The Omaha PART THREE ' WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. unday T Bee ADS VOL. XLI-XO. 17. T1IK OMAHA SUNDAY Itl.K: OCTOBER 15, 1911. SINGLE COPY FIVE CFVT8 1 " "V. I 1 I i I; h a: MAILORDER BUSINESS The Greatest Waist In (he world lor FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU! OUR "BLACK CROW" WAIST. Thta famnn. n I cannot Arvfe enywu, s'v . wit, ta i,aW.2-l you tl cannot lie duplicated jwuere inr tt Ice. We ran elt you thla blare silk waist far at leut l leee ttun any on 1 in k Mnnn. mb" rT JFS beoauw we (,,. our tV J Swn silks and manu- TV. r ' V T !""" .,h aiste I ! 1 factory. There reno Vf tV '-- -n anlddUetnas. nrofile. and Jim positiTety Secure til garment at first price. The "Itleck Crow" Is made of superb quality of black silk taffet in nnt elegant and practical at via. Thn - clusters of fine tuck. down the front and luff, ini Use (mart placed ruffle gWea it a Terr drfR. effect, fcv.wv M-am 4a Vknh finished and cannot be puMrd aiiart. It is worth 9-4. Prom the factory to you at 1.98 ' Jf aaoney cheerfully refanded if you are not panrctl satisfied. Houghton & Dutton Co.,' Mfrs., 41 Treraont St, Boston, Maw. EVES CUBED .VIT.IOIIT THE UFiEFS O rat-fid Patients Ten of A mo it MIrK-ulo-ia o Catararte. Granulated Lid. Wild Haiti. Vlcers, Weak, Watery Eyes and aU Era IMeeaaea ouinj ha thrown away their attar wing this marie reined t one week. Send your name and address with fun description of jour trouble to Mia H. T. Schleget Co.. rMMJO Home Bank Btillrtinir. Peoria, m.. or (1U oiit h coupon below, snd you will reoeire by return nail, pre paid a trial bottle of this macie remedy Uuat ha reatortd many almost blind to aUrtrt. trla&.-cPte?.'. HSJSS aeot to yon prenald. SlmiilT fill in your name and address on doited lines below and mail to the H. T. fiehleir Co., 6860 Bom Bank Building ieorla. 111. Moving Picture Machine Free Jill Mrreuou i.-'vi-I'lCTUKU Mac hine abows picture in molioa lh ABjnA th Terv exLwnsir mav hiDes uteri In theatrea. tbif nutcMne you c&n entertain your fritnd I aud even make money fW- hlnr exmhitlnni. We flT 'thia wonderful machine cotnDlete with fllans. 63 Views, for sailing only 21 New Motto Pictures t 10c. earb. Regular min nrn no MONET. Write for Picturea and larte Premium j.Mt vi-aaT. wnen solo, aend us and cora. plete Morln( Picture Machine and 63 Views will le ent yon iiromi-tly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Alien Watch CoM Deatt. 1340. Chlr-nro. HL PILES CURED AT HOME BY 'NEW-ABSORPTION 'METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Plies, send me your address, and t will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will alao send some of this horns treatment free tor trial, with references from ' your own locality if re quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Bend no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Bummers. Box B 7 aft. South Bend. Ind. 25c Specials Real Valna 1.rU . .j; t ci.. u. w r r Jar Diamond. 17 1 U OJUglO BWIW, , ' 0 U Lucky Clorer, contains S Jar Diamonua, 'er 1' Jar Diamonoa and choice of one colored atone. Send a tain pa or coin. Write tor Bargain Sheets. JAR DIAMOND CO., yLf&.Bfc wtWiTw. JVOnd CHAIN I im fJHADK ilfm-wma w.urn win IF J A HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH POULTRY" tella how to make hena lay. or no pay. Only ten cents. No graft. FARMER SMITH. Cedar drove, N. J. SONG POEMS COMPOSITIONS That are succeasltll bring fame and cash to their writers. Send ua your manuscript, or write for FKEB PARTICULARS. Publication guaran teed i( accepted. H. Klrkus Dugdale Co., Desk U8. Washington, D. C lIlTfilflTlft Bsytros.bestin tbeworld (1 14 ,OU ww IUHH I Ibandtrp. BerolveTs,1.75 and up. snksHAa Ask yonr dealer or aend for perlte PIxTnl Cul"-','ED BIKKABA f'67,lW) lis) I UUON.DearburnoU, Chicago, Dept. i8 nmall Capital Starts a New business. Earn 15 to 110 a Day. The "Amertra.n" Machine la doing It. We furnish the outfit and teach you to bone rasora, aharpen all klnda of aafcty raaor bladea, at-lsisora. dippers, etc. NO PKKVIOt'S KXPICiUK.Nt'K HKyl'lltKD NOTK Tbla la uut a atropping derica. It la a machine that sharpena. bonea and r trees. ILLINOIS IITLEKV CO.. ISO Wsshlnirton. Kt . (Tiliago DHAT1I9 AND FUNERAL NOTICES. fXYRRKLJ-Chrlstoplier. aged 73, October 14, lull, lie Is survived by one daugh ter, Mrs. M. A. Peterson; four sons, J. V.. T. I.. t J. and V. A. funeral notice later. lilHTllS A.U DEATHS. Births George and Margurtte Ehehan, VCi, Buuth 'i wenty-elghth, Kirl; iiarry suid KebeotMi Miller, IKil North Nine teenth, girl; Charles and Bella Kurtzinan, llij Houth Twenty-tilth avenue, uiii; Abraham and Azlna llirsciiorn, ZriZ 1'a ciIK', Kill; Albert and Cola Uoetle, X14 I'avet.port, boy; ' John and Margaret liwyer, M Bouth kltthteenth, Kirl; An drew and Amanda Anderson, 2il Kinney, girl; Arthur and Klizabeth Baldwin, 11 bouth Thirty-lourth, girl. Iteaths H. W. Uarlos, 2344 South Four, twnth, 4; Alfred V. Unninger, 2141 South Thirty-fourth, 4; Charles F. Breckin ridge. 1111 South Thirty-first, 75; Thomas Gahun. 422 William. 60; John P. Trltsch, bu Joseph's hospital, 41. ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU'LX. always bei happy if your wed ding ring comes from Brodegaard's, us B. loth St At the sign of the crown. DOUtJLAB Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. Ml. C1ET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. Neb. Seed Co., 1-Jus Jonea. Both phones. AMERICAN Blf-Renovatlng Co. 11. 174: C. K. Bmith, att y at law, ill Bee. p. titl. mi wv.j,-- M I i A, v 1 r 'Jseu it i rii I i,, " 'VT'1 ' VTSS7JPf lit WANT ADS Want atls rerelYed at any time but to insure proper rlasalfiration must be prrsrnted before 12 o'clock m, for the evening editloq and before 7:80 p. m. for niorninK and Sunday edi tions. Want ada received after auch houra will have their flmt Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classlfr." CASH KATK3 FOR WANT APS. HEOULAB CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 H cent per word and 1 cent net u-onl asa.f anharauent insertion. F.ach Insertion made on odd days 1 H rent per word. $1.00 per line per month. T?an. nnt .1.1. Tl.- Tl.llw AS Sunday Itee. Alwava count all word to a line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following druR stores one is your "corner driifrjtlst" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam street: Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Baum Drug Co., 2631 N. 16th St. Beranek, H. A.. 14o2 S. llth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Brmls Park Pharmacy, S3d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, 2909 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Caughlln. C. P... 4725 Iavenworth. Crlssey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 R 16th St. Cermak, Emil. 1204- 8. 13th St. Ehler & Co., 2S02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 213 N. 26th St. Freytng, J. J 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 1X02 N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. & Pacific Greenough & Co., 1025 S. 10th St. Qreenough A Co., 10th and Hickory.' Goldman Pharmacy, t4th & Leavenworth. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2920 Farnam. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1501 S. 2th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co.. Slst Ave. & Far. Hoist. John, 624 S. 16th tit. Huff, A. L.. 2!'24 Leavenworth. King, H. 8.. 24th and Farnam. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. 24th. Ialhrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Mares, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, 33d & Ames Ave. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 North 24th St. Saratoga Drug So., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer'n Cut Price Store, 16th & Chi. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th & Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, VA A embalmer. 1614 Chicago St. D. I(u9. B-lUo. 1IEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers, 2611 Farnam. A-aafi; II. 2501. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doubt, iao. UNION LOAN CO. BOILER, sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Structural Steel Works. Lumiere photo, studio. 318 So. lotn St S. E. Waters cement con. 1515 N. 20. W. 670S Mourning hats, el day. Eck, 1760 Leav. Edison 'phone rec. Shtilta Bros. 1408 Far. PAPERH ANGERS use Snowflake paste, Omaha Paste Co., 71 b. lath. Both phones. N. FEINOOLD, ladles' tailor, announces his return from tne east with complete line of largest and best imported ladies' goods. For a high class suit see me; prices reas.; guar. kU2 b. Zulu. ti. Uoti. Ind. A'JMa. LOW LETTERHEAD (good bond pa per), 1.000 billheads, 1.000 business cards, tl.50 per l.Ouo; estimate and samples fur nished; other printing. Tlzard Printing Co.. 1122 Farnam. Office Stationery De.!gnsv KOTERA & LEAKY CO., Tel. Douglas labu. New address, 715 South lSUj street. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Nebraska Film Co., UU r aniam. . Wedding announcements. Douglas Ptg. M. V. Morrill, china paint. IU3 Brandels Th BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 per box. prepaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. LO MATCH, tools, 5th and Leavenworth. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. Gas fixtures, brans beds, stove trimmings and taoieware reuisvieu an new. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Established isaa. Doug. 2536. 1220 Harney. Van Gordon's horse, dug hospital. 910N. 23. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO. Twenty-fourth and L Sis.. South Omaha. Harpster, paper hanging, paint'g. R, 510L C. A. Lewis, Orpbeum Buffet- 1509 Har. S. H. Cole Blgn Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam Maggard Van 8c Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 14oii,B-242a. Linotype composition for trade. D. 242S. Miss Bolen, ladles' tailor. 302 Boston store FROST manufactures and repairs ve hicles. 1108-1413 Leavenworth. Upholstering, piano, (urn. rep. 2804 Far. fiff,Trrc COSTELLOS Omaha Cut ELASTIC stockings, supporters and bondages; stock always new, because we sell so many. Trusses iittea. everything guaranteed. W. G. Cleveland Drug Co., the largpHt surgical supply house. 1410-12 Hartley St. SEE Miss Eva Lang with the Wood ward stock company at the American theater. If Charles Tompkins, 2006 Maple St., will come to The Bee office within three days wo will give him an order for a pair of tickets. AUTOMOBILES HONKSsSHONK HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND lath and Harney St. LION cars do most work for least money. It. B. Held, 4Jo' Brandels Bldg FOR BALE 5-passenger Stoddard-Day-ton, in excellent condition. Harney 1737. mTntyueTauto co. AUTO BARGAINS IS USED CARS. PFEIFFER Aut0- "rrlage painting. WHOLESALE prices oa oil. Doug. 6268. I will sell my 60 H. P. miniature Ton niau Motor Car which I have driven sbout 7.000 miles ut an exceedingly in teresting figure. This car cost over C500 new, and If you are interested In a strlctlv high grade car of this type and appreciate ouallty It will pay you to address A-463 Bee. DRISCOLL. auto painting. 209 N. 15th. TIRES OMAHA RUBBER COM PANY. t very thing la rubber. J. H. Diiscoll. auto painting. 209 N. 16th. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. Council fluffs, la., Oct. 10, 1!U1. Boo Publishing Co. . Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: We received from our AD in your paper last month over 100 replies. Please con tinue for another month. Yours Truly, Alleshouse & Co., By L. Solomon. 0 The reason why Bee want-ads ing faster than any paper AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) AUTO Tire Repairing Cos. 1922 Farnam. You need no guarantee when we do the work; best workmen, lowest price. KF.W autns at half price: going out of business. For particulars write D-455. care Boe. FOR SALE Cheap, 30-horsepower Jack son touring car; uO-horsepower Kissel touring car; must be sold at once. K 40, Bee. 1912 Page-Detroit runabout used two months, guaranteed for ten months, good as new, with extra top, two extra casings, Presto tank, for quick sale, 1626. Address G-4D8 Bee. HOW about your gasoline motorT Does It run smoothly? Jf not Bend loo postage for "Engine Trouble" text book. Breese Carbureters, Newark, N. J. 8EVF-RAL second-hand automobiles from $125 up; all In good running order. Showalder, 2515 Leavenworth St. ELRCTRIC CARS FOR SAIE. Two Woods coupes, 1 Columbus victoria, 1 Columbus stanhope, 1 Babcock victoria, 2 Waverly coupes. If you contemplate buying an electric see us. We have Just what vou are looking for. Prices right. P. & F. Eloctrto Garage. 2318 Harney St. BUSINESS CHANCES To get In or out or butslnejs call on GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D.-3477. FOR SALE Meat market and grocery combined in a '.own of bout 1,500, In one of the best counties in Nebraska. Sales 2o,000 per year. Doing a spot cash busi ness. A good opportunity for tne right man. Reasons for selling, have other busi ness Interests. Will sell meat maraot separate, it preferred. Address X &t, care ot the Bee. LARGE building for sale or rent, suit able for hotel, manufacturing or any other business. Address Box B, Dexter, la. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good business; owner lias other business. Ad dress S 411, Bee. BOTTLING PLANT Cheap for cash. In good town In central Neuraaka; good trade, large territory. Address Y 1&L care Bee. 2-CHAIR shop; 3 living rooms. G 344, Bee. 14TH ST. BUSINESS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE CO. Hardware, grocers, hotel, pool rooms, baruer shop, saloons, etc., for sale; some good bargains in real estate. Ill S. 14th St., second Hour, rooms 1 and 2. Ed Kolhery, president. BUSINESS AND INVEST MENT Auto garage, machine shop and run ning business; also building occupied and two frame houses if desired. This Is a great opportunity for some one. See J. W. HASP CO. 689 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE 8200, only grocery store, within 25 blocksj living rooms; good busi ness; rent, 810 per month. Best reasons for this sacrifice. Address 37th and Curtis Ave. Automatic Phone Bus's, 82; residence, tl FOR SALE A local view wholesale photographic post card factory; good business; best of reasons for selling. G. J. Crook, Falls City, Neb. FOR SA LE 812,000.00 stock of Imple ments, hardware and furniture, which did toO.OOO.oO business In 15 montns. Will sell any part of It or all together. Good town in eastern central Nebraska; near est town is 8 miles away, oniy complete stock In town, cjulck action required. Amnion Hardware Co., David City, Neb. FOR SALE Prosperous monument business; best In Sioux City; 8lv,ouo, or less required. Address Y b, care Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-rooin house apartment; splendid locauou; walking o. lance. Phone Red tiU-L PHYSICIAN, experienced, wishes to find a good location In Nebraska; N. W, part preferred. Address, Y 10, care Bee. GOOD bakery, big bargain. 704 South 16. DENTISTS. NOTICE Fine location to associate with phys. and surgeons; rent only Call 442, Om. Nat l bank Illug. FOR a dainty dessert use Daliell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Miller, i:io Howard St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. CAPITA UMTS! INVESTORS! Why take chances on "fakes ' when you can secure your Investment by murtgago on most profitable fruit land In the stale of Colorado? Let us show you what a combination of "Gulden West" and ' Uuiuta opportunity," backed by "West ern Enterprise, can do. Address L 462, care Bee. WANTED Young man to join two other young men In well established paying business. 8200 required. Must be a hustler and one with office experience preferred. S 298. Bee. FOR SALE Small stock millinery; everything new; good location. Address X 2. care Bee. FOR SALE City pool parlor; a snap for cash; other business. W. L. Bassett. Lohrville, Ia. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room. Fine opening for home bakery. Rent cheap. Phone Harney 6248. RESTAITRANT for sale, good location, cheap. 1623 Leavenworth. WANTED Partner In a well estab lished real estate business; must be a hustler. Address 146V, The Bee. AN OPENING FOR A VARIETY STORE. If you think of starting a store I ran help you, as 1 make It my business to know the different locations where new retail stores are needed. know about towns. Industries, popula tion, etc.. In many parts of the conntrv. I know many places whrre new stores can start with a small capital with popular priced goods pay a profit from the beginniiiaf possibilities limited by your own ambition and caimcitv. No charge for Information, Including free 2iu page book, telling how to run a re tail store. Address H 409 Bee. 78 CENTS WEEKLY buys Inside city lot near exclusive residences. Proposition safe, profitable, honest; population Cart ton, 61.0UU; si-owing fast; lots average 916 Bank referent ea; booklet frsas. Norman C. Raff, Canton, o. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) A STOCK or bond Hs ic wanted; facili ties and connections jor dlnposal of rail road, mining snd .1 Binifnt turltig Issues of mrirlt. Ftnley-Cnok A. Co., Hockefel lor Bldg.. Cleveland, O." PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY. Rooks. Advice. Search and VIFV, Bond sketch or model for anarch. Highest reference. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'r 622 F. St., N. W. Washington, D. C. IF you want a business that will pay you 8fi00 and can Invest $1,000 or some good trade, address F 467, Bee. , LET ITS start you In a profitable busi ness: Sell dress goods, fancy linens, Jew elry, women's and children's clothing. Different line from stores. Neighbors, friends, everyone buys. We furnish everything. Our capital backed by your energy. Biggest profits. Exclusive terrl tory. Build permanent Income. Write for catalogue and samples. New Idea Dress Goods Co., Dept. 534, St. Louis, Mo. PATENTS secured or money refunded. Send sketch for free report as to patent ability. Guide book and what to Invent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent free. One million dollars offered for Inventions. Patents advertised free In World's Prog ress, sample free. Victor J. Evans & ?o., Washington. D. C. START an Independent business for yourself; get our book of practical mail order ' propositions; circulars free. Mackensle.462 Masten St., Buffalo, N. Y. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Est ab. Ilshed automobile manufacturing concern In Indiana, with large plant, has opening for capable man who can Invest 810,001 and become a director ana secretary oi the company. Address Y 8. care Bee. FOR SALE Albion Milling Co. plant and real estate or controlling stock in terest with manager's position. Ask Dr. Barns. Albion, Neb. MAKE $10 for $1. Join our land syndi cate; $100 cash or 81 weekly will make 31.000. Agents wanted. Address Todd Hvdro Electric Power Co., Tombstone, Afrls." FOR SALE CHEAP IJverv stock: good location, Grand Island, Neb. Ad dress communications to Kaumans tiros Grand Island, Neb. Rooming Houses for dole. FURNITURE, 22-room flHt. Always full; money maker, wa uurt 8 ROOMS; money maker; close In; $100. 704 South 16. FCRNTTURE 22-room flat; always full; money maker. 1422 Burt. BUSINESS PERSONALS Acoustic Companies. GENERAL Acoustlo company; Instru ments for Uis deaf. 645 Ora. Nat. Bank. Accountants. . t MELVILLE D. THOMAS, 1201 City Nat. Bank Bldg. BEFORE and after the shows visit ths OLYMPIA for los cream and candles. Architects. C. J- Bowell. architect, 671 Brandels Bldg. Artesian Wells. L. E. NEBKRGALL. 10U-12 City Nat'L Asphalt, Gravel and nooflnar. MICA ROOFINO CO.. 109 S. 10th. Attorneys. O. W. Shields, attorney, 127 B. of Trad. L18TON L HALL. LAWYER. 41. Bee, Baa Hasslsetsrera, EMI8 OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Neb. Baggage aud Taxloaha. THE ONLY WAT. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs and touring cars. Tel. Douglas M, TAXICAB8, $2 an hour. D. 178. Bakeries. TIP-TOP bread th beat. Webster 1031 A. B. COKOH. bakery. Webster 1141. DOMESTIC bakery; quality. 2408 Cuming. Barber Sheps. FIRST-CLASS barber shop. 60S N. 18th. Be Bldg. barber shop, tonsorlal artiste. Doc 8. S. Stewart, hair cutUng. 217 8.19th Ideal Lady Barber Shop. W. O. W. bldg. Valldlng- and Loan Assoclatlvata. NEBRASKA Savings fc Loan Associa tion has never paid less than per cent dividends. Investments from $1 to 85,009 received. 16u Farnam St.. Omaha. Bicycles and Motorcycle. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago. Indian Motorcycles, write for catalogue. Bill Posting. OMAHA BUI Posting Co.. Douglas 3084. Bird Stares. BIRDS, dogs, gold fish, cages. Msg Celsler Bird Co., 1617 Farnam St. Boa and Package Maaafactarwrs. Wooden Box Package Co.. 1511 N. 16th. Carpenters and Contractors. W. V. Deverell, contractor, Itarng Bid. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. A. Llnborg, carpenter, contractor. H .'!. Carpets, Mags and Draperies. J. H. rcult aV Son Co.. 11th it Farnam. polcaii & cu"ff :"r pets, atik portlers, carpet cleaning. Lta gj. 24. It. 2321, A-CU. are grow- i in the west. 8 BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Caterers. E. S. Fead, wedding cakes. 1519 Leav'h. Chiropodists and Manlenrlng. DR. ROY, chiropodist 1608 Farnam. Monhfilt chiropodist, manlouring, Ctty Nat'l Bank. Douglas ZXU; Ind. A-U38. Prof. J. Lund, chropodlst. 416 Klrbach. Cigars and Tobacco. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Douglas. La Truda high-grade Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar, 6a THE Sanitary Crown Pipe. 115 8. lTh. Monopnle Cigar Store, Her Grand Hotel. Cleaners and Clothes Dyers. INGRAMA'N'S Bultorlum. 318 8. 10th. D. 4687. Full dress suits for rent. Clothing Maauiaetarera. Wear Ideal dross shirts. M. K. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. Powers-! leaf ey Coal Co., Tel. D. 88. 6utter Feed Sk Coal Co.. 286J Far. H. 646. COAL At cut prices. All KINDS. W save you 60c to 81.60 per ton. "The Home uf Uualltv r 1 Rosenblatt s Cut Price Coal Co., 1223 Nicholas SU Both 'Phone Updike "quality yd.," 46 at Dodge. H. 73?. NEW coal yard. 84th and Grand Ave. George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 681. . REEDER COOKING COAL LET ME TELL KUU AUooi IT D. 1583. C. A. WESTERF1ELD. A-1&63. C 8. Johnson, coal. 18th lsard. I 'phones. $6 COAL, lis good, try It. Ask Webster 848. Harmon & Weetn. OH! you Paradise Coal! The money saver. Jeff W. Bedford Co. Both PhoneY COAL HILL for economical coat. Phone us; both phones. Coffee, Tea, Spices and Isgar, Moyune Tea Co.. 408 N. 11 Both phones ALFRED C. KENNEDY. - , Fire and Tornado insurance Creameries, Dairies and Soppllos. fls First Nat l Bank. Doug. a. Milk, cream. Fer-mll-lao. Alamito. D. 411. John Dale at Son. insurance, 310 Ramg. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. INSURE IN THE GLEN FALLS. DAVID COLE CUEAMEHY COMPANY Rhodes-Montgomsry Co. Ins. Ramge Bl. Douglas Co. Milk Producers Asso. Q-Ult "TALK TO VE8Y. "ths policy p.0.r,.. ELGIN Sanitary Dairy. Epperson Bros., Iron and Wire f encing. proprietors. " " Anchor Fenc Co., 107 N. 17th. Tsl. Red ill Collection Agencies. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO.. 121-23 I"'1"' U""" " First National Bank. Douglas 3041. Jewelry and clothing bargains. 201 8. 13th. kmdScitFE OET our brll,n ' Reynolds' Cut kinds. 1301 city nsj 1 pans. D. 2710. A-4464. Kat. j,w.iry store. 106 8. lsth. ' Computing Scnles Company. OPEN up a charge account with us. A Mandelberg, Jeweler. 1622 Farnam. MONEY Weight Scales Co. 1117 Farnam. Cornice? and Steel Ceilings. I.aaa4rlfl. . . iTTT , . FRENCH Hand Laundry1. Tel. H. 6824. , CARTER Steel Metal Worka, Omaha. ; ,. 1ST-CLA8S laundry; guaranteed dellv- 1 Dancing Acadeaalea. try. Call on short notice. Harney 6371 Miss Vary Coil's classes and assemblies EMERSON Laundry, 1301 N. 24th bL reopen at Cietghton Institute hall, mil Ho Both phones. I8U1. on Tuesday. Oct. lu. Tei. W. bbM. ' Guarantee Laundry High-grade work. Turpln s. 836 Psxton Blk. Classes Mon. Doug. 3371. Wed. and Sat. Prlv. lesson daily, D. IdW. ' ' ' Lightning Hods. Morand s, 16 ft Harney, Dancing lessons Monday and Friday. 8 p. m. Botn phones. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co., 306 N. 17th. Mackle's Dancing Academy, 1811 Harney. Lnaaber. " Daily classes Mull.. 'Ihurs.. Bat evenings. Chambers reopens Soot 26. Doug. ls7L Oross. Lumber at Wrecking Co.-Bar. ' gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and MISS ESTHER KOHSITEft'8 school of "tr" fitting, list and Paul. Web. !! dancing, Metropolitan club, 2,jt il.rnev Kt ; assemblies every Friday evening 6 Machinery and opplira. p m Phone Douglas 2057. I . GASOLINE engines, cream sepeirators. Mis Jewel Simpson. Tel. Webster 249L Pwer washers. Olds Gas Power Co., tuoj t Farnam St Dentists. Monoseents and Maasoleanas. Bsll.y. the dentist, 706 City Natl. D. 2R61 J. F. Bloom A Coh snd C.tmlng St.. Taff. dental roon... 1617 Doug. D. w Macaroni M.a.f.ct.rcr.. IIACII aV MACH. Id fl. Psxton. D. 1086. . Skinner's maccaronl A spaghetti; pk., 10c DR. FICKE8. 724 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. . Z. Milliners-. DR. DAILEY, 801 Brandels Bldg. D. 373 i PENNELL. Millinery, R. I. Psxton Blk. Dr. Gsantner, over Merchant's Dg. slot ... . ,., : .. ; Latest fall millnery. Rauber, 1424 8. 18th. Dr. O.A. Gsantner, 719-22 City Nat D. 4837 ' . . MRS 8. RICHARDS, latest fall stylea DR. WILLIAMS. 869-91-3-6 Biandels Bdg Second floor C 1y National bank Bldg. Pit ELS'I'Eit, SU2 City Nat I Bk. Bldg. Mosle, Art and l.aagaages. Dr. H. W. Allwlne. N. E. Cor. 16th A Doug. If A VEN J- iTleacher ot clarionet Dressnaaklag. UASiDSUSt no vlolllt. 43 8. H. H 6099. ... ' STRAWN'- E- P'no tsachsr, sight LADIES Tailoring, gown and dresses. reading. 819 S. 17th. D 74K3. Misses Williams and Oddway returned " ' "' from abroad. 222 N. 23d, Apartment 3. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. Davldge Blk. Terry's Dressmaking College, 20th A Far MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and or- : ganlst. 12 Baldrlge Blk. Harney 868. Dressmaking, plain sawing, 809 8. 21st at. ' 1 Francis Potter, teacher, mandolin, SEWING by day. Phone Web. 3718. guitar and banjo. Baiuilge Blk. D. 8o5J. Drngglsts. Moving, floras nnd tleaulng. REX Drug Stors. 16lh and California. OMAHA Van A Storage Co., cleans . 1 your carpets on your floors; electno Pure Drugs. Crlssey Pbar., 14th A Lake, vacuum cleaners. 804 St. 161b; 3u9 a IJth. Diu. 4161. Detectives. ,7 , i 1 CALL Vernor for moving snd fire- Omaha secret s.rMc. detective sg.ncy. Ttotl'iHliu UU"- Inc. bonded. 428-9 Paxton Bk. D. 1319, A-ui wl ''uuc- J J ripT T CdRMAi-K 111 i.,, t EXPRE8SMEN"8 Delivery Co. Moving: CAPT. T. COHMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. fumltuie packing; fireproof slorage" Ci; JAB. ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tyler lul vlUcm' 'M lii"' uu- W; iud- B Ivv.rrthl.g Klectrlsal. Twin City Express, 1314 Howard. Both Tel Central Electric STflgtur V. 1368. 'Uf ",OV i 'JllTl hr' W' " SECOND-HAND kLECTRIC FANS BOQUETT, express snd storage. W. 6271 dynamos. Igmiiiig oyuamoa, inolurs. r'i. Cols Express A Storage C. 161 Csp. ira t,airs. LeBioii. 3i3 b. 12ib ot. Doug. Jij, ' , v m Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 iioward, D eat Ossters. S.I.CI.1C lighting fix, wnoiesai. andjrun. pavld Cole OystTo. Wholesale only Johnston Electric Co.. 411 B. IQthJC. Altc. Johnson, lolTtTrandel. Th Bldg. Polh Else Co. Motor repairing. V. mnn NlkolM atTBTandsl. Thwt.r. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) florists. A. Donahue, 1601 Farnam. D. 100L A-10O1. JENSEN, florist, 4512 Leavenworth. HESS t SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8U. rrmvKIl Dots, all uses Th. Ne braska Seed Co., 1618 Howard. Doug. UtU. Stewart's, florist as seedsmen, 11 N. 11 PAULSEN. Florist. 1711 Brown St. L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. D. U61 BATH'S, FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bdg. BRAN DEIS FLORIST. Brandels Bldg. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 117. rnrnaeea and Stove Repairs, FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS to fit your stone or heater. New furnace, laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating Omaha stove Repair Worka. lJOH-Ktri Douglas St. Tel Douglas WO. Ind. A -Htlll. A. MONROE, Agt. for the Modern Nov. elty warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully given. Doug. 40o6. 408 8. Wth. Olson Bros., turnlc repairs. 2670 Leav'th. TIQIANE h e' t,-mPb"11- furnaees liuwutu g. furnac repairs. D. 23iL W. 8. Heaton, Amer. furnaces. H. Flosr Mad la Oasaha. UPDIKE8 Prld of Omaha Plour. Feed Mills and I tores. Feed, all kinds, Uleneos Mills. 131 lsard. Foaadrtes. M DONALD brass snd bronis foundry, aluminum, tin snd lead castings. 16th and Jackson Sts. Fars. West. Fur, Co., repairs remodels. 1324 Far. WE need muskrats, mink, skunk and coon to supply our heavy demand. We tun hides, make fur coats and other furs. Write for price lists. Pember's Hide A Fur House, I "rawer 16, Onawa, la. Groceries and Meats. Chapman's quality meats. 1408 Cuming. AH A MO Coffe. 1-lb tins, loo. Ask grooer Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Cornish A Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. Wlchert. harness, leather goods. 630 8. 11 Hospitals. WISE MEMORIAL, 14th and Harney. Bethany Hospital, 2564 Marry. D. 2881 SWEDISH MISSION HOSPITAL. Two phones. '3708 N. 24 In St. Iasaranoe. H. B. BYRNE, surety bonds. Insurance. Tel. D. 1320. Ind. A-1503. 603 City Nat. Bk. Fir- WHEELER WKLPTON-He.lth Bonds INSURANCE Accident Burglary ALL KINDS Liability Plate Glass Automobile 1611 Dodge Hirnei. rnone Douglas 186. iKSimK In the Woodmen of ik. World. The world's greatest organisa tion. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued. j Optlelaas. B. T. Wurn, fitting A rep'g. 441 Brsndels. ETF.R EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED Satisfaction guaranteed. Huleson Gnu cal Co., 216 8. 16th St. GET your eyes examined by a licensed optometrist; save your eyesight, also money, tsandwall Jewelry Co., 308 8. 16th MEET me at Aaron's, 16th and Farnam F.YFS TESTED and GLASSES EX-JUlx-O pKRTLY FITTED, d-o 71- T Dean I. Gregg. Reg. Optician. Up relate and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. lflOOVs Farnam. Ind. A-3.121; Douglas 476. W do Plotur framing and glsslng Special Discount this month on Paint. Glass. Varnishes and Wall Paper. Patents. HIRAM A. STURQE8, patent lawyer. V. 8. and foreign patenta. trademarks and eoyprlghts; 85 years experience, 648 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 84su D. O. Barnell, Paxtoa Blk. Tel. Red m?. Wlllard Kddy U. B. Pat. attorney and solloltor. 1680 City Nat. Bk. Tyler 1530, Pane Cwnapaales. Western Psper Co., 16th snd Howard. Pawnbrokers. Bargains In watches, overcoats. 601 N. 11 Photographers. Rlnehart. photographsr. 18th ga Fmrnam. O'Neill, artlstlo photographer. 116 a. 15th. Bandberg's 8tudlo. 107 8.16th. Takeelev. MANGOLD'S STUDIO. 1680 DOUQLAg. Rembrandt studio, portraits. 20 4V rari Photographic Sappilos. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1811-t Famam. In their new store; branch store SO 8. 161 h St. Physletane. PR. ELEANOR DAILEY. 1518 Woo;, worth. Red 6187. Plating. OMAHA SILVER CO., 814 a llth. riaraabers. Omaha Plumbing Co., Mil Sherman Ave. Plumbing Call Wessman. H. 8001, A-2027. Beverness as Ohys. Tyler 137., A-ls.j. Plumbing and Ileating Vros1 REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 1471. T. F. BALFE, plumbing and hsating. 1601 Howard St. Vs.. D. 'i42. Ind. A-;'7lL Printing. PERFECT typewritten letters mad la largest weatern letter factory. Mangum at CO., Printing, Ilia. Dodge. Both phones. H. Ledyard, printer. 818 8. 19. D. 661. Low. W. Raber, Printer .S" na ous. 101 a BEE BLDG. KM HANOI ON COUHl'. AM. Printing Co.. 8304 Cuming. D. 5847. Phone Ind. A -2620 fur good printing. Lingstad Printing Co., 16th A Capitol Ave. Rl-liall Ptg. Co. 109 8. 14th. Ind. A-1521 TIMES Printing Co., 820 8. 19th. D. 218. Mesiaorants. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best 25o meal. 320 8. 19th bt. Drexel cafe; popular prices. 630 N. 18th. Baxter's fine quick lunch. 1616 Farnam. QET ths habit; eat at Unoeda, Cap. Ave, New Eng. bakery, bast lunch. 212 N. win. Little Hungry, good meals. 117 N. 15th. BALTIMORE cafe; everything In season 1 best service, good cooking. 704 N. loth. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AltKINS, 216 8. 10th. I'pstalrs. MODEL rest, best service. 1609 Howard. GONZALES, Spanish cafe, 1016 Farnam. UNIQUE Restaurant, 20? 8. 14th first class chop suey bouse; American and Chinese dishes. Bam Joe, Aianager. yAltuncn vaie; quality, good cook lnsr: fine lluuors. Private dlnimt r..n.. 1208 Farnam. - HOME cooking. Morris Cafe. 316 8. 20. Safety llasors. SAFETY rsxors sharpened. 320 Ramgs Bd Seeds. PLANT Biu Grass now. Th Ni braska Seed Co., 1611 Howard. rD. 12S1. tkoesnakcrs and Shlalag Parlors. . Nebraska Machine Shoe Repairing Co.. Good work while you wall, sis 8. loth Bt C. Morgan, lst-class shoe repairs 2607 Leav. Omaha Eleo. Shoe Repairing. 41 Cuming. Csonka Bros.. Mach. Sho Hr,air m 8. 161 h St NEW corner, shos repairs. 23 enworth. Sporting tiooda. NEW shopworn guns at low hh. Townssnd Gun Co.. 1614 Farnajn. Stasnnaerlag and Stnttarlng. STAMMERING and stuttering . JULIA VAUGHN, Ramgs Bldg. Stool Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company, 14tb and Nicholas. D. 18s. Stenographers aad Conrt Reporters. MYRTLE A. KELLEY. deDotlil.r.. ... 508 Brandels Theater. D. buU. ' Estells D. Richards, Steno, Millard hotel. Star aad Office lataroa. T. H. Wei rich Fixture Co., storm windows- ...III BinrLr IVK A',77 I-.. i- -T W" nw.m, .. ww. ' liewt . MUi Ob Storm Doors aad Windows. Omaha Wn'dow hern. Co. 84 N. 16 D. ilil Tailoring. 6INNA. tailor, cleans clothes. D. 1L'4 WHS ara now located at 805 ito. block. B. O. Kuftucr iailorlng Co. HAVE Tailor Beck make your fall smu Dunham A Dunham, 815 suits. 11 . Malony, tailor, 320 S. 16th. Bulls 130 to 8.4. FOR TAILORS Ws make hUh-ei..- coals; reasonable prices. AM Boston store JOHN A. RYLEN. tailor, makes .uaa Clothes. 406 8. 16th. D. tM2 samuel A Ricklln. tailors. 1X1 8. 11 D. 4711 CHAS. C. LANDKRYOU. faU lultinw. a dUplay. 118 City National bamk U.