tJXATLK mnviTAX MTFRrnVTT. rKTlXJCTdZ 1T5, TTTTT. . J. " PERSONAL fConttnuedJ DRUG g at cut price: freight pe'd en If oroers: catalogue irrv rrmrrasa at JdoOrm nel riruit Co., Uiritii, o. BUPERFtiTJOl'S hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultatlon free snd confident!!; all wnr guaranteed Ml Allemler, 624 Bee Bllg. TOUR sewing machine, mill do good work If repaired bv fc. I Lovejov. All work warranted. Tel. Web. bi. 2lat and Grant. FOR a dainty deseert hm Palsell'S Ire cream. If Mrs. a Karsach. 1I .o M.. will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a quart brick of thin fine lea creem. PARTIES wishing to iro to theaters and social affairs who have children they wish rared for during their absence pli-ane rail Harney 4J2St" POULTRY AND PET STOCK POCLTRT supplies all kinds. Tba Ne braska Bx) Co., ml Howard. D. 1U. THOROUGHBRED B. C. Rhode Island Red chickens, old and young, taka Amt Ave. car to n and Or ana. Call at fcui karat oca. FLOOR sweeping, good chicken feed. $100 per bUDdred. Wagner. Mil No. 1Mb. ATRCTAIB pedltreed. of the best breeding; reasonable. a North 224. Phone Red 71 7S. BJjOOrHOl7NtB, foxhound registered, trained bear, deer, wolf, coon and cat dnga. Illustraried catalogue 4-cent stamp. Boo wood Kennels. Lexington, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT nana aad Raarh Laads. $9 arret irrigated. 4 mil eg from Wheat land. Wyo.; all In alfalfa; J aectlon 14 ml lea from Kimball, Neb.; 0 aorea broken: fine land; and ln acre 11 miu from Atkinson. Nab. H. Oroes. 101 8. 23d. REAL ESTATE LOANS WA-NTtl City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Bmitn A Co.. Uai Far nam tL OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFB XEAU EBTATB CO., Ut New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN Payne In. Co. WANTED City loana. Petera Truat Co. C1TT and taitn. JOHN N. VRENZER. $100 to 110,000 made promptly. Weed. Weed Bid.. Wth and Fa, r. D. run. MONET to loan on business or resi dence properties, $Ui0 to HG.OMV W. li. THOMAb, M4 FLrel Nat. Bank Bldg. LOW KATES, BKMIS CARLHtHQ CO, $10-2111 Brandela Theater Bldg. W ANT i-D FARM LOAA8. vestment Company, Omaha. aUoka la. FIRST TKUST COZ ma o urn. ni. Bo. LA ROE LOANS, municipal bonds, mort gages bought and aold. 8TUL.L BROti. EVERT person knows who D. J. O'Brien la because he haa mada Omaha famous with Jus candy, if Mrs A. 8. Moew, 2644 Davenport tit., will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a SO-oent bog of O'Brien's candy free. Net to the Investor an our care fully selected farm mortgages on Improved Nebraska terms. JUoka Investment Co., Omaha. 7 FOrt SALE OR EXCHANGE ft) CM acres In Garfield county, Ne braska, dear and Improved; l per acre, for merchandise. V. rile today for this description. (14) In northeast Custer county, have a (12.0U0 nwohanalita stock and t.uuO build ing, doing a Hue business, to trade for farm in eastern Nebraska. Cli) Beautiful modern residence, with large grounds, ervwr) thing new and up to date. la fctanton. Neb. Ak only $st,m, worth mora, but owner old and wants good farm. (16) 1) acre, near Bnneeteel, Gregory county, fi. D.; prloe, $40 per aore, and owiwr wants merchandise. Will glva a good trade. (17) A fine farm 5 miles from Ogalalls. well Improved; house big and new; farm lias fitia and good soil. Only $: per acre. Will take clear stock of merchandise up to IS.ouO. (1) A iacre farm, 4 miles north of Clearwater, Antelope county, Neb.; wall Unproved and flue soil,. uiUy M per acre, will atand closest Inapectlon; wants prop arty near Omaha. (23) eeu-acre tarnt In Randall county. Texas, nrr Canyon City. This la a bar gain at ti. Dep, rich, black soil; lays perfectly. Want merchandise stock 3-i) tor a ranch we offer a UM-axra improved farm, only IVk miles from Ekldy villa, Pawaon county. Neb., at t per aer. Tbie la worth H and your ranch muet be priced at actual value. (2J C40 aorea of fine, smooth, black land In Sherman county, Kansaa, near Goodland, Ml per acre. Owner says "Get ma a hardware and Implement bustneae." How does that suit youT (X.) Clear, for merchandise oi any kind, half kecUon of fine land near Alliance at Uo; fine business lot. HfcO at Havelock; all good and worth the monev. J. A. ABBOTT. HEAL. ESTATE, MS Brand els Bldg. Omaha, Neb 16 LOTS In city of certainties, Dea Moines, la, for laoda. 86U1 li, iuth Ave. iX OR 60 acres of land la Kimball county, Neb., good black sail, level as a floor, six miles north of Dlx. For ur. tkuLara and pries write me. Deal direct wiis ownsr. in. v. r etersun. tU IT. U. No. 4. Bt. Elward. Nab. FOR FJiCHANGE If you have alocka of merchnndlee to exchange for equity In farmn describe fully and list with me; corumialon, t per cent; prefer large stocks. H'.i.OOO and up, from parties who actually v. ant a change. A. XL Kauif. roan. Lockridge, Iowa. EXCHANOES-A. C. Jewell. Board oi Trade. Ia Uxi. BEE J. L. Barber to aelL or axchang anything. etO Board of Trade. L 4U. TRADES If you have anything la trade, write mo. H. . Walt ill Baa Bldg. I HANDLE exohangea everywhere. For results aea me, laau. ail Bea Bldg. D. Hut WE exchange propvrtlea of merit. C. W Welsh, fcU-14 u. H. Bea Bldg. Doug. Ike. WANTED, from owners only, large and small stocks of general fuerchaiidtae, clothing, hardware, etc.. to exchange lor unimproved, clear land In Minitaeola, .-.wiui ua iu on lane. J una A. aiuua, Awnraean. n. v. IOWA FARM-360 acrts. Woodberry blck loam, i acres in cultivation u acrea paeiure; lur improvements. Prloe tiuO pr acre; want tJw.uuO to Lii no in. coma or Implements or hardware. Get ouay, uin is a gooo on. J. Y-. Lean. m; oee mag , umana. 000 paying telephone exchange la utv town, no lonnpeimoB, wuj couaiaeT i arm in iraae. u ties. TEN first -class residence lot in I Jninn Ind . worth tl.6u0, which I will trade for Omaha property. Addrues R A. Kelsey, UJ Ilrd street. Webster B. tll.ono EQt'ITT In fine, sno-aora farm near Waryvul. Mo., to trade for mdu or hardware, a long time will be given no taiance. Income this year ItbuO. Price, eu per acre. Aaoreaa x 12. cara Bee. THIRTT thousand dollar southeast Ne, braska farm: Incumbrance 7.t-), equity i"r njflrvnuiqiH. IAN. f. Matthews, FOKTT thousand dollar south central towa urra; take ball In merchandise; may he two-third; want goods. Thus p, aiattnews, ronou(, Neo. EXCHANGE egulty t.OUO In 1, 614 acres ten) cluea to le river tr Income, mdae. orug stores or what have you; alo one to 2 BM'tlons for like above. Write full t niitlon of your goods ftrut letter. F. A I. Kxcliange A Land Ou lata Corona, tjMwlVttT. djJLL. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued) CLOHLNO or shoa store a anted, bava w acres N. w. Texas lend and a two. etory frame bulldlna Wxt at ltedham. la , to trade for clean stock. Addrea T s. Omaha Bee. FIXE EOT D rOUVTT FARM. led anree rlrb enil undr cultivation near Lynch, Nfhratka. owner baa not time to look sftor farm lauds. wiu trade eoirity. K,ftA for city property. bonds, stock In going oomi'any or auto ror pait. iTompt orrera given prrr enne. Addrees R. &vtrtt. P. O. Box ivts, omaha. Neb.' I HAVE for trade near good town In I'ortge county. Nebraska, r.Ioee to Omaha. W acres of as good com land as ther Is in the atare. Want 7 or g room modern lioue: murt be well located and clear of encumbrances. Charles Hanley, Agt., 107 tt. ui n fct., omaha. Net). IT'S an excellent show at the American theater. See the Woodward Ptock com pany If W. Barrows, il Pacific Rt, will corns to The Bee office wlthing three days we win give him an order for a pair of tirketa. S4A a good land 3 miles of town and R. R, Hsnilltnn Co. Kan. Price, Hi per acre Mortgage gl .400. Wejit 6 to T-roora residence. 2aka offer. Box 47. OWNER leaving olty. muet dlsposa of strictly modern lo-room house, oorner: will take smaller house part payment. J m, Bea 19) ACRES good land. I mile north Romereet. Lincoln Co.. Neb; price, H.S00; mortgage, Ii0. Want auto, vacant lot or equity In small cottage. Box 476. im ACRES In Oarden county, two miles from good wemern town; AS acrea In culti vation, seven acres Irrigated, perpetual weter rlgbte. sll tillable; owner bavins; moved to Omaha will exchange for de- acre. Webster CMS after t n, m. WILL exchange for a t-rora new cot tage, tiloe In. the het ii-acr garden farrru good new brlrk house, two-story barn, 8 blocks from P. O good home for man who Is tired of work In the city by the day. Or will sell for li.hiO: ir0 down, balance long time. Arxtly to owner. 23 Mople Bt i rrr: WANTED TO BORROW WANTED About II 4"0 for or U months; jflrst-clses security. R 449, Bee. WANTED TO BORROW tlO 0f on aood. real eatata aer.urlty. N 44. Peek WANTED TO BUY WANTED BfCon-tiand at r.j. mm Address W. 4U Baa. Id-hand good. Kleeer, 1030 Canter. D-US. WR PIT hlffhul r,lA. - J - - - - - ' , u in ii au hand clothing. M. Nathan. lu & uth. A RADDLE- Address r 441, Bea, WANTED TO RENT modern, in any part of city. Address THREE or four unfurnlahad hastad rooms, or apartments; walking dlstsjioe preierreo. uougtaa Tra. WANTED By couDla. a nice room In a private home. In good neighborhood near a boarding placa. Addrees Y 17, care uee " WANTED By man and a If a. a fur. Dished apartment In desirable neighbor- noon. Address I v care Baa. rooms to rent during the next two weeks pieasa net witn imormauon Bureau, Omaha Land Bhow, oara Omaha Be and lAjd Ahow InftirmaJion Ruresu. Y 11 r A. Building. WANTED By traveling man and wife. one large, nicely furnished front room. well heated, strictly first class, with private family; south aide, near Farnajni car line, natween aotb and 4th . pre ferred. Best references exchanged. Ad drees. O. A. R.. 9l Grant Bt. Phone Benson 7TA rti. i r ui iimiiou uuiilfl in w- enanga for piano leasona by a first class teacher. O 4)Si, Eaa offioa. WANTED SITUATIONS TOIJ NO lady, with hlah school xtiiek. Uon. wtshea a poaiuon. C til Baa. MAN was Is nosttlon as Janitor: aood rateiancaa. Address B-Uu, ears Bea, FIRST clasa crectioai nursa can fee engaged at onoa. iMuglaa tlM, 6ETWINO bv the dav In families: vnml work guaranteed. Phone Webster ifuL WANTED f lace oa farm for boy ll ears old. S U6, Bea, DAT work and family washing. Har ney few. Comptometer nnerator. railroad uun tenoa. G. m. bee. MAN and wife, vary eaDahla. dealrs employment; experienced as manager and housekeeper. Address, B-3M. Bee, GERMAN, middle acd. widow; all alone, would like a aood hama wnn an eiaariy gnniieman, mora than wages. Best references. , Addreaa Y. t, cara Baa. FAMILT and bundle washing; spec ialty, lace curtains. Webster bwi. WASHING and curtains dona. T. H H3C rtlUH 1-....... by the day. O. Peterson, 3310 Ohio 6L WANTED A position ss stenosrranher: eight years' experience; can furnish beat oi raierencea. Address i oi, tba Omaha Bee. CLEANING for Saturday. Web 4WT. WANTED Position as cook. Call at is v nlcago tit. EXPERIENCED salesman with the beet oi references would like to hear from a reliable house tor position on the road in the state or Nebraska. Address B M6, Bee. TOUNG lady atenogrsnher: crefera no. (It Ion out of city; experienced: good pen man; rare of Mrs. Adella Long, Truro, lowa. 4 WANTED Position as chauffeur, either private or garage; am farmer; have diploma, box ii 11 l, Mtanton, la. WANTED A Doaitlon bv a mflnat Christian nurse, young ladles' seminary viwirrira . oeei references given end re- uuirea. f ma, rare He. WHITE LADT. dav work: neat: ttdv Tel. Doug. 72S. Hunday and evenings only, LADT wants laundry work. Tel. A 149L FOR a dainty dessert use Daliell's toe cream. If Mrs. B. Edlund. miA Dewey Ave., mill come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart or tnia line tea cream. wuim ' ( najr, nimia nr Henna Bin WANTED By competent colored v man. child nursing or second wora. Web ster U8. WANTED Situation by a middle axed experienced man; position as general fsrm superintendent, accustomed to un crating large IlllnolM (arm. understands modern farm methods of handling stock ot an Kind Address M :. Bee. CAPABLE young man with three years' buaineee experience snt work of anv Klnn. immediately; referencea. Web, OOTin penman wlshea noeltlon. Ad aress K 4 Bea. REAL ESTATE riRM A RANCH LAND FOR SALB Ale Wo ma. FARM LAND Why live where you roast to death In summer and freese tn winter; come lo Mobile for level cla subeuU lands at from li to la nor Write CI C Meubaa. MobUe. Alabama. - -REAL ESTATE FARM V RilCH LAVD FOR ALE (Continued.) Arkraataaa. VORTHWEffT Arkansae. In th Otarka. the land of health, happiness and unfailing crops; diversified farming very profitable; unexcelled climate, a good fruit, gt-aln and stock country; but a home where you will be atlafld. For Information snd list of bsrgalna write A. L. Trent, Fayettevllle. Ark. ARKANRAH homes; beautiful Osarke; fertile valley: rich mountains; Towing springs; healthy; fruit; grain slfalfs; stock; poultry; prices right. .1 C Mitchell A Co., Fayettevllle. A'kaneaa BENTON county, Arkansas, the hesrt of the Ozarks, beet fruit, grain and stock country on earth. Land still cheep. Write Bsnka A Adrock. Hiwasse Ark. CaJIforaU. FREE literature mill he sent to any one Interested In the wonderful Pacramento valley, tha ricbeet valley In the world. Unlimited opportunities; thoussnds of sores available at right prices; tha piece for the man wanting a home In the finest climate on eartb; no lands lor esle; organised to give, reliable Informa tion Secretary Sacramento Valley De velopment association, Baoramento, CaXM A LAND OF ENCHANTMENT Thre la ftomAtbing About Califor- oIa climate, CallfornlA products, and CalifornlA people that la lrreslatlble. A man wbo Investignte California with the Idea of locating lg pretty sure to become a citizen of that state. THEY NEVER COME BACK One of the strongest evidences of the fact that California is all that la claimed for It li the fact that peo ple once locating there become per petual booster, and they never come back. We are offering for gale In the FAMOUS SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY 18,000 acres of gplendid Irrigated land, aa fertile aa any In the) world, and already men are gelling high priced lands In the vicinity of Los Angeles and buying at Patterson, be cause they realize that In a few years the Patterson lands will be the equal In every respect of anything at Klveralde, Pasadena or Los Angeles. NEAR MARKETS Patterson Is close to San Fran cisco, only 97 miles. It Is on the Southern Pacific Railway, also on the Ban Joaquin river. It has every ad vantage offered by any other part of the state of California. It has many additional advantages. The tract vary In size from 5 to 40 acres. You can begin now to nay for your land, and when you get ready to go Into fruit raising or poul try raising, or to develop any of the plans you have In mind, the land will have doubled In value, and the growth or the tree and vines will make Patterson one of the most beautiful spota In the state of Cali fornia, and that is saying a great aeai. We plan for AN EXCURSION THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, and would like to talk with you about It. Payne Investment Company Colonization Agents, Omaha, Neb. CsiaaAs. NEW COUNTRY OPENING. Tba Grand Trunk Faolfio. railroad la now closing Its gap across tha famous Frazer vailesr In CENTRAL BRiTi&H COLLiMBlA tha choicest region of tha rlcheet province In Canada, Hera la your chance to buy fertile land at opening; prloea In tha great Fort George country. For . further Information oaJi. write or wire B. MET KL. DISTRICT BALES AGENT, eiu raxton rtiag., ucrutna, no. Phono Douglas 21i7; lnd. A-433T. CANADIAN LANDS. Do you want a farm In weetorn Canada. where tha cropa this year are In advance of anything grown on the continent? ror wneat growing, aalrying, mixed farming and cattle raising the province of Alberta Is unsurpassed. Lands are now offered by the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices ranging from $10 to ISO an acre on LONO TERMS of payment or on the crop payment plan. That la. paying tor your farm with portion ot your crops each year. Land valuea have lncreaaed SO oer cent in two years. Great opportunity for the nomeeeeaer. Call or write for full narticulara. honk. lets, maps. ate. hi. H. fixjr, Gan. Agent, Canadian Faclf'.o Alberta Land Co.,' 440 Board of Trade Bldg Colorado. IF YClfT Mnt to tiifv majI ' am I .. at 110.00 to ii 00 per acre, or want a tlUll hnmutMH IWhnAtlUhm.n 1 or call on The MattesonrPurdy Land Company, Otis. Colo. Join Excursion Tuesday, Oct 17 To Sunny San Luis Valley, Colorado Where you will find pure ARTESIAN WATER BEST CLIMATE RICHEST SOIL LARQEST CROPS OF ALL THE WEST. Land and water, 150.00 per acre and up. San Luis Valley Irrigated Land Co. 110 Board ot Trade Building. Omaha, Neb. Bargains Fruit land, btd Brandela Bid .80 ACRES, eastern Colorado stock ranch, for sale. In solid body; Dlenty of water and nay; renoe ana eroes-fenoad thirty miles of wire. Owner. J. Bland. Bland. Colo" FRVIT land bargaina. Intermountain Land Co.. 1LU Fernam. Phone IA ex&. FOR SALE 40 acrea best land In Weld county, Oolorado, miles from Dover, on U. P. railroad; prira $7 per acre; halt caah, baltuica L J and I years s per oenu p. caidwau. Boutn ouiaua Men. la U ACRhJi. U.SN0. twelva mllee out. ail smooth unland. not a foot of waste, no buildings, but fins building site; tl'W ch tf you build; t0 if you don i: lung time on balanoe at tr cent. Miee Rael Latala Co., liai Paart eU. CouauU aUuilat la. REAL ESTATE FARM fc RAffCH LA.tD FOR RALE Jovra t ob t lasted. THE easiest war to find a buyer fof jour farm is to Insert a small want ad in the la Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the eLata of Iowa. .(.(& dally. i he Capital Is reaa by and believed In bf tr.e standpatters of Iowa, who simply re- lue to permit any other paper la the'f uuinee. Rates, 1 onht a word a day( $LU per line ver month; count six ordinary wurdji to tha line. Address Xaa AlotoeS (.apltai, Utm Moines, la. Florida. Florida Wholesale Land Buyers, Bead This! If you want to buy .') .o.0 acres of cut-over florlna isnris. 76 milos 'tl of Jackeonvllle, the bent farming land In the state, where such great staples as long staple cotton, .com, grain, catue ann hogs put th land in a class by Itself, where there la greater Droeperity In actual farming, with great ataplea as a oaaia man in any part of the state, write me for particulars. This section Is yet untouched by deaJera Lands are here boing sottlad by artuel sucoeasful farm ers as In no otlier Florida territory, a section that attracts southern farmers who know. Thaoe leads will bear Investigation of tha moat dlanrlmlnaurur buyer. The weal tii her growing out of tha success ful farming of great staples will support honest representations that will make It easier to retail these lands q'Uckly at big profile than any other lands In the state. If you sj-e not a crokeiv aaent or real eatata dealer, but want to buy a tract, either to hold for Investment or to retail out. and are prepared to make a bona fide purohaa (no contract deal consid ered) and to make a oash payment of ssy 26 per cent, and you would like to deal direct with the owners, who are lumbermen that have removed the tim ber, you can get this land, located a It Is cloee to the railroad, good towns and big markets, at a mere fraction of what millions of aoree of vaetly Inferior Flor ida Uutd have recently sold for. This notice Is appea.rlarto.ia.y in a paper In Chics ro. Kaneaa City. Minne apolis, Rt. Paul and New Tork. Consld- enng the kind of land we have, price, terms, etc., we expect to sell every acre of It within thirty daya to one or more dlsrrlmlnetlne Investors wbo know the relative values of Florida lands and who will buy at our prices and terms. If you are a principal and prospective" buyer snd not a broker, write for full partlcnlars. Addrees Standard Lumber Company, Land Department, Sf3 Clark Rids., Jack sonville. Fla. Oeorsta. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tha ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM a ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to tha widest rang el crops. All the money crops of tha Bout) plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Us son, cli mate, church and school ad van tag as, write W. H. LRAmT, DEPT. K. General Paeeengor Agent, ATLANTA. OA. Minnesota. "TTMBBR land, cut-over land, Koo- l.lllL.lllllp .V., ... ,,U1. pi .V. 1" H Beet land tn the state for dairying ajid terming, v. r. win, iniomaiiimaa r ails, Minn. North Carolina. FARM tor profit In eastern North Caro line, nation's garden spot. Lead a for vege tables, frutta and staple fanning on small capital. Homeeeeke? and Investors wTlre Carolina Trucking Development Oc, 8M no. Bidg4 Wilmington. N. tj. Nebraaka. FARMS VK par aore up within S miles. Orln ft. Merrill. HU City Nat. Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA and Oregon land, l up, IM Brandela Bldg. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, is an sera up. Write or call for our list. Wood- wara, it uroaoa nu. .disk Blag. 100-ACIUS farm near Benson for sale, cheap. Owner has Incurable sickness. In-qulre room 60. Brown block. Iff) acres of choice land 1U miles from tiltchfleld; 130 aorea in cultivation. CO of it in an ana; an lenoea; price, KaOS. J. T. Campbell. LiLchfield, Keb. EASTERN Neb., and Iowa, farms to exohange for Dakota lands. Walker & Co.. MO Brandies theater, Umana. WESTERN Nebraska relinquishment. 6M aorea; will take part cash and terms. O. B. Dean. Lookout. Wyo. Oregoa. LlflO ACRES of apple and strawberrv land in Hood river valley, Oregon for sale on easy terms and cheap: beat whole sale proposition tn west. Bee or write owner, a. w. n., Minneapolis state Bank, fellnneepolla, Minn. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM FOR RALEi MO acrea S miles from the famous Butharlln Valley orchard tract! 80 aoree choice ash swale botion cleared; 100 sores good first bench land partly cleared; balance pasture and timber; .ouo.nuo feet or timber; never railing springs snd running water; aiz miles from K. R-; one mile to school ; telephone; on county road; s-room box house and barn: good supply of small fruit; S-yeax- old orchard. Prloe ISO per aore. Write tha owner, A- M. Armstrong, Una land. Doug-. las Co.. Oregon. EASTERN Oregon land Investments nav. beet dividends. Improved land ISO up; rruit, grain, auaua. uoioniat rates now on. Full free Information. F. C Vaughaa Investment Co Eeker, Ora OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. ORCHARD LANDS. IRRIGATED. NO CASH PAYMENTS REQUIRED. We need settlers not their money. Ir rigated orchard tracts in the famous Koaue ruver vaney. outnern in-egon. Prairie Land, ready for tha plow; no timber, no rocks. Water now on the ground. lnecjualled for productiveness and climate. This proposition, and financial standing of company, Indorsed by National Banks, leading business men and financial agencies. Only Irrigation company tn Northwest permitting settlers to make the land pay lor itei(. we also sil improved orchard tracts on small monthly, semi-annual and annual payments to those who are unable to make residence at the present time. Send for Illustrated descriptive matter. Roguelanda Incorporated, litis Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Oregon or Medford. Oregon. OREGON APPLE ORCHARD developed end taken care of for 6 yeara No extra costs. NO interest, NO taxea. A reliable Investment that can be handled on monthly payments convenient to you. Prloe advance t;) PER ACRE Nov. L Oregon bearing orchards net from 400 to tl.KAi pet SANTIAM FRUIT COLONT. Sect and GecU. Sale Manager Tempo rarily, eaniora HoteL OkUkosaa. FROM SO to S20-ecre tracts from flS to to per acre. Sea VogeL 4t Karbach blk. Peaarlwala. MODEL stock and fruit farm; a beau tiful country honva that pays 10 per cent on Investment; outskirts Pottstown, - Pa. E. J. ochoolcralt. Port Huron. uch." SoaUk Uoauta. W0 ACRES la Oragory county. South Dakota, luo acrea broke, W acrea more suitable for breaking, balance very best hay and graaing land; has abundance o( water and lou of timber, this Is one of the beet locations In fcouih lkota (or a raauh; price gJS par acre; t.2b0 caah. bal ance i years lima, per cent Interest J. T. Spats, t. Chart. 8. D. Texas. TEXAS IRRIGATED LAND, near Cor pus Cbristl; linmaiiee profits; one years crop will jiey pnea; write fur folder, etmnnons-Elmore Investment Co., Corpus UUiiaU, Taa. REAL ESTATE FARM HAA OH LAD FOR SALE Teza -Ooatiaaed. MO-ACRE Improved ferm, P-os Val ley, Texas; fruits, elfalfs; two crops pay for place; woul divide; forced sale; terms. Drawer 7. McKinney, Texas. IRRIGATED lands at Ban Benito, Tex. W have . (110 acres, JO miles from the gulf mnnt on the mniu line of the Frteco railroad. The Pan Henlto A Rio Orand valley Railroad (lnte-rurban) traverses the entire tract and no farm Is more than a ml'e and a half from transportation. Largest canal In Tnxa; largeet sugar mill In Texas; largprtt town of Its age In the llolted Btates, 2r.ono scree in cultiva tion brought our farmers $ the last year. W rite for booklet. We want gol live selling agents In every county. Will pay liberal commMoni. Ask us about our proposition. Porter, Frailer A Mar tin, San Benito, Tex. ORANGES that made California famous are now sucoeseully grown In Texas. Get the big "Orange Number" of the Texas Realty Journal, Houston, Tex., Just out; handsomely Illustrated; sample 10c; we are publishers: not land dealers. LAND OPENING Over lflO.nno seres thrown open to the public for settlement in Texas. 11. M) to IR.OO ner sere. Tit e direct from stare Term, one-fortieth down, balance forty years. Address, Box 225. Houston. Tex. THF, Msjnujna of the Last Frontier'." beautifully Uliyitra-ted. Intensely inter esting, devoted to lower Rto Grande valle.v. a tnilv wmnArfiil Irrlvit4 avrt. cultural and fruit raising section. Dime for throe months trial subscription. Rio Grande Valley Mag-airine, Bog 18, Monte Chrlsto, Texas. Utah. "WESTERN OPPORTNTTTJES TTtah ... V.- v .. kiiwp u v ucii itinu uyua luurn rspldly thsn lands In anv other state TTtah 1u V. . ...... I . 1 . . . . ,f i ii.,, ui i-.ucvi ui'i ti-uu uiu siirui lnw rreat attention for Its excellent fruits. Bait Lake City Is the greatest R. R. con fer west of Chicago, will be an Important manufacturing, citv. Is the world's est mining and smelting center, an educational center and Ideal home city of th. .am.Jh.v, im . . - .i, ..udiurriu, I mUBl JPriOCl IOUT- season climate in the world. v ? ran oner to tne nsnt man exclusive 1 , fj ODA V. . . 1 1 I 1 . , -. ..-ii i . 1 1.., uuiiujng 11,19, oiusq In, cement walks, shade trees, city water, car line, building up rapidly 4176 to $30) per lot; lib cash, J7.60 per month. Ad dress Hubbard Investment Co., W. td South Sl Salt Lake City. Wyamlagr. REAL water, real ditches. coranletv project; 85,000 acre cultivated; Carey Act and deeded; flO.OOO acres with water rls-ht await settlera Wheatland Industrial Co.. Wheatland. Wyo. Mlscellaaeans. t Peters. Omaha, Nat l Bank Bldg. (13) This Is a GEM 40-acna fn.rm Madrid, Perkins county, Neb., highly Im proved, cultivated, fenced, level aa a floor; deep, rich, black soli, a perfect in-im c wouia laice parr traae. tl& 810-aore farm In Huihu countv. K D., best land In township; owner gone to cjurope, ierr. aaea at Darut and saya "take 2.." It's so cheap it must ta at that prloe quiok. Tou should get it. t.Sti) Hera's a sample. For a short time only, 820 acres 2 miles from Goodland, j.en. peneci niaca iana; only per acre; aaay terms. Can you beat It? (3i) 18 per afire, two. sections, 10 miles from Keystone, Neb.; 400 acrea valley land; some alfalfa, lots of hav. It's a grand bargain. Let me tell you about It. (3tf) Look at this A perfect 80-acre farm, relies from Greenwood, Cass county, Nob.; good Improvements, lavs fine, drains perfectly, blackest soil. no. objectionable- feature; only 112.60 per acre, J. A. ASO-i i, rUHALi liBTATB, 808 BRANDEIS BLDG.. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLH. Frank J. Norton. 218 8. 17th, Bee Bldg. ."There's e Re anon. "I minimis your title troubles."' Both phones. Abstracts. M. T. Brennao. 324 Qrandels To. Midland Guar, ft Trust Co., 1714 Far, U. H. Neale. pres.; J. Campbell, son. D. 28l Peter Jessen, Jr., Co., Tel. Doug. Z29L Reed Abstract- Co., oldeet abstract office In Nubi-aka. 206 Brandola Theater. BUILDERS INFORMATION. El fee trio, gae fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Platte Gravel A Washed Sand Co., 443 Bee Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming. L. F. Van Valkenberg, plumbing. W. 8tfl. S. E. Waters, cement cont. 1S15 N. 20Th St Platta Gravel A Washed Sand Co., 441 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co., D. 2ett. 114 S. Uth Fuchs, Son A Blind, painting decorating. M. Peterson, gen'al con. 4tt3 Ohio. W. mi. Amar. Sply. Co., roof'g. paints, lies Nlch. SEE J. T. CoaUworth. 1SS0 S. 2(tth St., telephone Doug Ins 6134, for repairs and alterations to your house. WAlfTEp TO BUY. LIST your city property tor sale with VogeL 409 Karbach Bldg. ACREAGE FOR BALE. 2i Acres Benson $500 . Lays flno; eaav walking dlstanoe from cax lino: no Improvements, but good houses on all sides; nonresident owner authorixea sale of entire tract for the above amount. Armstrong-Walsh Co Tyler 1&34. 210 South 17th St. 80 Acres Near Florence 65 acres under cultivation, balsnce alfalfa, pasture and orcbard. Run ning water and first-class well on the place. Flrst-claas Improvements of all kinds. Price $176 per acre. Adjoining farms held from $200 per acre up. For furtlier particulars see Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1586. 210 6. 17th SL nfMir r lorBnin, iv .nr., uc- uuucwvwi barn; 100 feet of chicken houses and other Improvements, Jo. F. Li. WilAD. ISth and Fernam. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. Rare Bargains 4!Mh and CaDltol Ave., all modern new. t-room house; fhilnbed In osk. CTH"h and bard pine, furnace, firttplace, laundry; to toilet room, sleeping porch, etc; this aoes very low on the best of term. Tel. Harney 60. Harry H. Putnam. 6140 Burt t. BCSINESS bloek for sale, city tn Colo rado, yearly rental. 118,700. Price tllO.Ou); Incumbrances to2.uu0; at 6 per cent; will consider good real estate In part payment of equity. John J. O 'Donnell, Agent. El Paao Bldg.. Colorado feprings, Uoio. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he haa made Omaha famous with his csndy. If tin. J. tHeedman, 114 8. 2tb Kt.. will come to The Bea office within three days we will give her an order for a bo-ont box of O Br leu s candy Ire. FOR RA LK Cheap, a good orner lot with a small houi-e. la Dundee, Phone Haxney LfJU. REAL ESTATE C1TF PROPERTY FOR Al.E (Continued.) NOX-RESTOENT OWNER SAYS "SELL AT ON'CE" 1820 NORTH 25TII ST. Has 6 rooms and a large bath room, downstairs bed room. Has city water, sewer, gap, modern, up-to- date plumbing;, large closrts, screens Hotife Is In good condition.. Fine shade, on a paved street Close to car. convenient to school. Now va cant, can give Immediate possession. Price $2,650. Hastings & Hyden, 1814 Harney St. BEMIS PARK, rooms, modern, hot water beat, large corner 'ot. $ ao. uiover Realty Syndicate. Douglas 63. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. IS ROOMS, ALL MODERN. Ifi.OnO. We have a two-apartment hou. r.nn. talnlng 13 rooms, two bath rooms seven bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and kitchen in each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This pioperty Is too large for present owner and it Is a splendid proposition fot some one who will buy It and divide it Into four three-room apertmf-nt&. n. to tha arrangement of the ho'.ise this work can be done at a very email expense and when completed the apartments will rent for 26 each. The buyer caji live In one apartment, rent the rest and make a good Investment out of your homo. The building is well built and tn condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the canter of tha city; one block from the Dodge street oar Una and in good real, dance district. TUB NUMBER IS 261 N. 2uTH ST. It la lust north of Ohio on the irinr.n. Blvd. A good e1x or seven-room modm house WBI be takan in exohiuiae a r ,. right prloe. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at. NORR1S A MARTIN, T0 Bea Bldg. Dovutlaa an. A 4X8. j I'lr a rim e. i.,.. v. . m.q iwumi sua bath. In good repair, with city water and gaa, lot 411x150, within one block of car and walking distance of Mo. Pao. and Union Pacific shops. 527 N. .16th. For sale at reasonable pries. Owner will show property. FOR case of Blats beer tel. Doug. lUSl. NICELY furnished rooms, frr two or three gentleman. 122 N. 2:id Kt near Cumralng. Ml PATRICK AVE. SIX rooms, modern but heat: ham- fruit trees: paved street; lot 40x134 ft. Owner must sell. Look at It and make offer. Can make easy terms. P. O. NIELSEN A CO., 03 Omaha National Bank. ' Phono D. 2204. ON IaAFAYDTTE AVE. BOULEVARD. 8-room modern house, with south front lot, IOxlS4 feot. This Is one of the most deslralvle medium-sized homes In the city, with beautiful lawn, natural forest trees and fruit. Price 17,300, Beautiful bungalow. 6 bed rooms and tiled bath, living room, dining room and kitchen. Lot 0x145 feet. A very stylish and beautiful home. Price $6,000. I. H. DTTMONT BON. Phone D. 600. 1405 Fartuvm St., Omaha. WEST FARNAM. OWNER going and offers for aulck sale the new and modern 10-room resi dence, 121 South 88th. at a bart-ain. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., Tel. D. 371A 219 Bd. of Trade FOR SALE A beautiful bungalow, five roome; Btrictly modern; well located. Price. $3,900; $160 cah, balance. 1 per monm.' Mooacnron. Realty Co., lt)J4 Lake, Webster. 16Q. FOR BALE BY OWNER. Strictly new. modern. '. 7-room house. 8 closets, bath, oak finish, camented base mentr furnace.. cTetern.' sell' and the Ke- wanee water supply system, east front. commanding one of the nnlst views in Douglas county; half aaro goes with this fine home; will sell. at exact coot. $4.7U0; easy parma. - CARLTON, owner. Phone Doug. (4S or Web. IKL 211 Kq. 14th Bt A PRETTY COMFORTABLE HOMH $1,600. On Burdertte fit. overlooking the city. When you era tired of throwing away money for rent and conclude to lay a foundation for happiness and contentment WE CAN HELP YOU ' VERY MUCH. New cottage, payments same as rent Call and see owner at 810 Bee Bldg. $4.300 NEW HOUSE $4,300. Has vestibule, with coat closet: living room entire width of house, dining room, trl.K-n ,h t.nA am 1-b I.1..11I,1. C-U 1V1. .11.1 ,'1.1 1 1 J W.I ,UDL floor; three largo bedrooms and bath oh second floor; large floored attic First floor finished In oak, beamed celling, paneled dining xoom and platerail; sec ond floor finished in gunwood and birch; white enamel bath, with clothes chute to laundry; six large closets; elegant light ing fixtures, switehea in evry room; sand finish plaster; press brick founda tion; screens snd storm windows. A model "home, one block to Dundee car. Call owner. Harney 4745. Reasonable terms. $4.500 Practically new modern 8-room house, firet-elasa condition, nice yard, good neighborhood, convenient to two oar lines; good terms. Call at 322ft Web ster St. FOR BALE 4-room house, lot 40xll5; gas cistern and city waier; within easy walking distance of Vinton street car bam. S1.2S0; $760 rash, balance time. 'Phone Red 7121. ONLY $3,000 for a 4, S and T-room house, 6(5x160. Rents $39 a mo. Will take good lot as part pay. J.. H. PARROTTE, Board of Trade. S. W. 25th and Maple East front nearly new. Full base ment, t-story. square. -r and hall down, 8 and bath up. 1 blk. west of N. 24 line. $3,400; small payment down, balance monthly. Offer only this week. Other wise to lease. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omshs Nat l. Doug, or A-2152. Evenings H tR34 or H 6134 GOOD INVESTMENTS. Two 6-room oottagea on lot 75x140 on 25th near Leavenworth Rta. Price. $Vn). Two modern houses of 8 and 9 rooms near 20th and Mason Sts., renting for W5 per month. Price, $6,600. Two 4-room oottsges. modem except furnace, near tlst snd Leavenworth Sts.; good lot for building purpoees, lot alons worth $B.0iiO: reduced to $S 160. Three-story modern brick on 8. 1,1th flt., leased for three years for $110 per month; cost $18,600 to build; offering for a short time for $1A00. Have a lot x!33 feet en N. 20th ft , with two stores and three cotta.ei. rent ing for $1 per month. Price. $9,500. Threo-atory modem brlrk flat, needs some repairs, on N. 19th St.; reduced to $6,000. Thre deubla brick flats, renting for $175 per month, built three years, close In. prloe, $28,000 82-room apartment will rent for $75 per month, reduced to $4 0M New T-room modm house at 41st and California Sts., reduced trom $4 500 to $3,660 $410 rash. WE6TERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411-413 Karbach Blk FINE NEW DUNDEE HOME East front. 4th and Webater, blook irom ci . v. 1 1 inuurrn, sis gooa rooms besides leceptlon hall, vestibule, butler's l'hui,, v,.., ....i, ....... i, vtcirjiii jjuri. n. floored attic, with stair, full basement wnu vawiwii. lutuw. trujii-tii cupnoara. window and hall eeata. colonade, double floors and double stairs; combination flx- - - - rulr flnwn Ami , 1 1 . . ... ..a maple above. Extra good roof. Koine ratsn aju wj iw ii iwii la c. n. uioson. owner, Wetiater diii, or will be at home from I to i o'clock HAVE YOU A nOMET t-room cottage, modern, except fur nace; excellent condition, for 82.N0U. easy terms. V. IX WEAD, Uth and Farnam. - -REAL ESTATE CITV PPOTERTV FOR SALB (Continued. SURE SNAP $3,500 A completely modern, practically new 7-room resident, having re ception hall, parlor (colonnade open ing), dining room, kitchen, pantry and vestibule for Icebox on first floor, three fine bedrooms and bath on sec ond floor; full cemented cellar, brlcls foundation clear down, good furnace heating plant with hot water coonec. tions and gas heater, laundry eiok, outside grade entrance. This Is full 2-story, square frame and well con structed. Owner, on account of ill health, is leaving city permanently. This la your opportunity at owner's loss. Examine, lt2 Spruce St., just one-half block west of Ave. Key can be procured at next door west. can sell this property on reasonable cash payment and balance monthly. No better bargain offered In the city and it will pay you to in- vestigate it. Immediate possession. Payne & Slater Co. t 616 Omaha Nafl Bank Bids. Both Phones. Special Bargain Owner will take smaller property as paxt payment. If you want or need a larger place, here is your opportunity. Located at 2004 Locust street, corner, 74 feet south front on) LoCUBt street. 134 feet the Boulevard : orUinal owner ro. lected this Bite and built for a per manent home; It Is one of the be,si Constructed houses In Omaha; hi. a living rooms, strictly modern, hard wooa nnisn, tile bath room, floored; attic over entire 8d floor, floor witb, seven full windows, full cellar with, laundry sink, toilet, etc. Good barn with driveway, fine shade; the house, is vacant, tn fine condition i I woul like to show you the property; I can' give you a good doal. 8. P. BOSTWICK, 1225 City Nafl, Bank Bldg. Telephone Tyler 1506.. Cottage Snap $150.00 Cash $1.500.. S150.00 exih halinx. , ... ... . ilanca easy paw v now Bungalow t. fine well and X ?n house and two if 8 northwest cor- . iy . ' i ' ' uuj V. ' ucTiti.o, lur uvp-room t Stvle cottae-n ' ln liht force pump, large chicken lots. 4nxi::ii unh nn tha . . . v.. . lj iiui oj. L LUr i Of 3Mh A ,-A ar.A 1lnl.A.. . ' act qtilcklv if you want this snan. imy ?i50.00 Hard to Beat l'i story cor.tatro, 4 'room and bath 1st floor, all mod. ex. heat, stairwey gjid room frtl" tWA n.n-A . , . ? n ? fCa V finished for $lo0.00 moro. 19 Acres, "Well Improved 4 acres grapes, 6 acres beaxlnx op. 1 A chard, 2 acres alfalfa, lots of smalt i f fruit. room house, lure barn. cava. , ..ii ii"-i, "in ana oisrern, M horsfts wagons, busgy and implement . Af year Florence. Will take In good t ofA i-room modem house up to $3,800.00 as I'nyrnrni., some, casn ana purchaser i assume $2.000 00 mortgage. . Birkett & Tebbins 23 Bee Bids. t. 4754, A-17B4.. FLELD CLUB BARGAIN j ThiS is OOsltlVelV HIM nf IVia Vaa va sltea available In this most desirable real? dentlal district. Has 53 feet frontage oA 3Sth tit. Paved, sewer, water and iraju Price onlv 11 m . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.! mu. i.5ju r amain St. Tela: Doug. 10S4. Indl A-1084. FIELD. CLUB SNAP 1 New and muifom &.rAnm v. m. . i vi-ater heat, elegant location., Owner tvilj take five-room oottaae In part payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT 00.. WILL SACRIFICE -912 SOUTH 37TH ST. Look at it. it is not a question of what it Is worth. What will you give for this house? Has 9 rooms, all modern. With two mnnrola flno hiffk ceilings wirn large well liiihte rooms; east iront, lot 75 feet wide uuui ana reer. nAnn'. with lara maple trees, good barn, suitable for horses or garage: short distance to West Leavenworth car line; street la Daved. Dorminpnt walirc- is in splendid neighborhood where prop erty is advancing, and close to Field club. Hastings &' Heyden, 1614 Harney St. . DO YOU OWN A LOT! LET US BUILD YOU A rrrA m If you have a good clear lot, we can furnish you with the money to build a 4, 5 or 6-room modern house. Can take a few more contracts and have house completed by January 1st. See ua at once. No charge for plans, Jf.any of the several hundred we have on hand will suit you. ! Hatingb & Hyden, 1614 Harney St. Two Homesite Bargains ThiiKe Kill, it i . biiit.t.i .. .wi , . - . . , . i hi a. ii9iautir- hood that is bunding up rapidly and ara only one block troin CntrU boulevaj'tl; have a fiontdjre of 64 feet each, aJl oa '. krade: one nlrwlc rmm vi cu. . car line. Price of coiner being .rrB. Terms. $175 caah balance $1j pti- month. The ad joining lot. price $tM). Terme. $100 cash. I and balance $ii per .month. Corner alsl I and Hawaii Bts. , W. FARNAJNI SMITH & CO.,: -o. ldu Faiuiun 8t. lcl: Kouk. l'xrf. ind. A-10H4. FINE LOT ONLY $225 i Near . aj- line. .Vivl:'.", f..t 1.1..1 .,., well for grade. This price is about one. half what udjuining oaners are asking Terms. $o .sh, and n.en i.i per uiontn. a, 1r W. FARNaM SMITH & CO..Cr -No. 1W) Karnani at. v 1elt: t'oug. Ii-1, InJ. A-10S4. BUNGALOW AND TWO j ACRES. At S7th and Newport Ava we have a i brand new fe-room bungalow, beauufuli 1 located, overlooking the surrounding country In ail directions; plenty of your.g fruit started, and just the place for a man who wants to tarm a Utile and cau- I tinue his work downtown. Price oa.y ' H.WU. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. VACANT 36th Ave A Poi pieton tat front .. $1 i0 S5th Ave. and Poppleton so. tront, $ lots toth and Reward South front j 17th and Laiid-F-ait Sutli and bpauldin buut h front.!." t-iu ith and Burdette .South front 47th and Chu ago South front...".!!!! ;i: 47th and Gram North front ! " "jo 34th and Ft Omaha Ave. West front 3m) ja ana rinnuny-.-sonn rront iji The above are all full lots and can ba o!d on reasonable term PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. D. 17SI; -li. O'NEIL 8 Real Esat and Insurance Agency, lout farnam, city property anJ tarm lands a specialty; we have bargain ' '' 'sjgj high ' Shted- ideiuX.' large A I?