THE REE: OMAHA, nil HAY, OCTORKR 13, 1011. HELP WANTEDMALE Clerical and Office Continued. . "CAXO" High grade positions. 600 Be. WANTKD Experienced dress goods ASST. OFriCK MANAGK.R $100. Cffce cieik and typist, lumber experi ence, $tio-$,6. Shipping clerk, experienced. $55. Bookkeeper, prefer one lih bank ex perl, in e, $i5. CO-opEHATlVK RKFKKKXCE CO.. 1013-18 City National bank Bldg. Factory nnil 'iradva. CruB atorea (snaps) JoDa. Knleat. Bee Vg. WAN i ED Firat class prescription clerk. Apply tu own hand writing stating experience and nam. of loriner eniplo) era. bhennan at Drug Co.. lsth ana Doug. W ANTED First-class pants maker, steaay Work for tight man year around. Ibou Red tui, Council Bluli. FIRST-CLASS preasera wanted. WIS liainey bt. WANTED First clas bushelman at once; ateauy pos.iion. good wages; rerer ences required. Hennerson i auilotlum, Creston, la., Lock Box 213. -GOOD coatmaker wanted. J. F. Qeescn. Seward. Neb. Miscellaneous, RAILWAY MAIL, CLERKS, poatoffic cleiKs, tnail diners, iu. ember exam inations in Ouiana. Sample u.uet.oiis ties. Franalln institute, Uv ii j, tw tiieeter, N. Y. TR1-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE Mu to learn baroer u aue. i union, iu. ioy a. ilu. BLAiit Werner. Tel. Daug. lusl tor case. WANTED for U. S. Army-Able-bodied Uniiiai.ieu men. uutu es v La eiiu so; uiliaeiis ut cuueu dales, ox guuu tnaiaciei anu teiupeie ua-uiia, wuu can pea.K, leau aim Mine tne cuglisu lan guage, cur imui loanuu app.s lo tin kiuiung ouicer, ucn and uuugiaa but., omana, Neu. ; uvl iu bi, Siuux, v-n., ia.. lao t. lOih bu uncolii, Neo. U. $11 MONTH AUTOINU. AUVJCRilSiNU MEN WANTED Is $ivi a uwuiu enuugu tut' yuur can you earn 11 ul you see six ousltieas men k. uay ouauieaa men who know juu sis imn.n. mi. ii win w u ... ihi. Li..- i. u...... an Mm is yes, wuu loingiu lo ferauie Lvifumuuii, tepi. o-lv, uvmiiiul), i'a. EARN MUM per wee, position. Few weeaa uoiupiaiaa. weat deiuauu, I. I'iIh h. . ..Hi u . nll.u...UiJa ....... Buliool of bu Lluu i-uu UL. ai. touts, mo. SEE Miss Lang In the "Widow's Might at me AOieni:.i inemer. u nam i. jvioneu. iiii vvioiaui l. win coma In Tn te onics wiuini villas da mo win give ber au order tor a pair ui tloaeis. 7,000 OOVKKNilKiMT poaiUona open. Wuve tor list, imui.b usiauis, III 4, Kouhesisr, is, X. WANTED A firat class delivery man who is amo a aaiuauiau lo laaa vhaigs 01 a UailY ruuta. aiAuiiIii iSuiii.miw y CO., 1BU Barnaul snest. YOUNG Swedish man; experienced; for assistant eolioi. naurtu u. tuam ien e christian association. AiLJt bouiaa men waineu tor the U. ti. Xianue cutva. beiwssu lu ages ol u ai.u ou. Must ua native coin or nave firak papers, iuotiiiny pay 14 to smi. AUUiUCnai compensatioa nossibiw. uuu, coming, vunr and meutuai aitenuanus tree. Aller M years seiviue can leure wlm iv per uent ut pay ana anowaucss. bervlc on boaid suay anu asiiore iu ait pans ut tu wond. Avpi at U. a. Marina Corps lcecruiung omce, lu t ainaui Omaha, Neb. WANTED Man to prepare for automo bile business, largest and best equipped anops. nai i auio iiaimng Asa n, umana. TluAMS To haul brick! (Smith Brick eg. flu MONTHLY and expenses to travel ind distribute salnpios tor big manutac turer; steady work. 8. Beheifer, am y, v-nicau. WANTED Experienced window trim- mer anu cara writer, f. Martin et Bre. ury uooas CO., urana island, Neb. WANTED PERFORMERS. Medicine people all lines. Uood piano player who can double strajtg, also good SKeiun team. jviubi cnange per week. Low but sure salary. 1 pay all. Every one woras in acis nere. write quick Bancroft, Nab., Friday and featurday Craig, Neb., week of loth. Boozers, HELP WANTED UALId OH KliMALE WANTED Man and wife ta work on a farm; steady work and good wages; write imuieoiatwy to C. 4. Almgren, fuur, Neb. WANTED Man or woman In each town to handle the Harrison akin supporter, holds skirt to any position desired; every weman wants from two to six; Immense profit; big money foi eaay work:; enclose Ifco silver for sample. Address ilarrisou bkirt Supporter Co., Hotel Murray, umana, i-eo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uoraes and Vehicles. FOR BALE All kinds of good horaes. 11 N. list aiu -mourn Douglas mml FOR 8ALE-Famlly horse. Harney mi. CHEAf , aa old buggy. Xj No, Mne- teeuib. FINE, young milch cow, cheap If taken nnil IA. !K.IR S . . i-i;-s aji-jr i.; v-r ,i ; , LOST AND FOUND PEKauNo having lust some artic.e Wuuiu uu well to tn.i up in utiic 01 in ouiana at Council tjiuns aireei ila.lwa cwmpa.l tu mmImiii teumbu Uie isi( tl 111 lue sue. 1 tar. Many aiukis uauu day are turned la SUU tu uouipau is aujbiuua lo leaiOt ineiil W tue iiautlu. wwitcr, Cail uoug laa a. C-iAliA ac COUNCIL BLUFFS bTRKaJf tlAiliWAl (.OurAiV . WIHIE tepus teu.aie dog, brown ear, broMii bput wit bac. ictuiu l-ui LOUT A bunch of keys on ring. May tiave lost thviu 111 tioum Ouiaua. fuuua Douglas seua, or letunt lo cuip-laog wormy, lata and liaiucy, Omana. t.AHlTH 'I I. M.l.l.. II...,. ........... ... p 11 II If 4 0 uwm 1 viean- CI .1.11 UJ CI 1. fU FOUND New dresiainakina e.lubllhh- nient; good work gugiaiiieed. Webster ISM. LOST A dlamutid circle pin, probably at me AH-pai-ncn uen, uctuuer . Be ward ,f.r return lo F. E. Wl.htlm, iii llainer si-, uinana. IOST Diamond pin; pearl crown and wing, ttewaia. Address t-iW, care Hee FT. BERNARD dog. 4 months old Also bla.-k rat terrier. a. U'th Ht Douglas 0014. rtewaru. EVERY person knows who I). J i) nrien is nconue lie lias made Omahi famous with his candy. If Mrs. A. pull rets, a ics go. l ull b't , will come to The nee oiiue wnnin tnree days we wll give her an order for a eo-cent box o u ririen s candy free MONEY TO LOAN alary lhHttrl. MONEY loaned salaried ueouie. woman uiity; easy payments. Offict in t,7 prln ..ill, v.. icv. luinmn, ou ciiiaua iat CHATTEL LOANS AT HA 1 INAH'.K IOTE NEBRASKA LOAN CO., t Bee Bidg. Douglas liM. A-Uo. fcaAk toiug.. turmeriy fM. x. ui Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattels L'eatlaoed. ii,mi IMI WE HAVE $1 AiMl.tW TO LOAN Off to the reople of Omaha before Christmas on r L R N 1TL It K, FIANla. WARE- HOf8K RKl'Kll'TS, F1XTI RES, REAL ESTATE. HyllBEH. WAGONS, eta., or on VOIR FLA1N NOTE If steadily em- pioyeu. Mmi old low ratea and each ansactlnn strictly private. we make more loans than all of the others. There's a reason. If vou can use a piece of this MONEY why, just an on tne larR-pst, oigxesi and beat. KKl, A ILK CHE T IM. Third Flour, SOS Vsxton Block. 217 9. lth Ft. Phones Donglaa 1411 and A-Hll. WE LOAN MONEY to any working or woman on lust a personal note; no security or Indorser lequiiea. ny Uiurigage your personal belongings when 1 Oc R CREDIT IS UOOD HERKT All transurtiuns conddentlal. Come In and see or phone us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. U Board or liade Bida. Fourth Floor. Bell I'hone Douglas Ml. GO TO THE HOME LOAN CO. Room s, Butteion Bin., lti-i Fainaut St.. or Hie low tat lates and tasiest terms on Chattle Loans, ritrictiy priat anu reli able, i'hone Douglas iJi. DlAMONti loans at 2l4 and & per cent. '. C. Flatau. lul Dodge. Red M19. MEDICAL WHILE In Omaha visit Dr. Ward's In. stitute of Manual Tnerapeutlcs. Cures chronla and nerve diseases. iUS Bee Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Houuta, O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 61L A-26LL Portola, family hotel. 26th Av. & Bar. THE HOTEL BERKLEY in the old luiliaid home, 4tn and Har ney. Front parlor lor two gentlemen. BEST home board; modern; 16 ber week. 2104 Webster. Douglas 272. The Khriner, K A Harney; room A board. Famished Rooms. CUT TRICK LAUNDRY: ahlrts. E-lOc: collars, 2c. UU ilarney. Elegant rooms. W. M. hotel, 413 S. 24th. Dewey European Hotel, 13th A Farnam. 220 NORTH 23d; neatly furnished, mod em, steam healed rooms. 1911 CAPITOL Ave., nicely furnished rooms; modern. MODERN, furnished room for one or two young laulea, near Brownell Hall, with lamuy ot two. Address 11 tu care Bee. 411 N. 19th, furnished rooma for rent. NICELY furnished room for two gen tlemen; private family; walking dis tance. Harney 074. Sunday or evenings. TWO excellent furnished rooms; down town location; modern; gentlemen pre ferred. Call Douglas 1678. MODERN furnished sleeping room. private family; price reasonable. Harney tkitUi. FOR RENT Newly furnlahed. steam heated rooma 121 B. 25th elt. Tel. Tyler 10H7. FIVE large, newly furnished aleeping rooms In a delightful neighborhood; heat, bath and light turnlahed. Call Web. 8716. 3010 Sherman Avo. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for f or i gentlemen. 822 N. 23d St., near Cuming. IiARQe roomy parlor, two beds. 1&14 Dodge. Reasonable. 2707 FARNAM. ladles or gentllmen; nicely furnished modern rooms, phone Hiuney 2O40 FARNAM, south front room for two. .KOn Tl . tl L- 1 VP Vl.n.n. waa n 1 ivtm " iliv i ... i' ri"l. luuiiui, 1 1 . . . . ... n BH.. in . . w 111 1 , iiiiii. i'ibii. , v v. . . Si.00 each per week. Must sea to a up re elate. Famished Housekeeping- Rooms TWO or three nicety furnished front rooms complete fur housekeeping. Ada Davenport tit. TWO furnlsnad rooms for llgbt house keeping. 724 N. 21st, The Manuel and Howard, 21 tfc Howard, $ and 4-rru. nkpg. apt., $2 to $40. VQUNO widow. 2s, w Utiles to share part Of a 6-room steam heated apartment; references required; witnin walking ais tance. Address, N 16, Bee, THRkiki or tour ntoely furnished front rooms; mam Lour; complete tur nous, keeping. Davenport Mb TWO large connecting, first floor par lors, all modern, mceiy furnished for housekeeping or plain rooming; all win ter. 70i uDdge- Take Farnam car to 37 th Bt. in, 1H1V1 (5 n If A pnnif orl u lil 1, ... a keeping' or sleeping rooms, 1.5o per week. all room two furnished rooms. In brick flat: price reasonable. Harney 363. NiriELY furnished separata rooms; suitable for $ adults; strictly modern; light housekeeping privileges, warning diatance. 319 N. 26ih Bt. FOR a dainty dessart use Dalzell a ice cream. If Mrs. E. A. Mills, 12i N, 8vih Bt., will coma to The Bee oftic within three days we will give her an order tor a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. LARGE sleeping or huueekeeping room; private family. Ilarney 6618. Irorniahed (to uses. T-ROOM modern house, nicely furnibhed, one block to car. Tel. Douglas 3477. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, Hansc lark district; will take rent in'board anscom park district; will taae rent in'board and WOUia permil oiner luuoia leiueu, 4 Jlunu Harney 1348. 1318 So. 31st St. FURNIBHED modern home, 7 rooms, to responsible parlies. 62 S. Uiilh Si. Hotels aad Apartments. NICELY FURNIeHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 e. Uiti fill. THE BCHL1TZ HOTEL. Our 3o plate dinner tne besi in me tu, DoDUkl HOTEL, lain and Dodge; ail tuul outside looms, special wee raie. HOTEL ALBANY; moot elegant rooms, but and' oold water; fireproof; pnue .eusuuauie; pom puouea uii iua i Excellent meals, 4u3 N. 26th, So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant r. )0ul Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms J5o up. $20 S. 13th. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-li Faro. THE IRVING, 2102 Leavenworth.' tllt class loom and board. OXFORD and Arcade, apeclal w kly rat. NEW YORK hotel, rms, 60o. 1018 Douglas Hotel AniUr. aiegant rooms. 51u 8. 10th. nrlun Hnlfl CouI,c" fluffs. Rooms Burlington, nic rooms, I block to depot. CAn HuTs-L, uiu rooms. 17o Cass UL WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms too to $L60. Hotel Lyuna. rooma 5u up. Ill N. Ulh. Apartmeats aad Flats. NEW, modern, alg i-ooms and rtoaptiua OFFERED FOR RENT Apartmeats aad Flats 'ontlaaed. 7-room flat on Sherman Ave, Web. t7J. STEAM HEAT. ONE (-room up-to-date apartment. No. 111. N. 20th ht. Tel. D. 4Ui THREE and alx-roora flat. Marti. block. 1(11 h and Webster. FINE R-room apartment on West Fai- nam St.; heat, ehadea. gas stove and Jan itor service; very choice. J CRN W. ROBBlNd. lt)0j FARNAM 8T CHOICE S-ROOM HTEAM-ll EATED APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA. iKK JANITOR. D. kU7. Vat ralahed Rooms. THREE rooms. irlate bath room: out side porch. Modern except heat; no cnll- ilrin. t17 N. ISth ift. THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apartment "walking distance preferred. Douglas 11UI. THREE of four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Walking distance preferred. Douglas 77wl. lloases and Cottages. THREE blocks from court house, five- room cottage, modern except heat; 1-4. winter $J2. Doug. ILi. (-ROOM cottage, modern except heat Call Ilarney JUii. FOR RENT Five rooms. 1302 N. 21st. Adulta only. Call late In afternoon or evenlnga or phone W-oua. Om. Van A StoraKO Co., packs, moves, atorea household goods. Fireproof stor age. 804 S. lttth. Branch, i o. l.ihi. lei. D. 4163. A-133S. OMAHA EXP. CO., movint vane and atoraxe. Trunaa. baggage del. u. iii. 414 N. 17th. NEW COTTAUE Look at 17ij Sin ague St., a ' S-room. strictly modern cottage, newiy decorated throughout and In a very desirable resi dence district, 2i.W. PAYNE & SLATEK CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. U1U. THE best 7-room ai: modern brlrk house- In town for W, fth and lxard, paved, good repair. Nice 4-room collage, gooa repnir, iwo lots, four blocks to car, 4024 Camden ANe" TURKINGTOn! OM Bee Bldg. 1609 DAVENPORT St., large brick house. Apply to either Mr. Taggart, manager, or Mr. Ross, building superin tendent. Hotel Loyal. 117.001223 8. 27TH ST., 6 rail, mod ex. heat. J15.003175 8. 13th 8t., mod. ex. heat lo.oo-Ga) N. 41st St.. strictly mod. .!6.o0-i02 N. lath St., rmk,, partly mod. 2i.0-elst ana Military Av., I rms mod. 136.00-1211 Wirt St., I rma., mod. 4u.OO liioj S. atl sit-, s rms new and mod. 1W.0O 1733 8. 2i)th St., S rms., mod. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. -ROOMS, modern, 2513 Chicago. D. 2717, VERY desirable, T rooma, modern, fur nace heat, be Relchenberg Bros, 6V4 Brandela Bldg. Tel. D. 170. IA 8 rooma, 2154 Bo, Mth St., modern except heat. 122.60-4 rooms, 4S13 Underwood Ave., modern. $25 rooma, 2506 St. Mary's Ave., mod arn exoent heat. 2& rooms, lulO Madison Ave., modern except heat. 12ft 7 rooma. 1810 Qrant Ht.. modern. 17.50-0 rooma. S14 So. tOth St.. modern. 17.50 rooma, 212tf Farnam St., modorn except heat. 12?.V- rooms, Dewey Ave., modern. $907 rooms, 811 No. t3d St., mouern. LAFAYEUTE AVAR. a. 17th Ave. and Jackson Bt. Three and four-room aDartments. in eludlnsr refrlaeratlon. vacuum cleaning. laundry and janitor service. Rental M7.j0 ana luu per monin, CiHORUB & POMPANV, 802 City Nat l Bank Bldg. FIVB-ROOM houses, with eleolrlo llaht, gas. city water. 427 N. 16th, Bouth Omaha. 1IAN8COM PARK DISTRICT S-room modern brick) hardwood floors; only $35. Wright Lasbury, 6i)ti 8. 16th. Phone V. 152. iuk finished, handsomely decorated: neurly new; modern house. 2706 Howard. Decided bargain. Phone Harney 2C.J7. 836 S. 85th St., 8-r. mod. $18. 612 S. 27th St., i-r. flat, $!. 2228 S. 23d 5 and (-r. flats mod., both. 37:&. . ' . 616 a. Zitn, e-r. iiki, 2n3 Woolworth Ave., 8-r., mod, $35. 2:123 N. 27th Ave., S-r., pi. mod., 20. B2d and Military Ave., 4-r., $13. ii&22 Rees St.. 5-r., $12. BEMlS-CARLBERa CO., 810-312 Brandel Theater. FOR RENT Cottage, modern excep furnace, 6-room, walking distance. 2a' j.7 Plero. Tel. ttea 4S. svU RENT 0-room house: modern ex cept heat; No. 4u31 N. 39th St., one block north trom Jine mi. car nne. uuress J218 N. 24th St. Thone Webster 6754. MODERN 10-room house, 631 So. 224 Bt. Inquire next door south. FOR RENT Modern apartment, rooms, two uam rooms, apartment The Clarinda, $lt and Farnam. Houses, Ins. Ringwalt, Urandels Th. Bldj. MuBt sell my house. Call Quick; cheap. 116 S. 24lh Ave, B1X-ROOM modern house, nearly new and nicely decorated throughout. Parlor, dining room, kitchen and hall on firat flour, three bedrooma and bath on sec ond. Good neighborhood; 2.10 Decatur C ft-1 Vhiui, 1 1. M Il.rn.u FIVE rooms; cheap rent to right party, H. Andreasen, 2415 Parker. Houses P'J,1 of. t" Crii ilUUOC-3 BoM C0( ytu Bmg B!aP to good tenant without children; f rooms; modern exoept heat; good loua tlon; near ear. Phun Wb. $771. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly naw. 171$ Decatur St. $2a. 'Phone Webster UU. i-ROOM atriutly modern except heat. Tu So. 24th bu J. I. Kemp, kU Laaven worth. Both phonea. 242$ N. 20th. l-roem modern bouaa. In. UUlr Webster lti, . 7-ROOM house, not modern, gas, water. Sink and toilet. 11. (173, Only $26 7-raoms; new, full 2-story, Square; 1 block west ot Nu. 24th line; near Kountie Place. You clioos decora- '"""o'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Iul6 Omaha Natl Bk.; Doug, or A-2U2. Eve. H. 2S42 or 11. 6134 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. SV4. city office tit S. 17th St., Be Uldg. FOR RENT Big-room modern house, 424 Patrick Ave., $20. Call Webster teg. FOR RENT Th twnty-rooni brick house, with brick stable and about five acres Improved grounds, at southwt corner of Sherman avenue and tipruc strseC inquite room ! rirst IS at I (ij Bldg. 1 elt phone Douglas 1242. 4-ROOM bouse, all modern. (42 8. 17th. FOR KlNf-Twi) t-room Cottauea. Jvl-03 No. Ulh St. Apply W. N. Cham- brrs law otiioea, to uraudeia Theater. lei. v. inn. COZY 7-room house, strictly modern, with hut water heat, on ear line, at s. W. corner of 13th street and Missouri Ave.. South Omaha; large grounds. Willi garden and fruit Ireee, $27. 0. Inquire creignion neat r.siaie co., sub rirst Na tional t.ana uidg. 7-ROOM cottage. n3t Leavtaworth. $26. OFFERED FOR RENT lloaaea anil t ttar -t ontlnurd R-ROtlM modern house. 2427 8. JOth. 1 'oils Is s ICOit IHM'SE for rent or sale; very clienp. 911 Atlas. Inquire 920 Homer. CLOSE In R-rnom cottaee, modern. $;.' Phone lotiglas K2s9. 1"!3 S. 21st St. SEE Miss Evn Ijing with the Wo.l- ward Stock company at the American theater. If T. A. Boyle. '.''! Clncag.i St.. will come lo The hee office within three days we will give him an order tor a par of tlckela. MOV lVd Pianos end furniture Jivy Jnvjl(te ,.ukI:s Kxpte's 1 ator- gitue Co. lM St. Mary s Ave. 1. 34vJ. 4-IUMM house for snle or rent ;!4I S 42d St. Jnqutie 3UHi S. 4X1 h St. Harnc NINE rooms, close In; rent reasonable. M 44R, lice. SIX-ROOM cottage. ttil Franklin St. 10-ROOM modem, atrlctly up-to-date residence; hot water beat; east front list Ave., and Douglas St.; opposite lunier park tiu. MADS A. 1IANSKN, McCague Bldg. Douglas l&l. FOR RENT-A new seven room mod ern house. Call Z.ii Davciipoit. Ilarney 21 S2. SIX-ROOM cottsaee. modern except heal. Tel. Red IS . FOR HALE-Fully eutilppcd abstract of fice, earning "K j early. Must sell on account of poor hea th. Address J. 441. Bee. SEVEN rooms and barn. UI3 Pine St. Cheap rent. Call Douglas fk7. 3118 FRANKLIN, 7 rooms, $17. H in. R72 So. 2Mb. St.. B rooms, completely Hall. 4:M Knmec. D. ?4.u, modern, $.t2.J). A-44ii. FURNISHED modern home. T rooms, to responsible rartlee, 52 So, 2Uh St. 1K10 N. Soil ST. 7-room house; ell mod ern; on car line; $20. Webster ;i2i... DESIRABLE K-rnuni cottaac modern except heat. Inquire 1M4 N. lfith St. RENT reduced; 0 looms, nearly new; $10.00. Tel. Red 4MI3; 2001I South Rth St. Stores and Ufflcrs. NEW STORE ROOM. 20th and Lake. Apply 2008 Lake. FOR RENT Store room. No. 223 N. lfith St., cor. Davenport and Itlth Sts., Hotel uoyal. Apply to eitner Rir. lag gart, manager, or Mr. Ross, building su perintendent, iioiei L.oyai. FOR RENT A corner ator, 10th and Douglas; modern, up-to-uate; rent rea sonable. TWO offices, 2d floor Crelghtoi) block; also store at 116 H. luth St. Alfred Thomas, Agent, 30$ First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 108 and 1S22 Farnam St. Tel. liar. 2496. WElRICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; storm sash. Webster 2577, U17 No. 24th St. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 S. 13th. CLOTHING store, cheap rent, t., bouth Omaha. 1523 O DESK room 434 Bee. WILL sublet south private office and reception room cheap, in uea Ming. Tel Douglas 2477. Wish to sublet suite of five rooma In City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 412k Hulls. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, dances, banquets. C. C. Borensen. D. 2:125, A -2325. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltare, WISHING to leave tho city will sacrl Ire furnltur of 6-ruotn house for $HM; iouss modern except furnace; $20 rent, easy walking distance, guuu place lor roomers. J lie. ONE leather davenport and rocker. tables, etc., pracuca ly new, cneap. it. ai T ir-A 11 r 1.-1 aaiii.Ii tun. .(. 1 1 . 1 III.'- .wvi.. T-"l . fl,, dresser, (iu; two chltfonlers, $3 and 4. bopk case, $7; pallor lable $3.uu; ma' no bench $5; music cabinet. $6: Iron bed, springs and mattress, $b; iron bed and springs, $4.60; hall glass. $4.tu. 16 N. 281. Bl. FOUR large rugs, in good condition. Call Wabster 46K4. FOR SALE Good cook stove, also soft anal heater. 614 N. lbth, So. Omaha South 1000. t ypewrttera. RMITH PREMIER models No. 1 or No. 4, In excellent condlUon, rented thle months tor $. M1TU yitkMIBR TYPEWRITER CO.. isin ana uougia. FOX typewriter. 1806 Farnam Bt. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oh' liver Typewriter Co, jsi. 3919. TYPE W RITE It sjpecim ssie for a short time on all makes. Hue window for big price reductions. 11. F. Swansuii Co., 1816 f arnam Ht., omana. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 3. 812; Chicago, $81 Hammond, iiu; Williams Visible. 114; uuuerwooas, l,. c. niii.ins. Smith Premiers, Olivers, iu., at bar. am price, li. F, awansuu Co., law liamam St.. city. THIS ROVAL IS king of typewriter 16 Typewriter, $19.50. 1607 Farnam. D-80C, LIGHT touch Monarch Visible for rent. The Monarch Typewriter Co., 411 S. itii St. Phone Doug. '4ue. REMINGTON and Oliver typewriters good order; cheap. McArdle, 8416 liainil ton St. Tel. Web. 78. Maaleal lust ramen te. PIANO bargains. 106 N. 13th. D. 1102. LEAVING THE CITY-WILL SELL AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a steinway piano. 1401 Lolhifp. Webster 3625. Planoa, wholesale pre. 201 Huston Store. PIANO, allghtly usee), at a bargain. Begei strum riavno juig. cu., istu ana nar bam at. FOR SALE $400 piano for $M. Call D. 6009. A GOOD CORNET, cheap. Red 70(16. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all s'ses and makes; baigu.ii. American Supply Co., lliu Jrarnani ot. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin tali, lor sale at $l0.uu. Apply, Geoige Wright, Bee publishing Co. FOR BALE On five-fooled show bors. Omaha ism aui) Awntug Co., llu. Har ney. at. TWO guod aeooiid-liaiid National cash registers for sale at, a bargalu and uu easy terms, u. . niieuuuse, tu inn et. Is DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire diamond ring, will sacrifice al a big Ua. gain. Addiess. 216, Be. FULL drs suits. evening party dresses, for sale or rent- is N. l.iu Juhu Feldman. Douglas 31 IS; A-2M. U BUYS almost new dress suit, only worn a fw tunes, tall and slim. Address R 253. Beej FOR BALE Alaska seal coat, perfect condition; worn short lime; 3$ bust 21 long; will sell fur low figure. 'Pliou Douglas 04u. NEW nd old lumber, and houses to muv. cheap. Dwuiak Lumber Co.,Udi e. 13. OFFERED FOR SALE M Iscella neons -Continued. FOR SALE Crlsspetle machine, rsndy mimes, etc., or what have you to trit.le: ase. i'10 So. 2-M. l-'ctlt BALL-New and second hand bil liard and pool tables. Wi lend the wot Id in cheap bar tiMuies; iay laynuuts. brunswick-Balke-Coliender, vl b. luth bt. SEVERAL standard mK ot piano will be disposed ol tor Moiuce and 1 i' charac. Wll or iiauo. 1 an nornlnas. chas. II Thatcher, p.ano tac- .r . 1 " 1 lurncy si. Kindling. $4 loaj. H Oroai Wrecking. VV. 2.V4. FOR SALE Two m-htdarshlpa In the Onial a onmirrelal college anu two in Ko In college. llusines omce, ciiiiaiu bee. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. 'ME PIPE, .loim cast. no. iu1'. h. '.'in ninw. f'HEAr. one clcrtrlr plnno, s music boxes and (.0 vending mucninrs. Ji-'t Leavenworth. 11. 24.1, lnd. A-2433. OAS range and baby buggy. Phone ll.irney VM. EVERY person knows who IV .1. O Hrleu Is because he hits ms.le tMniiha famous with his randy. If Mrs. K J Kilnards, :.12 occmiir St.. w-ni coins to The i,- office within three tluvs e win Ivm ber an cider for a '.'-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures pile, m Oin. Nat. bk. (13-DAY BI.OOH REMEDY. Oladdlsh Pharmacy. 12lh and Dodge. ! w;vJV., Bath, salt glow aromatic iHilOO-VVJ 13 irsjiinent. Mine. Allen if Chicago. 1W S- LIU St, fil't lloor. D. t5. MtM'hono Therapy im.ange tr.Btiiiunt, stomncn troiili.e. Dr. iVUigurtl Hailuian, 222- Nevll. Blk. li. 7761. Open atier a FOR rase or Blats Beer Tel. Doug. 1051. UHH C. W. CHAPMAN. 11. 6240. Hall' guou, ail descriptions, uoinuiiig made uii. Massage, Rlttenhou. 808 Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke, Women's Diseases. 41 Dgls. Blk 11UI.H CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY -MuVvU to tu4 B. 191U St. Dougias Uii. uil a M m 1 treatm'ts. Mis. bieeie, ex OLUYiUl JJ uur. oper t r. iOi a. li, $ tu Mis. Snyder, Swedish massage, baths. rauiaior and vioraior ireiiuiii. tne Dunsuny, Flat 8. twin anu s-ieree. u. bjsu. Adelight huir lood grows hair. Mma Flayer, Megeath bia. cu., lain anu fain. MRS. M. S. PIERCE-Shampooing, hair diesaiug and manicuring. AsaKe a spe cialty ol uvillg anu reiuonos suipius uair. iul Farnam. narimy "i. lnd. A-U't. Yul'Nil WOMEN coming to Omaha as stiauaers ate inviteu tu tne koung Women s Cni istian anaociaiion uunu.n at beventeenin St. auu ni. aiary s Ave., where they will be directed tu suitable boartiing place or oini wise as-isieu. Look tor our tiaveieis aid al the cmuu iiiKiioii TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen, duo. HELL DRUG CO. Wbl rent and repair all kind of sewing niaouiiie. mil. a-uiuj, uougta leisk ISEHHASIVA LUl.ll. cw., lDtn and Harney St. EVERYBODY enjoy an evening with the Woodward Stock company, if Mr, j. Httsendorf, 14ti4 So. 13th St., will come to The Be office within once days we will glv her an uruer tor a pair ut tickets. f AV2QAflri. Treatment. Mr. Steele, uiiiuwiiu" ju, b. iitn, ia floor, rm. . THIO SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off doming, in tact, anyui.tig you do not need. We collect, repair anu sen, at lot N. 11th St., for coet of collection, tu the worthy poor. Call plione uuugias u and wagons win can. MA S-J A n IVi Bath, salt glow aromatlo iUAOcaUD treatment. Mine. Allen of Chicago. 109 S. 17th St., 1st floor. D. i666. i A CJN TVTIf! treatment, E. Brott, 710 S. 16111. 2d flour. D. v2M. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles, $1; gentle men, $1.60. Apt. s, 102 Fainaiii. D. 6021. Dr. Burke, nervous diseases. 41 Doug.Ulk. DRUGS at out prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free, Sherman 4s McCunuui urug co., umana, p-eo, FOR a dainty devaert use Dalsell'a (oe cream. If Mrs. John Peterson, 2403 N. 25th St., will come to The Hee office within three daye we will give her an order for a quart brick of tills fin to cream. c m i rr-rrrr;-r-n-rr7"rTs POULTRY AND PET STOCK POULTRY supplies ull kinds. Th Ne braska Sued Co.. 1614 Howard, D. 1261. THOROUGHBRED S. C. Rhode Island Red uliiukeiia, old and yuung, take Ames Av. car tu 40th and Giau.i. Can at etli Saratoga, FLOOR sweeping", good chluken feed, $l.ot. per hundred. Wagner, sol Nu. liilli. FINE Angora (Persian) cats and kit tens fur sale, from pedigreed, registered slock. Phone Harney 14IM. 1316 So. .1st Ut REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF T1TLU. Frank J. Norton, 216 8. 17th, Be Bldg. "There s a Reason. "1 miiiimiae your title troubles.'' Both phones. Abstracts, M. T. Biennau, 324 Brandel Th. Midland Guar, at Trust Co., 1714 Far. li. H Neaie, pres.; 4- Campbell, sec. D. 2eiw. ' Veie7 Je-sell, Jr., Co., lei. Duug. 3292. M. i. Biennau, abstracts. Biamieis, inc. Heed Abstract Co., oldest abstract Cff.o, In NeUi.Ka. ue uianueis iiiemci. BUILDER"' lFOIlAl.iTlO.. Electric, gas fixture. Omaha Sliver Co. Platte Gtavtfl A Washed band Co,, 442 Bee' Idea? Cement Stone Co., 17lh and Cuming. L. F. Van Vulkeiibeig. plumbing. W. Wf. Carpenter conn acting, repairs. Har, 6241, S. E. Waters, cement conk 1513 N. l'h St. Platte Gravel & Washed Sand Cu,, 443 Be Omaha Sign Hang. Co., D. 2895. 114 S. 13th Fucha, Son at Blind, painting decorating. M. Peterson, gen'al con. 4330 Ohio. W. llM. Arner. Sply. Co., rouf'g, paints. 111 Nlch. WANTED TO BUY, LIST tour city property tor aale with Voxel, 409 Karbacb Bldg. (Ill I'ltOl'EHT V FOR I ALB. Owner Says Sell Only $4.70u; SMALL PAYMENT, bal ance ANY TERMS desired lo reliable purty; 414 l.aluyeite Ave., 7 room and in cptum hall. Mwl'EKN; oak finish; per fect repair; I. ill. aid room furnished com plete: deep south Hunt lot; paving paid: elcgunt shi.ilc, an Ideal location and home; clou, to three car lines and school; calhedral district. I will show you, or tun apply to owner on premises. GEO. MARSHALL, 213 Board of Trade Bldg Doug. 147, Evenings; ruudas Har. $10$. 8-R. Modern, $2,700 This I an attractive home, well situ ate.!, about 'ik block fiom postoffic; full lot, south ftont. larae trees, permanent kuIIib. etc. A real bargain, can arrange most literal terms. RI'SSk:I, 4k M KITRK'K CO., 412 Ramg Bldg. It th and Harney. REAL ESTATE ITY riltM'Kltrv FOR a ALU (Continued.) WE SOLD THKEE LOTS IN KOUNTZE PLACE in Tiies.lav and have THREE LOTS left on Eviins stteet cast of Tttli street. 47x1120 $S73 EACH These are barynlil cotmtrr prices. Ther Is only one KOtJNTZK PLACE ai d when t.i.e lew lots srr f-ohl you will pay l.i-A for a lot in that addition of t'oautilul homes. i hese lota have sewer connection, city aater for every lot, cement walks and ga. one-half block front car and two blocks from the Lothrop school. In 31 dxya tho lots all will l-e sold mul you will wonder why you didn l get one ol them. line-fourth cash, balance one, two and tin eo years. X0UK1S & MAliTIN, 4(0 lieu l.Ulg. l'oug. 42.0, A-4270. DUNDEE LOTS AT I,0V riUCES EASY TERMS ' $ s;s-xUt,) ft. on Burt St., Just west of blst St., close to ; paved afreet and car line. $ lino tsx l.i.i tt. south front on VSebstsr St. Paved street, one block to ear line and closo to Happy Hollow club. $ ft. on Vnilrrwond Ave., paved stlvet, on car line. $l.I00io ft. south frontage, on paved street, close to car line and overlooking the Happy Hollow Cluti Hi omuls. We ulsu have some very at tractive double corners at rea soitublo pliers, which have been roserved until recently because ot paving ami grading. Now Is your opportunity to pick out a choice location. See us for prices and terms on any kind of property In or around 1 'undue. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone IV 756. poM2 City Natl Bank Itldg. Bemis Park-$4,200 YOU'D LIKE THIS HOUSE, and the price will make It all tlia more Inviting. Has eight rooms. four bedrooms, all modern, hot water heat; nicely decorated throughout; large corner lot, facing the Boulevard, and GOOD. 111011 GROUND. Nonresident owner says sell. Reasonable term. GLO VER REALTY SYNDICATE Dnuglu 3963. Creighton'slst, $2,850 Fast front on 31st Bt,, 6 rooms, full re mented basement, good attic, gas and electric, nicely decorated, practically now, 8n this at once. Term. I). V. Slioles Co., City National Bank Bldg. A -8049, D. 49. Just Completed A strintly flrst-clnss modern square house, 7 rooms, 1 bed rooms, aleeping porch and bath on second floor; parlor, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor: finished In oak; south front lot, 46x1411; located 3622 Seward St. price $4,000; can make terms. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME $3,250 (V-room frame cottage, In good repair; Jusi two (.lock from Farnam car line) modern; paving In and paid for. A good home at a low price. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone l. 758. 602-12 City Nat l Bunk Illflg. Choice 5-Room Bungalow, CreigUton'u First Addition 2336 S. 35th St., strictly modern, for quick, sale, $2.Xj0. Would consider good vacant lot as first payment. Easy ternu, R H. Landeryou Pouglus 2151. 4(2 Board of Trade Bldg Ltss Than Cost ART HOME FIELD CLUli DISTRICT New and Distinctive Design This elegant lionio of 7 Urge room and glecplng, porch, with first story and porch ux82 ft. of brlck-lald colonial t) la, und second story In stucco, carries out the "Craftsman" or "straight Una" ldoa of architecture. UuHetiient has toilet, laundry. vegetable room, with shslvsg. coal and ash blus. First flour has tiled vestibule, mirrored door la reception ball, large living room, with handsome) oak and tap entry; brick mantel, on one side of which Is an Lrsiiapod, built-in book case, and on the other side au L shaped, built-in seat. These feat ures form a nook which is very at tractive. The dining room Is pan eled In oak and has beumed cell ing and window soat. Kitchen, built-in china closet and cupboards; two coat closets; second story has four large bed rooms, with ample closets; one room has mirrored door, two closets, window seat and Is fin ished In white eiiittmel; one finished in mahogany and two In natural curly birch; bath room has tiled floor and walls, 20x04 Inch beveled mirror and medicine cabinet; line attic. Brushed brass light fixtures and brushed brass hardware, with cut glass knobs. First floor Is finished in oak, except the kitchen, which Is In maple and gum. Carton furnace and first-class plumbing. This fine home was built by day labor and of the very best materials. Lot faces esst and south on the corner cf 85th and Poppleton avenues. Owing to the illness of the owner this beauti ful home will be sold for less than you can build It for. Open for inspoctiou dally from 10 a. m. to p. inquire for owner at house next door west. O NLTL'S Real Ks-at and Insurance Agency, 1505 Farnam; city property and (arm land a specialty; we haw bargain. VACANT 35th Avo A l'o'l' f . out . . $1 SOJ lif.lh Ave. and Pupplelun So. I runt. 2 lots. 4'M.h and Seward South front $ voj Hill and I.alrd Kinst front 8"0 :Ut and hpuuldlng South front.... 5oXi .sjiIi and Hurdctta South front u 47tli and Chicago South front jt.'i 47th and GrantNorth front i 34tlt and Ft. Omaha Ave. West front 2-i 41'd and Plnknoy North front la Tliu above are all full lots and can be i o il on reiisonable terms PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., P. 1781; A-UJ REAL ESTATE CITY PltOI'KRTY FOR ".11.15 (Continued.! Big Bargain Artistic Home CLOSE TO FIELD CLU13 English Cottage Witl, Craftsman Ideas Fine home of six lame looms anil sleep In porch, extetlor Is stucco painted a rich olive green, basement hns turn ire room, lauiniiy, vegetable room, and sell bins; first story, which Is finished In niiili.'Kiiny. with oak Honrs, has large living room, In which there In a fin tapestry brick fireplace, with built-in bookcase on one side and scat on the other aide; dining room, coat closet, kitchen and huilt-ln chlnu closet and cup board; second story 1ms three large bed rooms, nil finished In white enamel and nmhoaany doors; one with mirrored door, window seat anil two closets; bath room has tiled lloor and wnll and 2tx64 beveled mirror and medicine cabinet and linen closet; burnished brass hunt fixtures and hardware, t'nrlon furnace and good pltimhlna. This house was built bv day labor and of the very best materials; occupied only since last spring. Leaving city permanrtill; will make low price on house and iwsy hrmi. If you want an up-to date, rosy home, In a splendid nelKhhorhood. Inspect this nne and you'll buy It. Call uny time al No. 37.UO Popple ton Ave. "NOT! I iNirDO-$25.00 PER MONTH The owner of a brand new 5-room cot- lni;.'. located southwest of llanscom Park, will give some rood, reliable man an opportunity tu obtain a horn by pny itiif per month, Including Interest Tho price la low. only JI.mM. Now, don't let this get away from you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., New Bungalow 4110 N. ll'th St.. seem. a house north qf ripragu St., east front, five nice living rooma, strictly modern; ok finish In hall. parior and dining room: two fine Bed rooms, bath room, with boat of plumbing; good cellar; furnace, laundry sink; fin attic; cement walks, combination light fixture; all ready tu occupy;. 13.200; y terms. STANLEY P. HOSTW1CK, 1226 CHy Nat l Bank Bldg. $1,Siio WILL buy my new home, 7 rooms, all modern, oak finish; beam celling; paneled dining room; sand finished bluster; sun parlor; press brick founda tion. A model home with lota ot con venience not found In the ordinary house. One block to Dundee car. 60 foot lot. If you are Interested In a home and have $1,000 rash, call owner, Harney 4.46. VERY EASY TERMS. Mil Patrick Avenue, six-room, modern but heat. Barn. Fruit, Nice yard, paved street. Owner must sail. Make ua an offer. P. O. NIF'.IJiEN A CO., 703 Om. Nat. Bank. Phone Doug. 1204. SPLENDID paying rooming house for al; close In and full of roomer and boarders. Tel. Red 4W. West Farnam Owner going away, offers on of th newest and most ooinplet 10-room house on West Farnam hill at a bar- tin- . HICKS KKAI, ENTAllt CO., 219 Board of Trade Bldg. Choico 6-Room Bungalow, Croighton's First Addition. 2334 8. 25th Ht.. strictly modern, for quick sale, $2,150. Would consider good vacant lot aa first payment. Easy term. R. H. Landeryou Douglas 2161. 442 Bd. of irad Bldg. BUY NOW, PAY TEN YEARS LATER. We have a couple of cheap lots tuat you can bqy as above. All you need pay uwner Is Interest. You can fret fu.i pos session on small payment. Ma them your home (lumber dealer will sail you on monthly payments), and before you ' need to pay for them they will be doubled In value and you will have had tan ysis' use. Cut this advertisement out and . bring along. It won t appear aga.n. Chas. E. Williamson Co., S, E. Cor. Ifclh and Dodga; street entrance. BIG BARGAIN. Two 40x155-foot lots, on 2lh Avo., just off Farnam, for $2,iiu0 each. Ulcka, 21 Board of Trad Bldg. BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES. At S7lli and Nsvipurt Av, tvt hv brand nw fr-ioom bungaluw, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all directions; plenty of young fruit started, and Just the p.u for a man who ant to term a little and cult, linus Ins wuik downtown, i'rie. ou.y 13,100. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. FURNISHED cottaga cf $ rooms, blocs oi pusiomce. aiouutu except beak A snap, call at M Norm Join, betivesa I u 11 a. in., 2 to 5 . ui. stailou. East k lot 10, block 35, In Benson, easy u slklng distance ot oar; new humes being built on luta near till on; uiake utter, Address V 3u2, Be. FOR case of Biais beer lei. Doug, lust INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. U ROOMa, ALL MODLRN. eu.OOO. We have a two-apariiiieni housj, con taining 13 rooms, two Uvh ruuitis, seven ted roujns, v.lth pat lor, dining room and iiohen lit lucIi apartment, with p plumbing anu goud heatl.ig plant, iuls propel ly Is tou large lui present ewuer and It Is A spundn propoviuon ful some one v. ho will buy it and divide il Into tour three-ioum apartments. Owing to the arrangement of tne hoase this woig leu bs uone ki a very small expense and When completed the apartnieiiis will rent lor 35 each. The buyer can live in on apartment, rent the rest a. m make a guud investment out ol yuur hum. The building i well bunt and In goad lonuittun; only thirteen minutes' tide te the center of th oily; one bloc from the Dudge street cat line and Iu goud real duiie dtsirtcC '111 ki NUMBkR IS 201 N. Itulil ST. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Florenc fllvd. A good six or seven-room modern louse Mill be taken In exchange at th nym price. Th. i. piunoaillou U weilHlnly wurth looking at NuRRl.4 V alARTIN, 400 Bee Bidg. Kdiunas 4.70. A 427a $3.ti5O-$iii0 CASH. Will buy you a great bargain In a new well ui i anted u-ruoin all modern home on fine Urge lot In fine neighborhood, near llauscum park. Uood vacant lot couslileied aa part payment. See J. W. RASP CO.. twi Biandei Bldg. COTTAGE of flv large room and Path. In good repair, with city water and gas, lot 45x150, within on block of car und walking distance of Mo, Pac. ami Union Pacific, shop. Xk-7 N. lilh. ror sal at reasonable pile;. Owuer will liow prupe'.'ty. BEMIS PARK. S rooma. modern, hot water boat, larg corner lot. $4 sou. oluvar Really Syud'caie. Douglas toui. Bargains Fruit land. (S3 Brandels Bldg. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two or three gentlemen, k4 N. 224 St.. pear Cuuimlng. EVFRY1M3DY enjoys an evening with the Woodward Stock company at the American theater, if Mra. S. J. Purchase, 1913 N. R-th Ave., will com to The Be offlc within three day we will glv her an order for a pair of tickets. 132S N. SftTH. South Omaha, t cot tages, 4 and a rooms, corner lot, eon. venlant distanc frum pauklcy hou. Prtc right LRieisi truig, Owner va prenils.