OMAHA. SUNDAY M ORNTNft; "OCTOBER l.V l!Ut. 5 REAL F.STATP CITV PROPKRTV FOR 4I,B (Continued 1 REAL ESTATE HIV PKOt'tl-.TI Foil Stl.O (Continual)' REAL ESTATE CITY PHOrBRTV FOM 4Lr. (Continued J PEAL ESTATE CITY PHOHCHIY FOR KAI.K (Continued REAL ESTATE CITY FMOPEH1 FOR SALI fContlnued REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKH TV FtR OAtK (Continued. REAL ESTATE l ITT PROPERTY .TOR (Contlnuid . 'A 4 1 .4 rw n TRACKAGE BARGAINS Swil make unnM',7,',dnrl'-llo:v instruct im to W. them ci' anV win make pnce to .nvm- mnini? Mjs'nesa. Investigate th,, week BUSINESS BLOCK 7?0 NET 44xlttV7w r-rv. w constructs. t.: . .ntl !UV, br,,.w bu,rr, " f?n velr''n-?"'",,;: L""s flLM rl4f': responsible tenant for a peiioii' rnsur?n 'and keep "the mlrte orh.r.M-"; an,i 1,1 'iln psv ah .sxes and DOUGLAS STREET BARGAIN doubt n!M,,;1 inslj? ,,:;:I1,;,?.n' cctt ",i RESIDENCE BARGAINS $4,100 room" house nprVCh.0nS, 'Z' n'"h m1"n tn r.orv - cheap, reduced frrm j.-,.,, For qut).k Thi (t UNUSUAL BARGAIN .n'?LmM?, 'J)1 vWn ""r ZnJ V, . lv """ums-. excellent frv w,riAfl.Vi"T" "h 8:de, b"keis. -H.lyJl'J.rf.,,,h .hTlJf,': i'll?n,il'1 with raving all paid and rln to' V2cA to the car ana it is a great bin snap without HANSCOM $2,800 Tl Av 50xl4n t- ont ooaiitifiil location. 7-room house mod- cfh """" S m '"' ' h'"" and -make ua an offer of terms $3,7o0 For rood roria Ave reldnr T larsre room f on, floor, nawlv painted. nw floors new plumbing, splond'd rnn.lition. Yerv chotra location, ons block from Park School. With full lot 50x150 (i paMng air paid. Investigate iu1cV. DUNDEE $4,700 lfl12S ft. outh front on Davmport near wntjj a large, two storv, -room houae, alate roof, fully modern Lots of treta and fruit. House la not n?w but at this price ts a bargain. L-; s alone will soon Le worth thla price. $H,000 r lefts 1S9 ft with a beautiful well built, laree rooms, with brick fire-place; aplo cemented. A delightful location, and 1t: , commanding; view in thH rapldlv srow FINE $12,000 A handsome, well built. houee-fU.c .- tory brick with brick and cement porch; rtone ateps, second story cement; 9 lamo rooms. uiiusua.iy lurae. handsome living; room, with den. beautiful dinlna room, large kitchen, etc. on first floor. Five s;ood bed rooms; fine plumbing-. Including bath room, lavatorv. etc on second floor; splendid hot water heailnij plant. Kast front, large grounds, desir able location. If you want a cod lioinv that is well built and at Just what It cost Investigate thl8. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 913 City Nat 1 Bank Blrtu. Tel Doug. 49. Independent A-3W9 DUNDEE .WE HAVE SOLD 8 lota In Dundee dur ing the last five weeke. and every one of the buyera will have houses thereon bv Spring and they are all good people too. the kind you would want for neigh bors WE WISH YOU to realize that never again will you be ahle to buy such good lots. In such a pood reFidnce" d! trlcf. at such low figures as we are able to Quote. Get our list before buying. WE HAVE A 6TJNOALOW style, two-story all mod ern home at 6016 Capitol Ave., very well built, attraotlve Inside and out: brick fireplace, oak finish, beamed ceilings. Price $4.SX). reasonable terms. ONE OF THE BEST houses In Dundee, can now he had for H,4i0. a reduced price for Immediate sale. rooms, fixe bed rooms, finished attio large enough for billiard room; sleeping porch, sun porch, oak finish except, dining room w liich is mahogany finish with beam ceilings; best of material and workmanshlvj throughout; complete basement with laundry, hot water heat House ts onlv one year old, built for a home, but GOT TO SELL. BEMIS PARK 3,4flft BUTS the very arttactlve n-room two story all modern home at 'SM Mvrtle ve., on the corner, pavlntf all paid in full. It is without question a map, th kind of a bargain you all went. e1.O0 BUYS an attractive .ivn-roo:u strictly modern home, east front on paved street; living room arrangement, very cozy throughout; owner trans ferred out of city, and offers induce ments for quick sale. M,2"0 BUYS a very good S-room mod ern home, hot water heat; fine corner lot R2xl'. facing Lafayette Ave. boule vard. Terms CREIGHTON 1ST ADD. t rooms all modern, with hot water heat. 'Ine east front corner lot. paved etreet, got to f-ell and a harpa'n for someone at reduced price of $5.2r-o WEST FARNAM rooms modern, corner lot. well lo cated, good house, offered for quirk sale at U&a. with about JSfiO cash to handle. Would take a good lot In trade Belter investigate this. INVEST3IENT BRICK FLATS. four apartments, strictlv modern, hot water hrat: well located, rental $1,440, price il3.fti. BliJCK FLATS, " apartments, hot wtr heat, close. In comer, rental SIS"), price, $lS,y GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, 171S-20 City National. Hong W3 Desirable Modern Home 4.700-SMALL CASH PAYMLNT. bal ance any terms desired, to reliable party. '4 I'M Lafayette Ave.. 7 roomi- and recep tion liaU; oak finit-h; billiard room with table furnished complete; deep south fiont lot; paving paid, elegant shade; desirable neighborhood; ilose to thiee cur lines and school; cathedral district. If vou are looking for a liotic aid this Interests you TtRMS and PK1'F: will be made satisfactory. OWNER PAYS FELL Office phone Douglas H'i ; even ings and Sundays, Hj'iie 1 GEO. MARSHALL 213 Board of Trade bldg. Within Walking Distance 9-room modern Iioub; facing high school grounds, bardwood finish and oak floors In first Btory; 4 bedrcoirs and bath in second story; one flu iebed room and storage spece In at tic; steam heat, paved etreut and ce ment sidewalks. Lot ii132 feit. OWNER WILL TAKE ONE-HALF of price iu other good clear prop erty AND MORTGAGE BACK AT 6 for the balance. Proportv of fered must be desirable and cheap. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phori Douglas t9t. 160" Farnam St., Omaha. Brand New 3.S22 Pew ' 3 St. -room modern 2-Btory c.wei;ib', oak finibh futt floor, all large rooms; sleeping porch, lot 43x132. Prlcn only $4.00(); $500 cash, balame $40 a month. Bemis Carlberg Co. 310-312 Brandeis Theater. Home at a Sacrifice We have a cll-nt 'hut in luM com pleting his new elght-r.iwi hoU:-e. ha has bought a farm and wants to dt p"se of hi home. It will be s'rictlv mod ern and up-to-d;jt- Good nt-lMhhoi hood, near cars, schools and churches. Cost GALLAGHER & NELSON. to Brandela Bldg Pouir. Tl ' CAN Yfll' tE IT FOR I room houne: modern except furnace; convenient to itth hi. car line on Pew trd f-'t. F. D. WEAD, Wl Farnam 61 I" ' bigge.-t and bee bargain In & mrnace iinunua.l v f'ne co Practically n-w, dipped flition. South froilt iarse shingle root. arte lot. yW tt Friee ha bn reduced from ir.oo,) question PLACE hnndsome. hard wood bungalow, or 7 ndid bament under entire- bouse all :;t the nicest, roiiest home, with a high. ins. popular,, addition HOME PRICED TO SELL Elegant, new, ju completed 6-room house."" in Dundee. Strictly modern, : hardwood first floor, full sized basement, house is beautifully, decorated LKDt'-50xl2S,'lawnV ffen't-Side walks. Price reduced from $3,300 to $2,850 and will bo further reduced to effect sale Monday. Big flaerifioe. See this today sure, 4809 Webster Street. ERNEST SWEET 1236 City. Nat '1 Bank Bldg.- Only the Need of ready cash JUSTIFIES THIS SACBI FICL. $9,600.00 , . for" a. new brick' double St. Loula flat 4 apartments of fivo rooms each, strictlv modern, always rented at MOO.OO per month. Large .t aood location, fairly ciose in. $10,350.00 for 2-storv double brick building. 2 good stores below and 2 flat above, on north IRth tt., where prices are advancing The hmldina ts In A No 1 condition Leased to responsible tenunta at H03.ivi per month I his property should Sel right now ror tixouu.ou $19,000.00 for a row of brick liuis a few blocks north of the post-uffice in dandy condi tion, proparty Increasing In value rapidly. Owner Just made a. straight lonn for tor five years., b" sure Is he of the low rent that he- agrees to take a U-ase himself for one or Hire? vears at th present rent of V-.190 p'-r annum., ' inveitlgute thne without, fail Robinson & Wolf Phone Douglas .'. I'i . Paxton IPock bargains J 2,y 9-roum 'in Li-'Jie vanl. n'--.i. l., ju.-t paJht .M and papeied inrouunout. $ Im-hi I 'ark. u.eiitiv built 7- loi'iu li'iuse. attiactively linibhed. .nl $n cujtlr do n. 4 8,(' X-ilh M . vi-ry linest location In town, one hlurk from lurnimoar, a 7 rooiii ntarly new residence, l"-autif ill ttuihh' d In hard wood. t inert Jixtui eh Investments JU.5k i hree an;, i t ,nk dw ellings, hard wood finu.h aA floors, hot , ater hf-a'. v. ry leiraMy limited, t close -in n-.Hii FaMian. car. in- "nie tl. .'nO, only part atti, bal ance on niort4ae at per c-it ll.s.ft1 I nree I'i : rk de.ling on In,- lot. viih fioi.t.iiic on 3 strenl--.; Hvce f,,i ni'"r Itu'isfi. or stores; two car lineti. Thomas Brennan Loans on ii p'fiftii At lo-.esi rale.-. K W . txinuett. M:r, Hal Kt-tate I i-pt lei l.ioug 1.4 "n-si" i; t .a.llBldg 6-Rooms Modern $2,850 . Hanscom Talk dit-txict. juat IS blocka from 17th and Farnam. corner lot, pasvd fctretl, pavinn paid, huum ha every im provement with the exception of elect! ic liKhte: It la (mlt-tit-d in hrd pine, mm maple floors, and i in perfect condition. Would rent for lio. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153H. :i0 S mth 17th 6t Buy from Owner and nave roinmifki n; guod quarter. Choenne county, Nehranka, $14 To; ad orning quarter. 115; worth mure. W. S. Ripley, 22.1 Burt Ft Kast Vi lot 10, block V. In Benaon. eaay ualkins dlatanca of car; new home being built on iota near thla one; make offer. AddreM P fiaa. : A LUCKY 5T II B2ST I BUY O.N THE t MARKET ! TODAY 3, LOTS Inside $100 Corners $150 and up. i i Ju mi ii 'n Investigate, and if ytn den't think it a sro- -"-nno'ition. tell 'is so. and we wfll not again asV you to buy until these lots are selling for at least twice their present prV. We will then show yoa how much money you might have made by investing when w advised you. Investigate now; either call or write; do It while you hava it in mind. More than forty entire blocks in this townsite have been reserved by the British 3 Columbia Government and the title to this property is guaranteed by the Government "i and deposited In trust with the Dominion Stock & Bond Corporation, Ltd., Vencouver. Capital $2,000,000. 20 Two more good salesmen wanted In Omaha A lso one in every eetabllehnieiit emplovinit a number 1.1 people and one in every town In Nebraska and Iowa Good contract Lot of fine talking points, therefore eay to cell. Addrene at once with particulars, or ca.ll and nee ua FORT FRASER TOWNS ITK COMPANY. OWNER? - . CHARLES 101 South Sixteenth Street (Comer We Sold 3 Lots In Kountze Place on Tuesday AND HAVE 3 LOTS LEFT on Evans street, east of 24tb street at bar gain counter price. $875 Each They are 47x120 feet and bave sewer, gas and cement walks. (15 new houses are being built in this ground now.) Tbey are one-half block from car. two blocks from the Lotbrop school, close to churches And good stores and 16 minutes' ride from downtown. There is Only One Kountze Place And when these few lots are sold you will pay $1,500 for any lot in that addition of beautiful home. The terms are eaBy; 6oe them to day. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg Doug. 4270, A-4270. Big Bargain Artistic Home CLOSE TO FIELD CLUB English Cottage With Craftsnian Ideas. Fine home of six larse rooms and sleep, lng porcii, exterior la atucco. painted a lien olive green; hat-ement has furnace room, la jndry, vegetable room, coal and ash biiio; first story which la finished in mahogany, with oak floors, has a large living room. In which there ts a fin tantatrv buck firtDlaJ-e. with built In bookcase on one aide and aeat on tha other mde; dining room, oat clofet. kUchen and bullt-tn chlr.a cloaet and clip board; Fecor.d nory hit? three largo bed roorca. all finished in white enamel and mahogany doora; one with mirrored dour, window aeat and two closeta; hatli room ha.s tiled floor and walla and 'Jix'H Leveled mirror and medn ine cabin, t and linen clofet, liurniahed hraee liifht fix ture and hardware; Carton furnace and tood plumbing. Thla house waa hullt by day labor and of the very best tnaterlala; occupied only lnce Um apring. U-aMiiK city p I manently ; Hill r.iike low price on house and rakv terms. If you want an up-to-date, cuiy home. In a splendid neighborhood inapt-el this one and vou'll Luv It. """all any time at So. ?M popple- ton Ave. Walking Distance $3,500 Only three years old. ail modem, six room house, un Madison Ave, between 1-Mh and lfith: house is square, with llv ing room, dining ro-'m. kitchen and ore bed room and bath on the first fhxrt-; two large bed rooms above; south front lot; paving paid; one-half block from the car. Could not be duplicated for the monv. Armstrong-Walsh Co Tyler 1ST. :in Bouth 17th Bt FORCED OUT OF CITY MUbT SELL AT ONCE New 7-roorn bouse, on boulevard north of Lesvennortb: oak finish, hot water heat; east front. fi5xl5; large s&rage; houwo cost to build 2 years ago over 1 4,0 An; lot worth $2,000; will 6ell this week for 13,800. Equity. $1,55.0. THOS W HAZEN. 207 MrCaxue Block. Both Phonos D. 1300. Kountze Place Lot CORNER $1,500.00 W. H. Gates Room 14 4, New Omaha National Bank Building, Phone Doug. 124. STRIKE VU7 TERMS EASY ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY E. WILLIAMSON CO., Agents Dodie), Street Fl oor. $200 CASH $29.50 PER MO NEW AND BET TEH THAN ORDI NARY WILL, SUIT THoBJS WHO A RE UA!1 H 'I.KASE. The location la the very beat, less than one Nock from car line, located on a pretty street, with concrete walks all In and surrounded by pretty homos, well kept up; congenial neighborhood. Every thing about thla little home auggeuta good taste, the outaide appeaiance la unusu ally attractive and much care has been exercised to give this home an individual appearance t-xtre. wide oornice, with or namental, bracket and exposed raftejs, very deep ajid wide front porch, with sided or closed rail cbox jwwb). which gives privacy Xo the-porch; heavy quar tered white oak front door, with long, full bevel plate: large reception hall, with pretty open stair, neatly dealgned and with an ttnty trad. wide colonado open ing, pa.nld extra high, to cheery living room; wide mission opening to south sld dining room, with cozy south bay and window eea.t; double floors upstairs and down; first floor of selected plain red oak, Second floor of beech, all machine scraped and smoothed, polltihed to glosa; very convenient kitchen and large pan try; back porch for toe box; two splendid bed rooms, three rloseis. large batii room, fully equipped with best plumbing; hot and cold water to bath, kitchen and also to basement for laundry; medicine cabinet In bath room; full concrete brise ment, piped, for hot air furnace; all work manship done by hlph grade mechanics; all Inside finish mao up In planing mill, no hand work, and all parte of outaida framing In charg.i of high olass mechanlo draftsman: well built in even- way; you will notice the. class of material and con struction at once. aJI a little better than ordinary. Lots lav well, fruit, some shade: nice hedge fence. And the rent you are paving will buv this well built and attractive home. Price V'!.xr,; 2"0 cash and $ IK 50 per month, or ts5 oaeh and K'i-WpT month: and the monthly payments include the Interest Tour In terest Is reduced each nix months, so you do not pay Interest on monev paid. In terest figured In a manner that vou ran understand It; you know at all times Just where vou are; no mlxleadlrvr clauses and no land contract piio-itiin. u get deed and complete abatract soon an deal Is closed. Tou get the same fair business deal as you would on a cash proposition; you ore shown the same business iicurt sv. This place never before advertised. See me today between 13 and 7 o'clex k. Not at home during the week Come to 115 South Halcyon, Itenson. Phone Ben son 12.'. F. S Trulllnger.' Hanscom Park Bargain A good 9-rcom. nil mod house on Geor gia Ave. bet. Wonlwrth Ave. and Hick ory St.; choice east front lot. You cant beat the location. Immediate potufeaeiun. Only 6,3SO. 21K ho. 4th St a pood S-room house, on fine east front l"t; paving p:ud. Ternm very eaay to good party, fmly .';.To0. DUNDEE A choice t-room. all mod house, large living room: corner lot. Only M.W0. A new T-room mod. house, oak finish; corner. Only $ Tour choice of thoss fine north front lots on Chicago M., .lust east of the school, $1.W. SELBY 434 Board of Trade Bldg. Douglas mo Have You $4,500 If So, Here's a Snap i fine lots in Dundee on the high ground between 4 8th and 49th Sts. ; street Is paved, city water In street, half block to car line; fine trees in fruit Face th south. These lots are worth $1,200 each. Here i a chance to make an Investment that will pay. Hastings & Heyden, 1 tfl 4 Harney NOTHING DOWN-$25.00 FER MONTH The owner of s brand new 5-room cot tace. lo"ated southwest of Hanscom Park will tflve eome good reliable run an oppo'tunit to ohtatn a home bv pn--In I per inun'h tiicitMina inier.-st The prii i- if low . only l V". Are vou 'n earnest about wuitt!n' it h-out- of uur own. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., SPLENDID 6-ROOM COT TAGE, $2,750 Strictly modern cottage ou fine paved street, full 60-foot lot. Noth ing better to be found for the money. 2709 Manderson BU Chain Lightning may trig rent ret K fnrce fally ehrotrta Um rapid vleTnnl of Brtatah Os lumbla and the future graaut at bar newest and moat praaa ;:r loland town FORT FRASER (The Hub of B. C. on the G. T. P.) i. Is tlM eeotr of a. IM-mtU si role, amBraclnc la vU keye Um Neobao ui tfl Utc. Bulkier. Ootaa Lalaa, Hiaokvatar aad part at ta Foe oa Rhw, a airole oomprtatng over ian nalltkn aoraa of tka rlobast land Is tbo Woac i On th anala I use of taa Or and Trunk PaotOfl, at tba aaat and of Fraaar Lake. oomntandiac OTar 10M ntll of aaviambla watarwar; In Um baaxt of the nrorlDoa vbare tharo are aaar aradaa for raJU road bwlMUu (a diraottoa; aatunal taAl. aclnc point far at laaat taa oirtarant Uaaa. Omaha. Neh Less Than Cost ART HOME FIELD CLUB DISTRICT NEW AMI DISTlNi-1 IVi: DESIGNS. This elegant home of 7 largo rooms and sleeping porch, with flrnt story and porch 5xH2 ft. of htlck lald colonial style, and second story In stucco, carries out the "Crafts man" or "straight line" idea of ar chitecture. Basement baa toilet, laundry, vegetable room, with shelves, roal and ash bins. First floor has tiled vestibule, mirrored door In reception hall, large living room, with handsome oak and tap ettry; brick mantel, on one side of which Is an L-shaped, built-ln-book-rase, and on tb other side an L suaped, built-in seat. These fea ture form a nook which 'is very at tractive. The dining room is pan eled In oak ond has beamed cell ing and window seat. Kitchen, built-in china closft and cupboard, two coat closets; second story has four large bedrooms, with ample closets; one room has mirrored door, two closets, window seat and is fin ished In white enamel; one finished in mahogany and two in natural curly birch; bath room has tiled floor and walls, 20x46-inch bevnled mirror and medicine cabinet; fine! attic. Brushed brass light fixtures and brushed brass hardware, with out glass knobs. First iloor Is finished In oak, except the kitchen, which is in maple and gum. Carton furnace and first-class plumbing. This fine home was built by day labor and of the very best materials. Lot face east and south on the corner of 36th and Poppleton avenues. Owing to the illness of the owner this beauti ful home will be sold for less than voir, can build It for. Open for inspection daily from to a. m. to 6 p. m. Inquire for owner at bouse next, door weat. G. W. Garloch Choice Homes Pinkney tt.. new-7-room and reception hall, with oak finish on first floor, hircn and maple on second floor; large attic room; beautiful fixture.-.; a curlier lot and very nicely lucuted. Juat reft'ty to occum . tR.tVe -25.''.' Uriioln Blvd . new i-room. strictly iiiudaru, uak finish, hot water teat nK. Iiiiue t-hade ireb, on south trunt mi in an meat location. Will make a tin iinm-i fur anvone. 17.200-3518 Lincoln Blvd. new 11-room. itrlell.- mudern house, twtth flrar .nH second fiooia tlnished In hardi.i.l. wnh niiec nice bedrooms on third floor; has hot water heai and very fine fixtures; stands In the very heart of Hhuih park, with a m.uiIi front, )ut opposite Hemls park spring. G. W. Garloch $704 Hawthorne Ave. Phones Harney 307; Ind. B-71. West Farnam Dis trict Homes Not Offered Before 92140 ft. east front corner, beau tiful house with cement-plaster fin ish, tiled roof, enclosed porch with tiled floor The luslde arrangement Includes a large living room, suu room, billiard room, thre bath rooms and every convenience. Price $.52,000. Special reason for soiling. 62x132 ft. west and north front corner, n-w brick house, up to date in eveiy reipt-ct. Price $2 4,000. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Douglas 690. 1605 Farnam St., Omaha. ltft N. X.TH. Booth Omaha, two cot tages. 4 and rooms, corner lot. con. venlent diatanca from packing houaea Price right. Liberal terms, owosr en iiramiaaa. BARGAINS IN 44x165 $700.00 44x165 $$00.00 45x:.V) $7.V).0O 44x147, Boulevard, $875.00 44xl.V) $750.00 44x165, Boulev'd, $1,000.00 Thte loits all have large xvater ranins nth city water, broad feme nt walks. TIip rewer will oon be in. Some of them front on 24th ftreet. Miller Park and others on the beautiful Florence Boulevard, the " Prettiest Mile" of Onialia'p boulevard pts tom, which is now beintr macadamized. ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT COME OUT TODAY ajid pee the charms of this beautiful piece of ground. The lots in NORWOOD are cheaper than any other lots in a choice residence section in Omaha. NORRIS & MARTIN 100 Bee Building. House Bargains 7-reom modem ecrttage with MV-foot lot, south front on Ms rev fit , 1ut Tst of .'th This l a .'OmfortaWe, well kept home. In a. convenient location ami a gnod resldenre district The owner ha outgrown It and will sell at l.!fi. It la a comparatively ne house and was built bv present owner. Has unusually pretty jard. Another house on same street with ona more bed room, same price. In best part of South Omaha and con venient for both Pities we have a 7-room modern and very complete home 'on a rholce lot for I.3(W. it Is a full J-Mory sinar house. Knr special reusona owner haa put this ptico very low. Act quickly. & rooms, modern, on north side, with, sn-foot lot large ahadn trees and some fruit In yard. Oak finished houee. with mantle and fireplace and good lari;e rooms. This Is on paved atxeet a I Jock and a half from 24th fit. car. Owner a non-reeldrnt makes very low price of l.iX for ijuick sale. 75 Foot Lot West We have s choice lot TSxWS feet. t front and perfect for grade, two Mocks from tht est Farnam car with ull ttreet Improvements In and pit id lit full and among good homes for Vl.&iX). The right location to build a $6,000 lo t!"0 borne. Not mnnv like this In the Weat Firnara district. Harrison & Morton Attractive Homes at Attractive Prices $4,150 A brand new d-roum all modern house at 144 8. 2ith Ave.; very handsome exterior; hav th new gable roof; recep tion hall, living room and dining room finished in ouk; kitchen and butler's pantry In hard pine, with maple' floors; three bedrooms snd bath room in pine white etinmeled. Stairway to attic; com bination tlxtiwea; full basement with fur nace, roal bins, etc The terms Sre very i'hsv 4I.ii cash and 44o 70 per nmntli. $3,000 On Central boulevard Juat north of California Ft., eight rooms, nearly new nnd strictly modern; large rooms dowrn utairs finished In oak and decorated throughout. An exceptionally well built house, walking distance to town and only short dlhtanoe from t"rolgiton college and the hlwh school. Price reduced from lit.txx) to above tigure for uuiek sale, $12,000 A nine-room, nil modern residence on Harney bt.. Just east of S'ith fct. ; four rooms on first floor; three bedrooms and I'dth on second floor, and two nood rooms In nttlc; three firep'ae-s spaclrus grounds lixHm The lot uluiie Is worth over H.Ouv. The t yron Reed Co. Both Thone3. 212 8. 17th Bt Eight Room Modern House In Kountze Place 54,500 One of those well-located fin homes on south frout lat, 50x124, with plenty . of shade, convenient to car, has fireplace, combination hot air and hot water heat; separata brlcked-up room . for . vegetables; house Is nicely arranged and good size rooms; 'has a good barn. , Can make easy terms on this place; Is vacaut, pobSOhslon any time. W.H. Gates Room 644, New Omaha National Bank Building. Phones Doug. 1294, Web. 26S8. $2,100 Five Rooms Modern Except Heat One of thx neatest little homes tn Omaha; south front cottage on Ktwaxd 8t, Uttween 30th and iilst Sts ; rooms are all goixl six, new plumbing in bath room; house baa been recently p.ilnted and docorated and Is in fllst class oondllU.n, carut-nt walks In front and around the house; good cemented el lar. A amaJI payment down will handle this property- Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 15M. 210 South 11th 6 ROOM TO BUILD THREE HOUSES Fine south front corner lot, oOxlSO feet, 1 block from car line; streets paved both sides, alley iu rear. Price $1,275 cash J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone. Douglas 690. 1605 Farnam St., Omaha H;m.seoin Park District Well built 'practically new houne, S looms and bath: oak finish: all modern: h fme home, full lot. paved ttreet. for tl.1V. small payment- down, or !!! take t;ood lot near fien cathedral ax part pay ment. What have ou to offer? Birkett & Tebbins O Hce Uldfc'. D. i-'oi, A-17&4. 11 Rooms $50 306 Daveuport, beautiful grounda. Harrison & Morton WOOD Dong. 4270; A-4270.- A Restricted Residence District Where a cheap house cannot be built adjoining nn srtlstlc and attractive residence IS THE PLACE TO BUV FOR A HOME. FOR AN INVESTMENT NO -PLACE IS SAFER as high class homes Increase vuluon In residence property. HAPPY HOLUAY AND DUNDEE Have this advantage, as well as all public improvements of other first class residence districts. Over five miles of paving have been completed thla year. About 60 new bouses built for himcs have been or are now being? completed. Remember the prices of lots sro still low. Remember the term of payment are made essv so that these lots are within rearh of all. Trackage Properties $i0ti0-For 180tir,2 ft , with trackage on. both sides, paved street, convenient to moat of the best Jobbing houses: In the city and bandv to the freight depots, passenger depots and car1 lines. l0.60o iiixi;i2 ft., located en Leavenworth Ht.. Just east of 14th Ht. This lot' haa over l,:tQ worth of piling and Is prepared for the erection of a substantial business building. TJnlort lJa iflc trackage n the alley. An adlolning SAxlU ft, can also be pur chased, afi'ordlnx a fine corner foe wholesale purposes. Non-resident owner very anxious to depose ofl this property and la offering at this low figure for Immediate sale. $ fc.tKk i;jit 13r ft., fronting south on Iar4 1 St.. near 14th pt. i nm.i radflc un,l Northwestern irackiga. Terras of ale one-half csrh. ' West Farnam Residences flS.W For u 12-room. modern house, lo- cated on one of the choicest oar iiis in the Veat Karnam District. First floor has large . reception hnll. living loom, librarv- and din ing room, finished In select liarl wood. Second floor his t bed rooms, finished in enamel and, natural wunds. large bath room. I Ktuirway to finished room lu attic. Large billiard room. Thts house1 'van hullt bv the owner for a home I and ciulil not le placed on this I corner today at the price being ; asl.ed WeHson.ible ternui. 1 $10.fni0- or a brick-aturco house, near 41st -and Davenport Kt. " l'hhi hi use 111 Piactically new and modern la eveiy respct First floor has large ll'.lim room scrois the entire fiont. of house, with fireplace, illn- ' Ing room and kitchen 6e,conil i floor has 3 good alxed bed toomsl and bath room, besides a. screened- In sleeping pot ch. Tlili .1 floor has finished room, bain room and ator-i age room Thla house la attrac tively decorated throughout and la a complete up-to-date home. Rett-1 ', aonable tei ma George & Company 903-12 City .Vat. Bank BldK. Doug. '56 , Kountze Place Hot Water Heat $5,250 Completely modern, with nice large rooms, reception hall. Ii ing room, U-, brarv and dining room In bc3t of ijuarter sawed oak; kitchen on first floor; four fine. large bed rooms and bath on aocoud tloor, finished In birch and. maple floors, full i enietited base-1 ment, with laundry snd floor drain; lot paved street; paving paid; loca tion 109 Speflc-er St. he&aonuMe terms If dealred. j Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler H3. 210 Bouth 17th 6t PURE AIR -FINE VIEW Those are two of the essential fea-, tures in considering the matter of buying a home. We have a beau-j tlful Dew 7-room house at 43th and FTauklln, fjuarter-sawed oak finish,; hot water heat, full lot, cistern, I wster heater and water meter. . ...1.. . . 1 K4 . .. rirtwi nniiif pavr-u auu sii puiu ivir. , will find find yourself at a lobg to know what to complain of. Come la! and see us. PAYNE INVESTMENT OO., Third Floor Ware Block. Tela: A-llss. Doug. 17&1. New Bungalow 4110 N. 19th St., second house N.i of Sprague St. Kast front. 6 nice living rooms, strictly modern, oak finish In hall, parlor and dining', room; two bedrooms, fine bath room.. combination fixtures, good cellar, fur-, nace, laundry siuk, everything ready to move lo; price $3,200; easy terms. Call Tyler 1506 and 1 will show you the finest little home for the money in Omaha. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK. 1 1325 City Nat l Bank Bldg DONT SPEND MONEY Buy a home; don't rent; look at a bar. gain can offer you in a new 6-roou bouae. Tel. W. F. D. WEAD, lal Farnaaa. r tl ' t i i i ! I