10 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATT7RDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1911. Brandeis Stores Show the Qnfy of Women's Smart Suits, Coats and Dresses Every woman knows the great advantage of cbosing her apparel from scores of styles instead of from two or three models. The fact that Brandeis styles are always strictly correct and that Brandeis varieties always offer three or four times as large a selection as you find elsewhere accounts for the prestige and the popularity of Brandeis 6uit department. The greater majority of Omaha's well dressed women always buy here. ' . " - 1 mlifMifiri' Greatest Sale of Women's Untrimmed Hats Ever Held in Omaha $4.00 and $5.00 Values at $1.50. Mora tban 2,000 of tbee stunning: readr to trim baU In th.aaaoo 'g very neweat larja and imall gnapa, mad of beautiful black Mlk vel vet with colored Ductacas aatln top, two-toned ' and aolfd color hata- many hatg auttabla for avanlni wr None of these hats worth lew . than $3.50 and many of them worth $5.00, Your unrestricted' choice, second floor, at ( fJ $150 EVA LANG HATS and SK TRIMMED BEAVER HATS Brandeis hnts at $5 have all the ntyle, the smart appearance and the stunning' trim mings that others would aak $10 for. The trimmed Beaver hats , are rery. popular, no are the clever Eva Lang .' " CK hats, at i MISSES' AND GIRLS' SCHOOL HATS Trimmed with silk cords, bows of velvet rib. bon and quill effects, in black,, red, brown and navy, for girls 6 to 15 CM An years, at....... . . . . ,i)X 70 IN BASEMENT MTLLTNERY -DEPARTMENT. Desirable, becoming fall and winter hats, all new shapes, new trimmings and Jj Zf up-to-date colors, at ..... . ... .all) JLeOU - f- Fresh Cut ROSES Regularly $1 a Dozen, All Colors 39c Saturday at per Dozen . ALSO BIO SALE OF BOSTON FERNS. ; . . Cut Flower Department. inri CALLING CARDS RAr AW Pompeian Room PrlnUry CJlV Jour name printed in the latest-1D11 Old. English or 6cript types on best ' grade of linen Cards 100 for 50c ' " . ' ' . Wedding stationery at reduced prices. sr. 21 , V m mi 4 1 ' ' w&Jwi ' ;; mm . I i r i ft g! "tjMjf t! M Several groups of new suits and coats go on special 6ale Saturday, and they are all fine dependable garments priced below their regular values. Special Sale of Women's and Hisses' FALL TAILORED SUITS at 519 Several hundred suits in this group have just reached us. Some were made to sell for $25 Others are valued at $27.50. Every suit is an. unusual bargain at $19. ' 'Here are fine serges, mixtures, novelty cloths, etc. They all show the popular new style features. No suit JTi f. that you could buy anywhere else at $27.50 ll f ( would give you better satisfaction than one of these, at i Serial fr4fiQ flOA T '1 J O. C1 150 for Wemei If you were to "pay $17.50 or $20.f)0 for one of these suits elsewhere you JU61- as gooa eausiacuon. . . , - These suits are very, well tailored and nave a 6mart, dressy appearance, ine materials are mixtures, v serges and the popular basket weaves. Strictly tailored suits or prettily trimmed effects. You'll not find another group like this for 112 !ff $15 $20 Winter Cloaks at $12!l JS 50 for Women isses In this group. are plush coats.'all lined broadcloth coats in colors and black, plain and fancy coats, mixtures, double faced materials. There isn't a more up-to-date,-Btylish:lot of medium priced Qn cloaks in imana tnan tms. mere are nundreas to v choose from. Not one is worth a cent less than $15, and most of them are worth up to $20. Special lot on sale, at SILK AND WOOL DRESSES For Women and Misses Tha 'moRt popular,-practical dresaea of tba aearon. Mads In the .rlevrat ' etylea for fall and winter, and there JCtSE'Sr.!! SlO'.'and $15' WOMEN'S and MISSES' COATS New arrivals, mixtures, reversible cloths, fine plushes and caraculs, broadcloths, coats with big sailor collars, etc., $19, $22.50, $25 Valsts Womea'e . dainty walata of chiffon, maeallne. aatln, taffeU and plain colored Beta, $7.60 valuea, at . . J 55, Women' allk, chiffon, meaaallne and taffeta walata. worth M and (6. at.. ...$2.03 Vomon'a ' all linen tailored waiata., all 'new teaturea, many atyleft. at ....... . Q8 BASEMENT SPECIAL WOHEN'S LONG CLOAKS Big aaflortment of good, warm, atyllah win ter cloaka of novelty ciotne. neavy cnev- iot and aome all lined broad clothe acorea of blaeka, bluea and mlxturea. .Actually worth 910 and $12.60. at... $5 ' II fr : my v i ' S 1 r 1 ' I ' ' f '1 ' - i f i ' i it . I ki I 5 J Coats Semi Store OLD, Store Best Place in Omaha to Buy SHOES Of High Quality at a Practical Price The "Suffragette" WALKING SHOES. In tan calfskin. A hew shipment just received of these popular shoes. The nobbiest, most ex- treme wide toe model ' out this season; short vamps, : block toe, ' paired buttons and 1V inch high top; $o95 , all sizes at. O BOYS' "SHOD RITE' SHOES Juat aa good as ahoes can be made. They are poal Uvely the beet shoe aold In Omaha at. anywhere near the price. These ahoea are not heavy or coarse, but are light, eaay and comfortable. Dull leathers In button or Jblucner styles, or patent C2S II ma I " I I ' I m BRANDEIS DRUG DEPARTMENT In Pompeian Room TSe Pempalan . Masxir Crem .4'jo SPe Milk WeeiJ Cream.. 34o 2io Sanltol Kac Ctm lo 2(e Dr. Grave Tooth POWllcr for 18o tic Bacltol Tooth Past. t i S0o White Ko. Jockey clyb or Loouet Bloscora rertume, per ox S9o lOo Pond VanUhlna cream Kill Hair Tonic is gur- anted to stop the hlr from falling, price.- $1 I lb. 20-Wule Team borax. for .... a 'Zte bottle "Hydrogen Pero- lde for e S cakes Ivory Boap lao ltc Llquozone eoep...... 60 2he Shlnola Outfit a.nd l"c box Phtnol for 830 1 An Unu (Ann 9 r 1 a I Wonderful PricinJ Again Another lot of $25 grade "Omaha" H98 Sewing El Machines at. . Saturday in Pompeian . Boom. BHAUDEIS For Children-rSpecially Priced.. Children's winter coats In all the newest fea tures of the season vaxioua colors and white 2 to 6-epeclal lota at 81.9S. S2.50 d - ..33.50 Chlldten's cloth coats fine mixtures and plain . cloths ages !. to -14 ..years three , very spe cial lota at $3.08;$3,98 sad. ..-..$5.00 Saturday Candy Specials In Pompeian Room OooosLBnt Xlsaes Pure and fresh, vanilla, chocolate anal strawberry flavors, 80o qual ity, Saturday spa-' elal. lb. .lfio Vompelaa' . Bitter Brweets Pure rult flavors. Our 'own make, 'the kind : with . those luscious, creamy centers, regularly 40c a lb.,i Satur day, lb. ....... ao XapU llclous fectlon dipped tnapla maple balls cream Chewlnc Oum All klnd: i-packages for .. Day De Maple Con- s Maple earamela, nut . klasea. eoooanut and maple center, SOo leather button styles; sizes 1 to 6 are $2.76; sizes less than 1 at. aU Men's High Class Shoes for $2.40 Tans and blacks, dull'leathers and 6ome patent-leathers. They are worth $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 ; all good styles, with $ C)40 Goodyear welted soles, on sale at. .-. . . .J Fashionable HAIR GOODS On Second Floor and Pompeian Room The new. and .autlful Psyche Foundation and Switches! especially-adapted for the low -Vtfecta so much In demand at present'. Made of good quality natural wavy half. soiling 98 , . rzz'zr-fX. -. . PUFFS . PMfyML'i 6t good hair; tltfWM&W' tor : . v. . ... . . . .riS.:'.Xi' i"2,'4 Cluster Puffs.-.only, SWITCHES 80 and. 32-lnch Wavy Hair Switches $10 values, ' at .... .$5.98 Natural .Wvy- Switches of ,$5 value.-each . .$2,49 ROLLS Large assortment of hair nets, choice of the lot at 2, for :..5i Gold n4", silver. tfeta.lUX; tassels at'. . . 5X We 'do nWnicuring,-6hWpooing and hair dressing. v Turbao pads at. . . .23 24-inch washable rolls at 350 Traasfoncnatlons, .made to go alllaiouad the head, - $5 values ....$2.98 felgpRS : NOREGISTERED Antf-Aiis.exa.tioBists Declare Many Sai&ea on Petition Are Void. EAVEBXY. WILL CANVASS LIST sax as the PetttlOB ts.Made Be. rm ikt Coialr Coaiulttlnfn tr Ma-atita Keort ta . Be Ma4e Kti't Week. . Daalaraitocs that they ivr Blrned .the Pmaiia-Sou(b Omaha merger - petitions Snd. that they never authorised the sign. ng af their names to the petitions were bade to the Board of County Coinmis. klooara by Harry Q. Counsnvan.' deputy bouaty assessor, and Morris Tost - of feoutb Omaha Friday morning. Their taxae wtn lie atricken from the petitions. Cttr Attorney Henry. C. Murphy of outh Omaha, aa anU-annexationist. do t!ard the list of unregistered signers'1 of the petition shows that many prominent Omaha men are not registered and : ap parently . take no part in any elections. Wmoog them, he said, are Ourdon W. U'fcBJea, bead of the traction company. 4 Victor B. Caldwell. i Attaok oa the Omaha petition for a IsiaeaUi eleoUoa on the proposed annexe bos C South Omaoa was made befn (the Board of County Csmmiiednncrs at JUs mertlivg Friday ' morning en the ground that of the S.1M namea on the pe tition l.40 . are names of unregistered Voters and should not.be counted. If the irontenUoa provue well founded there can no special elecUun and the vote will t dla.yd at least anoUier year, a the reraonnal at the queatloned names from the petition would reduce the aumber of liroturM to VUa. whJoli is far less than the required 10 per oeat of remistered toters. The petition oan spare about SuO anes aud still can be valid, but a greater number oaacot be spared. The county commissioners appointed. bounty Clerk O. M. Haverty to canvas kiA ootnire the petiUon and the Uet ot kllced 'unregistered . signer and report M a ticLsi meeting uf the commlsslo. fcrs aext Thursday. - . . 1 City Attorney Henry. C Murphy. Mayor fH. J. Tralnar and Attorney b. L. Win . sll of South Ctnaha. Cled the l!t K aliased unregistered votets snd de elided the rtcvw John P. Breea, at (turr.ey for the annxat;onlsta. ocnsenied po the canvass. From OmaKa's Near Neighbors Clkhora. Mis. Suttlye of Grand Island has been time visiting tor several days. . ' ' Material lor the Nolle olevator ta ar riving and erection will soon begin. Jamts Cslvert of Clearwater. Neb., ar rlvl TiiekJay to visit his mother, Mi. B. F. Calvert. ...... C P. Betts and lrry Wlnteibura e livered euro to the lxwcen dt Seetus eie vator this week. Mrs P. O ijofeldt entertained the Solo club Friday. A good time was had. Mrs. Hoteiat eived a dainty tdncb. Mrs. lnninger, tortnsrly Mlv Minnie Felier. is hre vielting . her aunt, Mrs. fer miner, and other telaUves. ' Mr and Mrs. Charles Lamb leave today for their home In Perkins county, having Int aeverai weeks here' with Mrs Lamb's parents, Mr, and Mr. F. Lance. . The carr-entare r putting the flash ing touches oo the Bierba-k houfe. It will soon be In readiness for the painters.' The (ajnlly epevt to move in about a month. . O. D Eewton and family, who have bfn away for several wetks vlsiflng. will return the first of the week. Mr. e tua .will - resume, his dutie as . agent at the depot. The C. C club met Thursday at Mrs. Henry Bay's. About eighteen women were prtnt and enjoyed the afternoon St progressive high flvie. Mra. - J. W. Houeley won first oris, while Mr. J. A. Cilbbons won contolattun. Mrs. Bay served a delicious I'inch. bhe was aeeleted by her - slaters. Miksea Minnie and Ella Clausen. Tke Yellow Peril. ' 3undlce nialarta -m blltousneM. . vanUhct whea tr. Kings New Llfo puis are tafcn. 5uarntyl. . :$. . For sale by X-v'.i'r. Iiug Cj. Tte Merrnant Who Hss the Goods la r-e On Vho Let the Public Know, it tlliru AUteiu- in 'ike ' ... Blair. . : P. t.' Bugeon pluWed over l.OtO bushels oi ai.)i nora tut siaty trees In his orchard. Oa' O. Thompson of the Bee Hlye stnr returned today from a trip of tan day to Cnicaao. . Ml Marie Hiiler gave a o'clock din. ner to a number of her sir) friends Tues day evening. E. Peterson of New Prague Minn . was the rut-ft of William Cbeelyand family Mies iTioia Bradley, money order clerk in the puffic ta on a tea ds s vmc- ilon in Lnver. Colo. Oeorr E Lake of Raa THego. Oai.. son of former Judye IjLke of Otuavha. rlslted with Tbomaa Wilkinson Uat week. Harry rrench and wife, from Stanley county, Kouth lakota, are visiting at the hon e or Mr. and Mis. i. . itines. rr anl Mr. Murdock will srend two )itlu visiting fileod in Michigan sr.d may go to in doctor s old noma in van aa. . Mr. and' Mrs F H. Clarldge rave a farewell ' recrt-Uen - to Attorney Harm Ave and family at the Clarldge home on llliurs vay evening. . rv a. weniworxn. suprinenneni oi the-MiMOurl rlr railroad bridire at Btlr. HI lv for Texa about Novem. Wr I and nnv locate there permanently Verv Rev. T. A. Tancook. deaiv of Trln. ity csthwlral. Omaha, will preach the mmon for the- Harvest Home seolc st St Msry's Lplacppa, church Thursday evening. Ootober .it. Mr William Cunningham of this ehv Is uc of ll-.e heirs W the vwsteeUl of Paul Werti. alleged to have been loft in Holland, and for wnich Uie numerous de suaiwi&nt mt at Rook Ittlaad, lit, to de vi moevna to collect. . '.. VsJIey. . Dr. HaabeuT'of Fremont -was in Vallav Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed Lewis war Omaha visitors Tueday. J. 8. Kennedy ' clrtked out his stock of flour and teed Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Charity rollen were shop ping In Omaha tdndav. Mr. and Mrs Frrevt pmlth removed from Ashland to Valiay this week. Mis Edith Bradshaw will return from Silver City. N. M.. the last of the week. W. S. Wright of Benson came out in "on spent Thursday witn nex pareme, time. .only. bavins gotten fourteen ducks together. ' : MUlawdw. ' Miss AJlc Koch of OnuLhe spent ' Pun day at her home.. Miss Edith Anderson , wa aa Omaha visitor last Tuesday. . . Miss' Gladys Baldwin ot Omaha spent Sunday at her home here. .. The LarWIn club met at the noma of Mrs. O. Kelson last Tuesday afternoon.' Miss Tllll Nelson ot Omaha' came out Saturday with ner. parenta, 'Mr. and Mra O. Nelson. . ' Mr. K. O. Anderson of EUtiorn vlalted with his psrents. Mr. and Mr. P. B. Anderson. Sunday. Miss Frieda Stamp, who has been the guest of Von Pohren'S returned to her home at Tutan Thursday. Messrs. Clifford Harrow and Duncan Robertson of Omaha war guest of Vivian Robertson Sunday. Mra George Boyer and son of PepU that he will . hardly ,b ' able to aurvlv vary poany day. James McDanlel. one of the nM uiikr. of this vicinity, died Wednesday after a lingering uinee. . rus funeral was held Friday. The MIps Marguerite Neshit.' Mar guerite Jack and Helen Hemblln. Teka mah rtudents at Bellevue. were at their various home over Sunday. Poatmaster J. M. Crowell ' is ' planning new equipment for the poatof flee at this place. He expects to have the change made as soon as It shall havv been ap proved by the department The district ooiu-t here last week an nulled . a - divorce dears beuau boch parUe to the deorwa married tmmeduvtely afterwards vt hough - they war Informed that the dacrw , wsvs not final' for six months. El MeKdra and Mra. - MoOulr were visiting; old friends, ax Oca ana last: week. prlnsflaM. ' . Mrs. Cook . and family ar moving . on one. of German Adsett's-farms. .... E. O. School Is very low and but little hope is entertained tor his recovery. , A. E. Dunn is now in ths employment of a real estate firm In Council Bluffs. i Gus W. Petara, wb waa confined In th hospital last week, lg reported much Im proved. . . 1 James Morrison bought eighty sores of land of Mr..Cowtes for JUS per acre.- This Sact wag a part of the Daniel Morrison rm. ' L.' C. OVerton'Haa'sold hi rghty-acr farm- for W.flOft . Alois ElweU. has been offered a, chair in the agricultural college of the state university at Lincoln and expects to take the poultloa at onoe. - W. E. Miller .and his two eons, Gray and John, havo put up tM.ffcns of hy on their ranches In Cherry county. The hay la selling at St per ton on the ground and at Ss at the railroad station. Peter Anderson la shipping a carload of apples to Omaha. .Th apple crop 'this year Is larger than It has been tor sev eral years and many bushels will go-. to waat for want ot help to harvest. thorn. bts autn'Tuesday to look after bis Valley property. ... Ml Febiman and Miss Henna went to Oruana Saturday and returned bunday evening. Mis Mabl Johnson came up from Lin coln to spend ftarday and Sunday with her parent. The "Busy Bees ' held the reo-uiar monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon In Hubbard bail. Mrs W. a. Eddv and children wwnt to Omaha Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Rathbura and Mr. Gibson. Mr. McClenla-baa. who . has been with her sob, John McClenlgbao, at Sidney, Neb., returned to her home this week. J. M. Graham, who has run a jewelry and repair shop In Valley for ten or twelve year, cioeea out nis stock last week and will locate elkewlirre. Mrs Holdsworth and Marsaret went to Omaha Thurtflsy for a visit with rela tives. Mr.- Holdswnrth returned Friday and. Margaret stayed until bundey even leg.. Mr. and Mr. Herman Koon. Messrs.- Algot and Elmar Andereon ot Pnik K-K m - of P. IS- Anar- on and family Thursday and Friday. Mra uarman bjx - neT j operation at th Immanuel hospital Tuesday. She' 1 reported doing nloly. . Mrs. Chris Koch returned from wr roore last week after spending ' woeke trier, with her dsvugbtar, Mr. C Bcilicger. vri T.inian InAuios denartad Tl Tire- day for L Angel. Cal- wtaer h will iMni th winter wltk be alMV Mrs. A. N. Bodlnua. 1 The young popi'a ooly th 0r man Lulbwan churns bald their monthly meeting Wednesday . evening with th majority of the members pre sept. S)ngl Adelph Paulsen Is remodieUng hi house in tne weet ena. ' P. Msnf old made an extensive butina trip to, Lincoln Wednesday, and got back r rioay. John Pstwson bought th J. C. Oottrh s carpenter shop of whlrh h Is to make a gareg. J. C. Gotten Intends to build a new shop wnea ne returns rrom a snort vacation in coulb ujkOia - - The brick masons are putting th fin tsning touches on the Mangold -store ouiiang ima wa. . George Leach hauled lumber Tueadav and Wedndav tu build a large cattle barn on, his farm, south of town. Dr. C. W. Hlckey It having his auto overhauled at the. local garase and in tend to have a coup body put upon It. Th roads wsr dragged In this vicinity lust rt'ntly, but too lata to be uf any benefit, aa thsy are so hard th drag does not affect the lump. Charles RcMeip. the miller, unloaded hta big fortv horse-power gas engine TueMty, Now he can run hi mill twelve hour day. lnad ,'t two or three, bv water power, which lio hi done this summer. , O. F. Mangold and Harrv Parr went ut hunting on the Plane last Saturday and Sunday, but did not report very fav. oraHy aa t U aaut pruepecu at this Te " Comrade E. Tuttl' and wit will ileav Raturdav for Norwalk. Cel.. whar they will spend the winter, with their grand son. p Jab. on of th eld soldier ot w,. ..i.,.. mryA r the i lil eirilirr - lylnsr very IU at his bom. . U b aueoted QuIck'Actlon Prt-scrtptlort Cures Clda In Dey Th best and qulckejst . prescription known to medical scJenc - for eold and coughs la as follows: "Get two ounoea of Glycerin and half an ouno of Ooo tentratad Pine miound. Then get halt a pint of good whiskey and put th othr two Ingredient Into It. 6hkU wU. Take one to two tepoontuls.aftr ach roeal and at bed Urn. 6 mailer dose to children according to age." B ur-to get only to genum (Globe) Coooa t rated Pine. Each half ounce bottle come in a tin screw-top sealed cue Any drug-!t ha it on hand or. will quickly Kt it from his wholesale hot.. Any une can mix this at home 1 here sre rrsnv ihni.i1 prtriiiun cf 'large quaniuv out it o..n pay to aximi-tnuint. Ihl treatment i i ertaia im, This haa been been published her, for several Inters ead thousand of paoti ap a ooiue oi in mlalur ouu lastly oa nana. JLav, now si V!S !!!!!. Value $900.00 The magnificent fancy walnut - Krell Auto Grand Player Piano' which noth ing can excel. - No other player-piano has in the absolute the "human touch" ' so desired by & mu sical ear. and so prized by-; the maRUaeturers. This instrument will be exhibited, explained and played for anyone who wishes to see- it in the ware rooms on the third floor at Bennett's. X The Taunny Rano MemUrCan PlnyTt. I n A Y t