Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 7, Image 29

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leelinj on Buying Side of Wheat it
Oreatly Improved.
3si Demand tor Whrtl Less Artie
ad the Market Show an Vaster
Tone Volume ot Hale
Ralluu Factor.
OMAHA. Oct. 14, I'M.
Tha feeling on ti.u s.ue ui n..".
rias great.) ni.u ..-
elevator concern , .o...e nuo Hit
market 'ur gOOU IUUUU IUUI til. Wien.
Even without iot.iuve umtic in Ar
gentina, tut uieiiuuii ut uui m turee
cable it made a, Dud fuatuie. anu north
West conuitions ue cU .io. auie., atiu m
weather Is atui lainy una toggy m thai
iiuaiter. ihe ma.rtti io..ns good to uu
on after any tempoiury ducune.
It looks like the people who are
friendly to the buying aiue of corn are
waiting to learn something different a
to the quality of the new ciop ami the
chancea for marketing tree y the balnncj
of the month. The cash situation rcn
tinue strong and ni.ewat of ralnv
weather may start a Irssh buying force.
ian aemana for wheat was less active
tone. The volume of cash sales will be
the ruling factor. Today's cash price
Were Vile lower.
The coin market acaln failed to respond
to the bullish features, new buying force
is nteded and scattered liquidation eased
the market. Cash prices ranged j'l'il.c
lower today.
Primary wheat receipts were
iushels and shipments were 7SI.0K) bushe s,
against receipts lusi year of 1,4.000
bushel and shipment!! of 491.000 bushels.
Primary coin receipts were 4:w.0i
bushels and shipments were 3U.MX)
bushels, against receipts last year of
653,000 bushels and shipments of 2K),000
Clearances were 8.000 bushels of corn,
none of oats' and wheat and flour equal
to 230,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed 'd higher to V,d lower
on wheat and H,iVd lower on corn.
The following cashales were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 2 cars tl.00-4; No.
t hard, 1 car $1.01H, X car $1.01. 6 cars
1.00; rejected, 1 car isle; No. 2 spring,
car $1.0214; No. 4 spring, 1 car $1; No. 1
mixed, 1 car $1.0lV4.
COIIN-No. 4 white, 1 car Se; No. 2
yellow, 3 care 8734c; No. t yellow, 9 cars
7,o; No. 4 yellow, 1 car 67c; No. 3 mixed.
3 cars 67c, 2 cars 74.c.
OATS Standard, 2 cars 464c; No. I
white, IV cars 4tic; No. 4 whit. 3 cars
Omaha Cash l'rtces.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.00? l.N; No. 3
hard, IWcJj'Jl.Os; No. 4 hard, 7eg$l .09.
CORN No. 2 white, tHicuS'ic ; No. 3
winie, wiiTOm; ; r o. Willie, oi'Vyooc:
No. 2 yellow, Glhito(Hc; No. 3 yellow,
7Vi7c; No. yellow, tUti7Wc; No. 2,
67t(i7c; No. 3, tiiditiTi;; No. 4, 64tf
OATS No. 2 white, 46Ko 4'iHe. ; standard,
46U4U4C. No. 3 white, 4tji 4tiic ; No. 4
White, 46fi46c; No. 3 yellow, 45V4c;
No. 4 yellow, loHfrlfrV
BARLEY Malting, $1 lOffl.20; No. 1
feed, tHij J1.06.
RYK-No. 2. 8C97c: No. 3, 93ff!)6c.
Cartot Heeelpta,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago .' S 26 211
Minneapolis 35
Omaha 30 56 24
IDuluth V.
Featarea of tha Trad I a ar and Closlagr
Prloea oa Board of Traaa.
CHICAGO, Oct. i4. Confronted oy proa
pect of an auuuionai uig inoraaaa 0( tn
visiule supply, in wheat inaiast today
turned wean. Tue clou was tatto to c
unaar last nigni. Com aeoi.noa StrnO
to ho net anu oat vo to a. Tha and
of tue day lett pruvmion varying from
unoiiangeu to to auvanc.
Keceipis oi wheat weia large, not only
In th united Utates, but aio across the
Canadian line. Arnvais for the week at
primary points raacneo mora tnan 3,imi,0m
uuaneis in excess o uia toiai a year ago.
Vurtherinoie. it WW suown mat ins
European crop had proven to be tha third
largest on reuoia, and not a great way
below tha bumper yield of lVut. Under
such condition tha importance of tne
aliortaxe in Kussla waa minimised to an
xtent that only a short time ago would
have seemed out oi the question. Tn
bulls were still mora disooiuaged by la-
ports that canii sales here una not
amounted to nearly aa generous an ag
gregate as most traders believed and that
tha transactions wr chiefly in ins soil
winter wheat trade. In consequence, tn
market at no tune displayed any aign
of being elastic, and tne clo waa at al
most tne lowest level of tha day. De
cember, during the session, tiuotuated
from 7c to W'jjaa'iC, with last sales
Wovu, a net loss ot He
Official predictions ui fair weather led
many longs to reduce their holdings of
ittla ahort interest to absorb the offer
ings. December ranged from o4Vka to feuc.
closing too net lower at MViI&uvac. C asn
grades were only in fair dcinunu. No. 2
yellow finished at 74i!Vfcc.
Oata ruled a trifle steamer than other
grams. '4 ha reason appealed to be firm
ness in the casta inaiaet. '4'op and bot
tom figures tor December were i(u-eo
and 4?ic, with the close Mt oU at 4i-c.
Provision trailed upwaid alter boa.
At th last gong, pom was inc to eo
dearer, and th remainder of the list
either unchanged or at an advance of uut
to exceed a uiokel.
Cash quotations were as follows:
t'LOUlt fearkat steady; winter
patent, $U6i4.7; straignts, S3.30U4.60;
spring straignts, 4.bo44.ii; bakers, J.iVi
it I B No. L 81R40.
BAHLdiiY. Keeu or mixing,. fcOctflJl.OO;
lair to choice malting, $1.101.22.
bUKDU iiinoiny, tl4.vuM; clover)
Pltu VISION' Siless pork, per bbl.,
$lfi.3iH(a-iAi. .ard, per lbs., ta-7iMuv
.to. oiion rib, aides (loose), 7.iin.ju;
ahort ciear aides IboxtsdA o.2uw3.i'ii.
Total clearance oi wuesi and flour
were cquai to io.ouo ou. iJi unary re
ceipt weie l.UJ.uou bu., compared with
1,004,000 bu., tne coriespundiii uuy a cui
Estimated leceipl lor toiaoiiow;
'Wneai, 4 cajs; co.u, oi cars; uuis, 1
cat a, nogs, iu,uv head.
Cuiuagu tun rin.M-Whiit: No. 2 red,
v&lkv-! o. led, Sisoc, No. hard,
i.Mai.ot; .so. 3 i.uu, i.u(i.u4. Nu. 1
uoiiiieiii,',i,iu., No. liortntin.
i.luvi.i-v, Ao. uuiiiiein; $i.u.i., ttu.
3 apiaig, l.uwi.iis; Nw. 4 pimg, i.U-
llU, .U. 4 fepliltg, Mm''''; letkttl ciiaxi,
Imc1.u1, uuiuiii, Curni No. 2,
llWtfl'Ci No. t wines, j4-c; jNO.
y si low, 72'ifi-c. .so. 3, uutso; no. 3
white, 71fruiic iu. )uu, ilu,ic;
No. 4, iOituivc; ao. 4 wnlis, aii'c,
No. 4 yellow, a7lc. -Oais; No. i, u-u
47c: No. 2 wnlie, .-fi'MC, No. 3 whue,
4,WlJlc, No. wane, 4u?titic; stanaaiu,
4;ik, Kyet No. , Ikivic, tiarity; iku
$1.m. Clover, l.i tw. iimoiuy, U.w
14. bO.
11UTTKR Steady; creameries, ZZ'uXc;
dairies, ily-iio.
EOUd aitaoy; receipts, 4,to0 cases; at
mark. cau incluued, 1c; firsts, -ou;
prima lirsts, 21 c.
CrUCbtia. riteauj ; daisies, lill'c;
twa.s, utsuuiii; young Americas, r
14Vc; lulls horns, lljUttc.
Pul'ATob.c vaiv, cuoic to fancy, U
fttjoc; lair to good, itioiM.
POL' 1.4 RV oieaoy; luiasys, l&u; chick
ens loc; spring, 11c.
ViAD oieauy; vv to Uu-lb wts.. k'ulic;
SO to au-lu. is., bVstflJ'.jc; W lo liu-lo.
wts, Uc.
Duliy movement o( prouuee;
Articles. iltccipls.
Fiour, tbls H Wi
Wheat, bu
Coru, bu 2"d,Bud
Oats, bu 2w.uO
Rye, bu o,6i
baiiey, bu &J.i,oo
Canot Receipts W'h at, 05 r
of contrail giaue; coin, 2 c,
'2.1,, (I J
irs, with ii
is, with ii4
of contract giaue; oi, 211 cars. Total
receipts of wheat at Cun-ayo Minneapolis
and Daluih today weld u.j ca:. ooni
Pared with aTti car la-t wtik and jig cur
tii corresponding ua a )tr ago.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Btekdy; western creamery, IM, nearby
prints. fftSittc.
K '. t uchsngtd.
CH t-i-SE Flnu, New York full creams,
fancy, lie; Now York full cieam. lair
to good. 1414 W.C
Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provlstoaa.
cash, unchanged: No, 3 hard. $1.0131.03;
fa 1 DtotttJl.Oii No. I red, i.0oi.wi,N'o.
I. Wctiln: December. V11.0t; May,
1 WUj, July. WS-tiHic.
couN-l'nchai.ged to Mo higher; No.
3 mixed; ilr,l'.e; No. J. TtV, No. 3
White, 71;2c; No $ 7Ui71tc; leeember,
61SC; May, tJVitniU'io; Jui, WSvSlSc.
OATS L'nchnnged. No. 2 white, 4S'Ti
48V; No. I mixed, 4Vo47Hc.
ItYF i-ti.V.
HAY-Steady; choice timothy, $1S 5vj
l.ju; choice prairie, tlI.Miii3.iO.
UTTTEK Creamery, 2c; fusts, 2fic;
second, f4c; packing stock, l:o
i'.UOS Kxtraa. )Bc: first.
onds. l3vo.
Rrcelpt.i &:.ipment.
rt heat, bu mi. ;.ni
Coin, bu s.v vi 4l.ia
i-ats. bu lV..o l.ipio
Uuotatlon of the Day ou
t waimoalMlea.
NEW YORK. Oct. 14.-FUrCU-;
Spring patents, !i.&.ax ; . !.,t ; i-ti a, bins,
i.Mi'cu.ia; wuuer panni, ...
cltats. t4.2Hu-t.iu; wlniLi ek
o.oouo.7o; winter extras- No 2
ivanstis strulgnts, 4. Vt
.HI. .(Hi bu.; siiipineiits, 2.2hi liu
lu in; ta r to good, M iouj.w
i ' -i'i iiik
N. . 1,
, j .1. 4o ,
i ci pts.
)t e lloiu ,
lliOICC tl'
iiincy, .).nyo.4o.
i-OltN,lh,Au Firm; fine white and jul
low. 1.4iyl.; coarse, $l.Juu I K , kiui
urlnl,'u x'ib.
luryuiet; No. 2, Sc, nominal, c 1. f.
Liiiitalo, 10 arrive.
OAltDKY rileady; malting, $11161.26,
c. 1. f. Buffalo.
V itKA 1 spot market, irre tai , No. I
red, II.00V4, elevator, export pisiw. una
H. ui'i, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 no.tmi't im
iiith, $1.19. t. o. b. atloal. r ulu mar
ket; The wheat niarkrt was and
easy all th morning beeaueo ot lower
cuDies and scattered unloading. The t Wve
was Hi'Vic net lower. December. 11.1 1 4ft
I. 0 -k, closed at 1.14S- May close.l ai
$l.(tn. rtivelpto, 24i,iw bu.
COKN bpot market, steady; No. 2, i7c,
nominal, elevator, domestic bu. is, iv, ai -rive,
and 77Vc, f. o. b. afloat. eAoil
basis. Futures market firm, iikccii'is.
It,eu0 bu.
OATS Spot market, steady; B.amluiu
white, 62V, elevator; 40. 2, Uc; No. u,
62 wr; No 4, Me; natural white and Mliite
clipped, ilVitfOa'.tC, on track. Futures
market waa nominal, l'.eceiptii, 1j...w bu.
KKliD teady ; WMI4.11 spring bian,
100-lb. sacks, .10; standard mldiiiing,
100-1 b. sacks, 420.10; city, RO-lu. sacKa,
HAY-Prlme, quiet; No. 1, $l.l&1.2o; No.
2, U.l'Kul K; No. 3, $1.0iK(il.06.
HOPS Steady; Btato, common to choice,
Wll, 47gOc.
HlDis.S-Dull; Central America, llff
DEATH ER Firm; hemlock firsts, 25j
27c; seconds, 22a&JSc; rejects, lac.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; meas. $1700
illiM; family, Jllt.43-21.0il; short rlexr,
$W7iif(( 17.60. Heef, firm; mess, $!2.uoij U.00;
taiully, J13.WttiU.00; beef hams, 2 nya
32.60. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies,
10 to 14 lbs., $U.0tJ 11.75; pickled hams,
$12.00. Lard, firm; middle west prime,
$8.oy9.0u; refined, steady; continent, $.j;
Houth America, $lo.o; compound,
TALLOW Firm; prime city, hhds., 6c,
nominal; country, 6li&67o.
BUTTKR Kasy ; creamery specials,
31c; creamery extras, 30c; creamery
firsts, 2oVj2c; creamery seconds, Zutf
2bc; process specials, 24rtf24'tc; process
extras, 2J"sH24o; process rusts, 2.4122,1c;
tactory, current make, firsts, 21o.
CHKKSK Steady; t-kims. UflUSic.
EGOS Steady; fresh gathered, extras,
BotuJlo; rreaii gutnered, extras, rusts, 2J
4j2Ao; fresh gathered, rirsts, 2.(ia2i)c; held
fresh, poor to fair, 15'fjlitc; fresh gatli
ered, dirties. No. 1, 174il7Hc; fresh gath
ered, checks, prime, liulOo; refriger
ator, first season's storage charge paid,
3uvfc2lc; No. 1 dime. M'ultto; western
gamered. whites, 2600,
POULTRT Alive, weak; western
springers, ilaUo; , lowls, i4ul2Hu; tur
keys, ISo. Dressed very weak; western
broilers, 114jl7c; fowls, ltojlfc; turkeys,
selected, 26c; others, lotfaoo.
t. Loals Gcaerol Market.
ST. LOUT 8, Oot. 14.-WHEAT-Cash,
steady; track, No. I red, 31.0Oval.01H; No.
I hard, Futures, lower; Do
comber, MTV4C; May, 11.0334.
CORN-Hlgher; track. No. I, TOe; No.
white, T407(c. Futures, tower; December,
62li62Ho; May, 4V0.
OATH Lower; track, No. t, 4TVi47o;
No. I white. ilQWa. Futures, easy;
December, 47io; May, MH4o. - - -
RYB-Unchanged: $1.00.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $4 50
4.80; extra fancy and straight, $3.90'a
4.36; nara winter clears. H.rsjmis.ja,
BEED-Tlmothy, I12.WB14.W.
UitAN-Dull; sacked, cast track. $1,110
HAT-nteady; timothy, $20.00915.00; pro!
rle, J12.0iMr.lrt.O0.
PROVrUION'8-Pork, unchanged: Job
blng, $16.23. Lard, unchanged; prime
steam. JS.So.iJ.MO. Dry salt meats, lower;
boxed, extra shorts. J.S.H7H; clear ribs,
$8.87H; short clears, $9.00. ilacon, lower;
boxed, extra shorts, $'Jtt7H; clear ribs.
Jst.H;",,; short clears, $10.00.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs.
11c; turkeys, ll15Vxc; ducks, 11 He;
geese, 10c.
BUTTKR Steady; creamery, 2230c.
buas Firm; lt21o.
Reoelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 12,000
Wheat, bu 64.000 73.000
Corn, bu 32,0o0 36.000
Oats, bu 44.0UO 172,000
Minneapolis Grata Market.
cember, 11.00"; May, $1.1319 1134; No. 1
hard, $1.1014; No. 1 northern, I1.0owl.00
No. 2 northern, $1.MV(V1.U7; No. 3. $1.02,
FLAX-Closed, $2.41.
COHN No. 3 yellow, 6984o.
OAT3 No. 3 white, 40ip4Ho.
RYE No. 3. 2V03o.
PRAN-$21.5ofl 22.00.
FLOUR First patents, $5.40(36.70: second
patents, $5.00i6.30; first clears, $3.-4.26;
second clears, $2.Soa3.20.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
1 northern. $l.l2H'ul.l3H; No. 2 northern.
$1.0(Mi4ll-13; No. 2 hard winter $1.04(9
1.06; December, i.uu; iay, i.V4's.
OATS Standard, V-kli44c.
liAULKY-Malting, $1.12i&1.20.
Liverpool Cirulu Market.
nominal. Futures, dull; October, 7gHd;
December, TsDvsd; March, 7 (d.
t'OKN Spot, firm; American mixed,
C 3d. Future,; January, askd;
f ipruarj', oa a.
Doloth Grain Market.
DULITTH, Oct. 14 WHEAT No. 1
hard, $1 10; No. 1 northern, Jl 09; No. 2
tiirthern, JlWvl.08; No. 3. $1.0K(102; De
uember. $1.0v asked;, May, $1.13 asktd.
OATS 46 Sec. .
Coffer Market.
ture opened Irregular at an advance of
lu points to a decline of 18 points. Trad
ing was active following the big excite
n.eitt of yesterday and while near posl
tlon piade new high record with Oc
tober. November and December selling
at IS cents or better, later deliveries
"tre lower under heavy trading realiz
T he European markets were both
higher with Havre In particular making
a lair response to the local gain of late
yesterday and MUiei prlcsa in llraxll
made new high records, but receipts at
primary points were heavier. There was
an additional cause for new crou appre
hension Hnd after rome early Irregularity
the market turned lather easier under
profit taking with the ciot steady, but
at a decline of tv27 points. Hales, lVi.7.,0
bag. Ortobir, and December,
14 7iic: .'anuary, 14.5v. February. 14 41c;
:.:arch, 11.10c, April, W.OSc; II ay and June,
14 00c; July and August. 14 04c: Septem
ber. 14 Wn. Havre was H to francs
higher. Hamburg. V, to S pfg. higher.
Rio, 200 rrl l.lher at ("tJoO; Santos. 2o0
rels higher. -Is, I'W; 7s. M400. Tteceipts at
the two prtnelpsl Ilrasillan ports, 4 OuO
ba;s against 7I.U1 hitxu last year. J tin
diahy receipts, lir7 noo bags against 6H.3K0
lag last yesr. Showers were reported in
must districts nf Ami Paule. New York
warehouse dellverh a yeMerday. 20 JJ
bat-'x against K,.G2) bat year. Spot
rofrte. firm; Rio No. 5, 14'c; Santos No.
4., lfiC. Mild, quiet; Cordova, nominal.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. H.-CQTTON-Fu-ttirea
closed steady; Oct ber. s.02c; No
vember, 04c; lcembr. s.lso; January,
.02e February. .07c; Mar. h. Uc; April,
It lie; May, 2ie; June, .2mj July, s.aee;
August, fflc; 8eptrmbe, .ix;; spot
cloted quiet, 10 point lower; in ddilng
upland. .4oc; middiipts gu.f, ., n
Pricet of Active Isiues Rise One to
Two PoinU.
Large Naaaker of Prominent
locks Share In Adraneo wltk
Saeealatlre Favorite Lon
don Rayrr In Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 14,-Prlcea hf virt
ually all the active stock rose from one
to two point today. Tne list aitvanceo
steadily under the influence of an active
demand from the opening of trading lo
the clowe. There wae further evloence of
short covering, but that th demand did
not come In the main from this source
whs Indicated by the breadth of the
movement, a large number of the le
prominent Issues sharing In the advance
with the seciilatlve favorite.
The seveia'. securities of the American
Tobacco company again were active and
the bond developed ome heaviness. The
recent marked rmo In the 4 per cent
bonds la accented as proof that the
original reorganization plans of the com
pany have undergone modlilcatlon. -iUU-
tlonal details ot the plan us It stands
at present were made known and had
much to do with buying orders.
The demand for stinks vtas supple
mental to th Inctexsid activity In bond
during the week. Hnnd dealers sutd tnat
t'te. pressure or line ttinos awaiting in
vestment was making Itself felt in the
heavier sales and rising prices and that
this effect had bten extended to mote
conservative Investment stocks.
Imdnti bought stocks In this market.
Its purchases being estimated at 10. tin
harea. There was another riso today
ft 15 points In demand sterling. Tin-
bank atatement revealed a shrinkage In
cash, as had been expected, but It wa
of small proportions, and the actual de
crease In surplus reserve v. ns less than
I he bond market was Irregular, Prices
generally showed an improving tendency,
.nougn there was some heaviness in a
few Issues. Total sales, par value. $'2.7o3,-
000. United Statea Ha advanced H on call
on the week.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
galea llllth. Low. Cln
Aiiu-r-risimers pta
Atnalgsnutea Copper ...
Americas Agricultural ..
Am. Heel Sugar
American Can
American C. A F
Am. Cotton Oil
too it 114 it
.2IM M 61 H M4
4.(0.1 r.H Vk 7T4 it
4o0 10 V 1"S '"H
1,400 4tll 41 tS
111 51V lit 60
104 ill M t4
400 Jf. 15 H l''i
,U0 N't 41 ''
1(10 12 V 2S
4011 UKSt 1174 II
700 las' is-'t4
1,000 174 7'i
100 St 4 5:t
l.eoo 10ti 10 I04
loo 101 ' lo:Si los4
too M7U 121 4 1H7
I.400 J4 MS
1,400 TRV, 76
t.OOO i1S 2S
1.100 2IVi 1 21
100 U H 6
1.100 74 71 74
144 4
4. 400 110 104 102
1,300 114 11414 IS
400 tS'i 2S4 11
200 4V4 47. 4S
500 1!4
1.000 II "4 11 It
1.000 eon a tovi
" iiio itivi 1MV4
Line in i: 13
44 M US IVl
100 11 lit 1IS4
00 lilt IIH 1BV
41M 44 4riV 4HV4
400 104 101 lOltA
UK) 14H 4V4 144
uto 104 10 104
144 J7V4 44 7V4
"00 iovk 'iiii
100 104V4 104 104V4
700 1474 147V4 147
100 U4 KV4
l.ioo 11 H "'H
104 41 41
1.704 V4 1 4
M4 13014 111 12Vt
100 47V 47 47
700 II 12V4 "
1,100 101 IOj 1
4X0. II 11 14
100 lOHVt 10M4 1W'44
too "4 l4
toon 118 1114 ins
jo 11 a vs 10
1.100 nis 122 122s
1.400 lOHtt imK 101V4
1,100 4V4 4 ll
400 II 174 HH
too II V4 HV4 "H
604 II H 11 tl4
14,000 lt4 HI l'
tno tf. UVt fU4
4,ro4 triM, if 4
1.1114 41 47V4 4IV4
1,700 41 41 41
140 40 44 40
1.100 110 1V4 1014
7,400 tttl S V4
1,000 70 44 7014
loo lavt 144
400 4114 41t4 41
44 4" 1! HIS 124
400 4T4, K'4 "V4
lino 4T.44 44V4 4
it.tno 11H wo m
l.sno lo1t 10H lo',
l.m 41 414 4144
m 41 14 4I'4 44
l.ioo HH 12V4 44
104 2 14 M
1.400 41V4 , 44 M
400 41 1 41 i
100 40 71V4 T'i
4.100 1114 11014 141V4
American H. A I pf4.
Am. Ic Securities
American Llneeed .......
Amerloan LocomotlTS ...
American s. A K
American 8. A K. pfd..
Am. Bteel Foundries
Am. Sugar Helming
American T. A T
Amerloan Tobaoco pfd...
American W'oolen
Anaconda Mining Oo....
Aichlton pfd
Atlantlo Coast Lin
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem gteel
Ilrnokly Rapid Tr
Canadlai Pacific
Central Leather
Central leather pfd
Central of New Jersey...
iTteaapeake A Ohio
Chicago A Alton
Chicago O. w., new
Chicago O. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
Chicago, M. A 8t. P....
C , C. C. A St. L
Colored F. A I
Colorado A Souther
Consolidated Oa
Corn Producta
Delaware A Hudson
Ilenver A Itlo Grande...
Denver A R. 0- pfd
Dial Ultra' Securities ....
Krle 1st pfd
Erie id pfd
Oeneral Electric
Oreat Northern pfd
Great Northern Or tt(..
Illinois Central
Interborough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Harveater. .
Int. Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Inwa Central
Kauaaa City BO
K. C. So pfd
Larled Oas
Louisville A NaahYlllo...
Minn. A St. l
M . St. r. A 8. s. M...
MHaourl. K. A T
M . K. A T. pfd
Mlaeourl Pacific
National Blacult
National Lrwl
N. P. ft. of M. td Pfd..
New York Central
N V., U. A W
Norfolk A Westers
North American
Northern Pacific
Paclfio Mall
People' Uaa
P., C, C. A St, L
Plttaburgh Coal
Prenaad Bteel Car
Pullman Palaca Clar
Railway Steel Iprlnf....
Republic Fteel
Republic fteel pfd
Rock Island Co
Hock Island Co. pfd
M. L. A 8 F id pfd...
8t. Louis B. W
St It. 8. W. pfd
Sloea-Sheffleld 8. A I....
Souther Pacific
another Railway
Souther Railway pt....
Tennasae Copper
Teias A Pacific
8t. U A W
T , Bt. V. A W. pfd....
t'nlon Pselfie
Vnlon Pacific pfd
Cnlted Btetes Realty
Vnlted statas Rubber...
t'nlted States Steel
V. g. Steal pfd
I'taU Copper
Va -Carnlln Chemical .,
Wabaah pfd
Western Maryland
Westlnghouaa Electric ..
Western ttnlos
Wheeling A U
lhuh Valley
Total sales tor th day, IU.700 shar.
Clearing Hoaao Bank Itatemoat.
NEW YOIIK. Oct. 14. The statement
of tha clearing house banks for the week
shows that the bangs hold ju.7bs.2W re
serve In excess of legal requirements.
This Is a decrease of $3,4M.3W in the pro
portionate cash reserve as compared with
lust weeg. 1 ne statement innows
Iiaily Average
Amount, lncreas.
1.417. OUO
L.egal tenders
Net deposits
Bxcesa lawful reserve
Hanks' cash reserve In vault. ...$36.OW,000
Trust companies cash reserva
in vault .747,ono
Aggregate ash reserve $41,7oo,ooo
Trust companies' reserve with clearing
house members carrying 26 per cent cash
reserva. 13. Mi. 000.
Actual Condition. Amount. Pecrease.
Loans l,ao.7f,000 $l,f,0ii0
gpecle a3.l7.X J.jrtT.OO
legal tenders SH.tViO.OOO 22h.OiO
Net deposit 1.70, SiV6,i0 1.14.0'i0
Circulation 49.7o6.000 45i.OOO
lxress lawful reserve 13.3ft2.OUO WM.iud
Hanks' rash reserve In vaults. . .$355,170,OuO
Trust companies' cash reserve
In vaults 4, 677,000
Aggregate cash reserve $418, 747, woo
Trust companies' reserve with clearing
house members carrying 2i per cent cash
reserve. t,m.W.
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Oreater New York not report
ing to th New York clearing house;
Amount, t'enieaso.
I.i-ltal tender
Total deposit
,.$tsJl,.e-'8 400 $2.3H.S.2 lO
... ti3.i2fi.7lX) Jit.UOJ
,.. 11 172.1' 2a,HJ
... 652,217,000 1, 24.100
llniton gtoek niarkrt.
BOSTON, Oct. 14. Closing quotations on
storks and bonds:
Alioue Copper .
A Z. L A .,
Vk Mohawk II 14
4? 4 Neirad Con li
11V) illplasllig Mine
Arltona Cast.
4 iNortn auti ..
44Nortk Uka ...
16 Old poralnlon .
41 Ouaola
IM parrott . A C.
11, 4 Super I or
., M
.. 174,
.. 14
. .
.. 44
.. 1
.. 15
.. Vt
.. 44
.. II
H C. C. A 8 If
Ilutte Coalttlo ...
(al. A Arlaima
( si. A II acta
('. Ke C. C
kat Bull C, 4...
Olrous C
Oranby (on
Osealia Caoana ...
41 v4 Superior A
, ISTsoiaraek .
II (j 8. R
tl. M
114 do pfd
Isle Royal Csppar. II I'Utt t on.
kerr Lk
ISI uh Copper C..
Lek Cupper
Miaad Cusp ...
., 44
l.naaou Stoek Market.
INDON. Oct. 14. American aecurltles
aftr a quiet aad steady opening br
today sdvanred under the lead of Cana
dian rarlflc. The closing stsiiv.
with price ranging from unchanged 1)
14 points above parity.
t losing ouotslliO'S on stocks were:
Consols, money . .17 1 l-l tlinols Central H't
dn, aci'ount . .. .71 14-Is luis tile At Nah IV1
Amal. t Viper UMn, Kail. A Tea . 11
Ansitmda T New nrh t e;ttrai . . Kia
Atihlson 10 Nortelk a Western. l isa
do ptd 1S do pfd so
Baltlniora A Oal.. Ill Ontario A Weatein . .:vi
Canadian Pacific ..llAVe Peniiylvanla Jife
CrieeaiM-ake A llhle . tlVtkand Mines 7
t hi , Oreat Western. II ftaactln 70 't
t hi , Mil. A St. P UIS Southern Railway .. Sit,
1M Peer US do ptd 71
Denver A R. 0 JJSKcuthcni llaclllo ll.'S
de pfd 4stnlon Pacific lsttw,
Krl IIS do pfd H
do let pfd 41 V steel 112 s
do id pld t.. 42 Viabarh l.'S
Ursnd Trunk let du pfd 14
M l. r.K iiar, u.uiet. at 24i4d per mmcv,
Alt iN K liu a per cent.
The rate of uiM'oiint In the open mmki I
for short bills Is snolNi per rent; fm
tlnre month' $ U-lot, J" per cent,
Me lork Money Market.
NliW 'lOUK, tet. 14. .lt.KV-tn
call, nominal. Time loans, fiiiuer; siktv
day. H1 per cent; nineiy oas, :i ,u
per cent, six months, 3tt.i4 per cent
l'lU.MK .MKIlt.'A.Tli.K I'AI'Kll -4
IKT Cent.
flKHMNfl KXCTIANUE- Kirni. with
aettial budiners In bankers' hills at 4t N;2
tor sixty nays and at $t.M."A) for uvmutttl.
v'ununerelnl hills, $4.c2-V bur, iii'MC; Mexican dollars,
HON PRGovernment, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wer
a follow!
V. S. ref Tt. reg. .1001 Int. Met 't 79
do la, touuu IM'tslnt. M. M. 4la til 9
do te, reg 101SJeian 4s .
do coupou luis uo 4k -. to
do is, teg IMls'K an. 1st .1 ..
du 4s. Lotioit. .. u.,1.. S. tlcb. 4 1H;I1... !i:l
Allls-l'hal. 1st (.. i U A N tinl 4s . US',
Altter. As. s luleM. K. A T. 1st 4 )
A T. A T. cv. as.. I1 do sen. 4Vs Hi
Am. Tobacco 4a lSlo Pai Itle Is 72
lo la 114 N, It. II. of M 4is n
Armour m o. as. ea n. r. t. . g 91..., an
AoUlson gen.
', du Oeb. 4e IJ
hSN. V., N. 14. A II
Ills cv. ..130'a
tfe N. A W. lt c. 4a .
ts do ct. 4s lot. H
Hit No. Pacific 4s IS
s s do J Ill
Mill) S L. rt'ln 4 . . .' a
IDMsPenn. rr. 111 I'
vni do con. 4s.,.. In?s
120 '4 llcaillitg gen ta S7 ,
lots 8 1" .V: o K. fg 4 7
14 do eeti. fts N?
do cv. 4a
do CT. 4a..
A. C. L. lat 4s...
bel. ei Ohio la
do ia
e.lo S W. IS..
Brook. Tr. c. 4e...
t en. of (la. 6
Cen. Leather 6i
C. of N J. g 6a.
Chea. A Ohio 4Sa.
do cv. 4s.
hlvag.i Ai A. 4).. Bt. I.. H V 0 4s.. 7
C U ak V). j. la.... ' ,lo let gold 4 ... '"
do gen. 4s ttS8. A. L. a,IJ. 6s . . . 771,
C. M. A 8. P. 4. 4a li do cr. 4 17'
C. It. I. A P. c. 4s. 7a ,n 1st ref 4s n.
do rf. 4a KtntAu. Halloa? ba in;',
Colo, lnd.,4e ins do gen. 4s 7'H,
Colo. Ind. te 74 t'nlon Paclilc 4a I'M
Colo. Mid. 4s 10 do c. 4a li'L'S
C. A 8. r A 4Vts. M do let A ref. 4a... 7
ij. ev n. ev. 4a ir. 8. Rubber . . . . li: V
U ei It. O. 4a.
do ref. 4a
Distillers' 6a ...
Erie p. I. 4a....
XO'.I1. 8. 8le'l 2d 1,1. . . 102 Si
"f'SVa -Car. Cham. 6a. loo
74V Watia-h 1st 6s lotiV
II dn 1st 4 e. 4a. . .. 7
77". Vt'eetcrn Md. 4s 7'4
da gen. 4a.
du cv. 4, aer. A.. HI West. Klec. c 6s.. 1114
ao scries 11 is Vila, l-entral 4a Ill
Oen. Klec. cv. 6a.. . . 14HV Mo. Pao bs
111. Can. 1st ref. 4. Ml, Panama 3 102 14
Uld. ottre.
Neve Yark Mining stock.
NKW YOHK, Oct. 14 Closing- quota
tions on mining sloeks were:
Alice 160 Little Chief .
Com. Tunnel Mock., 20 M ex I an
.. 4
. Jt,0
. .1115
.. 40
do bonda U uiitNito
Con. Cel. A Va.... wi
Horn Silver 4
Iron Bilver ....
Leadvlll Cob.
.. 4 Yellow Jacket
CHEESE Importsa awiss, i!2c; Ameri
can awl, 22c; tilocK tiwis, 16c; twin,
lt.yo; daisies, line; triplet, lovc; uiue
label brick, ltic; limberger, 2-llj., lac; liin
Perger, 1 ID., lsc.
UUTTEH No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 2!c; No.
1, in 00-11). tubs, 2H:i No. 2, 7ttc; pack
,ng, liyjc.
t'OL'leTHY Broilers, ISc; springs, 19c;
hens, loc, cocks, e; uuegs, Jlic, gesso.
Its; turkeys, Xiiv; pigeon, per do., fl.&o.
Aiive: llralleis, UVgu; hens, so; old
roosters and staga, oc; old ducks, full
featiiered, 10c; geese, lull lealiieruU, luc;
turkeys, lc; guinea lowls, luu eaul'i;
pigeons, per do., i6c; homers, per uus.,
2.u0; suusbs. Iso. 1, 41.60; No. 2, o0o.
K1SH 1'tckerel, 11c; while, 20c; pike,
l&c; trout, 16c; large ci apples, lutulhu,
Spanish mackerel, ivu; eel, iso; haddock,
Uc; floundera, lc; green catfisn, loo;
roe Biiad, tl.uo each; shad roe, per pair,
jOc; salmon, 13c; halibut, oc; yellow
perch, he; buffalo, he; bmlheads, 14c.
IiEKF CUTb lllbs: No. 1, lu; No. 2,
13ci No. S. o. Loins: No. 1, lnvkc; No.
2, 14c; No. tf. s. Chuck: No. I, yo;
.-vo. a, ;; iv o. a, one iioiinu: inu. 1,
llci No. L 8Vc; No. . DWo. Plate: No 1
c. No. 2, isi, No. , 4!c.
'HU1T8, ETC. Apples: Cooking va
rieties, per bbl., l-'.'ii; Jonathan, per bbl.,
44.00; California liallf lower, per box, l 2.,;
Colorado Jonathan, extra fsiioj, per UOx,
U-a. Bananas: i-ancy select, per bunch,
2.26j3.iO; Jumbo, per bunch, 2.76(ua.i,.
r-ric. oi ueei tuia-nut: au. i, tac,
No. 2, 13c; No. I, hUo. Eolna. No. 1
lliMic: No. i. 14c; No. i. c. Chuck: No
1, 7Vo; No. 2, 640 ; No. t, 6c. Round: No.
1, llo; No. 1, yc; No. I, 8c. Plata; No. i.
w; No. t. la: No. S. 4V44.
VKuKTABLKH Heatia. Strlna- and
wax, per mkt. bk., goo. Cabbag: w i-
cunsln, per lb., mo. Celery;. Michigan,
per dog., 25c; Colorado Jumbo, pur do.
46o. Cucumbers: Hume grown, per dog '
6oc. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, uer do''
$1.60. Oarlio: Extra fancy, white, per lb..
lou. Mtliute. a li eh issLjr leal, per aos
40o. onions: Home grown, ghlte, per
oral, 1.7e; yellow, per crala,; io
globe, per lb., 2fcc; vironsln, yellow, in
auk, per lb., 2c; fipanish, per crata
41. ii. 1-arsley; Fancy home gtown, par
uo., uuiiviiva. in s-oiaioe. Ainnesota
Early -onto, per bu.. VOc; Wisconsin un'i,.
lock, per bu., ko. Mweet fotmots: Vir
ginia, per Put., fdoo; per Du. bsk., l.i5.
ii nauaga: in sacss pr id., 1V4c. To
matoes: Home grown, per mkt. bsk.. Cue.
MiUCELLANkOUB Almonds: Calif ur.
nia soft shell, per lb., 2'X:; in sack lota.
lo leas, tiraull nuts: l'r lb,, liu; in
saca luis, io less, inestnui: jper lb,,
luo. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 6 uo. Flloei te.
fer lb., 14c; in sack lots, lo lass. Pea
nuts: Poiastsd, per lb., ko; raw, pr
lb., 7c. Pecan: Large, per lb,. ltc; la
sack lot, lo less. Walnuts: California
per lb., luc; In sauk lot, lo lea. Honey;
New, 24 frames, 12.76. Kraut: Per la-
gel, keg. 2 i; per o-gal. keg, 11. lu,
ISvaporatod Apple gad Dried Frull
APPEEB Kecelpts were large for till
season of the year, but the univals are
aid to be going out for export and while
futures are easy In tone tnu spot market
shows no quotable change. Fancy, 10'u
IvHc; choice, lxin'ic; prime, nominal.
OH1EU FrtUlTo i rune are meeting
with a fair demand In tha local mitrket
with quotation ranging from 7 to 42c
for California fru. it a. to 40-ims and from
114 to 12'Ao bid for Oregon fruit, 70 to
20. Apricots, quiet and unuliungud, with
choice quoted at lr.i; K.Vtc; extra choice,
lt'u In 'te ; fancy at lilsc. l'eachea. molt
or less nominal, with choice quoted at
liauVic; fancy, 12Vto. Haislns, film; loose
Muscatel, tiVrii'so; choice to fancy
aeeded, KftHc; seedless, b-7c; Eondon
layers, 14vuL4i.
Wool Market.
HT. I.OUI3, Oct. 14 WOOL-Innctlve;
territory and western mediums, 17'u20c;
line meaium. inniuc; rine, iiiuc,
lunar Market.
NEW JfOUK. Oct. 14.-8i:aAn-Raw,
nominal; muecovado, as tet, 6.4fcc; cen-
t I . . C bfti . . . 1 .. .. . u u, . .
illiuaevi, eo icai, v. irov , uiuisasra, 09 lest,
L 'Afhf pull 11 firm' ,iit.A.u 7," u . a .... 1 .... 1
4.75c; powdered, t'iito.
Kansas t'ltr Live Stork Market.
KeceipL. 4u0 liead, including 200 south
ern; market steady; dressed beef and
export steers. H. ,in(.3f,; fur tn good,
$i.ow.i.7Ci; western steers, 14 (Xtfi 7.LO;
atockers end feeders, I4.0n-u6.90; aoutiiein
steera, 14 Ou43.22; southern cows, )2 7.Vj.
4 UU; native cow s. I2.7i''(5 oO; native lielf
ers, w7.0o; bulls, 2.2.Vo,4.IJ; calves,
f4 W;t7 7i. I
HOlHItecelpt, 2,0tH) head; market
teady to strung; bulk of sales, tH.lfu 40;
heavy, WMitiu; packers and butchers.
I, lights, KlOilti.40; pigs, 1 JiiS
bHEEP ANU I-AMHS-Kecelpls. 200
head; market steady; lambs, 4 .Goti 5oi;
yearlings, HMii.',u, wethers, U2.f, nJIi,;
ws. i'i.ifyij'i.'tj; gtockera and fuvdeis,
1 tVS 1. 76.
lock la tight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle Hugs Bheep
South Omaha i0 2 2"0 OoJ
tit. Joseph ,.. " 2.00
Kansas City 4' 2,1-0 oU0
Kt UmjIs 1.2") l.teej
Chicago 3"0 Ki.Ott) , 2.1 Jo
, 1.200 22,700
Few Cattle Are on Sale and Valuei
Are Nominally Steady.
Fere Animal on Hand Are nll
Qntrkty at the It alar .heep
anil l.amba Are om
Innllr Meady.
SOl'TII OMAHA, Oct. 14. lull.
lieeelpts vi.
iliu .ai
Official Tt.esd.iy...
i . .i , i nut n.1,1
,'II' 'I'tivn silav .
Ottelal Friday..'
vaiue. Hogs. Mietp.
..I7.:tvl ..1SI .i.4!
1. 2i
4 ','Ct
OI . Jtl
2,i, 1 1
Kstlmiite H.itttrdiiy... 311 f.223 Wa
Six i.uva this week .M. 24.4.vll 147. Sl
tinmm (ig last week. .40 4 1 IH.BM lns.04;
i-iaii.e nuti 2 ks iigo .as, M -il.ttM .'
M.'tme 1 n o a v.ks. us ' ' I 'll '2.sitf l..0.U
ctttiie ilus 4 Whs. u.o .t",vl" 2.w Im.Uvi
Oiitite U.iys Inst t at . . to.2-43 2".jo2 1ii;.v42
The following tu.ile rliows toe receipt
cf taitle, Ik'S-i ii no t lu- t at Houth iiioshn
(cr the ei to uiilv. as uouipatcd with
a-l year; l.ill. iiiio. In-.. I'e'.
Cattle It '2.; IS HI.S47 ,12!l
Hogs l.:i.H,2M l..k4,2. 3oll,M7
Mieep . itki.ix.; 2,lS.tis4 S4.I4I
The following inhie shows the average
price tor l ogs at routh umaha for tne
last tew tl i), uitli eompaii.ions;
l'at litil. i:;o. u ii.tti.1ii7.ljcti.i..
Oct 8
net. I,
cel. I
Met. 8
C 221,; , 7 Ml g 4(,i t M; B i w
i a; " 4c. i ''.j 4 Jl tl ill i il
t 42 , N 4i . u4 u 1 & H. t 06
I 4 2il i uii u lo, o k.i li 32
Oct. . i ti 4.;, j i oi t io; i li 'i u oo
Oct. 10.. j v I- i 10 u Hi ti 2.', J Oo
v.. t. u.. u .1 , t ..i, 7 tl, ti lo aKi 4 :i.
'I". 12... ti 2.1 4 41, 7 .Vi j IIJ, li 111 1 4 I'.
net. I.1.. ti 4 .. 7 M; 6 V, Sti, 6 Oti
Oct. 14 . ti Si N o,' 7 4u, li l'.i d ftt & 10
" Mii'iiny.
Itcccli'i and dlspodtlon of live stock at
tlio I'limn Siock Yards. ci.iitli Oiniilm, loc
iweiity-toiii nouis etiiliiig at u p. in.
baiut'uu :
C . M. ei St. V
t h liiish
Aiissoun 1'iti'liic. . , .
i 6 1
J 7 .. 4
it ..
a li
12 X, 2 4
i. moil l ucuic
C. ok N. ., .ast....
t . A- IN. W.. west...
C. Bt. !.. M. Ar tl..
C.. 14. ft y., east...
C., H. A- y., west...
C, It. 1. Ai 1'., oast
Illinois Ceutial
Chicago U. W
Total receipts
-in: a D.
Catno. Hogs. Sheep,
Omaha I'm king Co....
nvviit Co
Cuuuhy l'ackliig Co.
Annour 61 Co
rn'liwai tz-llou ti Co..
.. bo
- 221
t'unaliy, itotii St. i'aul
Hill oi ,-on 27
J. 14. llool oi Co 17
Oilier Uuyeis 2i
.12li l.S.ll
l .u i i,i',-. a usuhi in a .satuidiiy tluro
L 1 1.1'.-
was f.otlinig ot any coiiseuuencO in tue
beet line ou sal and price were Horn
niiily suauy. Heceipts lor tlie week nave
buen only lair, tooting up 1,1M) head, or
iiooiii s.uiO head hi, oil of iut week or the
corresponding week a year ugu. largely
owing to una decrease in supplies mere
nan oecn u linn lone to the inaikii all
nick and the trend to values tins been
upwuru. cm tiled beeves have been In
very iiullf iei ent supply and uemuiiu, anu
pine uid not allow, very much cnatig
one way or the other, while western
ruugeia ate geuemny quoted fuuy lo
luc nigiier than a week ago, and they
have oeen In active demand at tuat.
1 Here hus been plenty ot competition
iioin feeuer buyers lor the Ilesny gradoa,
and tins has auued lo tne guuural ac
tivity oi tile trade.
In cows and lulicrs there also hua been
cotisiueiabie improvemeni in the gunerai
market, iiemund has been broauep tor
tne lair to choice grades and prices at
the close are lully lwulno Tuguor than
;ast week's close. On tue oilier hand
cauneis and cutlers hav sliuwu no im
pruvemetit, and in many cases are selling
lOjiluc lower than lust weea on account
of siack competition. Feeder buyer liava
not been ao anxious for tne tinii cow aa
inty were a week ago, anu tin has been
responsible for mucn ot tue weakness in
lauuei and cuueis,
inere ha been a very fair degree of
activity to the nade In Blockers and lead
ers, and lor tnu llrst time In several
week a very goou clearance lias been
muue. Dcinaiiu li om tne cuunti y na
bmn vigorous most ot the time, anu wun
a ueciussu of ntariy lv.OUO Head in tue
auppiy me movement ha been Irse anu
ciooitig iiuuiailiiiis are all ot liu"2oo bai
ler ii.un a weea ago. All grade ot
steer nave shared in the general au
vuuoe, line toe uemand tor siocr cow
and I. elites hus bean somewhai limited,
anu price snow very lull uiianga a
compared with a week ago,
Va-uuialiou on native csviile: Good to
choice ueut steers, i.2ooi.uo; talr to goou
ueei sieeis, 4u.jkiu.i.2u; common to lair
Ucut sieeis, 44.iDjio.uu, goou lo cliolce heu-
eld, 4.iiiiu.6u; goou to choice cows, 4.uoi
6.uu; ltur to goou cows, 4j.iuiu4 uv; common
lo lair cows, 4o.7bitf4.u; veal cuives, j.uu
wuotatlous on range cattle. Good to
clioio peel steers, au.jOto.uu; lair lo goou
beef steers, 44.issuvii.40; coiumoii lo lali
beet steers,; goou to uilulce hsll
eis, 44.iikuo.2u; good io choice cowh, 44.4ut4ft
eu.uO; law to good cos, 4o.iuu4 4u; good lo
cnolce stocllei and teudeis, eiiwtiouv,
l ail' to good aiocueis ana leetleis, e.4
u.uu; colli. noil lu Imr stouael mill teeueie,
4o.2u(o4.2u; sloCIv llcllel'e, ,.41. iu; Oul.4,
slug, tic, lJ.2ultaAl.VO.
HOtirj liogs started cut in aotlve
fashion ui khuiis a uin.u n.siixi ana me
maikei lasicu only as lung as too sup
ply, ootn peing short, only thiiy-iiv
toaus Were rocvived, and with tltu dumuud
Until all local quuiluia llicly, ,1 iqonsd
ler I nun au hour lu luaau a coiiiinuw
i acniug stuff, weighing from 260 pound
upwaiu, coustiiuteu ino big uuik ot ut
tering bui tno percentage ot bacon
gtutie was, II antiuiiH, u lime iargei
mail usual, tihlppeis lavoreu this uiass
of stocK uut pun nuacd o.ny a lew, scul
ttteil loaus on ooisiuo oiucrs,
in moni rebpecta, inn tntile wag 4 two
or tliiee-prite uiluir, p.icKing diovas
cosllng Pel v nil K-ii and 4u.40. The long
smug sen led ut 4o ana lime was muiv
liumiies gbova tin Lguiv than thurv
was below it. To btai bacon minimis
on sals rearmed tO.uO, u uicaui suova yus
tciuuy a lop anu imleuiical ivun luc
I, (,h giude a weeg ago.
vi lilic receipts tins week show some
, nctt use over last wotk s supply, th
ioihi is still very iimlluu. i.'uirrul prices,
coinpurtd Willi oi a weea ago, shov
u uitie weaaliuss, using Weak lo aouul
u iilcKel lower.
,i.oL'..,aiiie hales:
.No. Av. eli. Pi. No. A. 44. Pr.
l, tisl I 44 'III til tuu I III
tt 4 -j as io 1 mi a eg
1,1, I,S -su I 1. 4 lit ... 4 lu
LU IKS ... 4 44 41 Hi 40 SI.'
, ... lit 11 mi itrn i gii,
til 2l iuil li Hi tl In au t fit
,1 211 4IM 4 4 IH 147 12U 4 41V
H 141 KS I 1- li Ul 24U 4
it, at im u g iil ii 4 17
li Jul I.U to lu 212 l ltd
I, IM Ml Oa II Ill 411 4 40
,t t 1 211 4 44 47 Ill leu I tu
,i, hi I ill I IS 77 24 Uu 4 40
44 4 14 4 44 II n 40 4114
, HI ... 4 lo 41 Ill U 4 42
14 V4 1411 I 16 76 127 IU 4 46
,0 Zftl 4U 4 lii M UU ... 4 44
tl U ku 4 16 Tl 114 ... 4 44
II ill M 111
MIEEP Nothing much arrived In the
way oi sheep or lamb and a yeslur
i!ay r leai mice waa coinpn-to, the only
offering aviiilablu were about t,0UO hend
oi second banu stock, held by specula
tore. iH.mni ss in tins w ing of trjo trails
was nutlitiill.v liKlil and price showed
no quotable charge.
Marketing during the week amounted
to lully iu,, Om head, a totul that com
I are lavoiably with the lilgh-wuter re
ceipt ut lJ.'.'-'O head this week last
year. A big il per cent oi the run con
sisted of leeders with lamb In tha
h'uvy majoiity. Fat lamb Wei hard to
ilnU on tariy da, but after midweek
the proportion ol finished stuff showed
smile increase, l-'at sliekp proved scales
at all linns and yearlinga wei rare
In fat lamb pricea wars well utalned
until 'll'Uisduy, wiien pscsers nammered
the market seveiety. A l'i.00 lop was
made on a fancy article Wednesday, but
tne same brand hud to veil at 42 so th
following day and good grades are
closing around T,.iiO. Aa compared wltii
last week a close, the figures show
sins II io.-se. but the break In no In
instance exceeds 157 26c. The slump finish
waa partly Induced by a tumbling trude
bheev autl yearling suitably lor (laugh
ter drew a healtnr .iemaml fnm the
start and are now selling to a
little lower In spots as compared with
qiintaliim a week ago. Eight offerings
of fleshy wethers, yearlings, etc., served
as Instirnm-e ssnlnM hear rnltls. (loml
ewes nre brlnKlng l.1.2.Vi2 60. while tnppy
wethers ctalm good cniiipetlllon at tJ.i.'ii
4. IX).
Feeder supply appeared excessive from
stsrt lo f tiUll and business proved the
dullest of the season. All rlnssvs had
to be rhesprned In order to mak clear
ances and common feeder lamb bore
the brunt of tlie decllitte. I'rlce rsnge
widened, of course, and the Present
scale of values shows losses of IMtilV
en the better kinds of feeder Is mi's with
interior strings as much ns fiiit;np lower.
Anything vending nt U ' late in the
week carried pretty good killing ton
ami 14 ioiii 1 76 quality rot responded w ith
4 ST,i6 10 kinds Inst week. Country nutlet,
despite Its dullness proved ample and
the big hums today are cleared of every
thing excepting a fair accumul.itlon in
peculators' hands.
Feeder sheep shared In the break, hut
decline w ere visum 1 1 y sum Her and more
cr less uncertain. Thin ewes closed from
12 76 downward and 'eeder yrnrllngs
ranged around 11 V.-if 4.10. Kevlsed figures
on tlio tntnl eoti'ttry purchase of feeder
sheep and lambs plsre actual shipments
rur the week at 116,ii head.
Mupply prospuct for next week Indi
cate a sharp decrease, as only 170 loads
are in siglit at present, as compnrcii
with over :k"J loads at nearby feeding sta
tions h week hko. In all probability the
marketing at this point during the coming
week will hardlv exceed 126.H0H head.
vjui'tHtions on nhe,-i mo 1 .ainbs -Lambs,
good to choice. I6 604i5H6: lambs, fair to
good. I6.XSI&.60; lambs, feeders, MVit6 0;
yearlings, good to choice. I4.I.W4BO; ) ear
llnas, feeders, jtf,; wethers, handy,
I3.7r.il4 10; wethers. heavy, W.W40t;
wethers feoders, .V2oSiS tki; ewe, good to
choice, J.l;i.'u3 60: ewes, fail tn good, 13 Oil
I1.VJ6; ewes, breeders. $3.264 ,i0; ewe,
fiedero, 12 2C.'u 7i; ew es, culls, $l.60i2 '26.
iiiit Atio i.ii:
Demand for All linear of Stock Im
CHICAOO, Oct. 14-CATTI.E-Heretpt.l,
estimated st brad; market sternly;
beeves, $4 Wiify 8.60; Texas steel s, 14 l.Vu 20;
western steers, M A"".t.75; stock els and
feeder. f;4.2oq6.75; rows and hellers, 12.00
lilii id; calves, i'i nj!i.fc0.
Hi Kiti Heceipts, estimated at 10.000
head; market steady; light. I.Xtitl.70;
mixed.'.(itl.75; heavy, ii.00iitl.75; rough,
It; .141(1 ti 20; good to choice heavv, 2iitf
4 7s; pigs, IJ.iuiuu.W, bulk ot sale, o.3wu
tSUKKI' AMI I.AMlia-ltecelpts. estl
instill at t.ot head; market slow, steady;
native, 2 2iV,j 4 tkj; western, 12.76014. 00;
yearlings, 13. TRui 4 d6 : lambs, native, $4 0041
6. DO, western, t4.00tn.10.
Ht. I.onla Live Stock Market.
ST. I.OIIS, Mil., Oct. 14 t'ATTI.K
Hecolpis, 1,200 head, Including C00 Texans;
market steady; milivn shipping and ex
port sterrs. 7.0O7t'H .26; drretsevl and
btitchers' steers, 2f.7r(i7.riO; steers mulct' pounds, f l.lXttis.tiO; stockers and ferxl
els. tvl.ttOjiii.Ti; cows nnd heifers, 11 II Mr
".W; canners, Il.tkhUI.IUl; bulla. ll.7iViio.25;
calvrs, $4 isvS.7f,; Texas and Indian
steeis, t. wn 7.00; cows lid heifers, 43.0OU
5 00.
i It lO.S Heceipts. .WK) head; market
Hti ntly to 6c higher; pigs and lights, 44 ,0
tn u.,.r,, pitekeis. Iii.t'i'iiii.iu; butchers and
bei-t heavy, ti.rij'ii.m.
Ml I.
.AMDS Heceipts, none.
g. Joseph Live Ntork Market,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 14. -CATTLE
Heceipts, loo head; market steady; steers,
flliOfiigtiO; rows and heifers, 11.00tl0.26;
calves. l4.iXKii7.76.
HOtlS-Hccelnts. 5.0(10 head: market
strong to 6c higher, top fO.ut; bulk of
sales, l. 30iil
HHEEP ANU I.AMHS-Recelpts. none;
market quotable steady; lambs, l6.oottjii.lio,
Molybdenum, Tangsten, Vanadium
and I'ranlum Are llecomlna
Not so long ago such metals as tung
sten, molbdenum, varadlum and uranium
were so rare that the commercial world
knew nothing about them, and as a rul
only students were aware that they had
been discovered Few people ever saw
boron, silicon, titanium and chromium
xcapt in museums.
The cry for "more light" has been
echoed around the world until cities now
blase at night with ' tha glory of tha
noonday gun, and this ha been made
possible by soma ot the rars metals.
So, too, automobiles ows their present
perfection In part to th one rar metal
that temper and toughen the steel.
Until a comparatively short time ago
these rare metals were left In tha dump
heap at the mines, being deemed not
only valueless, but actually detrimental
to tha concentralon of the ore which was
considered of value. In Colorado ha
miners used to throw away what they
called "black jack." Now that they
know black Jack to to be wolframite,
an ore of (ungsten, they are carefully
smelting the dump heaps, and tungsten
forms a valuable branch ut ithe mining
Tungsten Is now In demand for incon-
descent lump filaments. In the form of
sodium tungsten a flrrprooflng of value
is produced. Tungsten brought Joy to
the heart of tha housewife In that It
fixes dyes so that wash goods will wash.
Bilk merchants rejoiced for other tung
sten salts addsd weight to silk.
Tungsten steel Is extremely tough. Pro
jectiles made from It have penetrated
through fourteen Inch of tha best ar
mor plate, Tungsten eompass needles
are the best on the market.
Tungsten ores have been tnsltsd In eleo
trio furnaces, but the problem now 1s to
produoe it by direct pig iron blast furnace
Tungsten Is now mined in Arlxona, Cali
fornia, Nevada, Montana, Idaho and
Colorado, which produces 00 per cent of
the output. The Tungsten belt in Colo
rado la three miles long and eight miles
wide. The market tor tungsten has be
come almost as staple as that for ooppar,
xlnu and lead.
A possible rival of tungsten is molybde
num, a metal discovered In 1778, but as
yot found In such scant quantities that
the uncertainty of the supply makes it
commercially second tn tungsten.
Though tantalum has been known for
a century, tt was not commercially use
ful until Moissun, In 19(11, brought It Into
the limelight through the electrlo fur
nace, It Is found In the 12 lack Hills ot
pskotu, and Us most important min
eral ar culumblte and tanallte. A small
quantity has been kept In this country
for experiments! work, but the yearly
output, amounting to several tons, has
been shipped to Oermany.
The most Important use to which tan
taluin Is put Is In the manufacture of
flUment fur Incandescent lamps. They
were put on thu market In Oermany in
IW6 and in the United States In ISsjtJ. The
tantalum lamp scores on these three
points high efficiency, ability to with-
stand high currents and whiteness of
Vanadium in small quantities Is dis
tributed In sandstones, limestones and
igneous rocks. Its greatest value, when
alloyed with Iron a ferrovanadlum, is In
th making ot steel. The automobile
business lias greatly Increased the mar
ket for vanadium. Popular Electricity.
Well Threatened,
At the services una Sunday morning In
a church for the colored folks of a Mis
sissippi town, thai was observed one
dusky youngster accompanying tils
grandparent and sitting as wis as a
vuuna owl throughout the long sermon
At th duse of th service somebody
cuiigratuluted the grandfather upon the
t ice Hence or trie cliliu s uenavior.
Tha grandfather smiled significantly
"Dat boy' Is alwaya well threatened befo'
he guea in a church.' judg.
gome Iteeent Importation, ilth a
Dash of alt Picked I p on
tlie Wnr liver.
"Holy men have considered humr to
have a high place In tho ethics of life,"
which Is only another way of stating
tha well known fact that mo.-i clergy
men, of whatever faith, like a Joke as
well aa the next man.
There was Nicholas llurke, for Instance,
better known as Father Thomas llurke,
the great Irish patriot and preacher.
Father Tom hud a great fondners for
riding on the top of an omnibus. One
when doing so after a long church serv-
ce In Dublin he produced his breviary
nnd was soon deep In Its contents. A
we!l known evangelical sitting near by
took upon himself to comment upon tha
"The Lord tells ua.'' he said, "that
when we pray we should not be as th
hypocrites, who love to play In public
and at the corners of ttreetH, that they
may be seen by men." "Now," he add-J,
when 1 pray I enter Into my closet and
when I have shut the door 1 pray lit
Without looking up. Father llurke re
plied aloud, "Yes, and then you get on
tha top of an omnibus and tell every one)
all about It."
This Incident recalls an episode In tlia
areer of vicar general, afterward car
dinal, MacCabe, who disapproved ot
priests riding on top of a bus aa undig
nified. Having seen Father Dan O'Keefa
of 8t. Paul travelling outside on of tha
aforenamed vehicles he addressed to hint
a brief note: "Dear Keefe, I have seen
you on top ot a bus. Oet on tha Instd in
Father O' Keefe, described as a rough
diamond, replied by return mall; "Dear
Cahe, I have often seen you on top pt
a horse. Oet the henceforth inside tha
Once when Father llurke wag going to
Cork h met In a crowded railway car
riage a man who, repeatedly slipping
his hand Into an inside pocket ot his coat
and drawing nut a bottle, went on drink
ing drams, which mads tha father fear
that ha might soon become unpleasant
The next time the man took out tha
bottle Father Tom dryly remarked:
"Your mother must have died very early,
sir?" The man gased at him In surprise).
The priest continued: "It Is quite plain
you were brought up by the bottle." As
an present laughed the man, feeling
ashamed, put tha bottlo by and left it
A convert lady who hoped that he
would write her In tha style and length
of his sermons, Inquired ot him what sh
should do to become truly religious. The
reply, short and good, wss: "ne as
humble as a door mat and aa pllabl as
a plate of porridge."
Among the clerical humorists ot Ira
land Father James Healy stands out
prominent. Blr Itedvers Holler dined
with him on on occasion when tha
other guests were Archlhlshop Walsh and
eleven priests. Blr Red vers made a slight
start when ha saw ha was the only lay
man. Never mind," said Father Healy, "tha
soutane Is not worse than the Budan."
Onca Father Healy waa asked how ha
would describe a Scotsman, and In a
swer, assuming the Scottish accent,
said: "A Scot Is a mon who keeps tha
Sawbath and iverything alse that ha can
Father Healy, a thoroughly temperata
man, on on occasion ordered a humorous
cabman at Bray, known to Indulge in aa
occasional drop, lo call for him aftar
dinner at th house ot a friend. On tha
Jnrvsy's arrival Father Healy waa
grieved to notlo that ha was not quit
ober. "Drunk again. Pater," mutterad
tha priest. "Wall, to tall yr ths truth.
yr reverence, I'm a llttla that way my
A barbar one in shaving tha father
had a vary trembling hand. "Thera now."
xclalmsd Father Healy, "you havs cut
mel Ch. whiskey, whlskeyl'' he wound
up by way of lnmentlng tha souroe of rba
barber's unsteadiness.
Yes, yer reverence," replied tha bar
ber promptly, "It do make tha skin ten-
der, don't It?" .
A good many witty sayings ar put
down to the credit of tha Anglican clergy
too. A worklngman one asked Bishop
Wilbertorc to tell him th road tq
"Tuk tho first turn to th right and
keap straight on," was th ready and apt
A Lutheran refrain, "Th devil Is dead.
. . .... . .. . n l f nr A
was once oeing cnanieu oy i -
undergraduates aa they lounged about
the hall of Cuddesdon palace. Oently
walking up to them th bishop placed
on hand on each head, saying: "Alas,
poor orphans."
Bishop Btubbs had a great ODJMllon to
the complaint which squlr and church
wardens brought him about hard working
clergy whose ritualistic practice gave of
tense to th former. On on ocoaslon a
layman having described the observance
of his vicar, added: "Why. my lord, b-
for It begins hi sermon h actually
kisses his stol." "Well, well, Mr. .
perhaps that I better than If he stol
hi kiss."
A clergymun one applied to th bishop
for permission to go to th Holy Land
for three months. The answer came:
"My dear , go to Jericho! Tours ever,
W, Oxon."
Although reputed a high churchman
Bishop Stubbs cared Jut lltt for vest
ments, and when some ladles wished to
embroider him a oopa he wa heard to
say he would rather hav half a dosen
new shirts. On day th organ gtopped
In th mlddl of a hymn and th bishop
was heard to exclaim: "Blow th organ!"
At th close of th Chriatmastld ser
vice th verger with great olmnlty
asked. "Hav you any further use lor
the mace, my lord?" "No, take It away
and put It In th pudding," said he.
From Canon Beaching comes th fol
lowing story: "It was th morning after
a banquet, and a solloltoua friend wlw
had sat beside Bishop Btubbs, happening
to meet him, asked If he got horn all
right. Th bishop looked slightly sur
prised at th question, but at one addsd,
with an apparent gleam of comprehen
sion, 'Oh, yes, It was only my boots that
wer tlghmt.' " BccleslaaUcal Review.
Dogberry 'Maxima.
Th squar deal stand squarely for It
till it comes 'round.
In litigation aa In seven-up, If your
long suit that counta.
Perhaps the wooden-headed wltnea is a
chip off an old blockhead.
bometlmes you have to chooae between
contempt of court and contempt of your
self. X retainer In th hand 1 worth two tn
a client pocket.
Knowing the law. you ran advta your
client; knowing how to find It. you can
advise th court; both of 'em need It.
Honeaty la the best polioy for lawyers
but If th rt of th world adopted It,
th prattle of law would be or rather
It wouldn't be. Legal Docket
Tho Key to th Situation B Ada.