OMAHA. SUNDAY MOKNIN'O. OCTOBER 15, 1911. 0 BUSINESS PERSONALS TatlerlaT roatlaaea. IV A. William, cloth altered. 34 A Lake. WHEN PRESSING you often find yourself discontented with your own appeal ance. Why? Perhap your garment la not a peifert fit. ui larks the very latest ideas in fashion. ou would lo ell consulting Nordm the expert fitter and remodeller 0,1 ladles' and gents' garments. Id flooi, Uii Douglas til.. Cor. Kth. Phone D.4e37. Taxidermists. Aulabaugti. 1701 Leavenworth. Doug. S2ZL Trata aad Awalin. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. El Douglas. Traaka aad Salt Caere. Frellng Btelnle. ltd Farnam St. Tarklsa Hatha. Ladles' tenia' Turkish baths. 15 A Doug. Umbrellas, . WESTER! Umbrella Co.. 1M2 Fernam, Wig Maaafaetarers. D. 8. Olfflth, win mfr.. 12 Frentcr blk. EES Monhelt's wlz. toupees. 411 S. it Wlaes anal Llqaors. Meer Klein, wine and liquors, t'.l N. 11 EDTKOTHERY .'""fq'Sure .nil cigars. Ca(a in connection. Ul a. 14tb ac MAT tt CO.. family liquors. 1302 Douglas. Cualck Bio., liquor, cigars. 30th Ames. Automatic Phone Bus's. 12; residence, II C. Engellandcr. liquor, clgsrs. 112 Dodge. T. J. Hart. liquors and cigars. 02 N. ltth. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alem Jeta. 1SW Douglss. Automatlo Phone-Business. II; res., il liftman, l-yr-old wky, lo drink. 14 Hsr. B O Y 8 E KB FAL8TAFF Dellcnteen Rutm, iv n. tttn, lhimiu it ii'aue mug. Hansen's Family Liquors, 12:1 Chicago. N A TTOTTKF Imported llquora. Una . lunches. JU 80. mil. EDUCATIONAL Handsome New Home for the M0SHER LAMPMAN COLLEGE Elagant quarter on the fifth and sixth floor of the New Wellington block, de tKnvd and hullt especially for this pro gressive bualness school. We are anxious to have you visit our school and see for yourself the many polnta of Interest. One young insn who lookod through the rooms remntly made this remark: "The Mosher-Lampman ColIeK" always has hsd the best courses of study and the bent teachers, and now tint It la to have the finest rooms, tig enial cannot be found In the went." W are determined, to make the Moshsr Lampman College not simply a good school, but THE UE8T. Wo eel that we have been extremely fortunate In ssour In this elvKanl Cottage Home In litis beautiful new modern building. We earnestly Invite you and your friends to call on us and Inspect the elegant q us i ters. Ws shall be glad to show you through, also to explain our practical courses of study to you. Such Investigation will do more towards In fluencing you to attend the Mosher Lsr11pn1u.11 College than volumea we might write, for It wTll convince you that the work we are doing and the accommoda tions w are offering are eo superior that you simply cannot afford to attend school elsewhere. v will gladly mail our Illustrated cat alogue to anyone Interested. MOSHER & LAMPMAN ISli f arnam St.. Omaha, Neb. Tutoring, first to eighth grade. H. t44 TUB FALL TERM OF Boylcs College i tQV OPEN DAT AND MUilT. 6TUDENT0 ADMITTED ANT TIME. Compieie courses In Bualnase, Uouaaeep. log, oieiiugrauy. Telegraphy, Civil arv. toe and oa)Minanahiu. 'tin oaialogue la ready and free for the asking, cgli, writs or pooas lor It at onus. Address It. U. Boyle, president, Buyivs college building, omaha, NsU- OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLaAJs? "liKsl iiM lliki WEal." Day ana evening aion ail the year. liorthand. Tp writing. Bookkeeping, Agricultures Civil aarvlue, aalesmaoshiu, k A. itarunau. Pres., iaia ana taruam. Dicker man School tor Acting and Voice; plailurm, ataae, euooert, drama; all last jr gradual plai-eO. iuiX'im Dudge. O. lau ST. BERCHMANS Day Academy tor yuuug lauiea. iiia ana c ssary Ave. A. POPP, teacher writing, Latin. Qer man and ooruvt. 17U Dvdge. It U7s. SALESMANSHIP! ADVERTISING! Clasaes soon to begin at the Toung Men e Christian associa tion. Largest class lu the L'uited metes last year. Investigate. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN NEW machine that cleans carpeta and rugs wmtvui uai, 1. an anu at It. A -III ', avi ttraiiaaia uiug. THY our tonle shampoo. Best la the VOtlll. , - vuv in. 1 ajvuis m L. ? HE IDEAL PLEA 11 NU CO.. dress plealings. bultun cuverod. all ai and atylea. wu uim. i-njug. A-inJti. Willow plumes made from old or new teathera, guaanleed. Ui M. Uih. li. luea. CHIODO. Ladles' Tailor. Ill a Uth a)L Hntg0"4 vw't mlliiBsry - pariurs, si a. mvu. &arney j. CUUTA1NS S'fJ Rubber goods. Bell Drug; Co., Ull Fara LADlEa' Beaver Haul Cleaned aad Mo- ttiuckeo. tuuee.H, iiauik, zjo a. i4lB. Novelllea, pleating, bullous. Doug. Blk. HERMAN, ladies' tailor, liayo.o Bros. tiEFlNAKCK TA1CCH wad la Luna oa. CCRTA1NS. BLANKETS, AND FINK LACE Lt-D bETa CLtANLD. DuUQ. Xm PKIVATf ecooooiieal cooking lessona. KVKHV person knows who D. J O'lirten Is because he has mads Omaha f iniuut with In candy. If Mrs. E. H In sin. 1M i. Mn bi.. will coma to The ht oflice within three days we will el,, her an order fur a lo-cent bog of imu to-uoy free. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN iconunueu.J ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners; 12 lr day. HARTHAN ELECTRIC CO. 116 South lih Ht. Douglas IT3X HELP WANTED FEMALE Agesti asd Sslesweraea. THREE bright, capable solicitors for city; straight salary. Uoodrich Drug Co., lKfe-lu Harney at AT ONCE. three bright, reliable ladles, over 21, to travel, demonstrate and sen dealers; i' to i per week; K. K. fare paid. Goodrich Drug CO., 13ue-lv llai ney St. LADY Solicitors I atterson Block. wanted. Room 12 WANTEIl Six women, 15 to 86 years old for travel and house canvass work In Nebraska towns; shorn experlunce pre ferred; Ssiaiy and expenses paid. Ad duce VV iiU.' WANTEIv-In every locality, live lady representatives to Introduce our "High (quality ' 111 wood Fabric. Our clotu ptactlcHlly sell themselves. Lain from 4 to 17 aally; complete sample supplied tree. Write today lain wood Manufaotur Ing Co., Dept. A, 1'rovlde.nce, It. 1. LADY agents wanted to Introduce a ust-ful article for ladles; pay 13 Pr day. Myers Co., Atchison, Kin." tlerlccl and Office. Automatic Phone Bus's. 12; residence. II WANTED Stenographers desiring bet ter positions ami hlxher salaries, send adiircss for Informal ton to American JSpc c ally Company, I'eoi lu. Illinois. OFKICK f'LKHK. ). Cashier (giocery), .K). TllfcJ UANO AOIi.NCV. i0 BEE BLDO. Any time you require a competent strnoKraliper the Rcinlngtoti Typi-wiiler J'ompiim' Eniplnymciit Deiiartui"nt can lniincillaiely supply one who will fully inci t vntir rniiun eini lit. rvvri'Hl tested stenographer ure now on our list. W 11,11 he 110 cIiuiKl- fur our services. No. Fsrnnm street. I'hone Douglas lf73 or A-liiJ. BT EN OH It A I'! I K RH! Why not mnk life pleasant? Doiililn your Income; hold your present position; free circulars telle how. Nrlt today. ;not Josephine Ht., Lie liver. Colo. COMPETENT young lady as book keeper: mui.t be Bocurute in figuring and write a good, legible hand; must have business ability, so aa to take charge of small office In absence of miinafr; one who can do aome stenographic work pre ferred; experience not necessary. but must be Al bookkeeper: one who wants to advance; state axe and give reference and salary expected. U 3-2, care Bee. IOSITIONH. We will gladly asalrt you In securing a good position a atenngrapher, hook keener, office clerk, ciishler or retail clerk, and make 110 charge In you what ever unlesa we place you. Call and see us. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. 7".3 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, commission firm, 60. Two office clerks, 30. Stenographer, who can write her own correspondence, ,f0-fi0. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. UH5-Ifl City National Bank Bldg Factory and Trade. FIFTICEN girls, at once, to work ' In bag department. Etml Omaha Bag CoM llth and Jones 8ta WANTED O Iris to wrap Woodward's Real Butter acotab and Woodward's Pure (sugar slick candy. John U. Woodward at Co.. Cuunull Bluffs, la. WANTED Two girls In candy factory; must be over I years. Apply lull burl 81. WANTED First class experienced seamesueas to make pv.itlana.ta. Apply bupertnlendtint Brands! ttlorea. WANTED HEWlNtl OIHUt TO WORK ON OAK BRAND OVCHALl. APPLY AT ONCE TO BVUNH Ik HAMMKil D. O. CO.; FACIOUY, Tll AND HOWARD B'tl.' WANTED BEW1NO GIRLS TO WORK ON OAK BRAND OVERALLS. APPLY AT ONCK TO BY UN K HAMMER D. . CO.! FACTORY, tf'Tll AND N STtl., aOUTlf OMAHA. KK1KT and waist finisher. Immediately. OS Paxton block. HELPERS en skirts and ooata. at onca. Km a 16th. Housekeeper aa Uamastlea. N0NPABKIL LAUNDBy Ca Tel Doug. 1H1X. Wagons call everywhere. SimiTa 1M BAN IT AR If COVBUo. It 1 J f iP graanasrasl HlttSaJsVl-f nattiat. family i bt wags. Inquire tij Capitol Ave. J HE SERVANT QIRU PROBLEM LVED Thi Bee will run your Domes tlo Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to the Bee offioo or telephone Tyler lOvu, GIRL to cook and help with children; top wages. Mrs. uaaKerville, 111 N. 40ih. WANTED-A cook: no waahtna: refer. encee required. Mrs. J. Barker, lta . Kill Ht. D. WO. WANTED Competent housemaid, hv Mrs. K. C. Barton, 6Sl Farnam BL AW wv "i wnq worn; small family and goud wages. M S. Mia . . . I al . WANTED A girl tor general house work; no w.tevUoa to colored girl, Ul X tktb HL OIRL for general housework: mp. family; good wages. UM m. svth Ave. mat. foe s-snsrs.1 hnussarnrlt. 11. - -. nay BC Phoue Webster x&U, WANTED Oirl for general housework. Ull Georgia Ave.; gutail family, good wages. WANTED Neat girl to work la vers email family; beat wag, good tkoiaa, puoiie Maruey aits. GOOD ladles'- clothe ironer: tad work and good pay. Jvul Leavenworta at. WANTED Girl to work, fur loon aoi board. UU Dodge CU ,11 HI. for aeneral housework at ATI Ni llth; small family. WANTED a girl tor general house work. IIU o- in Ava, er itui uougias. GIRL for general housework. Call Red TJ74, er can at s-u rarnam ou MAN and wife to work: board and room; small salary. 114 N. IslU. lUng lower wit nana .pen. ta iioor. AKrw Vl I Ian, In "Th. Thru lf 1 rm at His Anierican theater. If Mrs. Ueorge li...... Siiia lllnH.v Mt 1 1 1 -w,,a . tL. Bee office within three days we will give GIRL for kitchen: one that can cook. 20u bl. Mary's Ave. ramiiy; witn rett-rence. Mrs. c. a. Bow luan. narney aiit. COMPETENT girl for general house- work, family of 1 HQ washing. Apply at u a. tma at. EXPERIENCED girt for general house work. Ul So. I7UI 6U I'hune Harney ;u. WANTED Girl for general housework! ho children. 101 N. tX. St., bo. Omaha. WANTED A cook, Fremont, Neb.; good wagaa: particular Ullt t ariutiu bt-, iMiiana. rnou aiitt.' WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. Mug casa et. A GIRL for general housework. I ao. gin bU WANTED Competent girl ar woman for geneial housework for good alsed town In Wyoming, Jt per mouth. D l;s. care Bee. minim 1 li 111111M HIT X UUIIDUUI vw. f , Omahn, Nob. Dear Sir: I inserted nn Ad in your paper "New House for Sale." The property was im mediately pold, the result of said ad. ; Kindly discontinue the Ad, as people are calling daily inquiring about it. Very truly yours, I. 0. Baright. Another reason why Bee want - acSs are grovvlncj., HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper and Domestic Coat'd WANTED Girl for genernl house work. Must go home nights. U8 So. 2.'ith Ave. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework; small family; good wages. Call at 215 N. SOth 81. WANTED A girl for general houss- work. 900 Foreet Ave. Tel. Doug. 2;H. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two 'n family. Apply 415 North )th. Douglas !2S. , WANTED A girl fcr general house work. WJa California. WANTED Girl for general housework or to assist at general housework. 3o2 N. 41st Ave. Phone Harney 3238. A UOOD plain cook In family of three. No washing, good wage. Phone Harney Ii,T. WANTED A competent girl to assist with housework for roun and board; pleasant home to right party. Mrs. Marble, 1324 Emmet Bt. WANTED Oirl for general housework: smalt family. Mrs. Arthur Pinto, 'iiij California t. WANTED A good laundress. Mrs. C. Kouiitae. i2Z livwey Avs. EXPERIENCED laundress for Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday; references required. Mrs. Dixon, 42 N. 88th Ht. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; small family. Ill N. anth Ave. Harney 2427. WANTED A good cook: references re quired. Mrs. Dixon, 426 N. 3Mh St. Women for day work, free. D. K84. OOOD girl for boarding house. Red 8472. WANTED Qood girl for general house work; good Wages; no washing. 240U Cass Bt. WANTED Cash boys, over 18 yearg of age, Apply Superintendent Brandela Stores. UIRL to assist with general housework: three In family. 1021 No. 34th. Harney lt4. EXPERIENCED house girl, small fam ily, lit 8. 17th St., or 'phone Harney ?0. WAN TBD Girl for general housework. Call Webster (2. S024 Blnney Bt. HE HAW! HE HAW! Not a donkey, hut a Fish to tune your piano. 'Phone Wbeter im WANTED Girl II or over, German or French preferred, to assist In housework and care of children. Mornings tree. Beat references required. Apply Ull Burt St. 'EXPERIENCED eook and second girl. 1211 Bt Mary's Ave., phone Douglas 471. GOOD girl for aenerel housework! !3t4 Fowler avenue. WANTEI-EJtperlenped 000k for fam lly of two; general housework hut no lauary. a. p. ourou, K21 Farnam. Mtaoellaaeoaa. TOL'NG women comlna to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women Christian association bulldln t St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where iqey win pe airecisa io suitaoie hoarding places or otherwlae assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station, W A NTt'll Th... wan 1... - . Omaha, of agreeable personality and at- tl'StllfA snnMarMnM mils, ma , i . era, who will see sis business men a day uubiiiss men wno win oe giaa to ac cept a proposition presented to them. A reasonable Income may be pleasantly earned. Address Brains Caroporallun. buranton. la. WANTED Youna ladv rlark: soniv Moyer Stationery Co., ltU Fantam at, WANTED Lady muaiclan: annlv nil. man cafe, loos Howard. ' FOR apeclal offer to embroiderv clubs. aid aocleties, eta., write the Needleoratt Shop, Stoux Falls, 8. li. WANTED Cash sirls. must be over M years of age. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. , WANTED Touns- women rlrkra la Candy Dept. Apply R, C. Phslpa, Bran dels Slures. , HON ICWT WOMAN wsnted la aver town to represent well known wholesale urin; experience unnecessary; must fur nidi good references; easy, pleasant work; fair salary to start. McLean. Black Co., Hilt Beverly at-, BostoiL Msss. 7 Ar,M K, . " -.. . - ! . . K-., , xyt svwina si noni for a larke Philadelphia firm; good monit and steady work; no canvassing; sen! reply envelope for prices paid. Culvers Co . Desk I. Walnut St.. Phlladelphl( I.AIIImH snalia .nn, Ill ... dral.; no canvassing; material furnished; ""ii TOvwiupa ror particulars, waoaan Supply Co., Dept. D 86, Chicago. BE A TRAINED NI'RSR-r.arn tlx . 1 weekly; we train you at home In a short tiros. Write at once for booklet. rtooneeter Nurses' Institute. X3 Roches. ter. N. Y.e LADY sales representative: liberal weekly pgy; no delivering Falrvlew Nurseries. Rochester, N. T.M GIRLS to learn halrdreaslna: nrlces reasons ble. Oppenhelni, 331 City National nana King. ""elpwante V Ageata, galeeaaes, aad Sallelters, SOLICITORS wanted. Tel. D. ISS7. WANTED First-class silk salesman. Apply manager silk department, tiaydea Bros. IF you possess ability as a salesman, we caA show you how to earn o.uu a week. Will pay young men with neoee. sary auallfloatlune liberal compensation while earning. Apply 4 to I P. in., room 314 Karbach building. BIDS LJNB for traveling aaleamen; goud seller. ttil Brand! Tuaalsi. Omaha. Neb, necessary; something new; coaie I cents; ells for W cents; send W cents (or ten nn je lor uui,bi, iiiiii, ieur: non let th's opportunity I a-s. Write today, A M. Hopkins. 17VM L. Court Ave.. Das Molnea. loa a. AOENT8 IS dally; whirlwind seller; 100 buelness. vlslllng cards with genuine buff ing leather Caracas. loo cards seal leather pocket bvok, Vm. bample free, K Wolff, 31 Ann SC. N. 1. C1TT aaleAuneA. W. A. Hlxenbaugh A Co, 114 at. Mary'i A. Tel. D. Htl, i HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen- Contlaaed. WANTED A reai salesman, a man who has ability, who will work for ua as hard and conscientiously aa he would for himself, to represent us exclusively In Nehraska. Must be ready to commence work January 1. We have a large, well known and In every way first-clans line of exclusive calendars and advertising f penalties. Our line Is so attractive and rlu that each and every business In every town In the country, without re gard to size, can be successfully solicited. Our goods are very attractive, but no more so than our reasonable prices, and we know from the experlfnce of others who have been and are now In our em ploy, that any bright, hustling man who has ability and Is willing to work, can make with us from M to 1S0 per wek. Commissions liberal. Our company was organlwd In 1M2. Capitalised I2O0.0OO.0O. We are responsible and mean bualnesH. If you do, it will pay you to write tisles Manager, Merchants Publishing Co., Kalamaxoo, Mich. Enclose this advertise ment with your application. WANTED A real salesman to cell our unique line of map and other specialty calendars. Our line Is different, exclusive.- It lands the big buyer tired of pictures. We also supply strong line leather novelties and signs. Htrongeet combined outfit ever offered. Big money for live men. W2 territory now being placed. Write fully, give experience In first lettor. Kenyon Company, Pes Moines, la. (35th year). TRAVELING salesmen wanted, making small railroad and Inland towns to carry a short snappy line of Mexican hats as skle-llne. rumples In small hand case. .-i..t. . w. a. , ia IK. I.lhrsl rnmnilM. n,iii, . " ' 1 , slniia and large demand. . Give details, .. mw.A w n , i.,,llnrv Pntfarsil 1. 1 I nil r. hiiu . . . , j - In first letter. P. O. Box 1371, St. Louis, Mo. ivumrT M A riV AT HflMR saves 80X itaaian nrlna wlin "Zuiol" concentrated extracts. Something, new. Agents ooln- Ing money Beers sold uu tne iirst ween. Hansjansen 2W In two days. Others making 18. 112, 120, dally. No liquor .ticenea requireatsinciiy sikihiushi. f . I. ,Ua raniilna article. TTd bV liquor dealers for years. New to con sumerenormous oemana, quicn eui--tares profits. Sells In either wet or dry territory. Llgnt, compact, can do car ried In pocket. Act qulok, send postal today ror rree oooitiet giving: secrets of making liquors at home, universal Import Co.. Dept. 1082, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED To sell gold glass uii . nnr.hln i a mnA Kgiitia nnmrijiri Chicago Glass Novelty Co., Marlon. Ind. S A I. EfM AN Established house wants traveling representative In Nebraska. Staple line. Permanent commission con tract with X.fO weekly advano to pro ducer. A-l referenoe required. R. La, Rice Company, Detroit, Mich. W A NTFJ Immediately. experienced hardware and tool salesman; must be competent and have tiret-ciaes references. James Morton ft Son Co.. Iall-1M3 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. SALES manager for each county In Nebraska south of the Platte river: also for each county In Iowa west of Des Mo'nes, to direct the sale of our Golden rtnri hanit nnaratiul Vacuum Cleaner; an exceptional opportunity for an Individual In each oountv who haa small working capltnl to supply Immed'ate demands cre ated through agenta whom he would em ploy; our proven eelling plana, live leads and help of state manager Insures suc cess. :t0 to 1100 weekly, depending upon population of the county. Writ at once for proof and full Information. Address Fantnrv Manaeer. the Huaro Manufac turing Co.. Manhattan Bldg.. Chicago. to sail art. drua. stationery, dept. stores, eto,; beet known, fastest selling eollege posters and postcards published. Camples light, to per cent commission. Decorative Poster Co., Dept. 22, Norwood ta., Cincinnati. ATTENTION Out-of-town manufao- turee; active, responsible, experienced, business man will sell or Introduce; goods of merit In New York. W. Bellman, 2041 Fifth Avenue, New York. ' POST CARDS Wte per 1.IH0 up; Thanks giving, Christmas, New Year's etc.; all kinds; samples and prices on request; 1,000 assorted for 12.00, 10.0U0 for 116. Gross Co., 1147 Arthur Ave., New York. mi rctllN urantawt- earn li'al per month; sell dealers highly advertised ar. tide; exclusively or siue line; no mmi.. to carry. Imperial Co., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Experienced salesmen for our high grade line of advertising signs, calendars, fans and novelties for 1W13. Mahon Novelty Co.. Kenton. Ohio. SALESMEN to handle our fine art calendars; over 100 special designs ot leatner goods, with a complete Una of novelties and fans; a grand proposition; liberal comiiensation. The El wood Myera Co. Springfield, O. SALESMAN wanted to work Nebraaka with candy, cigars and soft drinks; sal ary and expenses. Loa Angeles Products Co., bt. Louis, Mo. hUUE line, pooket samples; 10 minutes, 110 commission; high grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, la, SALESMEN W hsva a brand new. clean-cut, prompt commission, pocket aide line, conalgned goods for traveling aalesmea making small, country towns, for interesting particulars addreee Yale Jewelry Co., II 8. Jetfereoa felt., Chicago, 111. WANTED Salesman to handle line of fruit ciders In small country town aa aide line; 21 per cent oommtaston; set tlements weekly. Manager, . 8. First St., at. Louie. M SALESMEN making under IWO monthly should write for particulars about our new specialty. L. B , 14ft, Pittsburg li. Pa. Old estsbllshed house wants a salesman at once for balanoe ot year and neat to ell general Mercantile trade In Ne braska. One exerlenoed In apacialltlea, aa cash reglstere, scales. Jewelrv. etc., preferred. Attractive eontract with lib eral exiwnae advance. Possibilities un limited to right man. B. 11. Ide, Mgr.. Cleveland. O. AGENTS, gtreetmea and peddlere are coining money selling our big 10c pack ages of a. assorted postal carda "Big profit.'1 Bell every Lei t xlsM. Sample package 1"0. t'arucuiare ira. nuiiivan Card Co., 1234 W. Van Buren Be, Chi cago, 111. MONEY making secrets exposed. Shows the way to freedom from wage slavery. Polnta the way to prosperity. Particular tor red atsjup. K. ecnapperie, io v. Lexington ct., Baltimore, Md. IHlRTRAIT men aWentlon. W ar the larsest and moat retiable portrait and frame house In the southwest. Send for our catalogue and price llet. Kansas City Art Co., Kl Admiral Blvd., Kansas in, ato." AGENTS WANT ED For our holiday post cards, novelties and calendars. Ex clusive field to our agents. Send 10c In stamps for any set of samples. Catalogue lor r at am p. capper r, C Co., Bat Mgr. Zl. Tvpeka, Kan. Omaha, Neb. Oct. 11, 1911. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesmen Coatlnaed. GENERAL and local afrpnti". Here I your opportunity. Energetic men can rr.alio $.',.'.00 vrarlv and in,, ih, nminuni Cnnchester Kerosene Mantlo lamp icvolu- iiouisi s me oia met nods. b r suoeiior to eit'Ctiicity, ,-, m et ie'ie , r dSJl.iie at one-tenth the cost, iiumnr m sll lamps. Sufe, cltan. oiloilcas. llumn with or without mantle. Tested and pronounced by the satu of Pennsylvania, ".Most effi cient light found." Ureatrtsl soht-r kuon. e wuut a few more live men In open territory. Cancliester l.luhi I tt . Ii. nt :(.; 4 N. btate bt., Chicago. AGENTS Send us vour address and we will mall our new cntalnirne. Our laii atfent s cateloirue '.lltistiuteH a.'.w) lu ticies ail sold or miuraiuee. .Maks oig casn proms, get uur A.mus prtsama free und enter our II, W0 uri.e contest free. Our complete scllinj itu tructu.ns tearn you now to get oruers ut everv house. A. W. Holme fc Co., Depl. J, providence, R. I. Biggest and best loo meals. 1310 Dodge THE best treat for wire and baby is a lish of Dalzell'e ice cream. If W. Hill. 220 Exchange Bldg., Koutiv Omuha, will come to 't he Bee ulflce within three daya will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. 1100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. B. Schetfer, 1W Z, Chicago. AGENTS make big profits selling our metallic letter for office windows, store fronts and giass signs; anyone can put them on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co.. 427 N. Clark Ct., Chicago. A HUSTLEH acquainted and having sold the dry goods and general stores, Interested In taking exclusive territory to sell the most popular Chicago line of combs, bags, neckwear, jewelry, etc., one looking for a permanent future and A No. 1 credentials only; stage age. ex perience and territory. Address, Y ii)2, curs Be. WANTED New old field soon to be opened. Fortunes to be made by those getting In on ground floor. Lot sales men, stock talesmen, promoters and well drillers get in line. Glenn et Company, Oklahoma City, Okl. IF you want to become a traveling salesman writ for our free book. Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. BIG profits for you. Manufacture barley crisp. New confection; Be package costs you He; machine, t7.IV), prepaid; ramplea, 10c. Shatter Co.. 62 Natoma St.. San Franclsoo. NEW YORK manufacturer children's dresses, want "live wire" local territory, commission. H. Goldatein it Co., 37 Walker St., New York. EXPERIENCED stock remedy sales men. If vou are a llva wire, looking for a good Job. we want you. Only men of good moral cnaracter neea appiy. celslor Mfg. Co., 108 S. 10th Su SALESMEN wanted to sell a flashing electrio eidewalk sign propector. Will ell on sight. Electrio Advertising Co., ii Union Square, New York City. HONEST man or woman wanted In every town to represent well-known wholesale firm. Experience unnecessary. Must furnish good references. Easy, pleaaant work. Fair salary to start. McLean, Black Co., 2(10 Beverly St., Boston, Mass. KENTUCKY distillery wants represen tatives, exclusive or side line, to solicit the saloon and drug trade for Kentucky whiskey adopted by the V. B. Govern ment. Woodland Co., Dept. 4, Coving ton, Ky. . Ill TO III PER WEEK can be made by men, women, boys and girl representing our goods. V give premiums with every order. Write today. Hamilton Sales Agency, Inc.. Dept. U, ta Btate St., Boston. AGENTS Either sex. sell guaranteed hosiery; 70 per cent profit; goods replaced sary. Address -Wear Proof." West Phila delphia, Pa, WANTED I4ve wire. 100 salesman, to ell our One-Writing. Fireproof Aocount; Register System. Simply bristles with merit. Successful cash or aocount reg ister, computing scales, or typewriter msn should qualify. Attractive ountraots; permanent position: references, bond, required. One man just earned 310, first week's work. Th Champion Kculster Company. Cleveland, O. One of our beat solicitors msds M.tOO In eight months. We wnt a few more of tills Kind to solicit retailers and Phvsiclans. This la no side line prop osition. Steady work with old eatgh- tnea nouse. Address, Manager. . Main St., Room No. 342. Qulncy. III. Agents coining money giving guar, anteed safety rasor free with five bars having soap to advertise; outselling, everything. Parker Chemical Co., Cht eago. SALESMAN, good proposition, new plan, special calls; good money for worker; all on spare time; Investigate, Address M 461, Bee. ' WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substi tute for slot machines; tnnted. Hells on sight for 11.00. Particulars. Glsha Company, Anderson, Ind." Capable salesman to cover Nehraska with stable line. High commissions. l'"0o monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich AGENTS We have a golud mine; eend for our new catalogue and free) sample; very houee-keeler buys: make HO day; xoluelve territory. The W. It. Specialty Co. R. F. D. 1. Gllmanton, I. W.. N. H Salesman to call on Doctors. Estab lished trsde. Clean, well-paid work for hard worker. Also one for central Ne braska. P. O. Bog Ul. Philadelphia. STATE AGENT8. crew managers special arrangements, new houaehold specialities; money savers, money get ters; writs for particulars. Automatic perfection Co., li w. 4M St.. is, X Everv horse owner buy our new patented ham clip. Retalia t&c 100 profit. Liberal offer to agents. Jones Mfg. Co.. 17 East aarato.a St.. Balti more, id.- WANTED For atate of Nebraska. Salesman with ability to sell high grade line of Imported and docnestlo calendar, fun, leather good and complete line of advertising aiMtelalltlua. Ubvral Uropo I Hon. xulualve territory. Yearly con tract beginning January 1st. Must fur nish 1st rlas refeienoe. Gartner Ik Vender, ls-34 fceat Kin Bl., Chicago. 13 TO 10 A DAT for reliable men and women agents, easiest, fastest, boat sell er ever offrd; nine sales to each ten oallg, by our special plan: big profl's tor you. run aetaus tree. AO ira nousenoia Co., Agsncy LUvmiuo, No. M, Topeaa, aaa. . HELP WANTED MALE Asrente sa4 Saleawentea C ontlaoea A lOLLAn MADE every 6 minutes. "Bold out before breakfast; .!es in 3" minutes." writes Hoffman. Mcleson sold 80 first day, (profit If? ). Wonder ful labor, time, money-saving household Invention. Hcrub. cleans, dries floors, linoleums: abolishes old style brushes, hands disfiguring, mops: no stooplnt wetting hands; self-feeding, drying suds ing: child of 12 operates easily; weighs R ounds; soils for 12.75. "Never such a hit; have 60 delighted, boosting eusto mere," writes Cook. Credit given active agrnts. Investigation costs nothing. (San itary fupply Co., Box 864, Kta. F, To ledo. O." AORNTfl WANTED Make big money- selling Photo Pillow tops J.V; brnn'Me, iSc; portraits, toe: oil et tee. 30c. We Pro duce works of art, guarsnteed, lowest prices, largeet studio, prompt service, credit given, samples, portrait and frame rataiogue rre. nanlel H. Hitter Co., UM Madison, Chicago, HI. SALESMEN WANTED For our 1!U line of calendars: bank books, leather, cloth nnd wtMdPn goods and novelties. Liberal commissions; well established trade; exclusive territory. Economy Ad vertising co., lows city, ja. WANTED By sn old establ'shed house. a local representative to handle the spe cial leaders of shirt waisis on a strict commhslon basis; good proposition for onirgetic man. Address, with refer ences, J, Kann & Co., Inc., Baltimore, MJ. (.ni,r,.L'in p .1 1, r..T Jl ll, I i'. l- We want a reliable and tenable salesman unii. i m taiiy viir iiurm.toe now in , i endars, Fsns snd Aflvcrllclng Specialties in ,roi,ioi,n. c nuve a roienuiu nil.-, csrefullv selected hv tnrn lena In this b"s ness snd who 'have themscves sold Oim t . .... l.A ...,n.1 -. - ..n..u On our liberal commission lusls plsn, a FBiesm;n wno win irvnt nis lime ex clusively to our line should l ave no diffi culty In clearing frrm .i0 to HIOO p?r week. If you are a man who will w rk anil can sell poods address PaWs Mnnaevr, Kaia- nia.'a'. mi,o. rtli. II lllis BUI r'l -eniriii to your reply and give full particulars rrrarrlinar vour nast huslnets ernert- c nee. AGKNTS To sU new Product. Sells In eveiy homo. Reprat ord -rs. No ccm- letltlon. Ills profit. Writs for free Ksmple. Charcoinlnts Co., B 113. Colum- nus. o." EXPERIENCED snUoman with the best of reference would like to hear from a reliab.e nouse for position on the road in tne state or Nebraska. Address B 6,r. Bee. VAVTFnriralj.l... Inn Pentirlty ITnderwrlters Corporation, SOI City National Bank Bldg. Money maker for agents. 07 Brandels. SALEflMRX Tf vnu want tn n,,u ih. road and get Into a legitimate jobbing business In Brushes, Brooms, etc., a busi ness In which you will be backed up with stock to any amount of business, you can do up to 110,000 a month and you have r.n. ,')Art .A .1 AAA I 1 . ..v.,., " v., i,"w in un snow irooa faith Wa want ,,, mw.A nn ..T. . proposition that will be interesting. Box 462. Blanche-ter, O. AGENTS Most attractive proposition; our new 101 1 mnHel mant.l hum... el, nil lamps; 100 candlepnwer light; prices defy competition. Simplex Gas Light Co.. New York. Dora. WANTED Several trustworthy hnvn good wages, W. U. Tel. Co., 212 ft Uth St WANTED A alrnne arranH Knv A Madia.-, 416 S. 14th. ' OFFICE hov fnarf tlntai m.v, ..... most for chance to learn. Answer In own handwriting. Address, K 461, care Bee. Cle3al and Offlew. BOOKKEEPER for first-class whole, ale house. Don't reply unless you are competent and experienced. J. tog. Bee. "CANO" High grade positions. MO Bee. WANTED Experienced dress goods salesman at once. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERS, SALESMEN, OFFICE CLERKS. SEE US FOR A FOSITION. THE GANO AGENCY, 100 BEE BLDG. A POSITION for you or no charge. This ia our method. We Invite ail those who are capable of filling a sales, clerical, bookkeeping, stenographic "or an executive position of any kind to call and see us. We will gladly put your name on our list and keep you posted on such positions you can fill. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASS'N., 763 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Factory anil Tradea. Drug stores (snaps) lobs. Knleat, Baa h'g. WANTED First class prescription clerk. Apply In own handwriting stating experience and names of former erofloy era Sherman 4 MoConnell Drug Co., Ulh and Dodge. EXPERIENCED candy helper. Apply 1517 Burt SU WANTED First-class pants maker, steady work for right man year around. Phone Red eOT. Council Bluffs. FIRST-CLAea pragaars wanted. Harney St. Ull BAKER helpers wanted. 2201 Farnam. WANTED Carpenters used to fram ing, at Memphis, Neb. Apply Armour t Co., South Omaha. WANTED An experienced platen press feeder at ones. I. A. Medlar, 41 8. itth. WANTED Good tailor and preaser tor ladles' work; good salary. 60ri S. 16th. U taoellaaeoas, RAILWAT MAIL CLERKS, postofflca Clerka. mail carriers. November exam ination in Oiuaha, Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 317 J, Kv cheater, N. Y. ULATX Welncr. Tel. Daug. IttU for case. WANTED for U. 8. Army-Able-bodied unmarried mnu, kielsen ages ut U and 3j; citisens of United BieU, of good tharauier and temperate babila, who oaa tuak, lead and write the luigllsh lan guage. Fur information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Uth and Uouglas Bis., Oinaaa. Neb.; eUl ib SU. Slou City, ia 130 N. 10th ft. Uncoln, Neb. UO 1100 MONTH AUTOLNO. S AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. LAHUiiai AND btbai'. WHliai. ADVERTISING MEN WANTED I luu g monm enough tor you'f Can you earn UT Will you see six buslnees men a day business men who know you are coming and will wait to see youT it your answer la yea, write tonight to Brains' curpuiauou, Devu el-K, auautun, i a. EARN fa ta toO per week. Posttlona Few weeks ootupletea. Great demand. Write at once. ie caiaiugua, Auto School of bU laouis. Uve Pure SU, t)u lout. Mo. 1,000 GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for list. Frauklia Insuiuta, Dept. tit J, Kuchcaier. N. X. WANTED Men ta prepare for automo bile busiaee. largest and best equipped shops. Nat l Auto Training As n. OmaUa. TluAMjj-Te haul brick, smith Brick Co. WANTED Team at th Nebraska Tel ephone eoiupau) s new building on Doug las street. WANTED Young man to learn the drapery business. Millar, Stewart A Bea ton. WANTED The address of contractor to build daws with sheet piling In Nod, a ay river. Address Bog ail. villisca, la. TRI-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE Men to larn barber trade. Tuition, i. 3t 8. Uth. HoKKST maa wanted In every town to represent well known wholesale firm; ex perience uaaeceary; must furnish goog references; essy, pleasant worki fair salary ta elarc McLaan. Black Co., U Beverly SU, boston, Maas. HELP WANTED MALE Mlseeltaneaae Coattaaeal. THE U. S. NAVT 13 TODAT COM poseu of the finest body ot piokeu men III tne world. It has no p. ace tor the never-ilo-weil or the failure. Aioie tuan, men apply for positions in the Navy eacn week, unly 1 per cent ot inese pasn tne exainliiaiion and are accepted, iius ahuws that the ,avy picks ns men with rigorous care and pains. The Navy does not urge any man to en list. But it no urg both pare, its and sons to investigate luu opportunities Ins Navy offers young men (li to 3o), either as a four years' training or as a lifs a work. The life Is healthful, the work agreeable, environment wholesale and helpful, and the man who wishes to learn by stuuy and travel or to learn a tiaue will find ample opportunity, us will the man who desires to save money and win promotion and re tirement on three-fourths pay. The nearest Navy Heciiuiing Ftation Is at the Post Office Building, Omaha, Neb. 'ihe officer in charge will oe giad to see parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pay, pio motiun, retirement, recreation, tic. Or seno tor ' Hie Making of a Man-O-Wars-man," It Is free. Addreas Bureau of Navigation, Lux '.'0!, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. ANSlSl'ANl OFFICE MANAUER, with first-class rum. Il,2uu-ll.&uu. Bookkeeper with Klli-cUae references. 175-tfeo. - ou ice clerk, quick at figures, u0. Stenographer, prefer young married msn, loo-tuo. Billiug.and order clerk, lumber firm. ttio-tiu. collector, Svv and commission. Specialty salesman, 11.200. Oilice clerk, bbuth Omaha, i. In.' urunc-B soIIlIioi , Uary and commis sion. t e placed 47 people In touch with good i.iu nikf pruiKjoil.oii mat week. Let us as sist l(Jt' this wecii. fO-UPEMA'i IV 1. REFERENCE CO. (Established FIVE i EARS In Omaha) lulo-lo city National Bank Bldg. . L.L.L, uuuiuU nieu n Hilled tor the U. S. ..larius corps, between tne age of 1J und o... AjusI he n-uvo born or have fust 1 apcr. .iiui:iliiy puy ii to !M- Additional coinpvtiBation possible. Food, c ottunn, ijuuiter and medical uttendance free. Alter o years r,eiviy can retire with u , i' cent of pay una auowaucea. Servlto i'.i board ship ami neluie in an part oi ii, a i.oud. Appiy at C. S. Marine Corps 1 ... ci uiting oltice, 14utl Fat.num tit., Omaha, ..ell. I2S WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. Emery, Ml Plymouth, Chicago. ANY intelligent person may earn steady Income corrueponulng for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. . EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he haa made Omaha i fumous with his candy. If Mrs. Clara Gllnes, 314 8. 14th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a Ho-oent box ot O'Brien's candy free. WANTED A sober and all-round fur niture man to drive furniture wagon, also wanted an expert tracer exper ienced In hand collection, aoqualnteu in Omaha vicinity. State Furniture Co., 14 Dodge SU ANYBODY can earn over 130 weekly raising mushrooms entire year In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc; markets waiting; free I booklet. Hiram Barton, 2V Wast 4Mb SU, ; New York. . i BE A DETECTIVE Earn IIM to I30 , monthly; travel; write Supt. Ludwlg, 1427 Soarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 160.00 WEEKLY, selling collection cab inets to merchants; no competition; ex clusive territory. Writ for tree samples and descriptive matter. Sayers Co., La clede Bidg., SU Louis, Mo. 121 weekly Job guaranteed young men who learn automobile business! we fur nish auto model: teach you at home in 8 weeks; make 10 weekly while learning. Soohester Auto School, 163, Rochester, . Y. WANTED Man to travel In Nebraska; good pay and tailor made suit In 10 days; ex oar fence unnecessary; candle, soaps. grocery specialties. J. E. MoBrady 4 1 CO., Chicago, in. YOUNG MEN become professional base ball players; big dsmand; give experience. National Base Ball Adv. League. U. 8. Expreea Bldg., Chieago. WE WANT a bright man or woman who baa literary ability and who can write short stories and motion pictures, scenerlas, to represent us in this locality, highest of remuneration. Send sample of work with all particulars. Work, with touch of local color preferred. Western Manuscrlp Co., 50 McClurg Bldg., Chi cago, 111. YOUNG and middle agsd men for per manent positions under th U. 8. govern, ment; common school education sufficient. Particular free as to salaries, date and F. laces of examinations (soon to be held n every state). 237 Nat'l Cor. Inatitut Washington. D. C WANTED Toung man to take sub scriptions for Th Denver Post at th Land Show. Apply between and M R. WAVTrn-Tniins man to travel. Ad dress P 6d Bee. Monday to Mr. iuion. notei noma.- HELP WANTED MALM OR PHMALss WANTED Christian men and woman In Omaha to sell our 1913 Gospel text calendar, big profit; writ to C. H. Weast, 411 rederal St., Chicago, 111. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Tesilolee, FOR BALE All kinds ot good horse 111 N. list SU 'Phone Douglas MOO, CHEAP, an aid buggy. SX No, Nine teenth. FINE, young milch cqw, cheap if taken soon. Webster tula. GRAND dispersion sale: entire dairy herd; fifty high class, mostly thorough bred, Jersey cows and heifers at public auction, Tuesday, October 34, 191L Toung and vigorous stock. Send for catalogue. Lamb A LaM aster, Teoumseh, Neb. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS baring lost aome article would do. well to call up th of do pf th Omaha Council Bluffs totreet Railway company to ascertain wheiher they left it in the etrest cars. Many article each day ar turned In snd the company is anxious t restore them to the rightful owner. Call Dug- ITmaHA A- COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST A cameo brooeh. valued as an heirloom. In Omaha or Council Bluffs; notify Julius Keppner? grocer. Tel. 1. LOSTA bunch of key on May have loat them ta South Omaha. Phone Douglas Vtot, or return to Cultt-Laog-wormy, lm and Uaraey, Omaha. FTlTTMn Tha Teddy Bear expert el tan - era alio. dyer. A--A. IX Mul. FOUND New dressmaking establish ment; good Work guaraaie-d. Wtbatar Itiki. LOST 12 year old- English setter bitch; white, with black spots grtd ticked; ab solutely deaf. Reward for Information as to whereabouts, dead or alive. Myron L. Learned, Bee Bldg, Phoue Douglas 41 or Florence Fit. LOST Between Hevn's studio and Benson A Thorn)', gold beads. Liberal reward. Return 124 North llth Ave. Haruey 1303 IxirfTVTwo Irish lace collars Thursday morning, on Fortieth and Cuming car. Finder please call telephone H. 1H6 LADY'S opea-iaeed watch, monogram, on back, "N R," between Farnam and Imuglss on 1Mb Bt., Baturday. Call !( 124. Reward. Th Key to th Situation-Be Ada.