKlAND 4. LOSES 14 POUNDS IN FOUR DAYS Ht I c-on- 1 ntarte liad lo in ' vou this aucpmcsisirrs Mia hamtltok WHEN MB WEIGHED 169 TOVKDS. COM7AU TIE SIZTEKXirCE. MAJOKTI! iTAMIXiTOH. TIB FAMOTT CAZ.EBTDAK OIRI.. ATTEg SHE KB. SUCED 37 rOUMOS ZH FIVB WEII, la miny Intuncw l t. rata V fit that n.f.r otter .nouab vli.t this wsndeKul tmtm.nt h. don. for m. IT HAS RSDUCEO MY WEIOHT WONDKKFt'l LT IV TUB SHOUT T1MK I HAVE 18KD IT. My double chin bas almoit vantiUd. and I tbink thla method th only perfect on. known tor speedy and aure reduction of flcih. "MAM1K MuNKLLY. Deilose, Mo." It la almply aftontehtn th. number ot men and woman who W(lt. In regarding tb. wonderful re aulta of her new proraa ot banlahlng tat. Much lnter li ehoan tn th'a new remarkable method by lettara front dlatlniulahed phritclani. wblcb pram that even doctor, are obliged to Sir. up drug., and acknowledge - thi. woman's combination tratment aupeiior to all othera. Th. dlatlogulabed phralclaa, Dr. Walter Robin eon. wntea tn and hvi: "It t. with fnub pira.ur. that I offer rouaratu latlnna upon thla splendid method of treatment for the. induction of auperfluoua f)eh and do.ihi. chin. Kothing, In my opinion, could b. more ef fective. Thi la th. only arlrutiflc method of treatmont endoreed by th. medl-al profeioo. I tatd.r your method of treatment, not only orig inal, but remarkably rl.ver. and the only truly arLnttfte way to reduce superfluous fleab and double chin and outrkly." If you want to know how really worthlea. drug, and medicine, are for th. reduction of lat. writ, tn J. T. Bright. M. I).. 101 K. 5lb at., Coving ton. Ky.. who haa the following t. aay regarding thla wonderful treatment. Do jou think he would (i.e. bought thi. treatment and reduced bia weight wltb it If bia medical akltl could bav. aided blm to reduce? lie u a doctor, ret he knew p. druga could help blm. to h. got relief from m. Here ia what he wrltea In: 'It ! m. pleaaur. to elate I hav. lot twen-tv-tlve pounds alnr. I began thla Marjnrt. Hamllt.n trwatmont. and I feel better In every way. and olt. what a delight ful difference. I found thla treatment the only absolutely drug Iwi treatment that I know ot In the world. It ia absolutely harmless, and a child mlaht in. It without danger. I at all that I wanted while tiring th treatment, t waa o glad no harmful eierrls war. neceasery and taat tha treatment does not require one to alary ttiemaelT. I con alder It the most ai1entifle treatment known for th. quick) and euro reduction of fleab- "In using the treatment I found that I could lore aa much fleeh aa 1 wanted to on aoy part of the body. "I am sstlsfled that any sufferer from too mticb fat. If they will um this treatment will perma nently lone their fat. It lanuol fall to give perfect sMltsfsction. "I hsv. practiced medicine In thla state for over turty yeara and I am well knowu throughout thia country. Sincerely. J. T. BRIGHT. M l.. Covington. Ky." Knlbueiastie letter, as the above ahould be In diaputsbte evidence ot th remarkable merits of this treatment. Th. moet astonishing part of this tat-redaclng method I. that It dues not create wrinkle or leave the akin flabby, but on th contrary. It hag a tendency to tighten fleab. soin.iaing not usually attempted bv other methods. All our readera who wish to give up harmful diet, starvation methods: who wish to abandon the harmful Intarnal and eilemal remedies and painful exercises, ahould writ, tor a copy .f her latest work, ao that they may learn bote It la possible with her combination treatment to at once heKln til reduction of burdensome flesh by ulng her combination methods. Simplv cut out coupon below and mail It at ence. with your addreaa plainly written. ak her to aend everything ahe agrees to aend. ENTIRK UV KltEK. and DON'T BKNt) ANY MONEY, be cause this nook of particulara la entirely free, aa thla charming Calendar tllrl" la so grateful for tier own reduction, brought about by ber almp. methods, that sh ia doing ber utmost to benefit men and women In need of . perfect bom treat ment which will benefit those burdened wl.h .uiwrfluou. flesh, and thereby mak lit really worth while. s She offer $1,000 1 eaJ If " to prow th upriorit7 of her ntethoa over all othara. and 1.0 00 if lcine or a aiiia-l harmful thins eaa . found la any part of her combtaattoa , treatment. T.t a Ha 111 : i, i. much nlejafture .that I con . ... i - v.r.1 nniin vnur so enu l lnp.n in or treatment. n runti.u) ith vnur Treatment and on when i weighed, I round that I 14 pounds in 4 oay. Wishing: yo:t every success great work, I ben- to remain, Pinnerely yours. HKNKY WAGENBRKNNKR, Brooklyn. N. T. p. a. Pisa jo do not - use my street address. LOSING RAPIDLY EVERY DAY-FEELS FINE Dear Friend: , I will write a few lines to let you know how I am irwttin; along: with your treatment I certainly think It is tha easiest treatment I bare) evr tried. I can say i feel ever bo much better than before I began your J have not oeen weighed since 1 begran, but I am satisfied that I am loelna; every day as 1 oan notice It myself. I shall continue tho treatment until 1 have re duced what I feel is tho proper amount to lose. - , Thankina; you for cast yjf" ""' wIshltiK Ood speed in thla wonderful treatment. I remain, yours very truly, treatment. 'MRg FAN NIB HATTAN. FAT OFF SAFELY AND QUICKLY; GUARANTEED . m-a EtTiavaiTTinX IN evtlW l.AVH ALSO OUARAN m..T. il n POIWIV DIirf rH. MEI- ICIXF.S. STARVATION VUt i. Jiv TKRRIBIaK l-aCERCISKS, ni l .1 KKMARKABL.E, NKW. ABSO 1XTKLY HARMIaESS COMRINA TION TREATMENT WITH WHICH YOU CAN REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT QUTClvIiY AND SAFEIiY . WITHIN THE CONFINES OF VOIR OWN HOME. . HOW IT SYSTEM DIFFERS FROMf AliJj OTlttKS. Rememtier All Correspondence is Treated Strletly Confidential THBTMTIMOrllAL- GIVE M HEW g A ON IUt IN MY OFFICE intT ?5 mm I FELLS LIKE KEW WOMAN B f v " l!USBAr,3 CATCII1KG BY FAT WOMEN Ik ol f ruiat Talaa. From tha exuberant pen of the publicity boomer of Tul.a. Okl .: "The bulletin of a city aurh as Tulsa. though In the midat of a vaat and r- an.trieful empire, baa not heeu free from . I n i . . I 1 . . . . . V. , ..I il..ii.l K,I gathered about the human landsraie have alwava parted at tha right lima, isnd throutrh the rift baa anone with reeilnd ent alorv the aparkllruc stars of liotie. Tulsa today, thou ft full of niagutflrent arhlevainent. ia only prupnetio or greater destiny. Over her home now floats Old tiiory. and a free ueurite, with local eelf-aovcrnment. egultantlv raise thia ambleia of pnrea ao that the hteeiea of th north, south, east and weet may kisa It and tb uu of all tb earth reiltrvt 4U Many a too plump lady 1j groaning- In aplrll, at thla moment, a oh lulla back wltlt a lollipop between finger and thumb, at the thought of her matri monial chance. She tells herself sbe tan never give up her lolling and Iter lolllpopa and go In for exercising and dieting Inn lead. Not even for a hunband. Yet one glance over ber bulging breasts, at ber equally well advertised hip, tails her all Uue 1 vain unless ahe reduc. " Now, aii.-h rirle are almply behind the times, or they would not worry about their reductu.. 'J hey would reduce and do it without disturbance of their appetite fur or luxurious ease. All that ia needed to take off twelve to sixteen ounce a day, and rapidly re duc tli litpa, chin. abdoinnn, etc (.here fat la aaoat uhiectiouablei ia one pleaaaut. elegant Maruiola ITeac rlptloa lablot, after incala and at be'lttnie. tret the tat otf talice it Jellie. moat ami M' what that clusng ili il to eard atlrarti-ig Hit. men. The tablets are not injurious in any way (being made after the famous Marmola 11 cripttop via.: S oa Maruiola. a Fl Kx. t'aatcaia Aroinaiit', m oi. Pep permint Water I : and tney are not e. renaive, the .larniola '.. " Kaniier Hlig , !tr ilt. Mu ll , and all druggists asking taily venty-flv cvnte fr a laJt. iaje -AvU Maob Xilfbter on Xer Tget. Dear Marjorl Hamilton ;- I have beeu trying your treatment for the reduction ot fat and have aucceeded In reducing my weight about twent five pound. I have not had the beat op portunity to Klve it a thorough trial, aa 1 have been traveling around visiting ever aliue 1 received tue treatment front you. . t I feel verv niuilt stionijer and can get round much, belter and feel lighter. I Intend to let the good work go on until X have reduced about seventy pounds. Thanking you for your interest. 1 re main Sincerely. ' MKK. W. CAMPBELL. LOST 28 POUNDS IN 28 CAYS aua M. Hamilton,' llunvar. t '.nlo. I)ear Madam and VYiend:- I gueea vou tntnit ny iina umw jw. treatment iiaa either killed or cured me. Will Jual .y I am delighted with re eiilta bo far. Juat 2S days an-1 loat aa Hounds. I nave tried to follow your In mru. Uona to the letter, and don t you auction lit Bust tine Znormoua. Miss Marjorle Hamilton, Dear Vrlend: It Is with the greatest of pleasure I can write you of my reduction in my weight. I think your treatment far ex ceed anything I have ever tried. My fat is going fast. 1 think 1 have lost about twenty pounds, and have gained atrength in my limbs, which Is wonder ful. My double chin Is gone and my bust is going fast, thanks to you for it all. I feel very grateful to you for what you have done for me. and with kindest regards. 1 am yours very truly. MRS. . W. J. KOUL0U3. 25 P0UI.SS OFF Such a Mrlon Cbang Kr Trlsad WtU Hardly BllT THir .Js reel Xila a Qnn. Iirar Mis. Hamilton: If you could only ace me. you would kno how I appreciate what you have done for mo. I don't loolc like the aame person. I have fallen off twetfy-five pounds, and -h. how much better I feel'. Vou certainly have the greatest meth od in the world, and I Juat simply can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I have had lots of confidence in you from the first, and a great deal more now. Tltankinf you for what you have done for me and. hoping to hear from yoa Moon I beg to remain. Your friend, Box ' 277. MUS. HiANK MKKEU1TH. FIRST It makes you tnm; right from th start. SECOND It doe not purge) ynt or give you any drugs whatever to take and to ruin your bealtb. THIRD You eat all you want, all ot which is contrary to other sys tems of fat reduction I know any thing about. FOURTH No harmful exercise, nor starvation diets that may weaken, your system and ruin your health." FIFTH It'is guaranteed to make a remarkable reduction . in .youfr weight. You are not asked to' wave several months watching, longing; and hoping for results - that never come. SIXTH No matter what treat ment you have tried, you have never tried my treatment; you have neve" seen anything just like it, and you will never be able to realize its mer its until you have actually used it. 1 have done real well for a fat r think I feel better than I have for yeara in eiverv wax. The first fourteen daya 1 loat" I pound, the neit 10 '""J.",, Respectfully yours. tJ. N. bl ALREADY LOST 30 FOUKDS AKO I AM HAPPIEST GIRL ON EARTH Dear Marlorie Hamilton: I have already lat .10 pounds and am th happiest girl on earth. iour friend, with love. . AN.NA TAYLEN. LOST 40 POUNDS IN ONE MONTH LOSING RIGHT ALONG Dear Madam: 1 commenced your treatment about a month "c S v-t jwinndw already. Well worth the money. Thanking you for encourazmg me to continue treat- COUPON. ment. JUST ltsnctf ullr. JOHN MOhAN. STARTED TREATMENT LOST 20 POUNDS ALREADY Dear Mies Hamilton: I have 1ul started our treatment and have reduced 20 pounds already. I do hope that you will receive thia letter, for I do nut ant you to think me un grateful fur all you and your treatment have don for me . MISS ADKLU KELN. .f'i 2E BOOK "Weight Reduction Without Drugs" Tills coupon entitles all readers to receive one copy of this great book, entitled "Weight Reduoxiou Without Drugs,'' postage prepaid, as explain1! In article above. t'ut out thia coupon nn.1 send it. with your Tame and adores piainiy written, or better yet. write your name and address plainly on a postal cud or letter and send it to MAKJOR1E HAMILTON, Hutte i;t, Central Bank Rl ) , lenver. Colorado, and the book will be sent you by return mall. f he will send all our readera everything; she agree to aend ahaolulely free, so that you may learn of her Home Treatment to start in th reduction of fat at once. Nam Address Town State